2015 Southwest Believers' Convention: More Than Enough in Tough Times (7:00 p.m.)

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hallelujah stand up one more time if you will before we get in the word tonight join hands with the person next to you and tell them it's vitally important that you pay attention tonight hey man faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so you got to pay attention amen he that hath ears to hear let him hear praise God Amen just lift that person's hands up they may never have done that before in church look at him doing it now father we thank you for this opportunity to be in your presence in your presence enemies are scattered in your presence the Avenger is stopped and stilled in your presence there is fullness of joy and Lord we set ourselves in agreement tonight that there will be things that will happen in here with and to us that will mark us for the rest of our lives and we give you praise and advance for it in the mighty name of Jesus so go ahead and give the Lord your best shout tonight hallelu they're gone a man alright go ahead and be seated praise the Lord hallelujah would you open your Bibles first of all to second Corinthians chapter four thank you to him second Corinthians chapter four I'll read a very familiar scripture to you and you might want to be thinking about mark the eleventh chapter we'll go there too and let me lay a foundation for what we're going to get into tonight verse eighteen while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal so Paul is letting us know that there are two rounds there's the unseen and there's the seen see everybody figured that out by now there's the unseen and there's the theme things take place in the unseen before they happen in the scene are you with me say that with me things happen in the unseen before they manifest in the scene that's the reason he's telling us don't get your eyes on what you can see you know because there's something far greater than that it's in the unseen and if you'll just stay in faith the unseen will manifest in the scene so I have an announcement to make to you tonight that there are things that are going to happen in the unseen during this service that will manifest soon in the theme hallelujah I must say it again there will be things that will take place in the unseen tonight and will manifest soon in the theme praise God I mean where you can see it where you can where you can testify about it praise God that it happened how they do here can you say Amen now go to the eleventh chapter of Mark and you know verse 24 therefore I send to you what things wherever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them believe you receive them the moment you pray believe you received them so therefore when you pray this would imply that something happens in the unseen at that very moment can you say Amen what things whoever you desire when you pray believe you receive them so that means something happened in the unseen realm the moment you prayed and believed you received when you prayed and it says and you will have them so that means if you truly believe that what you prayed you received it and it happened right then in the unseen if you will not give up you will have it it'll manifest in the scene how they do you can you say Amen so let's say it again something is going to take place tonight in the unseen realm and will manifest in the scene very soon well if we really believe it let's give the Lord another shout please Amen hallelujah now all miracles are not instant are you still here now of course we'd like for them to be but not necessarily every miracle is instant in fact there was a time when the Bible says that Jesus ministered to a man regarding his servant and it said he was healed in the selfsame hour in the self-same hour that could mean you know it happened by the time the guy got home and he's checked he's serving out and sure enough he was healed the Bible also talks about how that the Prophet said one time when God's people were totally outnumbered their enemy had cut off their supply lines and there was no food to be bought even the rich couldn't buy anything and the Prophet said but this time tomorrow now if you keep reading that story it was a miracle what took place it's regarding those four lepers and so forth and how they marched into the enemy's camp the enemy thought it was a battalion of soldiers coming after them and turned out to be for lepers but the the enemy left their camp left all the food and the next day just like the Prophet said there was food in the city again and it was business as usual they notice that miracle was an instant so not all miracles are an instant and immediate but they are in the scene realm and I mean in the unseen realm and if you're willing to wait and stay in faith they will manifest in the scene can you say Amen so there's some things that are going to happen in the unseen realm tonight tonight right here tonight hello do you have a shout tonight here are things are going to happen tonight in the unseen and we're going to stay in faith and soon the Lord said to me they will be manifested in the scene hallelujah I'd really thought you'd shout a little more praise God hallelujah amen now keep that in mind and let's go to John chapter 6 I've been sharing with you you know beat us to the Lord regarding the prophetic word that I receive for 2015 concerning visitations manifestations and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit I'm not going to read all of that prophetic word that was just a part of it you could go to the website and download it and look at it if you'd like to but also in that prophetic word this came on October the 18th 2014 while I was preparing for my annual ministers conference and didn't have 2015 on my mind but the Lord just interrupted my prayer time and spoke this to me about 2015 and one of the things he also included was that it would be known as a year for Supernatural provision and great breakthroughs supernatural provision and great breakthroughs holiday time if you could use a great breakthrough how about supernatural provision praise God now see that I want to show you tonight supernatural provision and breakthroughs come under the category of visitations manifestations and demonstration of the Holy Ghost just as much as healing and deliverance and and miracles in your physical body amen so let's look at John chapter six and it says in verse 1 after these things Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee which is the sea of Tiberias and a great multitude followed him because they saw his miracles notice they followed him because they saw the miracles they saw the miracles the Masters today they do see some things particularly the people that are so perverted and so consumed with lust and perversion and so forth like it is in our world today it's going to take the preaching of the word and signs and wonders and miracles to reach a lot of these people the reason they don't want to come to church a lot of times because the holiday here is taught they don't ever see anything that touching erv there huh so notice they saw they follow him because they saw the miracles which he did on them that were diseased and then it says in verse 5 when Jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great multitude come unto Him he saith unto Philip you know the story about you know feeding these people brother Copeland talked about this and in one of his services and you know there could have been 15 20 even up to 50,000 people that we're talking about here and so Jesus after healing their bodies after deliver bring them from demonic spirits then the next thing he begins to demonstrate is his ability to provide supernaturally amen so notice we see both occurring here in this same chapter we see the miracles the healings the deliverances where people who were diseased and bound and in captivity being set free and then he also shows us that he's capable of not only healing and delivering people but providing for them supernaturally can you say Amen and he took the loaves and the fishes and so forth and break them and they passed it out among that crowd and everybody was filled it said didn't say everybody got a little dab it said they were fooled they were fooled I fed Jesse today and he told me later I'm fool you know and every time I go to Jesse's place in New Orleans I get fool I save up for about a week knowing we gonna eat man Ingleby no Dighton in New Orleans and I am so full when I leave there but it's a wonderful fool how there do you these people were full and there was still plenty left over now when you agree 5 loaves 2 fishes perhaps 50,000 people that would come under the category of supernatural provision everybody say supernatural provision so in this story Jesus demonstrates then let's remember in chapter 5 and verse 30 Jesus made this statement I can of mine own self do nothing the latter part of that verse he says I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which hath sent me and then later in chapter 6 and verse 38 he says for I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me so apparently healing people and providing supernaturally for them was the will of God because Jesus said I only do those things that please my father I don't doing anything of myself everything I do I'm demonstrating the Father's will so say this with me it's the Father's will to heal and it's the Father's will to provide why just take one and not the other when you have both how they do amen it's the Father's will to heal it's the Father's will to provide so Jesus demonstrates how God not only wanted them to experience healing and deliverance and miracles where their diseased bodies was concerned but he also wanted them to know that he's capable of providing supernaturally for them it was an opportunity for Jesus to show them that nothing and us as well as we read the story that nothing is impossible with God how they do here he can provide for you just as easily as he can heal you amen Chloe digger what what is a million dollars to God if he can heal you of cancer huh if God can heal you of cancer you think providing you if you had need of a million dollars would be sweat off his brow you think he'd choke at that no he's proving it's just as easy for God to heal or to provide as it is for him to heal praise God can you say Amen they still with me he's not only Jehovah Rapha the God who heals but he's also Jehovah Jireh the God who provides hallelujah now making this point because I want you understand that supernatural provision is just as much a part of visitations manifestation and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost as healing and deliverance and miracles are in fact I want you to notice in this chapter look at verse 2 once again look at the word miracles they saw his miracles then drop down to verse 14 after he had provided for them supernaturally it says then those men when they had seen the miracle now notice both of them are referred to as a miracle healing all those people and then providing for them and in the literal Greek this word miracle actually means a sign or a token a sign or a token so once again it proved that God not only heals but he provides that's why the Apostle Paul much later when he wrote the letter the Epistle to the Philippian church that we know as Philippians chapter 4 verse 19 he said but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus notice he didn't hesitate when he said it I mean he said it boldly and clearly so all would know that my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus can you give the Lord a shout over that amen supernatural provision for God's people will be a sign to the world that we live in today that our God is indeed alive and there is no other god like him amen he's alive and there's no other god like him supernatural provision will be one of God's ways of getting the world's attention when they don't know where to turn and everything they've trusted in before is caving in around them and yet we are abounding we are excelling we are increasing we are prospering then it makes the God we serve attractive hallelujah how do you think they will respond when the blessing is working in your life like it worked in Abraham's life God told Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 verse 2 I will bless thee I'm going to bless you Abraham and by chapter 13 one chapter later verse 2 and Abraham was already rich in cattle and sheep and herds of gold and silver why because God pronounced the blessing on him don't you know that God somebody's attention and before God was through with Abraham the Bible says in Genesis chapter 24 and verse 1 that God had blessed him in every way how to do in all things everybody knew who Abraham was because they could see what God had done for him God said I'm gonna make your name distinguished amen and he's because of the blessing that was on him what do you think people are going to think when they see that same blessing working on you and through you and in you like it worked in Abraham because Abraham's blessing his hours sheltered with me Abraham's blessing his mind well how many chapters in a gun take you took Abraham one chapter huh how many chapters will it take in our lives Abraham was very rich one translation says wealthy rich because God pronounced the blessing upon him so once again how do you think people around you people in this world that we live in today are going to respond when the blessing is working in our behalf like it did in Abraham's or how about the way it did for Isaac his son in Genesis 26 it says and the man waxed great and they say waxed great that's not a Texas turn nobody in Texas says that unless you're like us next time when you go home and somebody says how you doing just say to him waxing great thank you huh yeah waxing great thank you the Bible says that Isaac waxed great and went forward until he became very great now the amplified defines this as he gained more and more until he became very wealthy and distinguished so when you're waxing great that means you're gaining more and more that means the Spirit increases on you praise God that means every time you turn around God's adding something glory to go so now smile at somebody and say because you now know what it means I am waxing great hallelujah lower their God now you got to remember that this was taking place in Isaac's life when everybody else around him was experiencing a famine read Genesis 26 verse 1 and there was a famine in the land but it didn't affect Isaac why because that blessing was working in him that blessing was working for him in fact when nobody else had crops he's receiving hundredfold on his seed sown hallelujah can you say Amen what do you think people are going to think about you when they're experiencing famine and you're waxing great you mean brother Jer that could really happen to us will why not it's the same covenant I mean it's the same blessing the blessing of a ram a lot of you been going around talking that confessing that singing that all these year when we don't believe it this time I say I really believe Abraham's blessing is mine say it's on me right now hallelujah you know what that does that gives you an advantage you have something on you that most of the rest of the world don't know anything about Amen it's on you right now not when you get to heaven you walked in here with it you're gonna walk out of here with it praise God and when you leave this convention wherever you go wherever your home might be no matter what's going on back there you're going to walk right in the middle of it with something on you that is far greater than that challenge hallelujah and it is the blessing of Almighty God can you say Amen hallelujah God promises in Psalm 37 19-day speaking about his people shall not be ashamed an evil time and in days of famine they shall be satisfied the New Living Translation I like this it says they will not be disgraced in hard times they will end in famine they will have more than enough they will not be disgraced in hard times they will have more than enough even in the midst of hard times and famine and even bad economy that you never say more than enough now ask you again don't you think that will get the non-believers attention when they're experiencing hard times and they don't know where to turn and everything they've ever trusted in that man has built is caving in crushing around them they're pulling their hair out they're at their wit's in they don't know what to do and yet they see you excelling they see you increasing waxing great don't you think that's going to get their attention once again this is a vital part of the last day's visitations manifestations and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost amen you mean brother Jerry all everybody in the body of Christ is going to be rich no hair buying the body of Christ has the potential did I lose you huh I mean God can be moving and a lot of people said right in the middle of it not be affected by it it'll mix their faith with it that's proven in the ministry of jesus when he was in that house teaching among those doctors of the law and the Pharisees the Bible says and the power of the Lord was present to heal them all who's them all them doctors of the law all those Pharisees all those religious people the power of the Lord was in that building but you keep reading and not one of them was healed well nobody tapped into it now there was somebody he'll be one one of them some Outsiders brought that man in and lowered him through the roof and Jesus said man your sins are forgiven and you are healed you're made whole praise God what somebody tapped into what was already present folks deep down on the inside of you is the potential to excel to rise above to increase to wax great to be financially well-off beyond your wildest imaginations but will you ever tap into it I said somebody backstage well brother Copeland was was ministering in song and so forth and I said you know the first time I met that man I was in a paint body a Jerry's paint body shop uniform going under I mean just existing Carolyn wanted me to meet him he was staying with her mom and dad while he was preaching there in the church they went to and I didn't want to meet another preacher I'm tired of eating preachers and she said just come over and meet him mom and dad want you to come and just meet brother Copeland and so I'm you know I'd come home from work I'd take a shower and I put on a clean uniform that's what I wore all time everywhere we went I were Jerry's painting body shop uniform because you never know somebody might have a wreck way up Jerry's painting body shop and I could use the work oh that's hot that was my business card yeah and I remember taking a shower putting on a clean uniform and I put my Winston's in my pocket she said don't take them over there over here I'm seeing you smile I don't care if a preacher knows I smoke but I took him out you know and walked over there and met brother cope in my Jerry's Paint and Body Shop uniform look I didn't have a clue at 46 years later I'd be going around the world with this man for 46 years and preaching the gospel with him praise God all I could see right then you know the lens I was wearing like grip low talked about all I can see right then was going under just just trying to figure out how to make ends meet how do how to keep the marriage together how do how to keep my business from from going under how to pay the note on the house how to keep the lights turned on you know I didn't I never heard a word about Abraham's blessing the only scripture my daddy ever taught me was a man that don't work don't eat now like eating so I learned to work as a hard worker no I didn't know anything about the blessing of Abraham and little did I know that that what I thought was just a chance meeting that God had bigger plans than that and I'll never forget after we spoke to one another and and I thought I've done my duty I'm going back home and I walked out of their patio the glass doors their sliding doors walked out and I was about to close the door and brother clover said wait a minute God's going to prosper you and you'd have thought that would have made you happy but I walked away mad cuz I thought Carolyn told him about my business and I thought she told all the preachers about me and then they prophesied over me conveniently and I thought she had told him about my business and when she got home I said how come you tell him about my business I didn't tell him a word I ever said anything to him well then where did he say that well God must have told him not though oh wow God's gonna bless this business man I'm gonna be a successful businessman after all wrong God was appearing me to get out of that and preparing me to accept the call of God that I'd heard him say to me when I was 10 years old 11 years old watching all Roberts on television amen well here it is 46 years later and guess what if brother Copeland tells you God's gonna prosper you take it to the bank amen because God has prospered me God has blessed me I am not the same man first time I came through here well actually I was I was in Oklahoma City visiting my grandparents not believers that my grandfather's funeral and and we were driving an old dog Cory just had to believe God for the thing to start if it started you believe God for it to stop the engine shot the brakes were shot transmission shot you know and and I'm driving that thing through here and and we got to to Dallas and we still lived in Shreveport then and I realized that I didn't have any more money on me and we about to run out of gas and we still got nearly 200 miles to go and so I said well what are we gonna do and and they had the old Turnpike back then there was a toll road between Dallas and Fort Worth I wasn't even supposed to come to Fort Worth I'm going to Shreveport and I didn't know anybody but Kenneth Copeland and Fort Worth Texas and I'd met his daddy hey dougie Copeland and so I thought I don't know what to do I mean I'm about to run out of gas I don't have any money so I got on the Turnpike and I didn't know how much it cost to be on the Turnpike and I've gathered up all to change our head and threw it in that turnpike thing you know and and got over here and and look in the phonebook see if I could find Copeland and there was a UW called I said that must be him and brother aw granddad he met uh sautéd and place and and filled my car up with gas and said come on home vanitas waiting on you she's got breakfast ready he's no fetish and relay dub you wouldn't would he wouldn't take him money I couldn't have given any if he'd wanted it you know so I told you my descendant if not on won't you send it to me Mao is broke and backed in filling up my car how many of you remember when you went to the gas station and you said give me $1 worth give me $3 word huh I think that might have been the first time my car had ever been filled up I was broke man like Charles calf you sell suppor I couldn't even pay attention Charles you say I wouldn't just pour out supernaturally pour you can't get that pour naturally hey man so that's the kind of condition I'm in and then when we finally move over here to go to work with brother Copeland I'm not any better I'm still driving that old car it was a 1964 OHS luxury sedan that I bought total wrecked for a hundred and eighty seven dollars and fifty cents and I rebuilt it but I didn't rebuild the engine because I didn't have any money to be rebuilt engine and the transmission all that but boy it looked good it had a slick paint job on it man I'm JD has a pretty old yellow bomb and hope and we drove that thing over here and we had a u-haul trailer or a little small utility trailer with our junk in it coming from Shreveport to move over here and I looked in the rearview mirror and some of my junk fell out of the trailer on i-20 and I was so embarrassed I just left it in the highway just just came I didn't go back and pick it up it's just junk anyway her Carolyn's mother Carolyn's mother he was was going somewhere one day and she saw somebody carrying a sofa out into their front yard to be picked up by the trash people she stopped the car said don't do that my son-in-law could you is that I think that's what fell out of the trailer I'm not sure and we got over here we had nothing we had nothing brother uw-madison when we got here and we found a little we wanted to be as close to the office as we could and the office they were in back then I think I saw Bob Nichols about right there Bob's Church was right next door to it you remember it Bob and here's a little small office that had been brother aw Copeland's office for his insurance business and brother Copeland him are sharing the office and and that's where it was and I pulled up in front of there you know reporting for duty and brother aw said were you going to live I said well I got to go find a place so we just went around in that neighborhood there and we found this little house and talked the guy into letting us move in before they condemned it hundred dollars a month one hundred and ten dollar deposit it was pitiful but that's all I could afford and our girls were little you knowing and as we were living in that place and it turned winter and it got cold and it had wood floors and it was so freezing in there no furnace from the you know from underneath the house and it didn't heat very well and we had met a couple of hippies that we had led to the Lord and they were banned they were fired up for Jesus and we love this coupling and and our daughters were in their wedding and and so forth and and so when I'd have to go with brother Coppola and he would say tell Carolyn to come with us then we'd let them stay at our house and watch our girls and we came back one night way in the middle of the night you know and we walked in the living room this little house turned the light on and like to win blind they had gone to a carpet store and got all the little sample squares out of the dumpster and sewed them all together and put them on that floor so the kids could crawl around and not be on a cold floor we had a Joseph floor the folks this is poor this is broke getting carpet out of the dumpster and huh and brother aw he he brought a stove over for us and he bought us a dinette set when him chrome legged down it sits with him chrome chair and he paid $25 for it and brother Harold nickels come over and somebody from his church was with him and and they say well you don't even have a refrigerator we have a refrigerator they went home and got us the refrigerator out of their camping trailer it was this big and set it on the counter everything you bought you ate it all in one meal one day now a new brother Copeland was I'm great man of faith I never doubted that but I was inspired by his faith but I saw it really in action the first time he rode in my car because he asked me to take him to the airport I went over to pick him up well I got up I got up two hours early and I prayed in tongues for an hour to make sure this car is gonna start as my car did not respond to just put the key in the ignition it all responded to tongues prayed in tongues turn the ignition on and then when it started you didn't turn it off what have you had to do go do it run back don't turn the thing off and so I got oh look I knew brother Koch don't like being late and I'm got over there you know and and I left the car running it's cold cold man it's cold I'll go in and get his luggage put it in the car brother Copeland gets in the car he's got his top coat on that's the first top coat I'd ever seen I didn't know what a top coat was and he's got his top coat on and we go into the airport and we're talking to me and you can see our breath in my car he said Jerry turned the heater on I said brother Copeland don't be moved what you feel its own higher right now he's dead the heaters on I said wide open look at that hi we throw a little weight he said man is cold in here and so he got so cold he finally took his hand and slept that - of that car and spoke to that heater and said in the name of Jesus I command you to work and do it now hey Gus the hottie now had to turn the thing off man well we got to it we got we got to an intersection and we gonna turn left I said brother Govan don't stop your faith now we bout turn left transmission slips and the traffic's coming your way so I'll have any guarantee in the natural this thing I'm making through that intersection tell he though they're praying in tongues praise God and we made it to the airport got him off safely praise the Lord I found out been this guy it really is a man of faith amen that old car was so bad that I was asked to come to Oklahoma City for something I don't remember what it was now and the two front tires on my car were so bad you could see the air in them and huh I gotta go to Oklahoma City from Fort Worth and I have money for two new tire I didn't have money for recaps anybody know what recaps are and so I told Carol I said okay we got to go we've been living my faith up to now faith has kept us old car going so we going we got in that car and we we took off up to Oklahoma City our girls were real small and one that one of the other said daddy were hungry but I knew I had just enough money for gas to get up there and I'm believing that they gonna give me an offering for whatever I'm doing here to get back home if they don't give me an offering I live in Oklahoma City now so somewhere in Oklahoma City well I had relatives I knew I could move in with him I guess anyway where we pulled off the highway to a little thing it was like a sonic drive-in or is Dairy Queen or something pulled off there and we got a couple of burgers and fries and and split it all between the four of us okay and then we got we're going to get back on Interstate 35 to Oklahoma City so I get on the access road and I'm looking back to make sure there's no traffic because like I said the transmission slip you don't want to pull out in front of cars and take a chance this thing that's gonna stall right there in the middle the road so I looked all the way back to Dallas and noticed there was nothing coming so I look one more time and I saw something in the distance ninety would look like a big truck so I decided to wait until it came back it turned out to be a Firestone Tire Company truck loaded with brand new tires and man he were doing 75 or 80 miles an hour when he come by us so I looked again nothing's coming and I pulled up on the road and I got it up to about 50 miles an hour and we're just going along there and we're all singing just singing it was an Andre Crouch song I'd met Andre Crouch and he gave me this this how many member eight tracks and we were all singing to Andre through it all we've learned to trust in Jesus through it all we've learned to trust in God and all of a sudden I saw something coming down the highway in our lane I said Carolyn what is that she said it looks like two tires it was it was two tires rolling together in our lane and so I slowed down and they just ran together off the road onto the shoulder and into the ditch I knew they fell off that truck so I stopped and I just got him and I put him in the trunk and when I got to Oklahoma City I called every Firestone stored in that city to see if they were missing some tires and then one of my calls said nobody's reported in tires missing I said I know I fell off your truck they're two brand new Firestone tires I saw the truck go by and and the last story I called the man said son nobody's reported any tires missing as far as I'm concerned you can have them so I went back and open the trunk and they were exactly my size hallelujah amen to me that equalled five loaves and two fishes hallelujah that was supernatural provision amen it's nice that I don't believe that if you don't believe that and you an really struggle with this one I had to go back to Oklahoma City another time but by this time we got a better car we now driving a 1969 Pontiac Bonneville that we got from brother Copeland and it's a nice car man we've gone to Oklahoma City in our nice car now and got up there and got with the relatives and they wanted me to stay I don't get to see my relatives that much and they want us to stay but we had to be back by the next morning and so we straight as late as we could with them and then we started back to Fort Worth so the curl the girls went to sleep in the back seat Carolyn is asleep in the front seat and I'm driving I filled the car up I'd learned to save fill her up now and I filled the car up and we left Oklahoma City and we got out in the middle of nowhere about one o'clock in the morning and they're all asleep and I hear there's loud noise under my car I ran over something in the highway and I guess I didn't see it and he hit the bottom of the car made a loud noise woke Carolyn up she said what was that I said I don't know I guess I hit something in the road and I said best okay just going back to sleep so she laid her head back down to sleep so I'm driving along there and I just happened to look down at my gas gauge and it's doing this now though whatever I hit in that on the highway back there it's knocked a hole in my gas tank and I pulled off the side of the road and I watched all the gas the rest of the gas that was in my car just pour out on the highway there was a gas that long in the gas tank now here it is nearly 2 o'clock in the morning out in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma you know and what are you gonna do I don't want to I don't know how far back it is to the town I just came through it don't know how far it is to the next town I don't want to get out walking to this somewhere try to find some help and leave my family out there on that highway 2 o'clock in the morning and it was nobody was traveling there was no cars coming or going and so we just you know we said God we got to have help send us some help and so we just kind of sit there in the car and I'm watching in the rearview mirror to see if anybody comes up watching for headlights it was quite a while finally I saw some headlights in the distance so I grabbed my flashlight I got out of the car and I walked up in front of the car and I held the flashlight out like this I didn't want to get out in the highway and take a chance that guy not see me so I'm standing in front of my car doing the flashlight like this and and the guy stops pulls in right behind me in a pickup truck he gets out and he said what do you need I told him what happened and his exact words were that's what I'm here for I said can you help me he said that's what I'm here for he got a chain out of the back of his truck hooked it back of his truck front of my car and he told us I don't know maybe 1015 miles we got off the highway we went across the highway to a little service station and right next door was a little cafe looked like they'd been built in the 40s you know and and that was it now I'm sure there was a town you know a little further down that road but right there on the highway that was it a little small station and a little cafe he pulled us up to that station and he reached in his pocket took out a set of keys and he unlocked the door to the station flipped the lights on open the door to the to the garage area raised the overhead door he and I pushed my car in there he took the gas tank off he repaired the tank put it back on we pushed it out to the pump he filled my car up and then he wouldn't take any money and he kept saying that's what I'm here for I said sir please let me pay you for all this I said men you were a major blessing to us I don't know what we'd have done if you hadn't showed up he said that's what I was that's what I'm here for he wouldn't take anything so we got in the car and drove home well about three maybe three years not more than six months later I got to go back to Oklahoma City so I'm determined I'm going to stop at that little station and just think that man again so I'm watching for it I see it so I pull off the highway and I walk it up there to that station it's it's locked up closed you know and it's the afternoon I figured he'd be open but nobody's there son went next door to the cafe I said sir do you know the man that owns the station next door he said son that station been closed for years I said no sir just about three months ago a man repaired my car there and filled my car up with gas he said son that station been closed for years those pumps are driver admitting the gas those pumps and years he said there's not even even there's not even in electricity over there the powers been turned off for years I said no sir I was here a few months ago and a man flipped the lights on he put my car inside repaired my car filled my car up with gas he said son I don't know what you're talking about but it couldn't have been here I said yes sir I remember the name of your cafe and he just kept saying it it could not have happened here so I got him a car and I'm driving off I said Lord I know that's where this happened he said it was I said then what happened he said didn't I tell you that there might be times you would entertain angels amen you know what I found out that night I found out angels have keys that open stations that have been shut for years I found out angels can turn on electricity when there is no power I found out angels can get fuel a lot of tanks that have been drive for years what are you worried about I said what are you worried about what's keeping you up all night are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister under those who are heirs of salvation loot your neighbors say what are you worried about you got two angels working for you when you call that supernatural provision supernatural provision I've got lots of stories like that how they do here they will not be disgraced in hard times even in famine they will have more than enough I'm ask you again don't you think that will get the attention of the non-believer once again this is a vital part of the last day's visitations manifestations and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost a miracle in a person's physical body being totally set free of cancer tuberculosis or whatever else you know how loud that would speak to the non-believer well so would when you don't know where you're going to turn financial and you about to lose everything you got and God supernaturally blesses you with a financial breakthrough that speaks just as loud as somebody who got healed of cancer can you say Amen because it was just as much a notable miracle as the healing of delivering of the cancer was can he say Amen if we're truly doing what Jesus told us to do and Keith Moore preached so beautifully on this if we're truly doing what Jesus told us to do then can't we expect God to take care of us God to provide for us seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you add it unto you is the same thing as waxing great psalm 34 10 says they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing the amplified bible says none of them shall lack any beneficial thing and the word beneficial means anything that promotes our enhances well-being hallelujah those that seek the Lord will not lack anything that promotes our enhances well-being I noticed when I was reading that verse this afternoon again that some other translations added this thought to it not only those that think him but those who trust him will not lack any beneficial thing I'm if you trust him to be your provider Amen hallelujah in fact verse 8 even says blessed is the man that trusteth in him and we know the word blessed means empowered to prosper now to show you that this will be a sign to the non-believer to the world around us let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 28 for a moment Deuteronomy chapter 28 are you receiving this now you know all these blessings that are listed here I won't take the time to read that but if you haven't please do so if you have read them over and over make it a part of your declaration of faith on a daily basis and then God says that when all these things all these blessings are working for you manifesting in your life look at verse 10 and all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord and they shall be afraid of thee the New Living Translation says they will stand in awe of you they will stand in awe of you so what is that telling us that when they see Abraham's blessing working for us like it worked for Abraham like it worked for Isaac like it worked for Jacob amen then it is going to draw attention to the God that we serve God's going to use miracles and signs and wonders and healings and deliverances of people who are diseased as a dinner bell or an attention-getter but at the same time he's going to use financial breakthroughs in the body of Christ and and an abounding and increasing and waxing rate as they signed to the non-believer praise God hallelujah I mean why else would God say and the wealth of the sinner has been laid up for the just he didn't he didn't say that just so you could now have everything you've ever lost it after he wants that to be a sign to the ungodly world that we live in that God is not only Jehovah Rapha the Lord that heals but he's Jehovah Jireh the God who provides hallelujah can you give him another shout of praise when when God told the people in Exodus chapter 16 verse 4 behold I will rain bread from heaven for you he was proving to them that he's the God of the supernatural he's a he's a God who can supernaturally provide I will rain bread from heaven for you and he did it didn't he every day they got out and and and picked what was necessary for them to go through that day amen and he just kept providing it hallelujah proving that he can provide when in the natural it looks like nothing is working nothing is happening and you mean brother Jerry God might rain money down from heaven to me well I wouldn't rule it out I know the time it happened here - yeah Billy remember the man we preached for in Chicago Carlton first time I went to Carlton's church this was before you and I did that meeting later it was Chicago the Windy City it was in the middle of the winter cold snowing crazy and I'm in this little church a black congregation small church at that time and I'm preaching get out of the brother Carlton receives an offering for my ministry and he says brother Jerry we're going to work out my car's parked right here behind my office and we're going to get in the car and we're gonna drive over here and have something to eat I said fine so the ushers brought him the offering in a in a bucket he don't know how much is in there they haven't counted it it's just the way they received it's in a bucket and he leaned it over said to me and showed me said this is your offering and it looked like mostly all cash okay and so he opens the back door to his office and the wind caught that bucket out of his hand and took it straight up and took it this direction turned it upside down and it blew money all over the neighborhood we both stood there with her eyes open he said I'll get the mushroom we'll go get I said no let's just let it go and when them people get up in the morning I know some of them would believe in God for finances and when they find in their shrubs they're gonna believe God does rain money from heaven you couldn't convince them otherwise I bet some I'm still telling the story like I'm telling the story of the guy at the gas station well I remember one time I got up one morning hundred dollar bill in my bushes and my neighbor had a 20 and the guy down the road he had two 20s they still don't know to this day that it didn't come from heaven so it's quite possible I just don't think that would happen to me well it's doubtful the way you think it won't happen to you but don't limit God and you say Amen let's go to Genesis chapter 22 Genesis chapter 22 this is the story of how God asked Abraham to offer his son Isaac and the Bible says in verse 3 he and Abraham rose up early in the morning saddled his ass and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and clave the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went into the place of which God had told him then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off and Abraham said unto his young men about you here with the ass denying the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you and Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering laid it upon Isaac his son took the fire in his hand and a knife and they went both of them together and Isaac spake unto Abraham his father and said My father and he said here am I my son and he said Behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt offering and Abraham made this famous statement my son God will provide God will provide and basically there were me God will provide now let's remember this is God's covenant partner and his covenant partner just decreed God will provide and from that moment God obligated himself to anyone who is a seed of Abraham if they'll dare believe it and trust him God will provide somebody I say thank you Lord and thank you Abraham hey men notice it was Abraham who established that God's covenant partner that God will provide and of course you know the rest of the story apparently Isaac is familiar with his father offering sacrifices because he knew exactly what was required it's not his first time he knew it took wood it took an altar it took fire and it took a lamb so he says where's the lamb he said God will provide and they continued up the mountain to the place where God asked him to do this and apparently at some point Abraham after building the altar laying the wood in his proper place he has to ask Isaac to get on that altar and did you notice the next verse doesn't say and when they caught up with Isaac three years later in Egypt apparently this faith thing that Abraham walks in it's got on Isaac Amen because boy he's right in the middle this faith project and he gets on that altar and and he sees his father raised the knife to slay him because Abraham is prepared to go all the way if necessary because he knows God promised him that from this seed will come a mighty nation and he knows dead boys can't produce this and he'd already told those men I and the lad will go yonder and worship but we will return he fully intend to bring Isaac back if he had to sit there and watch God raise up ashes in fact the book of Hebrews says that Abraham had already seen this in a figure he already had a vision of this that he bringing Isaac back because you can't produce a mighty nation if you're dead so he's prepared to go all the way but then you know the story how that as he raised the knife the Bible says the angel of the Lord look at verse 13 and Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket so God provided just like Abraham said he would I want you to also notice that God was already a step ahead of Abraham amen he was already a step ahead of Abram the rim was caught in the thicket so how long had he been there hidden just now we show up right then he's caught in the thicket so God's already ahead of Abraham his covenant partner is decree God will provide and before Abraham even get those words out of his mouth God has already provided it's just not seen yet hello there are things happening in the unseen right now even as I speak there are rounds in the thicket being prepared for you I said there are rounds in the thicket being prepared for you hallelujah you just hadn't seen it yet hallelujah and God provided just like Abraham said he would and it was at this point that Abraham called that place Jehovah Jireh the Lord provides amen when commentary I was reading said this Jehovah Jireh is literally interpreted the Lord sees and takes special care to provide everything that is necessary for the comfort and the support of them who will trust him I like that he went on to say his eye ever affects his heart and his hand is ever ready to supply God knows what you need amen the Bible says in Psalm 145 he's willing to open his hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing right now while you're sitting right here go read up God there's a ram in the thicket out there waiting on you see that that that man that opened that gas station he would my ram in the thicket he was my ram in the thicket that God had provided how to do you can you say Amen let's live a little further you don't have to turn there for the sake of time but in first Kings chapter 17 this is the story of Elijah and how God promised to provide for him and notice once again how God is always a step ahead well maybe you ought to turn there first king chapter 17 so you can mark this in your Bible verse 2 and the word of the Lord came unto him saying get the hints and turned the eastward and hide thyself by the brook Cherith that is before Jordan and it shall be that thou shall drink of the brook and I have commanded I have commanded I have I have I have commanded past tense God's already talked to the Ravens before Elijah ever got there notice God's always a step ahead I have commanded the Ravens to feed thee there so he went and did according under the word the Lord for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith and that is before Jordan and the Ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening and he drink of the brook hallelujah and notice once again God was already a step ahead he'd already commanded those Ravens to feed him so say this with me while I'm sitting here right now listening to the Word of God something's happening in the unseen God my provider has got a ram in the thicket waiting for me God my provider has got Ravens by the brook waiting for me give the Lord a shout hallelujah how they know you now when I say that it doesn't limit that to a bird or to a ram a person can become your Raven at the brook years ago I was a I was building this medical facility in another nation in an African nation and and I'm paying cash for this as I go and I'm spent a ton of money on this all Roberts is going to stop it and equip it I'm building it and I spent tons of money on this place we're right down to the point where brother Roberts not going to dedicate it and they called and told me that we needed another $30,000 to finish the project before we can do the grand opening it's an outpatient clinic and I didn't have another $30,000 I'd spent everything I had on getting this thing up to this point thinking it was completed and we're ready to go and then they spring on me we need another $30,000 and I didn't have it and this convention this very convention was coming up when this all happened and so I had talked to my directors over there and I said well God took care of us up to this point you don't take care of us the rest away I don't know where the 30,000 is coming from but we never know where it's coming from all we know is God said he will provide it's not my job to figure out how he's going to do it my jobs to believe he can believe you will amen so we were coming into this convention and I didn't say a word to anybody here none of the other speakers not to brother Copeland nobody and and we're in service one night maybe three nights into this meeting and we all go over to the hotel it was in the Worthington hotel where we stayed at that time and we're getting in the elevator it was happy and Jeanie Caldwell myself and I'm myself and out myself and my wife like the guy said my favorite point roses are red violets are blue I'm a schizophrenic and so am i anyway I don't know what that had to do with the sermon but I just thought I'd tell you that anyway Carolyn and I and happy and Jeannie and I might have been budding Pat Harrison anyway there was about four of us four couples got in the elevator and the doors are closing and just before they closed two little hands pressed through there trying to open those doors and I could tell it was a woman's hands and I pushed the open button and it opened and this lady got in the elevator and said thank you and she had on a jogging suit she didn't have a purse in her hand she didn't have her Bible a Bible she didn't look like she'd been to the convention she looked like maybe she was just a guest in the hotel maybe she went for a walk a job to the gym or whatever and that's all she said was thank you push the number of the floors she wanted she stood there her floor happened to be before all of honors and so the doors open and then she took one step to go out she turned around reached in her pocket and said brother Jerry God told me this would happen here handed me a check well go all the doors are closed almost before I can say well thank you and so everybody's in the elevator they saw this happen inquiring minds want to know open the check $30,000 $30,000 she was my ram in the thicket she was my raven at the brook she was my widow woman in Zarephath which is the next part of the story there are things happening in the on scene right now said there are things happening in the on scene right now where supernatural provision is concerned where financial breakthroughs are concerned there are realms in the thickets there are Ravens in the brook and it waiting on you got your name attached to their assignment hallelujah let's continue reading verse 7 and it came to pass after wild that the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land and the word the Lord came arise get thee to serve faith which belongeth as items well there behold I have commanded past tense again God's always a step ahead always a step ahead God knows your need before you ever ask the Bible says from the Apostle Paul's writings I have not seen here have not heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared prepared another translation says the things that God has made and keeps ready for those that love him God's already got some things prepared God's got some things he's keeping ready for you how they do their in the unseen right now but if you'll stay in faith soon they're going to manifest in the scene how they do it give the Lord another shout praise God and so the story tells us that God performed a miracle for this little woman and she sustained the Prophet just like God said so say this with me God's got a ram in the thicket God's got a raven by the brook God's gotta win a woman in Zarephath waiting on me amen amen now what about Peter the day came to Jesus and said you know it's time to pay my taxes how would you like this about a couple months ago God told you go fishing Peter needed tax money jesus said go fishing and the first fish you catch take the money from his mouth and you pay your taxes and mine as well now how do you think that sounds to a man who before joining Jesus Christ evangelistic association was a professional fisherman and did you notice he didn't respond by oh yeah I remember other times that happened to me when I was a fisherman never happened to it never happened to him all the years he's in the fishing business he never caught a fish with money in his mouth but in obedience he went and he caught the first fish he caught he opened its mouth and there was the money just like Jesus said God was already a step ahead and you say Amen already a step ahead I like to do that myself when I get a chance to go fishing first when I catch I just look one guy said what are you doing I said looking for what tax money maybe in there said you're a nut I said I'm a nut with my needs met Oprah he's got I was telling a preacher friend of mine you know that just kind of jokingly and he said boy you are a nut I said well you're the one asking how to believe God I'm the one that is working for who's the nut he said you really believe this stuff do I really believe this stuff this is how it's all happened for Carolyn to me he said would teach me he would not grown up in the Word of Faith circles so I stayed up all night several nights with this guy just teaching him faith and teased him seed time and harvest we had a blast I mean they were so hungry so open it was just wonderful so he left my house and he went to Alabama to preach and pastor told him when he got there he said you don't start till tomorrow he said I'm a fisherman man would you like to go fishing with me he said sure he said I don't know much about fishing so you have to tell me what I don't know one bait from another so they went fishing and pastor set him all up through his lure out there a little bit he got a bite he reeled it in as a bigmouth bass and boy he reeled that thing in and he said pastor what is this yellow band in this fish's mouth he said oh my lord you caught the prize he said what prize he said the Wildlife and Fisheries came out here and caught a few of these bass and put one of those bands in their mouth and anybody that catches one of them wins $1,000 he said you just won the thousand dollar fish he called me and said you're not gonna believe it I said no women I'm the believer you were the non-believer he said I caught a fish and it's worth a thousand dollars I said and I can expect the tithe you don't think that was a sign to a non-believer I'm not talking but he wasn't saved he would say but he just couldn't figure out how can God do this you know that very same man and I mean he's just existing his ministry just struggling all the time it wasn't but a year later that very same man God had blessed and prospered him and he sent me a check for $100,000 amen he got a hold of it ain't that great he learned how to operating this discovered that God can and will provide if you just trust him so say this with me there's a ram in the thicket there's a raven by the brook there's a widowed woman in Zarephath there's a fish in the lake waiting on me my god is Jehovah Jireh the God who provides and give him another shout of praise Holly dude amen the Lord reminded me this afternoon when I was preparing for the service something that happened to me in the believers convention in Charlotte North Carolina in October of 1981 of course brother Copeland lawyers speaking and myself Charles Capps and Norvel Hayes and we're doing the convention there just like we do here is that the old Coliseum there in Charlotte and on a Thursday afternoon Thursday or Friday afternoon after I finished my last service or my service that day I think I was the last speaker we went to our room now we've been in this meeting all this time you know and we haven't missed any of the services not alone right along with going and hearing preaching every day and by Thursday you know my body is tired and usually I've already been preaching two or three weeks before I even got into the meeting so I'm tired and we get to hotel and they provided a wonderful suite for us Carolyn says are you going to take a nap I said no I don't think so I think I'm just going to sit here and relax in the living room and she said well I don't think I'm gonna be able to keep my eyes open tonight if I don't take a nap I said well go ahead she shut the door and she went in there taken out so I took my suit off and i just put my robe on and i'm sitting on the sofa in the living room and I wasn't praying I wasn't doing anything spiritual now I did just come out of that meeting and there was still the anointing you know on me but I just set there and I put my hands behind my head like this and leaned back against that sofa propped my feet up on the coffee table and I just closed my eyes but I wasn't praying I just relaxed you and all of a sudden I had no idea what's going to happen I didn't ask for it I didn't plan for it that room filled with the Chicano glory of God and it was so thick I couldn't see the furniture anymore and the Lord appeared to me I've never had this happen before and he said these words my people are in financial famine and I'm going to reveal to you keys that will bring them out and hold you responsible for sharing them everywhere you go there was a legal pad there on the coffee table I grabbed it real quick and I started writing now it seemed like to me he was there for hours but it was just moments but I filled up that legal pad it awakened Carolyn and she walked in and said what's going on I said I just had a visitation of the Lord and she got caught up in the in the glory the Shekinah glory that was in there and she just sat there and we just most bask in it until it lifted I've never had anything like that happened to me before I didn't know what's going to happen so we just set there for quite some time then there's time for us to get dressed to go the service and she said are you going to say anything about to brother cope about this I said not a word not telling anybody so we get over to the service that night now some of you may have been there and Steve was there weren't you Steve and maybe Lynn I think and and I I know lots of people around the country that were there is still talking about it every time I see them and we get over to the service not take my seat we the speakers all set on the this front row right here the way that building was set up and I'm sitting there next to Carolyn and gloriam there's char and Pagan caps in Norvel Hayes brother Copeland walks up to the platform and he does some preliminaries and he sings a couple of songs and then he grabbed his Bible his notebook laid him down and like he normally does he says let's open our Bibles tonight and he just stood there didn't tell us where he just looked at his for a while total silence in the place just like it is now then while he looked up again he said let's open our Bibles tonight he still didn't tell us where so finally he closed his no Billy rash were you way behind Billy rash was there and he was brother Copeland's associate he turned to Billy and he said Billy get me a chair and put it up here on the platform he brought a chair up there and he pointed to me and said Jerry God visited you today come up here and tell us what he said so I walked up there and I thought well apparently the Lord wants me to preach what he just gave me in that visitation and I did now Terry Pearson's you know pastor George's wife Nicole brother Copeland daughter you know she was there and she was the she was the in charge of the television department in those days and I'm preached that night Nord told me to call it sewing in famine and I laid out the principles that he gave me about sowing and famine from Genesis chapter 26 I've never preached from that chapter prior to that and so it was coming as revelation to me and the Lord had told me before I went to the service and I thought I was going to do this privately he said you are in famine in your ministry as well and I want you to be the first act on this he said take one thousand dollars out of every department of your ministry every major outreach of your ministry and write a check to Kenneth Copeland ministries and hand them to him and name them this is $1,000 out of my a VHS department this $1,000 out of my television there's $1,000 out of my mission department there was 10 major departments and Carol now we're believing to build our home our our dream home and he said and take $1,000 out of your personal account and so it as well so I thought I was going to do that you know after the meeting or something privately and so I preached on this that night men there was a powerful anointing hit that place and I said brother Copelan would you come up here and I told him what the Lord said and I handed him ten one thousand dollar checks said what they were for he said well you don't sound like you were in famine if you had ten thousand dollars when you need millions ten thousand dollars is famine because one thousand out of my Aviation Department just happened to be the last thousand dollars I had in that department s famine the same thing with the missions you know I mean ten thousand dollars is a lot of money in some circles though when you need millions it's not amen and so I'm sewing now sewed the one thousand dollars out of mine and Carolyn's a personal account believing for the money to build our house and then the Lord said now I'm going to give you the blessing of Isaac so I went back readied again you always said and in the same year he received a hundred folk this is October I said Lord is October you mean in the same year he said I told you I will give you the blessing of Isaac a hundredfold in the same year see this is why people come too late telling me the hundredfold don't work I said okay I'm gonna blame for it and I challenge the people to believe for it we left that meeting and the next week I was in a meeting and a couple came up to me and said brother Jerry and this is this is a way across the country brother Jerry the Lord has been dealing with us over the last several days see God had already prepared my ram in the thicket I didn't know I didn't know anything about them I didn't know who God had been talking to them but God was preparing had that ram in the thicket already prepared they said we've been discussing this for several days the Lord's been dealing with us about it for several days and said he told us and this was the first hundred thousand dollar check that had ever come into my ministry and they said this is $100,000 for your missions outreach that was a hundredfold in seven days the next night the next night I'm in Tulsa Oklahoma in a meeting that brother Hagin is preaching in right in the middle of brother Hagin sermon he just stops and said brother Jerry would you come up here I walked up there and he said I'm about to do something I've never done before I'm about to solve the biggest seed I've ever sewn I'm giving you my airplane airplane was worth I think somewhere between 175 two hundred thousand dollars in eight days I've received a hundredfold on two one thousand dollar checks before the year was up I'd experienced a hundredfold on every seed ahead song now God did that for me to give additional evidence even though he doesn't need any additional evidence his word ought to be sufficient but some people want a testimony attached to it so I got to go all over the world telling that story and everywhere I preached there were financial breakthroughs that people are still talking about to this day I went to South Africa and preached it a couple of months later and that whole nation was in financial famine where the ran was absolutely worthless and in that meeting that night preaching this that church Rhema Collies Church Rhema Bible Church experienced the greatest financial breakthrough in the history of that church and the people kept coming with testimonies of how God had broken through for them even though their economy was in shambles I keep hearing in my spirit today while I'm praying tell them I haven't forgotten how to do that he hasn't forgotten how to do that there are things happening in the spirit round the unseen right now where financial breakthroughs and supernatural provision is concerned and there are people in here tonight who have mixed their faith with what they've heard and what they've heard is about to be confirmed with signs following and soon it will manifest in the scene hallelujah come on give the Lord your best shout give the Lord your best shout hallelujah I'm not telling you to do what I did I'm not telling everybody in here right $1,000 check out of everything I'm not telling you that I want to give you that testimony too to give you that the confirmation of the fact that God fulfills his word that God can provide I had no idea that any of those things were going to happen but God had already prepared them he had already prepared it I was in a situation where I needed $20,000 one time for a particular project and I left home flew to Toronto to preach in a meeting up there and walked up to the church to go in to meet with the pastor got up he had steps up to the front door and I got up to the top step there was a couple standing there said brother Jerry when you were here that last meeting for 21 nights God did some things in our lives and and and we just wanted to to honor the Lord and honor you for your obedience and the Lord told us to give you this they handed me an envelope and I assumed that it it was probably a seed for the ministry so I prayed with them and I put it in my in my vest pocket like this I mean my coat pocket I went in there and I did that meeting and I came out and I went to my hotel room took my suit off hung it up before I went to bed I just said I didn't pray again because I believed I received so I said Lord I just want to thank you for that $20,000 thank you Lord for being so faithful and I just want to praise you again for that $20,000 I went to sleep got up next morning had morning service but on another suit went over there and did that came back that afternoon while I was preparing for the service everyone smiling I just say Lord I want to thank you for the twenty thousand dollars thank you lord you're my provider put on a different suit that night went to the meeting and this went on for five days and the last day I'm in my room saying Lord thank you for that 20,000 he finally said would you go look in that envelope I forgot about that envelope I forgot it and I went back to that first suit I wore pull the end about and it was $20,000 God was already a step ahead of me hallelujah Jessica give you testimonies like this all night brother but we could do it brother Copeland Gloria creflo and people in here praise God that are not even in ministry can give you testimony after testimony I'm sure if I went through the crowd and just selected you know several people that could give you testimonies make that hair on the back of our neck stand up of how God came through well folks if you've ever done it once he can do it again and this is our time for visitations manifestations and demonstrations of the Holy Ghost he's not only healing delivering and doing miracles in people's bodies but he's proving that he is the God who provides he is unlimited he has unlimited ways of meeting our needs that we couldn't dream up in a thousand years how they do it glory to God now the question is are you gonna trust you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 70,845
Rating: 4.8460021 out of 5
Keywords: 4335952793001, jerry savelle, word of god
Id: dxvfk5oif5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 52sec (5932 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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