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Hello everyone! I'm a sweeper! South Korea's housing prices completely collapsed, and I was immediately slapped in the face...? ! To make a long story short! One of the two houses I bought in Hong Kong in the name of my parents was rented to a Korean in Kai Tak in the first two months . The rent increased by HK$2,000 compared to the previous rent in the same district. I am quite happy! As a result, when I chatted with the Korean man, the first thing he asked me was, Are you ok? I was suddenly confused! He said that if you buy a house now, aren't you looking for death? It turns out that their Korean house prices have collapsed! So based on his knowledge, housing prices in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and even the world will definitely collapse! I didn't know this at the time! Because recently I have been paying attention to houses in Japan, houses in Taiwan, houses in Vietnam, and even a house in Shenzhen, mainland China. I bought a house a few months ago! But I never pay attention to Korean houses! why? Because in South Korea, there is a very strange phenomenon that when house prices collapsed , those who committed suicide were not those who bought houses! But those who rent! Why? Will the next one to collapse like South Korea will be the region where we are and are concerned about? Is this an opportunity or a hazard? But whether it is a crisis or an opportunity, this is definitely the final reshuffle of wealth! Those who see it and can catch it can squeeze the people at the top down and step on their shoulders to the top of the food chain! So if you don’t want to rent a house for the rest of your life, pay the mortgage for someone else! But for those who are worried that house prices will collapse after buying a house, you must watch until the end! Because all these truths are not as simple as you think! Before we begin, I wish the brothers and sisters who shared likes for this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! And if you want to become a boss, investor, or rich person, you can subscribe to my channel for free like more than 500,000 other brothers and sisters , and then turn on the little bell! In the past five years, housing prices in South Korea have increased by 80%! The epidemic is so difficult, that is, it actually increased by 15% from 20 to 21 ! What is this concept? As long as anyone buys a house, they will have wealth and freedom! Because every square meter in Seoul costs more than 20,000! I'm talking about US dollars! But in April this year, serial suicide cases began to occur. A 31-year-old girl committed suicide among her belongings. Guess what was found? That’s a water bill worth $41! A mere US$41 turned out to be the last straw for her! And this April, there were actually 17 Koreans who were on the same road as him! Since 2021, South Korea’s housing prices have plummeted like an old lady taking laxatives! Apartments in Seoul have dropped by 300,000 to 400,000 US dollars for one million US dollars! Then there used to be a hundred people buying houses, but now there are only 30! In other words, both price and trading volume are falling! The reason why these 17 people committed suicide was because of the collapse of housing prices in their countries! But unlike what you think, they are not property speculators or landlords , but tenants like most people! impossible! Koreans have always been the most envied by everyone! Because we all have an unspoken rule when renting a house, which is to pay a deposit of one, two, or even three months , and then pay rent every month . When we quit the rent, we can get the deposit back, but the rent paid out will be It’s all in vain! And Koreans don’t have to pay rent at all! Because they have been educated since childhood to aspire to be landlords with a Buddhist heart! Of course this is impossible! What they are playing is called the rent-all model! Let’s say a house is worth a million dollars! You are coming to rent a house from me today , so you have to pay me US$600,000 to US$800,000 as a deposit! Then I can let you live for free for two years! After two years, I will fully refund the deposit of 60,000 to 800,000 to you! It's like you stay for free, you just deposit your money with me! Sounds like a good deal? So South Korea is playing this trick, why? In fact, it is equivalent to a personal loan! In the past, many landlords in Korea used money deposited in the bank by other people for business purposes! But commercial loans are complicated and the interest rates are high, so we don’t ask the bank to borrow them! Go directly to ordinary people and tell them, how about you lend me some money? The benefit I give you is that you can live in my house for free for two years , so you can save two years of rent, right? If you lend it to the bank and you don’t get much interest, you might as well lend it to me! If it were you, would you borrow it? So this gameplay has been passed down! So what exactly does the landlord make? Also, if I can take out 800,000 as a mortgage , wouldn’t it be better if I borrow money directly from the bank to buy the house? Let’s talk about the tenants first. Of course they don’t have 800,000 yuan to use as a mortgage. They have to borrow the money from the bank! However, the bank interest may be two hundred dollars per month! But the normal monthly rent is $800! Here they saved US$600 per month, which amounted to US$14,400 in two years! This money can be used to take a few trips or buy a cheaper car! The most important thing is that the mortgage is a big burden for them because it will take at least 10, 20, or 30 years to repay it! But with this full-rent model, a bank loan only lasts for two years, and the interest is low! Cheaper than their monthly rent! And some people have saved 800,000, but they dare not get a loan to buy a house! At the same time, they need to rent a house to live in! At this time, they will think that once the rent is paid, it will be gone, but the deposit will not disappear! If you keep using this 800,000 as a deposit, you can live in that house for free until you are old and retire. You can also get the deposit back intact and spend it slowly! Also, when you need to change jobs or change schools for your children, you have to sell your house and then buy a house again, and you have to pay another tax! Therefore, for renters who use this kind of house for themselves or want to save money, they will choose the full rental model! For landlords, this full-rental model can give them direct financial freedom! For example, if your mother has 5 million, she takes 3 million as a mortgage with the bank, buys a house worth 10 million , and then asks the tenant to pay a deposit of 8 million! At this time, does she have 8 million from the tenant, plus her remaining 2 million, which is 10 million in cash? At the same time, he also got a house worth 10 million! At this time, can she continue to use the 10 million in cash as collateral with the bank to buy three more houses worth 10 million? With a mortgage of 3 million for each house, you can buy three houses with 10 million and still have 1 million left! Then rent out these three houses on a full-lease basis! Get back another 24 million! Then go buy a house! One set becomes four sets, and four sets become eight sets. Will one day be able to buy the entire South Korea? So a 40-year-old Korean bought 1,139 houses! At most, someone bought more than 2,000 sets. What does this mean? People who have bought a house will not sell it because they rent it out in exchange for a deposit and then buy a house! It means that no one is selling houses, but many people are buying houses , so what will happen to house prices? Big rise! Think about it, if you own more than 1,000 houses , do you have the power to price the houses? Will you still sell it cheaply? Because of this, why did I say in the beginning that as long as Koreans buy houses, they will have wealth and freedom! Since 2020, South Korea’s housing prices have skyrocketed! During the epidemic, their interest rate was directly reduced to 0.5%, which means that if you borrow 100 yuan from me, you can pay me 5 cents in interest! It’s just free money for you to spend! So in Korea, there are no real estate speculators because most people are real estate speculators! They are furious! Anyone who has some savings on hand must have joined real estate speculation! A lot of cash is pouring into the market, and housing prices are rising higher and higher! Many people have more than a dozen properties in their hands! Why so crazy? Because their 64 chaebols have occupied 84% of the country's wealth and they only provide 11.4% of employment opportunities! The differentiation of this class is very serious. It is basically impossible for ordinary people to move up! It’s rare to find a tool that allows them to transcend social classes. Who wouldn’t do it to death? Because of this, those who have not bought a house will be washed away by the wealth shuffle! And it’s getting harder and harder to buy a house! So there are more and more complaints! So as soon as their former president came to power, he raided the house! Policies are constantly being issued, for example, houses worth more than 1 million US dollars cannot be loaned, and so on! The results of it? House prices are rising even more! People no longer buy houses that cost more than 1 million US dollars and instead buy ordinary houses . Therefore, the ordinary houses that were originally reserved for ordinary people have become extraordinary! If no one buys, more people will rent! The most exaggerated situation is that more than 40,000 people are rushing to rent a house! 25 house sales in four years have successfully doubled the average price of a single apartment in Seoul from 600 million won to 1.2 billion won! Hear this, who is affected by rising house prices? Landlord? The larger the deposit, the greater the cash flow, and then the house prices continue to skyrocket, and the more money they make! And what about banks? The landlord buys a house from me and I lend him money! The tenant borrowed the deposit from me, and I lent him the money! When house prices rise, whether as a landlord or a tenant, I can borrow more money! So what does a bank do? What he earns is that if you deposit 10 million, he will give you 10,000 in interest! Then he lends you 10 million, but can earn back 800 million in interest. The reason is explained in detail in the previous video! It’s also very important for you to review it yourself! To put it simply, the bank earns money from the interest difference. The more you borrow, the more it earns! So those who are affected are those who rent! Because house prices have increased, they still have to pay an 80% deposit! 10 million, you have to pay 8 million! 100 million means you have to pay 80 million! So why rent a house and pay the mortgage for someone else? In fact, the biggest problem when buying a house is not the fear of rising interest rates or the poor economy, but the lack of money! Many people want to be independent and have their own family , but when they move out, half of their monthly salary will be used to rent a house! After deducting your own living expenses, the remaining money you can save from the bus fare will be gone if you go on a trip once a year! And this living cost continues to increase due to inflation , but my salary increase will not keep up! I thought I could prepare for the future by skipping two meals, sacrificing the cost of fun, and investing my money in stock ETFs, insurance, etc. , but I found that the stock market fell by almost half! Do you know why most people go through these things? It’s because they don’t have their own careers! They have a job, just to make money for others! But they never make money for themselves! If this person is you, you must learn how to make money on Youtube! It’s very simple. Nowadays, people watch Youtube while eating, bored at work, and watching Youtube with headphones after work! The elderly and children also use their mobile phones to watch Youtube! The topics everyone discusses cannot be separated from Youtube! If 2.5 billion people on Youtube each give you a piece to buy your product, you will get 2.5 billion instantly! We have an SDS system that has been proven by the market to earn 7-digit US dollars annually , allowing you to build your YouTube passive income! Not only the thousands of dollars a month in advertising profits, but also it increases your commercial value and influence so that all bosses and product manufacturers will take the initiative to find you and beg you to make money with them! The most important thing is that it will definitely be more than 3 times easier than your current job! For example, if someone clicks on a video to watch it, even if they don’t like you, you will earn passive income from them! And when you use our new SDS system and gain traffic, it means that there are countless potential customers waiting in line for you to sell your products to them, and they will accept higher prices! Just like Chanel and Hermès bags, you are selling a brand! Best of all, we are fully automated! We people need to rest, but the Internet automatically collects money for us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! So if you want to learn my new SDS system, you can sign up for my training camp on the first link in the video description column ! The good news is that as long as you subscribe and like the $300 registration fee , you won’t be charged a penny at all! The bad news is that we will take this course off the shelves around the end of October! Or start charging! If you don’t want to miss me, sign up at the first link in the video description column! Don’t give up after listening! At this time, the capitalists in the Federal Reserve began to shear sheep around the world! Some governments are still able to hold on, and housing prices are still very strong! But South Korea can’t hold on anymore! Why? The Federal Reserve has violently raised interest rates more than 10 times. For example, if you deposit one million in a Korean bank, the interest rate is 1% , but if you deposit it in an American bank, the interest rate is 5%! Then where will you exist? So countless investors sell Korean won, buy U.S. dollars and deposit them in American banks! If the Korean Won naturally depreciates, the U.S. dollar will appreciate! Depreciation means that the Korean won has become worthless! You used to get kimchi for $4, but now it costs $6! Most importantly, the treasury became empty! Therefore, in order to compete, South Korea also followed the radical increase in interest rates from 0.5% to 3.5%! In the past, people’s rent was more expensive than the interest they borrowed from the bank! It’s different now. Bank interest is more expensive than rent! As for those landlords, when they woke up they found that the money they owed had increased again! It’s okay to have one or two suites! One to two thousand dollars more every month! But in South Korea, there are either people who cannot afford to buy a house or people who have more than a dozen houses on their hands! So it’s not just one or two thousand dollars more, but the starting price is between ten thousand and twenty thousand dollars! Therefore, many landlords began to sell houses to fill the gap and the interest rates were too high. No one bought houses to take over because everyone did not follow the full rent model and would rather pay rent month by month! And if the landlord fails to repay the bank loan, their house will be auctioned by the bank! For example, for a house worth 1 million, if the landlord gives a down payment of 300,000 , the bank will start bidding at 700,000! If it can be sold, it will be flat, and the bank has collected interest from the landlord for so many years, so the bank will not lose any big money! This is why housing prices in Seoul, South Korea plummeted by 30%! As for the landlords, they pay 30% of the down payment to the bank but get back 80% of the tenant’s deposit! Because this full-rent model is actually equivalent to private lending! The tenant lends money to the landlord, so most landlords choose to take the deposit and run away! In this way, they still earn 50%! Because this regulatory system has many legal gray areas, it is basically difficult for tenants to get their deposits back! Unless you buy the kind of insurance that prevents the landlord from running away , but the problem is that most people don’t buy it! Why? Because it’s expensive! And if the landlord had a very low probability of running away before, wouldn’t it be a waste of money? So the tenants can only wait for the bank to auction the house at a low price and the bank will take the money they lent first! If there is any leftover, it will be given to the tenant! But basically there won’t be anything left! In other words, for the tenants , they no longer have a house to live in. At the same time, they borrowed 80% of the deposit from the bank. The most terrifying thing about being in huge debt is that they have to pay back more loans every month! Unable to repay, it was first reported that 17 tenants committed suicide in one month , and most of them were young people who had just entered society! At the end of last year alone, more than 2,000 landlords misappropriated deposits and owed about 300 million Koreans! At this time, the capitalists in the Federal Reserve can use their appreciating U.S. dollars to buy South Korea’s devalued assets! It's called shearing! It used to be used in Japan, but now it’s used in Korea! The most frightening thing is that some people describe this wave of decline in South Korean housing prices as a crash or avalanche. But since May, their housing prices have begun to rise again because their government has reduced a lot of home purchase taxes , and many banks and economists believe that South Korea may start cutting interest rates in a few months! It also means that this full rental model has started again! So many times, some people will look to the ruling class to protect us! But the result is that the more you buy a house, the more expensive it becomes! If one person is shearing sheep, all housing prices will collapse, and those at the bottom will suffer! In the era of high housing prices, renting is a last resort for young people. After housing prices fell, they became tools for harvesting. When most of the wealth in society is concentrated in the hands of a few people, we cannot get rid of the rules of the game. The only way to become rich is to make ourselves rich. s Choice! If you have finished watching our training camp and are very sure that you must make money to buy a house on Youtube , then my team and I are willing to help you and give you the opportunity to more than triple your income! We will conduct a very detailed consultation and analysis with you. This consultation worth one thousand US dollars will open 25 times a week! But currently we will not charge fans any fees for this consultation! It’s just that our professional manpower is very scarce , so I hope that people who have determination, ideas and most importantly, humility will come to us! It’s filling up again soon! If you are interested, hurry up and sign up through the second link in the video description column! Really, one less day of making money is one more day of losing money! I hope you can make an appointment! So South Korea has collapsed. Will Hong Kong, Taiwan, or other Asian places be next? Many people believe that the prerequisite for the collapse is to raise interest rates because the pressure to repay loans has increased! And I tell you! The truth is not that interest rates are rising, but that people who buy houses are mindlessly increasing leverage! Let me ask you, how many apartments do you have? set? Two sets? Maybe not even a set! And people in South Korea buy at least 10 houses! Why did the subprime mortgage crisis occur in the United States in 2008? The most exaggerated situation at that time was that even a beggar had more than a dozen houses and he would lend you money if you wanted to buy one! What should I do if it’s not enough? You won’t be able to pay it back, because if everyone only buys and doesn’t sell, housing prices will only skyrocket! As a result, as long as the Federal Reserve raises interest rates and those people cannot repay their loans, they will naturally have to sell a large number of houses! If you sell a lot of houses, housing prices will collapse! And what is the real situation now? Many places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. have followed the Federal Reserve in raising interest rates, and housing prices have really adjusted! But is this a collapse? The egg yolk area didn’t fall very much, but it even rose in some places! It's just that you didn't pay attention, because all the properties are going up are luxury houses and villas! The areas that have fallen the most are the egg whites and even the eggshells! Well, I never watch these areas. I don’t know why, but you can watch the previous videos! But no matter how it falls, it doesn’t fall as much as the stocks and Bitcoin markets! Why? Because some research points out that the data of Hong Kong and Taiwan are similar! Less than 30 out of 100 people have obtained a loan from a bank to buy a house! Many people who have bought houses in the early years have already paid off their loans! I don’t know if this data can reflect the real situation! What I know is that banks in Hong Kong and Taiwan will conduct a very strict risk assessment before you borrow a mortgage! The bank will evaluate the house price. If it drops by 10%, can you afford it? Can you afford to pay back a 30% drop? If it is assessed that your income cannot afford to repay , then they will never lend you money! It's very strict! So the average person only buys one or two sets at most! And there’s a limit! I also want to buy it in my parents’ name! That leverage ratio must be very low! And have you noticed that after interest rates were raised, rents actually went up! If you don’t believe it, just go to Google and search for rent trends! It's very simple. If there is too much pressure from rising interest rates , many people would rather rent out their houses than be sold at a lower price! Unless they are those who have lost money buying stocks and Bitcoins and need to recycle their funds, they want to sell their houses as soon as possible . Otherwise, you won’t sell either! Because no one buys a house, they rent it, so I gave it to my parents. It was originally used to collect rent, but now I made an extra 2,000 Hong Kong dollars for no reason! In other words, what I said 10 months ago is fulfilled : the pressure to raise interest rates will be transferred from landlords to tenants! Now here comes the point, why doesn’t everyone buy a house? It's very simple, it's asset transfer! It’s not that everyone doesn’t buy a house, it’s that they don’t buy anything! Don’t buy stocks or Bitcoin either! Just deposit the money in the bank to collect interest, or buy bonds! When the global economy is in a bad situation, everyone wants stability! And the returns on these stable investments have increased! Why not buy it? So house prices have been locked at a high level! The prerequisite for a sharp fall in housing prices is a sharp rise, which means they have risen too sharply in a short period of time! And if you watch Korean dramas, you will find that in Korea in the 1970s, those oppas chased girls and treated them to ice cream for only one Korean won! Taking the train only costs 50 cents! At that time, buying a house in Jiangnan Road cost 3,000 yuan per square meter! Is this expensive or not? According to your imagination, wouldn’t it be incredible if the house price increased 10 times to 30,000 yuan? Well, even as I said at the beginning, now that Korean housing prices have collapsed, the housing prices in Gangnam-do are still selling for 5 million per square meter! How many times does it increase from 3,000 to 5 million? Let’s look at history. In places that have collapsed in the past, such as Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo, and Miami, how many times are their current housing prices higher than before? I am not a real estate speculator. In fact, whether housing prices rise or not has nothing to do with me because I buy it and don’t sell it! I have been teaching everyone to buy a house with the purpose of renting it out to earn cash flow and gain passive income! What most people pay attention to when buying a house is whether the house price will rise or fall because they hate real estate speculators the most, but they want to become real estate speculators! I’m afraid it will go down after buying it! You can’t make money, or even lose money! In this case, wouldn't it be better to trade in stocks? At least you don’t have to pay taxes! And you can leave faster! I myself would invest in real estate, but stocks are always speculation! If you want to learn, please leave a message and tell me! I'll see everyone's reaction before deciding whether to talk about it or not! Because stocks are really suitable for making money recently! Okay, if you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Then, I will continue to share about the following every Thursday at 8:30 If you don’t want to miss out on the free information to become a rich person, entrepreneur, and investor and achieve financial freedom , I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then share the video selflessly! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! Okay, see you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
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Keywords: 掃地僧, 買房, 韓國房價, 房地產, 買房2023, 韓國房地產大崩盤, 韓國房價暴跌, 韩国房价暴跌, 韩国房价泡沫, 韓國房價泡沫, 全租房是什麼, 全租房月租房, 韓國全租房, 升息房價, 投資房地產, 什麼是全租房, 韓國房價泡沫爆破, 韓國房價雪崩下一站是台灣香港嗎, 租房vs房貸, 美聯儲升息, 打房房價, 打房, 2023買房的下場, 2023賣房的下場, 韓國經濟, 房子, 韓國房價為什麼越打越高, 房價大跌仍買不起房, 升息買房, 升息的影響, 買房槓桿, 升息房貸, 升息租金反升, 2023能不能買房, 亞洲房價會崩盤嗎, 房價會崩盤嗎, 房價走勢, 賣房, 如何買房, 怎麼買房, 如何买房, 怎么买房, 买房, 韩国买房, 為什麼韓國房價下跌, 房價暴跌, 韓國房價大崩壞, 越打房房價越高, 台灣房價會像韓國一樣暴跌嗎, 香港房價會像韓國一樣暴跌嗎, 韓國房價為什麼會暴跌, 韓國租客自殺, 韓國房價暴漲原因, 房價為什麼會漲, 房價為什麼會跌, 房地產崩盤, 買房負資產, 買房後悔, 買房破產, 買房賺錢, 地產賺錢, 房價, 房价, 要不要买房, 要不要買房, 2023買房的人都後悔了, 賺錢, 掃地僧 買房, 90後創業家掃地僧, 韓國房地產崩盤, 韓國 房, 韓國房子, 韓國房地產泡沫, 錢
Id: Mlkcssa2N8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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