Christian Movie "My Story, Our Story" | God's Word Is the Power of Our Life

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Faster! Faster! Move it! Hurry it up! Get these inside! - Put it inside! - Pick up the pace! Quit dawdling, hurry up! You in the back, keep up! What is this hair? It smells like shit. Hair from animals and dead people. - Keep it moving! - Get up! Stop slacking! Hurry up! Move it! - Faster! - You, put it there. You had lunch, didn't you? Come on, move it! Keep up the pace! If you don't finish your work, don't even think about showering. No doctor either. You'll lose all your privileges. Who said you could stop? Sir, I have a headache. Now you're arguing? Come here! Move! Faster! Squat! Now you're whining? How do you like that pepper spray? You think you don't have to reform? Any more games and it's to the torture cell! - Yang Yi! - Here! Instructor Lang wants you. Go in. Squat. Yang Yi, how is ideological reformation coming along? Do you understand your crimes of believing in God and preaching the gospel? Believing in God is not a crime. The constitution allows religious freedom. I haven't done anything illegal. Would you be locked up in here if you hadn't? The Church of Almighty God was listed as a cult, and it is a priority target to crush down. You preach the gospel of Almighty God everywhere, causing many people to believe in Almighty God. This threatens the Communist Party's political position. You are trying to subvert state power, which is more serious than any crime. You still think you've done nothing wrong? You must confess, submit to the law and accept reform, or things will go very badly for you! The Savior has come. He has appeared and works. He is Almighty God. Almighty God expresses the truth to save people from destruction. We do what we do so that all can hear the Savior's voice, accept the truth, and gain His salvation. This is a wonderful thing for humankind. Why do you keep arresting and framing us, and accusing us of subverting state power? That is ridiculous. What Savior? Where is the Savior? There has never been a Savior! Only the Communist Party can save man from disaster, and help them live a good life. Yang Yi, think about your situation. When your ten-year sentence ends, you will be in your fifties. Your life will be over. If you listen to the Party, admit your crimes, and accept reform, you can reduce your sentence by at least a year or two. Wouldn't it be better to reunite with your family than endure suffering in here? Are you so stupid that you can't understand that? I didn't commit a crime, so what should I confess? Should I just make something up? Not admitting to your crimes is resisting reform, so we have to keep strict control over your every move! If we discover that you are preaching about God, you'll go to the torture cell! Tonight, you'll write a report, and turn it in tomorrow. It's been a year since I was sentenced to prison. Every day, I work like a slave. The guards supervise my every move. The thought of my ten-year sentence makes me depressed. In this evil prison, I yearned for God's word. Even one sentence a day was soothing. Just one sentence was a luxury. Almighty God, I've been in prison for a year, unable to read Your words, leaving me with darkness in my heart. When will I be able to read Your words again? At the start of 2012, I met Fang in prison. He also believed in Almighty God. Fang! Are you okay? Working all day like this, I can feel it breaking me. I can't read God's words or attend gatherings. I still have four years to go. I don't know if I'll make it. Every day is hard without God's words. In the past three or four years, I've been weak, and complained often. I know I owe God a lot. Why did they arrest you? I used to ship books for the church. They caught a sister, and she turned me in. After I was arrested, I held a grudge against the sister for a long time, and I was bitter. Now I understand God allowed all this, and His good intentions are in it. Recognizing this is a good thing. It means you've grown. If you harbor complaints, it harms your life, you lose your testimony easily. Dammit, I'm so tired. Has your family visited you? They visited once, a while ago. Liang Shangjun! - Yang Yi! - Present! Visitors! Sister Zhou! Yang Yi. Aunt, you came. We miss you. How are you doing? I'm fine. I work all day, so life is very monotonous. We have to face the facts. Yeah. Hardships are a part of life. Never give up on yourself. There's no difficulty that can't be overcome. Exactly. Yeah. Things are fine with your family. You don't need to worry. We'll send you some money, don't hesitate to buy what you need. - Okay. - Okay. Time's up. Time's up, come on. We brought you some food and other things. Keep them for yourself. Don't share them with others. Okay. Get up. Let's go. Take care of yourself. Aunt, it's ok, don't worry, I'll take good care of myself. Hurry up. You take care of yourself too. Come on. Make sure the floor is clean. Otherwise you'll lose points. Just how clean is clean? Sounds to me like they're making trouble! Alright, that's enough. Stop jabbering. Hey, you're not taking a shower? No way, the water is too cold. God, thank You for hearing our prayers. You know our thirst, and we are so grateful that You let us receive Your word … In four years, that's the first time I've heard God's word. Yeah. God's word was like a light in the darkness. It illuminated our hearts and gave us great comfort and encouragement, so that we could rise above our pain and stand up. We saw that the great red dragon's persecution of the church was getting more intense. In 2013, over a dozen brothers arrived at the prison I was in. - You adjusting okay? - Yeah. - You two are new here? - Where's your hometown? Believers in God? Hey Hu, come on, let's go have a smoke. Yeah. Another two believers in God. Hey, rich guy! Got cigarette? Are you okay? Gimme a smoke. Hi! Are you two believers in God? Yes. You believe in Almighty God? Yes. I believe in Almighty God too. How were you arrested? We were reported for preaching. How are things outside right now? Hey, Chief, wait for me. I need to talk to you. The gospel is spreading far and wide. Most of God's chosen preach the gospel and testify to God, many people have accepted Almighty God, and nearly every house knows His name. Yeah. God's kingdom gospel is spreading overseas. I've heard lots of people abroad have accepted it. That's great! How is hair weaving going? Not well. It's difficult. Can you help us learn? Sure, when I get some time, I'll teach you. Good. He's one of the great red dragon's informers. Be careful. Break's over! Back to work! Hurry up! Move it! Make sure the hair is clean, or you'll have to do it again. Zhang fainted! Zhang fainted! Zhang! You okay? Zhang. - Hey, what's going on? - Why did he pass out? You two, take him away. Quick. - Another one collapsed from exhaustion. - We'll all end up like that one day. What's going on? He passed out. Go. Everybody back to work! - Liu. - Yeah? I've asked twice. Why won't they let me see the doctor? Just suck it up. Unless you pass out, you're working. The doctor can't treat you anyway. The prison bosses steal all the good medicine. Last year, they gave a man an IV and he died moments later. There's nothing but darkness here. Here, a dead man is like a dead dog. If you're lucky, you leave alive. If not, you don't. One, two, one. The workload was heavy. One, two, one. Every day, we started at 6:00 a.m. and didn't finish until 7:30 at night. It was only after work, between 8:00 and 9:00, that the prisoners finally got an hour of free time. But even then, we were still stuck on the same floor. My brothers and I used that time to fellowship. Three and one. Got anything? Two nines. - A pair of aces. Got anything? - No. Two queens. Hurry up, stop wasting time. - No. - You passing? How did you get so sick? The police tortured me in the detention house. And I have to work night and day here. My body can't take it. I got a fever. You're too weak. I bought some soy milk powder last month. I'll bring it to you tomorrow. What the hell? I'll kill you! You don't want to play the game? I'll end you! If you aren't playing, get out of my face. Hey, go on! If I weren't in here, he'd be dead. My health is just getting worse. It's hard for me to cope. I worry that I'll die here. If I die here, what will happen to my parents, my wife, my child? At a time like this, you're worried about your family? The most important thing now is to stand firm in your witness for God and shame Satan. We need to pray to God and entrust our family to God. A pair of aces. I'll recite a passage of God's words for you. Okay. I owe God so much. I've let Him down. I'm so selfish and despicable. Same old same old. What's the point? - Change the channel! - Don't you dare! The brothers are imprisoned and sentenced to several years. It must be hard for them without God's word to read. Well, I've seen pigs fly. I can't believe you're reading a book. Why are you such a go-getter all of a sudden? Knock it off with the sarcasm. All my proactivity couldn't earn me what your relationships earn you. They work me to death all day and then I have to come back and do a political class at night. They're making us do more and more work, and it's killing my back. I know. - Yang Yi. - Yes? What are you writing? A learning log. Hey, nice handwriting. Make me a copy. Okay. Thanks. I'll get some rest. Zhiliang, this is God's word. Write down any of God's words that you remember, and we can share with each other. Okay. Let me think. I'll write down what I can. - Let's go watch some TV. - Okay. Forget it. TV sucks today. They won't let us change the channel. It's always the same guys hogging it. Man they're annoying. - Three and one. Got anything? - Pass, pass. - Hurry up and play. Two queens. - I can beat that. Why are you so slow? I feel sick. Talking back now? Get off the line! You didn't meet your quota last month, and this month you're still slacking. Squat down! Try some of this! This is what back talk gets you! Sir, I'm sorry, sorry! Here's some more! Still talking back? Slackers! We'll teach you to slack! You like that? Try slacking again! How's the stun gun feel? How's it feel, asshole? - Take him to the torture cell! - Yes, sir. You two, get him out of here! Quick! Hurry up! Zhong Zhiming, you don't confess or sign the Three Letters. This proves you still associate with The Church of Almighty God, and that you still believe in Him, defying the government's ideological reform. I'm warning you, if you don't sign the Three Letters, you'll never get a reduced sentence, and you'll get tighter supervision. The slightest violation of the rules and there will be hell to pay. What's wrong? Instructor Lang talked to me today. He tried to force me to confess and sign the Three Letters. I didn't do it. When the great red dragon forces us to sign the Three Letters, it is to make us deny and betray God, and completely erase God from our hearts. This is one of Satan's tricks. Jinhu, is your waist any better? Oh. It's much better. Do you have a lighter? I forgot it. We are surrounded by Satan's traps in this hellish place. Without the supply of God's word, I really fear I won't be able to stand firm. We need to pray and rely on God! I'll get more of God's words for you. Despite the strict supervision in prison, we read God's word. It brightened our hearts and let us experience the practicality of God's love. God genuinely cared about us and watched over us. - The brothers were very inspired. - Fang, I brought you a towel. Everyone wrote down the words of God they remembered and exchanged them. Hurry up! Hurry up! Instructor Lang, Yang Yi has been in frequent contact with believers in God recently. They must be talking about their faith. Get moving! Hey, Dagang is back from the torture cell. Hey, he looks like he's been through hell. He sure does. - Yang Yi! - Here! Instructor Lang wants to see you. Yang Yi, how many believers in Almighty God are there in the prison? I'm not sure. Have you had any contact with them? No. Do you know them? No. I heard you've been in frequent contact with them. I haven't. Yang Yi, don't try to play games with me! Don't think I don't know. Any time you talk to anyone, I know about it! I promise, I'll take down anyone who makes trouble! If I catch you spreading your cult ideas, I'll teach you a lesson with three months in the torture cell! Trust me. I'm warning you, you'd better stay away from Yang Yi. He's already on our radar. He may not make it out alive. He will only cause you trouble. I just got here. I don't know him. I haven't had any contact with him. If I find out you are in contact, the next target for key supervision will be you! - Play, play! - Pass. You passing? Pass. Voices down! I'll shut the TV off! My cards beat yours. Say that again. Just be grateful you're in here, man. If we were outside, I'd beat you up. You'd be begging for your mommy. I guess you've got one friend. All you do is brag. Instructor Lang. Pull up Yang Yi's surveillance. Okay. Take a look at this. Instructor Lang, sir! I'm so tired today. Once they release me, I'll never be able to find work again. Instructor Lang. Goodbye, Instructor Lang. If I catch you spreading your cult ideas, I'll teach you a lesson with three months in the torture cell! Trust me. We don't have any freedom in this hellish prison. God, please guide us, give us faith and strength, so that we can break from the bondage of Satan's power. - Hey, got any smokes? - Yeah. Let me have a pack. - Where are yours? - I forgot them today. What's on your mind? I only have one pack. Hi. Take the insoles my mom brought me. Okay. Hey, Teng, give me a cigarette. God's latest words are inside, and they're great! Let's get copies out ASAP. Sure. Jinhu, come on, play a few rounds. I lost every round I've played lately. You've been unlucky. Maybe today you'll win. I never would have imagined I could read an entire article of God's words in prison. I didn't even dare to dream of it. Particularly, in those days, we read the five latest articles of God's word in succession: Reading these five articles, we felt great joy, and everyone felt inspired. I never imagined I'd read so much of God's word in prison. It truly was God's grace and blessing! Whenever we had the chance, we'd read God's word, and we had tears in our eyes when we finished. God's words were like sweet spring water quenching our thirsty hearts, we looked forward to the time we could spend every day like this. It would be wonderful! Although the excessive physical labor exhausted us, we felt peace and joy in our hearts, and we enjoyed God's care, protection, and presence. We got great joy from reading God's word, and we were able to pass our days in prison. In Sector 12, it was discovered that believers in Almighty God have been passing notes. There are many believers in God in our sector. We absolutely cannot allow this. Right. Recently, inmates have reported that these believers in God are in constant contact. We have to keep a close eye on them and see just what they're getting up to. Line up! Quickly! Instructor Lang. Stand at attention! Inspection! Stand still! Stand still! What is this? Dammit, you people never learn. Hold still! Hey! You! What are you doing? What are you hiding? Dammit, you want to go to the torture cell? Stay in position. Arms down! In 2014, Brothers Zheng, Cheng, and Li were assigned to Sector 8 too. They were all arrested for preaching the gospel. At first, Brother Zheng always seemed worried. Brother, I signed the Three Letters, and I feel awful. I feel like I've been condemned. My intent was to cope, to be smart with them, not to betray God, so why do I feel uneasy after signing it? Have I betrayed God? What's your view on this? Your intention was to be wise, and not to deny or betray God, so why do you feel uneasy after signing? There is a problem here. When our conscience accuses and rebukes us, this is a problem. In the Age of Grace, Almighty God also says, Are you viewing this matter based on your human imaginings, or are you viewing it based on God's word? God, it was a mistake to sign the Three Letters. It was denying and betraying You. I regret it. If I had another chance, even if I was beaten to death, I wouldn't sign the Three Letters, and I would stand firm in my witness for You. One, two, three, four. One, two, one. One, two, one. The food is really bad now. Yeah. There's almost no oil in here. Here, have a seasoning packet. The meals are getting worse and worse. There's no oil at all. Our bodies can't handle this. Zheng Lu and all the others signed the Three Letters. Why are they recanting now? Dammit, they're all withdrawing their confessions! Did those believers in God say something to them? Yeah. Keep a close eye on all the believers in Almighty God. We have to stop them from communicating! Yes, sir. Did you get a reduced sentence this time? In my dreams. Fuck. Every year they say they'll give me a commuted sentence, but it's bullshit. No matter how hard you work, it's all for nothing. Money talks here. Money, huh? Do you have money? How would you pay? Your pockets are empty. You have nothing. Who gave you the note? Here's what silence gets you. Move your hand! Who was it? Answer me! Dammit! Speak up! Answer me! Too loyal to talk? How about now? Who gave you the note? Answer me! Fuck! Feeling cooperative yet? You like getting shocked? Answer me! Shen Zhongming talked to you last night. Was it him who gave it to you? Answer me! Talk! Damn it! Tell me! I'll kill you if you don't! Tell me! Speak up! More cattle prod? Talk! Spreading cult ideas in prison? You've a lot of guts! Bring Shen Zhongming in. Hurry up! - Hey, they've got two believers in God. - Move! Let's go look. Get moving! What's going on? Those two never cause trouble. You refuse to accept reform, and you dare to pass notes. You must have a death wish! We've told you you're not allowed to spread cult ideas, but you violated prison rules. And now you'll get a taste of the torture cell! God, please help them stand firm in their witness for You. Take them away! Move! They were passing notes. - Tortured for a note? - Everybody, get back to work! - Harsh. - Get to work! Do you want the torture cell? Quick, hurry up! God, please protect the brothers so that they can stand firm and not yield to Satan. Instructor Lang. - Inspection. - Okay. Stop! Stop! Everybody stop work! Stand at attention! Move it! Move it! Get in position! - Hands on your heads. - Search them! Don't move. Don't move. Turn the fuck around. Another damn search! - All they do is search us! - Look at the mess! It's because of those believers in God. They make us suffer along with them. Look what their notes did. Whoever this towel belongs to, come get it! - Has anybody seen my pillow? - Who took my clothes? Hand me my pillow. You're stepping on it! - Hey, where are my shoes? - Hand me my pillow. Go look by the door, quick. Hold still. Or we will freeze you to death. If you want to leave here alive, do exactly as you're told. We don't care if you die! Don't you fucking move! Hold still! And you! Stand up straight! Dammit, stand up straight! Do you know why you're here? No. Did you know Chen Si and Shen Zhongming have been tortured? Yes. Are these your notes? No. I've never passed notes. I compared it to your handwriting. You wrote them! You're still not telling me the truth! Those are not my notes. I know you're up to something. I'll let it go this time, but you'd better behave from now on. If any more of these show up, I'll punish you! Now go! Fortunately, we changed our handwriting when we copied God's word, blinding Satan's eyes, otherwise the consequences would be too terrible to imagine. Religious beliefs are superstitious activities, and are false. There is no God and no Savior. Only the Communist Party can save humankind, liberate humankind, and let people live a happy life. This is reality. You believe in God, but who has seen God? Where is God? You believe in God and look to God to save you from suffering, but this is ignorance. You must believe in science and the Party, and follow the Party in order to live a happy life. Only the Communist Party … Hey Jia, come play a few rounds. Come on, man. We don't bite, come on. Three and one. Got anything? No, right? Two tens. Two queens. Show your cards, what are you waiting for? Two twos. These cards are terrible. Reshuffle the deck. It's been twenty days since I read God's word, and I can't fellowship with my brothers. It's hard to bear. Yeah. Not being able to read God's word makes me feel empty. Two twos. Stuck here under Satan's supervision, unable to read God's word— this wastes time, harms our lives. Hey, things have calmed down a little, so we need to spread God's word again. Right. We can't stop spreading God's word. As long as we read God's word, we will have faith and strength. Zhiliang, here. Thanks. Come on, Jia. Let's play a few more rounds. My luck has been terrible lately. Whatever I play, I lose. Typical. Got a cigarette? No smokes here. Most of the brothers in our sector have God's word, but I don't know about the other sectors. We need to find a way to get God's word to them. In the clinic, we can see brothers from other sectors. I've spread God's word there before. Then the prison guards noticed, so I had to stop. Checkmate. Go away. What are you looking at? Let's have a rematch. The winner gets cigarettes. Okay. I heard you're going to the doctor tomorrow. I haven't been feeling well the last few days. You have to take care of yourself! Fuck off, who asked you? Can you try to spread God's word to the other sectors when you go to the clinic? Sure. It's dangerous to spread God's word there. They can search you whenever they want. You'll have to rely on God. We're already locked up in here, so what's left to fear? If we can help brothers read God's word, we should take some risks. Doctor, how should I take this medicine? Amoxicillin three times a day. Next. - Sun Chuanfang, it's your turn. - Okay, coming. How have you been feeling lately? Alright. Next. What happened to your hand? I cut it working. This is God's word. When you're done, share it with the other brothers. At that time, the brothers went to the clinic to spread God's word whenever they had the chance, and more and more brothers enjoyed the supply of God's words. However, just as we were rejoicing over this, danger found us once again … The prison bureau director is here. Destroy the notes. Next. Hey! All inmates from Sector 8, line up! Come on, move it! You inside, hurry it up! What happened? What now? - I'm on an IV. - Hurry up! Faster! What's the big rush? You over here, faster! Everybody get moving! But I still don't have my medicine. Director, here is him! We've been monitoring him for a long time. He has frequent contact with believers in other sectors. They're using the clinic as a meeting place! What's your name? Guo Yan. Hands on your head. Dammit, I don't believe you have nothing! Take off your shoes! Pull out the insoles! Turn the shoe upside-down. Shake it. Now that one. Turn it over. Shake it. Director. Where did you get this? I found it on the ground. You lying little fucker. Get over here! Come here! Everyone stand apart! Hands on your heads. Yang Yi, Guo Yan is in trouble. Hide God's word. Destroy those you've memorized. - Tell the others. - Okay. Line up and prepare for inspection by the director! Hurry up! Faster! Search everywhere! Take it off! Faster! Shake out your shoes! Dammit, move faster! - Faster! - Take it off! Quick! Damn you, shake it harder! - Lift up your hands! - Hands up! All prisoners, assemble immediately! - Faster! Move faster! - Assemble! Quickly! Assemble! Hurry up! Still passing notes in prison? You must have a death wish! Move! - Wang Wenzhong! - Present! Get up! Move! How dare you! Tell me, who gave you the note? Talk! Passing notes on my watch? Dammit! Still being stubborn, are you? Dammit! Answer me! Still not talking? Do as you're told! I'll beat you to death! You moved! Alright, take a break. You, come here! Keep going! Stand up! Stand up straight! Stand up straight! Get in there. - Talk! - Dammit, do what you're told! Stand still! He was passing religious notes. Teach him a lesson. Dammit, you dare pass notes in jail! I'll kill you! Take off your clothes! Hurry the fuck up! Passing notes instead of working? Let's see how you like the iron bed! Undress! God, please protect me. Hurry the hell up! Take it off! Get in there. Move. Let me go! Boss's orders. Put him on the iron bed. Take him over there. - You, come here. - Come here. Let me go. Stand here. Let me go. Let me go. Do as you're told! Dammit, I'll end you! Even now you won't listen? We'll see about that. Here. Take it. Here. - Be smart. - Don't move. Hold him still. Get it in there. Dammit, I can't get it to go down. Step aside. Fuck! Disobedient little bastard. Shock him! Damn you! Take that! Keep going. Dammit. Do as you're told! This is what you get, you bastard. Pour. Take it, bitch! Choke on it! Listen up believers. You must follow the rules and do your work. There is to be no more discussion of God, and no more passing notes. These are prison rules. If anyone passes notes or violates prison rules, and I catch you, I will show no mercy. You'll be sent to the torture cell immediately, and I will revoke your commissary, shower, and doctor privileges. - Do you all understand? - Yes. They insist on believing in God. - They're crazy. - Hey, don't underestimate these believers in God. Their crime is a lot more serious than ours. They're all political criminals. They won't let us see the doctor and won't let our families bring anything. - It's the first time they've done that. - What's this all about? Commissary is way too expensive. Who can afford it? Exactly. It's just passing notes, right? What's so bad about that? They're making such a big deal out of it. I guess they have nothing better to do. Yeah. Those believers in God and their stupid notes made it so we all have to suffer. Exactly, it's all because of those believers. Their belief in God … Now, supervision in the prison is so strict that if we are caught spreading God's word again, we'll definitely be tortured. God, give me the faith and strength not to be intimidated by the great red dragon. Keep it moving. Don't drag your feet. Let's see speed and efficiency! Faster! Hurry it up! - Yang Yi! - Present! Come! Hands up. Back to work. Sector Chief Ma. Get to work! That was close! Without God's protection giving me the impulse to hide His word, if they had found God's word, I'd be sure to get three months in the torture cell. God, I thank You and praise You! - Hey, this water is too cold. - Just take your shower. Hey. - Come on, let's play a round. - I'm good for two rounds with you. Come on. Oh boy. I'm so tired. Writing an ideological report? Yeah. Here we just trudge along day by day. The commutations come every year, but never for us. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, one. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, one. One, two, one. God's word has authority and power, and gives us faith and strength. Although prison was a harsh and dangerous place, and the great red dragon's persecution and threats continued, God was always with us, leading and guiding us. I don't know how many times we were in danger, yet God miraculously preserved us throughout all these difficulties. After experiencing such persecution and hardship, we discerned Satan's demonic essence of hating the truth and hating God, and gained true understanding of God's almighty sovereignty. We saw that no matter how cruel and evil Satan is, it is just a pawn in God's hands. It is a tool God uses to perfect His chosen people and help their lives grow. Our faith in and love for God increased, and we all expressed genuine thanks and praise to God from the bottom of our hearts. Move faster! Wait. Four of a kind. Do you have anything? No. Why do I have such bad luck? I quit. - Because you can't win? - Shut the hell up. Careful or I'll whoop your ass! How are you? I'm fine. I suffered a lot in the torture cell, but I prayed to God, saw God's guidance and protection, and gained more faith. Suffering isn't frightening. What matters is that we pray to God, God is with us, and we have faith in God, so the suffering was worth it. - Got anything? - No, pass. Three and one. I still have God's word. Do you dare take it? Yes! You've been in prison for over two years. I'm here today because I want you to sign the Three Letters. Signing the Three Letters can reduce your sentence. It proves you've been reformed in prison, that you confessed and submitted to the law. Once you are released, you will be legal citizens, you won't have police supervision anymore. I hope you'll all give it some serious thought. God, no matter how the great red dragon persecutes me, even if I am stuck in prison, I will never sign the Three Letters. I will stand firm in my witness and humiliate Satan. If you won't sign it, I can call your local police department right now and have your wife and children arrested. It will be hard for your children to go to school or find a job. My belief in God doesn't violate the laws, and it doesn't cause harm to anyone. Faith in God is natural and right, so I won't sign your Three Letters. You don't know what you're doing. Zheng Lu, you may not care if you stay here a few more months, but think about your parents! Every day you're in here, they worry about you. Neither of them are young anymore, and you should be taking care of them. But now, not only are you failing as a son, you've implicated them in your crimes and made them worry. Do you think that they deserve this? There is nothing illegal about my belief in God. You've had me imprisoned here for four years. I have a home I can't go back to and parents I can't care for who are worried sick. Isn't this the Party's doing? Yet you blame my faith in God. Aren't you twisting the truth? No matter what you say, I will never sign the Three Letters. Take him away. Come on. Sign the Three Letters! My belief in God doesn't violate the law. I won't sign. Signing is a betrayal of God. I won't. I won't sign. I won't. I believe in the true God and follow the right path in life. Even if I have to sit in this prison forever, I'll never sign the Three Letters! You're a hopeless theist! Yang Yi. Hey, Zhiliang. Come, sit. In a few days, some of us are getting out. Good! You can keep these things. Okay. It's cold. Make sure you have enough blankets at night. Yeah. I will. Anything I can do for you? I'll do my best to help you. No. Don't worry about me. The last few years, we've experienced many things and seen many of God's deeds. This is God's blessing. No matter where you go in the future, follow the path of faith, preach the gospel, bear witness, and spread His word more. - Take care. - Don't worry. I keep all of God's words here; share with anyone in need. Good. Take care! Goodbye. When I parted with my brothers, my feelings were mixed. I was happy for them, but would also miss them. I was happy that finally, they could have a church life, read more of God's word, and perform their duties. I'd miss them because we had been together for years, supporting and helping each other. With God's guidance, we broke through the constraints of the great red dragon's dark forces, joined hands to overcome, and formed a deep bond, so I was very sad to be separated from them. I hoped we'd all submit to God's arrangements and rely on God to walk our paths. Almighty God, even though in the future, we will have to face Satan's threats every day, and endure its torments, we have faith in Your wisdom and omnipotence, and we walk the path that follows under the guidance of Your words! No matter what pain and suffering we may face in the future, as long as we look to God and rely on God, we will never stumble. God, even if I spend my life in prison, I want to stand firm in my witness and humiliate Satan. As long as we are alive, we must eat and drink God's word, spread God's word, and stand firm in our witness for God. We're determined to follow Christ of the last days, and we will never regret it! We will never regret it! We will never regret it! We will never regret it! We will never regret it! Never regret it! Never regret it! Never regret it! Never regret it! …
Channel: The Church of Almighty God
Views: 144,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Movie, My Story, Our Story, 2022 Christian Movie, How God's Word, Christian Testimony Movie, A True Christian Story, christian movies, full movie 2022, Full Movie, True Story, faith based movies, based on a true story, encourage, faith and swears, Testimony, christian true story, The Power of Faith in God, christian testimony, Persecution by the CCP, faith movies, christian persecution, faith in God
Id: NZuamYcvxwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 45sec (7125 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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