City Building meets Factorio meets FTL? (Industries of Titan #ad)

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i'm very excited today to be checking out industries of titan this is a sponsored segment thank you so much to brace yourself games for sponsoring this segment of the stream today industries of titan literally just came out on steam but it's been in development for a few years you may have seen it um it's developed by brace yourself games who made cadence of hyrule they also made uh crypt of the necrodancer you're definitely familiar with both i'm sure um this is an interesting promotion because first off you're gonna love the game i played through the tutorial uh last night so i have some understanding although i'm sure i'm probably going to get backseated regardless because it's one of those kinds of games um but this is a it's a unique promotion because check this out brace yourself games is giving away 100 steam gift cards every 10 minutes on the industries of titan store page on steam so not on this stream but if you if you go to steam and go to the industries of titan's store page in a new tab and you type exclamation point titan into the chat every 10 minutes they're giving away a hundred dollars steam gift cards they're giving away something uh absurd let me let me check here they're they're giving away like 900 steam gift cards at 100 bucks each that's like 90 000 you can tell i've been studying for schools [Laughter] that's amazing though go check it out on the store page as well maybe you can get yourself uh a hundred steam dollars just for typing exclamation point titan in there but in the meantime um let's go check this out nl your your banner doesn't link to the right thing you're absolutely right thank you you're very quickly going to go to the twitch panels are always a little funky okay you go to your twitch channel okay you scroll down here you hear yourself talk you edit the panel there you go i think i accidentally linked to the art instead that should work it's something you should have tested it before don't get me wrong there you go that'll take you straight to the store page all right first fire has been put out now i don't know where i should put my uh my camera but we'll see for now you know you can see look i'm part of chessic enterprises i got eight buildings i got nine employees it's a lot of space to move around do i have tier three minerals you know it but for now we're gonna start up a new one we're gonna play on standard difficulty don't worry about this stuff too much like i'm trying to keep it simple play as the default classes here just to begin because it it it is a game with a lot of mechanics we'll start on standard investment and then our corporation name i mean come on it's gotta be egg core everything else you don't have to worry about i'm gonna i'm gonna turn tutorials off which y'all admit is a little bit spicy i know you can't really see all this stuff right now but i'm keeping everything default but i'm turning tutorials off because i did the tutorials last night i did the tutorials last night and i at least got to a degree of understanding don't get scared okay i love the way the game starts i'm a sucker for any game that has like the the menu system like built into this cinematic envelope that then pushes people into the game itself i'm also a sucker for any game that says press any key to continue or skip and then the mouse button counts as a key oh baby okay so let me explain to you first off is a possible game uh very similar to you know something like a a 4x game or a paradox grand strategy game um and it's part city builder slash colony uh builder part um almost like i'm trying to think of the best way to explain it but almost like you build modules and stuff inside of your buildings um so there's a little bit almost of like zachtronics or or there i even say like deus ex or escape from tarkov style uh like inventory management where you have to like for example you're like okay i want to put down like a power relay but my power relay only uh you know gets this kind of space on the grid so like where do i want to put my uh where do i want to put my habitat pod that requires uh power and stuff like that so that's that's one aspect of the game by the way this is not headquarters one in a nice nod to the company that i independent contractor for for tax purposes only this is of course hq2 um another part is the the city builder aspect here um so we started we only have this like three by three grid of uh where we can actually like build things um but we have ruins around this as you can see right here so we can scavenge these ruins or survey them i should say these will take some of our uh employees let's just knock out like three of those right off the bat um and they'll give us resources that we can use to start building our colony and expanding and so on and so forth but basically the premise of the game is that uh we have been we're like a a corporation that is involved with space colonization so we're headed to this planet to uh not only exploit the resources but also you know get some citizens exploit the citizens by forcing them to watch high cpm advertisements use those credits to build new machines that can suck isotopes out of the atmosphere that much faster and uh and and so on and so forth i do agree with you by the way here let's put me over here for now a lot of these mechanics will become uh more clear as we as we play a little bit so let's unpause and for now we can go up to speed two don't worry about the spaceport too much right now essentially we we can basically buy we can bid on ships that come into the spaceport to take their resources including uh people that we can use to join our workforce it's very much like a tongue-in-cheek kind of like you know capitalism uh simulator that uh glorifies it but also makes fun of it kind of like me i suppose anyway all right so we've we've surveyed our first three um our first three ruins here this one has seven minerals five waste waste is just uh you know it's like poop and city skylines you gotta find a way to deal with it if we decide that we don't want the waste because maybe seven minerals one is not that good um then we can just destroy this here and then we can build something on the tile uh eight minerals four waste this one has 15 minerals two isotopes and a red artifact so if you find artifacts these are actually really valuable you can give these to your corporal for some extra favor and simultaneously you can also use this to turn citizens into workers but for now i think we just gotta salvage like all the minerals that we have available so we can actually start with our uh with our colonization process here by the way you might you might be saying who made this awesome music you already know is danny b working with brace yourself games flash isaac super meat boy etc etc okay we're gonna survey these ruins and then we can actually get things started so right now we're already getting a tool tip there's a there's so many mechanics look at this they're all standing around the that storage i thought it was a garbage can there's so many mechanics that we have uh barely started the interface yet okay we're gonna build um a couple of garbage cans they take things out of the storage in order to build the garbage cans then they're gonna come out here they're gonna grab some of the waste they're gonna drop the waste off in the garbage cans and they're gonna drop all the storage off in the storage container so similarly we could definitely use more storage now you don't have to um build exclusively like storage containers like we're doing right now just to maximize optimization and stuff like that you can actually unlock buildings that serve as uh storage facilities themselves but i i haven't gotten quite to that point yet okay so this is literally just waste please destroy these priceless alien artifacts aid minerals eight waist or two red artifacts give me the red artifacts we'll interface with those later uh and you know what give me i hate to say give me give me more uh minerals for now i i do feel um bad's not the right word but almost by doing the tutorials last night i will admit there's like fully voiced advisors and employees and stuff like that that i am they don't exist for me right now because i uh i turned the tutorials off but uh there's uh there's all sorts of story stuff going on there or at least a nice little flavor okay so now we're starting to get things going here all right we we've harvested some resources we probably could build another storage container just to make sure we're we're safe here we got some isotopes we got some minerals what's the next step well we need to generate some power so there's like a uh there's like a flow char you can follow okay there's all this amazing natural gas essentially just flying through the air right now so i believe we would build a small fuel fabricator which will convert zethane into fuel then we turn fuel into power and then we can power things and uh get on with our days right so every building by the way has a different like footprint both in terms of like the blueprint and also in terms of uh basically like the the way you would have to set it up like some buildings require power some buildings don't but like for example check this you can start to see how the inventory tetris gets going right so you build if you build a level one processor it takes up a two by three block but then in order to make it work you have to add an input module which is another like two by three block and then you have to add an output module which is another two by three block and then you have to add an employee module which is another two by three block so just to get like you you you'll end up building these it's like almost factorio in in the microcosm like you build a whole building which is like an abstracted unit that accomplishes a couple of different things or maybe just one thing and then you know you can zoom out a level and then that building just does something on the board for you and then you can zoom out a level like beyond that it's it it allows you to get like dive deep into the into the specialization it's it's not that complex and you know it's not that complex because of the fact that i've been able to grok it so far but anyway um let's uh let's drop a little fuel fabricator down and then watch our uh watch our dudes get some work done okay so they have now generated uh a fuel fabricator that turns gas into energy then i'm gonna build a generator i'm just gonna try to minimize the footprint here the generator and you can see we got plus three fuel here the generator turns you know what ah it's kind of expensive i'm happy where we're at the generator is gonna turn one fuel into three power i think once it's active yes it turns one one fuel into three power but you can't see it yet because we have no buildings that require power okay now this is where things get get interesting we have to build a an energy relay to provide some power to the rest of the building um and we'll build it well let's see first because i want to build a habitat pod that allows us to have some uh some citizens and i don't think you have to worry too much if you could just dismantle these and then move them a little bit you don't have to worry too much about oh my god i spilled the waste everywhere um about like the placement of things from like the people's ability to walk and stuff like that um but you you have to pay attention to where you're putting things for power purposes for sure so hold up first off let's just get these guys doing some vacuuming put the waste back into the waste receptacles i mean you don't even want to see what i built in the tutorial like it was a disaster it was a total cluster so i'm i'm trying to learn from my mistakes this time because you these need to have those green spaces active for people to actually like walk into them um and then a quick little small relay right here so it's in range of our generator which means it gets power and it's in range of the habitat pods which means they get power as well how do you win we're figuring that out i think it's one of those like self-actualizing things where you win uh when you uh when you feel like you've done a good thing all right so this is like the the basic loop of the game is kind of understandable here now or at least we've we've made the foundation we got a place for our workers to like live but they don't have jobs yet which is fine we'll we'll create jobs how do you create jobs well there's a great sense of irony based on the fact that you're like um watching this on the internet right now whether on twitch or youtube you can build a monetization station that allows your employees to spend a full day watching advertisements which then uh i mean there's there's a lot of systems at play here when you watch the ads it generates money for your colony which you use for you know unlocks buildings etc etc um but then on top of that i believe that like citizens with jobs are happier or less likely to cause uh strife at least uh so i think that there there's different things that need to be like counterbalanced here against one another in order to uh in order to work again it's it's a it's a satire but it's also um real maybe okay so now we have power what's the what's the next step okay this this one is like you pay close attention okay well there's a couple of things one of the things we can do is over time you can see uh via this we're just um maybe we have to look at our uh production graph and hold on disregard this i'm a fool we're generating influence there you go influence gain rate four per minute this is how we improve our relationship with the corporation that sent us to this uh uninhabited planet uh we use that influence to expand well many different things but we use the uh we use the influence to expand the bounds of our city so for example we got some level ones ruins here let's claim and that expands the bounds as you can see let's claim these level one ruins and uh you know what this this only costs for influence let's do that as well so now that those are claimed we'll survey to try to get some resources and then after that we'll start to build a little job factory so that our our employees can actually do something even if it is just watching uh amazon prime original advertisements all day about how i can't go to yemen because i'm an analyst so there's two red artifacts for us don't don't worry about the semantics of what we're doing here like all that much right off the bat like you'll figure it out now i will say i have absolutely no idea what happens when uh the rebel threat shows up it says prepare for trouble um so we'll see we'll see anyway okay so now i'm i'm just i'm running through in my head the first thing i'm going to do is make a little job factory so how do we do this this is something you need the tutorial for if you haven't done it but basically we're generating power in this building we're going to call this grid one what we're going to do is then build an energy bridge by building it here this allows this building to generate power for the whole city so we're going to return to our city of egg core we're going to then purchase an energy pylon for two isotopes we only have two isotopes so we got to be a little careful here we're going to build this here and then everything in the aoe now will have power and dude i just gotta tell you i mean this is sponsor so you can choose whether or not to believe me at face value here but like the the actual just animation of these things being built is so r slash uh oddly satisfying like i i even like just watching the little workers go like but the the actual animation itself is clean there you're there's no joking about that okay let's um oh that's just our power grid that's right let's wait for that to be done and then we'll see the bounds of our city because we might want to expand a little bit more get to some mineral patches and nice seth rogen impression so right now like our headquarters kind of does everything okay and that's programmers are going to be like nah you can't do that you got to go to the board first you got to abstract it from the ground up this is how it's going to be built that's not how it works here you know we're going to start one building's going to kind of accomplish everything the same way if you have a studio apartment your kitchen and bathroom are about six inches apart what you do eventually is as time goes on like right now if you look at the story or if you look at the headquarters area look we got people living here we got power being generated we got waste and we've got storage eventually you know you can build an energy depot that is basically like a big battery an energy plant which is just like a big reactor um you can build a storage facility so you maybe don't have to build so many individual storage units um a lot of these i have no idea what they'll do what they do i'll just be honest with you um but you build little baby units then i think you can build specialized factories that do them a little bit better and then you can just you know plunk down like a modular building that accomplishes what you were trying to do in the first place um okay so now we have power next step we're going to build factories get ready this whole planet like it's not gonna look uh architecturally diverse really we're gonna just essentially clear cut all of the ancient ruins and replace them with big cubes it's gonna look like uh a midwestern strip mall so we're going to build a factory and then we're going to have our factory you know what maybe i'll do the cool thing first maybe i'll have the factory process our miner naw you should probably not mess with it too much anyway let's just put this down right here we'll figure it out as it gets built we're low on resources just in general so we'll survey and uh claim another ruin technically you don't have to claim it before you survey it but i'm trying to minimize the cognitive load right now to make sure that we're good to go two minerals three ways like are you insulting me because i feel insulted let's survey and claim this one just wait for that factory to be built i'm going to hydrate a little and then now things are getting started okay literally like this ruins was just waste someone just pooped in a tomb and then left it there had the audacity to go extinct right afterwards what an insult and then we moved the fan over a little bit because it's 28 degrees celsius right now there you go okay the factory has come up we're going to call this job land at least or you know what we could call it job land or we could make this into into a mineral processing plant let's start let's let's start with job lands okay so the way that job land is going to work is that we need to build a monetization station requires a citizen it turns basically it turns human beings into money which can be useful in some ways i suppose this uh generates credits by hiring idle citizens to watch ads for one citizen you get 96 credits generated per day so look do you feel seen right now we're going to build an energy bridge which allows us then uh to receive energy from the grid and we're on grid one of one with one surplus power right now so this should be fine and then we'll just go to speed three for a minute while we wait for our citizens to come in the first mod i wanna see is whenever your citizens are working they go then we're going to attach this for now to an energy relay we might want to make a larger one at some point don't just stand around looking at it oh you know hold on does this require no it doesn't require isotopes we are going to require isotopes real soon though so we still have a surplus of one power because we haven't built anything that costs power yet we're going to build a quick little monetization cube and we're going to minimize its footprint over the electrical grid so that we can fit more things in there later and we we eagerly await sorry i can't stop doing the seth rogen now all right so now an idol citizen uh can work here which is cool because we'll generate some credits and they have something hey man would you rather look at the magnificent vistas of outer outer space or watch some sweet advertisements all day people watch the super bowl just to watch the advertisements so i don't know what you're complaining about now i will say we and we don't like right now i'm treating it very much like a sandbox right i'm not super worried about like all the threats coming soon like you got to be scared i'm just doing things at my own pace okay and the first thing i see here is that um we have a two fuel surplus if you have a fuel surplus you could turn that into more power for the grid so by building a medium generator and then just trying to shove it in like wherever it could fit here um which it can't so maybe we'll just you know maybe we'll find a way to build like two smalls instead well we can build one small because we're low on minerals right now um but anyway this is all we're leveraging our surplus in order to create a surplus elsewhere okay so now we've converted one fuel into three more power because we have more power for the grid we can return to the city the space looks inefficient i'll give it it's not going to get any better i promise you wait wait till i still start building the the processors you're going to lose your freaking mind dude um duties t-pose t-pose worker so now we will build another monetization station we might we'll build another two we might be going a little hard on this right now but this seems acceptable to me for the time being so now they're in leisure time by the way so they won't work just yet this is what i mean when i say there's a you know it's a mechanically very dense game okay so leisure time you just stand around you look at the tesla coil okay we've got a good setup going on right here we're going to generate some credits on a daily basis next step we're very um very much not doing super well with uh respect to our economy but things scale up i i only played like an hour last night maybe an hour and a half things scale up insanely quickly you might be like you only got like three buildings and one of them's just the freaking pylon by the time our economy gets going we're going to be going you know factory factory fact i i'm used to like real time strategy games where you build like two factories or something because they generate maybe they just allow you to unlock siege tanks right this is like you're going to be building factories i think at least the way i was playing it like every 10 seconds maybe 10 seconds is a little much we can you're not wrong we can indeed get more citizens um hold on actually that's that's a good point uh this monetization station oh monetization station doesn't use employees it uses citizens thank you so much so this is the another thing we're going to interface with here is um the spaceport so basically you're in space ships are flying around broom vroom we can buy them like ebay style right like i'll spend three of our red artifacts we got five of them right there to unlock the spaceport and now we can see all these ships coming in like constantly like right now there's um the reynard with 10 citizens we could buy it for four influence but we don't have enough living space because there's 10 citizens on it if we could find a ship with four citizens that would be beautiful like this one's got four citizens the kepler short range it costs two influence this one's got four citizens some minerals some isotopes and some waste honestly the waste is so high there i think i'd rather have the this one but then we got another ship sorry i've paused it we got another ship arriving in like 20 seconds we'll see what that looks like and we'll see what the strathcona looks like as well this by the way is how long until they leave so this is constantly being fresh like in real time over the course of the game okay seven seconds we'll see what's going on with the uh with the luna here of course i got a little soft spot for it um we don't have enough living space sorry honey and you can by the way increase the space uh the storage in your spaceport with red artifacts as well so that's why sometimes even if there's minerals inside of the ruins you would rather you would rather use the artifacts instead because you can basically level up buildings but also your relationship with the corporation okay so we're gonna see i mean honestly just just let me take that kepler short range um we will have four citizens that will now live in our uh in our city and also generate credits for us at the monetization stations and if we decide we have too many citizens there is something called and you can see them get dropped off here there's something called a um is a conversion conversion capsule it converts citizens into low-wage employees who work themselves to the bone uh where i come from we call this a school i'm just joking i had a great time in my educational career honestly anyway fun funny funny joke funny not funny not funny okay um but we don't have the resources to build that yet so you guys just get to live your life here um all right so the next step right now we're pulling dirt from the earth right we can build a factory we might have to rework our power a little bit but we can build a factory that processes the dirt into premium dirt and then processes the premium dirt into luxury dirt um but for now we might want to just i mean it's still pretty early one thing i'm going to do is claim this mineral patch and then assign an employee to it that way we just get kind of like a temporary passive supply of minerals there's 61 in there which is simultaneously a lot and not a lot you can see our citizens are chilling in their capsule hotels here and everything's looking good so far like this is so much better than the than the one that i did uh to get through the tutorial i really i do feel like it's it's a lot like factorio rimworld stuff like that where you know the first attempt you have at something is like uh not gonna be your best so you play like an hour then you're like oh now that i understand the game i'm gonna restart and then uh you play like an hour and a half and you're like oh now i get it i'm going to restart again and then eventually uh you either achieve perfection or recognize the folly in in looking for perfection to begin with so you know we're only at 17 percent rebel threat at some point we do want to build a defense turret it costs 24 energy so we got a ways to go [Laughter] um because as your net worth increases you get attacked by haters your haters come out from the woodwork and now that you're successful they say give me money give me money hey we fought hard for this mineral patch that we paid 20 influence for that i generated passively like just chill out okay we're gonna survey these ruins really quick while we're here uh overnight we're just generating some minerals because we have to build a factory to process our dirt in the in the premium dirt okay right now we're we're actually in particular we have like a real isotopes shortage but we can't claim this awesome isotopes uh patch until we have 40 influence they're minerals marie if someone gave me a million isotopes or 50 isotopes per month i would take the 50 isotopes per month it's called passive isotope income and it'll change your life when you understand it okay what do we got 14 minerals 24 waist that's enough that literally doubles the waist of our area um so i'm going to extract an artifact because i'm actually like i'm ticked off people are just this is just an old intergalactic porta potty man um all right so i have to remember in my head the next thing we're gonna do our resources are very meager right now so we're gonna take we're gonna make premium cubic zirconia okay get ready for this because this is where you know your brain oh no we can't even because we need isotopes first okay then i have to figure out how the heck we're going to get to these isotopes because a factory costs two to build i mean it's fine for now we can just play on speed three for a bit it's not like our net worth is really going anywhere you can just watch the uh you can just watch the the the pretty uh animations happen mineral patch is doing great stuff uh the the camera it's not desynced really it'll be slightly like a an eighth of a second behind and i'll explain it here just because we're uh idling to to generate some resources um i have to send my camera to a window for uh like through chrome for schooled but obs and really like any uh piece of software doesn't really allow you to use uh the same video input device for multiple uh sources so i have to basically make an obs window with just my camera put it through a repeater and then send the repeater out to all the sources that actually need it and that is why i'm slightly behind because it's going through a series of tubes before it gets to obs but it's necessary to have my camera on screen while also being able to go for uh schools anyway so in case you're wondering we're basically we're idling on speed three until we get 40 influence we don't actually have to we could go to like a smaller isotope patch oh this one's ultra rich um but if if there's a smaller isotope patch we might be able to get it on the cheap no it doesn't look like it um and then when we get this we'll get isotopes the isotopes will allow us to build another factory the factory will allow us to process maybe isotopes in the higher value isotopes but in order to make the isotope machine we're probably going to need to get more power to get more power we might even need to get more fuel which might require the necessitation of another factory to begin with to actually fit the fuel generator in and then all of a sudden you see how our 3x3 city here is very quickly going to become like a you know the largest city you've ever seen in your entire life it's going to become a mega metropolis i should point out by the way exclamation point titan if you're just joining us this is industries of titan it just came out on the steam store it's been on epic for a little bit but this is to celebrate the the steam launch you can also go to um steam find it on steam search industries of titan or click the link if you type exclamation point titan in the steam stream chat brace yourself is giving away 900 100 gift cards to steam it's a 90 000 uh giveaway go check it out oh it's contest in the steam chat okay it's contest thank you so you you could uh you could earn yourself a little something something all right i'm gonna build a little storage because we got too many minerals for the time being i promise that'll change we're generating isotopes which is nice to see and the music is popping off yes not this chad not in this chat i would like to see a worker take the isotopes back to the base he has taken some isotopes we now have one isotope we get one more isotope we're popping off there it is okay please grab do me a favor please grab he has taken it when we see two isotopes okay the dream is now real now we can build our processing factory we'll just wait for that to be consumed or created what's the difference oh r slash oddly satisfying what's the point of the game um survival from the rebel threat but also to extract as much profit as possible from the earth uh and also feel like your brain has an itch you didn't even know was there that's getting scratched by watching these beautiful animations and this is where the zactronics zachtronic's life but this is where zachtronics comes in okay so we have factory two factory two we're gonna call this processing whoops let's call it proc corp so that we know what it does okay now what is this building going to do it's going to process isotopes into better isotopes so here's how okay let me here's here's the the process diagram you take a level one resource it's like a little grain of sand it sucks nobody cares oh fine i guess it's like on your plate this is like the the kernels of corn it's not bad you can use the corn for energy but if you take the corn you add a little power you add a little uh employee juice not literally from their body but like from their work from their labor you process the corn into a dorito okay one kernel of corn makes five doritos i don't make the rules that's just the way it works one tier one resource at least for minerals oh so for isotopes it makes three but okay one tier one isotope with processing makes a tier two isotope that's worth three construction units you hear me out one isotope plus work equals three isotopes there you go but in order to do that we need to have the power and the the labor and the space to process it so get ready here okay you build a level one processor right here in the middle more or less then you need an isotope input module the plug must go into the machine you need an output module so that it gets uh you know dropped off you know it needs to have a place to dump the resources let's put the output module right here and then we'll put a nice little storage area right there so that if somebody goes to the output is very quick for them to just drop that thing in there okay next step you need an employee module for somebody to be able to work on this and then optionally i've made a huge mistake one moment the plug must turn green no hold on i think that was fine i think i think you guys are haters this should be totally fine yeah don't don't be a hater don't be a rebel okay it's green when we play so maybe maybe we did put it in the wrong spot anyway um and then optionally you can put a waste module on just a nice way to like um make sure that you don't have like crap spewing all over your floor so then after this all gets built and it's gonna take a lot of minerals to do it don't get me wrong this takes ten five five five five so i don't we we might even need to farm up some more minerals first but after we uh after we get it built we're gonna have to solve for our grid because i think each one of these requires one power so we're definitely gonna need to up our grid capacity or alternatively we're gonna need to make sure that uh we could put this building on its own grid in theory which might actually matter just give it a sec just give it a sec we're watching things disappear the power makes sense the fact that it says it has no power makes makes perfect sense don't get me wrong okay so this is is built just fine right now you take a power you take a power you're you're gonna take a power so it's three you don't take power you take power i think we need four power just thinking maybe we want to get this place on its own grid man because like the right now we're generating power through our uh our hq but i never want to look at this building again because like this is a disaster like this is this was built just for this got us out of a pinch this i i don't like looking at it look at this like what is this like generator tetris we got going on here no thank you place me back into proc core but now i'm looking at it and i'm like there's no space there's no space for us to build like we need four power which means we should build a like a medium generator which means we need two fuel fuel fab small i think it does fuel fam small i think it creates a three power surplus so hold on let me see maybe this actually will work just fine so we'll build a january or we'll build a fuel oh but then how the heck do you put this down here don't worry they can squeeze through the corner here this might be a little much okay but it's it's got its own grid it's like this is like where you want to ride out the zombie apocalypse they can squeeze through the corner what it's just a generator it's not like it hits 300 degrees celsius okay obviously you're not connected to anything right now i could have told you that we might have to build two small relays i don't know maybe we could get away with with one small relay excuse me this is grid two oh well it's not connected to a relay yet okay give it a sec give it a sec give it a sec give it a sec i am a genius however so this is powered up this is grid two it has four surplus power one more relay again this i i apologize because this is fairly inefficient but at least it's uh it's self-sustaining all right now look at this all right right now seems a little complicated but just give it a sec on on like speed two here isotope resources will enter here get processed spat out here stored here and then some waste will be deposited right here here it comes here oh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on please there's i just saw minus one isotope here it comes l here it oh it's sliding in it's processing it's spitting out look at that then he comes and grabs it puts it in the storage module rinse and repeat okay so now we'll pause it for a second because that was a little intense but now we're not generating many isotopes so i like the fact that we're processing our existing our meager isotope supply into something a little bit more um a little bit more useful a little bit more impressive you know what i mean you might you might not but you'll we'll figure it out we're at 25 rebel threat um i think the next thing we'll want to do as well is probably like process minerals in the more valuable minerals because it's not like we're crushing the game on the mineral department either let's just see what's going on here 14 minerals five isotopes trade offer i salvage you easily okay so this is good i think we need to build another factory and process minerals right away so we're like exactly gonna rinse and repeat uh in a good way now i don't know if you have this question but you may have this question can't you just build fuel fabricators out of out of nothing like for example like look at this thing where's this thing pulling from ah it's pulling zethane from the air so it is using a resource much like planet earth might seem imperceptible at first why not build like a billion zethane fuel fabricators while you're pulling a limited resource at least for now from the atmosphere around you at some point it may actually run out or you'll you know there's air pollution that can happen as well but i'm not so worried about that just yet um because over the course of a two-hour stream it's fairly unlikely i think to matter but at some point maybe anyway that being said we're aware of the problem but i don't know how to fix it so for the time being we are going to uh just build another factory and continue exploiting the planet or the the moon grid one has a slight power and fuel surplus grid grid two is doing pretty well yeah i'm not worried about pollution like let's be honest these rebels are probably going to destroy me anyway so why worry about it put a mineral input on your existing processor hold on are you the smartest person in the world can you do that [Laughter] you can you can just do that hold on okay if if we can move the relay that's that's the smartest thing i've ever heard in my entire life okay dismantle this real quick man as soon as this got uh tabled for dismantling they were like you know they shut this thing down they were just looking for an excuse to take a day off what's way better than building another factory and what this means is that we could use our other factory for level two to level three processing 24-hour vip permanent okay and then we might need like a large relay but then the relay doesn't hit the the generator so you got to be there's some there's some consciousness here because the large you know what the two small relays costs a little no it doesn't i think you just roll even if you have to roll three small relays i'm not sweating this man oh you can just roll two look at this no problem once those are built it's more space efficient to have two one by ones instead of a three by two there you go there you go dude if this works that's genius but i won't believe that it works until i see a level two mineral spit out of the output module section you actually have saved me uh a lot of uh anguish that's a level two isotope that's a level two mineral dude yo okay that's incredible thank you so much yo and the song is bopping it's a bop of the century okay now you know what that means factory three elite processing this means if we go to speed one here maybe we just even pause it now we can build no we cannot because we don't have 50 minerals okay we're gonna have to take some time then all right one one resource is depleted that means other resources should be strong right now let's uh remember that we are well hold on you know what i don't like garbage anybody out here a garbage fan i guess you're watching this um what if we built just like a storage facility or what is a smoke stack burns through gas or burns through waste quickly releasing gases that may harm citizens it does say may attached to resource nodes or resource patches to mine resources the banned garbage had some bops i think i'm paranoid no reason um hold on i'm spinning my wheels here i think for now be smart use your influence to expand your uh your horizons a little bit you you can indeed use the uh you can speak with council communications and and do trade offers with them i'm just not sure we can handle the memes in chat let's just do some quick claiming and surveying for the time being and um you know basically like i want to build a factory that just holds waste i don't know if there's a better way to do that maybe we don't need to worry about that too much maybe instead we can just uh we could just build some more waste receptacles in our uh in our headquarters or like you know right next to where people have to like you know eat and sleep we'll see anyway hq2 is poppin i really want to get uh because the tutorial right when i stopped playing last night it was like hey by the way before the rebels attack make sure you have the ability to build a defense turret so we need to get to the point where we can i'm not worried about the minerals i honestly think we'll get there i am worried about uh how we can get 24 power but i think you know everything scales you know i mean like we're like a little pipsqueak here if you zoom out look at that i mean this is and then there's a fog of war like we've barely gotten started here okay let me take a look 26 minerals 15 waste for now i think we need the minerals 26 minerals 6 isotopes 12 waste strictly better yeah you're probably right maybe it's we will need to build like a power factory for that so what it what does an energy plant cost 200 minerals and it converts fuel into energy and the fuel turbine converts zethane into fuel okay so it goes fuel turbine energy plants the plant generates 48 power [Laughter] which means we could roll a defense turret on that i mean technically we could roll two but i'm imagining for for wave one if they need us to have two uh defense tourists i would be upset i would be upset i would feel misled now i'm i'm being too slow here it's because i'm trying to get to level two processing for like efficiency what we could do as well keep in mind you know we got four citizens but have you noticed something we only have three monetization stations which means one citizen is just enjoying their life and that's not acceptable but if we build a conversion capsule we can convert a citizen into an employee to help us out the alternative is that we could build another um and we could build another uh monetization station which actually fits with grid one much better so i'm sorry that i got you excited uh over nothing we're just going to build another monetization station for the time being and we're going to really cram them in here don't get me wrong i don't know if this will count as being on the grid we might have to do it like this and that should actually put us at like an equal amount of credits because like right now we're paying our workers 320 but we're only generating 288. so i'm hoping that uh another citizen could generate for us another 32 credits here we'll we'll see oh they generate way more let's go okay so now we got a credit surplus but again if you make a citizen that was working in the uh was watching ads into an employee the employee gets paid so we have to balance that but that's you know we got a stack here for a good reason okay so what are we doing um we're the first thing we're going to do is work on processing then we're going to take the processing to get to those tier 3 units or tier 3 minerals and resources those are going to allow us to do more with less we're going to build a fuel generator what's it called a fuel turbine and then we're going gonna build an energy depot then we're gonna have some defense then we're gonna go on speed three and we're gonna shoot the rebels down salt bay okay here we go this this is the this is all important right here step one level two processor it does cost two we'll just start by putting it right there you know the deal we try to get some minerals marie we try to get some isotopes marie we generate an output module we generate an employee module it's green we generate a waste module the word doesn't sound real anymore okay forget this i've placed this in a bad position start with the waste module then generate the employee module is this excuse me is this connected we'll find it we'll get a we'll get a refund if it isn't just give it a sec just give it a sec i have no idea what i'm watching it's kind of like um how it's made okay we're good and i i hate to be this guy but we're going to generate like a new grid for this which is probably not the way to do it we're and what we're making is a surface-to-air missile launcher but you got to start by learning how to create the universe right so we're going to generate we need more minerals for sure how much is this gonna take two one one one so that's five six right we need six power just to run this which means we need an m generator with two fuel two fuel can get generated by one of these sons of guns right here we're just gonna wedge this in like the most awkward position possible we might have to make another i hate to do this but we might have to build another building just to house the generator because i don't know if it'll actually fit and i'm embarrassed to say that like this will fit no it'll fit okay i was just i was i was being needlessly uh concerned even though the large relay is not that good here you could also upgrade your building to add another floor okay i will admit i didn't get there in the tutorial i think i'm for for now i'm a bungalow marty but i i eagerly await the usefulness of that in the future without a doubt i don't know if i'm ready for vertical complexity yet okay just give it a sec relay's built please okay this is not powered up i'm loving these small relays man the small relay is what it's all oh you know what we need some let's let's generate some medium storage here as well okay so the way that this is supposed to work level two resources that previously were being created can now be dropped off up here to be turned into level three resources which a level one mineral becomes a level 25 one tier one mineral is worth 25 x when it's processed to tier three and an isotope is worth nine x we are actually going to the moon okay now you start to see how the head first it was oh my god how on earth were we going to get to uh 400 minerals before the rebels get here well this is how we're going to get to 400 minerals before the rebels get here marie by processing a single mineral into 25 minerals output module is full yeah so so so store it dude what are you doing alum you know what that means that means we need more uh that means we need more workers which means we need a citizen or multiple citizens to turn into workers fire them no they're busy like i'm not mad i'm just upset so i think we we do need to inc this is connected to grid one so i think this is we're just gonna call this the labor facility um and we're gonna build a conversion capsule okay and for the low low price of free i'm gonna take you out of the leisure force and put you into the workforce i do think we'll need we have a two grids a two fuel surplus here well let's just build a a small freaking generator then who says no don't even i i know by the way it's only by like the grace of god that the game is so early in its life cycle we're not having people be like uh please change the placement of your generators you're killing me right now i'm doing whatever i have to do just to keep it going and we'll fix it later you know okay so you should be good am i uh excuse me how would we have minus one fuel we have a minus one power we have a fuel surplus how can we have a fuel surplus and a power shortage because you're generating three extra power you only take two oh you take four power why didn't you say something you did why didn't you say it sooner okay so we'll just build this in the worst place possible look i don't care about these people other corporations will lie to you and say uh you know we care about you i'm look you're working right next to exposed electrical outputs [Music] look it's just i'm not gonna blow smoke up here you know what okay and we're balanced we're balanced okay so i'm going to convert a single citizen into an employee via the power of public schooling [Music] yeah not only do you have to watch ads all day you also have to do it right next to just give it a sec just waiting for the conversion to take place it's leisure time people don't want to undergo uh mind control at the present moment you also need more storage for your level threes is that true i would i would have thought that this could handle it excuse me if i have four idle workers then maybe you could do me a favor and uh handle it your power is not stable it's okay because we're not gonna be i mean i don't know if it's okay i'm making an assumption that it's okay um we're not going to uh be running that conversion center constantly that's gonna be like a sometimes this is sometimes food okay we we definitely need more space for waste for now i mean when you think about it it looks bad right you're like oh why are you building waste receptacles everywhere oh have you ever like been outside there's trash cans like all over the place and if anything man this song is a bop if anything i actually wish there were more trash cans around yeah they can walk on the blue so you can actually build you can build trash around there i have zero minerals this seems uh sub-optimal to me we have waste literally just sitting on the ground okay well you know hold on this is fine you might say you're you're at a you're at a problem you have a problem here you have no minerals oh is that so uh well what if i claim a little mineral patch and then have an employee service it 30 quick a quick little school what's 32 times 25 it's 640 plus 320 960. that's 960 minerals sitting right there [Music] it's actually 800. i was just testing to see if you look okay i learned how to do multiplication by hand and long division again this weekend i need but the the trade-off is now i need the white board in front of me to actually uh to actually do it i've i traded the ability to do back of the napkin calculations in my head for the ability to do it on paper did you brush up on integrals no or nor derivatives if we make it to college level mathematics and uh other people get the answers right then uh i accept my loss with grace it's not like i'm going up against somebody who worked as a practicing engineer for uh a length of time it's not like engineers know anything all they know how to do is uh eat a hot chip and uh calculate like the tolerance of uh stress on a bridge to make sure that combiners doesn't happen again you know the irony right now is that i am out of minerals because i use too many minerals to build trash cans every trash can i build with a level one mineral uh tosses 25 minerals in the garbage that's an insult man but it is what it is you should learn derivatives really quick it's all right don't i'm not gonna i'm not gonna try to relearn calculus um in advance of a show where i'm supposed to be entertaining and not to be smart and the the irony of course is that there's a lot of people that are like it's really easy and i'm like yeah i know i learned it um when you were probably like six i've already done it and and with less technology we didn't have khan academy back then we didn't have udacity we didn't have udemy and we had a textbook and the professor who actually the professor only taught like two lectures the rest of them were taught by the ta who and the calculus tas they they didn't give them their position in the faculty as a result of their ability to communicate effectively let's put it that way it's too real okay we have one tier three mineral and that's driving the whole bus here i'm just we're just letting some time tick by for the time being until we can get to well like it's all okay when i think this is how the flow charts gonna work okay 8 am a citizen is going to wake up grab a t and put a little makeup and then hide the scars to fade away the shake up they will walk into their monetization station oh dude the minerals are ticking up so fast get ready they'll walk into job land for their job at the advert factory the supervisor will say you not so fast get in the reconstruction chamber from avengers 2 the age of ultron that tried to extract the mind stone from uh from fake wait no they were trying to print a 3d print vision i can't remember anyway long story short get ready okay at 8 a.m somebody's getting in the freaking tube when they get in the tube they're going to become an amazing employee for us and then our whole economy is going to take off as a result here we go it's 8 a.m the citizens have begun arriving last one in is literally a rotten egg oh you're two minutes late for work welcome to the tube oh wait i forgot we actually have four monetizations anyway we are there you go okay bluebee oh we ran out of power hold on okay dismantle this thing sorry you don't work here anymore get converted get in the tube who who's our brave uh citizen today i don't know if we can see his name oh man oh get tubed look at we can rebuild him we can make him stronger watching adverts lazy bones we're about to put you to work in the xanthan mines farming xylitol there oh did you see how much waste it created what the heck did we take off of him oh my god he just threw up on the ground pier the legend look he's so excited oh man okay anyway the minerals are coming fast and furious here you see in this we're up to 152 so i actually think now now that it feels like our economy's starting to do okay the next awesome thing to do imo well i mean to be honest we could take one more citizen on if if we have a ship arrive that has one more citizen or we could create another employee and then we could take a ship with two citizens and keep things moving because we just that's how much habitat we have right now we are uh we are indeed losing a little bit of money on the credit side but i can live with that for now but i would like to build a mine i think on this costs a thousand credits generates some pollution there's no way i i don't believe that you're going to allow me and i could be wrong here this this could actually torpedo the whole economy um how much power does it take eight okay we i guess we'll start with our power buildings then that makes sense how much the energy depot uh hold on energy plant costs 200 fuel turbine costs 200. okay my please mine this they're minerals marine mine it and we'll go we'll go speed three for a minute um and you know what do we hold on we have another resource pantry combined this one's almost almost dead almost chunked you can always uh claim these anyway long story short we're gonna get it going i will also say like i i do i derivatives are are not the first derivatives are not that hard i naively believe that they will just return to me like for example the derivative of x squared is 2x is that correct the derivative of 2x or plus c sorry i forgot my plus c the derivative of 2x is 2 plus 2 2 2 plus c yeah yeah no plus c is for integrals yeah i knew that chance trolling you i mean were they trolling me or was i trolling them it's hard to tell the derivative of 2x is 2. is that correct and then the derivative of 2 is 0. my god he's a genius now hold on let me just run it through my head the derivative of 3x squared is 6x is that correct yes yes yes i told you i took 12th grade calculus end freshman year calculus in college and then i took uh biomath analytics in my third year of university where we had to use matlab uh before i knew how what any programming was and i uh i went go to hell i think i got i basically just passed that class and resolved never to interact with math or computers ever again and then i went back to school for programming and was like oh i really should have taken this more seriously in college but anyway all right converts ethane into the air into fuels that can be used by energy plants that's step one we got 353 minerals it does create negative livability confirm okay energy depot please um go here now we're getting to the tier two buildings i'm loving watching these resources tick up man i'm loving watching these resources take up i do i can can we get a ship that just has one citizen please just one citizen that should be like one of our next things for sure please burn your trash it's getting everywhere look we're gonna have a surplus from this energy depot okay i literally built it one space outside of the grid no but that doesn't wait no it totally matters also it oh my god shouldn't even be a depot dude no wonder they ask for confirm should be a plant that's so maybe it's okay maybe we accidentally did something right by building the depot over here and uh and the plants can then be on the grid which i'm assuming is going to also maybe we'll need whatever mission failed successfully yeah this is a sponsored segment uh a thank you to brace yourself games i've been looking forward to this game for a long time uh having the chance to play it on steam launch is very nice it is sponsored by brace yourself so thank you for that go check it out exclamation point titan you can check it out on steam via that link and if you type exclamation point contest in the steam chat you could win a 100 steam gift card from brace yourself they're giving away a lot of them go check it out sorry i was getting mine flooded because i was trying to think someone said what's the area of what what's the area of a cylinder it's two times the area of a circle plus the area of a rectangle is that is that correct it's the top and bottom plus the thing unfolded to be a rectangle the volume hold on what's the the area of a circle is pi r squared the circumference is 2 pi r so the volume sorry brace yourself i'm getting mine flooded the volume is pi r squared times height the area is two pi r squared times two plus the height times the circumference who do you think you are i am that is right i did it sorry there was a little knock out there while i was doing the math more or less okay now sorry we have a bigger problem right now okay what's the volume of an ellipse trick question an ellipse is a 2d planar shape it has no volume uh also nobody cares um okay there's no fuel but then there's an energy depot but the energy depot has no power so we need to power up the energy no the energy depot is nothing it's not fuel why do you think it's fuel because you're stupid no that's not true it's because you need to buy a fuel turbine does it require power no fuel turbine does not require power we put the fuel turbine he said the word wrong you put the fuel turbine here it powers the energy plant which fills the energy depot bob's your uncle we'll be back in time for tea and the rebels still are only halfway here we got nothing to worry about man who painted the girl with the pearl earring so not only is it vermeer but i was watching jeopardy this weekend and then there was a context question about art where they said this dutch painter is famous for a number of things including like this painting and then in parentheses it was like she doesn't wear a pearl earring and i was like they said pearl earring i bet that's vermeer it was vermeer dude it was vermeer please two level two minerals is all we need it has been done i will say when i learned um long division and and multiplication by hand again i was like dude this is kind of fun like if they i i actually thought about like going to the bookstore and buying like a sixth grade math workbook to just be like because it's just the it's just a fun process like your brain is just like sorting things out it just feels nice yeah yeah for my daughter for my daughter not for me okay buddy like you're you're kind of ticking me off here energy plan oh maybe we need an employee at it for one but then secondarily like i was just gonna there you go now you got fuel now we got 51 surplus power oh feeding right into grid one okay this thing it still has no power that's okay because you know what we're gonna do we're not storing it right now so nothing's happening we're gonna build a quick little pylon might as well just put it right here well it technically i guess we might as well put it as far away as possible which sadly for now is like right here but we'll we'll choose to live with that let's put it let's put it right here that's fine once that's built we'll have an incredible power supply oversupply then with a power over supply that's hooked into grid one you know what we could do with that you know what we could do with that guess what oh you should really clean that up someone's getting chunked though so another citizen is being converted into an employee that way we can afford to take in more refugees to watch adverts for us i love watching these guys get in this thing and then freaking blow chunks dude is so funny what's the volume of a cone just frick off man it's like the volume of a cone [Music] is pi r squared times half base height now leave me alone something like that i don't remember clean your factory i will never clean my factory wrong but close it's the salad one really a cone is one third of a cylinder really so it's two pi r squared plus height times circumference and then all of that divided by three well hopefully this comes up otherwise i'm just bored you for no reason um pi r squared height divided by three okay pi r squared height divided by three got it got it got it got it got it got it's no problem i got it okay hold on what was i doing we gotta do it i love seeing the numbers go up we have a couple of things we need to do with this power one of them is build a military base okay but in order to build a military turret not only do we need the resources we need to be able to have a thousand credits with which to um unlock it and i accidentally use credits buying an energy depot like a damn fool so we did this is where the flow chart comes in this is where the flow chart comes in in order to get credits we need people watching advertisements which means we need citizens we turn two citizens into employees which means we we have space for two more citizens or we could build more habitat centers and get more citizens so that we can get more refugees to watch adverts for us when you phrase it like that it sounds absolutely vile quick we gotta we gotta purchase some more human beings to watch advertisements for us so we're gonna probably scavenge the ruins for artifacts that's my take on the subject and we're perfect timing schooled says be here in 45 minutes please oh we're we're actually early we don't need your stinky isotopes anymore we kickstarted them you just give me the artifacts please this game looks fun yo so like the funny part is like we've only basically scratched the surface of what you can do here and then we haven't even gotten to combat when i played the game at pax uh there was a little combat demo this was like two years ago and it was kind of like ftl i don't know if it's still like that but i like i believe you like look at this design and build flying combat vessels so you actually you build a ship and then you go to ftl style combat but what was really cool about it i don't know if we'll see it over the course of this but what was really cool about it was that you design ships in the exact same way you design buildings so you need uh to like inventory tetris modules in there and stuff like that but it's more relevant in the factory design because where you place things you know they can be hit on the ship so if you have like your your battery and your generator close together one of them getting hit might knock out both of them if like the tail section of your ship gets hit but if you like separate them then maybe like one will come offline and the other one won't i mean i i'm getting a little ahead of myself don't don't necessarily quote me on that just yet but okay i am looking for a ship with two people please um i really would like to add two citizens okay well if we can't add two citizens you know what we do we chunk our existing citizens and then we add four more refugees instead like this is it's a complex game but in in the best it's like four complex games interwoven on top of each other okay because i have been asked can i burn no i i want to burn trash okay because who doesn't but i i feel like i can't burn trash yet oh my god dude look oh my god i feel like i can't burn my trash yet because of the fact that um it costs us a thousand credits to unlock the trash burner this looks like my apartment in college so we just let's get some of this waste off the ground at least okay device complete device okay so we've converted you and now we'll convert you when this citizen converts we'll be able to purchase a refugee ship get chunked device complete which means we should actually rebuild our monetization station from earlier because we need we we have a negative economy here we actually might need to build even more monetization stations because we need to get to a thousand in the next 35 minutes um what do you mean not enough living space oh because there's 12. what do you think of the movie limitless i think limitless is pretty good it's pretty okay it's not a bad movie okay there you honestly you guys are just like trash vacuums today okay venus ship has entered trade offer three citizens trade offer i received three citizens i think we should build we should have done it sooner i think honestly the time has come for us to scale up factories are insanely cheap so let's just build one real quick and we're just going to make this like a factory that people live in doesn't that sound nice no commute [Laughter] you can you can live close to home if you worked here you'd already be home by now you can also upgrade your factories what does it do though it doubles the size of them but they get bigger on the inside without getting bigger on the outside what is this undertale yeah they might get a little taller okay but here we go factory four this is not factory four this is actually what's known as um we're gonna call this home office and uh let's go well first off hold on you need an energy bridge and then maybe we could actually get a large relay going i don't know man i'm like a big fan like look at it large relay three four five six small relay three four five dude give me the small relays that's the freaking ticket here so oh you know what we shouldn't build it here yet we should we should build the habitat pods and then figure out how to get them going here hey remember when uh like facebook tried to do this for real and they were like hey ads are popping off pivot all of your writing to advertisements on video uh and then like two years later they were like oh we accidentally overstated all the uh analytics on that by tenfold is that a problem and then like all the internet magazines and stuff like that were like no yes okay now we have so much space for citizens please build the relays come on what do i pay you for etcetera etcetera oh baby your new home is offline oh it is online we have space for 16 citizens oh time to head to the store we can only fit 13 remainders and there's 14 people they're leaving and like two soldiers get into the tube why not cannot cannot support more employees build a build more conversion capsules what are you talking about cannot support more employees how can we not why spend artifacts or a conversion center build it so i have to build another conversion capsule i guess each one of those does raise the cap by tooth i'm okay i'm not mad anymore can we just disable this one then then okay i don't think we're going to be able to make this happen this is just an absolute nightmare office right here but this is all in the service of watching more adverts okay i need yes the vacuum's nice and all that but i also need you to like build this man why does it look like dan's office come on man that's that's uncalled for it as as true as it is it's on call for oh dude he's ready send them send them these guys didn't even have time to enjoy their like pre-retirement now just when that conversion's done okay now we can fit 14 but we don't have enough influence right now so you know what just give me five new citizens for the time being and then let's claim and survey let's this is outside of your ao that's fine claim and survey we need more artifacts you can see like it's a great and i know how this sounds right and it it kind of strikes me as pandering a little bit when i say it but it really is a great capitalism simulator you know like we've literally been playing the game for an hour maybe maybe an hour and a half right now and i'm already like we need to go to a new planet to like this this colony can no longer sustain my appetite my insatiable appetite their insatiable appetite for uh for profits is now it's too much we're already strip mining the crap out of this place extraction complete extraction okay hold on so we got more artifacts we have 10 living space of course 11 people just showed up and we can't create another employee yet could we just have maybe like 10 people show up 40 are you crazy 24 this is how you know i'm going slow okay um so take me back to the home office and then uh you know if you could yeah there you go just build one more of these to hold two more citizens thank you for whoever and chad said you had space for one more of these just cram them in there man and then give them a 50-year mortgage okay we're waiting to see it pick up there we go now we can fit the 11 people now we go back to jobland and you know what we do at joblin let's see how much it'll cost this week this is all in the service of credits so hey i'm doing this so we don't get destroyed by rebels jobland when that's done building floor 2 wall-to-wall twitch prime wall to wall twitch prime prepare yourself i mean it's fine if you want to get destroyed by the rebels you can go live on earth what's the volume of a sphere is the area of the sphere is is the area of the circle represented by the midpoint of the sphere times the the radius because it's half it's times the diameter divided by two yeah four over three pi r squared exactly what i said i knew it was look they should give points for being close enough four over three pi pi r cubed thank you four over three pi r cubed i knew that okay floor one i sleep floor two does floor two have power or does it require an energy bridge i don't know we're about to find out let's start by building a monetization station do you know negative exponents bro let me tell you like here's my um my honest thought um just give me a sec here if i make it through eighth grade on school i'm a happy man i'm there's no lit i i was laughing at people that were like um hey did you study and you're like what do you like in order to uh in order to study for school do you have to go through you basically have to be able to get your um your gre to be able to finish your undergrad education in every discipline that could possibly throw up or show up i should say it's not conceivable how is it different from jeopardy jeopardy is just trivia questions school is trivia but then like later on it gets a little bit more complicated but either way you don't so in theory at least either way you don't study for jeopardy by just cramming for one weekend you know it's a way of life i wouldn't expect you to understand so i'm just gonna i'm gonna wing it and i'm gonna you know i'm gonna derive my enjoyment from it or my my sense of self actualization from my ability to answer the questions as opposed to the placement that we achieve i think that's the way this is the way [Music] ladies and gentlemen wall-to-wall twitch primes are now available citizens if you could please return one moment please i hear our security going off like crazy oh i think it's saved saved excuse me excuse me you dare have the audacity to not be working now that's a mess oh he's bad games thank you thank you all right citizens at 8am i'm ready to see what we're generating here 592 per day which means we're two days away from being able to build a defense structure maybe we can up that a little bit i would be happy if we could get through one level of rebels like just to see what it looks like here but honestly i think i've done a pretty good job and rahabish thank you as well i i think you know i'm really let me put it this way i'm really glad i played through the tutorial last night because i think uh if i hadn't played through the tutorial my uh my city would not look nearly as impressive we have 11 idol workers huh but okay work has begun we're generating 784 daily it's good this is very good now what the heck am i doing well we want to build a trash facility like to burn the trash it'll cost us a thousand to do it dude i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna do it i think we can actually we can get this up i know we need defense as well i think we have time maybe if we don't have time we don't have time but i am gonna try so we're gonna spend a thousand no we can't never mind we don't have a thousand there is definitely no time i am embarrassed i even suggested that there could be um instead what we will do is build a factory and get ready for this we're going to call this factory um your mom's house and you'll believe it you'll understand why when you see it is it because it's nice oh no no no no okay with with nine idol workers please do me a favor and extract some isotopes from the earth but you can see like it the game it's like ever expanding scope right like you get the first uh the first little bit not is um you know just factory level optimizing a single building then it's like optimizing a district optimizing the city and then make the whole universe my slave this is trashville ever gonna play factorio who's gonna tell them well you were still learning to spell your name i was being trained to conquer galaxies because i only have tier three minerals i feel like every single um every single trash uh facility that we build costs 25 which is way too expensive yeah you're wait you know what cancel those cancel those cancel those and cancel this i i can't have you spending 25 minerals on trash dude that's what we'll do we'll farm up some influence and then we'll start getting some level one minerals going here consider yourself extracted and then it should prioritize the minerals itself it took two that time that's fine because it's supposed to cost two yeah yeah then we wait for the next one to come in i guess this is the problem of uh having like super uh condensed minerals well we have 1.6 000 credits now is that like you know you you can't just bust the tier 3 into a in the 25 tier ones so basically this is just gonna be garbage no don't take 25 are you stupid cancel cancel i don't want i i shouldn't be spending my time like micromanaging this just buy the smokestack i don't believe that i have plenty of time i gotta wait for two that's right just give it a sec there you go more trash it's a very very valuable waiting for that second tier one to show up although now that i think about it i'm like like i'm so stupid in my head i'm like i don't want to use a 25 mineral to make a trash receptacle instead i'm using two tier ones and two tier ones is worth 50. but in my head it just feels better it's weird you're right i think we should build a smokestack why did we lose 500 credits so so so quickly there oh cause we paid salary projected earnings next shift is a thousand okay you know what we're gonna do we're gonna build a smokestack real quick we got a little time stop asking me uh trivia questions tell me that you had bad study habits in high school and uh tried to cram six months of learning into the three hours right before the exam without telling me you had bad study habits in high school when you live the school lifestyle you don't need to uh take an entire weekend to study knowing how to think is more valuable than knowing the answers [Music] now we'll answer questions about capitals just this one though because otherwise it ruins chat uh oolan batar is the capital of mongolia i did that and it worked i had a 4.0 gpa damn dude why don't you start streaming then so you can get invited to school sounds like you should be on the show pick up employees or trucks we don't have trucks we'll just have employees deliver trash right now we had enough [Music] idle employees that i don't mind i also another thing i like about this when things go wrong you don't know what you're doing you just look at the lights just got a nice albedo to it [Music] it does say burning effect on nearby residential minus 100 that seems kind of bad zethane is decreasing too you're not wrong over here in the unindustrialized parts 29.7 next to the fuel depot 27. [Music] whatever we won't we won't be around when that comes to pass i'm not so oh my god it's so hideous in here man okay 82 the rebels are 82 of the way there can we not build a road oh we need to build a transport hub first which we definitely cannot do all right so we're going speed three [Music] long time because basically i'm pretty sure the rebels are going to attack at the end of today which will make a convenient time to kind of jump off from this i think as well um maybe we'll see if we can at least survive through the first attack looking forward to it can't wait yeah there's rebels right over here 82 percent and the faster you're the higher your net worth grows um the uh the faster they they show up can i i would like to assign more employees to my smokestack i feel like we're still like not even close here in the meantime we can at least uh like have some employees like try to get some of the dirt off the ground you're right i could upgrade you requires more energy which is fine can have more employees it does disable the building until the upgrade is complete but it seems sensible to do it right off the bat do you have a defense i don't rate now but in theory i will earn enough on today's advertising shift to watch or to to buy a defense turret and place one down that's the dream thank you two employees assigned please and then burn waste that much faster oh there we go burn baby burn is one gonna be enough honestly that's the that's the drama your guess is as good as mine i have no idea um but i i love the idea of like designing a city that literally serves one purpose you know like the only reason that the city exists is to generate enough money to pay for a defense turret that's super cool like in uh final fantasy vii [Music] oh frick but i got to pay my salary in final fantasy 7 when uh the city of juneau exists exclusively to shoot that gun at ultima weapon and all the power goes offline in order to send it junon sorry junon the grudge um so i'm gonna um because i'm concerned i'm gonna build more monetization pods over here just in the hopes that this ups our income for today because i know i got to pay my salary in like a little bit here we got a lot of citizens that are doing [Music] nothing just give it a second we are you're right we're not going to have enough power we can change that pretty quickly we can also put some stuff offline they can't access the middle two on the other hand apparently two people can occupy the same space so there is that excuse me more citizens please more citizens please dismantle these then we'll we'll place them elsewhere beautiful it's perfect oh okay now that we have 1k this is important before we pay our salary let's get a defense turret going here we need 400 minerals to make it pop so we'll probably just claim this ultra rich mineral patch real quick [Music] [Music] it yeah be careful it cannot burrow we do need more power we probably have time to build another well no because we got to build another fuel facility first you know what we can do when you burn the garbage it's gone so we could just turn the uh the trash facility off when we have to fire the turret it's that easy and the trash is going way down we we were solvent that's beautiful we managed to pay our salary just fine 87 rebel threat local storage no space excuse me oh cause it's leisure time you guys can't come in here we gotta close the office overnight so that we can clean it i'm not trying to insult you guys please please we we desi i require more minerals immediately more minerals please we don't even need this many i don't know if we need to claim this just so we have like a thoroughfare here but the rebels are 88 percent of the way here oh we go we processed one this is this is valuable military defense turret we can fit our entire base in here you love to see it if we have to add a little power to the grid we have to add a little power to the grid but again we can always temporarily turn off the trash although we have a lot of ways to deal with that's okay how do you think the lack of ronaldo will affect school banter um i will say ronaldo apologized in the school discord and said i'm sorry i know i was loud i want to send him a tweet that says do not apologize you were hilarious and you you made my day with your and also not only did you make my day you also have the greatest gift in twitter history the one where he's singing pay phone by maroon 5 while that lady beats on the on the car window seems like a nice guy i found i found him very humorous as well i enjoyed the energy that he brought the and the dynamic that he brought defense set target i'm not sweating it oh you know what we oh my god sometimes we're using minus 61 power we're draining the crap out of this battery dude so you know you know what we do this thing is offline for now so that we can keep that battery full and then drain the crap out of it when it when the time comes it's a good time to point out just before we come roughly to the end here um exclamation point titan not only are we playing industries of titan today but you can go watch the steam seem steam store page stream it's a difficult sentence steam store page stream in that chat if you type exclamation point contest not in this shed in that chat if you type exclamation point contest you can be entered to win 100 in steam gift cards you're like 100 whoa what do i even roll out of bed for that they're giving away 900 of them okay there's a 90 000 uh pool there it's not like it's a one 100 gift card that's more like what you see on twitter where people are like i'm gonna give away a 30 80. all you have to do is follow me subscribe to my youtube channel prime subscribers get five extra entries uh send me a photo of you wearing my merchandise and then you know i'll pick one lucky winner out of the 10 000 people that did it this is this is some serious stuff man go check it out and thanks to brace yourself for sponsoring this segment i had a i've had a great time playing the game here and i i can't wait to see people who actually know what they're doing playing this and as a result um take some time like this for me is a game where mouth is accidentally going to do like a hour stream of it and then teach me how to play i think that's the most likely outcome all right we're we're just burning the midnight oil here our trash is like just one guy is very slowly walking barrels of trash over and over and over but eventually that's going to be done did nl defeat the unions yet uh union is a five letter word that on this colony is a four letter word if they start talking about unions i'll simply blow up the core of the moon and scatter the minerals to space for later reclamation projects i would rather this entire thing i'd rather turn it into glass than pay a livable wage 10 a.m 93 rebels why not get really good on your own efforts getting good at a game is what people want to see you must be new here um let's just say you and i i i don't think that you have an invalid uh idea of what content works well on the platform however i might suggest that uh you and i differ somewhat in our approach just my two cents i'm just come on man can is there any way i could just hey rebels come on get over here i'm here to stay up to date with memes dude people legitimately are like i'm so sick of trade offer trade i trade every time he says trade offer i cringe a little bit top comments nice isaac cosplay 75 videos in a row then don't even get me started on shibley man i that thanos tweet that i made was crushing it 60 000 likes i'm not bragging or whatever maybe a little um chibly makes a tweet the ruins of pompeii it's just a stone hello kitty figurine [Music] 170 000 likes i don't even like i don't get it i don't even get the joke it's just a stone figurine that's hilarious it doesn't have a coherent humorous through line [Music] it hit big in brazil twitter okay then say no more say no more okay i'm here to tell you i want the rebels to attack faster so if you guys could like exploit the earth a little more that would help me out a great deal so i'm gonna claim and survey i'm gonna claim and survey i'm gonna claim and survey i'm gonna claim and survey we will then take the minerals uh from these use those minerals to uh generate more minerals for us which will then increase our net worth and the rebels will attack and i'll be i'll be in a good spot in time for school i also think if i go to my council hall for five red artifacts i can then request a i can start requesting favors like for example for 10 influence i could get five minerals which is actually 125 or for 10 influence 250 credits baby the rebel threat went down some minerals please give you some minerals please um give me some credits please we're almost out of trade tickets i will donate an artifact to you have at it scared minerals don't make minerals please begging for the location of rebels through text please please citizens are like i have to wade through the trash but it's not that bad it's really only bad if you look look at the bottom floor of jawlands everything else is pretty okay even like top floor job land look at that this is nice and clean up here bottom floor of job land is pretty disgusting all right i gotta be honest processing core is pretty bad as well no wonder the rebels are like ah don't worry they're just gonna [Laughter] they're just gonna do themselves in what about elite processing court how are you looking oh my god it's absolutely horrible damn you live like this i i hate to say it i don't think the rebels are gonna show up in time i think we gotta call it here but this was a decent intro case for what's going on in um industries of titan go check it out uh it's mechanically dense ambitious and we're only looking at like a few layers here like we've really only looked at the factory layer and then abstracted one layer up to go to the city layer then beyond that we have like let's call it the planet layer even though this might actually be like a moon um it's exciting stuff i i can't wait to get to the point where we can build a spaceport a shipyard sorry and then start building our own like ftl style ships but this definitely seems like uh one of those games where you know after two hours you're like i'm getting it i'm getting it but if you zoom out you're like you're getting about this much you haven't even broached the the cell wall yet you're not even through the phospholipid bilayer you're still hanging out at the protein channels begging for the location of the acceptable chemical through text anyway again thanks to uh brace yourself for sponsoring this i had a wonderful time you're gonna be seeing some more all over twitch i'm sure if you haven't already we're going to take a little break for a minute
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 151,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: ZoExqkv9Qa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 9sec (7509 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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