2019 TVDNJ Joseph, Daniel, & Phoebe Gold Panel 2/4

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my question to you is where it's just not doing anything you know you know so [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] JoEllen do you guys know a couple things so it's on the 5th of November and we celebrate that this guy called Guy Fawkes nearly blew up the houses of parliament but he didn't he got caught we do that by making a dummy of him had four old clothes you know I had man burn it on a bonfire I need for the body making money - well I mean I die all the time it seems to me like we depart and I'm like dies and I'm definitely booking this which ways if you die well before I answer them I feel like to answer you're like a reincarnation thing like that's reincarnated is another role of which I die but which ways have I died well Jesus damn it obviously I grew up with thinking who denied him I was holding up like that an explosive that when it would a soldier's pelvis a white horse ran by and then I go out I'm electrocute have been shot at point-blank range hey I just I just I mean I can't why this one thing I'm doing it flips to choke on I'm definitely ruining a character all right whatever noise coming thousands of this that I had before there on them they just keep murdering my eyes to it every time that's a thing there was a between the [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] because you've acted and directed have you applied anything that you go from directing to your acting skill set you know first of all both of these guys have acted and directed this well you know like actually what I learn most from in terms of acting it's fun acting was not working well I was artist watch from editing wearing always and I like that early on with the short felt like years and years ago before I did the show and I and I watched all that takes myself and you realize like now that's not what I thought I was doing when I did that and he start to learn about you know how to have more control over what you do because you realize how it translates on camera so that was the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] ladies I thought you would just make you read on first read through it's true let's leave it there Rizzoli or Jackson thank you
Channel: Joelle Modderman
Views: 68,209
Rating: 4.9762611 out of 5
Id: wWSr7ov7K1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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