Faith in Your Heart and Seed in Your Hand - Dr. Jerry Savelle

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thank you Lord well I get the extreme honor of introducing one of the generals in the faith and I've had the privilege Michelle and I both did I've been in Africa with brother Gerry I've been in Israel with him I've been in his Bible school I've been in his garage when it was just him and I and you know he was the same and that's one of the things that we love about him is his purity his sincerity just the attention you know word of faith is not some fly-by-night you got to know the word to live by faith it is the study part of the body to live by it and I'm just honored and thrilled and privileged that we have one of the premier Bible teachers with us today please join in welcoming dr. Jerry Savelle thank you thank you sir thank you appreciate that good morning everybody doing well smile robucket somebody to say I am doing extremely well praise God hey man can I give somebody this thank you sir all right you can be seated praise the Lord good to be with you this morning and congratulations pastor Jack and Mary Jean 30 years that's a great milestone praise God I thought it would be a whole lot longer than that I'm celebrating 50 years of ministry this year and I thought maybe you were celebrating 60 I don't know but congratulations and I have a gift for you this is from our ministry I call it the excellence and ministry award and it's to Pastor Jack and Mary Jean for their demonstration of love dedication selfless giving excellence in ministry during their service at West Houston Christian Center it's a personal token of our love and our esteem and our confidence and your continued pursuit of excellence amen not only that but I have a gift for you as well amen congratulations bless you sir we love you amen you have some great pastures hallelujah open your Bibles if you will this morning to Matthew chapter 19 and wait a minute there's something else I want to do before I get into word this morning Mike would you please stand Mike Riggs Mike is one of the graduates of our Jerry Savelle ministries correspondence school and not only that but he will soon be licensed and ordained through our organization right along with your pastors they've been for quite some time and we're honored to have you as part of our team praise God and so once you stretch your hands out toward him father I thank you for Mike thank you for his dedication his commitment to preach the uncompromising Word of God and we thank you Father for allowing us to have a part in his life and ministry we have high expectations for him and we know that you will use him mightily in the days ahead we thank you for a special anointing coming on him right now in the name of Jesus and we rejoice in it amen and amen give the Lord a good shout praise God amen hallelujah well I should be the commuting pastor I've got so many things to do this morning anybody need baptized and anybody needed marrying I don't want to bury anybody today okay praise God all right open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 19 Matthew chapter 19 I had the Lord say some things to me recently in fact brother Copeland I were flying to Australia and we were doing a conference their victory campaign and somewhere over the Pacific Ocean I don't know where but it's between Honolulu and and go coast Australia he and I had been talking and sharing some things and we get together we just preach to one another all day and he said Jerry I'm um I'm gonna take a little nap and he said you want to just do the same or do whatever you want to do I'm gonna get up and go to the back of the airplane and take a little nap I said go ahead sir I'm I'm just gonna sit here and and read a little bit and relax so he did and I sit there and continued reading and and then I fell asleep I sit there in the seat that had been assigned to me to sit in and just kind of lean back in it and began to drift off into a short nap and when I awoke I didn't ask Thord for this I wouldn't even thinking about it and he just said the moment my eyes opened he said 2019 will be a year of supernatural increase a year of supernatural increase I said well Lord I've experienced supernatural increase many times in the past he said yeah but not like what you're headed for praise God and I believe that was a word not only for me but for you as a member of the body of Christ so I want you to lift your hands right now and say Lord I receive that say I receive supernatural increase not only right now throughout 2020 and for the rest of my life and give the Lord a good shout in advance amen amen and so I obviously could not go back to sleep I just begin to meditate on that and pray about it and and wrote some notes down regarding it and I want to talk to you about it this morning for the time that we have left so Matthew chapter 19 and look at verse 26 but Jesus beheld them and said unto them with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible I'm if you believe that this morning with God all things are possible that would have to include you experiencing supernatural increase even if you've never experienced it before if God's Word is true and it is God is not a man that he should lie my attitude has been from the day that I surrendered my life to the Lord and I started reading the Bible my attitude has been God if you didn't mean what I just read in this book then you shouldn't have put it in my copy of the book because I'm gonna believe it and I'm gonna go for it amen and I've been doing that for 50 years now and God has never disappointed me never disappointed me hallelujah my wife and I don't know a thing about unanswered prayer God answers ours hallelujah because we learn to base them on what he said in his word glory to God and so notice here Jesus speaking I like what Jesse Duplantis says if it's in read believe it amen jesus said with men it's impossible but nothing is impossible unto God all things are possible to God so I want to challenge you this morning dared to believe for Supernatural increase dared to believe for Supernatural increase now super would be above and beyond and natural would be limited to the natural so in other words God is saying let me do things in your life that are beyond and above what can happen to you in the natural amen now you know the Bible teaches us from the writings of the Apostle Paul that were to work with our hands you know and nothing wrong with having a job you ought to have a job but don't allow that job to be your source and don't limit God by what you make on that job because God is the God of the supernatural he's the God of the above and beyond in fact I was telling Jack yesterday when he picked me up at the airport that this was the first trip I've got to make in my airplane since I've had it in the shop and redoing all the avionics and putting new interior in it and so forth and and I'm making it the finest citation 5 in the sky how to do Oh sitting back there and the smell of new is wonderful and I have a plaque up in the galley that I had made when god bless me of that airplane and it says above and beyond at first it says November 2 to 9 or Juliet ciara that's my call number and underneath that it says the above above and beyond Ephesians 3:20 that's what we named our airplane above and beyond amen when my grandsons my youngest grandsons get to go with me from time to time and they called it a be above and beyond and we take off down the runway and there their heart go way B go away B go away bee when we landed to stop baby stop baby above and beyond God's the god that's capable of the above and beyond the Apostle Paul said that in Ephesians 3:20 that God is able to do above and beyond all that we can ask or think the amplified says even even imagine he's capable of doing above and beyond and the reason I call that airplane above and beyond is because what I was believing for was not quite in the same category as what God gave me it was above and beyond it was bigger it was better it was faster and hallelujah amen and I thank God for it so notice here here's the foundation with God all things are possible say there with me with God all things are possible diction even say with God all things are possible now I know you've heard that I know you've heard it preached I know of you've read it but you'd be surprised at the number of Christians who've heard it read it even quoted it don't believe it let me try this side of the auditorium what get much response over here you'd be surprised at the number of Christians who've read it heard it preached even quoted it themselves that don't really believe it all things how many things all things are possible to him that believeth all things are possible to God and and Jesus also said and all things are possible to him that believeth I'm a believer anybody else in here a believer look at that hand raise it up if you're a believer make sure it's your hand and not your neighbor's then if you aren't a believer and you believe all things are possible unto God then you have to believe also that all things are possible unto you and you say Amen now these are just basic elementary principles of the life of faith amen I mean you just have to settle it once and for all that nothing is impossible with God not only that but if you are a believer then nothing is impossible unto you so no matter what you might be going through right now it's not over until God says it's over and God will never say it's over until you win how they do hallelujah that ought to be good news for somebody in here lift your hands and say thank God it's not over yet amen it's not over yet now let's go to mark the 11th chapter very quickly you're all familiar with it as well mark the 11th chapter and once again Jesus is speaking and in verse 22 Jesus simply says have faith in God have faith in God why because nothing is impossible with God so therefore we must have faith in God not faith in ourselves not faith in our own abilities not faith in our own intellect our own you know knowledge faith in God because there are some things that you and I face in life that we just can't figure out how to take care of it in fact in the Bible in the Old Testament it says that one man said we don't know what to do but our eyes are upon you we don't know what to do and there have been many times in my 50 years of serving the Lord preaching the word all over the world and many times I've been facing situations where I had to say the same thing or I don't know what to do but my eyes are on you that means if your eyes are on him then it's not over yet hallelujah hallelujah and if your eyes are on him and your ears are tuned toward him then you're gonna get a Rhema from God a word from God that will change your situation can you say Amen and that's what's happened each and every time you know I I'd love to be able to tell you that every adversity of every encounter every challenge I've ever had every attack of the enemy that I've ever faced that it was all taken care of within an hour but that's not true I can't say that but I can say it was taken care of not necessarily in an hour sometimes it took days sometimes it took weeks sometimes it took months and sometimes it even took years but here's my testimony God never let me down God never let me down why because I kept my eyes on him I had faith in him and I would not let go of his word nor would I cast away my confidence in him amen so notice here Jesus said have faith in God now let's go to Matthew chapter 17 Matthew 17 and look at verse 20 jesus said unto them because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you if you have faith as the grain of a mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain remove hence go to you under place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you so notice these basic fundamental truths regarding the life of faith number one nothing is impossible with God therefore have faith in God and if you have faith in God then nothing is impossible unto you and he say Amen now a few days ago I was home with my wife and and we were we were watching a Christian television broadcast and and just enjoying having some time off and enjoying our fellowship with one another and I got up after we'd watched this program and I went to my study and I heard the Lord say this with faith in your heart and seed in your hand you can change any situation you'll ever be faced with you got to write that down I see some of you doing it with faith in your heart and seed in your hand you can change any situation you're ever faced with amen and I began thinking about that and I thought well that's exactly wait Curtin I've lived all these years with faith in our heart and seed in our hand in fact I turned to Mary Jean a few moments ago and I said they didn't pass the the bucket across the front row and she got somebody's attention and had them bring back I said I don't want to miss the opportunity to sow seed amen I tell people all the time especially to our church now I founded a church about 18 years ago I'm the founding pastor but I'm not the pastor I'm the worst attending member there because I'm always going somewhere I get to preach in my own church about eight times a year you know but but in fact when I get up to preach delivered which I did last Sunday I announce I'm Jerry Savelle you're a founding pastor and I look across this out of to him and I think who are these people most of them I've never seen before in fact we just had a men's meeting over the weekend that I got to speak in and before coming here and the men that were there I probably knew about six of them and when I'm said Jerry I've been wanting to meet you I said well great what's your name he told me I said where do you go to church he said your church I said well how long you been going I said seven years it's the first time we'd ever met you know but I tell the people all the time they've went on there three things you need to bring the church number one your Bible number two your notebook or today your iPad your iPhone do something to take notes so number one your Bible number two something you can take notes on and number three seed now some Christians forget their Bible some Christians forget to take notes more Christians forget seed and then they wonder why they never have breakthrough they never wonder why they don't have these great financial breakthrough testimonies well you need three things every time you come to church number one your Bible number two something to take notes on and number three seed don't ever pass up an opportunity to plant seed amen now with that in mind go back to Genesis with me chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 and notice in verse 27 and God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea or the fowl of the air over every living thing that moveth upon the earth and notice verse 29 and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat now another translation says in the place of meat provision provision so notice at the very beginning Genesis represents the beginning God created man and two things God gave man at the very beginning after creating him number one he pronounced his blessing upon him they pronounced his blessing upon him and and the word to bless means to empower to prosper to empower the increase to empower to excel to empower to succeed that's the first thing God did to Adam he pronounced his blessing on him so that he would always be successful he'd always be fruitful he'd always experienced increase so that reveals to us that it was the will of God from the very beginning that and continually experience increase can you say amen to that why because that's why he placed the blessing upon him but then notice the second thing God did for men gave him seed gave him seed I had the Lord say this to me years ago I was preaching with brother Copeland in in London England this back in 1992 brother köppen was preaching that night he really wasn't talking about what I'm about to say to you but I just heard the Lord interrupts my listening to brother Copeland for a moment and the Lord asked me the question he said when I created man what was the first two gifts I gave him when I immediately said well number ones the blessing but I never thought of it in terms of gift number one gift number two I said well number one was the blessing and he said what was gift number two and before I could even answer he answered it for me seed seed if I say seed and notice it says it was for provision and and the Lord said this to me he said from the very beginning I enabled man to determine his own destiny through the blessing and the seed amen from the very beginning I provided for man the ability to determine his own destiny through the blessing that is on him and seed when you know that the blessing of God has on your life and it is the empowerment to prosper into Excel and to increase and you have seed in your hand no one can determine nor dictate what your income will be Amen I have a board of directors many of them have served on my board known for well the the ones that are remaining some have gone home be with the Lord but the ones that are remaining they've been on my board known for over 35 years these are men that I have great confidence in they're all men of God one is my attorney he got born again under my ministry many years ago and every January we have our annual board meeting and during that meeting present to them all of our accomplishments for the year I present all the financial statements and I present my vision for the coming new year and the last thing they do before they dismiss they have in compensation committee meeting and Carolyn I leave the room we don't stay in there for that we don't tell them what to do we don't give them hints we don't we don't say we need a raise we they never heard me say that in all these years they've been serving on that board and so I said gentlemen you do what the Lord tells you do Carolyn I'll leave the room when you're done call us back in and give us a report and so they go over and my attorney does all the research about what other CEOs make in an organization that brings in the kind of income we bring in and their responsibilities and it's based on all the legal requirements and so forth and and he presents it to the committee and and then they go over all the finances and where we are and where we're headed and so forth and then they'll call us back in and they'll present to us what our compensation will be and they're very generous they love us they take good care of us and usually in fact the nest I think the last 10 years whatever they said they would like to do I've said gentlemen thank you very much it's very kind of you but Carolyn I really don't need a raise and and we appreciate your love for us and your generosity but if you don't mind we're gonna decline it because we don't need a raise we've been living on what the ministry pays us now for the last 10 years same income same salary okay we haven't taken a raise I'll say to them and they start smiling I said now I will say this to you and they start smiling because they know what's coming even though this will be my salary it will not be my income even though this will be my salary it will not be my income and they all know what's coming next I'm a sower and the Jerry Savelle ministers international does not dictate my income it only pays me a salary but that salary is not my income my income for the year will far exceed what this ministry pays me why because I'm a sower and every year my income is much higher than my salary well boy I wish I could say that you can I said you can if you're a sower amen I learned from all Robert's many many years ago in fact I heard the call of God watching oil Roberts when I was 11 years old in 1957 I didn't answer it until 1969 but after I came to the Lord then I began to study or Roberts material in fact in 1969 was the year that he wrote the book the miracle of seed time the miracle of seed faith and and he offered it on his television broadcast and he said if you'll write to me I'll send you this brand-new book absolutely free I'll even pay the postage on it I turned to Carol I said Carolyn get the address here's one we can afford because we didn't have anything I still shut my automotive business down I still trying to pay off the debts from that business and I said Carolyn get this book and it came out the same year I surrendered my life to the Lord in fact the same month and so that book came in the mail the miracle of seed faith I couldn't put it down and Oral Roberts taught me to make God my sword amen to make God my source and I began at that early stage the first three months of my walk with Christ to make God my source in fact I was forced to make God my source because I had no other way you know I mean I'm shutting my business down I'm preparing for full-time ministry and and I don't have any salary you know and the or thrust me into a ministry I didn't start preaching in churches that didn't come to later I started preaching in the streets of Shreveport Louisiana to drug addicts alcoholics prostitutes homeless people that's where my ministry started in the streets of Shreveport Louisiana and I had such success in the streets that the Sheriff's Department wanted me to come to the jail's and preach and I preached in the jail's every week and then the Sheriff's Department wanted me to go to the prison so I start preaching in prisons all over the state of Louisiana the problem with that is I mean there's great victories great testimonies people getting saved people getting healed people getting delivered praise God but the offerings are terrible nobody on the street nobody in jail nobody had an offering I said Lord when do we get paid and about that time that book came and the Oral Roberts taught me how to make God my source how to keep my eyes on him and out of sow seed amen and then I began to recall that when I was a young boy I was born on a farm in Vicksburg Mississippi my grandfather had about 76 acres and that's where my dad was born my grandfather was able to buy that farm in 1927 and over a period of time he acquired more land more land and so forth and by the time 1929 came the year the Great Depression my grandfather had this farm and he had several acres in crops he had he kept a thousand head of hogs on the farm and he had cattle and he had chickens and all that so he was pretty much self-contained cuz he had all the crops he had to beef he had to chicken you know he had everything there that they needed and my dad was raised on that farm dad was born in 1927 and so that's how he made it through the depression now much later 1946 I was born and I'm now living on that farm and when I got to be about four or five years old grandpa would take me out to the field with him all the time he had this 1927 Massey Ferguson tractor oh I love that old tractor and I'd stand on the back of it behind him put my hands around his waist and hold on it had steel cleats on it it could knock a tree down in fact I still have that tractor and so I'd go the field with my grandfather and we get to the place there's a lot of hills in Vicksburg Mississippi and we get to an area where it's flat and he called it the flat that's where he planted all these crops and we get to the flat and when we get off the tractor grandpa say son we'll have some good crops this year I said grandpa how you know that how you know we gonna have good crops you haven't even planted yet he said Oh son this is good old Mississippi Delta soil you can throw it stick in the ground a nutria come up you know he said he said that Mississippi River starts way up in the northern part of the United States and by the time it gets down to Mississippi the state of Mississippi and down where we live it's brought all those nutrients and all the all those minerals and and it's just washes down there and dumps them on what's called the delta and said this is the best place in the world to grow crops we're gonna have good harvest this year amen and he began to teach me about sowing and reaping I didn't know my grandfather was teaching me at the Bible when I four or five years old and so we'd go out on that old tractor he started out doing it with a mule a plow but then he got that tractor we go out on that tractor and he till the ground he'd get it ready for so it and then we'd go out there and sow the seed his hard work you know by the time I'm by the time I was nine years old I'm driving my grandpa's model a flatbed pickup hauling hay I could drive that pickup I talked and he taught me how to drive it pickup at nine years old I couldn't even seal the steering wheel when I change gears I'd have to look up make sure I was still on you know in the right path and and I'd haul the hay down to the barn and so grandpa was teaching me seed time and harvest seed time I didn't even know it was in the Bible I hadn't even started reading the Bible yet but he's teaching me and he said son if you prepared the soul and the soul is right he used to call it if the soul is hot that meant is ready to receive the seed and he said if you prepare the soil and you plant the seed and you take care of it and allow it to germinate then you're gonna get a crop amen and he'd say what a man sews he'll reap and he didn't tell me that's in the book of Galatians I didn't have any idea where it was I thought grandpa came up with it you know and if you if you so you'll read and then when it came harvest I'll oh that's hard work harvest time is hard work and he he'd wake me up and say son we got to go to the field the harvest has come we can't let it die in the ground and and we'd get up and and early and we'd be out in the field all day long but grip always had a smile on his face die means sweat you know pouring out for him and he doing it with a smile I said grandpa this is hard work how come you smilin he said it's harvest time son it's harvest time amen harvest time is hard work but it's fun hallelujah and he say men well I learned those things and I'd really forgotten them over a period of time because we moved to Louisiana when I was about nine or ten years old something like that but I'd always go back and spend my summers with my with my grandparents in Mississippi but over a period of time I kind of forgot those things didn't think about them and until I got that book by Oral Roberts and he was talking about the miracle of seed faith I thought my grandpa taught me these things why haven't I continued to live by this but boy I made the decision that day I'm gonna live by this for the rest of my life amen God gave us faith the Bible says God has given unto every man the measure of faith amen you have faith today don't you never say you already have faith you have faith in your heart right now praise God God gave it to you the day you got born again the day you made Jesus Lord of your life God imparted faith into your heart you have faith now it may not be at the level that you'd like for it be but the Bible makes provision for that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God the more words you get in you the stronger your faith will become praise God can you say amen to that and so you have faith in your heart not only did God give you that faith but he also has given you seed I said the Lord one time back after shortly had had received the Lord after I had received the Lord and I wanted so desperately because God used Kenneth Copeland to come to Shreveport Louisiana in 1969 to preach the message of faith that changed my life that's that's when I surrendered my life to Lord and when he left and I know I'm serving the Lord and preparing for full-time ministry I wanted desperately to sow seed in the brother Cobra's ministry I didn't have any money I mean my business debts which I just shut the business down they were way up here my personal debts are way up here I didn't have money to sew but I wrote him a letter and I didn't even know how to spell his name I thought they were gone him Copeland I said dear brother Copeland and I spelled it KO plin dear brother Copeland your message changed my life and I just want you to know that I'm praying for you and I'm praying that God will lead you to other jury savez just like me and they'll hear what I heard and their lives will be changed I said sir if I had a thousand dollars I'd send it to you right now in this envelope but I don't have a thousand dollars thousand was as big as I could think back then I said sir if I had a hundred dollars I'd send it to you but I don't have a hundred dollars I said sir if I had ten dollars I'd send it to you I don't have ten dollars I said sir if I had a daughter I'd send it to you but I don't have a dollar and then as I'm writing that letter the Lord said but you're not without seed I stopped writing it I said say that again Lord he said you're not without seed I said well if I've got some seed would you tell me where it is that's news to me he said you have some prayer time he said right in that letter I don't have a thousand I don't have a hundred I don't have ten I don't even have one but I'm not without seed I said I will get up every morning at six o'clock and I'll spend the first hour of my day praying for your ministry that's all at sea dive got right now I signed a jury Savelle and sent it to him amen well he came back about six months later to do another meeting and that's that's when he called me out of the audience and said Jerry stand up I had just met him in fact he wrecked his automobile on the way over there and I was repairing it for him during his meeting so I didn't get to go to his day services I was working on his car and and I got to go the night service but he came over one day to watch me work on his car and and he spent about an hour with min he said I've got to go and get prepared for the service tonight and I'll see you tonight so we got over to the service I'm setting about where this gentleman is about three rows back and he's preaching along there about 15 minutes into a sermon he said Jerry stand up I stood up not having a clue what he's going to do he said God spoke to me today in prayer and said you and I will be a team and we're going to spend the rest of our lives together preaching all over the world and it'll be your responsibility believe God for the perfect timing for the team to begin set out and then he kept preaching I leaned over to my wife I said what did all that mean see she'd been feel the Holy Ghost since she's 8 years old I figured she knew more than I did I said what did all that mean she said I think we're moving to Fort Worth Texas I said why she said he said you're gonna be a team I said a team she said sounds like to me gonna be preaching with Kenneth Copeland for the rest of your life wow what a privilege that would be well in six months later weeds in Fort Worth Texas traveling with Kenneth Copeland he's my Bible school I'm being mentored by him 50 years later we're still a team still preaching all over the world together praise God amen hallelujah but then I remember about a year after I had written that letter then the natural I can't make this happen but somebody blessed me with a thousand dollars said I want to put a thousand dollars in your life I appreciate what you're doing I'm still preaching in the streets I appreciate what you're doing in fact it was a man I knew that I'd been in basic training with back in the earlier 60s and he was a businessman he owned a business that's parents were he inherited the business they had they were wealthy people and and I was witness to him and he didn't want to hear it and I said well I'm not trying to push it on you but you do need Jesus in your life and he said I don't I don't I don't want to hear that but he was interested in what I was doing and every time I'd see me said tell me what's happening in the streets and I'm getting these hippies delivered in his drug addicts delivered and so forth he was interesting he was intrigued by it and one day called me to his office he said I won't talk to you and I got to his office and he said now I don't I don't want your Christ I don't want you preaching to me I don't know why I'm doing this but here and he just emptied his pockets and dump money on the floor in front of me his pile of money he said I don't know why I'm doing this but here I can't even slip since the last time I talked to you and and he he said you know why I'm doing this I said oh yeah I know why are you doing this he said would you please tell me I said yeah I just found a scripture of the day in Proverbs said the wealth of the sinners laid up for the just I said you in the center I'm gonna just and if you don't get saved him and wind up with everything you have he said pray man pray he got down on his knees receive the Lord that day praise God and to this day he's a deacon in the church he's been serving God all these years praise God amen amen let's see with faith in your heart and seed in your hand there is nothing that Satan can do to hold you back nothing he can do to keep you down amen well as I was about to tell you about a year later after I'd written that letter to brother Copeland this man had given me that thousand dollars I walked up to Kenneth Copeland I said sir I don't know if you remember the letter that I wrote to you when I said I didn't have a thousand dollars didn't have a hundred dollar I said here I put it in his hand he took it like this and I was shocked at what came out of my mouth next I said one day sir it'll be ten thousand dear God why did I say that where in the world would I get ten thousand dollars but a short time later I'm not talking about in a few days I'm talking about a few years I walked up to him I said you remember the last time up with that thousand dollars in your head and I said and I did not know I was gonna say it that had been ten thousand well here it is Sir ten thousand dollars and I heard come out of my mouth now one day it'll be a hundred thousand I thought Jesus come quickly take me out here we're no world would I get $100,000 but I'll never forget today you remember sir I said one day it'll be a hundred thousand I said here it is I could hardly wait to hear what came out of my mouth now my faith had grown I said in one day I'll put a million dollars in your ministry and I've done it how'd I do it yet and that that started with somebody who had nothing didn't even have a dollar to sew into the man's ministry amen what happened faith in my heart and seed in my hand faith in my heart and seed in my head look you never say if you have faith in your heart and seed in your hand nothing is impossible under you if you believe it give the Lord a good shout praise God Amen hallelujah let me let me close it with this my time is I got one minute years ago I was preaching when brother Copeland actually 1981 October 1981 in Charlotte North Carolina and I had preached up until Thursday afternoon and then brother coab was supposed to preach that night Carol and I went back to our hotel and they had provided a i sweet for us and Carolyn said are you gonna take a nap she said if I don't take a nap I'm not gonna be able to stay awake tonight while brother Koch was preaching I said no I'm not I'm not really wondering taken out but you go ahead and go to the bedroom and take a nap and I'll wake you up when it's time to go I'm just gonna sit here in the living room and and just relax so I put my suit away I put my robe on and I said on the sofa and a prop my feet up on the coffee table in front of the sofa and I just put my hands behind my head and leaned back and I closed my eyes not to go to sleep but I just closed my eyes and the moment I did I did not know this was going to happen I didn't ask for it I didn't expect it but the Chicano glory of God filled that hotel room it got so thick I couldn't even see the furniture anymore and Jesus appeared to me and he said these words my people in fact as he began to speak I reached over and got a this legal tab tablet that I had on the table next to the sofa and a pen and I got it out because he was about to speak somebody asked me that many times what did he look like you know I didn't notice I was more interested in what he had to say I'll see him later you know I was more interested in what he had to say and he said my people are experiencing financial famine and I'm going to reveal to you the keys that will bring them out and I started writing I filled completely that legal pad I couldn't turn the pages fast enough and it seemed like he was there for hours but it was there for seconds which let me know Jesus can say more in seconds than most preachers can in a lifetime and I wrote it all down and in a few moments that bedroom door opened and Carolyn said what's going on in here I said Carolyn I just had an appearance of the Lord she said and I thought it was interesting she didn't say what did he look like she said what did he say I said sit down and I read all those notes to her she said are you gonna tell brother Copeland about this I said no she said why not I said well Carolyn he and I've been preached together so long he'll pick it up in the spirit he'll pick it up in spirit I won't have to tell him and so we got dressed when we went over to the meeting now brother Copeland preached that night glorious setting on the on the front row on the AU Carolyn's next to her then me and then Charles and Peggy Capps and then Norvel Hayes which were their other speakers brother Copeland got up he sang a couple of songs and then he said let's open our Bibles tonight and we're all waiting for where do we open our Bibles and he didn't tell us he kept looking down at his finally he said let's open our Bibles tonight at the second time and he still didn't tell us where you know inquiring minds want to know and so finally he closed his and he said Jerry God visited you today come and tell us what he said so I got up and went to the platform and he had his associate put a chair about this close to the podium and as I went by him he grabbed my coat he said boy you tell us everything he said he don't leave out a word you understand me I said yes sir huh and then I began to preach that night what the Lord said to me about supernatural in Greece it went all over the world in fact brother Copeland got up immediately afterwards and told his television producer whatever you got planned for the next few weeks for my broadcast cancel it and get this message Jerry preach tonight own as quick as you can well it came on in just a matter of a few weeks and this is back when brother Copeland only had a Sunday broadcast it came on in a matter of a few weeks when it came on on Sunday a few weeks later this is October the next day I go to my office and I get a call from Oral Roberts and said now I had met more robbers at this point never met him before and all Roberts said I saw you preach on Kenneth Copeland's broadcast yesterday and I want you in my office at 10 o'clock this morning can I expect you is 8 o'clock who tells all robbers no I jumped in the plane and flew to Tulsa I didn't even know where to go I didn't know where his office was I knew where or ru was and I asked some students worst brother Roberts off oh we don't get to go there I said well he asked me to how did I find his office and so they finally showed me his office went upstairs you knowing Ruth rooks his secretary I introduced myself she said brother Roberts is expecting you she called said brother Roberts Jerry Savelle is in the office he came out had his hands out like this he said come here my brother I've been wanting to meet you for a long time I turned around to else came in the room I said are you talking to me yes I'm talking to you you've been wanting to meet me for a long time that's my line I've been wanting to meet you for long time he said I heard years ago that you heard the call of God watching me on television when you were a young boy and I told Evelyn after watching you preach yesterday it's time for me to have a relationship with this young man he said come here so I walked up there he said come here I didn't know I hoped I supposed to get I walked a little closer he said come closer and I walked up there and he grabbed me and took me into his bosom and began to prophesy over me and then he said come with me and we went into his office he had a big chalkboard he handed me a piece of chalk he said I want you to write all the scriptures you preached about yesterday on this chalkboard and I want you to give me all the main points from your message and he said and you're gonna preach that same message to me just like you did on Kenneth Copeland's broadcast he said and if I don't understand something you say I'll stop you and make you repeat it he said if I if I question anything you say I'll stop you and make sure that you know what you're talking about he said you're about to receive an oral exam I preached to all robbers for six hours six out my brain was on I think smoke was coming out of my ears after I got through when I got through he said you've heard from God now you gonna put this in a book I said I plan to he said well you better hurry up because I'm about to and I'm not telling anybody where I got it and he I called it sowing and famine he called it attack your lack a men well after I did that message would brother Copeland that night I was experiencing at the time financial famine in my own ministry and and the Lord told me to take over to the service that night and I thought I was going to do it back in the speaker's room not publicly and he said I want you to write a check for $1,000 out of every division of your ministry and so it into brother Copeland and act on these principles of sowing and famine and just watch what I will do and he said you're building your new home well Carolyn is building her dream house I was building my dream garage so anyway he said you're building your new home and so a thousand out of your personal account so I took 11 checks over there that night one out of my missions Department one out of my television Department one out of my aviation department every division of my ministry and some of those that thousand dollars was the last thousand dollars I had in that account and when brother Copeland called me up to preach after I got through prison he said the Lord said do it now so I didn't I didn't know that he wanted me to do it publicly but he said do it now so I said brother Copeland come here and I sowed one thousand out of each division and one thousand out of my personal count now remember this is a Hoeber of 1981 if you'll read Genesis chapter 26 where Isaac sowed in famine you remember the story if you haven't read it read it and if you'll read it it says and he reaped a hundredfold in the same year in the same year that's two and a half months away and the Lord said to me and you're gonna experience the blessing of Isaac and I sold the next week I was with Kenneth Hagin in Tulsa Oklahoma brother Hagin wasn't in that meeting the message hadn't gone on television yet that was to come I was with brother Hagin and brother Hagin writing to me all these sermons stopped and said brother Jerry come up here God just told me to do so I'm about to plant the biggest seed I've ever sold he said God told me to give you my airplane that airplane at that time it was a Cessna 421 golden eagles worth about a quarter of a million dollars he said come to the office tomorrow we'll give you the title of the keys and it's yours so I have planted a thousand dollars out of my aviation department and I'm going home with a quarter of a million dollar airplane that was one week later the next night in that meeting a couple from Canada came up to me and said brother Jerry we did this last week before we ever came to Tulsa God told us to bring a check for $100,000 for your television ministry here that was the next night before December the 31st of 1981 I had reaped a hundredfold on every seed that I sold that is supernatural increase can you say Amen and what what produced it faith in my heart and see denying say it with me faith in my heart and seed in my hand glory to God if you have faith in your heart and seed in your hand no devil can stop you no devil can defeat you no devil will limit you no devil will confine you you're about to break out and break loose and to the blessings of the Lord like you have never experienced before and if you believe it give him your best shout hallelujah Amen stand to your feet praise God well I preached myself happy I was happy when I got here but I'm happier now brother Copeland tells me all the time Jerry the strongest anointing that I sense on your life is when you're preaching on the seed time and harvest hallelujah because it's it's it's life to me it's revelation to me when it becomes revelation to you nobody can take it away from you amen Carol and I have lived on this principle for fifty years now and I say to the glory of God that this year 2019 I've been preaching 50 years this is the finest year we've ever experienced this is the greatest year we've ever experienced hallelujah and I have reason to believe coming into 2020 oh we're gonna go above and beyond Halladay come on if you believe that for yourself give the Lord a good shout amen father I pray over everyone in this building I pray in the name of Jesus that they receive this word that it's an inspiration or faith they're doers of the word and as they put it to work or as they continue to operate in it that you're going to bring them into the greatest level of supernatural increase they've ever experienced in Jesus name Amen if you receive it shout I'll receive it hey hallelujah amen you can be seated
Channel: West Houston Christian Center
Views: 24,339
Rating: 4.837728 out of 5
Keywords: jerry savelle, dr. jerry savelle, faith in your heart, faith in your heart and seed in your hand, west houston christian center, whcc sermons, word of faith church in houston, word of faith church, spirit filled church, spirit filled church in houston
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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