2020 Pokémon Collinsville Regional Championships VGC Masters Finals - Wolfe Glick vs Andrew Ding

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everyone knows at this point I am a huge fan of Duran that's no secret at all but I think sylveon's are really nice adaptation to a number of things in this format I think it provides an answer to so many Pokemon and I think God fatale finally getting its time to shine something that a lot of people talked about Gotha tell at the top of the format do you didn't quite get there and now it's being given an opportunity on the big stage I really like that in past series that we watched and reading performin may utilize the shadow tag ability on the Gotha tile to trap the turn zero leads in with an additional Pokemon that Andrew brought and I actually thought that was really intelligent because I meant that there was no pivot ability but I think that's something that I think Andrews not gonna be able to totally heavily rely on as a strategy because Wolff seems to have a game plan in the back and/or has the ability to have a game plan in the back with a back-end trick room well I think the other thing to talk about with wolf is he's so good at getting that lead correct as we saw in his top eight second Satmar so in both games his lead put him in such a clear advantageous position vidi was able to go from there and yes I think against URI he was forced to use those combinations in the back room later trick room with the right period and then activating obviously your own weakness policy with bulldoze bar overall you know he's just always thinking about the full game plan so be curious to see you know if maybe andrew has to mix it up and to change up from that that standard-issue strategy changing things up a little bit so not gonna be bringing gossiped all in this game at least for the time being but Andrews actually gonna bring the d'haran to the Milotic and Wolff actually leading with the dusclops in the right period yep I mean going straight into it saying I'm gonna trick him that really isn't a reliable answer I think over on underside to the trick room he doesn't have a Pokemon that could function and sweep and trick room itself so certainly a little bit of an uphill struggle and I'm Wolff identifying that in team preview and saying you know what that's fine I'm just gonna lead the Scopes rhyperior that's set you know if the right period plays a little bit faster loose leaves itself a little bit open could get caught out I mean Duran am I to take both have options to hit it super effectively but you need to make sure you get the knock out for us the weakness policy is gonna make this right period way too hard to handle something else that might be hard to handle is this Durant that just kinda maxed talk to a lot about how that Hustle ability ends up being so powerful with that Dynomax Durant but rhyperior is gonna go for a protect here wants to ensure that it's going wants to ensure some survivability in case this Durant decides to target it down which it does with a max steel spike and ends up doing just a little bit of damage through that protect yeah a little bit helps how you know just does get the boosts through on my lytic side but you activate the weakness policy too so that's not really where Durant wants to be and you've provided zero answers for this dusclops Milotic going for the coil so this going to increase not only its attack and defense but you're also going to increase its accuracy in case it decides to go for something like a hypnosis by dusclops gets a chance to get this trick room off for free absolutely no way to stop the desktop setting up hypnosis there that's it my little nugget its defense boosted by two stages so it will be able to kind of come in neutral against that right period but smart smart play from Wolff to hold on to that dynamaxx from rhyperior you could have talked about some max guard not taking any damage or in this case you just stay in your regular form you protect you still get to activate your own weakness policy and then you get to Dynomax the next turn immediately take advantage of it so I think really smart play and he staggered those Dynomax turns against Andrew into such a way that it lines up perfectly with triggering to you're not dying maxing out of trecorum for any point so he's gonna be comfortably in the driver's seat unless Andrew can really weave in a huge attack in the next turn or two yeah Durant does not want to be in this position of being Dynomax with in trick room so we'll go for the max guard but dusclops is going for an ally switch in case Milotic decides to go for an attack but the max Flair from the rhyperior that we saw in that series top four series but unfortunately this Milotic is not going to take advantage of the fact that rhyperior was going for attack it's going for a coil yet again boosting its stats yeah I mean this Durance in such a bad position and knowing about ripe areas max Flair that we did see as you mentioned in top 4 does make this right period here at matchup arguably even was you know it tried to make steel spoke term one didn't get exactly what it needed and now it's just facing down max flair so I don't really think this during has much left so they got one more turn of Dynomax anyway but I don't think it's even gonna be given a turn to take advantage of that it's seeing that I mean Andrews is forced to switch it out and you know when you're switching out your Dynomax pokemon that is not quite what you want to see but said how can i coming in if max Flair's head in that way again not the world know especially with the intimidate so even though you have the weakness policy boosah intimidates gonna drop that attack to a plus one stage instead and dusclops going for the nightshade into the Milotic just trying to get some damage off and and now our IP really go for the back swing then they get the recorrect that's going into the Milotic yeah my load to go with now double coil boost and the follow-up from the max steel spike turn one takes you know not too poorly as well obviously the intimidate from how can i helping out as well activate it's very the Sitrus berry giving it a little bit of recovery my hypnosis will land on this right period oh that double coil coming in making sure there's no doubt about it and you know the only damage output this turn is gonna be that dusclops that dusclops limited to just nightshade damage or potential pain split players if that's what it has but you know that damage output becomes a little bit lower at this point dusk ops is gonna go for the nightshade again and we saw how much it did to the Milotic the first time gonna bring it to about below half the rep area is gonna take its turn of sleep here as Milotic goes for a muddy water to doing some good chip damage to both of these Pokemon yeah I mean that's gonna be the last turn of Dynomax for rhyperior and both accuracy drops coming through on dusclops and rhyperior quite interestingly though what I like about this play is that now you're getting the actually drops from muddy water once you get about Dynomax you're not being able to use max moves anymore means this rope area could really struggle for the rest of the game I mean it's gonna struggle to take another muddy water out of Dynomax too but there's only one more turn a trick room so maybe Andrew can carve out an advantage by sometime there but he needs to deal with the dusclops before it just resets trick room yeah one more turn of trick room so dusclops is going to go for a nightshade here instead of trying to reset that back up and Milo next takes like a chaplain Gary wakes up my peer goes for the rock slide it doesn't get amiss it all even with the accuracy drop so it's gonna be a double knock out yeah I mean you can't stop the right period it did of course have the weakness policy boost intimidate not enough to stop it Milotic bots so low by this consistent night shading from dusclops I mean desktops and nightshade don't care obviously about your defense boost doing a set amount of damage every single turn just means hey guess what I'm really able to keep on going now Andrew down to his last two Pokemon already against four from wolf and the desktops still very very healthy definitely able to set up another trick room in this rope area yeah the accuracy drop came through yeah it's had it starts lowered a little bit but all of those defense boosts he spent all the time putting in earlier just don't matter at this point it's been able to allow these Pokemon to stay on the field as long as they have wool fastened had to make any pivots yet and rhyperior going for protect while its partner is potentially going to set up that trick room as during goes for the iron head hoping to get the flinch so that this dusclops can't utilize its trick room hyper voice though is going to connect with the dusclops and it still hangs on it gets off the trick room yeah I mean that that pretty much seals it up I think you know we know that there's a fire-type move on this ripe area that's gonna handle do around with ease I mean still beyond just not able to put out enough damage in this matchup so we are really you know really important in some of his top four matches I think and it'd be interesting to see exactly how he decides to adapt the things in Game two I don't want to write it off there's always a chance you know something that actually drop on both rhyperior and dust go up so if things keep missing and then going silly we're gonna be in position but right Pirie is just gonna save itself completely deal with all of those silly stock changes that have to do with earlier and say you know I'm gonna back I'll come back out later Darren goes for the protect as mimic you comes in for the rhyperior plays dusclops smartly goes for the nightshade into the sylveon just to get a little bit of chip damage Minh sylveon goes for another hyper voice dusclops not going to be able to survive through that one and also pops the mimic use disguise on the switch in yeah I mean because this guy's getting popped is nice but at the end of the day this right period is just able to come back in and do exactly what once without the accuracy drop from the earlier muddy water so yeah Hughes got its itself in a slightly dicey a position when it's disguise being busted but it's still three two two and if we're gonna talk about accuracy we do also have to talk about deer and hustle there's no guarantee even if do-right manages to make it through the turn that it lands a retaliation here hustle that's kind of the downside of running the dirt right is that ability has its downsides but protect unfortunately not gonna get off the second time I parry goes for the fire punch that's what the max player is based off of sodor it going to take the one hit knockout here yeah I mean you have to find a way to do with the ripe area while they managed to land a double protect sylveon is gonna just keep on going the hyper voice does pick up the right barrier so you know if you've managed to protect that Duran might have been able to get there but I think mimic use phantom forces is certainly gonna be a bit of an issue yeah mimic cue is now vanished completely from the field sylveon still has to deal with the fourth and final Pokemon in the back which is going to be that Togekiss yeah that's case you can't hyper voice into it enough I think to get rid of it this sylveon it was gonna keep on trying I don't see why not me maybe landing exactly what it needs does even a yawn so another sleep option on Andrews side put that up a little bit for EM as Togekiss goes for the dazzling gleam it's still going to do a bit of damage mimic you coming back out of the dimensions with the Phantom for sylveon hangs on so toka kiss without the opportunity to switch out is going to get put to sleep after the next turn yessiree Oh needs to protect this time I make sure that it doesn't you know get caught with any any damage problem is even if you protect so like it's kind of a no-win situation maybe he was just gonna get phantom force away because we'll be probably be able to get it actually an tobe kiss Oh critical he'll mimic you that's just what he needed I think just to guarantee that knockout and this total kiss doesn't get here it's gonna go to sleep dazzling gleam isn't enough damage it's gonna get knocked down wolf takes Game one yeah I mean I expected Togekiss to be able to do it and it was interesting that triggering was ending so if trigger him had ended then the the mimic you would've been able to safely phantom falls away and get rid of it so he had to attack him too in that turn but that was the turn before you on had to come into effect so the toe kiss was still there able to do enough damage obviously the single target doesn't mean doing a little bit more and wolf even though dragged it closer and I think he could have liked was in it was in a good position I actually think that Andrew did a really great job of pivoting Pokemon as well though dealing with the sleep on the right period where just woke up and kind of like the most inopportune time for Andrew that's just unfortunate anything he can be you know too concerned about it woke up it landed rockslide twice through the accuracy drop from muddy water but Andrew did all the right things you know he opened up as many doors from self as he could to try and get back into the game after I guess a rougher start but you know really not quite getting there exactly when he needed it the one thing I'd be interested to see with with Andrews team and it obviously honored Iran team most of the time you just used Durant as your Dynomax there could be another option that I think would be a little more available to him and maybe put himself in a better position in game number two we'll see how he plays it though I think Wolff played that game flawlessly never really in danger and even at the end you know when we were just kind of trading knockouts quite carefully that was exactly what you need to do injured mention when we got a chance to talk after their top eight match that there's really two different modes two different pokemon on the team that really like to take the Dynomax factor either the durant or the Tyranitar do you still think that during it is the right choice going into this matchup the problem is is I don't think Tyranitar is much better a choice against a potential Dynomax right period right I mean yeah you're gonna avoid that option to activate the weakness policy as much you know but at the same time if the Tyranitar which we did see actually in the top four has super power so we have access to max knuckle you're still not gonna have to do enough to reach solid rock to guarantee the knockout rhyperior rhyperior is just gonna be able to max quake you back after weakness policy boost so I do see an issue actually with the dusclops repair lead that Andrew certainly struggles to go against he is gonna lead exactly the same way does have access to hypnosis might be maybe stretching it but wolf respecting that and actually mixing it up a little bit too will be mixing it up wolf is gonna lead liepard Togekiss as andrew leads durant and milotic i don't think the the ipod saga kiss is a bad lead at all we'll have access to potential fake out to go after something like this mile to set it behind the turn and its coil setup that it likes to do and then go from there really that said yes in the face of deer are not always the best matchup and if you just Dynamat you do run then you are gonna be able to avoid the potential fake out from lie pods so we'll see exactly how it decides to play obviously there it is turn one dynamaxx not a real shock from a deer round player no definitely not this is where during new toys arriving with that Dynomax factor and that hustle ability active no accuracy drops and you get a chance to use those max moves so definitely going to expect that during the Dynomax here but is there gonna be a match yes there is looks like that toget is gonna get that Dynomax factor as well I think that has to be right even though it's got the access to the Burberry berry as we've seen before the the extra damage from a steel spike does mean that you can't rely on it to try and deal with that so there's totus dynamics in itself probably gonna be able to take a max steel spike here quite comfortably and then kind of play out from there that said you know lie part just slowing down this minor ticking any setup it wants to go with but during just firing away with this max steel spike there's the confirmation on beriberi we've already seen it in top cut we'll see how much damage it can do with that Dynomax is definitely gonna be able to take it but it looks like if the Dynomax hadn't happened that tokus would have gotten knocked out so smart choice from wolf to in order to give it that Dynomax factor yeah I mean you absolutely have to make sure you can get your way through turn one that doesn't mean the rhyperior if in the back but you may or may not be will not be able to do that and that said a big feature for Durant is how fast it is that's kind of just been nullified by this max air stream into milah take away my takes he's gonna flinch from the white part so not gonna be able to do anything yeah just kind of getting beaten up a little bit that just because it was the free target and clearly Wolf's not too scared of the deer and that said he's going after it now with the fake tears definitely trying to capitalize on that speed boost for max air stream absolutely so fake tears max air stream again to increase the speed but also get the knock out of the Durant yeah during special defense is absolutely pitiful I hate to say it that is the drawback of Geron it's fast its strong it's got decent defense at the end of the day it's special defense with the tears drop not able to deal with that in the slightest and I can see this Togekiss starting to run away with the game there's now two speed boosts my lytic after that beating it took in turn one just forced to recover and no damage coming from Andrews side of the field this turn into wolf side he's got one more turn of Dynomax russo-turkish and he's got the perfect partner and faked his lie part my part is such a fantastic supportive partner especially when paired with the rest of the pokemon that are in a team so I don't think the Soka kiss is gonna have too much trouble getting any more knockouts as sylveon now comes in for Andrew side yeah sylveon heading onto the field you know we've seen it do some good damage but the targets you want really aren't Togekiss you want it to be picking up knockouts on things like the con caliber that we've seen so often throughout this tournament and Wolff just seems in such a good position liepard once again fake tears I think there might be a follow-up attack into it from this Togekiss I'm going to assume the same but this time it's gonna be a Mac star fall right into the sylveon and not enough to get the knockout yeah it doesn't quite get that does set the terrain up though so maybe come a little bit relevant later particularly with the hypnosis from Milotic that could have been one of his ways to try and get back into the game Milotic doing kind of the first part of the hypnosis combo by coiling trying to get his accuracy raised make sure you're not just throwing hypnosis into the wind there but you know this misty terrain it really doesn't matter if you if you try and go for it with the hypnosis that hyper voice wipe are gonna be broke brought down to its focus ashen that's gonna be the last turn of Dynomax for this toka kiss from Wolf's kind of big it does have access to quick attack as we've seen so may be able to pick up an early knockout that's said yes still with an alright little health pool there liepard clinging on with the focus - it's gonna leave the field so access to fake out later on and dusclops coming in is certainly gonna be a tough one to knockout I'd argue oh yeah especially if there's something like a rhyperior in the back then we might see this dusclops go for that trick room but Sylvia I'm going to protect itself Togekiss goes for the air slash into that Milotic that did just recover a turn to go then Malone is getting in the flinch as well yeah milah take not given the opportunity to move there makes that turn really dull avoided and desktops as we've seen before just able to deal consistent damage or nightshade and this sylveon I mean we get the benefit of knowing but I think we'll probably able to estimate that the nightshade might get it so we can spend a little more time focusing down this mile attack with something like this Togekiss yeah this is it's nice that the dusclops has the option to go for some attacks and it's not just going to be a real fully supportive pokemon but the sylveon going to switch out and this is going to reveal the fourth and final Pokemon for Andrew which is that Arcanine intimidate going to land on both Pokemon but as special attackers they don't really mind that yeah they don't really care about that one little bit so case going for the as much damage as possible with the dazzling trying to spread that out a little bit making sure knockouts get picked up this piloting force into another really defensive play yeah the recover is going to bring that Milotic back up to full health as this dusclops gets the trick room off for free you have to wonder what's in the back because that trick room went off yeah I mean seeing that maybe you're expecting to get hits to get knocked out there by something like that as we saw from the frisk pixie play is going to help out with the too late ability and really just keep boosting those there's the confirmation he said a bit straighter and he's seen the arcanine he knows it's there maybe it's going to catch something on the way in that will activate it's ruthless policy or it's just gonna be able to just bulldoze it in the following turn my logic is continuing to bulk up its stats and attack defense and accuracy with these coils so arc and I now going for the flare blitz from Andrew will go into the rhyperior for not too much damage there my period doesn't care about a flare blitz in this light system right now there's a lot of misty terrains so you probably want to consider getting rid of this Milotic after a couple coils would be able to start learning some hypnosis but on the other side of it you could just deal huge damage on the stand by saying you know what just pops bulldoze that's that you can do a nice little red ship to are combined a little bit of chip to mile tick obviously last after the two coils but then your eye periods weakness policy goes off and you're just able to start dealing humongous amounts of damage the back end trick room being a problem once again but rhyperior is actually just gonna go for a protect doesn't want to take any damaging coming from either the arcanine or the Milotic or potential sleep later it's such a good bait trying to bail out the protec jacqueline and wolf calling that correctly saying he's not gonna let me get away with his play i'll spend this time getting a little bit of damage down on my other tikkun he's just keeping up my little forced into these defensive plays so many recovers coming down now but you know probably wanted to just try and get that lower with the nightshade maybe try and capture muddy water in the protect and then go from there that's that trick already has two more turns to play out i think he's gonna need to start going after some knockouts as soon as possible we'll see what the next play is because i love the idea of the dusclops going for the bulldoze and parking weakness policy are in the right period just seems so strong yeah it's such a smart play and just ops having the opportunity to do that while it's very bulky and hard to knock out itself is exciting let's set if we get out a trick room i mean there's certainly options with something like the light part coming in being able to land a fake out and going from there to buy more turn and maybe keep trick room going up so while there is an option 405 offensive as he's been doing with the smile attack you can't be too defensive or what's gonna be able to just keep executing his strategy with nothing to impede in arcanine going to withdraw and instead sylveon getting sent out in its place preserving that intimidate factor for later as dusclops goes for the nightshade into the Milotic slot again just continuing to force it into those awkward positions right carrier now Rock sliding will catch the sylveon on the switch in it would probably got the arcanine as well milah take with another flinch this is the last turn a trick grim we know that this is the last time I drew can bring arcanine into the field he's definitely trying to keep this rope area as manageable as possible with the intimidate but you know the last time the trick room coming up the right period I could leave and just try and play in a trick room a little bit later assuming he can keep the dusclops safe dusclops has to get safe as that trick room does only have one more turn and as we saw from the rest of the Pokemon revealed from Wolf's side none of the rest of them have the potential in running that trick room so house cops is gonna be an important piece of the puzzle for the remainder of this game yeah that's not my period I think is a combination that he needs to protect as much as possible that said though no mystery terrain a couple coils you got to be careful if you're just switching around that you don't get caught with hypnosis on the way in but this might I think I can I have a long road ahead of them to deal with all Pokemon I think the lie parts quite manageable that sound its focus at one oh that's me easy to deal with but at the same time that's not some rhyperior the core combo are very very healthy Arcanine goes for another protect here keep it safe dusclops goes for the nightshade again targeting down the Milotic just trying to force it into those back positions now this time now putting it in range of being able to consume its berries so the citrus Barry no longer active as rhyperior goes for another rock side does miss the arc and I because the protect but does land into the Milotic we'll see if it gets another flinch here too much damage from that because of course of the boosts from the coil so it's in a decent position to try and deal with this right which has been intimidated a couple times to this dusclops now probably feeling good about itself and its option to try and set up a trick room that's set by period it's damage output is low and may have to consider leaving the field I would agree with that right then there's a couple of different options that wolf can bring in in the back there's still the light part as well as the Togekiss liepard was brought down to its focus - so would get knocked out - anything that ends up catching it on the switch in but that means the rhyperior gets a chance to come back in after the trick rooms been set up yeah setting up triggering for ipiria and getting it out to reset the the attack jobs or activating the sweetness policies bringing back to neutral would be a kind of a win condition here for wolf that sediment Andrews holding on in this game I was a little bit of switching getting caught but he's down to his last two he does need to start dealing damage that that's probably something on his mind right now as he spent so long keeping himself safe it does need to keep going this right periods damage output is now ruined for the rest of the game though yeah that burn is going to be so impactful as Milotic goes for the hypnosis on to the dust cop says well no trick room for at least this turn yeah this is this dusclops did falter you know being caught by hypnosis rhyperior just forced to high-horsepower and after the burn and the intimidate drops it's arcanine is taking that very well definitely gonna take that well and now also the burn not only having the damage output but also gonna get some chip damage each time yeah I mean this right pitter is really gonna struggle to do the damage it needs especially against something like this by the second I think you know the my lytx obviously set up a lot of defense boots with coil but in the same way you know it's not gonna be able to deal with the right period is not gonna have to deal with it right now so I think Andrew may be opening a door for himself by saying hey I'm gonna limit your physical damage output I know that your light part doesn't really carry a damage threat and I know for a fact that your Togekiss could you know get knocked out quite easily the one thing I will say about liepard his live part carrying foul play against the boosted attacks kind of brings it neutrally got his defense boosted as well could make for some interesting end games maybe making for some interesting game games for sure both Pokemon all four of them are still up but right Pirie are just gonna go for a protect doesn't want to take anything like a hypnosis it's a while at camp because they earn but arcanine is gonna go for the flare blitz into the dusclops while it's asleep I actually think this is smart targeting by Andrew just in case this dusclops wakes up yeah I mean everything is gonna be getting towards the desktops now and this rhyperior protect very smart the muddy water heading that way would be an interesting damage calculation to see but dusclops remaining asleep meaning we're in exactly the same position rapira taking consistent damage every turn from this burn and of course you know its attack is just so lovely intimidates solo you know something else that I noticed as well as like Milotic only has a certain number of recovers that it can do within a game and it's already gone for so many because of how much damage wolf has pressured on to bat Milotic but look how much investment he's put into this Milotic two coils three or four recovers now that's right now it means as long as trigger and doesn't go up which is clearly trying to stop he's gonna be in a position to whenever something comes in that he doesn't particularly like just put it to sleep with hypnosis pretty consistently so I do not think this is a bad position for my other take at all it's a Pokemon that is being talked about a lot has a lot of interesting uses you've gotta be careful as well with the bulldoze plate that you don't boost it with competitive probably something that was deterring wool from making that plate earlier on just why it decided to throw the night shades at it right period though leaving the field analyse resetting from those intimidates not going to have to clear the bad night I'm gonna be able to clear the burn togekiss coming in and is actually pretty low from the amount of damage that it took during its Dynomax form dusclops continuing to get chipped away i buy this arcanine in the flare blitz and milotic going for the muddy water again yep just keeping on going with the money water it's not gonna be enough for knockout but it's gonna be doing a lot of damage and lowering accuracy to just stop staying asleep big there because just cops desperately trying to wake up not gonna be able to take another turn it gets hit by two attacks no it isn't definitely not going to Togekiss might get a chance to fire off one more attack but it's kind of difficult what do you target down you try to knock out this arcanine or do you try to pressure in this Milotic to use another recover I mean at this point I think the Togekiss is just gonna try and buy a little bit of time maybe try and you know keep his desktop safe that said if Togekiss pulls the flare blitz away with something like follow me then the money water's going to single target and as long as it hits which it's been doing pretty well so far this desktops is gonna fall that would then leave wolf with rhyperior and liepard as a pairing and you can only take out one of the threats over on Andrews side so it would then come to a very very close game in the amount of time he spent on this Milotic finally starting to pay off in this game absolutely dusclops wants to try to preserve itself so that it can potentially get off another trip from server up here you're actually coming out in its place as arc and I goes for another flare blitz you know that this right period is gonna be able to take that one pretty well here yeah I mean he's taking it so well I'll come on getting itself damaged by Rico but activating is Barry I think I'm juice has put himself in a much stronger position right now yeah the mayor Barry bringing it up above half but the air slash was hoping for the knockout it's actually gonna bring it down to about fifth of its house as the muddy water is going connect with both of the Pokemon rhyperior and Togekiss gonna get knocked out here and now wolf is down to their final two Pokemon it's gonna be difficult to get through this Milotic and arcanine but there's no way he can get through it I hate to be to be bleak about it but a very very low dusclops and a 1 health of course liepard only don't think is gonna be enough to get that Milotic has the spread of tackling looks like Andrew for all the time he spent being defensive you know a little bit critical of it myself earlier but it's paid off and the way he's forced wolves hand to play a certain way just mean that you know we could be looking at a very close game three absolutely dusclops in life are just too low to be able to really do the work that they need to but liepard going for a copycat here interesting tack that it's going to show offs it's going to use the muddy water by my loading avoids the attack yeah iPod using one of the moves that's been talked about on that team does mean it's gonna be able to get some damage down of course not too important landing on the mile attack but it wanted to try and lower the accuracy mile six muddy water will come back in retaliation it's gonna be a pretty tidy to deal with both them just stops given the opportunity still asleep but lie pod is gone from this game so desktops against monolithic on its own just wake up and does fire off a nightshade now that's nightshade before the record is going to be a five-hit knockout you're gonna have to nightshade five times without the recover coming in once from isla tech so looks like we're heading the game three it doesn't look like we're gonna be heading to Game three there's not gonna be any misses of muddy water from this Milotic after all of those coils so dusclops is just waiting in the wings to get knocked down yeah I mean the stops not really able to do too much about this one interesting to know and something that's I always find curious to pick up on look at the timers for each player Wolf's down to his last 39 seconds with Andrews still with four minutes and a half actually a little bit over that and just clearly you know he'd had this game plan thought-out toward the end of the game when he got down to the final three with arcanine still be on my lytic sort this game plan out and just kind of kept going from there my the ticks muddy water not a chance of missing after the coil boosts and there we go the Scott's knocked out in Game three coming up in this Finals whorfin Andrew now tied with one game apiece it comes down to another fantastic three-game set i think this set has been so good and I will say Andrew looked so up against it he was against that right period us cops combo wasn't able to stop the trick room but all that time put into the minor take everything he relying on that combination alone so important I think Wolff being forced to hold back on that bulldoze play with bulldozers into weakness policy just because he didn't want to have a competitive on my lytic really forced his hand the night shades weren't enough and they were easy to manage and mitigate with of course the recover yeah my logic was just such a threat such a almost I guess I'm more of a wall I would say that just between wolf in that victory yeah I I really can't stress enough how important that my logic was I think you can't either in terms of how Andrew decided to play that game very defensively it looked quite sluggish at the start you know a lot of turns just recovering a lot of turns coiling a lot of turns basically doing anything but muddy watering and we saw finally you know this right period not Dynomax didn't take that muddy water well at all so certainly some adaptations to make I don't know how much I enjoy wolves play with the Dynomax it is one of the best dynamics users it was able to take the max steel spike with the Burberry berry but honestly that defense boost of the mallet occur at the beginning of the game do you didn't go anywhere it didn't leave the field and that many was able to just absolutely handle this right Pieria particularly one right period wasn't able to Dynomax itself what's time for Game three players locked into their choices so unbelievably fast they know what the game plan is for this game 3 and we're about to find out what those leads are well we're gonna see Andrews first andrew is going to start out with Milotic endurance again and this time Wolf's switching it up one more time here with the Togekiss and the reunit list yeah that's really close coming into play in the final game of this final set and this ridiculous has done so much for him and his team building mates over this weekend they've all talked about it all talked about what a great Pokemon it was and it looks like Andrew executing the giant turn one dynamic strategy as all there aren't players like to do and just see exactly what it can do of course you do have to be a little bit careful there is the option of follow me over on this Togekiss which could make things a little bit difficult yeah follow me on Togekiss would redirect any sort of a attack coming in from the Durant but I kind of expected this as well Wolff going for the turn one Dynomax as well but this time I don't think it's gonna be that Togekiss that ends up getting that Dynomax factor you know Klis is the perfect opponent for that yeah this really goes really good when it Dynomax is as we've seen in a number of sets that wolf and some of his friends have played over this weekend it causes so many problems of course whatever the d'haran is using as its maximum is gonna be an interesting choice you'd want to go after the rear cover you have to respect the presence of Togekiss looks like he was targeting the reunit course in this instance totally it's gonna take that very comfortably though absolutely comfortably we're gonna see though what this reunify sides to do as its special attack is going to fall actually really like the max flutterby option on this dorrance yep as Milotic goes for a coil and this runic list is gonna have to move last I think honestly the max flutterby is one of the better players there if you get the read of course you get the Unicorn thats awesome if you don't know I mean you at least get to landed the Special Attack drop from max flutterby and that may have helped this milah take out a lot but doesn't in the terrain is electric terrain now which is also great for wolf because only the toga gets able to be put to sleep by a potential hypnosis anything on the ground is gonna stay awake right now and that means a smile at six options very very limited in you know the coil is not only there for the defense but for the accuracy boost and that's gonna be a little bit troublesome that's said so case didn't Dynomax which means a max steel spike would guarantee get a knockout through the Burberry barrier especially with that chip in turn number one but you've got to respect the presence of unica's being able to sit there and attack back yeah Milotic is not gonna be able to take another one unless another the max lightning at least so I think that this is smart from Andrew preserving that Milotic for later recognizing that might have to be an end game play as Togekiss on Wolf's side goes for the follow me and it's going to take the this max steel spike away from this during it but vabir I bury not gonna help it here yeah it doesn't matter at this point I do think max flutter buying actually although it didn't do as much damage or take a knock out not a bad play because the special attack drop was that important as we go through the game that said I mean especially trucks but special attack drop is still in play and that reinforce may struggle to push the needle all the way for the knockout obviously max lightning in the lightning electric train would be pretty important but where does it go towards a heads towards jurong this time and with electric terrain it's still just not enough no it's not gonna be enough but that dura is within a knockout range of anything else coming in and dusclops might be able to help out with that as it comes in for the Togekiss that just fell yeah I mean you get confirmation on the items we've seen them already and it kind of puts the pressure on Andrew a little bit makes it makes a mind game come into play do you want go after the reunify an axe flutterby or do I try and get the dusclops and stop this trick room going up obviously you know the Rena Coast is gonna be able to do a whole amount of damage you might not be able to get the knockout on it immediately because of the fact it's Dynomax mucus making a call there saying no I'm just gonna wear my Dynomax with max Garbutt jiron going after the desktops with max quake getting a special defense boots which could be huge that could be huge especially in the face of that eunuch list that likes to go for that special attack so maybe not within that knockout range anymore we'll have to find out as sylveon now fires back with a hyper voice after its partner has gone for that max quake will connect with the dusclops out lease but does copses still on the fields to be able to go for this trick room yeah just up sets up trigger which is gonna help Wolf's end game here but both the Dynomax sessions are over for both these Pokemon I know those three terms have expired and we're kind of back to basics and I think that that lowers the damage output not just a mean of course obviously during a big issue there as well but it's still beyond Prabhas not hate being in the position it's in it's not immediately threatened too much and that's said I think Andrews you know position is bored very very nicely you know maybe Durant's time is up maybe during getting knocked out wouldn't even be a bad thing for him here yeah though allow a free switch for Andrew but there's gonna be a switch on this side for Wolff I like this play there's no Milotic in place so he may be able to get that bull doze off right now though just deal with Duran don't even let it potentially attack and no doubt their level fifty-fifty damage and a similar type of voice is actually gonna start adding up a little bit hair rhyperior really really big there and that means that r.i.p Ria's you know gonna struggle to activate its weakness policy if it's not being activated by this dusclops Milotic coming in so no intimidate on this turn am i letting is rather low health something to remember you know we've only the defense boost the defense proofs actually went on the sylveon because it came in on the turn that the steel max steel spike landed so at least sylveon has a little bit of bolt but the Milotic lost any boost it got earlier in the game anyway must be confident of knocking out the Milo Tech has to be because that's going to proc the competitive boost as well as the weakness policy so there's a little bit of a trade-off here from that bulldoze but I think you're ok with that if you're wolf if you're gonna go for it in this instance yeah he's got to be comfortable knowing that he's gonna get this Milotic there's the competitive boost something he played around very cautiously in game number three but in-game him to caution goes the wind and the rockslide connecting on both sides there's the Milotic knockout and that's gonna be about half day which is that sylveon as well now we have Andrew down to their final two Pokemon but sylveon does go for the hyper voice double knockout yeah you're not being able to get the sylveon there does mean that defense boost from Matt steel spike so important no flinch as well and now you know you ought to have a 2v1 on Andrew dings side of the field made a really good play in game number three I think there's been so many changes to talk about after the game but it's sylveon sat just above half health does have to just deal with a really universe that's not gonna have access to Dynomax anymore and we'll see what the fourth pokemon is for Andrew dig it is going to be that Arcanine so intimidates not gonna really help out here but that runic list is still sitting fairly healthy so that's gonna be a bit of damage to have to get through yeah this really close is being asked a lot of questions right now obviously it's in trigger me is gonna be able to move first but right now you really really want to see if you have a spread move and it's not known for some of those options of course you know obviously a really interesting move tool or miracles but it answers right now you know may just have to be taking a lot of attacks it is gonna psychic and that's gonna be a lot of damage coming out on the sylveon but nowhere near enough for the knockout the yarn is well that means its reeyou necklace is on a timer before it goes to sleep and the snarls from the arc and I'm going to matter in this case as not only is it gonna be super effective damage but more importantly there's the special attack drop yeah I drew ding just kind of pushing the needle on this game and really putting this arena Christian about position is gonna potentially be falling asleep it's not gonna get to attack sylveon does that and it's special attack is just gonna keep on getting lowered it's actually gonna be a double protect so no attack getting off from this Reno closed before it gets put to sleep this psychic going to try to find its mark on in the arc and I but the protect is there and now our eunuch Lissa's asleep yeah Munich is asleep trigger coming to an end in this one as well so this is sylveon and arcanine basically just gonna keep on going after this rihanna cos for the end of this game it looks like arcanine small connecting again even if it doesn't wake up it's gonna be doing no damage super effective once again another special attack drop sylveon going for the hyper voices well is gonna be taking so much damage from that up and still get the chance to hang on but it's gonna be a sleep yeah it's guaranteed to be asleep this is the first time and I'm drew ding from a really rocky game number one a really drawn out game number two I can I'm just confirming it with the flare blitz for you there no doubt about it with the snarl and reading taking down Wolf's quick 2 to 1 in the finals here in Collinsville congratulations to Andrew our new regional winner for the collinsville Regional Championships yeah I think second bite of the cherry Doron managers
Channel: DaringNite
Views: 356,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, world, championships, pokemon championship, championship, pokemon world championships, worlds, finals, masters, nationals, regionals, top 4, vgc, tcg, grand finals, ポケカ, pokemon go, vgc 2020, vgc 2020 finals, pokemon world championships 2020, worlds 2020, 2020 finals, tcg 2020, 2020 pokemon world championship, vgc 2020 worlds, pokemon vgc 2020, pokemon 2020 vgc, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, collinsville vgc 2020, 2020 collinsville regionals, 2020 regionals vgc, wolfe glick
Id: 738OV5HDe8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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