2019 Midwest Victory Campaign: Law of Increase by Association (2:00 p.m.)

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all right open your Bibles first of all to proverbs chapter 13 proverbs chapter 13 look if somebody say this is the increased day so I'm ready to increase more and more hallelujah proverbs chapter 13 and want to read one verse here verse 20 he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of who shall be destroyed he that walketh with wise men shall be wise how you could say he that walks with wise men will increase in wisdom you'll get smarter they then years ago back in 1969 when I came to the Lord and I had shut down my business began to prepare for full-time ministry and the Lord impressed upon me to spend the next three months no less than eight hours a day studying the word he said I want you to give me the same dedication to my word that you gave to that business and in three months I'll make a preacher out of you and so I spent no less than eight hours a day studying the word and I did not know much word it was just a few weeks before that I went to my first Kenneth Copeland service my wife grew up in Pentecostal church she's been feeling the Holy Ghost since she's 8 years old the night before we married she said to me Jerry I just want you to know that I made a vow to God that the man I marry will be born again feel the Holy Ghost preach the gospel and go to Africa I said then your bearing marrying the wrong man I'm not doing any of that I said if you marry me he would spend the rest of your life on a racetrack I'm gonna race automobiles she said you don't know the power of intercessory prayer I said I've never even heard of it she said well that doesn't matter all you got to do it tomorrow night go in there and tell that preacher when he asks do you take this woman all you have to do is say I do and me and God will take care of the rest I think it's so I tried to prove to her for the next three years that none of that was going to happen and so I remember her going to one race with me and my dad my dad raced automobiles all my young life I grew up on racetracks and we were we were in the pits getting our car ready for the feature race and Carolyn had talked Carol into going and this was an oval dirt track and just modified hot rods and we're working on the car and my dad said do you see Carolyn in the stands anywhere I looked up and I looked everywhere finally I saw her she was the only one who had her hands over ears and wiping the dust away with this disgusted look on her face I said yeah dad there she is my dad didn't know he was a prophet he said son your racing days are over he said I've seen that look on your mother's face but I never paid attention to it you know and so when we got out of there that night Carolyn said I hate this and I'm praying it out of you and I said no I'm not I'm not doing anything that you want me to do I'm gonna do what I want to do you serve God with all your heart go to church everyday I think you have your own key the place already because she practically lived at the church you know and I said but just let me do what I want to do and so I'd keep going to the races not get home in the wee hours of the morning and as soon as I'd lay down to go to bed you know go to sleep I wasn't worn out and this hand would come over on my chest and she'd start praying in that language I hated it was she afraid in that language because I didn't know what she's saying and I take her hand and put it back on her side of the bed and then she put her hand on my chest again she started praying in English and it was always the same thing Lord don't have him don't let him have any more fun until he surrenders his life to you I take her hand and put it back over there that's like Carolyn don't pray that for me I'm having fun she said no you're not I said I am having fun she said no you're not I said how do you know she said I just know you're running from God you have the call of God on your life now I've never told her that at 11 years old while watching all Robert's on television I heard the call of God I knew I was called to preach but I never told anybody that and I certainly wasn't going to tell Carolyn about that experience because that would have been leverage she would have brought it up all the time so she didn't know anything about that but she knew in her spirit that I was called to preach and so brother Copeland came for a week and every night I'd come in from my shopping and she'd say I want you to go to church with me at night as a Karen I'm not going to church with you tonight why not I said I don't like it I all him preacher is just a like all he wants my money you know I said where would they get a real job and my wife you know back in those days preachers didn't stay in hotels they stayed in people's homes the guest speaker would stay in someone's home and the pastor always called on my mother and father-in-law or my wife to host the guest pastor I didn't like it when my wife volunteered for the preacher to stay in our house because I had to act nice don't look at me so holy you haven't always been saved and and she made dinner for them she made breakfast whether she and I'd come home and this time brother Copeland was standing at my mother and father in law's house and I'd come home and and she'd say I want you to go hear this preacher that's in town this week I said no I'm not going to hear him and she just beg and beg and I refused and finally that last night that he was there he was there for a week three services a day I never went until the last night and the last night she said Jerry this is his last night here if you will go with me tonight and you don't like him then I'll never ask you to go to another service I said no that's the deal I've been waiting on you promise you'll never make me go again she said if you don't like this preacher I'll never ask you to go again I said all right I'm going and I wouldn't took a shower and put on some clean clothes and and we got in the car and started toward the church I said no who is this preacher you want me to hear tonight she said Kenneth Copeland I said Kenneth Copeland I said it out loud several times Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Copeland I said I know who that is she said how would you know you don't go to church I said well back in 1957 there was a man on the radio had a hit record called the pledge of love and his name was Kenneth Copeland she said it's not the same man I said we'll have you asked him if he's the same man she said no I just know it's not the same man I said well I'm going for two reasons tonight number one if I don't like him I'll never have to go to another church service and number two when he goes through preaching if I'm still there I'm gonna ask him if he was the same guy that had that hit record in 1957 I'd like to be right one time or any other husband's in here wishing to be right one time okay so I said I'm going and as soon as he gets through preaching if I'm still there if I like him long enough to still be there then I'm gonna ask him if he's the same guy so I'm sitting on the back row I told her now the only way I'm going is I'm most set on the back row closest to the door in the moment I don't like him I'm gonna get up and leave and you get home the best way you can she said if that's what it takes to get you to church I'll do it and so I'm sitting right on the corner on the back row closest to the door as I can get and there was a lot of people on the platform I didn't know Kenneth Copeland from Adam and I said to which one is this Copeland she said pointed him out I said okay and then they turned the service over to him and he started preaching and you know I was listening but I wasn't so impressed that it made me want to stay for the whole service and so I'm sitting there in about 15 minutes into a sermon he just stopped he said I don't know why I'm saying this has absolutely nothing to do with my sermon I guess somebody in here needs to hear it in 1957 I had a hit record on a radio called the pledge of love he said I was headed for rock-and-roll stardom but my mama knew I was called to preach and she was praying it wouldn't happen and so I don't know why I said that but let's get back to the message well he said it from my benefit now I'm right out on the edge of my chair hanging on to every word he said and my wife finally told the truth he was not like all him other preachers I heard now didn't surrender my life that night in the service but when I went home that night I couldn't sleep and finally three o'clock in the morning I got up and went into my living room I said God have been running from you all my life I don't know why you still want me but if you do then Here I am now lifted my hands receive my salvation got baptized in the Holy Ghost oh man I spoke in tongues from 3 o'clock in the morning till 7:00 that morning I mean for hours I just stood there and prayed in the spirit it felt like the Sun was shining on nobody else on the planet but Jerry Savelle at that moment and when I got to praying I turned and my wife and my mother-in-law were sitting on the sofa and I turned and I said guess what happened to me they said we know we've been here since 3 o'clock in the morning I said well why were you in here my wife said well I rolled over and noticed you weren't in bed and I heard this noise going on in the living room so I went in there and saw what was happening and she said I called mom and I said mommy you got to get over here and see what's happening to Jerry because not only was my wife preaching to me all the time my mother-in-law they ganged up on me on all the time and so I walked over to my wife I kissed her on the lips I said forgive me for being so hard-headed all this time and I'm promise you that from this day forward I'm gonna be a better husband I'm gonna be a better father and I'm gonna serve the Lord and I'm surrendering my life to the ministry and then I walked over to my mother-in-law and I kissed her on the lips and asked her to forgive me and that's when I knew this was real it wasn't a religious experience because I had never kissed my mother long to listen before and I knew that I had received a genuine salvation well then from that moment I couldn't get enough of Kenneth Copeland in fact I asked somebody how can i account can I hear him again and back in those days they recorded messages on reel-to-reel tape and so a lady who was a prayer partner with my wife she came over the next day and she said Jerry God told me to bring these to you and she had a grocery sack full of tapes of all the messages that brother Copeland preached that week that I missed she said God told me to bring these to you and you to listen to them and they will change your life I said well how am I supposed to listen to him she said don't you have a tape player I said no no back then you didn't carry your tape player under yarn or in his shirt pocket it was this big said owner credenza had speakers that attached to it and she said I was hoping you had one and God told me to bring your mind but I was hoping you had one and I left it home so I'll go back and get it and he told me to give it to you so I set it up in my guest bedroom and started listening those messages and it absolutely changed my life I couldn't get enough by the time Kenneth Copeland Copeland came back the second time was just a few months later man I'm now front row Christian oh I couldn't I could hardly wait for him to preach and so I began by learning from him and he kept talking about Kenneth Hagin and things that he learned from Kenneth Hagin so I heard Kenneth Hagin was going to be in Tyler Texas which was about a hundred miles from our home now told Carol I said we got to go here this Kenneth Hagin if brother Copeland listens to him then we gotta listen to him so we drove over to Tyler Texas and he was in a little hotel downtown Tyler only seated about a hundred people but it was packed and we walked in and the usher came to the door and he said we don't have any more chairs there's no place else to sit I said well I got to here kind of thinkin I drove a hundred miles I need to hear Kenneth Hagin he said there's no place else to put you the place is packed out now Carol and I were believing for a front row seat all the way over there we were confessing a front row seat you know and he said we don't have a seat anywhere and and so he turned around and walked off and another guy came and said do you people want to be in the meeting I said yes that's what we came for he said well all the chairs are full but I found a couple more in a closet and the only place I can find to put him is in front of the front row would that be okay I said oh yes that'd be fine so I'm I'm right on the front of the front row kenneth hagin was standing this far in front of me i watched how he preached i heard everything he said in fact I didn't even need a car to get home after the service I was I was higher than a Georgia pine tree hallelu faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and so then I got back home and and oh wait a minute I was standing there looking at the table that had Kenneth Hagins books on it and back then he only had maybe six or seven books and I'm looking at those books right and wrong thinking write your ticket with God you know the blood the Abrahamic covenant so forth Abraham's blessings are yours and so forth oh I wondered those books so bad I didn't have a dime and a woman came up that was a prayer partner with Carolyn at the church and she said Jerry you think we ought to have these books I said oh yeah we need these books she said I'll tell you what I'll buy them you study them then you teach me what your I said that's God by Allah so I went home with my Kenneth Hagin books I got my Kenneth Copeland tapes I got my Kenneth Hagin books and of course having heard the call of God while I was a young boy watching oil Roberts Oral Roberts had a program owned back in those days of primetime special and I always made sure that I was home to watch all Roberts and one day he come on in this was 1969 and he said I've just written a new book and it's called the miracle of seed faith and he said if you'll write to me I'll send it to you absolutely free I turned to Carol I said Carol here's one we can afford get the address and as soon as that book came in I devoured it praise God amen so Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Hagin and all Roberts became my mentors now I had met brother Copeland at this time I had not met brother Hagin and I had not met all Roberts but I listened to them all the time amen I was actually walking with them and had not even met them yet because walking here in this verse does not mean to move in a forward direction it means to follow a course of life in other words when you're walking with someone you are following their course of life that's what I was doing with Kenneth Copeland everything he taught on those tapes as soon as I listened to it I'd turn it on again and listen to it again this time I would outline it and and I'm studying it and I'm applying it and I was expecting the same results that he and Gloria were getting now we didn't see all those results right at first but we knew it's just a matter of time if we would be consistent if we just stick with it and we made up our minds that since God used this man to bring the message to me that changed my life then I'm gonna follow his course of life now that was 50 years ago and I'm still following his course alive and look what the Lord has done amen and so I began to follow Kenneth Hagins course of life I began to follow all Roberts course of life and later became my fourth mentor was TL Osburn I began to follow the teachings of these men and I began that before I had ever met the last three Kenneth Hagin Oral Roberts and TL Osborn but I studied everything they preached everything I could get my hands on I devoured it so what am i doing I am walking with wise men now the Lord said to me back in those days he said when you read this I want you to begin to refer to it as the law of increase by association the law of increase by association so way back in 1969 I began turning to proverbs chapter 13 and verse 20 as the law of increase by association say that with me the law of increase by association now let me read this to you from another translation very quickly the message translation says hang out with fools and what's your life fall to pieces the amplified bible says make friends with stupid people and you will be ruined another translation says you'll suffer for it so the law works in the positive and it'll work in the negative I'll say it this way who you run with has everything to do with how your life turns out amen if you're running with the wrong people and listening to the wrong teaching then just wait your life will fall to pieces it's just a matter of time it may not happen overnight because if it happened overnight then you'd probably figure out hey I'm doing something wrong here I'm listening to this guy and this guy and they teach this and they teach that and it doesn't line up with a word but I'm listening to it and I'm following after it and my life is falling to pieces you'd figure out in a short time I'm listening to the wrong things but Satan is deceptive he's cunning he'll allow you to you know get along for a while and then he'll lower the movement and your life begins to fall to pieces and you would never think that it had anything to do with what you've been following thank you for your enthusiasm amen I've watched it happen I've been preaching out for 50 years as my 50th year in the ministry and I watched it happen not only to a great number of people in the body of Christ but a great number of preachers as well amen they start out you know with the word of faith and then something tickles their ears and they decide this is not the message anymore and I've had people say brother Jerry we used to listen to Kenneth Hagin my first response is why did you ever stop one person told me said well he preaches the same thing all the time mark 11:23 and 24 I like what brother Hagin used to say when people say when are you gonna preach something new he said when you get this we'll move on to something here and he just kept preaching it I'm glad he did now a short time later after brother Copeland came back for another visit to Shreveport Louisiana the church I was now going to I got to meet him and spend a little time with him what had happened was he had an accident in his automobile coming over to Fort Worth from Fort Worth to Shreveport and damaged the whole left side of the car and I repaired it while he was there so I didn't get to go the day services I went to the evening services but he come over one day to watch me work on his car and I stopped and I said do you mind if I ask you some questions I said I'm a I'm a hungry man I'm hungry for the word of God I'm hungry to learn more about living by faith can I ask you some questions he said sure and so I got to spend some time with him and then he said now I've got to leave and go get ready for the service tonight and then when I got to the service that night and I'm sitting about three rows back like this lady in the blue here and brother Copeland you know he'd walk around back in those days had these lavalier mics with a cord on them you know and you just go so far you know and so he'd start I'm gonna get this far you know and so he's walking around and then all of a sudden he said Jerry stand up I didn't have a clue what he's going to do I surprised him remembered my name Jerry stand up I stood up and he said God showed me today in prayer that you and I will be a team and we will spend the rest of our lives preaching the Word of God together around the world and it'll be your responsibility to believe God for the perfect timing of the team to begin sit down then he went back to his service I leaned over to Carol and I said what did all that mean she said I think we're moving to Fort Worth Texas I said why are we moving to Fort Worth she said brother Copeland said you were gonna be a team and you gonna spend the rest of your lives together preaching the word around the world hello wow what a what an opportunity that will be and so he said it would be my responsibility to believe God for the perfect timing for the team to begin well it didn't happen in the next week or so it was just several months away and then we finally moved to Fort Worth and began to travel with brother Copeland and and eventually he allowed me to start doing the morning services and and he was training me I was being mentored by Kenneth Cole but I started this mentorship program while I was still in Louisiana in my bedroom listening to the tapes you don't have to be with somebody every day to be mentored by them in fact a lot of things I learned about ministry from Kenneth Copeland were not because he sent me down and said no this is what you do and this is what you do and then you don't ever do this it was mostly through observation in fact when I got ready to move to Texas the day before we packed everything up and headed that way I'm walking out in the backyard and my father-in-law had a some acreage where he had a big garden and I'm actually walking through the cornstalks and the Lord said when you get to Fort Worth and you go to with brother Copeland watch him like a Hulk I don't know if you understand that it's good southern phrase watch him like a Hulk and he said I will teach you three predominant things number one I'm going to teach you how to preach with authority number two I'm gonna teach you how to pray for the sick and number three I'm gonna teach you how to tap into the wisdom of God and so when I moved to Fort Worth and I started traveling brother Copeland back in those days it was just Kenneth Copeland Gloria Copeland aw Copeland his dad a secretary a bookkeeper and Jerry Savelle and I went everywhere rubella come he went nowhere without me I was like buddy Harrison used to say from with brother Hagin he said I was weak Harrison every time brother Hagin wanted something done we gonna do this we gonna do that I was we Harrison well I was weak Copeland we gonna do this Jerry get it done yeah and so I'm watching in every meeting I mean back in those early days you know hardly anybody knew who Kenneth Copeland was we'd go all over the country and sometimes we'd have 50 people in a meeting you know he'd only been in the ministry two years when I met him so his ministry is developing and growing and and getting to be known you know and so I had the privilege of being with him everywhere he went and in those early days he even had me to open the service up and pray and sometimes I'd even have to leave the singing I couldn't sing I could make a joyful noise I'd tell the people before I started this is a faith meeting don't be moved by what you hear and then and then I turn it over to brother Koch I said down let's welcome brother Koch and we had a little amplifier that said on the platform and a recorder and I had a headset and brother Copeland may make a few comments before he started preaching or sometimes may sing a song you know and when he got ready to preach he'd always turned and looked back and said turn me on Jerry that was my cue to turn the recorder on and I just like to announce if it hadn't been for Jerry Savelle Kenneth Copeland would have never got turned on turn me on Jerry that was my cue I heard that three services a day and back then we didn't go for a night or two nights three weeks brother coping used to say it takes a week to break through all the unbelief another week to get him to listen and the last week we have a move of God so I was in three weeks of services all the time three services a day and I heard every time turn me on Jerry I'm a master Turner owner they then but that was my Bible school as soon as I turned that recorder on made sure I had her you know a good recording then I got my Bible out and I got my notebook out and I am in Bible school now and I'm watching him like a hawk I remember one time we were in Springfield Missouri and we're in a Howard Johnson's hotel and as the morning service we probably had maybe 70 people in there something like that and so I had gone through the preliminaries and I'm sitting on the platform brother Copeland just started preaching and man I'm sitting there in fact a lot of times people ask me after sir what were you so mad about I said what man we talked about it wow you had this you never smiled I said I'm so focused on listening to him that I don't want to distractions you know and I'm taking notes and so I'm sitting there and all of a sudden while he's preaching this lady starts waving her hand brother Copeland brother Copeland he said wait a minute ma'am let me finish don't don't don't don't interrupt me right now brother Copeland brother Copeland brother Copeland ma'am please let me finish I'll let you say what you want to say when I get through brother Copeland brother Copeland then finally said well lady it looks like you're not gonna stop so what is it all of a sudden she gets down like this and comes out in the owl doing this then she points her finger up into the corner of the room Jesus you said you would come and pick me up today and we'd soar together on your wings I got up to see if he was there I could have seen anything brother cope he's just standing there you know [Laughter] no he's in this John Wayne stands you know I used to call him John Wayne of the pulpit you know he's just looking at her and I thought you know my like new fast man they go it got weird and my lightning-fast mind said that's a demon and he gonna cast it out and I'm gonna take notes on how he did it then she's flapping around like this you know and it got really weird and so I'm I'm looking forward to watching my faith hero cast out Devils out of her he's stunning they're watching all this then he said there Jerry get that woman out of here get her delivered don't you let her go - she's free I love their God I don't know where with that woman I want to say I'm just The Apprentice I mean it scared me so bad I think that's the reason why I don't have any hair on my legs today it all fell off that one I said me he said get that woman out of here and get her delivered and don't you leave her till she's free no man I walked over there to get her and she would to flap it away from him I turned to look to brother Copeland for sympathy get her out of here Tyrese told to grab her again if she flapped away from me and I'm looking with this sad look and he said get her out of here so I walked up there and grabbed it with both hands and she's flapping all the way and I'm thinking where am I gonna take her I'm pulling on her she's pulling back I'm thinking we ran out and I drug away over to this side of the building and everybody's watching brother Copeland he's just looking at me you know and I see this door over the side and so I open it and it went out to the parking lot I said no I don't want to get her out in the parking lot there's too much runway out there she's sad drugged her back across the other side she's still flapping like this and I get over here and it goes into the restaurant that's not want to get her out there in the restaurant brother Cobra said get her out of here and so I drug her to the back of the building and there was a closet back there a door back there it turned out to be a closet where people hang their coats and and I drug her back there and I'm trying to find a light and I can't find a light and she's still flapping I finally dragged her in there and shut the door now I hear brother Copeland start teaching again and I'm in this room with this crazy woman and the lights are out and she broke loose and hit me right under the chin and not be on the floor and then jumped on top of me I know their God I've got a couple of guns in here see this woman on me I'm gonna be fired sound rolled over and I don't top of her I said God you gotta help me I've never been anything like this in my life he said use the name I thought the name the name what Jurado no no not that name the name of Jesus so I started casting the devil out of her and all of a sudden she just shook one time and looked up at me and said what did you do I said cast them Devils out of you she said I'm free hello young free she began to pray in the spirit and then I opened the door and this took a while by the time I opened the door to show her show brother Copeland she's free everybody was gone I don't know how long I was in there with that woman and there was two women standing there who'd been praying in the spirit and they said oh we're so thankful to God that we brought her there this morning I said you know this woman she said oh yeah we wouldn't got around the mental institution thanks a lot God broke me in casting out Devils with a patient in the middle institution amen so what I'm saying is this I learned to follow or to walk with brother Copeland I learned to walk with some time later by formal introduction to Kenneth Hagin and I had the privilege of preaching brother Hagin a number of times been in my home been in his home and then formally introduced to all Roberts and I was one of the great blessings of my life and I served on his board for over 25 years and he was in my home and I was in his we went overseas together in meetings and I learned from Kenneth Hagin Kenneth Copeland all Roberts and then eventually Tia losberne they were my mentors I was walking with them and I was expecting the law of increase to work in my life just like he said in Proverbs 13 once again he that walketh with wise men shall be wives now when I got to know these men more intimately I noticed that each one of them had different giftings different anointings some of them were similar but there were specific things that they seem to specialize in giftings with Oral Roberts God raised him up you know as a young boy the tuberculosis went supposed to live God raised him up and said you take healing to your generation and you know the story brother Copeland talked about it this morning about brother Hagin how God raised him up and told brother Hagin teach my people faith TL Osborn one of the greatest apostles of our generation one more people to Christ I'm telling you there was an anointing on that man not only for healing and miracles and so forth but he's one of the greatest soul winners I've ever known brother Copeland if I was to if if people would ask me and they have many time what do you believe is brother Copeland special gifting the spirit of increase the laws of prosperity you know I was sitting there listening to him this morning and I thought when he was talking about airplanes and so forth if it hadn't been for Kenneth Copeland I'm talking about the majority of the preachers that fly airplanes today wouldn't have them when I when I come to the Lord back in 69 in 17 1970 New Year's Eve the prophet of God had a word over me and he said that airplanes would be a part of my ministry and that I wouldn't be able to fulfil what God had called me to do without them well back in those days I hear no preachers had airplanes I remember watching all robbers and wrecks hum Bart they both had airplanes but in my mind they're the big preachers you know nobody else could have an airplane unless you was a big preacher like them on television and oh that you know but Kenneth Copeland comes along and preaching on the laws of prosperity and I realized then hey this country bumpkin could on an airplane debt-free because I have a covenant with God just like he does they meant it I'll never forget when when the mindset changed that God could do this for me now I remember brother cobras first full airplane I was in Fort Worth when he got it it was a little Cessna skylane I say jokingly it was not much faster than a lawnmower with wings but it was paid for it was his day in the ministry owned it it was debt-free and we flew that little thing around you know and then the next airplane came was a Cessna 310 a twin-engine oh it was nice we got up a little higher flew a little further the rain a little further range on it then the last airplane he had while I was still working for him was a session of 414 and now we're in the pressurized cabin and then it was nice as we say in the south we in high cotton now oh man we going up higher flying further you know and and got a pressurized cabin and so forth and and I watched him believe God for all three of those planes debt-free and it convinced me the Bible says follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises I watched Kenneth and Gloria inherit the promises and it convinced Carolina that if God could do it for them he could do it for us if we apply the same principles amen and so now owning an airplane was not so impossible looking I got my first debt-free airplane in 1975 and I'll never forget how thrilled and and what a great blessing it was there's a little Cessna 310 and and man I could I wanted to spend the night in it Carol II wouldn't let me and I said we're our first trip tomorrow is st. Simon Island Georgia I could hardly wait to get up and get on that plane and fly to Georgia by this time I'd been taking flying lessons and so forth and and I could hardly wait to get to the airport and fly my own debt-free airplane I'm fluid for a year and the Lord said sell it and give the money to two ministries divide the money up and give it to two ministries that are struggling financially so I sold it and divided the money up gave it to those two ministry where did I learn that I watched brother Copeland do it I remember in 1972 we were in Birmingham Alabama and brother Copeland said we're gonna go early for this meeting so we can get up every morning and pray together so we're gonna go a day early he said I got some I got some things I'm believing God for and I need the wisdom of God so we're gonna go a day early we're gonna get up at 6 o'clock every morning we're gonna spend an hour or so in prayer together then we'll go have breakfast and and so forth and so he said come to my room at 6:00 in the morning so I went down to his room and this was actually the first time that I had the privilege of being a part of his personal prayer life in a hotel room and so he began praying I acted on the scripture said watching break so I'm watching how you pray you know and I'm taking notes I took notes on everything you know and so we prayed and I notice how he'd always go to the scripture and say no Lord this is what your word says and I'm taking notes make the Word of God your God's part of your prayer life you know and so we did that for about three days and then I got up to leave one morning and I'm almost to my room and I hear the phone ringing in my room i unlock the door run in there and his brother called me said get on back down here I got the wisdom of God and so I went down to his room as quick as I get there he said I know how this is going to happen now he was getting ready to launch his television ministry he was getting ready to start taping the broadcast and he said I don't have the money for it I don't know how to do it but we don't get the wisdom of God and so he said I got the wisdom of God just after you left and he said here's what the Lord told me so my airplane into another ministry and God will bless me with a better airplane and the money to launch this television ministry now I've never heard anybody at that time giving away airplanes you know and my first thought I didn't say it out loud my first thought was how we gonna get home and just like the Bible said Jesus perceived their thoughts brother Copeland perceive my thoughts he said we're gonna fly at home first I don't know where I got the nickname but this was my nickname ding-a-ling we gonna fly at home first ding-a-ling I said yeah I knew that hallelujah and then he said there and he said and before I I give it to the preacher that God told me to give it to we're gonna take it home and we're gonna do an annual on it and we're gonna get that airplane in the best shape before we give it away my mind thought I didn't say it but I thought it well we don't give it away why don't we let that other preacher spend all that money on it he perceived my thoughts he said the reason I'm gonna do it ding-a-ling is I don't want a return on an airplane that I've spent all this money on getting in shape before I can fly he said I'm oh so it first-class and I'm gonna reap first-class I said yeah hallelujah I knew that praise God I watched him do that on three different airplanes so now when the Lord told me to do what I did with my first airplane I knew how to do it I knew that it is impossible to so and not reap that's a law Genesis as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest shall not cease the law Genesis includes you get harvest after its own kind you plant apples you get apples you plant oranges you get oranges you plant airplanes duh you get airplanes you plant cars you get cars you help somebody buy their dream house build their dream house you window with your dream house this is really a lot better preaching than you are responding amen so I knew what to do I knew because I learned it from chemical I knew because I learned it from kiddo thinking I knew because I learned it from all Robertson TL Osberg I'd watch them all apply the same principle and so I gave that airplane the money from it cheerfully and it wasn't long after that God blessed me with a bigger better faster airplane I'm now in my tenth debt-free airplane since 1969 amen and each time I outgrow one I asked the Lord where he want me to sew it and he tells me where he wants me to sew it and I sew it and sometimes you know I wait months before the harvest comes sometimes I've waited for as long as a couple of years before the harvest come but this last one that I'm flying now it came almost before I could get the seed in the ground God's accelerating things hallelujah I said God's accelerating things that's that's that's in the Bible yeah amen the harvester the Reapers gonna overtake the sower how they do it amen so notice here I learned these things from these men Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Hagin all Roberts and TL Osmond so what am i doing I am following their course of life that means I'm walking with them if you're walking with with Keith I mean a yup Keith and Deborah in this ministry and you've been following their teachings all this time you have every right to expect every time they ever break through you have a breakthrough in fact every time brother Copeland calls me or shares with me of a major breakthrough I rejoice with him first I thank God for that breakthrough and the next thing he's gonna hear out of my mouth is I'm next I'm next but you never say I'm next see that's the law of increased by association amen every time this ministry has a breakthrough you start believing that you're going to be next hallelujah can you say Amen so notice once again if you walk with fools if you hang out with fools then what your life will fall to pieces make friends with stupid people and you will be ruined or you will suffer for it brother Hagin used to say it this way be careful who you run with because you can imbibe their spirit you can imbibe their spirit and the word imbibe means to take on or to absorb that's the reason a lot of times people following the wrong people yeah they wind up with their lives in the same mess that that person's life is in amen so there's a there is a way to apply this principle in a very positive way and yet it can be applied in a negative way as well you could call that the law of decrease by association but I'm interested in the law of increased by so see anybody interested in increase hallelujah in fact the Bible says in psalm 115 verse 12 the LORD hath been mindful of us he will bless us he'll bless the house of Israel he'll bless the house and you know covenant people and then it said he'll he'll bless both small and great and then it says and he will increase you more and more you and your children you are blessed of the Lord who made heaven and earth can you say Amen God is a God of increase that's what's only his mind if you want to know what's on the mind of God it's how can I bless them more how can I bless them more how can I bless them more amen God has no problem with you having more and more it's the media that has a problem with it it's carnal minded Christians that have a problem with it amen but God has no problem with it all he requires is this remember the LORD thy God it is he that giveth thee the power to get well as long as you remember God as long as you honor him then he doesn't care if it takes every bank in the state of Michigan to hold all your finances amen can you say Amen so who are you walking with who are you walking with who are your mentors what are they preaching I don't follow people who changed their message about every season yes amen brother Coppola and I were invited to a ministerial conference a number of years ago and it had representatives ministers from just about every denomination you could think of and his head in Washington DC and I finally realized they only invited us so that they could have some representatives from what they called the faith camp so they'd be able to say you know we had some of the guys from the faith camp here so brother cope and I are sitting there and the they had a couple of speakers that night and I'm telling you there's nothing but unbelief and the people were shouting over it brother köppen looked down two men he said is there something wrong with us I said apparently so we're in the wrong crowd he said I don't understand people shouting over unbelief he said you want to stay for this I said not really he said let's go let's go get something to eat so we went and had something to eat then we went back to our hotel he said what you won't do I said well won't you come to my room and I'll come to yours and and we'll just well just preach to one another they meant in fact I said and if we don't want to preach to one another let's turn on the television maybe Andy Griffin program is oh I get inspired watching Barney a whole lot better what I heard over that big order talking all them preachers Barney makes me laugh the Bible says the joyful heart doeth good like a medicine you can get healed watching Barney you can lose your health sitting in a convention with unbelieving preachers like somebody said where you go to church in these last days has everything to do with whether you win or lose amen how many of you this is your home Church lift your hands and say thank God I'm in the right church how do you amen I've always enjoyed coming here and preaching in I've known Kaitlyn Dever for many many years I remember Keith when he had an afro hallelujah that's a long time ago I remember Fred and Betty price from stayed at my home one timing and oh we were just trying to treat them like royalty oh we waited on them hand and foot you know and at the end of the week I said no brother price there is a catch to all this all this special treatment in the morning before you go to the airport I get to what you do your hair because Fred had a half row back in those days I said I want to see how you do that he said that'll not happen he said nobody watches me do my hair but he said it comes out perfect don't it I said yeah there's not a hair out of place I don't know how you do that amen the law of increased by association no let me show you this in the Bible are you still here still got time all right very quickly I won't keep you a whole lot longer let me remind you also on the negative side of this first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 33 from the amplified who says evil companionships and associations corrupt good morals and character so once again who you run with who you allow to be your mentor has everything to do with how your life turns out now I'm not going to ask you to turn in these scriptures I will give them to you and suggest you study them on your own but you can see this in the relationship with Moses and Joshua and in numbers chapter 27 God tells Moses to lays hands on Joshua so that some of your honor will come upon him yes and Moses does that some of your honor some of your wisdom some of your anointing will come on him and Moses does that and then you get over to Deuteronomy chapter 34 and first verse 9 and it gives the testimony of how that Joshua after having hands laid upon him by Moses his mentor that that same anointing that same wisdom that same honor that was on Moses was now on him what was that increased by association increased by association then the next story is found with Elijah and Elijah first King chapter 19 verse 21 first King 19 19 through 21 the message translation says that Elijah said unto Elijah I'll follow you becoming your right-hand man and it goes on to tell us in second Kings chapter 2 verses 9 through 15 and the spirit of Elijah does rest on Elijah notice because of association the same spirit that was on Elijah was now on Elijah in fact Elijah wanted a double portion and he got it praise God and if you read the Bible closely you'll see that the Bible records twice as many miracles in Elijah Elijah's ministry than Elijah's he got a double portion but notice it was increased by Association can you say men and then I do want you to turn to this when late Genesis chapter 30 Genesis chapter 30 this one is very vivid in verse 27 and Laban said unto him I pray thee if I have found favor in thine eyes tarry for I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for thy sake now who's he talking about here so I tell me who's Laban talking to here he says the reason I'm blessed is because of my association with you the Lord has blessed me for your sake and then notice how he responds in verse 34 it was little which thou had before I came and it is now increased unto a multitude and the LORD hath blessed thee since my coming and so forth now notice he says God has blessed you since I came into your life Jacob is telling Laban Eze and Laban testified to it he said I had nothing until you came into my life and through the law of increased by association God's blessed me for your sake now that's my story you could put in here Kenneth and Jerry amen I'd be the one who would be saying to brother Copeland the Lord has blessed me because of my relationship with you because of my association with you amen I've experienced increase for 50 years now and it's because I was associating with the right person amen and of course I'm not eliminating God from this God sent him to me if God hadn't spoken to Kenneth Copeland come to Shreveport Louisiana then I wouldn't be even standing in this place right now more than likely but he sent him to me in fact a lot of people in that church they didn't like Kenneth Copeland because he kicked over too many sacred cows they he didn't have their religious spirit and a lot of people didn't like it some of the leadership didn't like him but he was sent there for me if for nobody else he was sent there for Jerry Savelle amen and I will honor that obedience in him for the rest of my life that's reading I'm doing what I'm doing this year with him the Lord told me said you go back to your roots and you serve Him like you did when you first started out and you do whatever he wants you to do go everywhere he wants you to go put your own personal schedule and minister schedule on the back burner and make sure you cover everything he wants you to do first amen and he said and you tell him you don't want him to pay for one thing you pay your own way tell him I don't want to receive an offering you're going to so this time into his ministry and then after we did our first one which was in Branson at Keith and Phyllis Moore Church the Lord told me then after that meeting he said you tell him you're prepared to do this for the rest of your life because I told you you'd be a team for the rest of your life so you put your ministry on the back burner and you put his upfront raised God and you know what's happened dear lord if I am spirit to increase and I haven't received one offering in these meetings I haven't asked for anything in these meetings I pay my own way but you cannot outgive God I'm sowing and praise God I am reaping big time it is for me the year of abundant harvest holiday and God's no respecter of persons hallelujah and he say Amen give the Lord a good shout of praise amen so notice here Laban says to Jacob I have experienced the blessing of God on my life since you came into my life and Jacob agreed with him he said it was little which you had before I came and it's now increased into a multitude you know it's funny I was listening brother Copeland this morning that and it's funny to me how that when you associate with someone as I have him and and the wonderful thing here is I will always be a servant to Kenneth Copeland's but he treats me as his equal okay and the same experiences that he's had I've had almost identical you know he's talking about all robert's taking care of him this morning after that service you know where he had known and God was so strong on him and and and he realized that it was all Roberts that was ushering him into the room and so forth same thing happen to me I'm preaching with brother Copeland in the East Coast believers convention back in the early 80s 82 somewhere along in there the unknown and God hit me one night knocked me out they carried me off the platform I was out carried me off the platform and when I woke up when I come to I'm laying on a sofa in the speaker's room and I looked up and all robbers had my shoes off and was massaging my feet I said brother Roberts what are you doing they said they are known as strong on you I'm just helping you I thought put your hands down and you lay down here let me massage you I remember he went to Kenya with me one time he said I want to go to Kenya with you I said ok so we met in Dallas and we flew to Kenya and I had a meeting with the president who was Daniel Moy at the time and I was going to ask him for some land to build a medical facility own and then after I completed it I was going to give it back to the nation and brother Robert said I want to go with you and when you build it that I want to staff it with doctors and nurses who's graduated for more are you I said ok great so when we landed in Nairobi I had a meeting with President Mui within a couple of hours so I said brother Roberts if you want to stay here I'll have one of my guys to take care of you I'm gonna go to the State House to meet with President Maury and I'll be back and then I have chartered a plane and we're going to fly to Kamenka Kenya I said but if you want to rest that's fine Houston no one will go with you so we went over there and met the President had an emergency meeting and he sent the vice president his cabinet so we had a meeting with him in in the State House which is like the White House and we had a meeting with them and and so forth and and and told him what I wanted to do and they said well we'll meet with you again in the morning and let you know what the president's decided so anyway we get over we get on the plane we go to Kaka Mecca and they said they were going to be in the area and they would meet with us and and the president would be there and we'd meet with them then so we get to Kaka mega and brother Robert says now Jerry anything you want me to do just command me to do it I said brother Roberts that's not going to happen I said I have no problem with you commanding me to do anything but I have a serious problem with me commanding you to do anything he said who's me is this whose trip is this mine or yours I said it's mine he said then you're in charge I'm here to serve Oh most people never see that side of wall Robert you know the Bible says Jesus told if you want to be great serve that's right no Roberts is great I said you're here to serve he said I'm your servant whatever you want me to do command me to do it so we go into a pastor seminar and I said brother Rob won't you stay at the hotel and just rest and I'll come back to have lunch with you he said okay that's what you want me to do well I got over there and I had all these pastors and I realized they all got saved in all Roberts crusade in Nairobi in 1969 that's when they heard the call to preach so when I got back to have lunch with him I said brother Roberts I feel a command coming on he said what do you want me to do I said all these men that are part of my ministry here they got saved and called to preach under your ministry in 1969 same year I did I said I command you to come and impart into them he said all right and so on the way over there he said no Jerry I'm not as young as you are he said I can't I can't preach them to our sermons anymore like I used to he said I may get be able to give you 30 minutes and then I'll lay hands on as many of them as I can I said whatever the Lord tells you to do so I put him in there without telling all him pastors that he was there and I told him I said I got a big surprise for you how many of you got saved in 1969 and Oral Roberts Crusade Oh nearly everybody in there how many of you got called to the ministry during that crusade nearly everyone I'm in here I said well I got a surprise for you all Roberts coming out right now and impart into your life oh the place went wild oh they were wowed and I introduced brother Roberts he preached and he preached and he preached and he preached and then he preached I walked up there and I said I command you to stop he said okay I said I got a crusade tonight and I have to leave here shortly so I command you to stop preaching and I command you lay hands on him he said okay and that's what he did he did everything I asked him to do he said anything else you want me to do just command me to do it I think then well you know walking with all robbers I noticed something happened to me walking with Kenneth Copeland I noticed something happened to me walking with Kenneth Hagin something happened to me walking with TL Osburn something happened to me I now have on my life and I'm not saying this braggadocio silly or I'm not saying it you know in a in a manner that is not proper I say it as humbly as I know how my association with Kenneth Copeland brought the spirit of increase on to my life my so saying with Kenneth Hagin brought the spirit of faith on my life - oh saying with all Roberts brought the spirit of healing and miracles on my life and my association with TL Osmond brought the spirit of evangelism on my life amen I've increased by association amen I've increased by association and you know what it continues to increase I'm seeing more increase now financially I'm seeing greater dimensions of faith I'm saying greater miracles and healings and I'm having more people come to the to the Lord than I've ever had before just in my motorcycle ministry which I call chariots of light I formed this over 20 years ago have chapters all over the world I get to ride motorcycles everywhere all over the world hey wipe the smile off my face I'm thinking God pays me to do this cherish so like Christian bikers we did a meeting in your church bill chairs are like Christian bikers in the last 20 years and that's the one we actually started recording it the first years we didn't record it but the last 20 we have we have recorded over 250,000 salvations actually in the last 10 years in fact they just came from Spurgeon our team was in Sturgis South Dakota where one of the biggest secular rallies in the country is held sometimes there's half a million bikers there and our team just finished a week's so winning efforts and they registered over recorded over five almost six thousand souls came to Christ in a secular motorcycle rally amen I attribute that to the anointing the gifting the increase that I received from TL Osborn amen are you still here now go with me very quickly brother Copeland read it this morning Philippians chapter 1 verse 7 Paul says to the church in Philippi because they were partners with him and you could say they walked with him they followed his course of life he says you are / takers of my grace you're partakers of my grace I looked up the word grace on several occasions and I knew there was something that I was missing and I just kept looking and every every concordance every dictionary every expository you know W vines and everything and finally I came across it and then I saw where it certainly applied to other scriptures where he says you are now partakers of my grace one commentary said you are no partakers of my special gifting you are partakers of my special gifting now the Bible says in Acts chapter 19 verse 11 that special miracles were wrought by the hands of the Apostle Paul special miracle and he says now you are partakers because you're walking with me you're associated with me you're partners with me he said you are now partakers of my special gifting in Romans chapter 12 verse 6 Paul talks about there are different gifts in 1st Corinthians 12:4 he says there are diversities of gifts amen so not every minister may have the same gift they all have their gift according to the grace it's God who does the gifting I don't get to choose what gift I want God if you don't mind I'd appreciate you putting this gift on me now he does he does it amen there's a special gifting on me in addition to what I got from my associate brother Copeland what I got from my so saying with all Roberts Kenneth Hagin and TL Osmond the gifting of favor is on my life favor God told me in 1969 that the favor of God would be on my life to such a degree that someday my name would be known around the world for the favor of God that's all my life now I never told anybody about that back then I never even told my wife back there you don't you don't go in and announce to your wife when you're less than three weeks old Lord guess what I never be known all over the world for the favor I didn't even know there was such a thing as favor with God I've never even heard of it never heard anybody preach about it that's one of the first things God taught me that I didn't learn from Kenneth Copeland Kenneth Hagin or Roberts or tell husband and today my name is known all over the world for the favor of God there is favor on my life big time it's amazing in fact a lot of place I get introduced us let's welcome dr. favor let's welcome brother favor in fact there's a hip-hop artist who wrote a song about me oh you like that and it's called the favor flow it's good you can pick it up on YouTube his name is Terry miner and he wrote this song about the favor of God on me and he calls it the favor flow and I'm I'm trying to learn how to do the moves and there's one line in there at the beginning said I won't favor like Jerry Savelle when's the last time somebody wrote a song about you go ahead and touch me sorry all right crazy it'll get it'll get all over you go ahead touch a man I had a pilot his name was Sam Douglas Sam flew for brother Roberts he flew for Richard Roberts he he trained brother Copeland type rated brother Copeland and some different aircrafts he's one of the finest pilots ever met in my life I like to say what Sam didn't know about flying ahead and invented yet you remember the movie clear and present danger with Harrison port my pilot Sam Douglas did that flying in that movie and he was one of the first who has ever type rated single pilot in a Learjet and he just amazing pilot and the Lord when I when I got my first jet I wasn't qualified to fly I'd stopped flying actually and but I needed a good pilot and brother Copeland said I know who should be flying for you he I said Who and he said Sam Douglas he said you remember Sam I said yeah I remember Sam back there years ago he type rated you in particular airplane he said yeah he said you need to get a hold of sale I know how to get a hold of Sam I don't even know where to start but brother Copeland was going to Wichita Kansas to Cessna to do some flight training and he ran into Sam in the hotel and they greeted and he told Sam he said Sam you need to be flying for Jerry Savelle he said Kenneth I can't fly for you I can't fly for Jerry I can't fly for any preacher y'all can't pay me enough he said brother köppen said well you just wanted to keep on being either will of God he's someone know I'm gonna be out of the will of God but how do you know it's the will of God for me to fly for Jerry Savelle well I'm telling you they said I can't fly for sure we're just calling so Sam called him he said told me the story and he said brother Copeland thinks I need to be flying for you but he said I can't fly for you he said I can't fly for any preacher he said I work for Raytheon they they pay me big money I trained corporate pilots and and you guys can't pay what I'm making at Raytheon I said well maybe I can't but I can tell you this if you come flat for me and you get in every service that I preached when we get there and you lay hold on what I'm teaching you and you walk with me follow my course of life I promise you in one year you will far exceed what you're making it Raytheon and I won't even pay what they're paying I'll pay you a good salary and I did all kind of investigating about you know citation pilots earn and and I got it up there as close as I could to that category and it was a good salary but nothing to laugh at but it wasn't what he was making right I said Sam get in my meetings come fly for me get in my services listen to everything I preach apply it and at one year you will experience increase now let me point this out I know a lot of people in fact I say jokingly when I left brother Copeland's ministry working full-time there there was maybe 12 people that worked there there's over 500 there now I like to say when you lose a good man it takes 500 to replace it but I'm saying this not every one of them are experiencing what I experienced it didn't say he that worketh with wise men they said he that walketh there's a difference there's a lot of people work there that that are not experiencing the same thing that I'm experiencing well they're not walking with him I remember at or are you one time brother Robert said I want you to come up here and I want you to come to a staff meeting with me I didn't know what he wanted me to do what he wanted me to see and he said now I want you to just sit and and I'm gonna call on some of them and he said now I want you to tell me what you pick up he said now I want you to tell everybody in here what you've learned since you've been an instructor at oru not one of them said anything about seed faith not one of them said anything about miracles and healings they just said well it's a great college we would appreciate having a job here and all that and then afterwards he said now what did you pick up on that I said not a one of them have your spirit he said why not I said I didn't hear anybody talk about seed faith I didn't hear anybody talk about healing and miracles he said that's exactly why I brought you here he said I got people working for me that don't walk with me he said in fact I got people working here that hate my guts it's just a job they don't believe a thing I preach so it's not he that worketh with wise men it's he that walketh following a course of life amen well that's what I did with brother Copeland I know people who have worked there left and they what happened to me didn't happen to them if it's just working there then why did it happen to them they didn't walk with him you may have people in this church they don't walk with you they come they say it's their church but they don't walk with you there's a difference amen walking with someone you would hear - what they teach you adhere and you apply what they teach now you're walking with them amen so Sam went home and and told his wife about brother Copeland and me talking to him and he said I can't go to work for Jerry Savelle she said why not he can't pay me like Raytheon pays me she said was sim you just want to stay out of the will of God for the rest of your life she said you he said you - she said I know you're supposed to be flying for jury Saville now go do it obey God well we were in a meeting in Fort Worth believers convention Sam come in said and need to talk to you he said when can I start to work I said right away praise God how long it take you to turn in your your notice he said I'll give him two weeks so he started flying with me had him sit in every meeting now I didn't realize when he told me this but he called me one day and he said guess what today is I said I don't know he said one year I've been with you one year he said I've been walking with you and he did he was in every service and he'd he'd preached back to me you know I mean I knew he was getting it and he was applying it he said I've been with you one year now he said if you had asked me before you hired me for a financial statement you might not have hired me I said why not he said I owed over a hundred thousand dollars on my American Express card alone I said where you getting one them cards I didn't know you could do that much he said my old car is on its last leg and I can't even afford to get another car my wife's car is the same way we're behind we were behind I'm making all this money and it's like putting it in a pocket with holes in it he said we were behind on our house payments when I came to work with you he said but I walked with you for one year they said I just want you to know because he said come on out in the parking lot that's my new car paid cash for it he said I paid the hundred thousand dollar debt all for an American Express I paid all my other debts off and I just wrote the last payment on my house my house is debt-free he said this stuff works told his brother Jerry I said yeah what do you suppose would happen to you if you walked with me for another year folks this is not just words in a book these are spiritual laws amen I've had other men that it worked with me that had the same thing happened to them but they walked with me I've had other people that worked with me they didn't walk with me and most of them exactly what proverbs 13 said on the negative side guess what your life falls to pieces I don't want my life to fall to pieces I don't want your life to fall to pieces I want to encourage you and I know that this morning so many of you indicated you were already partners a lot of you became partners but I want to encourage you to do this consistency is the name of the game don't start and then quit don't start and get discouraged don't start and then you don't see anything happen and decide it's not working right no the farmer would never do that he'd never go out the next day and say this stuff doesn't work I'm pulling up all these seeds no as long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest shall not cease just keep sewing just keep solely just keep solar rent price used to say if you give the bread on the water you remember that and please yes teas and in many days it'll come back under here you keep throwing out eventually it's gonna have returned on every way you've hallelujah amen you received this today hallelujah give the Lord a good shout of praise [Applause] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 12,966
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: christian walk, harvest, increase, jerry savelle, prosperity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 55sec (5155 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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