2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Healing Belongs to You Now (10:00 a.m.)

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open your bibles this morning first of all to the book of isaiah chapter 53 of course now of course this is the king james translation surely he hath borne our griefs the hebrew word there is sicknesses and carried our sorrows the hebrew word there is pain we did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes or those bruises we are healed now this is in the first covenant right so being in the first covenant and it being a blood covenant in the blood of circumcision the blood of men in circumcision you agree with that right so was it for a few jews well no god entered covenant with the nation it was for every jew that would believe it so to come up with well i don't know whether it's god's will for me or not we're going to kill this cow this morning now i know i know most of us but you see we're talking to a lot of people all over the world right now that struggle with this same situation yes brother copeland that was for the jews i just said that amen and it was but it was not for a few jews it was for every jew every descendant of abraham it was for every man woman and child everyone did they all get it no a lot of them didn't know it but we don't need to labor that now let's go to first peter 2 24. i like i like the way the second chapter starts out wherefore laying aside so this morning we're going to lay aside all malice all guile hypocrisies envies and all evil speakings as newborn babies desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby well we're not in the sincere milk of the word we're in the sincere meat of the word glory to god thank you jesus now and he's he's he's leading up to this place to to get you healed all of this is setting up the 24th verse now it begins to talk about he's talking about jesus he's talking about jesus praise god and the 21st verse for even here unto your call because christ also suffered for us leaving us an example he suffered for us he suffered for us all christians everywhere all over the world all christians he suffered for us he suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow his steps who did no sin neither was guile or deceitfulness found in his mouth who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him that judges righteously his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes we are healed [Music] that's every christian i said that's every christian [Applause] by who stripes ye ye means me a few christians no all of them so healing belongs to every born-again believer on this planet every one of them it belongs to you it belongs to you more than your own car belongs to you it belongs to you more than your own child belongs to you it belongs to you more than your own father a mother belongs to you it belongs to you right now this morning amen hallelujah and that reminds me again uh what charles capps said this is simple you really have to have help to misunderstand that well we just never know what god's gonna do yes we do we know exactly what god's going to do because we know exactly what god did we know exactly what he did we know for whom he did it he did it for every jew in the world he did it for every christian in the world that's that's about it he did it for everybody in the world because he so loved the world that he gave jesus the healer jesus belongs to every muslim jesus bonds to every hindu jesus belongs to everybody that's homeless this morning drunk full of dope he belongs to him if they only knew you'd be surprised how many of them know i know some stuff i'll never forget this never never never never never never he said to me now he's muslim he said i i get to the place i don't remember the exact words we said i just got the place i was so desperate this thing's not working they make a long story short jesus revealed himself to him and he said i didn't know what to do because if i tell it you know what's going to happen to me so he said for a long time he would go to mosque and when he would pray and he continued to pray five times a day every time he heard the call to prayer he'd do the same thing only this time he's praying in the spirit and he's praying for everybody around him isn't that good brother hagin prophesied that that the power of god would fall said and then and i heard it in my own spirit he said where people are worshiping something they're actually seeking me and he said i will manifest myself to them and in these last days i will manifest myself far more than i ever have in times past because people are more hungry today for some kind of god than they ever have been and it's happening another very very close friend of mine muslim came from a line of of kings and um i won't use his name because well anyway it's kind of dangerous for him even yet and he absolutely cannot travel in the middle east anyway he was dying i mean on his deathbed they they they moved him out into a uh just an empty room just waiting for him to die jesus walked into his room now it's been sometimes uh but but i'm i'm using the words as close as i can closer i remembered what happened he appeared to him and he said who are you he said i'm jesus of nazareth and i've come to heal you and he did and he said now you go he gave him exact directions to a small assembly of god church just a little ways from that hospital you go there they'll tell you what to do he left there born again filled with the holy spirit and hadn't have any idea what he but he is a powerhouse today [Applause] i will give you the title [Laughter] of a series he did god's system is a voice activated system that's good should i do that his name is nasser siddiqui praise god man of god his wife is a powerhouse for god god's system is voice activated isn't that good amen thank you lord jesus now then i have some videos i want you to watch for particularly me reasoning reason they're demonstrating and illustrating each one not only the fact that it is really easy to receive from jesus but you know there's there's different methods there's there's laying on hands there's anointing with oil i mean uh like brother hagin say this is one way it's not the only way i said this one day to the lord this uh particular person i i said lord hi ho now [Applause] i see something on television i see a disaster i see and it it it's it's it's 100 of the time ever every time i see it that it just pops up in me did they go to heaven or they go to hell oh god is there some way i could have reached them is this something i could have done i i it's just you just do this for 53 years and it's just there and anyway in this particular case i was inquiring of the lord about that and and the lord said he is here with me i said praise god um you know that looks kind of strange to me now most of the time i've never heard the audible voice of god i heard it one night while i was flying that was so audible to me i think maybe it probably was because i looked down at my audio panel to see if i'd left the regular radio on which i never do i never listen when i fly i'm all business i don't have an entertainment system in my airplane it's for the people in the back not up front but i look down and check my audio panel that's when i heard the rev coming to you from the revival capital of the world i thought i knew where and i looked down and checked but the rest of the time i'm open and i will but there's levels that there's the still small voice there is the peaceful voice there is the authoritative voice that i hear in in the bless you sir in the role of the prophet amen but then there's times he calls me by my name i love it man and he said kenneth i'm not trying to keep people out of here he said if they'll give me the slightest opening i'll take it hallelujah now that's just not just anybody but it's anybody where there is that moment it doesn't take much of a prayer the apostle paul the saul of tarsus prayer was one word lord well he believed he's lord and he's seeing him he knows good and well he's raised from the dead that qualified him right lord what would you have me do that got him right there then a few days later ananias laid his hands on him and jesus baptized him with the holy spirit and later on he was to write the church at corinth and that was a tongue-talking bunch of people so much so it got them into trouble and one translation said he said i thank my god i i pray in tongues i speak in tongues more than all of you put together isn't that good now i want you to watch these videos because it's ill it illustrates the the different ways to receive and it uh it it the main thrust today you faith doesn't come by hearing and testimony faith comes by hearing and by hearing by the word of god and when you hear the word in the testimony and so forth but the main reason for testimony is to inspire you and make room for more faith so watch these please my name is evangelist lashay mckinney this is my father apostle essie mckinney and i am his personal assistant i worked with him hand in hand in ministry we have grown immensely in 33 years and all of a sudden i began to my body began to show signs of sickness and i had ignored it for about a year then after a year i started getting worse uh even though i was speaking to my body but i wasn't seeing any results and i instead of getting better i was getting worse so i asked my father okay what should i do he said go on and to the hospital and find out what's going on and that's what i did when i got there i took about two or three of the ladies from the ministry and we were in the waiting room they had taken the blood work i think i stayed there about five hours and then what happened was when the doctor came in he said i have good news and i have bad news and i said the good news is i don't have cancer and he said i can't say that but long story short he gave me a piece of paper and he told me this is a doctor i need you to call a cancer specialist and i did on that uh monday and when i called i didn't have the money at that time to actually i didn't have any insurance i didn't have the money to get an examination or to even see him i got a telephone call from one of our pastor friends who told me that she had already made an appointment for me to go to the greenville school of medicine and when i got there they diagnosed me with lymphoma cancer and the doctor said i had only 30 days to live they had given me a breathing apparatus they said i was breathing like a 93 year old woman my liver was 200 times larger than what it was supposed to be and so was my spleen i didn't have the energy or the breath to do anything i remember walking by the mirror before i laid down and i saw the shadow of death and fear gripped my heart and i knew by the looks of things i wasn't going to make it and instead of fighting i kind of succumbed to it and i remember that day when i was laying on the couch and he came to me and he didn't sounds too nice he didn't show any pity because he knew that i was in a fight for my life and he said you're going to die if you don't get up from here he said you're a minister of the gospel and you have to know that the devil is fighting you because of what you're doing positive in the kingdom he said physician get up and heal yourself that's exactly what he said i grabbed my bible and i began to walk back and forth i read something from gloria copeland that talked about how we should take the word like medicine and that we should use it just like we would medicine and use it three times a day and if situation get worse to double the dosage i would never forget that and that's what i did for 28 days i had 30 days to live now for 28 days i walked three times a day and i got my bible and i quoted every scripture and i prophesied and spoke them over my life and i didn't feel anything different in 28 days but at the end of that 28th day something happened i don't know what it was but i knew it faith kicked in yes faith kicked in and i said he was wounded full of shame's transgressions he was bruised for lachey's iniquities and the chastisement of my peace was on him and with those stripes i am healed and i knew that day that i was healed and i had two more days ago in the 30 days that 30th day i went back to the doctor and they looked at the exam and they took x-rays again and they brought in one specialist and they brought in two specialists they kept looking five specialists came in that day i'll never forget it they were talking among themselves but i didn't know what they were saying so finally he came over to me he said this is what it looked like 30 days ago where is the cancer it's not here we have to understand that the word of god is for us that he's not just it's not just something out there or something in the bible this is a rhema word and it comes to life when we take it that's what glory always says to like if somebody's giving you a a cake it's not yours until you receive it well the word of healing it's for us but we have to receive it and so it's important for us to take it and when we do it becomes life all right healing is in the word now let me tell you the rest of the story first not too long after that bless his heart apostle mckinney went home to be with the lord what a blessed man what a man of faith this man is brother copeland he was no he still is get that was out of your vocabulary my mother and dad my mother's not a waz oh brother copeland and this happened i'm so sorry you lost your mother i didn't lose my mother she's not lost i'm not lost she just moved she just left town that's all amen i know exactly where she is she went home in august of 1988. my dad went home in the year 2000 terry was with him and i'm telling you i've i was i i knew it was about to take place i want you to know i had that airplane going you know i mean as fast as that thing would fly and i missed it just by a few hours but anyway and uh i told my dad uh what at my mother's homegoing service and i had her picture i i have i still have the the pictures that were taken in a studio and uh back when i was just a little boy and i still have the those those pictures and and i had that picture of mother on top of the on top of the the casting and now you do whatever you as a family want to do you understand i'm i'm not saying but in our family we don't open it i mean come on they're not there i want to remember that picture i said dad it's a good thing for you and mother to get back together this is good and that's who you're looking for right there and he lit up and praise god and um now lachey told me that it's it's good for us to tell this she didn't have money enough for his homegoing so we paid for it now in july [Applause] in july in our tent meeting amen friday morning healing school somebody said lachey mckinney's here i said you go you're kidding me no this i said she's here i said what's she doing here they said she's enrolled in kcbc i said lashay get yourself up here [Applause] you should see her i mean she is trimmed down absolutely gorgeous woman if i'd have met her on the street i'd have done like that i'd say i know i know that woman from somewhere yeah that's the one that had to have 30 days to live now you can do better than that come on give the lord a shout here glory to god that's the woman that had 30 days a year and now she's enrolled at kcbc praise god and had to believe god for the money and got it well i mean you get healed in 30 days you can certainly get to is it amen now watch this one [Music] where's she at you got healed online watching online what do you mean you got healed online i got healed lie from what i had a stroke uh-huh i used to be a professional pianist and used to play in healing meetings like this okay and you were watching online from where from farmer's branch in dallas texas which is about 45 minutes to an hour away okay and i asked the angels to get us here i said husband we have to go my husband breck right here's your husband okay so you and then on the way you called for shingles your husband has shingles okay but i'm talking about you you and me yeah yeah you me talk to me what happened i could start feeling my fingers again they're starting to work like this like this like this all over the place come on yo [Applause] [Music] your name is [Music] [Music] so this vibrating this shaking tell me what this is these tremors what caused this thyroid hashimoto and it's she has over 80 illnesses over 80 thyroid illnesses that caused by what bad thyroid a bad thyroid that's your body temperature that's connected to your thymus gland correct your thymus and i died almost died last week yeah and if i died three more times this week because my blood pressure won't stay high enough no you came all this way i came all this way i can feel my toes you can feel your toes come on what's the matter [Applause] move the chair move the chair your name [Music] she's steady she's getting steady she's getting steady she's getting very steady [Applause] [Music] look at this look at this go ahead and sing it david go go go [Music] get her up get her up get her up [Music] [Applause] just walk just walk walk [Applause] walk my god [Applause] water please somebody better sing [Applause] go go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my god [Applause] look at you [Applause] [Music] david hey [Applause] come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she with you [Applause] again [Music] is [Music] [Applause] your name [Applause] oh praise god now when they they called that they were coming about a 45-minute drive from plano to emic and they called so when they drove up she was in that wheelchair like this that's what makes it so significant that she could feel her fingers and then her toes now remember the woman with the issue of blood 12 years joan green is a concert pianist she hadn't played the piano for 12 years they had they they her husband and and our guys had to pick her up and hold her while they got the wheelchair out of the car and put her in it and rolled her inside the sanctuary and she walked out she's still healed and well today amen now lachey just believe the word like the woman of the issue of blood she just believed the word and stood on it and he said his word and healer amen here's a manifestation of the working of miracles glory to god working of miracles and gifts of healings because she not only had to be healed she had to have a miracle well she received it amen thank you lord gee come on this is so good [Music] and i want to remind you again all the 12 years that she couldn't play the piano all the 12 years that she couldn't walk all of that healing belonged to her but watching on television she found out about it now brother hagin came to fort worth and with gloria and i that were were had we just we just barely got in in town for we'd been gone for several days and well several weeks and um so bob nichols calvary temple and back there then the the calvary temple was they had what had been a local neighborhood post office and began a church and it turned into jesus because calvary a cathedral anyway ah that doesn't tell you that bob nichols he's one of my heroes man glory to god anyway and uh we we walked in the front door and they had two swinging doors that went into the sanctuary and we just walked in there you know we just got in town in time to just i mean just change clothes and get over there and so we were a little bit late bob was already preaching and had been for a good while and there's a woman who walked out that those swinging doors slammed those doors open i guess she had to leave or something she said and she looked at us she said this is awful i said what she said i have been healed for 2 000 years and i just now found out about it she was really ticked and i know who she's mad at she's mad at her pastor for not ever telling her amen and that's true how can you say i've been healed for 2000 years well he's done all that's necessary all that's necessary for you and my healing everything it's all been done it's all been taken care of uh kelly was she was in high school oh i don't remember but anyway she was either junior or senior in high school she came home from school one day and she said daddy i've had the the symptoms of the flu all day long she said i i just i really feel really bad right now this is the first time this came up out of my spirit it just came out of my mouth and it never was a thought it just came up i said kelly d you how when was it kelly were you a junior or a senior 14 15 years old something like that and uh stand up kelly amen so stand up emily this is emily gene ann so well i get started to this stand up aubry this is my other granddaughter another granddaughter so anyway i said kelly d you are not the sick trying to get healed you are the heel and the devil's trying to take your health away from you she looked at me she said um i'll be right back she went into her bedroom and um by the by the time we had supper that night she was healed no symptoms at all now i said that just sounds too easy no it is that he jesus said my yoke is easy my yoke is easy learn but he said learn of me you have to learn that because religion doesn't know that and religion says oh he's hard he's hard he'll put sickness on you why would he ever want to do that when he went to hell and suffered for your sickness i heard this come out of the mouth of a preacher i was in the congregation i i just had to just sit on my hands to keep them just rebuking him but it's not my business to do that he said god is so great he'll break your leg just to get to heal it i don't want a leg breaking god that reminds me of something else out of my grandchildren when the other two of them were very very small in the back seat courtney and max max kelly's and courtney is john's and they're sitting in the back seat and courtney said shut up devil a little bit yeah this is the way they're raised you understand she said a little bit she said shut up devil somebody said courtney what'd the devil say he told me to break lap max's leg shut up bill this is this is a reason our family doesn't get sick amen and if some symptoms do get on us i'll tell you what you know it's kind of like john osteen said he he said he he either saw this in a vision or saw it in the spirit anyway the the the devil was going down the street and he had a bunch of little demons behind him and he was saying you go in that house and then he said you go in that house and he said this one turned around he said no no no no no no don't don't go in there don't go in there don't go in there there's a woman in there that will she'll kick the daylights out of you don't go in that house [Applause] glory to god hallelujah healing is working right now i'll tell you what let's do let's go over to proverbs leshay mckinney mentioned this so let's let's look at it this is what gloria was talking about fourth chapter of proverbs this is god's this is the prescription for god's medicine proverbs 4 20. my son attend to my words what does that mean put it first give it priority final authority there are certain things certain things that uh just in your daily life there are certain things that have a priority well you don't need to be messing with that you you're supposed to be at this appointment certain such place and you don't hey are you a christian then don't be late well i'll be there at seven o'clock you come dragging in there at 7 30. at 701 you lied i will not tolerate that i don't tolerate it out of me i'm early i used to be late all the time and the lord said when are you going to quit lying i said lord oh lord i don't lie yeah he said you lie you tell somebody you're gonna be there at eight come dragging in there at 805. you're late and besides that i'm tired of hearing you lie i said what dialogue he said it took you said it tickled you to death you didn't die quit using death quit using attributes of the devil to express your holy ghost self i added the holy ghost part i'm serious about this dying to go i'll die if i don't go my feet are killing me you say that long enough and we're going to have to pray for your feet what do i say well beautiful of the feet of those i have beautiful feet they're well in heat i'm brother copeland well okay i'll tell you how to do it i'll just give you i'll i'll give you my routine this morning and this is a long time routine did everybody look in the mirror today [Music] you bunch of liars you sit there without your hand up you everybody look in the mirror today you know i'm having fun with you but at the same time i'm serious about it so first thing i haven't i haven't combed anything i haven't shaved anything i haven't brushed anything i just looked there in the mirror and i said surely jesus bore our sicknesses and carried our pains and i went through that scripture it's just like i read this morning each one an hour i'm talking about glory and me we're one and and and um and i and i said what beautiful hair hair grow dark brown thick be noble spots dead hair follicles live and not die and be a testimony jesus said when he was on earth that that my the hairs on my head are numbered i make a faith claim for the exact number of hairs on my head that i had when i turned 30 years old december the 6 1966 and stepped into the perfect will of god at oral roberts university and i'm still in the perfect will of god thank you and praise god my hair is strong and 20 56 when i'm 120 it'll be as it'll be as strong i'll have more hair than i have now it'll be stronger than it is now i'll be healed and well just like i am now glory to god and then i'll come over himself bore my sins in his own body i'm still looking myself right in the mirror he himself bore my sins and his own body on the tree and by his stripes i was healed by his stripes i was healed and i go through the organs of my body by his stripes i was healed glory to god and then the things that gloria needs and and i say and and then i say this i believe i receive those you provided it by grace and i believe i receive it for me i believe i receive it for gloria today every day every day start your day like that and i say this i'm stronger today than i was yesterday and i'll be stronger tomorrow than i am today and on my birthday in 2056 i'll be stronger than i am day by day little by little better and better better and better i was preaching in africa and a man was translating into his language there i kept hearing better and better at first i thought it was butter and butter because it kind of sounded like butter i thought what's butter and butter no he was saying better and better but that's the only thing he was saying in english better and better better and better and so i asked bishop you know i said what's he saying better and better he said we don't have a word for prosperity in our language so it's better and better you get better and better he said if it's a lot of prosperity it's better and better and better and if it's more you can see any way to use better better better better and better this thing's getting better and better and better and better and better yeah it is it is say it i'm better i'm getting better i'm getting better than that i'm getting better and better and better i'm better and better and better and better and better and better and better and i'm healed all the time gloria god hallelujah i'm better and better and better and better than i ever been better praise god tomorrow being better than i am today keith moore was ministering to a man and and the lord let him know that he didn't this man was he was he was on his deathbed that he did not have the faith to come on up there where keith was and after a little while praying in the spirit because he he's ministering this man um from there and he ministered to him a little every day he'd go by and see he said can you believe and agree with me because they said he's dying he has to die we don't know why he's alive he said can you agree with me hello thank you lord they were saying he's getting worse every day it's not going to be many days he's just going to he's just going to die he said can you believe that you'll be better tomorrow than you are today he said brother keith i believe that that's all the faith he had and so keith go see him every day he said okay are you better he said you know they said i'm a little better today okay let's agree you'll be better tomorrow than you are today he said i can blame for that so then the next day he came and said you know brother keith they said i'm better today excuse me and he said okay let's just continue to do this every day well i believe we'll be better tomorrow i believe i'll be better tomorrow i believe this went on for several days several days went by and they said he's getting he's getting a little better every day and one day when they said oh he checked out he's wet he just kept getting better and better and better and better they just went off okay praise god so attend to my word put that first do that first it has final authority it's more important than anything else that you can do incline your ear under my sayings what he says is right and true and he's right and it came as a massive revelation to me one day driving down east lancaster boulevard in fort worth texas stopped at a signal light and it dawned on me my god is smarter than i am and i what's the use of me arguing with him he's smarter than i am he knows more he knows more than 30 seconds than i can know in 30 000 years he's been around a long time he's seen a whole lot of stuff but he knew what was right before there ever was any stuff long time before december 6 19 36 amen glory to god so incline your ear to his sayings if he says you're healed you're healed if he says you're rich you're rich i remember of course our big problem wasn't sickness and disease it was money we're there at who are you and oh my well you've heard the story no use me rehashing that of it what what that can't be true but it is there's neither june or greek bonafri neither male and female for you're all one in christ jesus and if you be in christ then are you abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise abraham seed heirs according to the promise what does that mean i didn't know there's blood involved in this back in those days so i said if i'm heirs according to i'm an air according to the promise i better check out abraham here and i went over there and said god made abraham very rich i'm telling you dog my eyes got about that big and and we we were so broke and and so i'm going to school every day and i got home from school gloria was out and back and and you know it's it's kind of pitiful that young people don't know what a clothesline is yeah i do too i remember the old clothes pins that didn't even have a spring in them well what an invention that was that thing would pop open and come back yeah we'll never work again uh anybody in here know what a happy selfie laundry is why didn't that well my grandparents lived in a little little town in panhandle of texas and we would go there and when she didn't have a washing machine there is no such thing as a dryer the sunshine is the dryer and so we would go to the help of selfie laundry they had a bunch of clothes washing machines and it the the floor would get some money that have come in and tamped down them and then and it worked pretty good out there in west texas you know it's a lot of it's pretty sandy and so it it packed down pretty good i'm a little old kid and then you go out back and each washing machine had its own area of clothesline and so and on top of that there was a tub here and a washer was here and you got down got your hands down in there and you did this with a rubber board in that thing and they had water that was it was hot not running water wasn't running water in there that they kept water on on the fire and kept it hot and then before you put the clothes out on the line you straightened it out as good as you could and there was rollers and you put the clothes in there and you squeeze all the water hey you didn't have to hang them out wet so they're going to dry a whole bunch faster and man you had to be careful you get your finger in that thing that's what your mama went man when she said you better watch out you're gonna get your finger in the ringer that's right [Laughter] is the wringer you wring out your clothes only in texas we rang them out they rang out them you rang them and hang them and then dear lord we'll never have to work again can you believe this they put a floor in that happy selfie laundry no more mud on your clothes they put electricity in there and there was a show went back and forth inside the tub on its own it ain't ever going to get any better than this yeah you better be careful of that ringer because you if that's without me that sucker was powered now you sure enough get your finger in the ring now you know why i told you that i have no idea i just thought maybe i thought maybe you need to know that well [Laughter] joy does good like a medicine amen [Laughter] incline your ear to my sayings let them not depart from your eyes it's wonderful to memorize them hey i i never tried to memorize scriptures oh a few of them but i never really tried to memorize them you just preach them and read them so many times and particularly when the anointing comes they just flow out of your mouth and then and i love that but you need to look at them it you need to they they need to get in your eyes because what you look at the most gets into your heart back in the very first beginning of covet 19. i heard their reports and turned it off amen and once in a while let's see it again well i could give you the same report this morning because it was the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over i don't want to see that i don't want to hear that i already know i'm healed of it you can't put that thing on me it's a child go over that stuff brother copeland you need to be careful because you're you're elderly and elderly people's immune systems you know are we mine's not hallelujah glory amen and not just because i'm i'm strong in faith and i and i say it i'll never have the flu amen praise god praise god i was around during the first hong kong flu i was in the army when that that happened the dispensary the hospital at fort gordon had been built during world war ii it was huge but they just had a this a little piece of it open because if you know there's no war no no just a few sick i was in there there wasn't a thing in the world wrong with me i was goal-breaking kenneth bc would lie to you i'm like the little boy in sunday school the teacher said what is a lie he said it's an abomination of god and an ever-present help in a time of need [Applause] that wasn't making the world wrong with me anyway there were about 50 soldiers in that dispensary i was one of them i was supposed to go back to the unit that day and uh within 24 hours we had 500. there's no place to put them the wards weren't open and i looked back on it and i really needed to be there that day for a number of reasons i won't go into all of them but there was anything wrong with me and my mother being a naturopath physician and chiropractor i helped her in her clinic i knew how to read a thermometer i i knew how to do that and um amen listen we we i mean we had to start cleaning those wards we were working all day and half of the night getting it open we put these put these soldiers to bed that i mean their dog sick man and and one or two of them died and another one died and nobody knew any kind of flu like this since 1917 that nobody knew what to do except orange juice and aspirin that's all that's all anybody had right and the colonel is the medical doctor that was ahead of that walked in we were men i mean we were swabbing floors and and and white washing walls and and you know he said anybody into any had any medical experience can you read a thermometer i said i can sir come on you help me and uh it uh it turned but before it did i was then i had the chart in my hand with my pencil the thermometer was in the soldier's mouth and it just seemed like the room turned around i got a little dizzy i woke up two weeks later i liked to die if it hadn't been for my praying mother she prayed for me night and day particularly while i was in the army she prayed for me night and day now i had it came time for the thing was over with and i was to go back to the unit that day and the colonel said copeland how do you like military life i said sir i like the military i i i like the whole military thing i'd been in the reserves for several years before i got drafted and so but i said uh you know i i've i've got a hit record on the market right now and i can't do anything about it thank god i couldn't change it mama was praying hallelujah i'd hear her praying and then she'd say god don't let him have any fun anyway [Laughter] and uh and and i said you know i still have some time here on on on on my uh my duty time here okay he reached over there and got my 201 file and james here's what he did he said he said i have reviewed your military record and he said this uh sign this i said he himself signed this i sir he said go home i said well i need to go back to no copeland go home i said you mean home home he said yes get out of here go down the building whatever it was and go get your stuff and go home okay i'm gone let me show you how this worked it's 1966. what's going on in 1966 67 68 [Music] i was right downtown here now back there then you can't get online and close out your telephone bill you have to go down there to close it the gas company the electric company the telephone company yeah i had to go there because we're we're leaving gloria and i are leaving the next day for tulsa we're going the next day now mama's praying right and i kept getting this i kept getting it go to the selective service bureau or the draft board i got drafted go to the go there you know what go down there now so i said okay well i knew where the place was i'd been there before so i just drove down there i i walked in there and i said my name is kenneth copeland 1-847-6975 and i would like for you that's my serial number that's a number you don't ever forget and i said i'd like for you to check my files please well how come well i'm going back to school i'm going to oral roberts university and i'm going into ministry and i just i just felt like the lord sent me down here so she went and got my father she looked at her she said huh you said the lord sent you down here i said yes ma'am she said i believe it she said you have a one y cap classification i knew that i didn't know what one y meant it meant incomplete service and i found out i still belong to the army i still belong to the army and she said you're on the list well i'm 30 years old what do they want with me in vietnam at least i had some training at least i knew some stuff communications expert school and and stuff like that she said now you're going to oral roberts university i said yes going into ministry full-time i said yes now listen to what she said she said brother copeland [Applause] she said brother copeland i can fix this they'll never touch you again glory god hallelujah now do any of you know what 4f means there's one a everybody wants you but and there's different classifications 4f means for some reason or other you're not qualified for military service it most of the time is some physical condition but other times for some other reason they don't question it they just don't want you anymore she and she didn't just stamp it she slugged it bam she was having more fun than i was having man i'm forever they can't touch me with a pole man glory to god praise god isn't that something amen just because i knew how to read a thermometer but mama was praying amen hallelujah i said hallelujah thank you lord jesus well i had another video i want you to watch but let's don't take time to do that we're well into the morning in the healings of jesus that i talked about monday morning when we first came there are actually 19 of them in matthew mark luke and john and of course there was thousands and thousands and thousands of healings in jesus ministry but these are healings that the spirit god used as examples so that anybody that will do these things can receive the same thing that the person that received it on that day amen and and of course it opens our eyes into spiritual depth thank you somebody's lungs were just healed right then glory glory to god i don't know whether it's here or online let's stop for a minute just put your hands on your lungs well that's covered 19 for somebody i mean you're healed glory to god glory to god yes yes yes yes yeah i'll receive that lord yeah i know that he's healed yeah i prayed for him but this is the moment this is yeah he's healed right now glory yeah i know it i know it thank you sir thank you sir oh glory to god uh somebody make record of the time on this david right now it's uh it is 11 28 on my watch thank you lord jesus on the eighth day of august my friend just got healed of covered in 19. his lungs are healed right now right now he was now or just before now thank you lord jesus someone's ears popped open the right ear has come undone glory to god there's there's sinus problems particularly in someone's nose your your nose was broken sometime in the past and and it's it is that you hey do that do that do that do that do that on the devil you got your breath back hallelujah hallelujah somebody's kidneys are healed kidneys are being healed kidney stones are melting right now glory to god somebody's neck the spine in the neck is being healed glory to god spinal stenosis is being cleared up not only here but online glory to god thank you jesus somebody's right elbow has had inflammation in that elbow for a long time and every time you do that like that it just hurts it just hurts take a hold of your elbow like that and say elbow i call you well [Music] elbow i call you well back i call you well knees i call you well feet i call you well kidneys i call you well blatter i call you well stomach i call you well intestines i call you well knees i call you well thighs i call you well eyes i call you well thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus yeah yeah yeah yes yeah i'm going to do it yeah i'm going to do it get that bad news put your hand on your head like that bald spots i call you gone [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] hair oh hey he's in the room glory to god healing is happening healing is here it is of glory to god hallelujah thank you lord jesus i'm telling you this lung thing is big this is just huge it's going out all over the oh hey you know what we're going to do we're going to intercede put your hands on your lungs and shout this with me covet 19. i curse you get out of here get out of my lungs get out of my body [Applause] i am not sick i am the heel [Applause] and the devil's trying to take my health away from me well you can't have it principality you can't have it power you can't have it ruler of the darkness of this world you don't rule me i'm a child of the light i'm born of the light i wear the armor of life i walk in the light as he is in the light the entrance of his word brings life get out of here spirit of darkness get out of here spirit of death how dare you to even attempt to touch this to touch this to touch this this this temple of the living god oh oh oh oh hallelujah oh hallelujah oh hallelujah oh hallelujah oh hallelujah i said oh hallelujah [Applause] okay all the glory is here just reach up and take it the glory is here just take whatever you need the glory is here the glory is here do something you couldn't do before glory god faith is an act listen to me faith is an act jerry talked about that this morning faith is corresponding action faith is acting on the word [Music] hallelujah i said hallelujah you will find that i believe it's in the weymouth translation it was out of print so kenneth copeland publications put it back into print you can get it from us it is a marvelous translation a number of things that's he actually said that action action corresponding action to faith if abraham had not had corresponding action to what he believed his faith never would have come to fruition and it's working in here this morning i said it's working good right here right here around the bridge of the nose right right here i go through that cheek that's a sinus condition and the pain just comes down either side of your nose like that and sometimes it's just just excruciating well it's gone [Music] that's what i heard it's gone it's gone it's gone now i started to tell you this while ago and and i'll i'll continue you can go ahead and be seated because we're not here we're not you're done i'm going right back into where we are now but uh this is very important my immune system is strong at 83. not only because of what i say and believe that's important but i have the lord sent me a man many years ago and he had spent 18 nearly 20 years with the olympic committee and nutritionists and and had um in fact while he was with gloria and me and i mean this this man spoke he actually italian spoke fluent italian fluent spanish i don't know how many languages this man spoke but he he then began to design our meals well carlo went back to europe now he had this little boy when he came with us and he and he was just a little boy and because he's raised this way he's never been out of shape in his life he doesn't know what it means to be fat he's never been there his daddy wouldn't allow it neither would his mother i tell you what his mother that woman they they were both on the olympic committee and and carlo needed an assistant and she came to work for him as assistant and they got married and then he they came here on on visas you know and so forth she could get on a treadmill and jog and read a book at the same time powerful people well he went back to europe and and this little 11 year old boy that i remember giving him this little car for this one birthday it was a police car and it was remote controlled and he sat right there at our breakfast table and plugged that thing in and the siren would go and he was big-eyed he's just a little boy next birthday i gave him a fire truck he's now my trainer praise the lord hallelujah oh yeah and he's going to north texas to study nutrition and he met this gorgeous thing named abigail now both of them born in mexico gorgeous people and now abby and yvonne he was working for the ministry helped design our exercise our gymnasium there in the ministry and was training there she was working for the fort worth school district in nutrition despised it because they wouldn't let her change those menus and they were atrocious and so when he came to the house we needed somebody in the gym i said uh uh yvonne what's abby doing so she's now in the minute she took his place praise the lord now if you ever watch the 700 club you know that the main part of your health is in the gut that's the sewer system that that's that's where all of the junk goes and the gut flora if that gut flora is right it's not all that hard to do but you have to get by a lot of junk that stuff's not worth it amen my gut flora is right where it's supposed to be if you compare my body in years my body is somewhere along about 58 60 years old and i'm not having the flu i haven't had the flu glory in here amen except in january at the minister's conference in that back room back there is just everybody's hugging one and all the preachers hadn't seen one another in a year and we're all hugging one another and all that now let me tell you what happened the year before that's january flu season you want me to know would you like to know why that's the flu season james it comes right after thanksgiving where you pig out eat a lot of sugar that'll kill your immune system and you're still piggy now to christmas you don't ever quit and so january everybody's got flu yeah yeah wow yeah that's hard to understand in it but in some cases it's hard to do anything about it because you that you've been living like that a long time but you're a believer you can take your faith and you could kill that thing so fast so year before last year before this january i'm sitting there on the front row and i don't remember who was preaching it was about we have two or three days there and all the symptoms of the flu came on me i started chilling uh you know and kind of hurting behind my eyes and i smiled i said you can't put that on me and you know you can't put that on me and the mercy it hurt the bigger than my smile god you can't do it and you know you can't do it now get your hands off my body it lasted nearly 15 minutes praise the lord praise hallelujah thank you lord praise the lord now this year and i'm looking it could have been coveted 19 and just all of a sudden gloria and i had the symptoms and there were there were one or two that that it really hit hard i mean really really hard that one person had to go to the emergency room well i had this two weeks hallelujah that's as bad as they got praise god glory hallelujah fever went down about one or two days no wait two weeks two days praise god that thing stayed two days praise god praise god you can't stick me with that glory amen amen hallelujah now get hold of it yes that's vital information that's healing information now then i must go a step further with this i learned many many years ago how to break something how to break the way i was eating how when what i was doing i learned any man lacks wisdom let him ask of god who gives liberally to all men in upbraids not or doesn't find fault your faults won't keep god and giving you wisdom now this will help your health and i kept my elbows man and i'd pray and they'd get better and just hurt i just really hurt right in my joints and i thought so as gloria and my practice is for a long time we set aside and fast for three days and don't pray about anything but fat and we i tell the lord i said i'm turning all my prayer responsibilities except for my partners i still pray for my partners i i never step away from that but i said all of my prayer duties whatever else they are i'm turning them over to you for three days and i'm fasting and praying about this i've never gone the whole three days the answer was there thank you and i was this this thing was bothering me and i'm talking more pain than than i really wanted to put up with so i'm just and here it was morning and it it usually comes not always but usually comes in the morning i'll just wake up with it and this morning i thought i've got this thing today i don't know what it is yet but i have it whatever it is i had gone to this person's little little uh lakeside cabin to pray before we had anything like that and um i was there by myself of course just praying in the spirit all day and listening all day and listening and i heard it james i heard this and it says pretty strong he said if you want my will for you and for your life don't ever drink another cup of coffee praise god that's good thank you sir really oh now then my next thought was oh i have tried to quit and i get that sick headache caffeine headache when i was flying all the time and you know and when came into the ministry i was the only pilot for a long long time and just flew all the time well we had this ugly green bag this nasty looking thing it had my little farber wear a coffee pot in it because you could make one or two cups and then gloria and i both we drank way too much coffee and i had my can of folgers in there and you know my makings he said go get your bag here it comes [Laughter] and i'm thinking oh there's i don't want this to be i don't just give me that sick headache he said all right sit that bag set that bag on a plate in front of you i did he said now say this in the name of jesus now i learned later to take communion yeah and do it now that became very important because you can sit you can set your ipad or your computer there amen particularly if you if you have a problem that's on that computer and i've dealt over the years with with men that were just addicted to pornography never heard of one that it didn't break it completely and you and he said now say this in the name of jesus i have no need of you again forever in my life and push that bag away no i have no need of you again hereafter forever in my life yeah yeah it's gone forever no withdrawal it's just gone it'll do it on drugs it'll do it on anything because and you you you set that the communion elements before you i take communion a lot when i'm at home so far i take it every day and i pray for my partners every day and take communion over you and and it's just it's marvelous part of my day so take communion if it's food problems or whatever it is take communion and well i don't have any of those little cups it didn't say you had to have that amen go get you the little individual bottles of wellesley's great jews amen now you know the little individual plastic cups that have the little wafers in the top of them welch's invented that for us praise god because in this room we had the worldwide communion service and there's no way we could deal with those little glasses and we went to them and they said yeah we can do this and there were what was it chair there's something like 9 000 people in here that night or 15 000 people in this place big screens and you could we we uh we're waving at dr cho in south korea and other people were seeing their families on the other end ah it never been done in history that was the first time satellites had ever talked to themselves praise god because we knew the man that designed that satellite glory clyde mcgee in heaven now he and his wife ah we called clyde and said can that be done he said well yeah you need it it can be done yeah yeah he's the one that broke through he's the scientist that broke through and set that first stationary satellite out there that would stay synchronized with the earth that was the the granddaddy of the gps system and he'd get stuck he'd go home and they'd pray in tongues and she'd put her hands on him and they'd pray in tongues and pray in tongues and pray and tell him he said i got it gloria he said yeah i believe we can do this and he did it it was the first time in history that it had ever been done and it was in this building now what what i'm what am i saying i'm saying this the power is in you to do this but it needs to be released you can do that you can do that with with with hard painkillers the opiate drug market that is a very sad situation because and you can you can check with creflo dollar and his ministry on his sunday broadcast on the victory channel he interviewed the woman that this is her business is getting people off of hard dope and her son i believe it was overdosed and she's strong in the lord and you can check with creflo she talked about a natural painkiller using you buy it in the drugstore brother lonnie you can buy it in a drugstore man it's a combination you can buy in the drugstore and it's just as strong and will do the same job a believer knew how to do it god showed her praise god i believe you better check it out if that's something in your family that you need because and here's the thing once now you're born again right with the spirit right faith is the substance of things hoped for and this is the way it works once once you get that once you see that and once you hey this thing will work hope comes up on the inside of you you're no longer scared of that pain you're no longer frightened that this thing is going to cause me to kill myself no no no no no baby and this stuff is not addictive and it's just as powerful as the opiates and a believer came up with it well what is it brother copeland i don't know i never have needed it contact creflo's ministry amen tell them kenneth sent you kenneth who i don't know is that old guy anyway this whole sinus area is being healed right now oh god oh oh god oh jesus oh god jerry come come up here and help me oh god thank you jay you better stand up you better stand up the healing's here the glories it's all over this room david come help me i'm about to fall down here help me i'm just wanting somebody to get a hold of me i'm gonna hate him hips are being healed hips are being healed hip joints are being healed arthritis is being destroyed right now in your body again spinal stenosis degenerative joint disease is being healed right now it's being healed right now and knees knees somebody had a knee replacement in it it's not good it's kind of bad but if hey it's healed as well hallelujah new york newton new knees new and i said new knees let's get up on it let's get up on the platform works i'm i'm all right i'm ok so [Music] i call you all of the itis brothers have to go arthur burr at us go arthritis get out of here yes sir pain right here in the lower part yeah yeah that was like thomas i don't know whether this was yuri i think yeah yeah in the name of jesus affected by tuberculosis in the past sometimes and but that's it your your lungs are not filling up with fluid your lungs are now filling up with air chronic asthma chronic asthma oh i know what that means when i was a little boy i had asthma so bad i couldn't run i just nearly collapsed and my mother prayed my mother prayed my mother prayed and this is back during world war ii yes sir and my dad uh well it was just right but right just right at the beginning of the war and during the war you couldn't get aluminum cooking utensils because all of the aluminum was going to the war ever and my dad had just bought my mother a complete new set of aluminum cooking ware i mean everything the little pots the big pots everything ah she was so thrilled tracy got a brand new set nobody had them like her and uh my dad oh god bless him mahey and mother were tithers and he was never without a job 24 hours during the great depression and i was born right at the end of the depression but he just he just believed god and just stood on on on what he did what we know now is tithing right now anyway oh she was praying over me oh she's praying over me oh she's praying over me praying over me and she heard the lord say george get rid of that aluminum quick and wear mm-hmm lord it's brand new he said go out in the back of the backyard there and bury it now we lived in west texas in abilene texas and the back part of our yard the place wasn't very big but the back part of our yard at that time was was vacant now later my dad put a storm cellar out there but at this time it was just vegan and it's just real sandy and uh so she did what the lord said she went out there and dug a hole in that sand and put that aluminum cooking wire in there and forgot about it it wasn't long until there was a large gray black circle where the ground had leached that aluminum out and it surfaced now when when you get aluminum hot it expands and that aluminum residue was getting in my body and i was allergic to it and i've not had asthma sense but god showed my mother what the source of it was there's no such thing as a sickness a disease an allergy that there is not a 100 source and 100 deliverance i used to have allergies i mean tracy well i'll tell you i couldn't get close to a horse i just and that upset me man because i like to ride and when a wichita slim was riding it was really bugging me because my horse give me pray oh boy right again some of you don't know you know what i'm talking about glory brother copeland wait just say bestie man that there was just a little simple procedure oh yes sir that dr donald coburn born again holy ghost baptized medical doctor and now he won't mind me telling this he got in trouble for it but he don't care he went to chiropractic school to find out that he studied chinese medicine to find out what they had because he needed to know the human body yes sir and just one avenue he studied naturopathic medicine yes sir amen yes sir this very small procedure it took less than 10 minutes i've never had an allergy since [Music] but a holy ghost doctor knew where to get that and it came through chiropractic yes sir glory to god and of course i thank god for it because he's the healer he's the he i said he is come on pray in the spirit in the first tier not on the ground floor but in that next tier right there looks like about one two row of seats back you're there a little bit by yourself you have a long light colored coat i can't can't you see the one i'm talking about wave your hand yeah you just waved your head right here put your hands right here put your nose right here right here right here right here in the name of the lord jesus christ in the name of the lord jesus christ i speak to your stomach i speak to your lower intestines i speak to this whole part of your body in the name of jesus it's well it's well it's over glory to god oh yeah and right here in the low back you will never have that again the power of the lord jesus christ has healed you and your will forever now does that mean anything to you did that mean anything to you did i miss it did i miss it or did i hate it all right i can miss it [Applause] evidently it turned out to be right turned out to be right yes sir there's a concentration of healing power right in that whole area right there glory to god hallelujah no no oh so healing angels yes sir that's exactly they're walking going here and that tear gone here and over here across there like that crescendo section 112 right there praise god praise god arthritis is being healed throughout that that's section 112 section 211 praise god there 2 12. i'm telling you there's angels flowing like this flowing like this flowing like this throughout the whole place i said throughout the whole place just going and going and going and going and going glory to god glory to god glory to god glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god glory be to someone has been having some really really bad dreams bad dreams it's so bad it just seems like it's just something you just there just something you just did no it's a dream it's a dream don't worry about it just laugh at it just dump it second corinthians chapter 10. amen cast that imagination down imaginations are part of the the dream cycle and all of that cast that imagination down amen and put those reasonings that come out of the in prison put it in captivity and be ready oh i mean be ready to take revenge to be just be ready to come out that dreams no you don't no you're not putting that on me you can't make me dream a dream that i don't want a dream if one sneaks through that's all it's worth the devil's not worth my spit when it comes to that kind of now you don't want to rail against him just take authority you don't touch me whether i'm awake or i'm asleep get now [Music] that's all you have to do if you believe it if you believe it i said if you believe it yeah oh god it's happened oh yes sir it's happening [Music] hallelujah lord that's worse let's worship the glory's here the glory's here the glory's here all kinds of throat problems throat sore throat strep throat get that covered 19th thing out of your mind off your mind the devil will masquerade if he can he'll just come up and say oh you got it you've got it no i don't no i don't no i don't i don't i refuse to take it now somebody said well that's you're in denial well now wait a minute wait a minute i don't deny the sickness it's real it is killing people it's real i deny its right to exist in my body i deny its right to exist in the body of my family you don't touch my household this is the household of faith and it's just not just the house itself it's the whole house gloria calls it a spirit of god bubble and we walk in it we walk in it all the time we walk in the full armor of god all the time and armor means all the way around that's what it means that's what armor means all over all all the way around all the way around the shield of faith don't don't get the idea of this no no that wasn't the shield of faith not like this yeah above all the shield of faith the apostle paul was talking about roman armor they talked about the turtle maneuver [Music] yeah now eras were the weapon of the day that was the most dangerous thing that had that had ever come into warfare and they would take a unit these things had hooks on each side if we hooked our shield together and we've got we've made a wedge here and then here comes this this flight of arrows we're not afraid of the arrows that fly by day so what'd they do they had their shields hooked they just did this and it looked like the back of a turtle and quenched all the fiery darts of the week isn't that amazing yeah yeah no he can't shoot me i am covered head to foot my feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace the gospel of peace the power of god under salvation my feet are shod in power from my feet my breastplate i like that breastplate i like that breastplate you know it's not this no it went like this and strapped here and there and there was armor that strapped here in the back and did you ever notice even when you go to a museum and you see that armor that breastplate it never has a belly on it it always has a six-pack on it now you may have a belly on the inside of that thing but when you've got it on ain't nobody can tell you got a better [Music] [Applause] you may be going but strap that thing on the breastplate of righteousness i don't care how you look you are the righteousness of god in christ jesus that helmet of salvation oh dear god the full armor of god god's fighting suit some of you don't know where your helmet is we're in my helmet i must have left it at home no put it on don't be like jesse and put on that first trip gloria and i had already flown up to colorado our bike was up there this is the first time for jesse and kathy and cathy well no way cathy's gonna ride behind him the first time out on that going but he had her helmet and jacket in in the trunk of the bike and he got he got off his bike up here in wichita falls where they stopped to have lunch and he looked like this he said i don't know how you wear these this just made this make my head just feel awful i don't understand and of course that jerry did it like fell to their knees and jerry said you have on kathy's helmet jesse oh so you've got on god's helmet not cathy's put it on there now here's the most important part put that face shield out now the devil doesn't know whether that's god in there or you [Music] [Applause] don't say something stupid well that wasn't god that's old dum-dum in there again trying to look like god no no don't let anything but faith come out that mouth i'm healed i'm well and strap that armor belt on and gird up deloitte see though the roman soldier wore a skirt affair that hung down to about here and to protect this part but you you didn't want that thing getting in the way and so they would gert up you pull that skirt like this you're about to go into combat here and i'm i'm i'm going to do this first and then the armor belt went around here and held all that in place where you can't stumble over it so you gird up you got that weapons belt on and now you're just about ready except for one thing i got my shoes on i got everything on now okay strap it on now i'm armed i got the sword off i am fully armed [Applause] sharper than any two-edged sword the word of god my sword let the word fight its own fight and the devil comes up there well you're not healed you've got kovalev 19. here satan hold this now i have covered 19. no no no no you may have tv but you don't no i hate him the way god hates sin and i love god with all of my heart all of my soul all of my might and strength and i hate satan i hate every principality every power every ruler of the darkness of this world i hate every evil unclean spirit than the wicked spirits in the heavenlies i hate him with all my heart with all my soul all my mind and all my might and all thy strength and i will not let him touch my house this house or the house of my family i will not allow it i will not allow it i will not allow it under any circumstance get an awareness of the spirit of god on your shoulders and of that sword that you wear night and day you never take it off you never take it off tracy you never take it on a woman that had been healed of lung cancer i mean i prayed with her laid hands on her and i mean she just walked off from me joy just healed completely healed well and then i got a call and uh this was oh i don't remember now is probably what lord eight months later maybe a year brother copeland's old cancers come back on me i said well now you're a covenant woman right yes i am that's the way she got healed first place i told you you're a covenant woman you can't have cancer you're not allowed to have cancer you're a covenant yes yes yes and uh i said uh get your bible i don't think she thought i could hear it she said where's my bible laying in the bed dying to cancer and didn't know where the bible was spirit-filled tongue-talking healing believing christian already been healed by the word of god well i said get your bible she got it i said now you're a covenant woman well yeah i said don't give me a yeah but you're a covenant woman well yeah i know and i said quit whining around about it i said you're a covenant woman right well i i said are you a covenant woman or are you not well yes i am i said you don't sound like one are you a you have a covenant with god yeah but i said answer me do you have a covenant with god well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and i just and and i'm finally just getting to get just get rough with her and she but she kept getting a little bit better and a little bit better she said yes brother copeland i mean bless god i have a covenant with god it's a covenant of healing i am a covenant woman i am a blood covenant believer glory to god and i'm healed and she was [Applause] did we get there this morning are you well then raise your hands and give him praise beyond any praise you have ever praised in your life begin to shout before the lord shout the shout of victory shout the sound of deliverance shout the sound of the power of god hallelujah [Applause] thank you lord right up there a man just stood up you've got what looks like a black dark sweater or something and pink shirt and you just stood up and did this yeah you wave at me i don't know what it is brother but you are healed you are well and financial situations have turned and it's over the best is yet to come and when you get home you are going to be surprised and shocked and thrilled and so glad you came thank you thank you lord jesus [Music] thank you lord jesus praise god his name is higher his name his name is jesus [Music] his name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his name is his name is jesus his name is [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 22,191
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 southwest believers’ convention, abraham, actions, corresponding, covenant, faith, healed, healer, healing, kenneth copeland, pains, sickness, stripes, testimony, word
Id: sg8NNjql9x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 55sec (7675 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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