Christian Movie "The Refiner's Fire" | A Christian's Faith Testimony of Being Persecuted

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I'd like to make a call. Hi, Zhao, the store's low on stock, I want to pick up supplies. Got it. Here you are. Thanks. Target's heading for Donghu. Stay on her. Hi, Auntie! Hi, Yangyang. Here are your copies of The Word Appears in the Flesh. Thanks, I'll send them out today. There've been lots of arrests lately. Be careful. I will. Hey, a relative of mine's a preacher, he's a good person. I told him about God's new work yesterday, and he wants to look into it. That's wonderful. Anyone who hears God's voice in Almighty God's words is one of His sheep. Tomorrow, why don't— Who is it? Maintenance. There's a leak, we need to check your pipes. - Who are you? - Police! Freeze! Mom! Mom! What're you doing? - Don't move! - Police! Stay Still! Yangyang! Mom! Get down! Mom … Stop crying! This is unlawful entry! Do you have a warrant? You shut your mouth! Get down! Don't move! Look everywhere! What're you doing? You've got some nerve. She threw something. Don't try anything! We found a bag of books. Captain, she threw a phone and a contact list. That notebook has church members' contact information. Please, God, protect them. Dammit, it's broken. Take it all! Come in. Get in. It's a religious one. Strip! Full body search. Let go. All of it! Let go! You … you can't do this! Chief, here she is. Stand there. Chief, none of these numbers work. What's your name? Where do you live? When did you come here? He's talking to you. When did you start following Almighty God? What is your position in the church? Who're the people in your book? What do they do? Answer him! No need to tell me. With this long list of names and numbers, you must be a leader. Hey, you're not bad-looking. You know, you're so young and pretty, you could do anything. Why believe in God? Director Lyu. Well? Nothing yet. Here, have a seat. Lyu is head of the Public Security Bureau. He will be questioning you. You must know this is serious. Tell us what you know. We've been following you a long time. We know you're a church leader. We brought you here to find out more about your church. As long as you cooperate, and tell us who the church's leaders are, and where they keep the church's funds hidden away, everything will be fine and we'll let you go. My faith isn't illegal. Why are you doing this? Why? The government's cracking down on The Church of Almighty God, making you a wanted criminal. So you're under arrest! In China, the Communist Party is in power. It's an atheistic, Marxist party. Having faith and proselytizing means going against them and subverting state power. Yet you claim innocence? You say Almighty God is the Savior, He's the truth. Where is God? Who's seen Him? Can God save people from poverty? Can God save people from disaster? You people preach, getting others to follow God— it's a crime. You're disrupting social order and trying to subvert state power, so the Party must eliminate all of you. I suggest you talk. If you're honest with us, then we can take it easy on you. I believe in God because He created everything and rules over all. It's a fact that no one can deny. Disasters are more serious, and pandemics, famine and war are looming. Why is that? It's because man resists God. Only Almighty God can save mankind. The kingdom of heaven has come. Almighty God has expressed so many truths to purify and save us, to bring us into His kingdom. But the Communist Party, they fight God, arresting and persecuting His chosen ones. You don't think that's a sin? Sin? The Party is eliminating all religion. We'll destroy your church. What do you mean, sin? I suggest you start talking, or you'll be very sorry. Shit. You don't know what's good for you. You'd better talk! Flinching? Flinching? Flinching? Dammit! Get up! Stand up! You don't wanna talk? Damn you! The Central Committee decreed years ago that killing your kind is legal. We can beat you to death! Then bury your bodies in the mountains and no one will know. Dammit, on your feet! Ready to talk? Stand up! Idiot. Dammit. Still won't talk? Still won't talk? Dammit. Bring her here. Get up! Stand up! Stand up, don't lean on the table! Stand straight. Hold still! Look at you! How dare you defy the Party? It's like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Can't you see whose world this is? This is your opportunity to confess. If your cohort talks, you'll be all out of chances. Keep an eye on her. Those two, they must be key players at their church. Get them to talk, no matter what it takes to do it. Yes, sir. The Church of Almighty God is growing very fast. The Central Committee, provincial committee, and the leaders of Public Security Bureau have prioritized wiping it out. There have been many top-secret directives emphasizing "quiet destruction." These two key members you brought in likely hold important information. If they give us a breakthrough, so we can make a clean sweep of the church's leaders and key players in our city and get our hands on their offerings, your contribution will be great. Who is your leader? And where is the money? Tell me. Dammit, still nothing? Say something! Tell us everything! You think they're safe if you don't talk? You may be a tough nut, but I'm going to crack you today, that I promise! No one gets past me. I had two people hanged the other day. Take her away! Enjoy yourselves. Knock it off! God, I can't carry on, please save me. God, I understand Your will now. Even if I'm hanged, I'll never give in to Satan. Hey! How's it going? Like it here? On your feet. Hurry up. No leaning. Stand up! Stand! Stand straight! Sir. How're things going? Hanging in cuffs wasn't fun, was it? Have you thought things through? You know, I didn't want to do that. If you cooperate, you won't have to suffer. Right? In life, we have to adapt to things. Ruining your life for your faith— is it worth it? As a believer, you're a political criminal, wanted by the state. If you refuse to cooperate, not only will you do time, but your husband will lose his job, and your daughter, she will never be allowed to get into college. Future generations will be affected. You really won't think of your husband and child's future because of your faith? If you don't talk, your kid will be here suffering with you. Could you bear that? Just tell us where the church's funds are, and we'll let you and your daughter go. Sound good? No sleeping! Until you talk, don't even think about sleeping! Open your eyes! Talk, or you'll regret it. Just tell us everything you know, and you can go home now. What do you think? Damnit! I've tried being nice, but you won't talk. Fine! Have it your way, then! Alright. I'll send you to a new place. You will see things won't be so easy there. You will talk! Come here. Take her to the snake pit. Strip her down and throw her in, I bet she'll talk then. God, I'm so scared. Please give me courage. Daniel was thrown into a lions' den, yet God kept Daniel safe. Am I not in God's hands, too? Take her away. Hello? What? Okay. Urgent matter, let's go. Take her and watch her. Yes, sir. Hello? Our son what? In the ER? Okay, okay. I'll be right there. Come here! God, You protected me from the horror of the snake pit. I'm so grateful. It's been four days. You must be starving. Tell us everything you know, the leaders' names and the location of the money, and you can eat right now. Then your family can come pick you up. Sounds good? Right? Have you decided? Next stop! Signature and thumbprint! Here, sir. You're fighting back? Think you can get away with this? You'll be sentenced all the same! You'll do ten years! Take her away! - Let's go. - Move it! Get out. Take her in. Come on! Hurry up! She's a tough one. Now I know I'll die here. God, please watch over my heart, I'd rather die than be a Judas. I need to stand witness and shame Satan. Hey Xue, we're giving you this piece of work. You'll be fine if you confess now. Who's your church leader? Where is the money? I haven't broken the law, I've got nothing to confess. What're you doing? What're you doing? Let me go! You're monsters! Monsters! - Don't you fear retribution? You monsters! - Retribution? Retribution from who, dammit? Let me go! Let me … Let me go … Let me go! We can do whatever we want to you. Nice skin! Yeah. Don't touch me! Will you talk? If not, we'll show you a really good time tonight. Wasn't that fun? Feels good, right? You like that? Open that trap! Talk! Not bad, feels pretty soft! My turn. You like that? I'll give you a massage. Flip her over. Come on! My turn to give you a massage. - Feels pretty good. - You're monsters. Let go! Let me go, let go … If you don't play nice, we've got even more in store for you after this. Will you talk? If you don't, we'll set you straight! Open up! Talk! Well? Will you talk? Where's the money? Tell us! Now! Still giving us a hard time. I bet I can take care of you! Damn. Well? That doesn't feel good, does it? Just tell us where the money is and we'll let you be. How about we play a little game? You're evil. You're right. We are quite evil! Today I'll give you testimony on what evil is! Evil! Wow, you're fast! If you don't talk, then today I'll shock you to death! Let me go! Hands off! Let me go! The more you struggle, the more fun it is. Look at that. Pretty nice, hm? Will you talk? Spit it out! Where's the church's money? Who're the leaders? Talk! She's a tough one. Still won't talk? Yell! Louder! I love the way you yell! You're demons, monsters! Even if it means losing my life, I won't say a word! Again! Talk to us! You can really take it. Let's see how long you last! Where's the church's money? Who're the leaders? Tell us! Talk! I bet I can handle you today! Now! Talk! I'll set you straight today! She fainted again. Don't worry, we'll keep your secret. Your church friends won't find out. Go ahead. Come on! If you don't, we'll shock you down there. You'll be done for. You'll no longer be a woman. Will you talk? Oh God, oh God, I'm begging You for strength. Wasn't that stimulating? Feels good? Like being bitten by a million little ants? Where's the church's money? Who are the leaders? Talk! If you don't, we'll keep going until you die! I'll see how long you can hold on! Get your God to come and save you! Where is He? Yeah! Have Him come! I'm your God! Talk! Dammit. Let's rest a bit. God, I'm at my limit. Please save me … please save me … God, no matter how Satan tortures me, I'll never submit to these demons. They can torture me to death and I'll stand witness, shaming Satan! Xue, she'll cave this time. Hey, she's awake. What's up? Feel like talking? Talk to us. I know I can break you. Who's the leader? Where's the money? Talk! Even if your will's made of iron, I'll break it! I'll see which is stronger, you or my baton! Talk! Spill it! More! Damn! You won't talk? I'll show you who's boss! You'll see! Ready to talk? - Spill it! - Say something! You'll die. Talk! Talk now! Come on! If you don't, you'll die here! No one will care if you die here! Come on! Talk! Die, dammit! Open that mouth! Talk! Whether you live or die is up to me! Your God can't save you now! Talk! Shit, I can't believe it. This bitch is made of iron, you can't even kill her. Whatever. I need a break. God, thank You for showing me that vision, for giving me strength and helping me through this trial. My faith is stronger now, and no matter how much I suffer, I'll stand witness and bring You glory. We can't keep on with this. She'll die, and it won't end well for us. Just our luck getting stuck with such a tough nut! Put her in the detention house, then we'll decide what to do. She's a believer, so "educate" her well. Sure, will do. Move it, don't block the door! Time to eat. Eat. You dare spit it out? Eat! My throat's dry, I can't swallow it. Enough out of you, eat it now! Swallow it! Get it down! - Do it! - Swallow it! - Eat it! - Swallow! Do it! Eat! Or else you'll regret it. Down the hatch! You, come here. What're you doing? Shut up, come here! - Sit down. - Let me go! - Stay still! - Don't make this hard! Today, I'll show you my skills. Yeah! How about a new hairdo? She's a believer, make her look like a witch! - Do it! - Yeah, a witch's hairdo. Come here. Cut it! … Cut it! … Now you've got a new hairstyle. Like it? - Wow, it's so beautiful! - It is. Hey, does she look like a Daoist nun? - Yeah! - Chop it all off! - Do it! - Grab her hair! Cut it! … Cut it! … Cut it! … - You religious idiot! - That's what you get! You and your faith. That's hilarious. Another nun haircut! Now do a bob! Yeah, a bob! Want to believe? Stupid believer! You want God? Want God? Chop it! - You religious idiot! - Still want to have faith? Serves you right! - Give her a buzz cut. - Chop it! Stupid believer! God, no matter what kind of humiliation or misery I face, I will follow You! I despise the great red dragon. The more it tortures me, the more I want to love and please You. Chief, we got it. Chen Xinjie, from Jiujiang, in Jiangxi. Her husband runs a garage, her daughter's in high school. - 235. - Here. You've got a visitor. Go in. How can you do this? You monsters. Xinjie. Sit down. Take him over. Let's go! Xinjie! - No touching! - Xinjie! Hey! Sit down! What have they done to you? How can you bear this? The chief said, as long as you tell them what you know, we can go home. That's right. Just tell us where the church's funds are and who your leader is, and you can leave with him right away. Hey. Hao Yue, say hi to Mom. Mom! Yue. Where are you? The teacher and the students are saying you're a cult leader. They're bullying me. And then I just hide in a corner and cry every day. Mom, are you okay? Have they, have they hit you? I'm so worried about you, and I miss you. When are you coming home? Mom! … You want your daughter here too? Just talk to us. We're not asking much. Give an address where some money is, just one, and your family can be together again. Yue, it's okay. Mom will be fine and we'll go home today. Don't cry. Maybe, I could just share something small. No. I must not be a Judas. I must not betray God. God, I'm in so much pain. Please watch over me so I can triumph over Satan. When you're arrested, your whole family gets dragged in. Your daughter's so young, and she's suffering because of you. As you heard, this is hurting her badly! If you refuse to cooperate, she won't get a chance to go to college. You're ruining your daughter's future. Don't you care? The Communist Party oppresses believers. Why hurt our families? You've detained me, tortured me, and now you're after my family. You want to revoke my daughter's right to go to college and take away my husband's job. Is that even legal? Our family is in this state and my daughter is suffering and it's all your fault! But you're holding me responsible. Twisting the facts, it's disgraceful! You…. Xinjie, you can't say that. If Chief Zhu wants you to confess, then do it. Do you know the consequences of betraying God? How many more brothers and sisters would be arrested? How many families would be torn apart, how many lives lost? If I did something unconscionable so our family could be together, would I be called a human? What is life without integrity? Just go home. I won't betray God. What a zealot! You must be pretty high up. Out! Xinjie! Go on! Xinjie … Xinjie … It's been a month. Damnit. We haven't found a single cent or gotten a single name. What a waste of time! For these religious zealots, torture works best. Teach them what's what. Yeah! The government said we can beat them to death, so why not? Exactly. Would you be happy then? Our objective is to get them talking, to find the money and the leaders. But with this one, is torture enough? We have to get strategic. I have a plan. I knew you'd think of something. Take those two to a "nice" place. - So hot! - Inside! Hu Yuqin, get out here. I'm so itchy! Come on! Scratch me! - If we don't get treatment, we'll die here. - No kidding. What are you gawking at? Go to the back! - If you don't go … - You are back here? Just prostitution. Not enough johns for the cops to fine. Dammit, they use us as income. No kidding! Those Communist Party dogs buy our services, then arrest us. To hell with them! Move it, it's crowded! This place is a pit of disease. If I get an incurable sickness, what will happen to me then? How could I do my duty? It's too crowded there, come sleep with me, I've got room. Here, let's go. Come on. This is awful, it's like pig slop. Pig slop is better. They treat us like animals. What else can we eat? This is what they give us every day. They always give us this. Ugh! You okay? Yeah. How's your daughter? The police separated us. I didn't know where they took her. When I saw her again, she had marks all over. Later, my family took her home. Abusing a little girl, they're monsters. We must stand witness for God through all trials. If we don't stand firm and bring shame to God, that's our failure, and our lives will suffer. Recite the second rule. When the morning alarm sounds, get straight out of bed. - And then we— - Stop! You're an idiot! Stammering like that? Go stand against the wall! Hurry up! Here! Turn around! Arms up straight! Leg! That's what you get. Chen Xinjie! Here. Recite rule 6. Rule 6: If someone breaks a rule, tell them to stop immediately. - Report it to staff, no concealing— - Stop! That was too slow! Stand against the wall! What're you looking at? Hey. Just let it go. She's hurt badly, don't punish her. Back on the platform. Do it right next time! Next. Sun Xiaofeng. Ugh, it's boiling. The food's been awful. Totally! Not a drop of oil. And sometimes there's sand in it! - When will it end? - Hey there. Your wrists look pretty bad. I know massage, I can help you. It's ok. It's fine. No…. We've got nothing to do, and a little massage will help you heal. So, I heard you believe in Almighty God? You know, my mother-in-law did, too. I wanted to learn about it, but I was busy with my business. Oh. Hey, could you tell me about it? You really want to follow God? I do. What's most important is to truly believe in Him. We can't read His words in here right now. All we can do is pray and put it all in God's hands, and He'll be with us. You're right. Faith is a wonderful thing. Believers help each other out, they're loving people. And offerings in churches can help brothers and sisters in need. I really admire those serving as leaders. Sister, aren't you a leader? That's got nothing to do with faith. If you really want to follow God, I'll tell you about His work. Sure. This Chen Xinjie is impossible. Check out her file. I've given the detention center a heads up. They'll help you out. The water is out. Go get some. Line up. - Come on! - Queen! Hurry up! King! Not bad, King! Pair of tens. Pair of twos. Your turn. Hey, Xinjie! Xinjie! We're from the same town! Come here! Here take this, I wrote you a note! Write back! Hey, don't go! Hey! Hey! Help me get it to her! Hey, this is for you. I don't want it. I'll read it for you. Sister, I was arrested for sharing the gospel and sentenced a year and a half. Another believer. Lame. Sister, I was arrested for sharing the gospel and sentenced to a year and a half. Is that why you were arrested, too? The police have been torturing and interrogating me and tried to brainwash me. Every day here is like an eternity. Sister, I imagine you've suffered a lot. No matter how Satan oppresses us, we have to pray and stand witness for God. In such a terrible place, we really have to help and support each other to get through this. Please write back if you can. Could he really be a believer? Should I write him back? Get me two more cracker packs. No, I can't just act blindly. God, I can't tell which is right. Please open my eyes. Everyone over here! In formation! Hurry up! Come on! Hey, Xinjie. The note. Why don't I know that? No talking! Hurry it up. Hey, that guy, that's Huang Guohua, he's with the police. He's been a client of mine recently. You recognize him? The great red dragon has all sorts of tricks. Repulsive! God, thank You for Your protection. Chen Xinjie! Here. Visitor! Sister, come in. Have a seat. Here, sit down. You can sit. Officer, could you uncuff her? We'd like to chat alone. Fine. Thank you! Sister, we're with the Jiujiang Bureau of Religion. We're here to save you. Right. Do you know? You're about to be sentenced. That's right. This is your only chance. You should thank the Lord. Well, we should pray first, then talk. Great. Almighty God, I don't know what kind of tricks Satan's using now. Please give me wisdom. Thank God. Thank God. Sister, we're all brothers and sisters, one family. That's right. How long have you believed? Where have you preached? Yeah, maybe we've been there, too. Are the members of your family believers? What are you trying to do? We're here to save you. We heard you believe in Almighty God— you're on the wrong path. Almighty God is a regular person. Only the Lord Jesus is Christ, only He can save you. Amen! If you follow a person, when Jesus comes, will He approve? Will you be raptured? Definitely not. You've been arrested, interrogated, even tortured. This proves your faith is wrong. If you don't repent, not only will you be thrown in jail, you'll lose your spot in heaven. Your faith is in vain. You say my faith is wrong. - Yes. - That's right. Based on what though? Based on the Bible, or God's own words? Or based on your imaginations, or CCP's propaganda? You just keep blaspheming God. Don't you know that the sin of blasphemy won't be forgiven? You testify Almighty God is the true God, the Lord Jesus returned. What is your basis for that? I believe Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned based on the fact that His words are the truth, the voice of God. Almighty God has expressed lots of truths to cleanse man, to save us, revealing the mysteries of His 6,000-year plan, the root of the world's darkness and evil, and the truth and essence of man's corruption by Satan. He's also told us about man's destiny. He's doing the work of judgment beginning with God's house, resolving man's sinful nature, fully saving man, and bringing us into His kingdom. Tell me: Could a regular person do all of this? Could a regular person actually do the work of salvation? Almighty God has expressed so many truths. But you can't see it. Isn't that blind and foolish of you? No matter how nice that sounds, look at yourself now. Has Almighty God protected you? Has He saved you from hardship? Are you not still locked up? If you keep being stubborn, you'll do time and your life will be ruined. Is it worth it? We're with Three Self. We've got a big gathering place and government support. Isn't that better than following Almighty God? Why are you so determined to follow this path till the end? Yeah. You still have time to turn around. Just admit the error in your faith and confess, and repent to the Lord. The Lord Jesus will forgive you and the government will be lenient. You can go home with us and worship the Lord at church. Wouldn't that be great? Do you know the Lord Jesus? I'd say you don't. You believe in His name, yet you don't know His Spirit or understand His words. And Revelation says, You don't follow God out of fear of the Party's persecution. Will you gain the truth? We don't speak the same language. You are just wasting your time. I'll never betray God. You're as stubborn as a mule! Go to jail, then! Move it. Hurry up! Stand there. Those two back there believe in Almighty God. Take good care of them. You three, go eat. Hurry up! You two, come with me. Stand still. Take off your clothes. Why? - Do what I say! - What're you doing? - What're you doing? - Strip! - Knock it off! - Behave! You have no humanity. - Let me go! - They're at it again. They've got her stripped down. Move! - What's she in for? - Strip! You're barbarians! - Monsters! Shameless! - Comply! What're they being punished for? - What was their crime? - Who knows? - They're stark naked. - Buck naked. Get up! Stand up! I said stand up! Stand straight! Hands behind your head! Behind your head! Now! Behind your head! Spread them! Spread your elbows. Now spread your legs. No matter the crime, they shouldn't humiliate people like that. It's immoral. Depraved. You're going to stand here. Face everyone and do squats. What're you looking at? Squat! Faster! Down! Down! - Come on! - Just do what they ask. - Come on! - Faster! Up! Faster! Hurry up! Come on! Hey everyone, these two, they're religious! Serves them right. Shameless! Brazen! If any of you have faith, you'll end up like them. You hear me? Down. Hey, where's that God of yours? Is He here to save you? Yeah! Where is He? Pray to your God! No kidding. Yeah. Pray, let's see your God save you! Up! Being religious isn't a crime. Why humiliate them like that? Down. That's terrible. Cops are evil. They're animals! So humiliating. Up! Down! Up! Hurry. Over there. Bitch! I'll show you! You want God? That's what you get! I'll kick your ass! Damnit. You believe now? We'll show you! Son of a bitch! Take that! I'll kill you! Move! Get up! I'll bash your head in! You want God? Bitch! You wanna die? You like that? Where's God? Damnit. Out of my way. Son of a bitch! Get up! I'll show you! I'll show you! Son of a bitch! Let's go. Sister Zhao, you okay? What the hell? Whispering secrets? On your feet! Coats off! Come on! No dawdling! Hurry up! Stand straight. If you move, you'll regret it! This is not my idea. The prison warden ordered this. Believers need severe punishment. You're bottom-rung. So don't blame me for leaving you to freeze. Stand up straight! I said straight! Don't move! Move and I'll smack you! God, I've been here freezing for two days, without a single meal. They're trying to freeze and starve us to death. Oh God, please give me strength so that I can endure this suffering. Alright, that's enough. Get up! Get to work! Move it! Stop dragging your feet! Move those hands! Faster! Dammit, work faster! Quit wasting time! If you don't finish, I'll make you sorry! This batch needs to be done in a few days. You've got to work faster. Yes, ma'am. Last month, your workshop didn't meet quota. Do you want to stay on as the lead? If this continues, you'll get more time added on. Please, no. I was hoping to get out early. Don't worry, I promise we'll meet quota this month. Anyone slacking off can be dealt with. I will make sure of that. Understood. All of you hurry up. No sleep till you finish! Shit, sleeping on the job? Get over here. Want some sleep? I'll show you! Still sleepy? Get back there! Move it! Anyone else who's sleepy will get the same treatment! Out of bed! Get to work! - Hurry up, come on! - Hurry, gotta get up. - Faster! - Two hours of sleep is not enough. - Out of bed! Hurry up! - They treat us like slaves. I'm exhausted. I'll kill you! Take that! You didn't finish your work so I'm getting more time. You'll be sorry! I'll kill you! You're dead. That's the end of you! Teach you to be lazy! I'll kill you! You guys want that? Then hurry it up! No more shouting! I'll kill you! Grab her. You little bitch! You're barely working! You trying to piss me off? Over here. Get in the gutter. Bend over. Legs straight. Hands on your ankles. Lower your head! Lower! Legs straight! Dammit. Don't you dare sleep! Work faster! Pay attention! This is due tomorrow, no sleep till it's done! More overtime? What are you doing? Is that done right? You want a beating, huh? Do it over! Come on, move it! When you're done, get back to work. The demons are working us day and night. They won't stop until they kill us. When can I leave this cursed place? Chen Xinjie! You bitch, think you can eat before finishing your work? Get over here. Bend over. Spin around. Idiot. Damnit, you piece of shit! Moron. Stupid fool, lazy asses like you are the reason we can't meet quotas. If they extend my sentence, you're going to pay for it! Shift's over! Now go! Why can't I figure this out? Why can't I do this? Hey, this is the Lord testing you. It's His love. So Fang Min is a believer…. I'll get more time if I don't deliver. What's the lesson for me in this? I shouldn't keep asking God to let me out and end my suffering. God has suffered so much for us. I should submit to Him, have the resolve to suffer and stand witness. Work faster! You, go faster! Stop dawdling! Hey, get up. Wake up! Get up. Stop playing dead. Come on. - They'll say it was some sudden illness. - As usual. What's that? Back to work! You'll get more time if you don't finish! Hurry up! You've always been slow, you still don't hurry? God, I want to share the gospel with Fang Min, but I haven't found a chance. When can I? Listen up. We're running low on supplies, go rest when you're done. Wait for an update. That's amazing! We've never run out before. - We can rest! - Yeah. Come on, hurry up. Let's get some rest. Come on. You're saying Almighty God is Jesus returned? He is. My pastor said that Almighty God is a regular person, that you guys believe in a human being. Sister, I know you're a good person. Please be careful. Sister, I know what you mean, but there are many prophecies about the Lord returning as the Son of man. The Son of man looks like a regular person, right? How can we know if it's the Lord's return? You must listen for God's voice. You see— You see, when Lord Jesus came, He looked like a regular person, but He could express truths and redeem mankind, so He was the Lord, He was Christ. Almighty God has expressed a lot of truths. Could a human give us so many truths? I see. I'll have to look into this. Please tell me more. I can recite a passage of Almighty God's words. Tell me if it sounds like God's voice. I'm finally out. Oh God, You saved me from that place. You've given me a second life. God, I will follow You, I'll submit to Your arrangements, even imprisonment, to always stand witness and humiliate Satan!
Channel: The Church of Almighty God
Views: 267,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Movie, The Miracle of Life, Christian Testimony, Christian Testimony Movie, A True Christian Story, christian movies, full movie 2022, Full Movie, True Story, based on a true story, encourage, faith and swears, Testimony, christian true story, The Power of Faith in God, Persecution by the CCP, faith movies, christian persecution, faith in God, faith testimony, christian being persecuted, Christians in china, Persecuted Christians, Martyred Christians
Id: 015EDirLQp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 55sec (6655 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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