2018 Long Beach - Stadium SUPER Trucks - CBS Sports Network

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there's a new wave of names making their mark in season 2018 and with four different winners from as many races it's no wonder the fans are pouring into this iconic venue [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone and welcome to the Grand Prix of Long Beach for rounds five and six of the speed energy Stadium super trucks today on cbs4 I'm that donkey like we show in Germany and so on Long Beach is our longest running Street course on the series and over the years has turned on some great racing it absolutely has it not just great racing but great competitors over the years how cool is this how about Manny Brabham math problem winning here last year I'm looking that he's gonna run really well but we go all the way back like thirty years ago his dad has won here several times in different classes race here in the Indy car as well so I mean we're going back several generations of racers a lot of great talent from all over the world here in motorsports and we bring them here we put them in super trucks and put them right on the streets of Long Beach it's pretty wild he's one of 14 drivers we got in the field here this weekend looking to make their mark over two big races around these concrete canyons it's time to go racing as there we are we got them gridded up and ready to rock ready to roll here are the streets of Long Beach as you see there there's the speed energy girls out there ready to go here so exciting stuff we said this is a great course always makes for excellent racing here in Long Beach or on board with Robby Gordon one of the longest bestest sections in all of stadium super trucks racing it down C short drive here as they are wide open third gear pin down over 150 miles an hour then have horror quake into this turn section right here one big 90-degree turn if they go around into a bit of a sweeper now they're told hey stay out of flowers stay out of the bushes as they go around the fountain does that work not normally most of the drivers grow bit of a green thumb going through that section here so a tight section with switchbacks right to left hard 90-degree turns then they start to get on the gas a little bit now back on the binders back down the second gear hard 90 fast section here coming up though it's all about your entry going into this this next turn right here this is more than a 90-degree the left here this is very extreme left you see Robby Gordon he goes way the outside gets on the handbrake just a little bit right there sneaking around seven in a big jump down Pines high nav right here now we get into a hard 90 degree right this is a wide open session this is straight underneath the Convention Center wide open if you're in that area listening though the side of the motors are just fouling off the walls right here as they're just pinned out we see a lot of big breaking mistakes right here a lot of shadows in the track coming underneath the Convention Center a lot of mistakes are made right here in this very section hard braking 90 left one more jump underneath this bridge then just a big sweeper we see a lot of trucks bicycling here lot up on two wheels you see Robert almost do the same right there hard up on three and right here a lot of bumping lot of grinding right here in the last and final turn this is turn 11 you see stays in second gear wide open gags the throttle pull and there's ramp number one total Tigers ramp number two lands shift into third gear and dropping the pedal all the way down that front stretch and that there folks is a lab here in Long Beach and he said the points look after we arrived back from Adelaide at the previous event of the championship Matt Brabham's now leading the championship from Gavin Holland are in line like third back to Robby Gordon and Cole pots let's take a look at the grid though for round five of this year speed energy Stadium super trucks an inversion from qualifying gives our Eli Mike jr. a pole position alongside Erik Davis is back in the field Bill Hines Detroit dd on the next row Davey Hamilton Jr back in the field alongside up dally Lopez Erin Byrne back and Paul Morrissey defending champion Cole pots and played Hildebrand the two rookies off the fifth row back to Harlan and Hoffman and Brabham and Gordon starting from the back Brabham with the orange background they're indicating here's your series leader in spin energy Stadium super trucks and Erie are hard board with Robbie cordage saw 14 trucks in this field the biggest field we've seen a long time Paul Potts right there in a hallmark trust comm number 60 he's ready to rock he's had a great opening season and there's AB dally Lopez the number 18 the speed under the RPM off-road and of course re Lyons a junior in the number 25 sitting on the ball which is bad news for everyone else it's an enormous crowd here today it's a special moment the 100th race the speed energy Stadium super trucks as we get set Ahri's the sonic a little bit early here oh he needs to back this truck up so a little bit trigger-happy from the United fiber and data at number 25 now will he stay or will we go green the flag is about to drop he pulls the truck back into position and now we go and now we get under way here and he almost backs into his teammate bill Hinds but the 14 trucks get going here in race number one we hit down to that chicane but the most unusual start I've seen here the fishiest am super trucks when the flagger bought up to the 15th second marker re got a little jumpy it took off got back in line just in time as here he is the number 25 United fibre and data of re Lyon Doug Judy he leads the pack over always evolving Eric Davis in p2 as they mentioned 14 trucks not 10 not 12 14 the biggest field we've seen in years here in stadium Superchunk so that's gonna be a lot of paint swapping going on here how many of those 14 finish it's hard to tell because it's gonna get really aggressive this is a tight section of the track here as we saw earlier we've seen a lot of contact over years over the years here in Long Beach everybody's behaving themselves on the first of ten laps around here the competition caution to come up during this race but lined Ike jr. leads Erik Davis down into Pine Avenue bill Hines our recent winner a brand new winner in the series back at Lake Elsinore earlier this year they hope through the left-hander it's the first big ramp around this Philly two-mile course now if we're going into this turf this section here this is turn ain't coming up as they mentioned braking is a big issue coming in between turning going into turn nine they're in a big pack right now I think we're gonna see a lot of smoke coming off the tires we should see some mistakes in this section you're gonna see a lot of passing and happened right here especially at lap one where they're so tight and the lot change underneath werewolf speaking of changes look at their bottom here for Erik Davis just pulling up and always evolving number 75 it's the field stack up that additional two trucks makes it look very busy out there it certainly does there is F Dali Lopez he is hot on the heels Troy didi in the 441 smoke off the tires of Heinz Heinz has a window that down in the number 57 that is going to wear wonders see if Race Control sees that they might call the red flag or give him a flag flag possibly to get that window up there's big air time these guys jump at almost 300 feet off that Toyo tires Ram here almost the distance of a football field as they're all packed up three wide bombed back to the outside do to the inside Troy Deeney about to get the Malati crunch speed down this straight is incredible is pulling these trucks up for this tight left-hander to turn number one look at bum back in the strategic staffing solutions number three the man from Rochester Michigan down the inside they've banked panels Holland was lucky to get aware that while this car pumps in the field as down into this tune two three and four chicane we go oh boy three wide look at didi stacking them up to 441 stacking these guys up we got 47 the Hoff his fit spilling up already he got caught up in that didi got in there braked a little early everyone said oh what's going on and they all kind of got into each other we're only on lap number two we've got hoods man all up a lot of wild stuff right there we've seen you're on board right now with Gavin Harlan he's looking back at Erin farm back here and boundbox running well and there is pots he is hard on the brakes right there going into this number six in the number seven Turner said that's a very extreme fast turn right there to see these guys going wide to the right off that Toyo tires shelf letting the truck unload to the inside Oh pops are the outside Hoffman gets a little bit of contact from Dede I believe on board with Troy Deeney right now in the 441 he falls in the trap behind Hoffman Hoffman's got to it pushed up in his face but damage at the front end 47 old Lopez lost the reason and speed in a deep number 18 down into the right hander so he picked up the latest s Hinds running back in third still his Davis Davey Hamilton Jr he's back Phil we haven't seen him since the middle part of last year as the leaders come out to complete another ladder man hurry lyin darkest got a good lead here now actually said early when I'm already sitting up on the pole that's a bad look for him in qualifying but if he's got a guy he's got so much speed so much talent when he's starting up front and everyone else is dealing with this what we're seeing right now that gives a guy like that an opportunity to start checking out that's the shot of the trucks lady there through the right hand a high speed approach lloyd pays under siege for the two United fiber and daughter trucks are on board with your defending champion Paul Morris trying to make the door open here is his teammate Gavin Holland goes around the outside here into turn one Harlan the outside then Morris dives to the inside he makes that pass stick they are now in front of F da Li Lopez then we see I believe in p2 right now that is Hamilton Davis you always evolving right behind him at p3 now we're onboard with Paul the dude Morris Morris good shot back at Lopez Lopez quiet guy in the paddock an animal on the track you see him right now in the RPM off-road speed truck really kind of super squirrely a few weeks ago in Elsinore but he's really fast or he could be squirrely feel comfortable this is not the place to be doing that 150 miles an hour no no no but guys down the inside down to make that pasta Robby Gordon starting the slice is way through the field from the back he's up to 10th position behind Hoffman and a head of cold pots out there that hallmark trust car number 61 of to Rocky's running full-time miss your contact down here at turn eight Baumbach is going around the hop it's nowhere to go parts got into Hoffman it look like just a little bit hard to tell our first glance looked like von Bach he was all on his own hopped into his thing I think pots baby just barely touched the hearth got the hop into Baum Bock and so the only one that got out of that somewhat unscathed this paul potts is he even got on diviners a little bit here we are on board with that Dali Lopez going around this sweeping turn that's turned 10 right there is it going into 11 so a lot of contact right here in turn 11 as we're expecting but let's take them over here let's go back and see exactly what happened slowed it down pots number 60 gets into the 47 whof whof gets into ba-ba-ba-ba just misses Gordon both get into the wall a little bit their wild ride and there's I'm cool pops I'm good I'm good on the inside can I think at work I don't know I just told my buddy Josh touch them and that's all it needs this is from Hoffman guy down the right-hander as he gets the first bucket dominoes effect wasn't it and Baumbach facing the wrong direction had to go back up Pine Avenue the wrong way to turn the number three backer out that's the view first a second we've got second third and four and Hamilton Jr going down the inside of bill Hines and taking Kevin Harlan with him there is Judah the inside Harlan to the outside down this treatment turn not quite worry Hamilton would want him to be Hamilton still gets a nose out of keeps up the outside a little bit keeps Harlan where he needs him to be so hardly could not strike there where Hamilton Jr Harlan behind him looks like we are still high still hides with a window net down I can't believe they have it throw a black flag for him yet time snows it's down it's obvious he doesn't care he's just getting there right now and race controllers are on that side of the truck too which is bad news for him as Holland trying to go the long way around here on Hamilton jr. we're coming up towards the first about competition cautions here in this round of spinergy Stadium super trucks that was a key moment to send for Harlan going down the inside of Hamilton jr. and there is your competition yellow that is your first mandatory calm caution that being said a lot of laps left to go racing here in the Long Beach Grand Prix we'll be right back with you in just a little bit Stadium super trucks on CBS Sports Network is sponsored by Toyota we are toyou all or nothing and buy KMC wheels precision for imprecise environments well as ever Long Beach is turned on in style here's a great party I understand we've always enjoyed coming to this race that we absolutely do you know year after year just gets better and better it's such a fun family atmosphere so much going on a lot of great stuff to speak and a great stuff we got something special for you right around the corner here Robby Gordon had an opportunity to speak to us about his new Textron off-road vehicle two weeks ago we actually launched the AutoCAD xx this is the car that we originally designed for for the cap now Textron owns it and it's called the Textron it's been released to the dealers we got it here at Long Beach Grand Prix on display we're also gonna use it for the pace car here at Long Beach when I designed the car originally I wanted to have a good feeder series for a 16 so I feel that this car is durable enough that we can run it in some of our stadium races probably say there's people racing them in desert but it's not just a race car this thing's built like a race car that can be an average day everyday consumer you to be what we've learned with the SST trucks and the Baja trucks over the years I've been able to incorporate a lot of those designs into the UTV which if you look how the Textron flies compared to others its front high altitude out there quite a long ways and distance completely different than what's out there in the market pretty much in the beginning we were we were handed an engine a gearbox and a front DF from there we kind of had a free rein to design the body the suspension the chassis we worked in collaboration with those guys and we got probably what I think is the coolest car out there of you to be market it really is an exciting time in Spain Energy stadium super trucks of this series continues to get bigger and bigger the first competition caution is done we're set to go racing in the second segment of this 100th race in the series history as we go back to green flag racing we're off and running five Lin five to go here in the streets of Long Beach Detroit didi he gets sideways off those hips but all those puts into the wall right there there is a great overhead shot that is Brabham and davis right there going at it look at we got one hood shove way up it's hard to see from a distance but that's a lot of it's going straight down the escape Road and lucky enough to take one or two trucks with him Bill Hines them but if he lost his brakes or something that happened there maybe slipped his fall off the brake pedal but why buy so lucky they can anyone else if you go back to grab another quick look at this here we are on board behind Hines ago no just go smoke and by when see him shaking his head a little bit they're not overly excited with they're holding back a ton of positions now is Gordon and Hamilton Jr going it down here into turn number six turn left seven here to takes you over the Toyo tires wrap line Dyke giant jr. continues to leave it Harlan is closed on the backroom down Gordon from 14th finds himself inside the top four already they're spent just so much pinball going on so far in this race and Robby Gordon is the king of Steen out of the nonsense I betcha his chocolate the outside as well as Ron Horvath Peppa dally Lopez right now he is behind Cole pots pots is pulling up next to Eric Davis says we talked a lot about out breaking one another in this section here smoke off of Davis's tires smoke off of dollies cold pot says hey man I'm calm I'm cool collected as he moves up another position that was three wide going down the backside of the circuit it's the hairpin the two ufd trucks lead us out this unbelievably tight hairpin to complete another lap of this race so much to plant here still as the field is stacked up at the hairpin we get there is two bulbous number 83 that is Maddy Krabs and his hood chopped up we didn't see exactly where that happened Rosie mentioned earlier on and the earlier laps here a lot of contact going on Choi Dede getting into some different things breaking people pretty hard there so a lot of different things happened that's a long race format bramble when you're wide open down these trees you can't see where you're going two guys out in front right now that he gets a post we and just Morris now has the Bill Hines syndrome going to turn number one taxable afoul to Messi speed and collected by Hoffman now oh boy bill Hines a lap before it up all the dude Morris's seized by on this lip both these guys happens big break eproms he collects his teammate to half the half passed nowhere to go dude gets into the tires bounces back out Hopkins collected here we are on board with the dude Oh gets in Tiger wall bouncing back out loud Reba oh there's your teammate the hawk so lucky ding collect your notes here I'm poor but Jeff Hoffman out of room where am I gonna go man I can't do anything about it I got to get into yeah sorry about that dude here we are with Col Potts he sees the whole thing on all folders inside think that's a bummer but I'll take that spot from the both of you so call Potts moves up to position he's get the feeling Hoffman was gonna hit the wall regardless if Morris is gonna be there he was locking up coming in it's we're gonna change the lead now changing the lead here at turn number 9 and Gavin Harlan puts it down the inside so still ufd trucks one and two now line bike goes back into second and gets this right on the bumper bike boos back the spot Ravi Gordon and that Toyo tires number 7 moves up in the p3 starting all the way back in the 14th spot looks like lying thank Junior he gets a little sideways Gordon's gonna try to capitalize on that Harlan way out in the lead right now pulling a big lead on those guys is a slow each other down Gordon could he make the pass not quite sure if he did yet there goes Matty problem he's in the mix now there's some of the fastest guys it's Peters he's thinking super trucks are out in front with just a handful laps left to go no that's Lopez Lopez on his side and it appears he's being tripped over by the ramp the second ramp at least but now the speed energy number 18 is on its side and the red flag has come out that could be a key moment in this race for Gavin Holland absolutely a good that could be the deciding factor here we are there is not a brand no but oh everyone going nicely clean getting over in a nap dally Lopez he gets no sideways off the hawk performance what a great shot of it their wild ride for him luckily like the roll cage anything hit too hard here we are on board sideways I'm going this way I'm going that way oh and this bearing and the talent column blew out right there as he gets up into the wall he's the beauty from coal Potsie home on trust come entry goes across the top he misses the scene of the crime there is the speed energy number 18 he's on its side and that Delhi Lopez climbs out of truck number 18 in front this really loud crowd will head to a break with Holland Gordon and lined up your top three under Red's here at Long Beach we're back at Long Beach on these amazing shots the crowds are absolutely jammed in against the fences here at Long Beach once again is this capacity field of stadium super trucks have been wearing the crowds the red flag is still out here at the moment the trucks are just cruising around to a stop on the back side the circuit with Holland your leader that big moment Ali Lopez has bought out the red move them in the middle of this race sorry AB Dali what it looks like we're going to take another look out of here and show you exactly if you weren't in for this few minutes ago there's AB Dali Lopez Oh two tires doesn't do it you need all four off the ramp we've tested that numerous times in the past no one's been successful as up Dali Lopez the RPM off-road speed energy Toyo tires machine is in the wall and upside down and there is the Long Beach Grand Prix staff getting that truck rolled over it's very similar to Craig Dantas as crash last year at Perth in Western Australian oh no they have decided to wave the checkered flag can you believe this it looks like they're out of time taking more time than necessary to get that truck rolled over onto all fours but there is your winner or the W as a W for the number 55 of Gavin Harlan and he'll take the win he's very first winning speed energy Stadium super trucks it's our 5th different race winner it's many races this year Robby Gordon scores another top three and are aligned Ike junior completes that top three let's check in with a brand new winner I am beyond this is definitely my favorite track so to come out here and win it first race of the weekend could not have start the weekend any better I mean there was that wreck at the end and got cut a little short but I'll still take it as a solid win I mean I made so many passes came from 11th all the way up there so anything could have happened with Robby behind me those last three laps but I'll take it and I'll go out in there and get another win tomorrow hopefully we had a good little battle go in there it's pretty cool because we have the same exact truck so the fans probably loved it just went outside in the last those two corners eight and nine got on the inside of them hit the job side by side and then I knew he's going to try to go on the inside save the line so I just outside hit him again and got a run down the straight he's a really good competitor I love racing against him and gotta think EFT racing live road pod everybody out there and played in my dad and I dedicated this race to my sister she has autism and it's Autism Awareness Month so this one's fair attaboy kid great driver great talent there are our points after round five right now Maddie Brabham up top let's take a moment to go down and speak we're at third place finisher no it was good go inside outside over the jump with Robbie shame we couldn't finish the race I know that we have that red fly situation but the truck was good I was just kind of conserving cuz I knew we had another segment afterwards but really a big THANK YOU to ufd for having me come out we had a blast they've got two trucks in the top three so hopefully tomorrow we can start you know we'll probably start somewhere mid pack and hopefully get up front well done - Gavin Holliman shortened race Robby Gordon finished in second place he he's six top three of the season and this spinergy entry and are aligned I've junior producing third we'll take a very short break round number six is coming up right after this at Long Beach we're back in Long feets an amazing afternoon erasing coming up here for round number 6 of this year speed energy Stadium super trucks on CBS for today Matt Nolte and Sean zoom do these for race number two and we're getting sent different conditions to yesterday who repaired the trucks from overnight and now we get set for the final race of the hour and bump back off pole position right next to him is have Dali Lopez throw number 2 bill Hines and Paul Morris both of them having a little bit of trouble in race number one Hoffman Dede Eric Davis Cole pots Blaine Hildebrand and Davey Hamilton Jr starting towards the back of the pack then of course as we go faster and faster the guys that did really well and race what number one they're penalized by going on with the back so that means our alliance Ike junior Maddy Brabham Gavin Harlan Robby Gordon those are the guys that are punished for being so fast I'm round number one so let's go down to the starting grid here there is number 55 round 1 here this weekend in Long Beach your winner Gavin Harlan there is Paul Potts in the Hallmark trust comm number 60 each ready to rock and of course Jeff Hoffman in the number 47 he is under run chase the colors of the LIVE UNITED fire and date of shock and if Dahlia Volquez he was upside down but he's right side up here for round number 2 here in Long Beach I worked late in the night last night to fix up the number 18 truck and he's back in the field a capacity field a capacity of crowd here today to ready for race number two and round 8 of the Stadium super trucks for 2018 arrambam back then he makes guest appearances in the series he leads the field away and has a massive margin going down to turn number one if these 14 trucks settle into a groove here as you said air bombed by call he with a few races here and there but he is a road course specialist streets course specialist on the asphalt here very very talented driver he can drive the wheels off of anything this weekend as his first weekend here in Long Beach in the streets of Long Beach a lot of these guys have years of experience in different classes and stuff here so here's to see what boundbox is gonna bring to the table starting up front first time you've been on pole position since Toronto back in 2014 Lopez goes with him there's bill Hines and Paul Morris go to the right-hander cuf he's running third fourth and fifth at the moment but what's the back of the field for the likes of Gordon Brabham and Arie line Dyke to come to the field - he started near back in this race as Hines fancies who looked down the inside can't do it there you see these guys playing nice and calm with each other within reason and the first opening laps here Lopez right behind ba-ba-ba-ba out there under strategic staffing solutions truck looking good and comfortable hildebrand goes the inside of Davis not too much contact there we've seen some big issues in that turn over the years last year Davis got hard to the wall here this year he stayed clear of it but going into that section turns eighth in the ninth a lot of action between those two with big high speeds up in the middle three wide grab him to the inside of Hamilton Jr Jr's backing off a little bit once again not a ton of contact very surprised at that one don't normally expect that everything that happened Davis let it sideways down at Pine Avenue and that trucks been dropping back through the field as the laps involved here and that always evolving number 75 through the hairpin but Aaron Baumbach leads us through Lopez rein in second place at all no contact again against the wall and lucky this time for Dede the Hildebrand was on the left-hand side commits another roll over there if Hildebrand wasn't where he was at the time Dede got so squirrely he would have been undoubtedly up on his roof but Hildebrand being the nice guy that he is and him to help him out there so big contact right there see off on three wheels for our leaders here's a replay of it coming down the front should ctvt sideways he gets in the Hildebrand pumps Hildebrand in the wall that says you know what I'm gonna give you one more gets up on two wheels see here we are on board with Troy DD I'm sure got Grover Hildebrand DD gets into well he'll grant has no need to know again so play Hildebrand all on his own it's just getting beat up out there he'll the wild Holland was the big winner getting two spots airs through turn number five the run for six so the old buddies are Holland on DD DD goes back to positions and now Matt bream starts to turn up the temperature and then to fill this hole performance number 83 searching for another here he won the final race a tad late this year but on target at the moment you'll series leader heading down towards turn number eight he ran out of the inside of Heinz re Laennec Junior he hits by quick nice and smooth Brabham does the same as we hop on board with bill Heinz bill Heinz puts it in third gear he's wide open going down underneath and through the convention center here this is we're talking about a lot of big breaking issues right here that is pots Brabham Lyon Dyck junior they all get through they're clean they got a lot of room to make up but keep in mind folks we still have mandatory competition caution around the corner so that's gonna pack the pack back up again here very soon really tricky that ramp you've got to aim the truck at a different angle for that left-hander as we see some side-by-side action look at this crowd here today said we love coming to Long Beach they have stuck around for this incredible series the final race of the weekend as they come through to complete another lap how about the Hoff let's talk about just a while back that the Hoff was not quite where he needed to be now he's right where he needs a strike he's going after Bob Bob he's got the dude right behind him he's got the town he's been waiting for a win it's the second year see if cheaper trucks this might be the opportunity for him to be up on top of the box what we've seen so far variety of winners there's a new wave as we sit at the top of the show coming through speed energy Stadium super trucks and it's really starting to shows.we into the busy part of this year's series we're heading to Perth in Western Australia for the next round of speed energy Stadium super trucks and the big back-to-back races with Detroit and Texas a combination of a street circuit then back to a super speedway with a third track in the middle we've got everything in this area here on board with a headstrong to build us number 83 Madi grabs second two points for 2017 points leader right now in 2018 he files in behind him dolly Lopez if dolly Lopez is right behind Cole pots big gap in between them in the top three there is the Hoff in ba Bock going back and forth so a good battle for the lead right now and who's watching all of that unraveled the number one your current champion Paul the dude Morris he's watching their top to go back and forth just saying one of these guys gonna make mistake and I'm gonna drive right by on both now with mine doc junior on the run to the right-hand and down the inside of Lopez he goes so he's going with Brabham they started near each other at the back of the field so re he finished third years today still yet to win a race Infiniti Stadium super trucks you get the feeling that's not too far away this year in this five prong attack from you FD look at the smoke off of gravel Oh hurry like that Jeter he gets into the back of the pram a little bumper-to-bumper action right there as they open it up 2nd gear wide open down the front stretch Potts front and low he's hitting that wide open and then look at Mike jr. pulls the rip cord the hook goes flying where do you look is bits and pieces going everywhere and now we're gonna challenge believe because Baumbach landed weird it's now going to be three wide going to turn number one cuz Paul Morris you're defending stadium super trucks champion is in this but Hoffman takes a lead now in turn number one the food's up to second will get Ron board with a half looking back right now at Paul Morris behind him Aaron Baum Bach great battle for the lead right as we talked earlier though the Hoff it's time for him a win he's ready to be on top of the boxes could be his chance we're four of ten left in right now with a half out in front looking really comforted us are slowly making their way to the first mandatory competition caution could we have a second newest winner in as many days here in speed energy Stadium super trucks Hoffman Morris and Baumbach and now grab him to the inside he pushes the door open on Cole Ponce's home on trust calm entry look how calm grabbed him in him problem is inside the cab of that truck he's so melting he's not making any moves that aren't necessary even getting in have a little contact with pop oh oh boy look at that Arie lion-like loses the hood which is not necessarily a mechanical issue and it's something we'll send to Rio the rear end yeah definitely broke the rear end there so landing hard off these ramps pulled right here he's okay foot comes off lands that link seems to be alright then as he's going down the straight what's happening he's like I have no idea what's going on there's nobody got into me no one's going by me still wondering what exactly happened is he's trying to bring that truck under control working the brake pedal there don't believe the luck this guy's having after being on the podium yesterday in race number three great time for the competition caution to come as the Textron leaves the field around we'll take a break with Hoffman Morris and bump back your top three in round six of speed energy Stadium super drugs you [Music] the competition caution is done and we're set for race number two round six of the Speed Energy stadium super trucks of Long Beach the green flag comes back out and a brand new leader leads us down the main straight his name is Jeff Hoffman the Hoff he's looking so good man on the gas looking comfortably he's been watching a lot of his parties he's grown up with racing that are racing in this series as well when it's a racist stuff now it's his turn it's his time right behind him it is Paul the dude Morris to the inside of bomb Park it is bramble not able to make that stick but look at we still got Harlan he's moving up hill the friend he's moving up so a lot of racing left to go here it's a single-file nice and easy everyone going around the fountain as I said earlier in the show a lot of green thumbs get grown in here not too many getting off into the weeds that was our punishment that's why we have to go after IndyCar now because we had completely taken the flower butt out years ago but now we keep the people bellied up to the fences all day long as we hop on board with Maddy gravels that's the villainous headstrong number 83 to the inside of the number three a Baba can he make it stick yes he does nice clean pass we've seen a lot of those out of Brabham so far today and there is the Hoff the dude problems in p3 so the problem he is moving up and he's moving up nice and slowly and methodically he's making it happen exactly was just about to say you don't see much of him until about now when he comes from the back of the food which he does ninety nine point seven six percent of the time and his career he now finds himself at a pointy end in third position is down to turn number nine we go with Hoffman Morris and Brabham your top three pots and Bombeck being prescient now by Harlan and blade Hildebrand one of the new rookies from the new stars coming here to speed it as he stadium super trucks cuz he led the better line here going down to that final hairpin and there is one small finally I'm surprised how mellow they're played it within reason not a ton of contact are kind of playing nice with one another I don't expect that to last for the entire second half of the race here but so far it's been pretty good I'm also expected played Hildebrandt to be losing the hood here sooner than later you want imping fight document times to certainly do better the kids been running hard to slap what last lap and a half like that but eventually something's got to give and I can't imagine that hood staying out much longer they go past the stricken hurry line doc jr. number 25 truck he's Christ is done here there's the doorless number one your defending champion of Paul Morris right behind Matt Brabham now we stay onboard Hoffman around past the waterfall and down is this right hand there we go and half race this that's so much go to play out here look at these guys all the way up in the wall you see Tiger rubber from laps earlier they use every bit of the track and so destroy DD as you see him spun around there weird how that incident happened think we got a replay here on board with Bill Hines it C&D gets into Lopez oh wow I know my god thought he just spun around the tool was some big contact there are on board with didi he goes back and forth into Lopez the slowest roll over you'll see the field went past this the view from Lopez so they go side-by-side they Bank wheels and all of a sudden the fall for one is on its roof and Lopez lucky Donna any more damage there Wow didi should have put a hi mom sticker at the bottom of that truck as they struggle to get through that section together there is talking about earlier bleed Hildebrandt should be coming off right about now I think there we go so the number 68 still moving forward what a wild ride there for didi and Lopez but here we are coming down towards the last laps of this race about the floor to go here we are on Borbon Hoffman the Hoff the number 47 replay XD camera shooting back at Madi Brabham right now the two of them running very well and kind of on their own I probably jump on board now to fill this number 83 size them up for a look down the inside Hoffman will make him work for this Hoffman once his first win but Brabant wants his second of the season and he puts truck 83 to the lead here on lap 7 the passes problems but making today they're clean passes it's almost like they're leaving the door open he's just so mellow on the pedals man like I've said before like is exhales under the pedals good touch on the brake he doesn't get on the gas too early nicely nice and balanced and calm the only moves he makes at the cab of that truck are the ones that count he's not making any mistakes and boy he is just making it look easy like Hildebrand's having a day out here too and that Empire racing number 68 he runs in third with Cole pots coming down to that left-hander into turn number 6 the competition caution the second and final one he's only a moment away here and then Brabham will lead us back hopefully to take his second win but Hoffman in the box seat right now as we bring it into turn number 8 that is where the mandatory competition will come out that is the second final mandatory comp caution for race number two here in Long Beach here's your top five right now many prattle Hoffmann Hildebrand pancit horse we'll be right back with you from the streets of Long Beach it's the closing stages of race number two in round six of the Speed Energy stadium super trucks here today at Long Beach's the green flag waves go series leader Matt Brabham is leading Hoffmann Hildebrand Potts and Morris as we get going for the final segment it's been a wild ride here for race one and two and long beach and we're down to the nitty gritty lap eight of ten we've got hooks flying off guys going three wide Brabham still on the lead of the half was gonna give a little extra but who's in the mix right now blade Hildebrand not just for his win he's looking for his first podium as he puts a lot of pressure on the number 47 right there so Hillier and this is his time man he's been slowly and methodically moving up to the pack we haven't talked a lot of bottle yet today and I'll said here he is in a podium position now Brabham starts to turn the pace up a bit here he was nice to this passes before but now he wants to put a margin on the field to jump on forward cold pots in the Hobart trust calm entry looking for the move down the inside here played Hildebrand - the hood off his Empire racing number 68 look at these guys we got Brandon he's kind of like an old bat in this class but then we got some of the new guys we got we got the Hoff we got Hildebrand we got pots I mean look at the lineup here of the young talent we got Gavin Harlan in the mix so the kind of almost a changing of the guards for the podium here in the last year or so with so much young talent as we come down to the last final laps of this race the demage and prepping scott already he's Hildebrand he's Hildebrand - enlight Hoffman down the bottom turn here night bars go off podium positions go bacony for Hoffman and Hildebrand Wow so they get hooked together it could possibly be not having they're just a small mistake here we are on board with Hoffman the grant gets into him it gets hooked together and it was all over there goes your podium dreams right there for race 2 in Long Beach's one more look we're on board with Hildebrand gets it oh it's just Lofty's he can seem shaking his head I can't do anything about this I'm stuck in the back of the 47 and that drops them right out of contention but puts call pots now into a putty in position as we go down to turn number one and suddenly Robby Gordon is here right and the mix there is Gordon that Toyo tires number seven so all of a sudden how quickly things have changed dropping all the way back to 11th and 12th as Hildebrand and Hoffman so they go from second and third looking at a great voting spot all the way back to the last two finishers on the track I have the habit dnf'd yet and now there we are we're looking at Gordon he still got a lot of room to make up yet but out front Maddy Brad's call Potts and Harlan so a great weekend so far for Harlan winning race number one here in Long Beach this weekend now looking at a possible podium again so exciting stuff coming out of the Harlan Camp super impressed with called pond at a 23 year old from Minnesota originally these days called Scottsdale Arizona home race winner in only his second start on the streets of Adelaide in Australia this year and run second to Matt from right now as he weaves his way down the back side of the circuit with one and a half laps to go look at Brabham nice calm cool look at pots a little bit twitchy in there nothing major pops one of those guys that all he does in the truck out of the truck at dinner in the paddock at the hotel all he does is think about what he can do to go faster and I guarantee he's doing that right now it's full 110% concentration on catching the number 83 we probably I think we're gonna be seeing the lab the white flag coming out here momentarily so here is Matt Brabham starting the final lap of speed energy Stadium super trucks here today at Long Beach an incredible season last year 15 podiums five race wings it really is the guy they're going to be chasing in season 2018 but coal punch hasn't given up just yet no he has it and he won't he's gonna take it right down to the nitty gritty pots running really strong starting off his first Street circuit circuit Adelaide not long ago winning the race here he knows he's got what it takes but then look at there is Robby Gordon the Toyo tires number 7 just took me a minute we're onboard with Morris here Gordon's starting all the way towards the back of the pack and running really well 14th position moving Ollie up now and what could be a party of spot for him so great run for him so far his pressive stuff it's just I'd love to sit back sometimes I just watch Brabham Drive you ferry suddenly see a mistake he's so calm he's so cool he's collected in that truck it's just exciting just to watch him do what he do it does he's a master of his craft it's the ultimate Sunday Drive as he starts to have some fun here on the final lap Cole pots race win like we said of that late lets it swing out towards the wall here on the back straight underneath the Art Center and down to the final turn you're right about a gourd and that's an impressive run from the back of the field to a couple of retirees at the early parts of these races but now we push back to the field there is Gordon Morris Baumbach who started from pole position earlier today in this race but mad problem is coming around to pick up another wind and become s only repeat winner in speed energy Stadium super trucks in season 2018 he's dead what in formula Atlantic racing here back in the 80s and now the Brabham legacy continues as Matt Brabham takes the checkered flag in the final race of the day here in Long Beach what a run the checkered flag flies you see coal pots fist-pumping in the air over the finish line he stoked about his second place right there so good run for him Gavin Harlan as well as we hop on board with our winner here as he waves to the ground great stop automatic grabs I want away came to fat gavin holland as well just very vocal crowd here in Long Beach very receptive to what they've seen and now we stop the body down here in turn number one Matt Bevin picks up the final race in round six of spin empty stadium super trucks and come back and check in with our podium right after this [Music] Stadium super trucks on CBS Sports Network is sponsored by speed energy fuel the need the need for speed and by United fiber and data ingenuity in infrastructure if you have a pain to Long Beach come down and check it out one day it really is one of the cool destinations on our calendar as we see the winning truck of today's race Matt Brabant to fill this number 83 collecting the wind from Carl pots and Gavin Holland who won yesterday Robby Gordon Paul Morris Erin Byrne barking six back to Hamilton Jr Erik Davis at Delhi Lopez and Phil Hines cut retirees down the bottom in race number six shame yesterday we got cut short because I was starting loss didn't have enough time to come through the front and today we got the full race and that was just my main goal today is to get through the crowd get through all the accidents I knew there were people going for today so I got out in front Olie and that was just the key to my success for the race I just great time out there so much fun the fans are awesome here and yeah the village truck on on the podium is just awesome and there's a point spur after round number six Brabham in the lead all the way down already like junior and number five spot let's take a moment go to our second-place finisher Cole Potts the race was chaotic to say the least starting mid pack I mean you can either win the thing or lose this thing in the first corner so just kind of kept it contained with all the chaos going around the track kept down four wheels worked on my corners throughout that whole whole raise try to hit the rubber lines and try to be smooth most of all it saved my brakes and that's what got us here and I'm you know what winning or getting on the podium at Long Beach is amazing I can't imagine winning me even that much more amazing just once you're on that podium it's just it's a great feeling and it's a special place I'm looking forward to come back here I'm excited I really want this championship it's gonna be tough with Madi problem and Gavin Harlan they're top competitors as well as Robby Gordon but you know I really got to thank Toyo tires master race wheels rugged radios Baja designs and King shocks you know for helping me out and get me here long beach again is serve up a bit of everything here in 2008 seems a new winner and a guy who looks hungry than ever for a series crown the next event is back down under in Perth Western Australia in May at a steady of super trucks calm lightness on facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram at stadiums super trucks Bashan Germany I'm Matt Nolte it's goodbye from Long Beach
Channel: PlanetRobbyDotCom
Views: 292,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stadium super trucks, sst, long beach, california, 2018
Id: Fs73zm2Sf44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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