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Finally got through it! In 2024, it will become easier and easier for everyone to make money! Why? Because the Federal Reserve has a high chance of cutting interest rates this year , and it will do so three times! The reason why the world's economy is so bad during this period is because the Federal Reserve is vigorously raising interest rates! Then interest rates are going to be cut now, so everything will get better! I laughed! Is it really? The Federal Reserve has publicly announced before that if the economy meets expectations, it will cut interest rates starting this year . Now it is not far away from being confident of cutting interest rates! So what people say is if! Do you know what if? Set a goal for yourself today. If I succeed, I will buy a Porsche! So in the end, does it mean that you didn't succeed if you didn't buy a Porsche ? Is there a situation where I succeed, but I don’t buy it ? Maybe I can’t buy it, it’s out of stock, people won’t sell it to me , and they even say that I will like Ferrari more after I succeed, or I have a driver and it’s uncomfortable to ride in a sports car, right? So in the end , does it mean I was unsuccessful if I didn’t buy a Porsche ? In the same way, if the Fed does not cut interest rates in the end , does it mean that the economy is not in line with expectations? Can everyone understand this logic? And people just say that we are not far away from being confident about cutting interest rates! He is talking about confidence! I play basketball today! I'm actually not far away from having the confidence to beat LeBron James! Do you know what I'm talking about? So first! The chairman of the Federal Reserve is just a spokesperson for the capitalists behind him! His speech is inherently ambiguous, and it has some reference value, but not much! So what we businessmen and investors are concerned about is what is the U.S. doing by raising interest rates? What is their ultimate goal? Will he really cut interest rates this year? The most important thing is, even if the Federal Reserve really cuts interest rates, will housing prices, stock prices, and Bitcoin assets really skyrocket? How will I manage my money? If you don’t want to miss the period of instant wealth after the economic recession , then you can subscribe to my channel for free and turn on the little bell! If you are afraid that you will not be able to perform after listening to it , you can like this video and the video will automatically be stored in your playlist so that you can follow it at any time! Well this might really be the last reminder! If the Fed really cuts interest rates this year , it will be announced at the last six interest rate meetings! It's like Russian roulette. The pistol has six cartridge clips and only one has a bullet in it! In other words, there is not much time left for us to invest in the layout in advance! The closest interest rate meeting to us was in May! If you are the head of a family but don’t even know what is happening in the world, your family’s class will be solidified because of your knowledge! It’s hard to flow up! Because the trend will determine how we can make money with our eyes closed, and if you miss the trend, it is equivalent to doing things that you can’t make money with your eyes open! So what is the ultimate purpose of raising interest rates in the United States? I won’t ignore certain forces this time because it’s the last reminder, so I’ll try to say what I need to say! First of all, you must implant the thinking of our entrepreneurs! Today I have the ability to earn 100 million , so how can I earn 10 billion or 100 billion? Very simple! Cultivate 100, 1,000 people like me and let them make money for me! Then what? Just take away all the money they earn through plunder and exploitation ! So how can the United States, which already made a lot of money selling arms during the war, become richer? Find Japan first! Then transfer your mid- to low-end production chain to Japan! It's support in name, but in fact, now that I have money, do I still need to do these tiring and hard work? If I don’t spend the money I make, why should I keep it? So we pay for the work and you do it for us! Because of this, many people in Japan suddenly have jobs and are making money because these Americans spend money very generously! So they worked hard and the Japanese became rich, and Japan became the second largest economy in the world! This is the first step, fattening the object of plunder! Then the second step is to suppress! Signing the "Plaza Accord" with the Japanese forced their yen to appreciate in a short period of time! Therefore, things produced in Japan will become more expensive and the price-performance ratio will become lower. For example, in the past, you could buy a Toyota for 10,000 US dollars, but now you can buy it for 20,000 US dollars! With that 20,000 yuan, I could buy a Porsche, so no one would buy Japanese products at that time! Because of this, the mid-to-low-end production chain has been transferred to South Korea and Southeast Asia, where costs are lower! That doesn't matter to Japan because the yen appreciates, and its assets will also appreciate accordingly , so their stock markets, real estate and other assets have skyrocketed in a short period of time! Everyone stopped working and used their money to speculate in stocks and real estate! At that time, countless people in Japan borrowed money from banks and then went to stock and real estate speculation! At that time, a group of Japanese rich people said that they could buy land and real estate in the entire United States and then rent them to Americans at high prices. They are rich and powerful, so they are so weird! At this time, the American capitalists smiled and said, how about we sign the "Japan-US Structural Agreement"! To put it simply, you Japanese should open up the financial market so that our investors can come in and play together and we will take over the orders. This can help you push the stock market and real estate market higher and everyone can make money together! So the Japanese agreed, which was equivalent to completely opening the door to Wall Street! The last step is called harvesting if it sounds good, or killing pigs if it sounds bad! When your Japanese asset prices skyrocket, no matter how high they rise, they will fall as hard as they do! Therefore, the United States suddenly announced a substantial interest rate increase, so that the Japanese would sell their stocks and houses to cash out, then convert the yen into US dollars and then put it in an American bank to charge high interest without risk! Because of this, Japan's assets plummeted instantly. In order to prevent empty treasury money from flowing out of the United States, the Japanese government followed the United States in raising interest rates! As a result, as soon as interest rates were raised, people who borrowed money and added numerous leverages increased the cost of borrowing money for stock and real estate speculation, and then they couldn't afford to pay it back! Therefore, these people will rush to sell their assets , causing Japan's stock and property markets to plummet further! At this time, American capitalists took their appreciating dollars to buy Japan's plummeting assets! Not only that, because all transactions around the world use US dollars! If the U.S. raises interest rates and a large amount of U.S. dollars return to the U.S., it means that the supply of U.S. dollars in the market will decrease! So when the number of dollars in a country's hands decreases , basically every country has huge debts , and these debts must be repaid in dollars. If they don't have enough dollars in hand to repay the money, they have only two ways to use their foreign exchange reserves. That is to say, the treasury comes to repay debts. Once the treasury is empty, it will be like there are no soldiers on the battlefield. Because in financial wars, money is the soldiers! So without money, there are no soldiers , so the country can come and go at will! The second method is to sell your country’s assets at a low price to pay off its debts! For example, I don’t have any US dollars but I own a house. Then the Americans say, sell me the house at a 50% discount and I will give you US dollars to pay off my debt! To put it simply, every time we see the United States raise interest rates , we are ready to start harvesting! This is shearing! So you will find that now that the United States has raised interest rates in recent years, who are they going to harvest? Europe? They have been severely harvested in the Russo-Ukrainian War. In the short term, Japan and South Korea have little oil and water. Japan and South Korea are the back garden of the United States. To put it bluntly, they can actually take it at any time. But their life is also very difficult now , so they cannot kill the goose to lay the eggs. The Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, etc., don’t have much meat , so basically there is only one place left, which is China! I have offended the whole world by saying these thankless words. I hope you can give me a thumbs up and support me! Then you will find that in the past ten years The United States actually agreed to China’s accession to the World Trade Organization! It means that China agrees to do business with the world and move those factories, manufacturing industries, and production industries to China! Does this look like the fattening of the Japanese market back then? In exchange, China began to lower tariffs and relax some financial controls, allowing foreign investment to enter China in large quantities! Then in the second step, when everyone there has a job and can make some money, many Chinese companies will be allowed to list in the United States! Directly push up the asset prices of China's stock market, housing market, etc.! At the same time, it suppressed China's manufacturing industry and moved these factories to India, which is now Vietnam! To put it simply, if everyone wants to make money, they can only speculate in stocks and real estate. Without the support of the production industry, the skyrocketing rise of these financial assets is actually a bubble! Next comes step three, pop the bubble! In the past year or two, the United States has continued to raise interest rates. You can see that both the stock market and the housing market in the mainland have fallen significantly! Especially in the real estate market , Americans took the initiative to lend a lot of money to Chinese companies , and 1/4 of it was borrowed by real estate companies! And it’s time to pay back the money these companies owe Americans! If the government doesn't care when the interest rates are raised and there are not so many dollars in the market , the high-quality assets of these companies will be bought by Americans at extremely low prices. The assets originally worth 100 million may eventually If the government controls it, it will have to use its foreign exchange reserves. If all these foreign exchange reserves are used to repay debts , it will be difficult for China to do business with the world, and the economy will enter a recession! At that time, assets will be very cheap, and it will be a time for foreign investors to take advantage! So we can see! Their first step is to find a breakthrough, which is Hong Kong! Sanctioning Hong Kong and shorting the Hong Kong stock market triggers a wave of immigrants. The purpose is to cut off China's financing channels to Hong Kong! Second, raising the prices of gold and Bitcoin will attract Chinese people to invest their money in these places! Then continue to de-Sinicize various media and financial institutions to sing down on China, causing no one to dare to invest! The third step, which is the current step, is to let Japan raise interest rates, help Japan's stock market and housing market rise, and further drain Chinese people's money! Then at this time, Southeast Asia, where China exports the most, borrowed a lot of money from Japan and now the cost of repaying the money has increased. Therefore, the cost of doing business has also increased, and naturally there will be a lot less business with China! Until the end, if China cannot bear it anymore , it will have to sell its assets at a low price, and then completely open up the financial market, so that Wall Street giants will take the now appreciating US dollar to go to China to buy plummeting assets! During this time, American capitalists have made a lot of money in the stock market! Logically speaking, if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, U.S. stocks should fall! Because raising interest rates means everyone puts their money in banks, which charge high interest rates without thinking, instead of putting it in the stock market. So why did the U.S. stock market skyrocket when interest rates finally increased? Originally, the bank makes money when you deposit money, it gives you low interest rates , and then lends out the money you deposited at high interest rates! Okay now, you save money and I have to pay you high interest. But if I want to lend the money you save at higher interest, no one will ask me to borrow it! Then how can I run my business? Very simple! If all the money saved by these people is invested in U.S. stocks, it will easily push up the stock prices of U.S. stocks! Those business bosses took a calculator and clicked it for a long time and found that not only could they not borrow money , but they could even make more money by going to the stock market with the money in their hands than by working hard in industry. So when everyone invests their money in US stocks, naturally It will skyrocket! But what I want to say is that many people’s theory that U.S. stocks will plummet when interest rates rise has been overturned. Because of this, many people have missed the opportunity for U.S. stocks to skyrocket once or twice in their lifetime! But the Internet has memory. If you watched my video at the end of last year, you will find that whether it is Bitcoin, US stocks, gold, US dollars, etc. we bought, they are all skyrocketing now! It’s not because we know more inside information than others. It ’s not because we know how to read financial reports and understand fundamentals better than others! Because these are all very subjective and the only thing that can really affect the rise or fall of asset prices is supply and demand! And these will leave clues on the chart! You can't lie! Especially now, if the United States does not cut interest rates and Japan also raises interest rates, we expect that the stock market will reach a climax. The climax means that there will definitely be an even crazier sprint! So this is our harvest period! In this process, we will actually buy less U.S. stocks! We will become more careful when buying US stocks! At the same time, we will not be in a hurry to sell all US stocks at once, because as long as our profit stop standard is not touched, we will continue to let the stocks make more money for us! Of course, we are only buying fewer stocks, not not buying them at all! Because there are three types of stocks, those that rise first than the market, those that rise with the market, or those that rise a little slower than the market. At this time, we will choose to chase and buy those stocks that have just started to rise sharply! But we have a psychological preparation. If there is a signal of a trend change, from a bull market to a weak market, or even a bear market , then we must be prepared to slowly sell all stocks to make a profit! So if you don’t want to miss the last opportunity to make huge profits in the U.S. stock market, you must learn how to enter and buy with the lowest risk during rising and skyrocketing prices ! How to make the lowest risk stop loss when you look at the wrong direction and trend! I play a game with a high probability of going up. I play a game with high odds! To put it simply, when I toss a coin today, I not only know that there is a 6-70% probability that it will come up heads , but if I guess it is heads, I will make 100 yuan! But if the 3-40% probability makes me guess wrong, my loss will only be 1 yuan! But many people said that my previous courses were too expensive and you couldn’t get into the courses! Come! Let's make a connection! Next, I will give you a bonus. As long as you are my fan, you can sign up for my 2024 latest stock investment class worth $1,000 for free through the first link in the video description column ! However, although the United States has launched so many attacks , China seems to have survived them! Therefore, the financial war between China and the United States will be decided in the next few months. If the United States cannot harvest quickly, there will be a backlash! Eventually they will cut rates! Once the interest rate is lowered, the United States will lose the opportunity to attack. If China cannot bear it , it must completely open its financial market and sell its assets at a low price! Is it really? Will the United States really be unable to bear it first and then surrender and cut interest rates? Maybe no one has ever talked about this! In fact, we think that the United States has increased tariffs and the Russian-Ukrainian war has reduced the number of products and resources exported to the United States. Therefore, things sold to the United States have become very expensive, and inflation is very high , so there will naturally be fewer Americans. Spend it! But that’s not the case! The real situation is that American consumption not only does not decrease but also continues to increase! Both GDP and employment are constantly getting stronger! Some people say that it’s because Americans’ mentality is to spend future money first , so in fact Americans owe a lot of money on their credit cards! So when they are used to owing money , for example, they are used to drinking in bars every day , then even if the wine becomes more expensive, they will not spend less! Anyway, things have become more expensive, so I’ll just borrow more money, it doesn’t matter! This is why both the United States as a country and its citizens owe more and more debt! This is wisdom! Pay attention! When you can only earn 10,000 yuan a month, you borrow 1 million yuan from the bank. This means that the money you earn every month must be paid back to the bank as interest! But you instantly have 1 million to spend! You will feel uncomfortable at first! Because if you can’t pay it back, you will go bankrupt! But when you borrow more money , for example, when we are doing business, everyone owes tens of millions or hundreds of millions, and you will find that we can hardly repay the cash on hand! You think we are in pain , but in fact we are relaxed and live a more relaxed life than anyone else! Because those bank executives will be around you every day asking for whatever you want, and they will try their best to satisfy you! They care about you more than anyone else because once something happens to you and your company goes bankrupt, you won’t be able to repay the money you owe them! It becomes a bad thing! At this time, do these bank executives want to take the blame? Under your leadership, are you afraid that he will be unable to get back such a large sum of money? So you will find that when a rich person borrows money and cannot pay it back, the bank will take the initiative to lend you more money and let you pay back the interest! Because as long as you repay the interest , it means that you are still able to repay the money and the account is not bad, and then the senior management will not have to take the blame! But I’m not encouraging you to borrow money and spend it! Because when we do business, we borrow money for investment. We use the money we earn from investment to pay interest, and then borrow more money! In fact, what we make is not the money from doing business, but the more money we borrow, the more money we borrow! If you still don’t understand, I recommend you watch Andy Lau and Tony Leung’s new movie “Goldfinger”! So what I want to say here is that although the United States owes a lot of money and now the interest rates have increased and the monthly debt repayments have increased, it may not be able to repay it, but it doesn’t matter! As long as someone and a country are willing to continue to buy U.S. debt , that is, as long as someone is willing to lend more money to the United States , then they can use new debt to repay the old debt! The pressure is increasing, but it won’t explode anytime soon! So now they want to force China to buy U.S. bonds and take the lead in lending them money! This seems like a lame but capitalist world, and that seems to be it! The more you save money, the less valuable your money becomes. In the end, when you fail, your money is still in the bank! And some people borrow all the money you saved and then spend it all! In the end, when they fail, their debts will no longer be repaid, and it will become a bad debt, and the people who saved money will have nothing! Of course, this does not teach you to be malicious about debt! It’s just that this is the first reason why American consumption is still so strong! Second, you will find that if the United States raises interest rates, you would think that Americans who borrowed money to buy houses, like people in Taiwan and Hong Kong, will pay higher interest rates to banks each month! Then when he couldn't afford the repayment, the bank forced him to auction the house, and then use the auction money to pay it back to the bank! I tell you! The interest rate hike in the United States has no impact at all on people who have bought houses in the United States before! Because the interest rate is locked at the moment you buy the house! Everyone still remembers that during the epidemic, the United States cut interest rates massively, bringing interest rates to very low levels! The monthly interest payment for an ordinary person buying a house is about 3%! Now the interest rate on mortgages has risen to 8% , but those who bought a house back then only had to pay back 3%! Therefore, it is rare for the house to be confiscated and auctioned by the bank after the loan cannot be repaid! In other words, the Fed has already made plans before raising interest rates! Therefore, in the U.S. real estate market , although fewer people are buying houses after interest rates are raised , there are no more people selling houses! Not only did house prices not collapse, they even increased by an average of 4.7%! Those big cities in LA have even gone up by more than 8%! When Americans have money, they will naturally use it for consumption and investment! So you will find that companies that previously borrowed money from the United States also borrowed money from the United States during the epidemic. Although interest rates have now been raised, they still only need to repay the interest at that time , so the development of these American companies will not be affected! Moreover, after the United States raised interest rates and Japan lowered interest rates , the whole world borrowed money in Japan and then invested in the United States! So US stocks are skyrocketing like crazy! Entering the bull market! The reason why my disciples and I collect money like crazy is that in a bull market, if we buy with our eyes closed, we have a high probability of buying rising stocks! Therefore, trends and choices determine whether you will be poor or rich in the next few generations. Many people have learned how to invest in stocks , and then they can only invest in stocks in the place where they live because they only know the companies in that place! But when US stocks rise today, Taiwan stocks, Hong Kong stocks, A shares, and Malaysian stocks may not rise! It may even plummet! So if you only understand those very subjective fundamentals, such as PE value, there are really only one or two opportunities in your life, can you really grasp it? And when your principal is so small and you still believe in the scam that compound interest will make you rich, you actually have no chance! As for our approach, we only need to find the clues on the chart to control the risk, rising probability, and odds! Even if US stocks fall and Taiwan stocks rise today, we can buy Taiwan stocks! Even if stocks all over the world fall, we can buy Bitcoin that has skyrocketed! Even if Bitcoin falls, we can buy gold! We are a set of exercises traveling all over the world! Great simplicity! Therefore, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. At the end of the year, it will be the time when our wealth will multiply several times and we will reap another harvest! Then some people are standing still and their wealth has been harvested invisibly, and they don’t even know it! And some people make plans in advance and silently cross the wealth class! And how would you choose? Hurry up and click the first link in the video description column to sign up for my stock investment class! What I want to say is that the U.S. capital market is actually a cash machine during a financial war! As long as you are an American, as long as you have bought a house or stocks in the United States , then when the world economy is so bad, even if inflation makes everything more expensive, you don't have to be afraid! You just need to sell your house and stocks and you will find that you have more money again! Also during the epidemic, the United States borrowed a lot of money from the world and printed a lot of money! Then all this money was taken out and subsidies were given to American citizens, giving them a lot of money! So even if these people lose their jobs, they still have money to spend! And the most important thing is that American companies are developing new technologies such as artificial intelligence! Although artificial intelligence will replace many industries , the problem is that the process of developing artificial intelligence has added many new industries! Because of this, countless Americans have new jobs and these jobs pay relatively well! Therefore, when the United States raises interest rates, the actual situation is not as bad as we imagined! So now the United States has to spend time with China to see who can survive longer! And since the consequences of his interest rate hike are not that serious , but the world has experienced very serious consequences because of his interest rate hike , will it be true that in the end, as the spokesman of the Federal Reserve said, the confidence to cut interest rates is not far away? But it is undeniable that these moves used by the United States are actually the Seven Injury Fists that kill a thousand enemies and cause eight hundred damage to themselves! They add tariffs to China, which means they have to buy things at a more expensive price! Inflation is naturally very serious! Although their consumption levels have not been affected , this may be temporary! Although we don’t know when they will cut interest rates , it is pretty certain that interest rates will peak! Therefore, the U.S. stock market cannot skyrocket forever. This cash machine has a limited period! When the deadline is up, the bubble will burst! If China does not take the lead in buying U.S. debt, that is, if it does not lend money to the United States, they will not be able to continue to repay old debts with new debts . Then there is a high chance that this crisis will explode! The most important thing is that when they cut off China's manufacturing industry, China took the initiative to develop high-end industries such as lithium batteries, Huawei, BYD, TikTok, etc.! Once it reaches a monopoly position, it will no longer be controlled by the United States! Once these technologies become necessities, sanctions will be useless! Most importantly, raising interest rates did cause many U.S. banks to fail! Because bad debts will increase no matter what , this will also become a big fuse , just like Lehman Brothers, which caused the financial crisis! In other words, China and the United States are now competing for internal strength. The competition is to see who falls first and the winner can buy the other party's assets that are sold at a low price! And what we businessmen and investors are concerned about, even if the Federal Reserve finally cuts interest rates , will it mean that the economy will recover and get better? Is there a way to make money when the economy gets better and make money when the economy gets worse? How do I plan and where do I put my money now? I can only talk about these issues in detail in the next episode! So you can expect that the next video will be very informative, because it is the top priority! Okay, the release time of my videos will be changed next. I will continue to share free information about becoming rich, entrepreneurs, investors and achieving financial freedom every Sunday at 8:30. If you don’t want to miss it, I will continue to share it. I call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then share the video selflessly! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! If you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Well, we will see you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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