2019 Gold Coast Race 2 - Stadium SUPER Trucks

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now check it out this is how its lining up this is by the weekends point so ever has the most points is done the best they go to the back of the field then the slowest points go front so we're cold pots on the bowl Paul the dude for us right next to him bro number 2 bill Heinz and Toby Bryce came back to Russell Engels starting in fifth position Greg Biffle his first ever appearance in Australia will start further down the field we got Gavin Hoey and Matt Brabham's Robby Gordon and Matt Nolan who was a DNF in race number one yesterday so you're rewarded for going to well yesterday we have a competition caution it comes up around lap number five will slow more down regroup and let them loose for the final four laps of the race it's so good to have him back in Australia there's been so much hype and anticipation and I guess persistence to get them back on the tours here a lot of persistence a lot of hard work and it's all come to fruition and the reception that we have received is just how rageous I mean half-dollar it's not as outrageous is is Tim's running form out there on the front stretch but absolutely outrageous the fans have just been flocking over to furnish street where our paddock is and it's been really exciting just to see the reception we got in our pictures and the autographs and taking the tram back and forth through town I just hear so many people speaking of of the super truck so really exciting to be here and even more exciting or what 2020s pretty first around the corner it's going to be awesome a night round calendar next year which you'll take in 8 stops the birds Australian supercars [Applause] we're in the birds rap got bill hide swinging third Toby Bryce in for as they said lift a single file for the first of ten laps great to see carpark [Music] his second race in the series but more known these off-road racing over in this name is always fast there's a fastball pot and then there's just a [Music] and he's put struggle a little bit at grandpa disqualified race want but now [Music] likes to be in the men's home pops he's kind of an animal man and he loved the man she loves [Music] find out Mack Nolan in the tail of the field of peace at the moment down the inside is maple bringing back the midwinter number lemon out almost three wide and what's been a real car Raider this weekend at the Vodafone gold coast 600g biffle's been impressing these first look at the track he was a bit daunted by Dockyard a hit practice in qualifying but now he's swinging with some of the best in stadium super trucks right now he got cracked that bowling ball right there to pack but you see to the right of your screen ha bored with Robbie Bourdon he's right behind Maddie Bravo just those names alone in motorsport is human which is a testament to the ability and skill these drivers have in these trucks as they come down the chicane area this is just to slow them down before they get to jumps on the front stretch they go in there to the end come back out everyone gets out the front stretch nice and clean cross the legalistic parents at the macro and landing on the nose at the Boat Works number 39 into the ashes for the second lap ease behind two times that gal agent Toby price is down to turn number four lap to Cole Ponson twenty year old from Scottsdale Arizona leads the race from Morris Hines Biffle price the back side of the circuit think of Minear talked about right there the number 57 of worlds in the area bill Heinz Heinz a total yesterday so well he's done sucks depressive job and he once again is right in the path as he is on board here with world Jam Wheelz the thrill is very comfortable here in the Gulf Coast Gavin holler was dropping down our order I saw him in the background of the shoulders go over there to podium yesterday in third position look at daughter they're stacking up and again Bryce is caught up and he gets into Lincoln we've lost Kevin Harlan down the mill I just Lauren slowing number four with price-price was kind of helped out he was political works been around a little bit further there but a couple of the other competitors getting in will kept him going straight so he still in the mint but uh definitely lost to sponsored there he's not to be helped happy with that and the thing is about Toby price the deck are superstars the aggressiveness and he knows at times as he sideways right there just collects himself toby price knows he's like man this might not work but i'm gonna do it anyway i'm gonna stick the nose and they were some serious authority so let three of ten because of use on the earlier incident today with Rihanna crane on Scott McLaughlin yeah also we do have some breaking news and we've supercars medical doctor dr. Karl you have a further update on just got my golfer yeah let everyone know that Scott's fine like he feel as well as we know it was a significant impact we've now got data to show there was actually a forty two in fact onto that wall which caused irreparable damage to the car as was to the wall so after further observation we've decided that he's best being looked after in a hospital he's actually going by emmalin's to a hospital he's going by Amal is purely so we get him out of the race precincts effectively normal it is completely fine but we do want to look after and make sure that he doesn't have any delayed onset of symptoms you just want some further observation for Scott in an environment where you can do further tests and and look after him at the best exactly just to remove them from all the pressures of being here on the racetrack now trying to answer all the questions that he's being asked about you know what actually we appreciate your time thank you very much dr. Carr Fisher thanks Arianna crane entered onto Carly the update on scott mclaughlin up that big crash earlier today in armor or qualifying the 17 moved on start with the vodafone Gold Coast 600 later on this afternoon but our attention firmly focused on the front we just saw a moment with Morrissey stop the Hulk 4x4 for look down the inside of cold pods down at turn number four No to be passed by Robby Gordon on the charge down to the chicane we jump in carrots Potts Morris Pines Gordon and Greg Biffle as it worked lap number four of the stadium super trucks here on the streets of Surfers Paradise Gordon trying to unsign you move at the same time Biffle gets past Gordon gets past Hyde should be getting past ID who's gonna give right here say go into this scheme Hines he goes why it doesn't give sticks in front misses that so bit more might get a little aggressive with him on that one we don't get to see a cop caution coming up here a little bit and I'm here see what Race Control says about that alright special game didn't get stayed out in front that was the past in my opinion that Biffle had but turn 11 five trucks scrapping this one out well comp on says one point four seconds on pole Morris Hines runs a very strong third position he's been driving so many different times over the past 12 months he got that breakthrough win at Lake Elsinore at the stadium a couple of years ago that's really giving some confidence here's the replay across the top of the red [Music] trying to make the move on Heinz on the run down to turn number one that was a pretty aggressive move almost a piggyback plan tonight in a bathroom there he actually said earlier today's like I think I'd get more driving these other drivers pants coming out of that chicane and that was a test is right now still the race is with a lot of tail behind them where's our leaders Potts and Morris they're in a race of their own they have checked out right now very similar speed pops was faster earlier on Morris found a little speed there's pretty similar lap times right now with our top two but all the way back remember the competition caution should be coming out towards the end of this land bill Hinds the cork and the champagne bottle of this battle he's learned that was the man 7 seconds while Gavin Harlan is back in the pits tough break for the man with poor Petrie's thinks that he's named in season 2019 the big big racing fuels cars beaten in for several laps down well here's the key in this if they get the number 55 he be racing fuels Road pod truck back out there / don't put up on the lead lap we'll start to tell Gavin Harwood the Cobra he's been in that position before and he's been able to strike and put himself on the podium so it's not quite over yet no-one's waving the white flag no one's throwing in the towel Gavin Harlan still has a chance but he's got to get out here on this lead lap well waive the yellow flag on the white flag this tie dye slowed the field down well five laps in and Cole pots will stack the filled up with Paul Morris in second take a look at another replay here so you got Hines Biffle then behind his price blocking signals on the way through turn number 11 there was a little bit of everyone right there hit the smoke fouling off the continent from tires the Toyota terrorists all of them here's another look they go get some the best a little bit of price get some side laid Robby Gordon he comes in smoked off all four tires that's just a testament of how hard these guys are running in pushing the capabilities of these trucks to to make them run as deep as they can in the turns and get them around will help taking each other out it's a very very fine line to say the least Russell Engel who debuted at the City Motorsport Park event in 2018 hopefully we'll do some more international races next year but certainly a shoo-in you'd have to say for the eighth round series that starts in out lately in February it's going to take in some tracks like Simmons planes we go back to Perth we're going back to Darwin Townsville set the motorsport bar to be on the calendar as well next year so really exciting time for the stadium super truck says Cole Potts brings us back around and the second half of race two of the stadium super trucks they returned to Australia this weekend is back underway the green flag flies on the second lap right there the leaders the pace he can check up if he wants to little dirty but he could do it or just let her eat and he just let me read on that one Sapulpa Baker Street [Music] two greens of our the one and only mandatory accomplishes cautions in the record books it's so like he makes it pretty clean it's a twofer looks like Morris dragged Heinz up into P to fill the grill is going to be all wound up because he tags it right behind his buddy they're going to the front we didn't give that enough credit that was impressive behind us it was he got him on the way through turn number four so the number 57 is been racing the aussie racing cars here as well the Vodafone Gold Coast 600 so he's done enough laps this weekend to get familiar with the course while we keep an eye on Gordon and Brabham we started at the back of the field between the race and complete diversion hey that's the best view that's right there that is BC up there Brad I'm there it's got Stroupe with boost mobile super trucks in the urns I view if you will down on the track for some of that b-roll then speaking of bees fatty gravel but the number 88 he's looking pretty racy back there he's got a lot of way to go so he wants to make up to the podium as you see falling bars in the lead front end law we're ready lap six of ten in the stadium super trucks here tonight Surfers Paradise and we still waiting for the big moment to hammer in here this virus is making a lady stay nice good buddy bill Hinds up in the second spot down come on Greg Biffle can't say enough about the man from Vancouver Washington buries the five entry ahead of Gordon and ahead of Brabham but you get the feeling this ball to play out that's a guarantee there's still a lot of Rage left to go it's impressive so far by all the guys really stay and break on top of one another speaking right in the mix in the lead dude how's it going [Music] he's throwing the visible line and just latched onto the rear tire of your truck but he's being menaced now by Carl Potts cheats good racing you having fun so Paul they're looking good you got your your good friend and teammate right behind you here almost running walk he's not trying to when he's got the elbows up for you brother he's got good on the second him in the mirror so you land on the nose on the previous lap what's that feeling like when it goes through your body when you land on that it's all good my boys in front or rear X on this flat land a tiger [Applause] this one here that's one there you go that's the one there I just got to get a good exit off here hey dude we might let you go because your teammate just caught it he's heavy on the tail [Music] bolívar slaves and now bill Hinds less than a truck lengths behind as they come salute a complete lap number seven of this race it's a different movie top-five crabbleman Gordon stop in the middle of this group they guys the merrier the 83 or the seventh because that ski was missing and I noticed they said hey the chicane was gone or laughter Chuck's just headed Russell Engel just behind and Kaylie now today is toby price Gavin Holland is now back out on the circuit and so too is Matt no land in the stadium super trucks final race of the weekend they return to Australia back inside the speed and achievement on Afeni car start NASCAR star this guy's placed on the podium before but that was back in 1993 Robby Gordon running back in six position [Applause] and Hodgins on three covered by less than a second and the dramas continue for the VP racing fields entry so there we are you looking to back Russ Eagle and Toby price they have had a serious battle zone everyone's looking pretty good trucks are two toward off but not the two of them is the majority of that is Comfort one like little context all the drivers but he go up in price I've got their work cut out for him just humans with one another never mind the rest of the pack right now they're all over each other on the percent of the crowds cold pressed up against the fancier they've been pouring in all morning Botafogo 600 the door opened wide now for problem he's going to get two for the price of one who goes side by side with parts but remember that water barriers not there so we've got a straight line into this point no they've come back out they're recovered it that's good eighth place Pigalle within a second of each other I'm just talking legs to half the track these guys are all right on top of one another Potts gives it the shimmy shake he gets in front of Hines mine as well it is a very sandwich with Hines right in the middle we got pops taking on some heavy contact oh and though it gets into the wall I all on is all that is Greg Biffle and the Continental 16 I don't believe he got any help there but the inside of that wall did collect them a little bit right now we've got high [Music] you're cheating I'll cheat - it just leveled out didn't it Morris locks up pots back into second position - remaining the pressure rises in the kitchen of the stadium super trucks and down into turn number 12 I gotta say you never they came in hop they all do it but none of them hit the barriers they were smart enough to say hey listen I might get a penalty all good have a pass the dude takes the short way around the track does it work for him we're back to where we started number 60 he never stops just keeps digging that I told you for the kids and the animal he's back in the lead the dewdrops back one more position and he can barely see over the steering wheel can call putz but man he's going to file it today in that security State Bank entry Gordon giving Hines a real hurry up on this the final black that's gone up into third position well that's been going on as well cuz Hines was all kinds about a shade better the final turn to get the pressure a lot of contact and you'll kind of back it down and there goes call Mart [Music] maybe third or fourth into the lead so Potts goes around we've got a little assistance possibly from the dude right there now problem for the first time in the lead this is not good for anyone else just when he's on leashed it's hard to catch him but it's even harder to pass absolutely you can see the frustration he planted the paddles lit under tires but isn't it back of this group of trucks now it's of turn 11 grab him from the back of the build he started from position number 8 finds himself in the lead the series leader in 2019 defending studying super truck series champion will be our gravel bars I told hi like dude you get Pony of this you can do the top five well I tell you what brother this might be your time here in server he needs his turn to be absolutely perfect because Gordon is hustling him along the view from the speed and achievement is number seven heading down the main straight for the final time Brabham opportunistic and turn four he's going to pick up another win it's victory five of the season picks up the wind Maura second and the thrill scores a podium in the stadium super trucks for the first time since Lake Elsinore in 2018 makes the podium Gordon was for Toby Bryson Engle will be food hitmen six here tonight incredible race it was going to be cold parts the leader in this shot right here but it all changed it turned four Brabham by less than two seconds from Morris Pines Gordon Cody price Russell Engle Cole parks back to seventh than before Matt Nolan and Gavin Harlan who stopped late in the race in race number two of the stadium super trucks here today on the GC [Music] we just tried taking some oxygen LSL yeah after that race we watch this every time I'm like how are they gonna hold it together for ten lat but it ends up working let's talk about working working really hard was full pots out in front but behind what we the presses bride from him as we're on board right here getting a good look at him now everyone comes in we got four 12:16 tires just smoke it into that turn right there and then we see another shot of it where they all kind of collect themselves a little bit don't ones fall everyone ran into them eat right here because we have four trucks in the air at the same time coming over this section right here then this is we saw the dude Oh almost over the handlebars collects himself but looking good good the ultimate - chipper coming down from the rat so high so let's get into the back at the final turn he'll hide very aggressive this week and this is great to see Rick bit more dispatched on his way back to Campbell Avenue with that movement turn number four then this moment the two green machine side-by-side and Morris squared off the wall here look at Paul parks set that up before that ramp he almost missed the turn so he can eat the inside then they got her do it right here and turns up we go Russians gonna come up in that's worth all about incredible and Brabham teeth get a bit of a mark on the side of his car performance entry got the job done on the very final and the winner a race two of the stadium super trucks here today in Surfers Paradise thoroughly enjoyed it incredible having to have these guys back Walter B price is sprinting because he's going to be back out very soon in East Coast bull bars super Utes tonight supercars trackside is right off the podium and the news is early massive up to what we saw in qualifying and the top ten shootout but thanks for some ceremony on Thursday afternoon we had the amazing Patek pit stop challenge which is always a crowd he was rescheduled after Bathurst he's some of the highlights
Channel: StadiumSUPERTrucks
Views: 145,694
Rating: 4.8634977 out of 5
Keywords: stadium super trucks, sst, 2019, gold coast, race 2, motorsports, robby gordon, matt brabham, bill hynes, paul morris, russell ingall, gavin harlien, cole potts, matty nolan, greg biffle, toby price
Id: Dd-fBQEjpQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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