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i'm gonna put it in a parable let's suppose that you are broke god forbid but let's suppose you lost your job they sent a letter from the bank that in two months you are going to be foreclosed you your car broke your shoes broke you are in credit card debt you are in school loans you you you get the picture okay you are broke you have no food no electricity there the telephone they cut it the electricity they cut it you are done and your neighbor is jeff bezos and he is a multi-billionaire okay and you go to him and you say please please what is for you a little give me some work what did i say works give me some work so i could save my problems i could solve my i could save myself i could pay my debt and jeff bezos says how much do you owe 500 000 to the house 60 000 to school 40 000 to credit card uh you follow me all together 800 000 and jeff bezos says you don't understand business man you don't have a business mind you oh you are in debt 800 000 plus interest and you want me to give you some works to pay your debt what can you do to earn 800 000 you follow me you say yeah i can do something for you i can do something for you we that's what you do to god i can do something for you oh you go to church that mescal must come for i'm an elder that must come for something it doesn't count for nothing i sang the song doesn't count for nothing oh i went in mission trip it doesn't count for nothing what you did you did for you i keep sabat you do it for you i eat healthy you do it for you it does you don't make god better if you keep sabbath or if you eat healthy god doesn't need you to eat healthy he asks you to do it for you not for him you follow me so basically you say i can do something for you we had snow last night let me shovel the driveway for you maybe i solve my problems and pay my debt he says okay man let's think 25 an hour is that a fair price to shovel the driver oh yeah 25 dollars an hour is pretty good to shovel the driveway okay you work two hours shovel the driveway he gives you 50 bucks is it works or grace it works does it pay your debt no you don't even have enough to eat because if you go to walmart with 50 bucks two hours of work one plastic bag you need 300 to fill the cart in our days am i right when i came to this country 24 years ago gas was 75 cents a gallon right now look around you go to walmart to 300 and you can hardly feel the cart so what did you get when you worked 2 hours 50 bucks it doesn't pay your debt it doesn't give you even to pay your bills it doesn't even give you enough for the whole family for food for one day it gives you just two plastic bags or one you follow me and you say to bill to jeff bezos to bill gates or whoever i don't care you say give me more works he says you don't get it man you don't get it regardless how much work i give you you'll never pay your debt and you'll still struggle you need a different method to get rich no give me works works i need to work harder i need to try harder that's what you do in spirituality i need to try harder you kill yourself trying and you feel bad oh religion doesn't work no you don't get it and so you go next day to jeff bezos and you say give me more words he says i gave you two hours of work yesterday did it help you no then don't you learn your lessons if you repeat the same thing you are going to get the same results you need something different no no no i need well we didn't have snow last night i have no work for you let me clean your house i have a lady paid to clean my house my house is clean let me cook for you i have a lady who cooks for me okay you can that's my kitchen you go in the kitchen the kitchen is clean watch watch me the kitchen is clean you work listen carefully five minutes because it's already clean how much should you be paying 25 dollars an hour if you're five minutes huh two dollars three dollars okay so you worth let's say for for five dollars okay let's say okay he looks to he says man you are really desperate and you don't get it but i have mercy on you and he gives you one hundred you worth five minutes you deserve five dollars and he gave you a hundred is it worth or grace it's both that's what some christians do god does a lot and i do a little god doesn't need you to do a little because every time you get involved you make a mess abraham did a little slept with his servant to help god because god was unable to give him a child and so that's what christians do mix what god does with what they do because they think that god needs their help god doesn't need your help you need god's help and so now he gave you a hundred that you worth five minutes does it solve your debt no next day you go back man please give me more work he says you come every day you try hard every day what works you it doesn't work still you don't learn the lesson you don't have a business mind let me explain this problem doesn't solve this way you need to do it my way what is your way all i know is to work to pay my debt no that doesn't solve the problem even if you work all your life you'll you'll hardly survive from month to month or maybe save a thousand or twenty thousand but you'll never pay eight hundred thousand and to have another two millions and to be rich your way doesn't work let me teach you something you won the lottery now what do you wanna teach me sit down tell me your life i don't have time i have to work i have to do things in order to solve my problem sit down i don't have time sit down that's exactly what you need tell me your life i could take half an hour for you that's what you do in prayer i could take 15 minutes for you sit down relax relax i know your problem i know you are in that tell me your life and you start and you talk and you talk and you forget time and you talk for two hours and you tell him your life he said man i never knew that i lie you know i like you when you when you confess and you you humble and you tell me as it is when you open your heart i like it now we are friends you don't come to me just for money now we talk now we are friends now let me tell you my life and he talks oh i never knew that about you and he talks for two hours and after you spend four hours together you know him he knows you you build friendship and he says now because we are friends i'm gonna do something for you i don't help strangers but friends are family he writes a 500 million dollars check is that good enough why don't you smile okay 600 million are you happy now how much do you want 700 million how much would you make you happy okay he writes uh 700 million dollar check he has billions what is that you know he writes a check he says this is a gift you say come on don't joke this is too easy to be true it's too good to be true don't don't play games on me this is fake he says no this is not fake this is a real check nah that's what we do we don't trust god's grace because it's too good to be true that's what we do he says it is real it is a gift you can never if you live 100 lives and work all your life and never eat never pay bills and save all the salaries you'll still never make this money you'll never be able to pay your debt you'll never be able to get money you'll never be able to solve your problems you need grace and that's how you start i give you grace and i don't give race to a stranger that wants just to abuse me and abuse my understanding and my friendship and my money we need a relationship and when i know you and i trust you and i know that you are honest then i give you grace you need a relationship with me in order to get my grace you follow me and he gives you 500 million dollars check and you say man come on is it real yes you still doubt but you get array of light wow it is real so you say hold on a second you run to the bank and you check it guys would you please to the cashier would you check this is it real and they look yeah it's covered he's real oh he's real yeah he's real he's real yeah he's real what do you want he's yeah hey man what do you want would you please deposit before he changes his mind they deposit the check and you still don't get it and you go online and you say 700 million in my account and you drop and then you take your telephone and call your wife honey sit down what happened you had an accident no sit down what happened go online we received a gift 700 million dollars says honey did you start drinking no it's real cannot be real that's what you do god's grace cannot be real it's too good honey go online oh it's a mistake go online jeff bezos gave me 700 million dollar check and i checked it discovered i deposit it's in our account we are done we are rich we are saved we don't have to from now on we don't have to do any work to save ourselves we can we we are done our children we are safe we can rejoice she says you are crazy but she goes online she starts screaming and she calls his her sister and she calls the kids and she women you know i go i will go you know and then you stop for a second and you think and you say what have i done to deserve this nothing i just built a relationship and you go back if you if it was me you cannot just never salute him again because he saved your life i would go back to him and say let me clean the house you don't have to no i don't clean it to be paid you already gave me more than i can ever pay i cleaned because i love you i would shine your shoes i would dig your garden i joyfully i would serve you because i was done and you saved me i want to do something but you don't need to i know i don't do it to pay my debt i do it because i am happy because i love you you did for me i want to do something for you let me hug you let me let he says listen you want to dig my garden it's good to be together let's dig it together you follow me and then you and him walk together and work together not to be saved but because you understand that you have been saved people who don't do deeds they don't do because they don't understand the value of grace they don't understand the value of the cross because when you do you cannot help but serve do you follow me when you really understand the cross you cannot help you explode you sing you jump you serve and you feel is nothing i should do more not to be saved but because you understand that you are saved hey i am saved my debt is erased i will be in heaven forever nobody can touch me unless god says so i am safe when you get that you cannot help but serve not to be safe but because you have been saved you follow me we change the process we do in order to instead of connect in order to you understand how righteousness works this is not a sermon i just try to explain you a little so is change possible yes is growth possible yes is necessary in order to be saved now should we do good deeds yes why to be saved no regardless how many do you never deserve it but why we should connect and the more we know jesus the more good did we do because we understand that he loves us and we really want to serve him do you understand how salvation works if our people would understand that our people would never be sad again would be peaceful joyful happy to serve why simply because jesus lives in them because jesus has given them grace let me explain simple simple let's suppose that you [Music] i read on the internet cannot be true if it's on the internet i read on the internet that somebody years ago got a new cell phone first time on the cell phones didn't have cameras you know and he didn't know to get the roaming as it was in that time and to get the the data program and together he didn't he just got the simple basic uh plan and then he went in canada in vacation and he spent a month on vacation watching movies from morning to night on the cell phone and the bill i have the picture on the internet i have the picture the bill came eighty seven thousand six hundred dollars after a month because he didn't have any data plan listening music and movies and talking roaming from canada to america 87 000 3000 was for roaming talking and the rest of 84 000 it was data and he called verizon and he says you guys you are crazy the telephone bill should be 60 dollars a month not 87 000 and they said no we are right you owe this money because you got no data plan and this is how many megabytes or gigabytes you used and that's the value and he says i never knew that and i can never pay that i am a student and the lady says well this is what we will do for you does it make sense to go against you in court we will put you in prison but you'll never recover the money this is one time grace we are gonna forgive the bill one time but don't do it ever again we will not forgive you second time get data plan and then you are safe gets forgiven he meets his classmate and says you owe me 27 cents why because when you had the car flat a wheel flat you borrow my cell phone to call triple a and because of you i have the problems with the verizon people like you that take my telephone and they never pay you use 27 cents do you follow me people who don't understand grace what god has done for them on the cross people who don't understand the magnitude of their debt that killed jesus people don't transcend the magnitude of salvation the magnitude of eternity god is going to give you heaven can you measure heaven regardless how huge rich imagination you have human mind cannot imagine heaven when you get there you'll forget all your tribes you say i don't even care you know paul says that the tribes from now are not worthy to be compared to the glory to come and that's going to be forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever you follow me and so people who don't understand the magnitude of their debt and the magnitude of god's gift on the cross and the magnitude of god eternity they get all this for free but they never spend time to understand the extended grace the grace that they received by by by gift for free they never spend time to contemplate wow this is what i get 700 million dollars you follow me they never contemplate that because they don't understand what god has done for them they don't understand grace because they don't understand grace they are unable to extend to others grace because you cannot give what you don't have in order to give love you need to receive in order to give grace you need to in order to give forgiveness you need to receive how can you give what you don't have so that's the reason oh you owe me 27 cents you understand the parable the man that was in debt you follow me the man that was in debt i can put the other presentation on this one and shows literally the match how many he would have he would need to live 160 000 years they were paid they were paid one dinner a day the salary for a roman soldier for one day was one dinner so that was one day salary and the man was in debt not ten thousand dinners but ten thousand talents if i showed the mat how heavy how many dinners were in one talent of gold talent of gold he would have to work 160 000 years not 160 years 160 000 years how many lives you have to live to be able to pay 10 000 talents that basically the message is you'll never be able to pay back jesus blood you'll never be able to pay back eternity doesn't matter how many good deeds you do it's grace and if you spend time to understand what he has done for you you are so overwhelmed that you say i would do anything for you i know that you will never measure up i know it's just a drop in the bucket but because i love you i would be joyful to even die for you it would be a privilege you follow me and you have no problem to extend grace when god has forgiven you 10 000 talents why would you have a problem to forgive 27 cents you follow me but people who don't understand grace are the mean christians even dogs run away from them you know what i mean oh sister how would you come to the church dressed that way go home and change she may have come dressed in properly but you don't go to judge satan satan name in greek is how anti-dickos juan tidicos means the one who judges his brethren and the elena says when you judge others you take satan's character upon you did you hear that you have no right to judge god called you to love and to save so yes maybe that sister or that brother did something wrong you pray for them lord i don't want them in hell i want them in heaven please you pray for them when you understand what god has done for you do you follow me grace amazing grace amazing grace how sweet the sound the saved urge like me the problem we have is that we compare people with people instead of comparing people with god when i compare me with you hey i'm better than you but if i compare myself with god we all deserve to die then i don't feel that i am superior because hey we are all sinners and we are so busy to look to people and to look to things and to look to self that we never spend time looking to god and that's what makes us either depressed or proud too much looking to things and to people and too little looking to god and then you are either proud hey look at me or you got depressed man i'm such a sinner you follow me turn your eyes upon jesus don't turn your eyes on your problems don't turn your eyes upon turn your eyes upon jesus focus on him focus on him because the more you know him that's our problem we don't know god does the eternal life is not what you do it's who you know salvation listen carefully salvation is a person righteousness is not a deed it's a person do you hear me righteousness it's a person the more you look to jesus the more you know him the more you know him wait out human effort you are transformed think about the bible verse that says we look like in a mirror and we are changed from glory to glory by beholding it says we are changed from glory to glory by beholding elena says at the foot of the cross as we contemplate his love his character what he has done for us she says without human effort we are transformed more and more into his image by contemplating the more time you spend with him the more you know him the more you know him the more you are filled overwhelmed with his love and more understanding with his presence and you are like wow and the more you understand him the more you are transformed without even knowing become more and more like him whatever you dwell on that's how you your mind changes you follow me the more you are trying and the more you love him and the more you realize that you need him and then i says the closer you get to the cross the worse you feel about yourself people tell me pastor i've been doing that and i am worse i say praise the lord why i feel that i am more than before no brother you had cancer before you didn't know now you do now you follow me you are sick but you are too far from jesus to know that you are sick now you finally learn that you are sick there is hope for you now because you go to the doctor and so elena says the closer we get to jesus the worst we feel about ourselves when we compare ourselves to him and the more we understand that we need the more we realize that we need him we cannot do it without him and she says the farther we get to the cross the more the better we feel about self people that feel good about self that's because they are far from jesus when you get closer to jesus you are gonna feel terrible and that makes you realize i don't need god i cannot do it i now understand how deceitfully search me lord because i don't know myself you follow me and then that pushes you when you feel bad to need him more to desire him more to seek him or to get even closer do you understand what i am saying so this is the process you see god and he says if you draw near to me i'll draw near to you you seek god he's not going to come instantly because you'll die he's going to take another inch and as you see him more whoa you are overwhelmed and you understand that you need him more and you love him or you understand him more you are over you are you are like wow what a love what a wisdom and then you want him more you seek him more and as you seek him more he comes another inch and another and another and another and this is a lifelong process and the closer you get to him the more you are transformed to the point that you fully forget self and he fully takes over inch by inch taking your heart and that's called sanctification is not by what you do is by getting closer and closer do you follow me and the more he changes you to the degree that you become one and people look to you and they say i've seen that he's working with jesus i can see jesus in him and without you doing anything specific or special people are attracted because people see grace and people see love and people see wisdom because god lives in you you no longer live god leaves you new and that's salvation christ living in
Channel: Sermons Room
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Keywords: Sermons room, sda sermons, daily sermons, sermons, powerful sermons, prophecy sermons, THIS IS FOR YOU2021 PAVEL GOIA, pavel goia sermons, pavel goia 2021, pavel goia testimony, pavel goia sermons 2021, pavel goia prayer seminar, pavel goia latest sermon
Id: NSHc79Eh0FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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