2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Key Issues in Receiving Healing (9:30 a.m.)

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Jesus is the healer open your Bibles with me to the 6th chapter of the book of Genesis Genesis chapter 6 verse 3 the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years now the new living testament which is really it deals with and touches on something here that that is is more accurate it says for he is flesh only now that changed what Jesus was raised from the dead we are no longer just flesh only because our spirits have been born again now let me correct you on something don't ever ever ever ever ever say I'm only human no you're not you've been born again hallelujah you've been raised up to sit with him in heavenly places I am NOT just human how they do you know more than Jesus is just human know then that thrill you oh yeah hallelujah now then oh I gotta come down there then I'm too far away from you thank you Lord Jesus thank your father we love turn now to Psalm 91 the 91st psalm thank you lord excuse me he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High mark most high you can't get any higher than that I there's you go back to traditional Pentecost and and there's a song that said Lord send the power just then well back in the Vermillion oh my very early days and I was there told robbers University in and like I said earlier when I first got there I was scriptural illiterate I mean I did I didn't know anything about the Bible and and and I've heard some of these sayings and stuff and I'm praying that one of it all or just send the power just now send the power just now Oh and don't you love it when when Jesus interrupts your stupid praying he won't do it unless you invite him to the Holy Spirit is absolutely it's perfect gentleman he eat him but if you invite him to do so he will take great pleasure in interrupting that mess and and I just he said before am I gonna get it he's didn't you say it send the power just now where am I gonna get it I still didn't get Joe I said I don't know but he said whom everyone turn to and say Kenneth needs more power I saw it Oh send us more power send the power just now now and he said something to me that shook me up and it still shakes me to my core when I think about it he said Kenneth I filled you with myself he said I didn't trust you to an angel he said I could have filled you with an angel he said what do you think a demon-possessed man he said when Satan himself possesses somebody what do you think any the madmen a Ghaderi was possessed with the devil himself an angel well he said no no I filled you with myself and all the power you could ever need or require is right there well and that's that's when he said something that I have said it I've written it I've used it over the years he said I want you to become God inside mine my healer is right in here all the healing power is right on the inside of you right now glory to God that's that's enough to come Church to more than four right there see it God is inside me I am God inside minded not God far away minded not God in heaven only minded but God's inside me he lives in me he abides in me he is my advocate he's my counselor he's my comforter he's my strengthener he's my intercessor and he is my healer come on give him a shout I receive my healing from my Jesus opponent say it I know my Jesus he loves me and I love him now you don't have to wait till this services over to get healed I'm that that we here we're here to receive as much now think about so some people say I just don't understand why I still understand why God didn't heal is healing always comes always it's not always received can you see every human being on the face of this earth every human being can receive salvation every one of them the scripture says he's not holding our trespasses against us nothing you ever did in all your life it keep you from receiving the new birth what it's already it's it just think this in your month think they're there there's a low-hanging overcast right here like a cloud business just see life is in that cloud righteousness is in that cloud healing is in that class the baptism the Holy Ghost is in that cloud I mean it's just right there he has tasted death for us and it's right there in that cliff but you ain't gonna get it unless you receive it but all you have to do is say Jesus it's mine the glory is here that Lauri's here yeah it's mine I take it now hallelujah all right he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High God shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust the amplified translation says and then surely he will deliver me now I want you to notice very carefully this is written grammatically kind of strange Jim noticin I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god and him will I trust surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt you trust his truth shall be your shield and buckler thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night now I want to I want you to do something you're the one that made that statement in verse two I will say of the Lord now there's three people in this song you Jesus and the father see we're work we're living in this home right now but it's three persons you made your statement and that's the last thing you say throughout this whole song now Jesus begins to speak you say I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust surely he will deliver you that's weird unless you realize when you said that Jesus begins to speak to you surely hee-hee-hoo the Almighty God Jesus is saying you said I will sail the Lord Jesus said surely he will deliver you or you got it alright now let's oh oh I'm telling you healing healing it if it's just it's it it's gonna just get him walk around in here I will say of the Lord he's my refuge my fortress my god in him will I trust Jesus is now saying to me and to you surely he the Almighty God shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence he shall cover you Kenneth with his feathers and under his wings shalt you trust his truth shall be your shield and buckler now Kenneth you will not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flies by day nor for the pestilence they the their sickness and diseases of long continuance and and so forth nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday Kenneth of Thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come nigh you son only with your eyes now I made a little note right there like a bad movie I'm I'm here in this secret place only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the the of the wicked now listen listen to this because because Kenneth you have made the Lord which is my refuge he's the one that raised Jesus from the dead he's the one that brought him out of hell and that precious because Kenneth you have made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high your habitation Cheers there shall no evil befall you kill neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling thank you Jesus I just declared no plague comes not my house nope no sickness and disease and get in my house now I'm talking house from two different places I'm talking my household but I'm talking about this Tabernacle this house in which I live this physical body is the house that you and I live in Peter said if this the this tabernacle is dissolved amen well it's not gonna dissolve until we get done with it hallelujah thank you Jesus stay within it neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways now I want you to notice something here his angels have been charged to keep you from the snare of the Fowler the noisome pestilence cover you with his feathers under his wings shalt you trust not be afraid of the terror by night what because your angels have been given charge to protect you they shall bear you up in their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone you Kenneth Copeland shall tread upon the line and the adder the young lion and the dragon shall you trample underfoot well the father just couldn't be still so he be he speaks up and he says because Kenneth has set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him I'll set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and I will answer him I'll be with him in trouble I'll deliver him and honor him with long life with a hundred and twenty years will i satisfy him and show him my salvation it's saddened time in church this man you don't have any business with with your heart acting up that thing's got to run for a hundred and twenty years clean it it's yours clean it it's in the will and testament Jesus is the only man that wrote a will dad raised from the dead the probate his own will he's the healin he's in the house breast cancer was just healed in the name of growth now whoa Jesus oh thank you thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord my month now just look to the left at the 90th so Lord thou has been our dwelling place in all generations before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou has formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting thou art gone now turn us man to destruction and say return the children to return you children of men for a thousand years in the site or but as yesterday when it is past and as a watch in the night thou caressed them away as with a flood they are as they are as a sleep in the morning they are like grass which groweth up in the morning it flourishes grows up in the evening is cut down and withered this is a prayer and a lamenting of of Moses we're consumed by the anger and by the wrath are we troubled thou has set our iniquities before thee our secret sins in the light of thy countenance for all our days are passed away in thy wrath and we spend our years as a tale that is told the days of our years are threescore and ten and if by reason of strength fourscore years yet is their strength labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away who knoweth the power that even according to the fear teach us to number our days so that we may apply our hearts as wisdom that was never ever ever ever intended to be the normal lifespan of a human being they brought this curse on themselves those of you that that have an amplified translation not electronic but paper it'll have a note under that song anybody have that here this morning yes sir thank you let's see now this doesn't have the note well maybe does yeah this psalm is credited to Moses who is interceding with God to remove the curse which made it necessary for every Israelite over 20 years of age when they rebelled against God at Kadesh Barnea to die before reaching the promised land Moses said most of them are dying at 70 years of age this number has often been mistaken as a set span of life for all mankind it was not intended to refer to anyone except those Israelites under the curse during that particular 40 years 70 years never has been the average lifespan for Humanity when Jacob the the father of the twelve tribes had reached a hundred and thirty he complained that he had not attained the years of his immediate ancestors in fact Moses himself lived to be a hundred and twenty years old met Aaron 123 Miriam several years older Joshua 110 note as well that in the Millennium a person dying at a hundred will be thought as a child amen thank you sir the normal lifespan God said is a hundred into medical science of greetings this physical body ought to last 120 it's not that one's been much time on this today but I want you to begin to meditate on that quit thinking about dying at 75 80 years old stop that just stop thinking that way now you you have to meditate on it you have to renew your mind to it because we've been surrounded by that all of our lives and we've watched people die the a and it's a big deal if somebody makes a hundred look at Billy Graham Lawrie to God he 99 all I want to tell you about a friend of mine charles greane pastored for years in New Orleans and he retired a few years ago and turned the pad turned the church over to his son Michael Charles is 11 years older than I am and going strong still that he still travels of course he's not doing as much as he used to but I want you to know charles greane knows he'll sail by a hundred like it wasn't even there amen strong just stand up and quote one Bible verse right after another remembers remember song lyric system George how many songs do you suppose he just stands up there in church and EMS he stands up there and begin a turn around the today than hearsay him what key you in and David tell him he said put that and put that in F and some David go to the key of F and here they start he said let me teach you this one and here is done and in 91 years old you don't know it praise go thank you Jesus begin to begin to meditate on these things what AM what am I gonna do what am I going to be doing when I'm 85 well what am I gonna let's see let's see mama lay up to be 74 75 my grandmother says now well let me use my own personal family let's see mama we're home be at the Lord when she's seventy-seven a grandfather was 74 my great-grandfather was 75 my great-uncle was 73 yeah yeah but my dad is 96 [Music] I've already got a head start on this thing you understand glory to God okay so what am I gonna do be doing they they went in their seventies so I'm talking about you then No so and and your your 45 okay and and I'm gonna be doing what I'm 85 sure equipment you kidding me ain't about to quit did you notice that the general idea in this country is to with get one thing on your mind retire I know to work hard so I can quit do you know the word retire is not in the Hebrew language why should you quit being a blessing to people don't plan on quitting now you you you you may get done with that job in 3540 years hey be a good steward before the Lord tithe reap and sow hey just start another career how they lose go another 30 years and retire again hallelujah start another career hey you'd be so rich by that time you will lead another and so healed it so well hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus turn with me now to Matthew chapter 9 we're going to look at the key issue to this Matthew chapter 9 and hold your place there and I want you to look at mark 11 once more because I want to show you something here I didn't know this till I learned it from brother Hagin mark 11 courses we as we've already seen from Thursday night verily I say unto you whosoever say out of this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says should come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them and when you stand praying forgive if you have aught against any now just read Matthew Mark Luke and John take a red pencil and Mark every place where Jesus gave any hindrance to faith that's the only one you'll find unforgiveness [Music] that's the hindrance you remember when the scripture says that a husband and wife should stay in harmony lest their prayers be hindered what hinders your prayer your faith won't work prayer don't make faith work faith makes prayer work that's the one if you're gonna if you don't if you're gonna be for sure about this you're gonna be committed to this the long life you have to deal with this and you have to deal with it every day it is not optional it is a commandment we are soldiers in the army of the law and the commander in chief the Lord Advocate General of the church has commanded this army the love the Lord thy God with all your heart all your mind all your soul all your mind all your strength love your neighbor as yourself and love the Brethren even as I have loved the brother now that is not optional by covenant I can't do that Jesus didn't tell you to do something you can't do you can't do it in yourself but you're not in yourself you're in Christ Jesus you commit to it and he'll get in there with you but get it right up on on top of your list I I insist on walking by love and I insist on living my faith if you'll do that everything gonna be alright because now God is obligated to you if you want this is covenant affair if you won't do your part of the Covenant he's not committed to you he's committed to you in mercy he's committed to you and all these things but if you continue to break that commandment you just stay in an area of trouble all the time I want to take a moment and and demonstrate something to jesus said narrow is the way broad is the path of the road to destruction what is the narrow way it's that love line as well you remember what you remember what the scripture said in first John he this morning of God sinneth not he keepeth himself and that wicked one touches him not that doesn't make sense until you realize what the book of first John is teaching you that God is love and we believe the love which he has for us trust that love so he that is born of love sinneth he started that book in the first chapter when you do sin we have an advocate with the father confess it get it out now don't don't wait and cry about it get it fixed you're a soldier you ain't got time to mess with this so you're on that Loveline that all this out here is the curse satan is just just itching for a chance mark chapter four solar cells are work these are the way that by the wayside where the word is sown 75% of them let the devil steal the word out of them what was the first one being offended so you're on that love walk you take a step out here flow don't know no get no you don't touch me Satan you don't touch my household and you don't touch my family and this body is holy you don't touch it I have I have done my my reasonable service and I have offered this body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable by my god amen stay on that level stay in faith faith worketh by love no love no faith no faith no grace you see you get it stay on that love love you get mad and shoot your mouth off slappy jars and quit it quit practicing that anger you start practicing love and I used to hear the Lord say don't get mad fix it yeah he'd say shut up can I fix it fix it you have to practice his presence talk to him personally he's right there how they do all right Matthew chapter 9 now we're going to read these these three critic scripture references Matthew chapter 9 1 through 7 mark 2 1 through 12 and Luke 5:17 through 25 because they're the same story that each one has an element in it that we need to see so and get ready to make some notes here ninth chapter first work and he Jesus entered into a ship and passed over and came into his own City which was Capernaum and behold they brought to him a man sick of the palsy lying on a bed Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy son be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee and behold certain of the scribes said within themselves this man blasphemer Jesus knowing their thoughts said wherefore think he evil in your heart for whether is easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to say rise and walk but that you may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins then he said to the sick of the palsy arise take up your bed and go under that own house he arose and departed to his house now I want you to notice he said son cheer up cheer up this man needed to cheer up what's he talking about joy cheer up your sins are forgiven now it's obvious that he needed to hear that he's forgiven all right glory to God the same power that forgives heals see where he said that that you may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sin he said to the sick man arise take up your bed and go to your house then it is exactly the same power it is the same anointing let's put it that way jesus said spirit Lord's own me isn't going to be what about doing good how God anointed Jesus the Holy Ghost power what about doing good and healing so it is the same anointing that forgives heals in that wonderful alright now let's go to the next one which is mark chapter 2 and the first twelve verses in this one again he entered into Capernaum and after some days it was noise that he was in the house he was in his house in Capernaum straightway many were gathered together in so much that there was no room to receive them no not so much as about the door and he preached the word underline that one that one didn't show up in the book of Matthew he preached the word to them faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God they come unto him bringing one sick of the palsy which was borne of four and when they could not come nigh unto him for the press they uncovered the roof where he was and when they had broken it up they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay now if we've learned something else that we didn't get in the book of Matthew he's in his house and he's he's he's what he preached no word and they let down the bed where the sick of the palsy and Jesus saw their faith he said unto the sick of the palsy son thy sins be forgiven thee there were certain of the scribes sitting there and reasoning in their hearts why did this man thus speak blasphemies who can forgive sins but God only and immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit they reasoned within themselves he said why reason you these things in your heart whether it is easier to say to the sick of the palsy thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise take up your bed and walk but that you may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins he said to the sick of the palsy I say unto thee arise take up your bed and go your way and into thine house and immediately he got up with hope amen so here's Jesus in his own house teaching now I used to think the place is filled with scribes and Pharisees and doctors of the law finest donkeys in the land a park right out front I used to think this was a hostile crowd no they were in his house he wasn't in the temple someplace they had come to hear him but they were that they were so religiously brainwashed they really weren't arguing with him they they thought what now we're going to see something in the next one but I'll go ahead and talk to you about it now and it says the power was there to heal them all well of course it was Jesus was doing the teaching but the man with the policies all the one got anything why they got sidetracked you can't sit there and wonder why I wear blue suits all the time wonder what I wonder right kind of wears blue suit cost Gloria likes blue city and so do i and I wear the colored suits but not all that look but you can sit there at N and Miss several seconds so maybe a minute or two of what's being said and you stall your faith because faith cometh by hearing but you're not hearing you looking for you you went and they were looking for mistakes they've you know but they weren't hostile to it but two missed it their religion got in the way and they missed what he said you can be sitting there thinking about all kinds of stuff teach yourself to focus teacher certification in order to do that you have to make a commitment I'm gonna here ever were I mean they could they could blow a hole in the roof or they could tear the tiles up in the roof and it's not gonna get my attention I'm not going to turn my attention to something else because they're you know the devil is a he's a past master at the solar cells the word Satan comes immediately to steal the word of which was soon you know the scripture Jesus said he he comes to steal kill and destroy don't ever quote that kill steal and destroy it doesn't it's not in that honor he comes to steal the word if he can steal the word he can kill and destroy he didn't come to steal you money he didn't come to steal any family he came to steal the work if he can steal the word he's got you money don't forget that make a point to remember that because you won't have to stand for you either you got to stand for hallelujah hallelujah okay now statement stay right here with me now listen to this let's go to Luke chapter 5 now now there he was preaching the word in Luke chapter 5 seventeenth verse and it came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching will not mother Copeland which was he doing preaching or teaching both Jesus a preacher let me show you something in it in the eighth chapter of Luke just this slip right over there you remember he said the anointing is on me he's anointed me to preach he's here he's he's preaching in the eighth chapter of Luke and he's preaching on the sower soweth the word and he comes down to the eighth verse other fell on good ground sprang up and bear fruit a hundredfold and when he had said these things he cried he got loud he's a preacher [Applause] that's the reason we get loud so see he'd be teaching along just like I'm doing this morning and the northern come on he gets excited and glory thank God you know and he'd be peace alone and he said he's and he said son y'all cheer up boy he simply could they let him down to a hole in his house the kids just see him following him all the way down and he's you know he's got stuff falling on his head and he's he's teaching along but then he gets excited about it and he starts preaching [Laughter] he did both say did both hallelujah now let me go back every woman he was teaching and there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by which were come out of every town of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem and the power of the Lord was present to heal them well then then from what we've learned here the power of the Lord was present also to forgive them but they sure weren't receiving that because they didn't think he had the power to do it in the first place they were too well not taught but trained in the law in order to handle what he's saying he's preaching grace you let me tell you what he's preaching he's preaching exactly what the scripture says he was preaching the blessing he's preaching the blessing amen and I want you to notice is the scribes and Pharisees began to reason saying who is this which speak of blasphemies who can forgive sins but God alone when Jesus perceived their thoughts he answering said unto them why reason you in your heart whether it's easier to say that sins be forgiven thee or to say rise up and walk but that you may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins he said to the sick of the palsy I say unto thee arise take up that counts and go to the house and immediately he rose up before them took up wherein he lay and departed to his own house glorifying God and they were all all the doctors all the all the scribes all the Pharisees look they were all amazed and they glorified God and were filled with fear or awesome reverence saying we have seen strange things so see they weren't hostile but as so religious they missed their own healing as well you get that and it was all over forgiveness that is they say the key issue staying in love staying in forgiveness staying staying close to the staying close to the to the Holy Ghost staying close to the Spirit of God because that's Jesus amen I had him say to me one day he said Kenneth I love you son but I don't like you very much [Laughter] you know Lord he said Kenneth I won't get Eliza and he said you think you get angry I said well we gonna sit with we're head we changing that and you know me tell you something he really likes me now [Applause] [Music] hey howling and you know I could I could I could sense him I could sense him with a little grin on his face when he said that I just don't like you very much oh thank you Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus we praise you and thank you sir we bless you and praise you and thank you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah how do we know this is from Keith Moore how do we know it's God's will to heal us or not it makes little difference what others say about it what did he say about it now before we get into this you can download this from brother Moore's website and he has one of the finest books on healing I have ever read in my life and that's the title of it God's will to heal you can download his series on that I suggest that you do it and all of brother Moore's downloading downloadable material is free they don't they don't charge anyone for it remember that God is no respecter of persons and he never changes so what he said to them yesterday he's saying to you day God's word is God speaking to me now before we get into this I have three videos that I want you to watch our I want this to form a picture in your mind in fact you you know you can get videos of these from our ministry if you like I want you to watch this first one Lachey McKinney Lachey is here this morning let's say where are you where are you darling - he is stand up and your head pretty heel self [Laughter] [Applause] I love you this morning you're gonna like this what's this my name is evangelist Lachey McKinney this is my father apostle SC McKinney and I am his personal assistant I worked with him hand-in-hand in ministry we have grown immensely in 33 years and all of a sudden I began to my body began to show signs of sickness and I had ignored it for about a year then after a year I started getting worse even though I was speaking to my body but I wasn't seeing any results and I instead of getting better I was getting worse so I asked my father okay what should I do he said go on and to the hospitals and find out what's going on and that's what I did when I got there I took about two or three of the ladies from the ministry and we were in the waiting room they had taken the blood work I think I stayed there about five hours and then what happened was when the doctor came in he said I have good news and I have bad news and I said the good news is I don't have cancer and he said I can't say that but long story short he gave me a piece of paper and he told me this is a doctor I need you to call a cancer specialist and I did on that Monday and when I called I didn't have the money at that time so actually I didn't have any insurance I didn't have the money to get an examination or to even see him I got a telephone call from one of our pastor friends who told me that she had already made an appointment for me to go to the Greenville School of Medicine and when I got there they diagnosed me with lymphoma cancer and the doctor said I had only 30 days to live they had given me a breathing apparatus they said I was breathing like a 93 year old woman my liver was 200 times larger than what it was supposed to be and so was my spleen I didn't have the energy or the breath to do anything I remember walking by the mirror before I lay down and I saw the shadow of death and fear gripped my heart and I knew by the looks of things I wasn't gonna make it and instead of fighting I kind of sir come to it and I remember that day when I was laying on the couch and he came to me and he didn't sounds too nice he didn't show any pity because he knew that I was in a fight for my life and he said you're gonna die if you don't get up from here he said you a minister of the gospel and you have to know that the devil is fighting you because of what you're doing positive in the kingdom he said physician get up and heal yourself that's exactly what he said I grabbed my Bible and I began to walk back and forth I read something from Gloria Copeland that talked about how we should take the word like medicine and that we should use it just like we would medicine and use it three times a day and if situation get worse to double the dosage I would never forget that and that's what I did for 28 days I had 30 days to live now for 28 days I walked three times a day and I got my Bible and I quoted every scripture and I prophesied and spoke them over my life and I didn't feel anything different in 28 days but at the end of that 28 days something happened I don't know what it was but I knew faith kicked in yes faith kicked in and I said he was wounded for the shades transgressions he was bruised for the shades iniquities and the chastisement of my peace was him and with those stripes I am healed and I knew that day that I was healed and I had two more days ago in the 30 days that thirtieth day I went back to the doctor and they looked at the exam and they took x-rays again and they brought in one specialist and they brought in two specialists they kept looking five specialists came in that day I'll never forget it they were talking among themselves but I didn't know what they were saying so finally he came over to me he said this is what it looked like 30 days ago where is the cancer it's not here we have to understand that the Word of God is for us that he's not just it's not just something out there or something in the Bible this is a Rhema word and it comes to life when we take it that's what glory always says - like if somebody's giving you a cake it's not yours until you receive it well the word of healing is for us but we have to receive it and so it's important for us to take it and when we do it becomes life hallelujah now I wanted I wanted to know anybody can do this anybody can do this God's no respecter of persons amen how gorgeous you look this morning girl Amen kapu nothing happened but yet something was happening every moment you can't feel things faith is automatic it comes by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing now there came and I told you yesterday that's what Gloria calls when faith balls over how many drops does it take to run over a cup but you stop before that one and you're just static get the one more drop get to one more job tell us about it let's say this is an awesome moment right here because had it not been for my father telling me to get up I would have died so I want to thank God first of all for him not having pity that was a blessing second thing I want to thank God for today man of God is for being here with you [Applause] I was raised off of Kenneth Copeland and Gloria Copeland all of my life I never would have known that I would be here today just standing here in this space it's an awesome moment and because of the Word of Faith being preached in my life all of these many years the enemy was upset and you and I need to understand that there will be a moment when you're going to have to stand on what you've been hearing and I was tested with cancer that is a powerful disease but yet it's not because there's nothing too hard for God [Applause] [Music] thank you for me and I stood on faith I read those scriptures and I had to understand that it's not just in the Bible but it is for us it's our covenant and when I stood on those scriptures it happened where I understood that it was not just in the Bible but it was for me the Sheikh talked about that moment like your dad said faith kicked in faith came yes sir that moment that one drop over floated mm-hmm talk about that knowing moment whatever so I was in revival my father was preaching we were in Washington DC and I would excuse myself and go in the bathroom and look in the mirror and I would take those scriptures and I would talk to myself I would speak to myself I had to see those words coming out of my mouth and I began to say he was wounded for the shades transgression and it was like yeah you know Oprah Winfrey cause that aha moment and I was like yeah that's it my spirit grabbed it [Applause] and he was bruised for the shades transgressions and with those stripes I am healed but it took 28 days to get it in my favor didn't it know that that intense immersion in the word for 28 days it was building it was growing it was coming it was coming what if you to quit the 27th unit now don't ever quit don't don't what do you when you lay in there and and then they say he'll die any minute now is no I'm he'll glory to God so what if you died anyhow water way to step over the step over into glory with faith on your lips I am here as a person that well I don't mind telling you who it is it's Joel Osteen's mama Jodi and Don John Dodie Dodie Osteen she had cancer of the liver and and she and John very close friends Gloria in mind and when she got that diagnosis they called him we we set ourselves an agreement with him and we prayed she wouldn't go to bed she could shave did her housework every day so six he couldn't hardly stand up but she went through her scripture list every morning every noon and she went through it over and over and over she went through it again and again and again hallelujah still strong and alive today now the last time I visited with her about it I said are you still reading your scriptures brother Kenneth she said every day three times a day cause she said if I quit I dies now when brother John Osteen first began to preach mark 11:23 and 24 because they became close friends with brother Hagin and and and and nobody just was having trouble with that he would correct her you know but she didn't like being corrected by resin he said no you know I'm telling you I'm saying no you're not you're healed John Osteen I'm sick I'm telling you he said no you're not noting you're healed she is his head colo see she said John Osteen I'm gonna have him put on my tombstone see there I told you I think but that's the same woman for she latched on to that a long time who before then that was back in the very early days when they first learned about it but she just she just took it the last unto it and wouldn't turn the loose of it and praise God walked through this very same thing that Lachey did it just kicked in and when it did here she came amen now she's in her mid 80s going strong let's say thank you sweetheart it is such an honor to have you amen I love you too dude tell the Apostle I said - hello yes please Hey I just want to say one other thing before I sit down and thank you for this opportunity right after we came on the air all of these people began to call they googled us they called us and asked us to agree with them in prayer and the enemy attacked my father in June we went in the hospital and they said that he wasn't gonna make it we didn't understand what was going on in July he had to go right back long story short they found out that he had non alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver we didn't understand how did he get it so at five years old he was burned and given up three times to die but they had to do a blood transfusion and back in his day they did not cleanse the blood and so this had been lying dormant in his body all these many years and you were talking about how you can work yourself down doing ministry and not taking the word for yourself well that was happened to him and he had just worked his body down and it surfaced and he had to go into the hospital and we've been believing God and thanking God for his healing amen and so he is healed right where he sits over there today from cirrhosis the liver you know you want my hero don't you father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Kelly would you come please now when Kelly lays hands on you the fires doing better fast it's Jesus birth we feel a new liver [Music] halleloo burning everything that doesn't belong this out of your body thank you with long life I'll satisfy you I've done it in years past and it'll be that way in none other saith the Lord Jesus for the days of your ministry are not done and I will not allow you to come home yet ha ha ha hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh thank you Lord Jesus anybody else having any liver trouble take your healing right now yeah if that healing brother you don't need the hands laid on you I'm laying hands on a possible McKinney hey you just take it you just take it anybody got any problems in your stomach take it right now I heard the Lord say that take it right now throat problems take your healing right now sinus trouble take your healing right now ear problems take your healing right now I trouble take your healing right now faith is being released faith is going for the anointing is going for take it take it take it lung disease is being healed right now back disease kidney disease kept failing kidneys wake up kidney you saying I take the fire Oh hallelujah the healers in the house walking these out seeking those to whom he can show himself wrong oh thank you thank you I receive but pain is being healed bones in the feet that need to be rearranged glory to God fallen painful arches are being healed by the power right now Jesus is healing you thank you Father I love you already yeah you know I heard somebody say one time physician heal nicely [Laughter] you know you know so take your own medicine I know I'm just loving on you [Music] yes sir there's no shame ever that an attack came we know you've been on the video we've been on TV Satan attacks well he's a liar and he tries to bring shame that a family like yours would get to have sickness he is a liar and that is that is a root that he tries to keep hanging on to so don't let him because Jesus bore the shame and Jesus came and paid the price because of the of sin and sickness so there's no shame that it came he bore that reproached and he boring yeah so that's a good word be burned out all shame all reproach and all men pleasing spirit be gone and burned out now and this will not return as it has no place to rest holy God thank there you go Jesus give the Lord praise and thank you I you may be seated my dad aw Copeland had all of the cartilages and this is Mike this back number years ago of course all the cartilage his knees were bone on bone he didn't complain they would say anything about it well oh he was in a lot of pain I've seen we'd be walking down town or something and he just stopped and just sitting out on the curb oh of course I laid hands on it well this was at a time when the orthopedic surgeon that took care of the Dallas Cowboys had developed knee replacement this was back when this was new and he had developed it well I heard about it and talked to dad about it and and and finally I just got on him about it I said dad let's get this done what do you think it'd be all right yeah it'll be all right let's do this do this and he'd been it he'd been in pain like that for years and years finally after he got it done everything's okay I said Danny why did you not just grab the chance to do that well I listened he said Kenneth I I really didn't want to bring reproach on your healing ministry I said daddy you've heard me preached if you've heard me preach different than that well he said no but see the devil keeping him thinking along shame and reproach lives we're not against doctors they're fighting the same devils we're fighting then I telling you it hadn't been for good Christian doctors most of the Christians of the died thank God for I said thank God for hey howleen oh my my my my okay you ready for another one Oh watch this one guys low set everything up we're gonna get right into I'm gonna tell you right now you better fasten your seat belt [Applause] [Music] Oh haven't we thank you Jesus in that name turning loose signal in that name Oh what are you gonna do huh okay what are you gonna do right now what else what do you want what do you want from God I know what you're gonna come up and apart wanting to get healed well don't be embarrassed about it is that what you're gonna do is get healed is that what you're gonna do with in the name of Jesus see that's how God was looking for just to commitment no he won't yes I got new some news for you you've got it I know when that power leaves me you've got it now you woke off here a new woman in the name of Jesus amen insuk oh don't thank me you think the Lord in the name of Jesus hallelujah [Applause] for it are you ready for this [Applause] [Music] in that I dare to give the Lord a shout and pray Oh hallelujah when she came there that night we were in st. Louis and she came with a busload of people from her church and they couldn't get her on the bus there Devon they were driving out of the parking lot she wouldn't get on she's walking and she's walking along beside the bus by the time they got out of the parking lot she was doing really good and did you notice the size of those heels she had on but thank you lord watch this this this happened at EMI see [Music] where she at you got healed online watching online what do you mean you got healed online I gotta hit that line from what I had a stroke uh-huh used to be a professional pianist it used to play at healing meetings like this okay and you were watching online from where Farmers Branch in Dallas Texas which is about 45 minutes to an hour away okay I asked the angels to get us here I said husband we have to go my husband Brett right here's your home okay so you and then on the way you called for shingles your husband has shingles okay but I'm talking about you you had me yeah yeah yeah you talked to me what happened I could start filling my fingers again they're starting to work I guess [Applause] come on your name is [Applause] Fiona your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] so this vibrating this shaking tell me what this is these tremors what caused this shamoto styro died Hashimoto and it's she has over 80 illnesses over $80 illnesses that caused by wet bad tire a bad fibroid that's your body temperature it's connected your thymus gland direct your thymus and I died almost died last week here and if I die three more times this week cousin what say hi no you're you came all this way I can't feel my toes you can feel your toes [Applause] [Music] move the chair move the chair [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she's getting stay very steady [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go ahead sing it David [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah she's a concert pianist and she hadn't played the piano in 12 years they came back to church from the following they came to church following Sunday and she said as soon as she got home she sat down to her piano with a full keyboard and played for the first time in 12 years and she said she played and played and played does he got into her hands got sore and she's just playing and playing and said her dogs like to win crazy they had never heard they'd never heard her play my mama [Music] oh thank you Jesus she's watching online and she wants what's PMSA online all the time of course she's shut-in she don't know when she got there her hands were like this and her feet were curled up they had to pick her up out of the car and sit her in her chair it's been like eight for 12 years not anymore hallelujah [Applause] oh thank you lord now what I wanted to point out here she didn't quit she just stayed in that word just kept listening to it and and and that night just like Lachey I mean that that night she took it how they do now this that we're about to do I got this out of the out of brother Keith Moore's book on God's will to heal these statements are taken directly from the Bible with little or no variation the verbs and construction have been changed to apply to you personally and to sum up the thoughts in some instances also many of these statements are prefaced by phrases like if you walk in my Commandments if you believe all day and so forth what did God say about our healing 101 things I am the Lord that healeth thee Exodus 15:26 your days shall be 120 years Genesis 6:3 you shall be buried in a good old age why don't you just read these with me I mean there you shall be buried in a good old age Genesis 15 15 you shall come to your grave in a full age like as a shock of corn cometh in his season job 526 when I see the blood I'll pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you Exodus 12 13 I will take sickness from the midst of you and the number of your days I will fulfill exodus 23 25 and 26 I will not put any of the diseases you are afraid of on you but I will take all sickness away from you Deuteronomy 7:15 it will be well with you and your days shall be multiplied and prolonged as the days of heaven on earth Deuteronomy 11 9 and 21 I turned the curse into a blessing unto you because I loved you Deuteronomy 23 5 and Nehemiah 13 - I have redeemed you from every sickness and every plague Deuteronomy 28 61 and Galatians 3:13 as your days so shall your strength be Deuteronomy 33 25 I have found a ransom for you your flesh shall be fresher than a child and you shall return to the days of your youth joke 33 24 and 25 I have healed you and brought up your soul from the grave I have kept you alive from going down into the pit Psalm 31 into I will give you strength and bless you with peace Psalm 29 11 I will preserve you and keep you alive sum 41 2 I will strengthen you upon the bed of languishing I will turn all your bed in your sickness some 41 3 I am the health of your countenance and your God Psalm 43 5 no plague shall come now your dwelling Psalm 91 10 I will satisfy you with long life Psalm 91 16 I heal all your diseases some huh no three three I set my word and healed you and delivered you from your destructions psalm 107:20 you shall not die but live and declare my works someone 18 17 I heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds Psalm 147 3 the years of your life shall be many proverbs 14 trusting bring trusting me brings health to your navel and mara to your bones proverbs 3 8 osteoporosis was even right then praise God he'll praise God both both both in this room and online thank you Jesus praise God thank you Lord the 27th one my good report makes your bones fat proverbs 1530 my pleasant words are sweet to your soul and help to your bones proverbs 16 24 my joy is your strength a merry heart does good like a medicine Nehemiah 8:10 proverbs 17:22 the eyes of the blind shall be opened the eyes of them that see shall not be dimmed Isaiah 32 3 and 35 5 the ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped the ears of them that hear shall hearken Isaiah 32 3 and 35 5 the tongue of the dumb shall sing the tongue of the stammerer shall be ready to speak plainly Isaiah 35 6 32 for the lame man shall leap as our heart are like a deer Isaiah 35 6 I will recover you and make you to live I'm ready to save you Isaiah 38 16 and 20 I give power to the faint I increase strength to them that have no might Isaiah 40 29 I will renew your strength I will strengthen and help you Isaiah 40:31 and 4110 to your old age and gray hairs I'll carry you and I will deliver you I said 46 for I bore your sicknesses isaiah 53:4 i carried your pain isaiah 53:4 I was put to sickness for you isaiah 53:10 with my stripes you are healed isaiah 53:5 I will heal you Isaiah 57 19 your light shall break forth as the morning and your health cells spring forth speedily isaiah 58:8 i will restore health to you I will heal you of your wounds said the Lord Jeremiah 30 17 behold I will bring health and cure I will cure you and will reveal unto you the abundance of peace and truth I will bind up that which was broken and will strengthen that which was sick Ezekiel 34 16 behold I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live and I shall put my spirit in you and you shall live Ezekiel 37 5 and 14 whether so ever the river shall come shall live they shall be healed and everything shall live where the river comes Ezekiel 47 9 seek me and you shall live Amos 5 4 and 6 I have risen with healing in my wings Matt Malachi 4:2 now we go to the New Testament I will be thou clean Matthew 8 3 I took your infirmities Matthew age 17 I bore your sicknesses Matthew age 17 if you're sick you need a physician I am the Lord your physician Matthew 9 12 Exodus 15:26 I am moved with compassion toward the sick and I yield them Matthew 14:14 I heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease Matthew 4:23 according to your faith be it unto you Matthew 9:29 I give you power and authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out and heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease matthew 10:1 Luke 9 1 I healed them all Matthew 12:15 and Hebrews 13:8 as many as touch me are made perfectly whole Matthew 14 36 healing is the children's bread Matthew 15 26 I do all things well I'll make the death to hear and the dumb to speak March 7 37 if you can believe all things are possible to him that believeth mark 9:23 and 11 23 and 24 when hands are laid on you you shall recover mark 16 18 my anointing heals the brokenhearted and delivers the captive recovers sight to the blind sets at liberty of those that are bruised Luke 4:18 Isaiah 10:27 61 1 i healed all those that have need of healing Luke 19:11 I'm not come to destroy men's lives but to save them Luke 956 behold I give you authority over all the enemy's power and nothing shall by any means hurt you Luke 10:19 sickness is satanic bondage and you ought to be loosed Luke 13 16 second Corinthians 6:2 in me is life John 1:4 I am the bread of life I give you a lie John 33 John 6 33 and 35 the words that I speak unto you are spirit and life John 6:63 now I added this one which is Deuteronomy 30:19 I placed before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore you choose life that you and your seed shall live I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly John 10:10 I am the resurrection and the life John 11:25 if you ask anything in my name I will do it John 14:14 faith in my name makes you strong and gives you perfect settlements acts 3:16 I stretched forth my hand to healed acts 430 I Jesus Christ make you hold Acts 934 I Kenneth Copeland receive it glory to God I Jesus Christ make you whole okay you said it I Kenneth Copeland you say your name I cannot cope them receive it I take it right now glory God how they loo you thank you thought I do good and heal all that are oppressed of the death acts 10:38 my power causes diseases to depart from you acts 1912 the law of the spirit of life in me has made you free from the law of sin and death Romans 8:2 the same spirit that raised me from the dead now lives in you and that spirit will quicken your mortal body Romans 8:11 your body is a member of me 1st Corinthians 6:15 your body is the temple of my spirit and your to glorify me in your body 1st Corinthians 6 8 19 and 20 if you'll rightly discern my body which was broken for you and judge yourself you'll not be judged you'll not be weak sickly or die prematurely 1st Corinthians 11 29 through 31 I have set gifts of healings in my body 1st Corinthians 12:9 my life may be made manifest in your mortal flesh 2nd Corinthians 4 10 and 11 I have delivered you from death I do deliver you and if you trust me I will yet deliver you 2nd Corinthians 1:10 I have given you my name and if but all things under your feet Ephesians 1 21 and 22 I want it to be well with you and I want you to live long upon the earth Ephesians 6 3 I have delivered you from the authority of Darkness Colossians 1:13 I will deliver you from every evil world second Timothy 4:18 I tasted death for you I destroyed the devil who had power of death I've delivered you from the fear of death and bondage Hebrews 2:9 14 and 15 I wash your body with pure water Hebrews 10:22 in Ephesians 5:26 lift up the weak hands and the feeble knees don't let that which is lame be turned aside but rather let me heal it Hebrews 12 12 and 13 let the elders anoint you and pray for you in my name I'll raise you up James 5 14 and 15 pray for one another now heal you James 5:16 by my stripes you were healed first Peter 2:24 my divine power has given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of me 2nd Peter 1:3 whosoever will let him come and take of the water of life freely revelation 22:17 beloved I wish or I pray above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers third John come on jump to your feet and begin to declare ah Heil Heil and he'll I receive my healing I am healed well give him praise and honor and glorify his name hallelujah [Applause] thank you for Jesus heal that well glorify the Lord with me glorify the Lord with me glorify the Lord with me Kelly glorify the Lord with me glorify the Lord with me glorify the Lord with me sweetheart now I want you to I need you to stand them I need you to stand then there comes a power God's going to come on like just all the way down because the power God's gonna come over this is it look at me look at me sugar look me in the ass this is not the time to cry this is time-delayed because healing is here for you and for your baby you believe that [Music] I love you yeah I knew I did it in the name five five [Applause] seyton you have to take your hands off this challenge you can't have her named Jesus he'd take you I had talked god in Jesus victories here victories here victories here not every time you look at it said that powers working at my baby that powers working it yeah I know that powers working in money amen I'm not moved by what I see I'm gonna move about what I feel but the man and the woman of God laid hands on my job and that anointing went in her and it's working in her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet yes it is yes it is and she's healed all as well hey then I won't get a laugh out of you something because it's Joey time it's joy time and you receive it the fire of God will go into you and the fire is easily passed you don't have to be careful confluence it's Jesus if you receive it and you receive it you can do this let's put your hands you're in partner we're in partners it's in us and we give it freely what you've received the word says freely give in the name of Jesus oh I pray in their spirit spraying [Music] jeez Jesus [Music] nor than a coma I need some joy [Applause] Jesus is all over your job I need some joy here those are tears of joy that I know that they skip out of their hand in the home book what if it could be sickness disease weakness and pain I command you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth every spirit every spirit of sickness every spirit of disease and pain you foul devil in the name of Jesus you let God's people go and you get out of this building you are command you on my command you ever where you are you stop you quit in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth I take authority again over every asthma devil in this place in the name of Jesus every sinus demon in this place every virus every flu virus every cold virus a Komondor old road a cake and a match on Orinoco every stomach pain every kidney stone every call bladder every gold stone in the name of Jesus dissolve and get out of God's people [Applause] hallelujah father we give you praise right now Lord Jesus we thank you we thank you you're healing people all over this building all over the on line in Jesus name and the glory in the fire is here the glory is here said the glory is here I'm telling you I'm not just saying this by faith I'm telling you as a prophet of God the glory is here it's here right now [Applause] whatever problem your children are having what we did in laid hands on this sweet baby here this morning that's for your child that's for your baby glory to God glory to God I don't care if your babies I don't care if your baby's a newborn I don't care if you're a baby not going yet I don't care if your baby is 65 years old the healing is here the healers in the house [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Kelly come on glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory problems with tonsillitis all sure throats and I don't know no no no no no no no no no no no no no you've been saying well here it is again every winter I get a sore throat and it just stays with me all winter long not this winter it doesn't and not next winter it doesn't not next one it doesn't go you're not gonna say that it he has taken sickness from the midst of me and I say it according to mark 11:23 and 24 I will never have another sore throat again hereafter forever and then that sore pain starts coming up again don't don't begin us at all no no no no say no sir no sir I don't take it I don't receive it I rebuke you you can't be in my body you can't stay in my body I said it before and I'll say it again I will never have another throat pain again hereafter forever now take your hand off Martha no get out of here get somebody's right I was just healed by the power of what I don't know wasn't matter where I just that just came up in my spare someone's right well that means you can have it in your left eye too but I heard praise God hallelujah glory be to God someone's left it were right there's a there's a left here and there's someone a right here just popped up just just it just popped up and go ready go check yourself out any bad pray he's gone thank you Jesus go ahead thank you lord brother Copeland brother Copeland before before you take your seat there's one thing I saw by the spirit and it's gonna take all of us to administrate it while you were ministering today something came alive in me when you were talking about this being the final meeting of the 50th year of ministry while you were ministering today I suddenly saw it now I had seen this before in my life in ministry and all of us have because we know this but we haven't been administrating it exactly right and that is the Bible knows no Ministry of Jesus without the healing ministry not trying so every minister in this place is in the healing ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ that's right and what I saw about the 50th year is the year of Jubilee which means everything lost returns and is restored in the prophets office so what I saw is as you were cleared by the oil that anointing was transferred by the law contacted transmission you're aware that years ago same thing happened to me as he laid hands on me suddenly three days later with Jesus walked in it's that same ministry the point is it's transferable it's Jesus ministry and as Jesus ministry the Lord said to me a new healing miracle anointing is going to come in and on every fivefold ministry gift that's attached to you in this meeting and in this house to harvest these last days miracles it's got to come this is the moment this is the time this is the Jubilee and the prophet of God must administrate that would you do that in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth for my holy commandment I declare a fresh new healing anointing in your hands in your mouth [Applause] [Music] declare that and I will cause it to come to pass after look lay your hands on the sink they will recover [Music] [Applause] it is time for renewed boldness and in the names in the name in the name which is above every name that's named not only in this world but in the world of in that name in that name [Music] by faith and my command of Jesus Christ Lord head in the church as he has directed I release and impart unto you today every apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher every person in the helps ministry I impart unto you today a fresh anointing of the healing power of God [Applause] and you will go about doing good healing all that are oppressed of the devil for God is with you and the anointing that is in me and on me right now the same anointing that came on me and in me Woodall Roberts ladies hands only and then later when Kenneth Hagin laid his hands on me [Music] that's same anointing that's in me and only now I imparted to you I imparted to you I imparted to you in the name of Jesus halleloo halleloo halleloo your spirit witness to that hallelujah Sarge your spirit witness to that oh yes sir insanity every spirit witness tonight it's it's a new level of the creative miracles of God yes sir when you just simply said you were you were praying suddenly I saw over into it and the flow of this service he never takes us a place first and then the rest follows they knowing it comes off of the head onto the body concentrating the whole body it was no accident that you laid hands on a possible kidney first uh-huh uh-huh you see as soon as you did that it release this into the whole meeting then then as your hands on him you began to administrate things yeah you said kidneys and when I was on the airplane coming into the meet I sold her to this service I saw a kidney with a tumor Albright sitting right on top of it there was like a ball sized tumor but that thing disappeared in this valley and healings of brother Copeland the Lord said in this meeting I'm going to reroute some things I saw organs like intestines that had been scar tissue irritable bowels even pieces of intestines removed that doctors had rerouted totally and completely restored in fact the Lord told me to tell you that anointing that came on your family line when it came in to your mama when he just dumped her organs back in there I saw this in the spirit as a prophet I saw that she lived when they said she should have died but her organs weren't in the right order but she used her faith to do that but the Lord told me he's gonna double up on it with you and when you put your hands on people organs that aren't there will come or organs that are being rerouted or out of the order will be made instantly hold that all kinds of scar tissue was going to be removed even colostomy bags would leave all kinds of disorders even Haven hearts would grow new valves there's going to be a rerouting a rerouting and a reordering and a recreating of body parts in this office thank you this Jubilee season of the healing miracle assignment thank you it's in the word of the Lord thank you lord and I saw some other things about word of knowledge but I'd rather you see in the spirit hey what you need to do here it'll all get done thank you lord it'll all get done thank you thank you lord they're getting body parts right now thank you Lord shoes Oh glory to God [Music] is there anyone present that has any kind of kidney disease yeah all right now those that raised their hand right then I want you to come up here now listen follow follow instructions don't just come jumping run up here and if you if you have kidney disease and you didn't raise your hand right quick you hold off a minute you weren't quick enough you can receive it right where you are but just let it let it begin to just build up in you let it begin to build up in you you'll get it for the services open with you understand what I'm saying and other things that are wrong with you by obeying and and adhering to instructions because I that that's what I heard the Lord says then you receive yours right there where you thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus where are they there's others coming thank you Lord Jesus what if Jesus said go to the pool of Siloam and wash and come again seeing what now see a blind he's got to have somebody lead him from the police officer well what if this young fella said you know that poulos a long long way down there you know the the pool right there next to the right there next to my dad's house is nice and clean when would you stop wash there he would not have received his healing because he didn't follow instructions I know I know you're you're eager and won't hands laid on you be patient amen now you can sit down don't you turn your faith off just just start just kind of looking lay your hands on the seat back there in front of you something like you were laying hands on these same people Kelly come [Music] now I'm not going to touch it until I'm ready to release my faith and when I touch it I'm gonna speak the name of Jesus and that's when I want you to take it amen thank you [Music] in the name of Jesus receiving no kidneys in the name of Jesus new kidney no kidney stones no tumors no no he'll new kidneys Kelly get right behind her and put your hands right on our kidneys when I say the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus [Music] yeah in the name of Jesus that's it it's going in here right now yeah now hey hey you've give quit on me now you just started looking praying in the spirit receiving your own healing she pray ye for one another that ye may be healed while you're praying you'll receive the fullness of your healing in the name of Jesus [Music] yes amen yes amen yes I just found out I only have one kidney I just found out I've lived my whole life with one and just found out before you must have got a good one well it's time to fix all that yeah in the name of Jesus thank you Lord Jesus kidney maker in the name of Jesus be made home in the name of geez [Music] Oh [Music] thank you [Music] in the name of genes we give you praise our Jesus we give you breast in the name which is above every name oh geez [Music] see Oh there there's a whole lot of forgiveness going over here a lot of shame being washed down glory to God Ali family situations will change from this name [Music] look at me somebody hurts you and this is it is over [Music] hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus thank you oh there's such a sweet spirit of the Lord Jesus in the name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and the name of Jesus all glory to God Oh glory to God all glory to God all glory to God all glory all glory glory glory glory glory glory glory the glory is here is always here take it Shh mind I take it now in the name of geez [Music] just go ahead and yield Aysen [Music] thank you in the name of Jesus [Music] in the name of Jesus [Music] thank you for your healing person I thank you for you [Music] thank you thank you I just heard the Lord say bow anyone in the lower abdomen any problems in your colon in your intestines anywhere in this whole region of the body receive your healing you know you don't need to come up here just from just taking right right take it right away take it right you got an enema in the name of Jesus hallelujah in the name oh geez [Music] Oh [Music] in Jigyasa [Music] new kidneys new kid nuke it by telling you run right fresh down the box [Music] thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus [Music] in the name [Music] in the name of Jesus be thou made [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] Oh in the name [Music] I'm Jewish [Music] trust [Music] go ahead you too [Music] in the name [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] the name [Music] of Jesus [Music] thank you in the name [Music] of Jesus [Music] thank you [Music] thank you for come on let's give the Lord praise [Music] I've received yesterday I perceived again this morning that you have faith to be here it has come you agree with it yes butter cavities [Music] the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] I believe the Lord would have to set up lines yes sir lay hands on everybody yes there are seven if I decided everybody that I saw that by the spirit and even when the ministers come through they'll get the hands touch impartation of what you have prophesied so there'll be the transference of healing in that anointing oh okay is this a fine sure absolutely this everyone that desires hands to be laid on you I want you to stand right now this is going to be a fired tunnel [Applause] so you guys set it up oh yeah [Music] everybody this way and we're gonna come right through the file to fire here so if you are wanting to go through this go this way line up over there [Music] I want to I want to tell you about the fire as you're going keep going or keep coming you're coming the fire I put this before you because I haven't said this to you and the Lord I really believe this is what the Lord showed me the same fire that I received this summer I had happen to me this summer and it's been growing and increasing but looking back it's burned stuff out of my life that I had had to work on before whether it was unforgiveness or whatever little stuff big stuff it's just not there it burned stuff out jesus said the word says it in these days he would burn pull sin and everything that causes sin out of us and it would be thrown into the fire so the fire does that it also refines and it sets on fire everything that is of him or it can go in and create something that belongs it's not there so like the burning bush was burning but it didn't burn yeah that's good it was on fire but it didn't burn so you'll begin to burn with passion for things that he's telling you and you'll say this it doesn't go away it's not a thing you'll walk out and then it's kind of gone tomorrow is a deposit of fire because Jesus is fire so here's what I wanted this is what he told me it's the same fire that burns in hell it burns with no mercy it burns with no refining grace it's just burns the sin and if you choose that sin you follow the sin to the fire but when I was even reading in the word last night the fire came from heaven yes and destroyed and even in Revelation it says with gog and magog the fire comes from that's not what he wants to do with us he just wants the sin wiped out so Andy and in the sickness and disease that's connect see it's all together they make they come under the law of sin and sickness comes under the law amen this is so good but come on purpose because if you're addicted if you have things in your life you know the more acceptable sins like gossip and slander and rejection and shame those will be burned out as surely as drugs and addictions to alcohol and problems and sin it's just you'll find it and it's not we're not supposed to work to get rid of that stuff just get one thing about this because when this happens the Lord I wondered Lord where does this fit and I was just gonna put it in flub but it fits right here I saw it gave me first chronicles 5:20 it was a very powerful powerful point award he just spoke it to me and it says that the children of Israel fought against the Haga rights and the Haga rights are just exactly what they you think they are northern Arabia they're the descendants of Hagar and Abraham cast out Hagar and her son the descendants so the Hagar's born of the flesh and the Lord said to me in this meeting and I was interceding about it and I said well Lord thank you we're just praying about the will of God miss me he said in this meeting there will be an anointing that will absolutely destroy long-standing longtime fleshly thinks things that people have done in the flesh that have hung on to their life for years there will be an anointing in this meeting because it said they cried to the Lord and asked the Lord Lord help us in this battle and the Lord helped them and they defeated all the Hagar rights and it says by the hand of the Lord many were slain and so all the sins of the flesh are going down under our feet in this meeting the Hagar rights are leaving in the name of the fires here to the shore glory to God and you leave you're saying hello Oh fàbregas for the blood shattered at me [Music] [Applause] [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 24,954
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Keywords: kenneth copeland
Id: Ox_mtxoKhjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 54sec (9534 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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