2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: The Basic Fundamentals of Faith (7:00 p.m.)

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tonight we're going to be talking about the fundamentals of faith the basic fundamentals and to begin with spiritual laws are not as exact they are more exact and more real than natural laws we understand the laws of physics laws of mathematics what is a law a law is something that is absolutely predictable you finally you finally test and you research until you come to the place where you know this is going to act and react exactly the same way every time unless you change it somewhere the best way i know to explain this a boeing 747 would have flown in 1821 just as it will in 2021 the atmosphere is the same the laws are exactly the same but nobody had any idea what the laws of lift were amen they looked at birds and dreamed leonardo da vinci looked at birds and dreamed and he had some really good ideas but they were just ideas and finally somebody figured out you could put hot air in a balloon and it would go up think of it the laws were there but nobody understood those laws until they worked and they thought and two young methodist brothers orville and wilbur wright they write methodist seminary is still today in dayton ohio i have spoken there amen they knew it they knew they could fly they absolutely wouldn't quit they they started out with bicycles they made gliders and they think they wanted to buy a sickle cell and so they made gliders and they successfully flew gliders they finally learned what the law the law of lift is but you still don't have anything when you have a glider you need thrust to overcome drag and so they built an engine can you see where i'm going with this now they were in england being celebrated and they sent a telegram to bishop wright and told him they were going to have audience with the queen he said that's wonderful but don't drink their wine there were two young methodists christian men and god gave it to them there were others right on that there was a german the lindenthal he was some of them claimed he did it first no he didn't he missed it a couple of days god gave it to these two young praying men amen and they flew and it changed the world amen the laws of lift the law of lift versus drag and aeronautical engineering was born and it began to grow and change and grow and change and grow and boeing was very successful with the 707 and then they said i decided to build a 747. and suddenly the laws changed again they ran into things that they didn't think about first they had to go back and re-study all of those laws again now this is important they had to go back and re-study all those laws again because this airplane was so big that it defied what they already knew and they found out that they're going to have to build these wings different than what they built them before because they're going to have to have flex this thing is so big and so heavy this thing's gonna be pulling off the ground at something like four or five hundred thousand pounds loaded and the weight on those wings when when lift comes the the wings are having to do this in order to lift it up they're becoming a bird amen and there's there's flecks in those wings they had to figure out how to keep them from tearing off of the airplane amen isn't that amazing but now wait a minute who created the bird he already had that figured out bubba amen and he planned for man to fly amen why because i needed an airplane to preach the gospel amen amen somebody walked up to me and said why do you have an airplane i said to go fast see the world looks at it as a luxury the luxury part of it is secondary the luxury part of it came about because wealthy people bought airplanes and they don't fly they don't buy nasty looking ones thank god for that gulfstream 5. now it's a gorgeous airplane but it'd do the same job it had burlap seats gloria designed the interior of that airplane she's designed the interior in all of our airplanes it's absolutely fabulous here's the thing years ago in my praying the lord said to me in my spirit boldly he said kenneth the day is coming when the airplane the airlines will not be fit to fly and he's talking about the ministry i had no idea it was ever going to progress into this where southwest airlines in one month would have something like 400 assaults in their airplanes people getting mad and fighting somebody aboard the airplane well thank god it isn't going to be aboard my airplane and it's just a good thing i'm not the captain of that one you talk about getting sued brother i'd probably try to cast the devil out of them like i did that other guy that i've told about whenever it was today or whatever no this is the world and it's full of sin and it's full of people that need jesus and we we kept growing up from a little fourth place cessna one just one step at a time one step at a time what were we doing we were using the laws of faith their very exact laws and they work all the time amen and over the last 54 and a half years and jerry's 52 and a half years and mark barkley's time in study of faith and george's time in studying faith and bishop deborah's time in studying faith and kay's time in studying faith and all the rest of us we keep learning we we keep seeing new parts of those laws and and how i was messing this one up well i need to correct that i need to change what i'm doing what i'm saying what i'm thinking how i'm acting and responding and responding because they are very very exact laws you can have faith for healing and not have a nickels worth of faith for prosperity now romans chapter 3. bishop david o udepo uh in canaanland nigeria that fabulous church i i was just there a few weeks ago to celebrate their 40th anniversary of that church and i asked him while while we were there i said bishop how big is your staff 40 years ago he said four i said how many is on your staff now he said 35 000. [Music] i thought i don't know anything about faith [Laughter] amen now listen to what he said and bishop is a very soft-spoken man in fact he speaks so softly sometimes he can't understand him what he's a very kind man brilliant man someone said you are preaching that american prosperity gospel he said no jesus was not born in america i wish i thought of that well i'm ready the next time somebody says it praise god here's what he said to me back in the early days i learned this from you in 2008 he said i understood healing i had no problem believing god for healing he said i understood praise because he said we began to grow because of a rep because of a revelation of praising god and he said we would he said i would get a mandate from god we would praise god until it came to pass but he said the the the prosperity thing he said i just and he said i i read your book on the laws of prosperity and he said but he said i got mama's book he's talking about gloria he said i got mama's book on god's will as prosperity and he said i read that and i read that and i read that and he said then it came i had a visitation of the lord and i realized it's a covenant amen he said suddenly i had faith for prosperity and his little church turned into a city and this little church he has now the longest largest congregation in the world his church packed out seats 54 000. he has five services on sunday and you still can't get them all in there so the people just come uh and and they have big screens on the outside and now and they finally built tents outside because it rains there a lot in the mornings and on those services they have another hundred thousand outside they just released the news and he doesn't do anything until he has the money to pay for it he doesn't do anything by debt error amen the 100 000 seat auditorium called the ark and it's too small but a hotel shopping center everything around it it is it's a city in itself and and everywhere you look faith faith faith he learned the laws of prosperity by faith now romans chapter 3 verse 27. 26 verse to declare i say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in jesus where is boasting then it is excluded by what law of works no but by the law of faith you see it it is a law it is predictable it you can know exactly how it works and we're going to talk about the basic fundamentals of it amen you always start with the fundamentals amen i have a question and i will ask dr avery jackson you like basketball it's okay he like football it's okay what do you like jesus okay let's talk about the world series what are you watching when you're watching the world series what are you watching when you're watching the super bowl masters of the fundamentals you didn't start in medicine as a surgeon you started in undergraduate school there were certain laws you had to master to keep from killing somebody that's right and one of those things now this is this is something that you and i don't readily think about but this man is a brain surgeon and i spent time visiting him with him about this so what he does is considered a sedentary lifestyle because he'll stand in one place and operate seven or eight hours he doesn't move all day he is busy all day but he cannot allow his body to get sloppy and nervous he has to exercise that body there are others that don't i don't know them i know this man so he starts exercising the minute he comes through the door at home he greets his wife doing jumping jacks he has to be tired as a i mean a man with under that much pressure for seven eight ten hours in one day and maybe more than one operation in the day and he comes in and he comes in the door doing jumping jacks because he can't afford not to amen amen and he does his workouts in the bathtub you and i'd be in the bed amen why the fundamental of the profession in in which god has called him demands that he do it right amen another neurosurgeon another good friend of mine another spirit-filled doctor and he was talking about the gifts of the spirit which includes faith in the middle of an operation i've just discussed this with dr jackson too not not to the length that i did this man because i was very interested in what he was saying he was operating on a young man removing a tumor from his brain praying in tongues the whole time he began to make the decision and the spirit of god said stop he stopped right where he was he said don't make the standard cut thinner so he said he backed off and then he heard the lord say if you do it the standard way you'll kill him and he backed off and he just ever so small amount and he said i got in there and i thought dear god i'd have killed him just sure as well i want a holy ghost man operating on me why because he understands the laws that govern his profession and the laws that govern faith i understand the laws that govern lift and thrust i i didn't know the lord jesus when i learned how to fly but thank god the lord impressed me greatly that you better listen and you better pay attention and you better do this thing right now well i didn't have any idea of playing with it to start with it was business with me and then i got over in the ministry and the lord really started working with me started talking to me about it and he said you need to study harder and and other things that and i was real sloppy in the cockpit i mean i'd throw charts down in the floor and all that and he said now you're gonna have to clean that up my just my natural way i didn't pick up my clothes out of the floor or anything else i met gloria and i thought you know i'm going to straighten this up well it's it's kind of like a reformed smoker i mean you know when you don't smoke anymore i mean you don't like anybody that does and so i mean i just went the other way everything has to be straightened in this place and i cleaned up that cockpit i began to understand what is around me on the outside is what's going on inside me put it in order get it straight square it off i learned that in the military and then i then i quit and so i went back i even went back to hanging my clothes in the closet like i did in the military i mean i'm squared away one hanger's not going one way and some other going one backward and forward amen no no i have to admit i don't do my socks the dumb way we did them in that foot walker you know whether to listens to my fists no no that's too much but they are nice in the drawer i'm talking about being obedient to the fundamentals and i'll let me let may i demonstrate something to you what if i become your flight instructor and we're going to start talking about the fundamentals and we've got this little we've got this little small trainer here and i'm i'm sure you know a lot about airplanes i mean you see them you understand i mean you know and all that if you've never flown if you've never studied any of this it won't take me five minutes to get over in some you don't know anything about i can just start in this is a propeller well i know that and this is an engine yes i know that these are tires yes i know that this is the wing yes i know that these are the ailerons the water runs the little flappers on the wing that make you turn this way in this way and then we'll go around to the empanadas and then well first the fuselage then the empanadas all of those have to do with the basics of aeronautics i learned one of the most valuable lessons that about teaching that i've ever known we're all all of us from group together and some are flight instructors i never did get my instructor's license i didn't want to do that but they had us all in there and so he's talking mainly to flight instructors and on being careful about what you say now we're getting over into faith right he said i'd like for you to teach me how to smoke well that ought to be easy right and at that time everybody in the room smoked and so but he had an open uh pack cigarettes so he this this this this man does not know how to smoke so he he handed him this he handed the majesty he said now you hand me you're going to teach me how to smoke and now you you hand me the pack and tell me what to do well he said tara opened the pack so he just got it like this no no no no see he lost him right there well what bishop does it make if you have to say it that's basic that's as fundamental as tearing open the pack and we haven't even gotten into fundamentals yet now i'm going to give these to you because we we may not get all the way through them but number one the first fundamental of faith believe it in your heart and say it with your mouth number two faith will not work in an unforgiving heart number three abraham's blessing cannot be received with thomas's faith thomas said unless i can see it and feel it i won't believe it abraham said it's according to your word i call things that be not as though they were and then number four faith calls things that be not as though they were and number five faith demands corresponding action it's really that simple and that covers the whole thing but then when you get down into those laws that then you begin to work with them and and there there are small things that begin to affect a lot of different make a lot of difference and when you first start it's like when i first started as a pilot i couldn't figure out how to land jesse got me he got his first airplane and it was a single pilot airplane it was jet but a single pilot and so jack let jesse ride up front and he taught jesse how to do the radios and then so jesse's calling talking to people about doing the radios and then he let him follow him through you know on a landing or two and he said to me he was so excited he said brother copeland he said i can almost land an airplane i said almost landing is a crash jesse and i shouldn't have done that you know i mean i kind of stole his thunder but almost landing is a crash you don't almost land anything but i couldn't get it i was very eager and i kept i kept rounding out too and i wasn't saved i kept rounding out too high and then too long and i was standing there one morning looking in the mirror and shaving and i called it it dawned on me i got a revelation of it see you can get a revelation in your spirit and in your mind you don't have to be saved to do that but to get a revelation from god you do amen amen well most of the time and i saw myself do it i thought i can do that i couldn't wait to get to the airport it wasn't all that smooth but it was only right where it was supposed to be but i had to do the same thing on every airplane that i learned to fly that was every one of them a little faster and a little higher and a little stronger i had to learn the same thing i had to learn to land it i had it's it's easier to take off than it is to land fundamentals vince lombardo had a losing season i mean this team is the best there he is at the time so they came back for training and he walked in the room now these are the best in the business well and he's walked in and he said gentlemen this is a football in other words we're going to start over you've gotten sloppy on the fundamentals so in order to begin we will open our bibles to the 11th chapter of the book of mark the classic teaching of jesus on the fundamentals of faith praise god thank you jesus this is where i learned it from my mentor kenneth hagin mark praise god chapter 11. we won't go into all the details but um babe well yeah we will too now jesus verse 11 jesus entered into jerusalem into the temple and when he looked around about upon all things and now the evening was come he stayed there all day he went out to bethany with the 12. why didn't he do anything right first things first he said i only say what i hear my father say i only do what i see my father do the father didn't say anything and so he didn't say or do anything he just walked through that temple and observed went back to bethany and stayed all night then he on his way to the temple where he tore down the money changers now he knew what to do but not the day before that's a big thing about faith don't be in all that bigger hurry amen there's a saying among the aviation community in 99 9 10 of the emergencies stop and wind your watch before you do something stupid you just be still and see what's actually going on now of course you get an engine fire you've already memorized that you know what to do with that you do all of that and then you stop and wind your watch now what do we do that's what jesus did in that temple then on his way he saw a fig tree of far off having great leaves in that part of the world when you have leaves on the tree the figs are supposed to be there it's and if it's not time for the figs yet then you you should have some you should have some figs left the classic amplified explains it the king james is not but now i want you to notice something here seeing a fig tree far off having leaves he came if happily he might find anything there upon him when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the time of figs was not you see yet is it in italics forget the yet anyway and like i said go to the classic amplified and read it jesus answered and said to it now wait a minute here what do you mean sir you are talking to a tree no he wasn't he answered a tree the trees spoke first that's small but it's huge it's part of the fundamentals ah uh-huh that pain said something to me and if you will stop and think about it you have already done this or you know somebody that did oh i'll tell you my old back's talking to me this morning well talk back [Laughter] talk to it yes peter's mother-in-law is sick of a a great fever jesus spoke to the fever before he touched her he rebuked the fever and then he took her by the hand and lifted her up and the fever left immediately see these little these little small things hey they're huge they're part of the laws and suddenly you're going from just ordinary mathematics you just stepped over into algebra intrigue and so forth and those mathematical regimens are not hard if you know the law our kids go to such a great private school and it's it's it's just a great school it's a christian school and uh i mean in high school these kids are doing trig and you know i had trouble with two plus two i didn't like math at all but i had to use it but thank god for calculators but i and i i asked one of myself what about that she said well i enjoy it she said i didn't for a while until i learned the laws then it all just fit together you learned the laws and then it was easy you learn the laws of the spirit and then faith is easy you learn the law of sickness and disease and then healing is easy when you begin to find out that healing is not a mystery i don't mean in healing really you don't believe in it well isn't that amazing why do you go to the doctor well i mean i don't believe in that god healing really then you don't believe your body gets well on its own well that's just my body well who made your body well nobody made my body yes somebody did did you have a mother or daddy or did you just fall out of the sky amen come on you believe in healing you just don't know you do but then you begin to learn and the more you know the more you find out you don't know and that makes you want to know more and then you get hungry to know now and i learned this very s simple thing supernatural healing by the anointing of god doesn't change the healing process you see that surgeon shakes it it doesn't change the process it just speeds it up it's the same process i've had things of course it took the natural time to do it i've also had it take almost no time at all but it was the same process now then so now listen to what jesus said they they said he cursed that fig tree and they came back in the morning they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up by the roots now you know good and well peter looked at that tree the night before on the way home he's going to check that tree out because he's the one that spoke up here and he's bold man he's going to say something so look at this peter calling to remembrance set unto him master behold the fig tree which you cursed is withered away back up to the 20th verse in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots that is a major faith insight faith doesn't start on the outside it goes on the inside and in most cases it's a while before you see the results come to the outside sir yes sir that's the way it works because the spirit man is on the inside and faith is generated in the spirit it's not generated in the mind it's not generated in the body it's generated in the spirit now i had uh i had a little little thing come up on my hand right there that's the size of a small grain of rice and it was white like that i didn't pay attention to it i i didn't even pray about it right i just looked at it and one day i scratched it and then it began to get sore and i thought well you know i better have that looked at so i still didn't think anything about it and i went over and uh went to the doctor he looked at this and um he looked at me and here again i was blessed to have a doctor of color and he looked at me and he said brother copeland he said my grandparents are your partners come on man come on yeah he said i know and i said well tell me about it yeah he said it's malignant he said it's skin cancer i said well look at that glory to god but i know the laws and so of course i just said well in the name of jesus but i got quickened into my spirit i said no i'm going to do what the word says any sick among you let him call on the elders of the church well george pearsons is my pastor so i called him he and terry came over and both john and kelly were out of one's out of town the other one was on on on well both of them actually out of town and but they were on but they were on the phone let them anoint them with oil in the prayer of faith save the sick and you know some of them so i said i'm ready and i had this big grin on my face all the whole time because i'm cancer probably wants cancer that make any difference so and so pastor george put his finger in that oil and he touched that spot and a and a little shock went through me and without thinking about it just when he touched it i said glory to god so then the process after that we were to go over to another specialist and so he's to shave this thing and put it under the microscope and he's going to take these shavings until there's no more cancer cells in there and they said come prepared to stay anywhere from 30 minutes until maybe up to a couple of hours or three hours whatever it was so we came and i still got this big grin on my face cause i know what happened man i mean i i shocked and laughed at this thing glory to god so i don't know we were in there about 30 minutes and they came back in and they said well there's no sign of any more cancer cells in there i mean it's that easy but you don't need to be in strife with your wife [Music] you don't need to be in strife with your family that's one of the first things faith won't work in an unforgiving honor we're about to see that so jesus answered them he didn't say anything about that fig tree he said have faith in god the cross reference says have the faith of god and i like the way i don't remember now what greek scholar told brother hagin this i didn't bother to look into it but he said have the god kind of faith well if it's the faith of god it has to be the god-kind well hey how'd you get born again in the first place by faith grace and faith it is the gift of god it was god's faith you didn't have any but faith came where did it come from it came from god it's god's faith that's god's faith on the inside of you right now if you if you know jesus as your lord and savior so you're using the god kind of faith it works exactly with the same rules his works with jesus didn't have one kind of faith and you and i have some other kind of faith it's the faith of god there's only one kind amen now there's natural human faith you have to have that amen you had that tonight when you sat down in that seat you had to believe it would hold you up and i've sat down in some church seats that i wondered if i was going to make it if i sat down in that regularly thing amen but you had confidence here i remember i i promised god when john and kelly were born that i would never ever in any way even use fear to jump out and scare them i'm not going to introduce them to fear i'm not going to work with them in fear with fear because fear is exact opposite of faith fear of a dangerous animal or a snake is faith in that snake's ability to kill you it's faith on the backside so you better have some faith in the fact the truck can kill you so i took both of them out out in the driveway i said all right see that car you like it kelly said yeah john said yeah i said this is nice isn't it yes it is i said boy one of these days you're going to want to drive one of these so where are you kelly and and daddy will help you i'll help you do it but i don't want to show you something look at the size of that thing i said kids this thing squashed you like a bug so the thing you need to do you need to be watching where you go because they're wonderful cars are great and they're fun and they're fine but you need to respect them you don't need to be afraid of them you need to respect them and stay out of the way amen and watch where you're going that's the way you teach you don't teach the fear you teach the faith that's the fundamentals so what did he say verily i say unto you who so ever whosoever faith is a whosoever thing it works exactly the way jesus used it it's his faith he got his faith from god just like we got our faith from him amen it's the same basic fundamentals and and here it is right here whosoever shall say he started off with a saying whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says those words which he said those are the things he says they're words that those things which he says shall come to pass he'll have whatsoever he says he brought the mouth in it first he brought the heart and it next not doubt in your heart not your brain but your heart then you stay with that you will have what you say and it goes all the way through the bible it's believed in the heart and said now and then stay with it but then comes verse 24. this is a kicker therefore i say unto you brother hagin would say when you see therefore stop and see what it's there for therefore i say unto you what things soever you desire what things soever you desire when you pray right then when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them end when you stand praying forgive me if you have ought against any that's all one sentence really and there it is amen it is that simple what do you desire i desired that silly little cancer to leave my hand i had absolutely no doubt about it when they said cancer i just smiled so what i i learned i learned a huge lesson when this horrible terrible pain in my back and it was my fault the lord had already said to me i want you to start walking and don't quit and i didn't do it and i made a bad choice that's the reason bad things happen to good people good people make bad decisions and bad choices it's that simple it's not the devil's fault the devil didn't do it to me i did it and that that the work that l345 started working and working and working just got all messed up fouled up and i just pushed it so far that disc blew up and there i was in that pain but i learned not to magnify the pain magnify the healing and i'd sit out there and i say oh glory to god hallelujah the right leg doesn't hurt i'm so glad the right leg doesn't hurt my hands don't hurt my eyes don't hurt my hair doesn't hurt my teeth don't hurt glory to god i don't hurt anywhere but right here so close what's the big deal and then start praising it for work's right that's the way faith works and faith worked and faith worked and faith worked and faith worked and faith worked and faith worked and faith worked and faith worked and faith worked until right now i'm absolutely totally pain-free in my body glory to god [Music] and in the best physical condition i've ever been in my life i'm 84 and a half years old feel better than i did 50 years ago i really do 50 years ago i was so fat i mean brother five by five not anymore i believe in my heart and i say it with my mouth the fat man will never be back he'll never be back and i don't hurt anywhere and i don't plan to ever hurt again amen and if i do i know what to do why because this inner man is more important than the outer man and this the laws of the spirit is really what we're talking about because dear heart god is a spirit jesus said that and they that worship him worship him in spirit and in truth and a spirit created all matter and he did it by faith amen that's enough to make you want to shout and run hallelujah praise god glory to god and when we came together in here this morning and we brought corporate faith in here together and we began to worship together and we began to praise together and the glory of god manifested hallelujah and you can live like that all the time but it needs to be the first thing when you get up in the morning don't start with the pain start with the praise and the last thing when you lay your head down at night the last thing i do the next to last thing i do is i crawl across that bed and i say good night my love she and i have the richest relationship and we just i mean we started out just two little broke kids that didn't have anything and love one another and we love one another more now 59 over 59 years of marriage thank god and we we've never fussed well i fussed for a while but she wouldn't fuss back i mean what's the fun about that amen and we learn the laws of faith together and we learn that scripture says faith works by love a spiritual law because god is love and he's the creator of all and he loved you before he you ever knew you were you thank you he knew you before you ever existed there is this thing called the book of life not the lamb's book of life it's the book of destinies and there's no healing i mean there's there's no sickness in it there's no death in it god didn't plan any of that he planned life and more abundance jesus said the thief cometh but for to steal and kill and destroy i have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly and the amplified translation said and have it in the abundance until it overflows you ought to be living out of the overflow [Music] and when you take that as little you say it i'm in the overflow you may not have 15 sin but in the name of jesus in the spirit i'm in the overflow i came home and told i i told gloria i said gloria uh we're we're we're partners with oral roberts for ten dollars a month where in the world are we ever going to get ten dollars a month well i had to preach the message to her well now part of that message was this i began to study the blessing of abraham well if i'm going to know the blessing but see i was scripturally illiterate i didn't know anything i didn't have anything to unlearn i was stupid and knew it the only thing i knew that i got so thrilled when i found out that god jesus died for the ungodly i thought boy i qualified for that and then i found the scripture his mercy endures forever dear god i got it made i mean you know that's all i knew but i began to study and abraham was rich his kin folks were rich and then and i looked her right in the face our favorite song this is back in the 60s julie london anybody remember julie london and the young ones say who's she here was the song our day will come when we'll have everything i said girl that's it i got the book i said look at this i said gloria look at look abraham's rich do you see this abraham is rich and we're the seed of abraham lord my god we've got the blessing of abraham i said girl this ain't nothing but a matter of time [Applause] we got to looking at that and then we we started talking rich and we started acting rich and old clothes went any good but get them clean and sold out glory to god amen more than once my britches split while i was preaching just pull the coat down and just keep preaching and i carry i carry needle and thread with me till today i learned how to sow well as the army then sure i just sold my preachers up bro you know yes thank you very much you know no no no and just keep preaching faith just keep preaching prosperity glory to god go to the the what they call it the place where the all the wrecked railroad stuff is oh man get you some good-looking clothes brother you got to preach and i one this i was staying with some very good friends and they pastored church oh my roy and opal sprague lord what faith people ah and so they took me over there this this this i don't know train salvaged place and and oh man that's this stuff and this really nice looking white trench coat down to about here i just had one big nasty spot on the back was all that looked pretty good opal tried and tried and tried never did quite get that out i don't care [Music] now i'm acting silly but it was that way we knew faith and i didn't care what i look like because it's coming amen amen and i found out that devil is a defeated foe and i found i learned something about don't ever let him see you sweat i want to kill you really that'll be the day not hardly oh yeah put him in his place yes deal with him in faith amen not in the natural amen you're no match for him in the natural but you keep him over in the arena of faith and you will whip him 100 of the time and you just keep resisting him and james 4 7 says he'll flee but you first have to submit yourself to god and then you resist the devil how by faith glory to god and i speak to him and as far as i'm concerned you are freed because i have it in the covenant book you're gone and i'm not gonna put up with you now get out of here and get your hands off of my off my children off my family i'm not gonna put up with you i'm not going to put up with you glory to god don't put up with him at all don't say well you know i can take a little bit of no the little stuff will get you into trouble again well now we we saw this and there's there's many scriptures here of course well the lord's instructed me to go ahead and read this one second corinthians 4 13 because out of the mouth of tooth witnesses let a thing be established of course there's a lot of witnesses to this but ii corinthians praise you jesus thank you lord ii corinthians 4 man this this fourth chapter is just oh it's you just just go through it just line by line and devour it but to get down to the 13th verse we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written i believed and therefore have i spoken we also believe and therefore we speak knowing we which raised up the lord jesus shall raise up also by jesus and should pursue us with you there's the law i believe therefore i speak and then i know amen i believe and therefore i speak and once i say it it's been said amen now go go back and re-say it that's when you start praising god amen amen see this this carpet row here i'm going to use this to demonstrate two things one let's call that the line of faith i have all my scriptures don't start this without the scriptures you go to the verses you go to the scriptures you find the what this is a covenant this is the new one the second one it's in the blood of jesus and you go there and you find the scriptures that cover your situation and that's the answer to your prayer you don't pray until you have the answer then pray it amen amen that's the answer to the prayer so you start there out of the mouth or two of three witnesses you can't build it on one verse don't even try that the principle is there the first principle i saw in romans 13 8 oh no man anything but to love him that arrested me yes sir but that's not enough because actually he was not referring to money there i thought well i'll go to the amplified it'll get me out of this and it said stay out of debt i'm stuck gloria and i had been in a service where brother hagin said now i all of those that will will do this with me that whatever you see in the word and you understand what it's saying to you then you will take that word as final authority in your life and you will not try to change it amen you don't alter the word to fit your lifestyle you alter your lifestyle to fit the word amen that's where the victory is so and i thought well yeah but then i got over into the curse from which we have been redeemed most christian people don't know what they've been redeemed from well sin well yeah but we've been redeemed from the curse which includes sin which includes debt i didn't say you're in sin because you're in debt now don't go i've had people go off and say i said that and that's a lie i didn't say that it's not a sin to be a dead but you ought to start now heading out just believing god oh yeah here i go and god will help me yes sir in fact we were discussing that in the speaker's room before we came out jerry and and pastor and and we were back there talking about it and uh jerry mentioned this everything you own is a potential seed but if you owe money on it you can't sow it until you get it paid for you get it paid for and god says to it you don't do it just just for kicks it is fun man i mean and and that's not bad sometimes but i'm not talking about i'm talking about a major thing yeah but if god says sow it he has something bigger in mind but he says sow it and you say you can't do that i said you can't honestly do that because you don't own it so you believe god and you pay it off and you sow it and believe for something bigger well you just keep doing that until you own everything even my house especially your house [Music] yes glory to god see we were we were blessed because we learned it early we were already in debt but you find verses that say under the curse the borrower is servant of the lender the borrower is never the head but only the tail but on the blessing you become the head and not the tail and in the blessing you are the one who lends yes or the god you give these are the laws of faith spiritual laws i wish you had a lot of a lot of time we could spend with this i believe it therefore i say it that's the way it works i believe it in my heart and i say it with my mouth now once i step across that that line of faith it's done amen it's done now let me let me let me show you this advantage kate i'll use you with you just stand up here you play like your gloria okay and we're gonna we're gonna cross the line of faith now any two of you agree as touching anything that they shall ask it will be done for them of my father who is in heaven but you you have to ask in faith now the two of us are going to step over the line of faith it's done we're not going back thanksgiving man it's done thank you and that girl believed with you right there you know i like what jesse said jesus said i'll be you too there you go i'll agree with you glory to god i mean that girl right there believed god so i step across the the the line of faith i believe in my heart based on these words i believe i receive my healing amen i believe it when i pray i believe i receive it i'm healed amen amen now that's what i did in that in that crisis even though it was my my fault i repented amen and it took a long time now i am not against surgery amen are you hearing me now i'll help you pay for yours but i made a determination i said i'm i'm i'm not going that route i'm going this route i'm going this route and i stepped over that faith line as far as i'm concerned i'm healed now let's go to work confess it every morning glory to god i want to thank you that i'm healed from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet what am i doing i'm calling things that be not as though they were that's what abraham did it got him got him a son only he was a hunter and he wouldn't quit amen he wouldn't quit he had a covenant with god and he knew it hallelujah god changed his name from abram to abraham you put that h in the middle of his name the covenant name change and that name is hashem and he was not no law he was no longer the father of nations he's now the father of many nations he's our father [Music] he fathered the faith calling things that be not as though they were amen i began to say it i began to believe it glory to god i'm healed from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet i'm healed to the best of god forevermore when you no longer have understanding and your mind no longer has words switch over into my land saith the lord come over into the spirit with me and begin to speak my language i will give you the utterance and you speak it out and as you do so and as you call things in the spirit and you the devil hears you and he understands some certain things that you say and you'll stand up and say it's finished it's over and i'll back you up saith the lord amen that's what i said in tongues glory to god i speak in the spirit by faith as much as i do in my natural language even more jesus said when you pray believe that you receive as long as you understand the words no you're still praying i sing in the spirit you remember what the holy spirit said through the apostle paul i sing i pray with my understanding i pray with my spirit i sing with my understanding i sing with my spirit and then i can minister in the spirit that's the gift the the supernatural ministry gift of tongues that's different from speaking in tongues amen it's all right there in 13 14 chapters of first corinthians anyway so i began to pray in the spirit borderless what am i doing how to speaking divine secrets and mysteries well they're my mysteries i just don't know them yet but the word says pray also that you interpret amen amen not that you be an interpreter that's a different role of ministry but it's your tongue amen amen amen amen and you just keep praying and you begin to yeah yeah yes i believe i know what that's about amen and you just keep praying and it'll come up and you're satisfied with it and that's fine sometimes it'll come out of words yes i believe i receive it i believe i receive that and i pray for my partners that way and i pray for all of that i pray for the nation i pray for all that and then i come down to the end of it and i say lord in case i forgot anything and if there's anything that you need praying and i don't know what it was i thank you and in the name of jesus right now i'll pray in tongues and you go ahead and you pray what you like you give me the utterance and i'll use my faith and pray it and together we'll get it and then i'll finish all that have i forgotten anything in the name of jesus and right now i believe i receive whatever i prayed in the spirit for my partners i believe i received that you know every one of them you know all of them all over the world you know exactly what they need you know what they need to understand and i'm asking you to take care of it and put it into their spirit and do it in jesus name now that's the way you minister in the spirit by faith you can do that just the same well i don't speak with other tongues that's your fault that's the easiest thing you ever did in your life and it amazes me people come up to people baptizing the spirit and suddenly start praying frowning hold up oh oh quit frowning [Music] i'm going to get baptized now holy ghost how glad thou shalt though it's joy [Music] and that's what makes it so easy jesus is eased he said my burdens are light why are they so light he's going to carry him voice yes i kind of see this in my spirit and my the mind of my spirit and when i was a little boy i wanted a shetland pony so bad because they were little and i could write him those were too big i finally got up before i could ride the big ones you know but i wanted one of those little shetlands because they were my size and you know i told my granddad's farm and i wanted to ride and of course later i did get to do that but i just see me as the little shetland i'm just this little guy you know and i'm in harness with one of those great big what do you call them clydesdales gray yeah i mean the biggest horse in the world and that's jesus and my feet don't even reach the ground that i'm in the harness i'm just up here doing this and god [Laughter] and i'm just riding along on the spiritual wave of faith amen hallelujah thank you jesus makes well like we read this morning it is a life worth living amen and of course we dealt with faith will not work in an unforgiving heart it can't it it can't and it isn't that god well now he it isn't that he won't forgive you we've stepped over into the new covenant actually listen to me now yes sir in this covenant forgiveness is already bought and paid for by the blood of jesus so that forgiveness is there for the taking but if you won't forgive someone else he can't forgive you you're asking for forgiveness here and you won't forgive someone else it's what jerry calls a blessing blocker amen this can't get through to you it's already there dump this other deal and forgive yes well you don't know what they did to me i know what they're doing to you now amen they've probably already forgotten it amen and every day you get up they're doing it again because you keep remembering it you don't remember it the way it was you embellish it every time you think about it because you think about all the stuff you wish you'd have said and you just get nastier every day i wish i'd just give you a piece of my mind you better watch out she hadn't got a whole lot of it left and you keep giving people a piece of it you're in trouble amen because we have the mind of christ that's the one you need to hook into and he said anyone that comes unto me i will for no reason cast him out you know why he already bought and paid for your forgiveness he forgave you a long time ago before you were ever born he forgave you amen god said i even i am he who broughteth out your transgressions from my own sake i said no you did that for my sake he said no i didn't i did it for my sake i don't get it he said you want to remember other things about your children i suppose of course not he said well i don't either he said besides that i'll remember your sin i can't bless you and then he said this to me not too long i'm not too often that i'll bring this part of it up he said kenneth boy you're starting with a clean slate brother now tell me about yourself [Music] suddenly in that moment i'm sin free that forgiving moment i just accepted that forgiveness and it's there and i start and i just start saying okay father let me tell you this first thing i'm healed amen he'll agree with that the next thing i've got the best ministry in the biggest ministry glory to god he'll agree with that and and by the way i have a brand new car you understand that and he'll agree with that don't mess it up stay in faith and stay on that edge of repentance all the time amen i learned a lot of that from creflo dollar i forgive yes now i told you i'd use this stripe and i think this is all the time we have no kid don't look at your watch i gotta go home tonight no i get to go home tonight narrow is the way that's the love walk that curse is out here and the devil and his whole bunch is right here i'm walking in love i'm staying in forgiveness yeah but i can do better than that and then suddenly i realize this armor is fitting me better you know you've seen pictures or you've seen it in the movies that armor you notice it never has a potbelly on it i mean it may be gutting that old boy on the inside but that metal boy he's got abs he's got a six-pack and on the inside this thing is sure tight but this is god's suit i'm suited up above all taking the shield of faith and quench all the fiery missiles of the devil banana and i'm shut up and put the face plate down i'm walking in love i'm in the full armor of god he can't tell whether it's god or me so don't smart off and let him find it out you walk in love you're talking in faith you're walking in faith and he gets a little nasty you just pull that sword on him and tell him karen satan hold this amen instead of where is my shield god it was around here somewhere where is my my sword i don't know where god helped me suit up that's prayer armor the full armor of god praying always in the spirit perseveringly for all the saints faith demands corresponding action the woman that was healed of the issue of blood she said it she believed it then she did it and she received it we'll read one thing from her in that fifth chapter omar and i'm through this certain woman had an issue of blood twelve years she'd been shut in read the fifth chapter of leviticus she was a shut in she was not allowed to get outside as long as she had an issue of blood beyond her normal time suffered many things of many physicians she must have forgiven the physicians huh spent all that she had was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment for she said if i may touch but his clothes i shall be whole straightway or immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and he she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague now wait a minute wait wait wait look if i may touch but his clothes i shall be whole she believed it and she said it and she did it before she felt it she believed it she said it and she did it before she felt it amen and that brings me to this i'm not moved by what i feel i'm not moved by what i see i'm moved only by what i believe and i believe the word of god now i'm not smart enough to come up with that by myself i learned that from brother hagin and then i found out he got it from senator i don't know where he got it but it's bible you mean you plagiarized brother hagin yes i copied everything he has he copied everything the bible has and that's stupid now don't i mean stay off of that wikipedia of trash well kenneth e hagin one of the leaders of the of the faith and prosperity movement plagiarized smith wigglesworth and sometimes that just words just fail me just bull jesus plagiarized god and god originated you and i have never had an original thought it might have been original with us but somebody else thought it first amen i mean you know but before we knew any better we just you know we just thought it was you know this just just god me and you know that's about it no it turned out not to be that way there was god and the devil and then me and i had a choice because i'm the deciding witness i decide amen there's a whole lot more to our decision than we ever thought god put into our hands you can make a decision on that how long you're going to live and you better make it amen it will be made for you if you don't amen all over the bible there are things in there that will shorten your life there are things in there where you lengthen them length of days how do you do that by choice by choice it's right there in the 91st psalm with long life i will satisfy him why because he put his love on me and he's known my name amen and with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation but how did it start how does the 91st psalm start i will say of the lord he is my refuge he is my fortress he is my god in him i will trust and surely he will deliver me you believe it in your heart and you say it with your mouth and then surely he will deliver amen it is the bible is that is that true what happened with david when he ran up against goliath the size of the man is what frightened everybody not what he said you seen this guy well i guess so he's nine foot nine or whatever he was and what david said i'll kill him i'll kill him this uncircumcised he has no covenant and i don't care how big he is and i don't care what he says i'm going to kill it and david said well so did goliath blah blah blah blah blah i'm gonna feed you to the birds famous last words david said i come at you in the name of the lord god of hosts and i'm going to take your head off your shoulders and he did it he said it and he did it and he cut his head off one translation said the the stone killed him and the sword finished the job he took his head and he went then and he said more over the world will know there's a god in israel and we're still talking about him and who knows anything about goliath and the irony of it he chased the whole army back to goliath's hometown and he has his head in his hand that thing must been as big as a basketball teeth hair and eyeballs all over the place i got him he's just a teenage boy so what did he do with it read it for yourself he took his armor and put it in his room he took the head back to church in his tent he's he's just a kid he wants it in his room he's you he believed god and he said it and he did it and he's the greatest king israel ever had and he was a man after god's own heart he wouldn't even let his any sin hard and he wouldn't let his sin take it down he just stayed on the edge of repentance fall on his face repent before hallelujah glory to god glory to god stand up please in my way in opinion this meeting has been come on george this meeting has been a milestone for me i don't know i i crossed over some things in the spirit in the prophet's ministry and and over into some things and seeing in the spirit i'm seeing things that that it has come up to another level it reached it and in a partner service on friday morning but this morning in healing school it it it really it really crossed a line and it's still there tonight that the office of the seer is activating more strongly and you help me do it and i love you for it and god loves you for it hallelujah you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 15,427
Rating: 4.7751002 out of 5
Keywords: 2021 detroit victory campaign, action, believe, confess, faith, forgive, fundamentals, healing, kenneth copeland, laws, lift, masters, math, mouth, natural, physics, planes, prosperity, say, spiritual, wright
Id: fL7KJbQ9nyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 50sec (5810 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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