Holy Ghost Meetings: Experience the Flood - Mark Hankins

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foods praise the Lord so that we can receive people appropriately amen turn your Bible to first Thessalonians 5:23 and we're going to get right into the word here this morning I'll give you this as quickly as I possible can but very important and valuable information that I believe really even was a change changed my life as a young person and I learned most of it from my own dad or from Kenneth E Hagin or from dad Hagin and so first US alone in chapter 5 and verse 23 first Thessalonians 5:23 and you can find that real quickly here most of you probably know this verse first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 here's what it says and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly the very God of peace of dowhat sanctify you what completely and i pray god you're a whole lot spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ I believe Jesus is coming soon so in the light of Jesus his return he says I pray God that your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ verse 24 faithful is he that calls you who also will do it Amen alright first that's the only 5:23 that he'll sanctify you wholly are completely the word sanctify of course means to make you holy and we're made holy and cleansed by the blood of Jesus but the word sanctify literally means separates you from contaminating influences right and that means dedicate you unto God but sanctify also means by the blood of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit you and I are sanctified what that means is he said that influences your spirit your soul and your body amen your spirit soul and body in other words that by the power of the blood of Christ and by the Holy Spirit you and I are able to surrender ourselves completely to the will of God our that we hold nothing back and yield ourselves to God spirit soul and body and actually in the Old Testament that temple was cleansed and sanctified but it was was not completed until it was filled with glory alright so in this process is he God says sanctify you wholly in other words he said I'm planning on bringing the end to things that used to control your life bringing you into closest fellowship with God and filling you with the glory of God amen well you yield or surrender yourself to the Spirit of God and he said it'll affect your spirit your soul and your body so in Paul's letters in Paul's revelation he actually tells us what man is our human Constitution what makes up man and he says that man is really a three part being three part b he says spirit soul and body spirit soul and body those three parts you are three dimensions to you three parts of you three dimensions but the best way to say it is I am a spirit I have a soul and I'm staying in a body your spirit is the part of you that is most like God created where you can walk with God in fellowship with God and know God your soul would be your mind your will and your emotions your intellect and then your body would be the house that you're living in so spirit soul and body actually in the Greek the Greek words are spirit is the word numa numa soul is the word su ke where we get the word psyche for psychology or the study of the mind and mental behavior and emotions and body is the house that you're living in man you can see it clearly when the Apostle Paul says in 1st Corinthians 9:27 I keep under my body and I bring it into subjection so what he's saying is I is another part of me greater than just what you see which he calls the inward man which Peter calls the hidden man of the heart so that means the unseen part of you your spirit is the real you when you make Jesus the Lord of your life what happens he says in 2nd Corinthians 5:17 therefore if any man anyone is in Christ they become a new creature that old things have passed away and everything has become new when you make Jesus the Lord of your life what happened old things pass away everything becomes new are nothing left of what you used to be when you make Jesus the Lord of your life he says you are now in Christ other translations say you are joined to Christ other translations say you have been engrafted into Christ hmm all right look at first Corinthians 6:17 and let's look at this word spirit real quickly here first Corinthians 6:17 here's a real description of what happened when you got saved when you got born again he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit there was a spirit so what happens is one translate says you and Christ now are joined together like a single spirit are that really describes what happened when you got saved it is your spirit that is joined to Christ it is your spirit that is the new creature it is your spirit that has received eternal life it is your spirit that is in union with Christ what that means as your spirit has the same life same blessings same authorities same righteousness that is in Christ and he said that is in your spirit amen so he says your spirit is joined to him but now we have these other two departments the soul come on and then the body in other words your spirit joined to Christ your Spears born again but now what you're gonna do with your soul what you're going to do with your body what is their relationship and why do we experience certain conflicts in the relationship of spirit soul and body you know and so here's what James Stalker says about it I want to read this here because he brings it into perspective in Paul's letters of the difference between spirit soul and body and the three departments of you and how they interact and how they're now supposed to interact once you're saved here's what he says he says James stalker says the nature of man according to Paul normally consists of three sections spirit soul and body in his original Constitution these occupied definite relations of superiority and subordination to one another the spirit was supreme the body least important and the soul occupied the middle position he says but the fowl are when Adam's sin when he fell when man fell he said it man did not only fall but it also messed up his being his person and he says here's what's happened he says when when he fell the fall disarranged the order and all sin consists of the usurpation of the body are the soul to the place of the spirit in other words that's the definition of sin really is when your flesh come on your body or your intellect or your reasoning dominates your spirit he said that's when Satan has a chance of sin has a chance to control you and so he says this he says in fallen man talking about the soul and the body in fallen man these two inferior sections of human nature which together form what Paul calls the flesh the flesh soul the body joining of these two inferior parts of human nature well I mean if you're if you're mine come on and your flesh is an inferior part of your human nature imagine the capacity of your spirit because the body is fascinating come on the minds fascinating but he's saying your spirit is a part of you that's most like God I'll just keep going here so he says this in following man these two inferior sections of human nature which Paul calls the flesh are the side of human nature that looks toward the world and time in other words they live only by sense knowledge world and time he says and these two inferior sections have taken possession of the throne and completely rule the life while the spirit the side of man that looks toward God and eternity he says now come on your flesh constantly is dealing just with temporary things come on and your flesh constantly dealing with just things in this world right what's gonna make you having this world he said but the spirit which is the part of you that would look towards God and eternity alright let's take a minute because most of the time we don't take it enough time to stop and think I am an eternal spirit being this world is temporary come on the things of the flesh are temporary y'all so in here in other words actually even living by faith is living in the light of eternity alright let's keep going here he says and he says the side of man that looks toward God and eternity the spirit was dethroned and reduced to a condition of inefficiency and death in other words when Adam died spiritually that condition passed to the whole human race and he said when that passed on he said what happened was not only does man become a subject of the enemy but he lives in the fallacy fantasy of temporary things that will pass away come on he takes all of his time and what we would call maybe trivial pursuits come on but it will help you come on in the light of the New Testament to declare I am a spirit I have a soul I'm just staying in this body come on and when my heart stops beating come on I the real I that's me come on cuz you can't see me you see the body I'm staying in but you don't see me and I'm just looking out my eyes looking at you but I don't see you I see the body you're in but the real you is the unseen part of you come on and that's the most real part of you that even after your body your heart stops beating come on and you're gonna leap out of your body intact and see your body lay there come on absent from the body present with the Lord escorted by angels into this spiritual reality amen so here's what he says so he says what happened when Adam sinned not only did it open the door for Satan to dominate him he says but one of the way he dominates you is because your spirit has has died come on and now the devil can dominate through your flesh your senses your feelings your impulses your intellect come on so he says now what happens why did Jesus come here I'll show a mirror what happened when Jesus died on the cross why did he die was raised from the dead what happened there listen close when you make Jesus a lord you know first thing that happens a crowning achievement of the plan of redemption is you receive eternal life what is eternal life number one it is spiritual life it's the same life that's in God and there's a river of it coming right out of the throne of God it is a spiritual substance I said it is a spiritual substance and what and you don't get that when you die you get it when you receive Jesus and when that life comes into your spirit the devil can no longer dominate a man or a woman who has eternal life actually John says you passed from death unto life come on our from the jurisdiction of death now you're in the jurisdiction of life and Satan cannot dominate you but listen now something else no longer can sin dominates you no longer can old habits dominate you but we're gonna see where the point of conflict is right now y'all still with me so he says when you make Jesus a lord of your life here's what James Stalker said he says when you receive Christ as your Lord I like to sit this way every religion offers lessons every religion a lot of good lessons in a lot of good religions I said every religion offers lessons because I debated with different people we travel a lot of countries and they talk about their religion and they got a lot of good lessons I said but the difference between your religion and Christianity is Jesus did not come just to bring lessons now let's try this out okay I said Jesus did not come just to bring lessons your greatest need was not a lesson your greatest need was eternal life and Jesus came that you might have life and have it more eternal come up that life on the inside of you literally when it comes on the inside of you it quickens your spirit come on that's the real you in other words you no longer get your identity from your past you no longer get your identity just from the natural you now have a supernatural identity come on of who you are in Christ and he said that's in your spirit others finished reading it he said Christ restores the lost predominance of the spirit of man by taking possession of it by his own spirit come on Paul says it this way the Holy Spirit come on bears witness with your spirit come on are the holy Numa the Spirit of God the spirit of God moves into the human spirit and that's what makes you a new creature come on never been a creature like you you got something I said didn't have you got something David didn't have Jeremiah never had in other words you're a new creature in Christ the Spirit of God lives in you and Jesus said he's in you forever so he lives on me inside of you and my dad always said the Holy Spirit living in you here's one way that Dad Hagin said it he said we talk about trusting in God he said listen now just in a different light have you ever thought of trusting in the God that lives in you all right let's try this out of here come on we trust in God come on but don't always think well I trust in God we're way up there because the Spirit of God now lives in you so you ought to be saying I believe the Spirit of God is in me and I trust he's the greater one that'll put me over come on now he strengthens my inner man with mighty power he lives in me come up so my dad always said the Holy Spirit is a genius if you're listen to him he'll make you look smart I just want you to know what I have to look at so the Holy Spirit is a genius if you listen to him he'll make you look smart now we know you're not that smart but you got a genius living in you the Spirit of God come on now and the Holy Spirit come on now he will think through your mind he will speak through your lip he will magnify Jesus in a way that you never could without his help but even though he's a genius he's also a gentleman as a gentleman he will not interrupt you without your permission matter of fact you'll have to actually yield to him you have to yield him cuz he don't make you do nothing he gonna make you talk in tongues here you go make you laugh he's not gonna make you rejoice come on if he can make you do anything you'd make you pay your tithes and yet done that yet so here gonna make you come on here gonna make you do nothing do you actually have to that's alright yeah yeah you have to realize his way is the best way come on out the way of the Spirit come on and the Holy Spirit as a genius will think through your mind our here's the way he says Christ restores the lost predominance of the spirit of man by taking possession of it by his own spirit think about this when Jesus said I've got many things to tell you but I cannot tell you now but when the Holy Spirit comes when the Holy Spirit comes he will lead you into all truth he's gonna move on me inside of you come on he's gonna guide you into all truth and he will take what is mine and he will show it to you other translations he's gonna take what is mine communicated to you what does that mean that means even if you feel like you're a slow learner the Holy Spirit will keep working with you until you got it ah I say it this way because I see it in the Old Testament that the Holy Spirit has a reputation for working with some real losers and making them champions oh let's try that woman I said the Holy Spirit has a reputation for working with some real losers don't look around right now I bet I said the Holy Spirit has a reputation working with some real losers in noon do what he will make them what champions oh I like to say it this way you can see in Genesis chapter 1 in the beginning the Earth's without form and void darkness on the face of thee and the Holy Spirit jumped in the middle of that mess when I saw that I said look at that look at the personality of the Holy Spirit and the Lord said to me he said the Holy Spirit ain't scared of any kind of meth that means the Holy Spirit's not afraid of any kind of meth whatever kind of trouble you've gotten into or whatever situation you're in the Holy Spirit will jump right in the middle of that situation with you and you say I believe I can take that ugly thing and I believe I can make it pretty I can take that thing that's out of order I believe I can bring it into order that's the power of the Holy Spirit he'll jump right in the middle he'll take hold together with you amen in your prayer life come on in praying another tongue come on Paul said when I speaking other tongue my spirit prays and my mind doesn't even know what I'm saying imagine I also called the baptism Holy Ghost God's head bypass operation now why would God want to bypass your head well that ought to be obvious you got blockages in there limitations in your mind in your brain come on and when you're filled with the Holy Ghost come on he hooks your tongue up to your spirit and helps you to speak out in a supernatural language while you're doing that your spirit is edified [Applause] and God designer where you can talk to God in closest fellowship by the power of the Holy Spirit in our ministry in Louisiana years ago we passed many years and so we had ministry to the death in our church and so those who minister to the death those who could not either hearing-impaired are also those who had never heard the word never said it were so in in ministering to them then they'd have a special camp and they'd get them all filled with the Holy Spirit and people had never heard a word never said a word when they got filled with the Holy Spirit they spoke another tongue what happened their spirit is praying come on not their intellect not the reason I would like to introduce you to another dimension and another part of you come on that may be the greatest part of you you ever know about yourself come on not just your mind not just your emotions come on God works in your spirit come on and that Hagin said all physical healing is spiritual what does that mean that means you receive the anointing first in your spirit and then it comes out into your body your spirit come on receive and then we've been in East Africa in the deepest part out of there were some people from Kenya here the other night and and so we've been East Africa since I was a teenager and learned Swahili right so then we'd go out and preach way out into the bush you know into the countryside and we'd go out there where no one even knew the national language so they didn't know Swahili they only knew a tribal language which may be something like to gogo or something and we'd go out there and preach and I'd preach English then somebody do Swahili and then somebody do the tribal language imagine how long I preached it anyway so so they go through and by the time they came back around you forgot what you said you said could you tell me that again so so you're preaching and all these come on through these different languages right and then we had the time where people were filled with the Holy Spirit and did you know in that little mud house come on now with people sitting on sticks you know on the floor they got filled with the Holy Spirit people that did not know Swahili people that did not even know come on the the national language just knew a tribal language when they got filled with the Holy Spirit I heard one of them start speaking in English and they were magnifying God in English and I I mean we're way out there come on now and I said what is that woman doing they said she don't even know Swahili come on she don't know no English and when she got filled with the Holy Ghost God opened up another language to her and she was peeking out come on in this super now what is it he said it could be a sign and a wonder to somebody like me [Applause] come on in our church in Louisiana sometimes we'd yield to the Holy Spirit on occasion everybody begin to pray in the spirit and there's a lady that just moved to our church from I think Puerto Rico's and we're like that and she's having a difficult time couldn't learn English and so her husband had learned she couldn't learn and while I just started worshiping God praying the spirit and both she came up after and tears running down her face she said pastor you know she or her husband's interpretive or you know you didn't know what you're saying but you spoke to me in perfect Spanish I said well I don't know no Spanish except a taco and stuff like that but the Holy Spirit come on that this is a language of the Spirit that opens up imagine what happened at the Tower of Babel come on where God said anything they imagined to do they'll be able to do and because their hearts were corrupt then he had to confuse the languages which limited them imagine what happened on the day of Pentecost when you get filled with the Holy Ghost it forms a unity come on that brings you back into a supernatural language where you say anything is possible while I'm praying in the Holy Ghost matter of fact dad Hagin said the greatest miracles that ever happened in my life after 65 years of ministry he said the most spectacular things happen after praying in other tongues for an extended period of time and then he added this in case you're interested he said the most spectacular financial things that ever happened in my life happened after an extended period of time of praying in the Holy Ghost what's going on there your spirit spray right and he says now the Holy Spirit on the inside of you makes you more than a match for anything in this world when you yield to him not only will you pray in the Holy Ghost but look at this all the fruit of the Spirit love and joy and peace and gentleness you can tell when your spirits dominating you by the evidence love and joy peace are when your flesh is dominate you what rough and mean come on now irritated like say did you wake up grouchy this morning guy said I just let her sleep all right now let me go on here now when you're filled with the Holy Spirit he has the power to change your personality I said he has the power to change your personality well what does that open up to us through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Apostle Paul uses that word spirit come on now the pneuma the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God now working in the human numa even in proper sense the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord that means God will literally set your spirit on fire he lights your candle and give you directions let's finish reading it praise the Lord I've got a few more minutes here some y'all listings flow so it's take me a little bit longer now Christ Christ restores the lost predominance of the spirit of man by taking possession of it by his own spirit y'all ready Cal still with me the Holy Spirit dwells in the human spirit vivifying it and sustaining it in such a growing streak that it becomes more and more the sovereign part of the human Constitution and he says this and the man ceases to be carnal and become spiritual he's led by the Spirit of God and becomes more and more harmonious with all that is holy and divine in other words the Holy Spirit strengthens your spirit right and brings you into harmony with God into fellowship with God and then he says this y'all ready for this part he said the flesh does not indeed easily submit to the for supremacy all right let's go that one time the flash does not easily submit to the loss of supremacy it clogs and obstructs the spirit and fights to regain possession of the throne now here's what Paul says he says that your flesh come on we'll pull come on and pull against your spirit come on and people said well you know I feel like I got a split personality well according to Paul - everybody does come on he said your flesh would be one to act one way and your spirit be hold on you're pulling me over this way come on and he says when your spirit receives eternal life and you get filled with the Holy Ghost man you may be full of joy and praise and God come on and loving everybody he said but your flesh does not easily submit and your flesh it says will clog well clogged what to say it will clog and obstruct or your flesh will have a protest come on you've been in church rejoice and full of the Holy Ghost you know meditating the word but in your flesh you say all right all right I'll let you do that on Sunday but on Monday we're gonna go back to doing stuff the way I do it come on and your flesh are protesting I don't think we should pray that much you don't need to pray that much come on you don't need to do all that rejoicing I see you jumping around that's not necessary you don't need to be doing all that jumping around and laughing and rejoice and that is not necessary come on your flesh protesting come on he'll try to put static out in the air and say yeah come on then your fight say how you feeling how you feeling come on tell us how you feeling all right and then you fight say I don't think you need to hear that much that's not necessary there's a lot of things I would like to have you don't need to be giving all that money to the church they already got my mind you do anyhow you'll need to be doing it come on so your flesh come on and your natural mind will do what try to regain because when you're filled with the Spirit of God under the influence whoa come on they're such freedom there's such joy there's the love of God come on that's the fruit of the Spirit come on that's really not in your flesh unless you're yielded to the Holy Ghost and when you're filled with the spirit and Paul says the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you come on he is a genius come on but you also need to recognize him and yield to him and respond to him and you say Holy Spirit come on I know you're in there don't act like you're not in there I know you're in there come on and the love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit I can even love my enemies come on I can forgive people that I don't feel like forgiving I can get along with people that I may not regularly be able to get along with because the Holy Spirit's on the inside of me come on and then he gives me wisdom the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God come on so in Paul's letters he brings everything over into the light of eternity in the realm of the Spirit by the power of the Holy Spirit and he brings you out of the natural and brings you into the supernatural now what's the problem with just the natural 1st Corinthians 2:14 let me finish with this he says the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God the natural man does what receives not what the things of God the natural man 1st Corinthians 2:14 the natural man does not receive what he said because the natural man those things are foolishness to him what is the word for natural man there first of all where did a natural man come from because God never made a natural man a natural man has been made they've used to tell my daddy say well I'm a I'm a man-made I mean I'm a man-made success my dad said why'd you make yourself so ugly listen so so things I manage so some man-made where the natural man come from a natural man that's the Greek word for soul the soul man our other translation says the man of the highest intellectual attainment is not granted access to the things of God well because the Spirit is on new machan 'el and no matter how high you turn up soul channel it will not translate into new machala come on it's the difference rien AM and FM that's why some people said I'm having trouble yielding to the Holy Ghost and I have to take I had trouble as a teenager now how in the world am I supposed to yield to the Holy Ghost then people holler at me and then spit you know and spit in my face and and that's a yield you let's say I'm trying and then it says speak out I'm trying I mean I couldn't even locate my spirit I'm up and I'm watching everybody then my momma would get happy and she would get full of Georgie go whoa him I mean just instantly the Spirit of God come arise up inside and get on her come on and she'd get so full of joy and freedom and rejoice and I just laughed I didn't know what she's doing seemed like foolishness to me until I got feel when I got feel oh and I know what she's laughing about now come on I know where that joy comes from now that's where your satisfaction comes from from the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you and come on we we grew up in what was the days when now was that the Beach Boys couldn't get no satisfaction or who's those guys I don't know who it was they couldn't get no no y'all know who they are I can't get no no no Rolling Stones I don't know y'all put y'all listened to much of that wouldn't you thought the Rolling Stone I can't get no and they still wearing leotards jumpin out there on the stage they can't get no satisfaction come on why because your flesh may be satisfied with the cheeseburger come on now a nice house come on and your soul or your mind may be satisfied with entertainment but you are a spirit and God created you to walk with Him and to know him and by the power of the Holy Spirit you can have an ever-increasing revelation of God ever increasing feeling from God can you get under infant spirit soul and body and what's happened in your spirit man I get in your hands here to get in your feet come on get in your blood it'll get in your voice and you start shouting what happened the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you and Paul says the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin in there ha ha the law of the spirit of life lifts me out of the laws in India there's a lift off by the power of the Holy Ghost while he works in your spirit in your inner man while you're meditating in the Word of God come on while you're feeding on the Word of God thing's been messing with your mind thing's been messing with your body but when your spirit come on they're energized by the Holy Ghost you say all right that's the end of that sin cannot dominate you old habits cannot dominate you come on your feelings cannot dominate you when you're filled with a holy ha ha
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 5,378
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Keywords: Mac Hammond, Lynne Hammond, Living Word Christian Center, Online Church, Live Church, Church Service, Church, Christian, Jesus, Faith Explosion, Faith, Jesse Duplantis, Jesse Duplantis Ministries, Jesse Duplantis 2017, Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Kenneth Copeland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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