Pavel Goia personal testimony | sermons room

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when we moved from romania to the us uh we didn't want to leave because we owned a business that was doing quite well we had a we owned a sewing factory making clothing i don't know anything about clothing my wife does i was the guy calling around selling it doing other stuff but we had connections we knew the prime minister of the country the mayor of the city the chief of police we had pretty good life and traveling all over involved in the church very much doing evangelism everywhere organizing youth starting choirs everywhere and many places i would say 16 places that i counted in my head that we started choirs from zero and uh building churches and i was very happy we had quite a strong income i'm not gonna talk about that it's not important but um to leave everything and come in a different country where you don't know the language i knew about four words when you came here thank you hi bayern no and yes five words uh yeah it was quite i mean when i came to college there no offense to people in south but they were like talking japanese like they were swallowing words saying just half of the ones it was just it was impossible to understand anything i would go to gas station and i would just pray for the gift of tongues it was just never had the computer before and i would take the first page and read one word go to the dictionary in the second word go to the dictionary and i would i could understand dr blanco dr morris and dr kluse and dr lake that was it i could not understand the other teachers and they are good people god bless them just i could not get it and it would take me a whole night to read one page checking every word in the dictionary and i literally literally physically learned on my knees i know it's hard to believe but i learned praying over every page and by god's grace in three months dr morris can testify the story in three months i was praying in english speaking in english now that i spoke well i don't speak it well i have an accent i know that but god blessed tremendously and it was a bunch of miracles that i didn't deserve and i don't deserve anyway moving to the next part something strong that i remember and it would never leave my mind when i was a kid i was quite stupid and evil i did a lot of pranks and i will not resist my wife told me don't tell any pranks i got to tell one in the church i would cut a pen at the two ends and have rice in my hand i was at the balcony at the choir and i would watch who sleeps during the sermon and i would shoot right through the in their heads to wake them up during the sermon and i enjoyed it tremendously but i did all type of stuff but i would go home and this is the point that i will never forget and it was a long apartment bedroom bedroom bedroom my parents bedroom living room kitchen like a train and because i'm always hungry i can eat 10 times a day i never gain a pound and i'm still hungry i know it's not fair and i don't care anyway that's life because i was hungry i would go at 10 pm 12 midnight 2 a.m 4 00 a.m go and eat so i could sleep and every time i would go to my parents bedroom my father was praying regardless two or three or four or five a.m regardless whenever day or night when he was home he was praying and i asked him why do you pray so much and my father told me i can never get enough of christ and i said explain it to me and he said you know how much you like water and fire i love water on fire i just love it a big fire pit you know bonfire is like heaven and to live by a little creek and here the water is also heaven i just love it and to have a few dogs and cats around the house and talk to them it's just unbelievable it's just unbelievable and so and have a garden oh it's hard to stop not to talk about those things i mean that and so my father said you know when your mom put in the front yard that little it's like a plastic bath is like that shape and she puts bubble foam and it's hot outside it was like 115 fahrenheit and you get into the water and you get under and refresh and cool down and get up again he says how much is the water around you i said all over above under left fight everyone and my father said well unless you get immersed in christ all over you will never understand what i talk about and he said there is nothing safe in you unless you are immersed in christ i didn't fully get it but then i started to face challenges because of sabbath in school from the first grade because we didn't go to school on sabbath and they wrote school on sabbath they mocked me they i would go home anyway college everywhere they wanted to expel me in army they want you to put me in prison because of sabbath and every time i would talk to my dad he would say is not what you do that would help you you may plan well you may think well and you may be right it's not going to save you it's prayer and then my father will say don't even pray for you because god may not want you to pray for you god may not want to save you the way you save you pray for god's honor because that's what he wants it took me a while to grasp it that when we pray for us god cannot work but when we give up self and pray for god's honor then god can work and my father would say from seven testimonies here a day and night and then he got me he would tell me stories and stop in the middle of the story and say i'm busy this is the book finish the story tell me the story tell me the end is right there read it he got me reading and i read again and again day and night i started to wake up at 4 30 5 a.m i read anyway seven testimonies page 30 to everyone who offered himself for service not for self withholding nothing that's full surrender there's no 99 withholding nothing unlimited heavenly power is given for the attainment of measureless results then you flip to page 33 it says all that the disciples did every church member should do today can you even grasp the words and then it says there that god is waiting for us to do that god is waiting for the church to do that and my father will say if you surrender 100 and forget self he can do more than you can dream just stop praying for you and then he said something really big it's whatever problems you have god sent them and you pray to solve them you go against god stop praying to solve your problems because nothing happens by chance god is in control he allowed it and then my father would say rather ask him why did he allow them it may be for your glory maybe to save somebody stop trying to solve problems rather allow god to use problems for his glory and he changed my paradigm from praying and struggling to plan and to solve to what do you want to accomplish through this and that's a different parody and that started me praying and i learned that the more i pray the more god can work and the more i focus on him and forget self the more he can work and anyway to jump to the next story uh jerry told me first time now he changed it today do not preach we don't need another sermon just share a story or two from your ministry i said okay because you don't let me preach i'm gonna share more stories and then today he said do whatever god inspires you but anyway then i'm not gonna preach i'm gonna jump to the next story i put my eyes on my wife when she was three and a half and i was six literally and i kept my eyes on her never had another girlfriend we have been married for 31 years and i'm handicapped without her i cannot function i cannot sleep while i just i just is like air and i would be at the tenor should be at the alto the pastor would be preaching my head was on her i had my mouth open like when you go to the dentist and the other choir people will say hey look there listen to the pastor okay and i kept watching her and dreaming of her and thinking and praying i know somebody may say that that stacking for me is extreme love is not stacking but anyway i kept my eyes on her and memorized her face that i could go home and close my eyes and see her and i told her first time when he talked i'm planning to marry you if you like me and if god allows it i said you don't even know me i said really you don't know i know you anyways and then she said i'm not planning to marry anybody except the pastor i want to serve god he said i'm planning to be a pastor okay deal let's pray about it and let's talk we talked about three years and a half and then got married and have been married 31 years anyway i talked to my dad about love and he said you know how you need to love god he said how many times you dream of dan your wife i said every night he says before you don't dream of god every night you don't know what love means to fall asleep thinking of god and wake up dreaming of god and desire god so much that you forget self and you keep your eyes on him and you say wow and so now going into the ministry i believe those two things were very important that had an effect on my spiritual walk with god go into the ministry i'm gonna jump over everything and get to lexington kentucky when god called us there we did not want to move my wife had a very good job in wisconsin extremely good job and recognized by the government in what she did with many many certifications she does an excellent job anyway so we are driving to tennessee for thanksgiving concert in southern and uh driving through nashville elder david harman ministerial from kentucky 10 conference calls and says are you pavel yes i am would you want to talk to us about you know moving to kentucky i said no thank you and i'm pretty straightforward politely but why lose time just give them the answer you know no thank you he says would you consider praying about it yes no problem you want to talk to us i want you to say nobody say okay let's talk he says would you come here if we pay your way i said where are you located najib i've been driving 10 hours and when he called i was driving through nashville and he says nashville and i say i am in nashville what are you doing driving through he says take exit so and so i see the exit so i get on the exit he says take a left take a left take a right taker okay get to the conference office and i say i'm not interested in kentucky my son told me that he went in mission trip in eastern kentucky and he says people there you really don't want to go they have a gun when you go and they apply and so i said i'm not interested in kentucky and uh anyway long story short god led in such a visible way that we could not oppose we had to accept it they will not give you the details it will take too long anyway so i got to the church when i got to the church the attendance was between 90 and 120 in a good sabbath church broken in three groups one small group extremely liberal when i say extreme unbelievable liberal one small group not believing in the holy spirit i'm preaching to every visitor and every young person and everybody that was shaking in faith that the church is fallen the holy spirit doesn't exist and all type of craziness and one big group extreme conservative very constant and very judgmental extreme conservative and they were fighting each other and many people have left the church and people in the church divided and arguing and first board meeting i remember that week thursday i go to the board and my head elder says we don't like your pastors that was world cup we don't trust you his father had been a pastor and he left his family for a girl 21 years younger and basically he just lost trust in pastors we don't trust you don't what do you want you come here as soon as you get a better call you live and you don't care for us and you pastors this is what you do you try to impose your plans and to manipulate and if we don't do your way you get angry and then you start working politics around and he went on and i go i kept quiet it doesn't make sense to argue or to convince you know it's you cannot convince somebody that made up their mind you just can't pray for them and you can love them and so i went home and i told my wife and she says well it means this is the god's place for you and she says god sent you here for that man you cannot move before you save that man and i said well let's pray for him long story short yes another one a lady in the church comes to me and says we don't like romanians it was a good welcome it was unbelievable it felt me feel so good it made me just enjoy it and rejoice anyway and i'm a little sarcastic you know i think you can feel it anyway so another one i said in the world what do you do for outreach and the treasurer said we don't believe in evangelism it just doesn't work everything was upside down it doesn't make sense to argue it doesn't make sense to convince it doesn't make sense to fight regardless who wins everybody is gonna lose the single way to change it is to pray so i declared war in prayer i went home and my wife and i prayed for three months every morning from five to seven meanwhile i just kept listening and praying with them did not try to change anything it doesn't make sense you can make plans another plan and then nothing will happen and just lose time and i remember when my father said the way you improve the way you win is prayer so we prayed from five to seven for three months and nothing happened and many times god doesn't answer not because he doesn't answer but because answer to prayer most of the time is not an event but a process it takes time to god to work not only with you he may have a plan that you don't even think about it makes time to god it makes it takes time for god to prepare you for the plan if you would say built an ark would you build it unless you had a connection with god to know his voice it takes time to prepare your mind to do whatever he says it takes time for him to prepare the other people that you work with it just it doesn't happen over a second it's a process so my father would say do not stop praying don't make prayer an event in a crisis make prayer the breath of the soul a style a way of life and so my wife and i did not give a prayer after three months we said you know what we increase prayer if god didn't answer that means we need more prayer so we added one night a week monday night we would pray from 9 p.m to 7 a.m the whole night without sleep and started to pray even more for the church my wife started to fast she would fast she can fast up to 10 days the most i can fast is two hours but but i i would fast from other things i could fast you know from watching news and that's all i watch you know and i know it's not good i agree with you and it's garbage it's all bad but yeah i stopped watching news i stopped listening to music i listened only that's the way i was raised classical music on hymnals anything else it doesn't go good with me but anyway i know maybe extreme but that's the way i was raised and so we started to pray a whole night and then i said lord i would like you to change me and help me be like jesus to the point that i can reach their hearts and they would see it and they would turn around and be revived and as they get revived you could give us the plan you have for this community not only for the church because i am not the pastor of the church i am the pastor of the community and i would like you to change me and the church to the point that we can reach the community well they told me you cannot reach this community lexington is very affluent half of them are millionaires the other half are baptists they have been saved already there is no way nobody will come we had evangelism we spent money so and so came big names and nobody came one time we had the baptism they left next sabbath they never came back the conference told me 72 years with one to two baptisms a year no growth zero it doesn't work here and so i prayed for god's plan i could not go to them and say oh let's do this or that moreover if it doesn't work you know you lose credit well one night at camp meeting i like a meeting we get together i don't like anything when you pitch old tents dust spiders i cannot stand that but anyway i smile like everybody else and kept teaching things i'm praying for god's plan for lexington and it was monday night i prayed the whole night and somehow i fell asleep by the bed in my on my knees praying i was tired from tense you know and god woke me up around 2 2 15 a.m with a bunch of thoughts this is what you do in lexington and my father told me a big word he said whatever you remember you forget whatever you write down you remember you need to journal you need to write down everything and so as soon as god gave me those thoughts i got up wrote down four pages in detail this is what you do first second details picky details and after that i said lord i'm not gonna do it i need confirmation if i ate too much last night and it's just my mind i need you to tell me that you told me and i prayed from about 4am until 7am for confirmation at 7am is breakfast breakfast sabbah family those are holy things you know and you don't miss a meal and i said lord i got to go to it and then i continue praying as i said amen dr schmidt smith from andrews called and said pavel you asked me to come to lexington yes i want you to talk about evangelism he says now i got a sabbath available i'm going to talk about something different a pilot project i said okay what are you going to talk about he told me exactly what i had on those papers and i was speechless he says are you there i said yes and i said wow and i mean it and he says what what's wrong and i told him that i've been praying for four months by now and he says i'm coming god is gonna do great things i go to my board and i tell them the whole story but god's answer i've been praying and my wife and then the whole night and then god gave me and then edge meat called and okay what did god say i'm not gonna tell you and please tell us nope you will not do it you told me evangeline doesn't i'm not gonna tell you they please tell us no call the conference get a different pastor i'm not gonna tell you i said this is the deal you go home we have no board meeting you pray for a month so god will tell you what he told me and then we do it the treasurer says we never missed a board in this church say well we'll do it we'll do it this time so what we got to fix the parking so now you don't have to fix the but you have been fixing the parking for 100 years you got to pray and i said unless we pray i should not be here you don't need me this is the way we'll do it we'll do it by prayer and so you go home and next board meeting if you didn't pray you go home again and you can call the conference look for somebody else this is the way we'll go i'm not gonna tell you what to do you will pray and god will tell you what to do and you will do it together they went home and then i you don't follow up it's not gonna happen people are good people but busy so i called them starting sunday every day every board member and i prayed with them next month two of the board my head elder and the bible study coordinator by the way they had only two bible studies going on my pr my bible study coordinator they said this is strange this is what god told us it was the same thing and then i shared with them and we started to do it and it was not evangeline the way we know evangeline it's a whole one-year process that starts again and it's a way of life the whole church doing it and basically we started with in-home bible studies because people don't come to church but they feel comfortable at home and in a community where they told me nobody wants the bible when we sent in lexington there are 10 zip codes and we don't buy it more than we can chew so we send invitations to one zip code a year it's a 10-year plan and then we go in homes to those people and study with them at home and the rule is that we do not teach people don't like to be told what to do people like to discover and the holy spirit to impress not me to impress and so we go home and the rule was not teach if you teach you are disqualified that's easy anybody can do it so we said you're not in the door hey this is your request this is study number one bye oh hold on a second nah i'm busy bye people open the door like that you know a chain and bye they knew that we are not about to sell or change anybody we just offered a free bible study and left i told them ed smith actually told them the goal is not to teach the goal is to build relationships and friendship and trust and pray with them and love them so next week this is study number two next week they open the door first week it was like you know open the door and you say can i pray we believe in prayer can i pray with you and you pray with them third time knocking the door hey i have a little time available can i come in and study and soon some didn't let us in because the house was messy we tell them hey my house is like after hiroshima you know it's just a mess don't worry i don't come to inspect don't worry you know and if they say no you come over we study in my house if they say no i'm gonna take you out to eat together and study don't give up you need to build friendship and so we discovered that those that we got to visit with and eat with 72 percent got baptized and those that we didn't 0.05 percent got baptized basically nobody i mean we had one from about 700 bible studies anyway 0.000 whatever you know so people were very skeptical but it was easy you don't teach mailmen they don't convince you to open the mail they deliver the mail you don't give them only written you give them a dvd people can argue with people nobody argues with the tv they watch it there is no way to argue you know and so we gave them bible studies quick going not going through the details after three months of bible studies we offer them seminars we gave them a survey and then whatever you need family financial addiction whatever a bunch of about eight to ten seminars and then we invited them to church on a thursday or a sunday and had a small group of people we did not ask the church to come if you ask them to come they don't come we ask them not to come please stay home we beg you don't come we don't want many that would scare the visitors we just want about five of you they came if you tell them not to come they come anyway and we prepared the meal and told them do not teach resist the temptation to talk about sab just pray for people just use any opportunity what can i pray for you and pray for them don't pray that they repent pray for whatever they ask just build friendship anyway we offer them seminars built friendship after another three months we reached the community we went to the city hall and we asked what they need and we started to feed the homeless every saturday night clean the parks every sunday we invited the police force and the fire department over to the church did not give a sermon we gave them a meal and the prayer of blessing and protection and thankfulness we went to the police stations all 25 and the fire stations i don't remember how many and for those that were unable to come to our meal we went and gave them cookies and juice and cards thank you cards and prayer and you know what they said they said you know nobody ever came to pray for us and then the newspapers they learned about it and we were all over you know and then just it's a lot of activities that we did in the city that made the church known so when you do evangelism the other pastor should not say oh don't go there because everybody knows that that church cares for the community you know so we reached the community in the sixth month in the ninth month we started evangelism and now he invited everybody now let me give you a story so i tell you how it happened we had many stories and i mean many many stories i'm going to give you one dr morris knows the story but i don't believe the others do when we ask people to go and teach oh i'm afraid to teach i'm afraid to give a bible study we had a few go people that left the church learned that something is happening and they started to come back i was preaching we made a deal nobody should enter our church without being prayed for nobody you watch nobody should enter or leave without being prayed for it should be a church of praying a prayer church and so a lady came late she had blue pink crazy hair she had rings all over i mean all over she had chains she came late and she left early when we were singing the closing song she left now nobody prayed for her because the saints were singing and so i said nobody leaves our church without being prayed for so i left the saints singing and i walk they thought i go to the bathroom you know i could not hold it i was not going to the bathroom i run after her she sees me she runs to the car she dies tries to open the door i stop the door i want to go home i said calm down you'll go home uh i don't want to talk i said that's okay i'll do the talking i said tell me your name okay she told me her name i'm not gonna say her name i didn't ask for permission to tell the story but then i told her my name i know i googled you people can google you know i googled you okay and then uh she says wait tell me even saying anything i don't believe in god so what are you doing here this is not a ho it's not a theater this is a church i know what are you doing here uh i don't know i heard something good was happening but you preached about prayer i don't believe in prayer god doesn't answer prayers i said i know god doesn't like americans he answers only romanian prayers she looks to me and she says you crazy god answers every prayer in my mind i got you i said okay you said god doesn't answer prayers and now you said god answers every prayer make up your mind he says he didn't answer my prayer i said you have blue eyes only you know this type of ice get an answer you know she said what are you talking about and i say what have you been praying for i cannot tell you okay can i pray for you oh it doesn't make a difference okay say well i want to tell you that god answers my prayers and that god wants to change your life and he is able to change your life and he will change your life today if you allow him to who do you think you are are you a prophet are you god to tell me that you will jaime said no i'm not but i know my god i know how much he loves you and i know that he can change no doubt what should i do i've been in drugs for 15 years i went to rehab i went in jail i tried i prayed i cannot give up every two hours i have to do drugs otherwise i start shaking i cannot help i said well do you want to give up drugs yes okay today is your day starting today god will start working on you don't tell me to pray nah i'm gonna tell you what to do stop praying about victory on drugs what said you focus too much on drugs and on you you are not important she was like what are you talking about i said you drugs your problems not important me not important god is important stop focusing on drugs from now on focus on god and his ministry go and give about save somebody else if you are lost not important he looks to me i want to be saved i said just stop trying to save self save somebody go give a bible study when you work with people you'll change you'll give up drugs she was like i cannot give a bible study i cannot teach said i know i'm not asking you to teach i'm just asking you to deliver and i told her how to do it and she says that strongly put in my mind not to talk to her about prayer or drugs before i talk i asked god to tell me what to say and god put in my mind don't talk about prayer or drugs or victory just ask her to work so i said you need to give a bible study i cannot i said yes you can this is how you do it if i give a bible study you say i'll give up drugs yes if i don't give up drugs i will never come back to church never talk to you again never pray again i said dear okay give me the bible study this is the bible study this is the address i'll pray for you she goes she calls back in 15 minutes i hate you i hate your church i hate your god i said just tell me what happened she says it's an apartment building doors are locked you ring a bell and somebody would buzz the door open from inside and nobody is home god doesn't consider me worthy to give a bible study i said did you pray that god would open the door no go in the car and pray ah okay didn't think about it she called me two minutes later i prayed god didn't open the door i don't want to talk to you again i said how much did you pray i don't know i said two minutes you just called me two seconds ago now you call me again how long should i pray until the door opens and she says she says five minutes i said until the door opens and she says half an hour i said you don't know english until the door opens i cannot do that i have a family i have kids i have a job i said do you want to give up drugs yes then stop arguing get busy praying he says but how long i said until the door opens you pray in the car you don't go home you don't go to sleep you don't go to work tomorrow you get retired you die in the car praying and you say lord i'm not gonna move before the door opens and then i said this is the covenant that i make with you as long as you stay in the car i don't go home i don't eat i don't sleep i'm gonna pray in my office until the door opens we together will pray okay that was around 2 30. she called me at 5 pm pastor you not believe what happened i said tell me the story let me decide she says i prayed for about 15 minutes and the door didn't open so i got angry i stopped praying and i started open my eyes and started to argue that why don't you open the door i need to give a bible study i need to change i said lady you just started to pray he said what do you mean you said you prayed for 15 minutes and then you started to argue prayer is the opening of the heart to god as to a friend god doesn't need you to be fake god wants you to be honest he can handle your situation and i said when you started to open your heart is when you started to pray so i said now tell me what happened next well when i opened my eyes i said please let me do a bible study the door opened and she said somebody was taking the trash to the trash container so i stopped praying and i run to him and say i have a bible study i need to go to apartment number 14. they are not home let me go and get it under the door the guy says no if they are not home i cannot let you in but i am upset with you and she says with me you don't even know me and guy says i asked for a bible study and nobody came and he says no problem i can give you a bible study go back to the pastor get another one come tomorrow and give it to apartment 14. he says okay come in i said i'm not supposed to come in i'm supposed to deliver and say bye the guy says no i really i know nothing about that i need you to come in and help me and she says he took me by hand and for some reason i got in and she says he's a tall guy long hair leather jacket motorcycle guy i said he left me alone in his apartment and he left and she says wow why would he leave he said sit down and then he left she started to pray for protection and she says i was tempted to leave but somehow i felt that i should stay he came back with 11 other guys all tall leather jacket long hair and he says folks we have been praying and asking that god would give us victory over drugs i've been praying that prayer god sent us an angel sit down and listen to her and she started to cry and she said i'm not an angel i've been in drugs for 15 years and the pastor told me that if i give a bible study and stop focusing on self god will give me victory so i guess you need to give a bible study and she says i am unable to teach this is the dvd this is the study guide let's watch it together and she says pastor when the dvd was over those 12 guys and me everybody we all cried and they begged me please come back and then she said it is 5 p.m i came to church around 11 a.m between 11 and 5 i didn't do drugs and i did not feel any need as a lady when you focus on christ your sonia stop focusing on self there is nothing safe you'll get either proud or discouraged keep your eyes upon jesus at any moment she kept coming since and giving bible studies i told her because sharing is more important than preaching next about you share the story me in front of the church never i said i'll do the talking you just do this and that okay okay we had an interview after she did have you ever give up oh did you want to give a bible study no and then i basically told the story with her help i said how many of you want real change the whole church up we received 276 requests for bible studies and we had 56 members involved in giving bible studies and many stories i cannot i'm not going to go through them many stories and then we moved to the second stage to the third i got them praying the whole church started the whole board and then the whole church started to pray and then we started to meet at my house have food a big fire eat together share sing pray and then brainstorm quick one more story and that's it i don't know how long do i have another one two minutes that that's it that's the one and so so no i need to stay in time because you know so what what was next i had people over to my house four times a year the board and many times a year the youth and many times a year the whole church just about two three weeks ago we had the whole church come 172 cars i mean that counted i count i count people i count cars i count everything you know even when i drive i count around anyway and so 172 cars came we all prayed and shared it was just amazing it's a family and the whole church involved in evangelism and the whole church exploding and united we had first year nine baptisms second year 16 i could go on last year when in one year 52 people baptized in an anglo church we talk about a world to do church rich church we talk about 16 physicians all rich people 52 baptisms one out of 52 left all the others 51 are in the church giving bible studies working and just there is no conflict you can call anybody i don't even care who you call zero literally i am not aware of any conflict in the church unity prayer love work we have out of 300 people attending we have i would say roughly 250 to 260 working i could give you the job you give me the name i it's in that group does that is in that group basically i could not face it anymore it was too much to organize and i had my elders pick up one department each and they just report what to pray for or the good stories and the elders watch the apartments and they just play with the elders and it's just it's exploding we have no more room in the church no more room in the parking two sabbaths ago we started two services because of lack of place you know and people keep flow people that left church years ago they come back visitors every sabbath is crazy anyway so we had people to our home for brainstorming for visioning we prayed and that was in the beginning right after the story that i told you the bible studies and so i told them pray for god's vision for this church i am not going to give you my vision i don't want you to have my vision and i don't need your vision we need to pray both of us you and me for god's vision so i asked them to pray to write down three important things they left came back and gave me a paper with three important things i looked a little to the papers we should start church in time and finish in time i today papers and i said you know that i love you yes okay you will not be upset for what i do next no good i threw the papers in the fire and i said i want you to go in the forest 50 acres and pray and not come back before god tells you the vision and if he doesn't tell you go and pray again and humble yourself before the lord and plead with the lord and say i'm not gonna go before you give me the vision and i said you don't come back here you go home if he doesn't give you a vision you don't come back here before you have an answer for prayer they left one hour one hour and a half they started to come back heads down quiet so now i want you to write down god's vision i forgot to mention i told them if it's small it's you because usually we pray for things that we can do and then we do it and say god did it and we keep our eyes on things instead of keeping our eyes on god and know how big he is and pray for big things and expect big things and trust in him and seek his vision and if he gives us the vision he will do it and so i said i want you to pray for god's vision if it's small pray again because god is not small well they came back who and they said we want to have our own radio tower we want to have television here in lexington we want to do evangeline 24 7 12 months a year we want to do canvassing every year at least four times we want to do bible studies we want to do this we want to do that we want to they went on and on and on how many seminars a year how many i said what's wrong with you we don't have the people who don't have the money it's too much and they say to me didn't you say that if it's god's vision is big and that you'll provide i said yes i did but let's pick only three things i was unfaithful and i picked up three things that i knew that we could do because i didn't want them discouraged and they got kind of upset with me good for them and they left not very happy that night i didn't have a lot of peace anyway next morning i flew to carolina billy graham's place we had a meeting prayer conference rudy asked me to speak there rudy jacobson i spoke there after i spoke i go to my hotel room i never in my life lost a key broke a telephone i don't know how my wife keeps losing keys and breaking phones all the time i just don't get i never lose anything i know where i put them if it's dark i can go straight pick them up and when people move them i am not happy about it but anyway and so i put my telephone on the desk my water cup on the desk opened my laptop to check my email hit the water cup it spills over the telephone it burns the telephone i openly took the battery out put it in rice use the hair dryer i prayed no resurrection the telephone would not even turn on so i prayed again i had faith nothing i went to ruti ruti i cannot go to sleep before i call my wife can i use your phone sure i call and then i says hello rudy i said nah it's me it's not rudy why do you call him with his phone uh i destroyed my phone what what did you do this is what i did oh i am so glad now you will stop saying that i keep breaking phones now you broke one so you will keep quiet and i okay let's just i just called to say good night and i love you we talked i give rudy the phone i go to my room and i want to pray and i am unable to pray and i say lord i really want to connect with you please i want to be with you unable to pray and as i keep praying god says you went against me i said how you asked them to pray for god's vision i gave them the vision and you stop them say lord i'm so sorry if you fix my mistake i'll confess in front of the church but please fix it as soon as i pray that prayer i got peace i could pray when i finished prayer my dead phone started to ring i mean that and it was the conference and they say everything that i said no came within half an hour on a dead phone everything that i said no the conference called we have a project we want to send the academy kids to a church to do canvassing every year for so many years on our expense would you let the kids do canvas in your church yes thank you hang up the phone i say hey the phone is working i can call donna i look the phone and the phone is not even on and i try to start it and it doesn't turn on he's dead and he starts ringing a lady says i am the director of the local cable tv over lexington and i am trying to put a few hours of spiritual teachings on the tv and i don't like what i get and i went online and heard some of your sprayer seminars and i think lexington needs it i'm going to offer you three to five hours a week for free and she said it's seven to twelve thousand dollars one hour depends on the timing of the day i'm offering you three to five hours free if you would give me your presentations duh sure i'll give them to you thank you i hang up the phone i get a phone call from a guy says i'm not a member of your church i'm 40 miles away in a small church only just a small group of people god put in my heart to build a radio tower i am offering you a radio tower for free the location for free everything is if you're willing to start and to put the rest of the expenses everything that i said no to my board came within half an hour on a dead phone i went back to my church and i said listen i got to confess when i asked you to pray for big things and i stopped you it was me not having faith and i'm so sorry and this is what god did oh i thought they would hate me they loved me even more you never got to be honest you know got to be human you know they loved me they said let's do it we started many stories i'm gonna give just the radio story we sent an application to fcc for a radio tower there were four frequencies in lexington and 16 institutions competing for the four it's a point scale the more points you have the more chances you have to be accepted we are rejected because all the others had more points than we did we had two points everybody else had five or more points and my church got so discouraged oh you're rejected we thought it was god's vision it was when in the bible do you see anything that god asked them to do and satan didn't attack when god wants you to do something you should face challenges if it's from god but then you pray and they said oh no is the law is the fcc is the government nothing is going to happen so i kept praying we got a letter from the government to withdraw our application to take it back and the board let's take it back i said no leave you there pastor you don't know to take no for an answer i said yes because god said so now take it back now leave the application there we argued back and forth eventually they loved me so much that they accepted what i said that was june i kept praying i have to say they got discouraged after a few months of prayer most of them gave up only two of them david parker and peter they both are doctors they kept praying with me we prayed december 15 we got a letter from the government and it says our machines failed there were five frequencies but our machines didn't see the fifth and because all the others we do their applications yours is the single one left over so by default this fifth frequency is yours i told the church everybody was like graduation day jumping up and down screaming say i said calm down calm down and then i said we need about twenty seven thousand dollars besides what we got donations next sabbath we had fifty four thousand seven hundred in one week and uh we are on the air on the air 24 7 preaching the gospel and bible study requests and just explosion people are extremely happy people they left church and came back they share before the church and they say we just cannot help we want to be in the church 24 7. they come every day they come monday they start ernie came he left church 10 years before i found him monday painting the church ernie what are you doing here i just cannot help i want to be here people love it you cannot even stop them so i'm gonna close and say this whatever plans we do they are good we should plan we should be organized we should brainstorm but prayer should be before after and during and unless we humble ourselves and totally immerse in prayer nothing will happen just another plan because it's not what we do we know this it's only the holy spirit thank you
Channel: Sermons Room
Views: 45,808
Rating: 4.8251367 out of 5
Keywords: Testimonies, sermons, Pavel Goia personal testimony, pavel Goia
Id: -4d0W-ACDcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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