Oceans Rising | Full Action Disaster Movie

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[Music] [Music] Merlin sick is not initiated in the gadget ashanti from Bangkok Namit are double-teaming Xiao Qian GU the city party teacher account in Korean culture in Shenzhen come with a bagina could give are metabolically for a catastrophic way of happy Sumatra and Kalimantan tell do not want relation to each day [Music] [Music] I'll Drive computers and telecoms are up on the ginny I'll make sure the ISDN has power I was looking for pen but the sky is literally falling Josh checking with my planet to figure out why great look could you fix your attention on my son Ollie for a minute no really you need to just be a human being for one minute all right I'll be back okay GD that's an order did you know the earth is filled with liquid see it's molten iron and nickel and the fact that it's spinning generates a magnetic field that keeps us safe from all kinds of space radiation without it the air that gives us the ability to live just sputter away and outerspace can't yourself baby we're gonna die Josh yes I can question is what is he gonna do about Oh Thank You Pam oh you ready for the meeting uh yeah anything bother you I'm about to get secured Josh could you remove a specific solar flare happened at the same time as those two eight plus quakes North Pole alert over two thousand miles on the exact same night come on and aside from the electricity being out Tiki Siberia is Santa Clauses new home oh-ho-ho are you sure I calculated the magnetic variance myself I think this signals a polarity reversal oh it's scary I know but it's not totally unprecedented I mean it happens about every half a million years anthropologists believe the last big one hits seven hundred eighty thousand years ago and that was a mass extinction event not large fossil mammal records are hard to come by but I think Josh six hundred extra high voltage power transformers just blew across North America because of a CME we didn't see coming all the lights are out everywhere you know I need to go in there and tell the Secretary of Energy why if this isn't my fault so please can this wait no if this is what can happen to us from a solar storm with a magnetic field I've counted Josh oh you're smart you're so smart and when he started working here I gambled that you were totally worth it if you filed a title seven against me it's still too late to claim harassment so be smart enough to know you can't just go in there and say that you think the Earth's outer core is slowing down oh and by the way a gs-13 from Colorado would love to just borrow the two most powerful particle colliders to see if he can try to speed it up that's not how it works sweetie if I told they're gonna have to do something about it yeah like find another practical physicist to do your job awesome embryos they didn't take she's supposed to get wasn't meant to be you know thing about this maybe it's for the best yep I mean is it yeah we've got a lot to handle right now in the world needs us I need you I know do you understand yes are you listening you want me to keep quiet yes please you've a habit of saying what's on my mind pissing people off I'm up against at my department needs funding please don't blow this for me this reverse-polarity is a serious thing Pam it can be life-ending then published an article build a consensus I don't know on paper no one can tell that you don't care what they think and I could just wet sit around wait for a peer review whether magnetosphere just disappears above my head and then they can argue over punctuation then get your own meeting yours falsified the springs and that's over a hundred miles away and it's an active not the right day to smell the roses Pam homeland security protocols kicked in when the power went down so we are coming alive from Camp David the president will be joining us Thank You mr. secretary we are a go on our end terrific my hosts at CERN have been gracious enough to allow me the use of their hard-wired collider control room feed thank you for waiting what is the status Madam President I am the director of NOAA space weather Ron Livingston this is the deputy director and satellite liaison to NASA Pamela Cushing she oversees the Solar Dynamics Observatory so what happened and why were we cut with our pants down the sun blasted us with three waves of radiation ionization and a violent coronal mass ejection sunspots more powerful than a billion thermonuclear weapons traveling in over a thousand kilometers per second that's what caused these spectacular aurora borealis that you could see as far south as Panama and that's what destroyed our geodetic satellites as well as our power transformers we were utterly unaware and completely unprepared madam president space weather predicted heightened coronal mass ejections and the record reflects their warnings well it wasn't enough ma'am if I may we recommend steps to mitigate the damage in case sunspots threaten the earth again if we directly link regional power systems to advanced warning from the Solar Dynamics Observatory for example we can build back a better infrastructure these steps will cost money thankfully our magnetic field deflected most of the sun's discharged my colleague and husband Joshua Chamberlain from the US Geological Survey can talk about the threat confronting our planet hi I'm Joshua Chamberlain of the United States Geological Survey and I'm worried about another solar flare hitting our weakening magnetic field Madam President it is weakening dr. Zook research it is an honor and I was looking forward to talking with you about the Large Hadron Collider and helping us solve this problem what exactly kind of problem well over the past millennia our magnetic field has been decreasing by five percent per century and in the last 100 years that is accelerated to 10% I'd like to focus on preventing mega solar storms from destroying our nation's infrastructure well that's what I am talking about madam president if our magnetic field were to dwindle or disappear entirely due to a polarity reversal then the same storm would cause epic tectonic dislocations and atmospheric sputtering and the end of all human life as we know it aside from just some doubt our clients contract that's why I propose jump-starting the Earth's core it's implicitly that's not impossible you can use CERN's LHC and the relativistic ion collider over at Brookhaven well this is not all singularities at both facilities we can capitalise on the current retro path holes you want to create black holes in two particle colliders on purpose are you serious Chamberlin that is enough yes I believe the graviton is emitted I believe would jumpstart the Dynamo effect getting the Earth's core spinning again thus recharging the magnetosphere all right thank you sir if another solar flare hits our planet and our magnetic field is down the earth would turn into Mars Josh time to go would you please escort this man out oxygen no life you are that's it get him out of here this is all happening right now nobody cares about it thank you Madam President I apologize can't leave those I don't know maybe I think give a damn took her back in there and repairs attached the damage that you just did our careers are you still playing that you can't see to keep the residue you could come with me because the end is near because I can't stay what choice do I have you can stay and fight I hear Texas is nice this time of year oh yeah what time is that exactly I don't know background in geology presidential restraining order right I hear that get you a six-figure salary in the Lone Star State not buying that huh they're only empowered to do so much it takes time yeah what if we don't but if we don't have time you know this could happen of course it could happen the Colorado River could flood and the big one could take Salt Lake to New York in LA all in the same David this happens if you're right I want to be in a position where I can help people they think they think I'm delusional when you think they're ready to listen and if this actually happens what are you gonna do about it when everything sinks float away away from me it's not what I want you want me to just drop everything because you didn't get what you want we could be together just just you and me I'm here dad not doing anything meaningful with his life what about you what are you doing quitting going boating my mother stood by my father through his drinking his whoring when he was embezzling paper clips from the requisitions office he was left less than honorably discharged and they cut his pension in half throughout all that she stood by side didn't say a word and I speak up to save the world you laugh at me laugh at you I gave you a chance I gave you a huge chance but my career on the line for you and what you do you blow it just like you're rolling it now yeah well you know what Pam just burn the rest of my stuff because it isn't gonna matter anyway Josh tectonic instability of the poles is accelerated the ice caps melting radically this latest tidal wave has just swallowed the most populous portions of America's second largest city overwhelming Southern California's coastal defenses after the 7.1 earthquake off the coast this morning while it's almost impossible to comprehend the loss of life must be staggering and emergency workers are struggling with the enormity of the task of recovering survivors as a remote a possibility as that seems the death toll hello the destruction the utter loss of light is breath yeah Bangladesh it's completely underwater what about the North Pole magnetospheres registering at eleven microteslas that's one third its usual is falling okay thank you Michael and you get me a ticket to Galveston no it can't be tomorrow no it has to be today well charter it if you have to but I'm wheels up in 90 minutes all right thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] that you were gonna call I did he never called me back yeah my hands been full but just like yours I've been - looking forward to floating away look I'm sorry I I didn't come here to fight with you hey if you want to stroll down memory lane I'm a little busy but you're more than welcome to help I came here to tell you that magnetosphere has weakened dramatically and it's fading fast I know it's my job to track you remember still hear things about everybody in Boulder thinks I'm a Charlotte hey you pick up the pace you hear about the latest solar storm why do you think I'm gonna vote the official reports don't account for salt waters expansion coefficient with heat another helium energy burst sends a flare to earth all this underwater why'd she pick Galveston people here survived three floods and you tell them something like the waters gonna rise nobody looks at you crazy I've missed you like I didn't come here to help you escape I came because you can help people survive we need you who's we you left and it hasn't been easy without you but I'm in a position to help people and since it's about to hit the fan maybe you can help me - how far can you make it on this pink I mean how long can you make it alone Josh I've got enough fuel stroganoff make it as far as I want as far as how much time I've got I don't know Pam how long do any other side you're not gonna get a better offer Josh this planet's all you got you're amazing and you're the person I loved and now you're here in front of me and I can't stand to look at you no no I'm I'm sorry I can't I'm sorry Josh Josh you want to get it now you insane were 13 just close the open hatch don't worry about me don't get topside [Music] [Music] nice : say that dr. Crispo where's my gun you already been working for me yeah well you're gonna from the next office over yes oh you saved me save my life well I didn't have a lot of time to think over my options [Music] so cute seeing me right what are you know well I tried to tell them 30 years ago okay well what about now now yeah the caps are gone the world is tearing itself apart literally well the man I knew wanted to do something about that fine play Coast Guard will pick up as many people as we can and fill this boat up and then sail for Boulder it should still be above water then your photo after all you should have built a bigger boat yeah well it turns out making six figures a year in Texas was a little harder than I thought I was unemployed well whose fault is that [Music] take hold of the ring good good everybody come inside come inside if you would have come that time I don't know what i'ma do get inside [Music] hello where are you headed we're not really sure yet we're just we're trying to help you got food some all right I'll come sir step into the buoy put your feet in the white your your feet the lifesaver what I can't hear you the lifesaver I'm hard of hearing did anybody give you permission to turn that on oh nice friend laughs get up this isn't your mom's house dear you can't waste their power her I do just I'm sorry calm down use some sense darn it was it working for you anyway they're happy so hey how did you know that this flood was coming to have a boat ready like this needs to be a scientist for the USGS tried to warn my superiors or something like this to happen what happened I built a boat instead everybody else's just pop that's funny why would the air pressure change get inside but get inside now get inside come on move move move it's an old your handle let's go these burns are bad look I took first-aid while teaching preschool I don't there see what you can do no no I'm okay I'll be fine all right thank you Hey how's it going Josh you have to wear sunscreen yeah there's not enough sunblock on the planet to stop it you see this come on I gotta get you down below I can't see obstacles from down there good this guy it's greater isn't it there's are clouds that's our oxygen leaking out of the atmosphere less refraction it's too soon maybe this is just a localized hole but I'm mid-latitude Ozone's 50% thinner than it was 40 years ago it doesn't think it'll start slowly at first but then it will accelerate and there's nothing we can do about it what what happened you you knew this was gonna happen you had a plan I had a lot of things Pam now I've got a boat full of guests could it work the black holes on the opposite ends of the planet I don't I don't know I I don't know this is all happening a lot faster than I calculated I honestly don't know that's not good enough by a damn sight that's you're not persuading me you're not persuading anyone else like that you're Earth's last hope Joe so now you believe it I never didn't believe in you I put you in front of the president because what you had to say was important I risked my career for you and you pay me back by walking out that's not fair oh yeah I still live in our old house I still have my old job I still have the footprints on my back to prove it you walked out on me and it shouldn't have been that easy I thought about you every day about us about the children we were supposed to have now your parents are probably saying he's the guy we always thought he was gonna be stopped that's true think about what you said about my neighbor I didn't know you've written it yeah you were the only person that I read it and you hated it who's a bit extraneous come on can you do this there's a lot of moving pieces I can't do it alone no you never could smell set her out to Brookhaven and the RHIC huh Long Island yep somebody there's gonna have to reprogram the firing sequence you're not the only one with PhD and I would sell for sir without you spoken Ju area get what you wanted I'll go tell the others be careful what you wish for we have to get to Brookhaven as fast as possible or the entire planet could suffer irreversible II we're trying to save the world guys when you fished me out of water you said you get me a dry land as quickly as possible I know but what the poles melting so fast and tectonic displacement wiping out land masses across the globe we don't know we're dry land actually is and we can't afford the time to stop and look for it how do you know Brookhaven will still be there everything's as bad as you say it is while the labs built on one of the highest points on the island and they're equipped to protect the particle collider against natural disasters this disaster starting to feel supernatural make some kind of divine intervention [Music] really you're getting a tan during the apocalypse I thought I'd leave behind an attractive course what about the ozone holes just 105 it's outside besides well said he's got the ship and he warned us at the stacker is hot you know this is kind of amazing you planned and put all this together there are 10 people alive right now who wouldn't be without you you know we always made a pretty good team he always made me see the possibilities if I could go back and do it over and do four things different I wouldn't shop with Commons and I think I still have one fossilized words I wouldn't have ordered so much savory stroganoff how much longer until Brookhaven we're doing about 38 knots and if I can't trust my mince navigation and still somewhere read my compass say about a day is that - way to say I'm sorry why don't we just save the world first it's a lot for a girl to take in you know I've been trapped in this black hole for three years in this nightmare then you show up everything feels exactly how sure so you saved too don't get burned you okay what can I help you with anything okay [Music] do it bigger is what he doesn't work nothing does okay okay okay hey buddy what's up man how's it going listen can't get your help with something real quick I need to tie some knots in this room and you know I could use a finger just about this size you say you get some rest how's he how's he doing probably not gonna kill him that's luck hang in there buddy hey you uh so you do a lot of camping no mostly white water what with the raft I just figured that you got outdoors a lot what is this an interrogation oh no no no you think I want to get to know you or some listen look man he didn't mean anything and what's it to you listen I'm just trying to pull tranquilo okay okay you relax man I'm just messing with you are huh what's your name Phil you asking or telling it's Phil um I'm still I'm still sure relax man I'm messing with you I'm Greg okay Oh should we you thought okay why you I had felt the moment it's totally wrong impossible yep I don't know why did that cost EQ Kasich you this is Pam Cushing you know what space weather director 20 megahertz looking for a fixed station or a digit Peter to respond copy call CQ call CQ this is Pam Cushing NOAA's Space Weather Director 20 point oh one megahertz looking for a fixed station or did you Peter to respond copy got sparse hooks and pulls I need people on every side of this boat who were over buildings and houses were miles in from the coast if we found her on a roof or hit a building or something or sunk understand what can I do I need people with poles on the bow and the aft if they see anything anything push the boat away from it this is vital okay got it you had oars in your raft and you yeah the paddling well we could lash those together maybe great great Phil and Greg you guys make sure the oars are long enough all right come on girls Rob each of you take a pole and get topside keep your eyes peeled and steer clear of any obstacles got it great to go got one we're going over a communication building look a lot of noise your trouble here did you got this yeah I got okay Wow I got this alright calm down I gotta get there I don't think that's a good idea of course it's not a good idea I don't want you anywhere near that building in those levees break that's why I have to keep them from breaking who's in charge here we're not accepting any more significant I'm Pam Cushing director of space weather for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration I need to know who's in charge of this facility I think goes down to the cafeteria right we've been cut off ma'am what without communications or civilian administrator that powers the spotting of staff saw the Wilkinson has the kind of running things okay thank you soldier please tell your staff sergeant to make it to the main entrance or that's many soldiers remain here the refugees okay fine as many able-body recruits as he can lay his hands on in four minutes now bill this is Ricky you better get down here right now and bring everybody like I mean it stone was here and she's pissed I didn't do it for you guys on the double you're gonna save the world bring your stuff with you we got to keep this place from flooding you're gonna need all hands on deck these computers get too waterlogged they're not going to be able to run basic what are you gonna do I got enough diesel over there to get some of the frame but I'm a future right over concern from there this facility will not fly it can't the future of all life on Earth depends on it you understand me we need three or four men to keep the collider from flooding Oh uh-huh ain't no way I'm going out there I'm a nothing personal but that's suicide I'm talking about building up a wall to keep out the Atlantic Ocean not on no part of that what he said he need about three or four all right so I say one two three so four and a half getting up the boat is a good idea before I lose my mind so yes all right I got it or at least I think I got it the underwater cable we provide a grounded line for us to talk once you get to CERN are you gonna make it there in that yeah I mean New York's got at least 37 days right there's cussing stars the walkers they'll be here in a minute all right thank you we got to divide up into teams we got recruits coming from the boat I want a team coming Dearing supplies for more sandbags as well as scaffolding this wall has to be reinforced to a height of at least 60 feet yeah I mean 60 feet should at least get you over to melt line provided there's no tectonic to service there Brookhaven is on in the Ramapo fault but at least it didn't used to be but this this works together anymore take care of it for me please [Music] come on fellas no time like the present to do something with your life [Music] he's scaffolding every one of these hey make sure they're strong enough to keep building up the ion cannons here have been designed to run in parallel and that's perfect for what we need but normally you just take two particles running in opposite directions and crash them into each other at a predetermined point in time in space we need to recalibrate the cannons to fire multiple bursts of particles at ever accelerating rates each particle faster than the last so instead of merely colliding two particles into each other at once we collide thousands millions so to overcome the second law of thermodynamics we created enduring singularity yes and then we kill the power to it can we do it Oh my kid has a future in quantum physics if he keeps up at this rate yeah it would live he can't give up hope our know if it's God or karma or physical probabilities that results in miracles I don't know if I believe in God her garment but I do believe in miracles let me tell you about your miracles my sons and I who we're with my husband on our way to the grocery store when the tsunami hit miles away we were going to shop that's why I did impact no water wings nothing nothing this one can thread water for days but you know he's he's cranky he was holding me so tight when I came up to the surface he couldn't see me that's me I didn't know what to do they still don't know but I know that I could not keep live like this wowthat's it's amazing Ron how did you do that suggestion they remind me it's bow aft port starboard got it what's what's this thing here this is a men's navigation system it's just good from awesome does it beep does it how does how do you know what's the well it's a combination of gyroscopes and accelerometers that enables the inertial nav system to track our exact location on the planet irrespective of GPS signals or the Earth's magnetic field you just pick your next destination then this baby keeps you honest in-between that's why I upgraded the radar right that is amazing yeah it wasn't cheap either that's why they don't come standard on boats and planes can we make it that far without refueling if we can keep the wind to our backs we should have just enough diesel together just stand clear ladies and gentlemen I keep me over sixty fish seawall [Music] [Music] okay okay [Music] [Music] I told you not to mess with another man's my heart cut the power now we've got three thousand seven of it's a trap [Music] stay here okay buddy okay what happened utility pole for the facility came down conducted the current perfectly you guys should go to the control room Braun's in there just don't tell him what happened also I'm gonna get back oh where you going our powers out I know we turned it off when the lines went down well evidently most of the connections were fried from the seawater was our last row there's a cooling gas burning station over at Hampstead one of their main substations is nearby I'm gonna try to power it directly to the substation so that we don't go down again you're gonna hardwired into the collider yeah listen nothing I wasn't like Tristen Indonesia okay it's been a long time but just let me do instead of you are you sure you want to risk it you have a little boy to look after now besides I promised Joshua to make sure you stayed safe [Music] we're slowing down Joshua what's happening we're taking on water thinking we're not sinking we're taking on water are you taking on too much water the elect's goes down and so is the bilge I'm gonna need you to oversee getting the water out of here okay I'll go down I'll start pumping first great whoa you gotta just make sure you get that builds up and out okay all right it's no fear taking off pieces see you later little man do you know what that shape is called spiral yeah when I was little I liked building things a lot too that I was gonna be an engineer and then my daddy bought me a telescope and he took me to go look at the Stars do you like looking at the Stars right your mommy I was in an accident she's not gonna be okay she loved you so much and she wanted you and I know this risk now but you're gonna because no matter where she is and no matter where you are [Music] that should fix the leak now guys I can try to fix the build but we've already taken up so much water we've got to try to like our load if we don't get you don't get rid of some of this we gotta try to clear 700 pounds we're not gonna making computer equipment personal items boom you there's got to be another way no no no look we've already made it 3500 miles we should be we should be able to get there within a day if you even know where we're going this isn't up for vote if you want to live start dump because [Music] we gotta go nobody's touching the food I'm not doing anything okay nobody touches the food okay look it's my boat okay okay okay you keep the food you make the call graduate charts Duty says that's crazy you can't put him in charge he's put himself in charge I just wanna I just wanna listen to what he says but what do you wanna do how do you want to save the boy just not the food okay if it isn't bolted down pitch it overboard take my computer take my journals everything in this cavity everything [Music] come on guys let's go look guys get bail come on right we've barely got enough to make it there it is we're carrying too much weight listen we could get through this but we've got to work together we need all hands on deck and I've only got one good arm left alright wait what if we just keep enough food to make it to dry land yeah sighs Gregg and I we're gonna supervise dumping the food bill Nick you two are gonna keep dumping water out of here Molly you get whatever is not bolted down over board Mills you just I'm sorry you know yeah thank you got it alright it's ready on my end it explained to me how I can hook this up without shorting every circuit in the collider we ran less than five miles of Kiwi ASC hard patched into the substation that's more than 160 megawatts with less than a no more resistance coursing through that line right there you got your juice just don't ask me about eminent domain for all the stringing we have to do over those bloody backyards hey hey okay you know this probably have stinky games on there but I don't know what you're feeling maybe if you tell me what's bothering you I can help nobody ever will know that's not true Hey do you want to come with me I'd love it if she came in love with me please okay okay okay the deal deal sorry where are we France the base of the Alps without men's navigation or a working compass or altimeter that's all I can say for certain where I got this professor and that we're running out of time come on looks like an old hotel Bandon what do you think Greg one it's me we're in a place called la revoir I'll Drive us once I get this thing started long as you guys don't mind of a broken glass was the plan professor get in sir no matter what no matter what last time I spoke to CERN's deputy director dr. Zachary what you guys throw down ISM let's hope the man has a sense or I need you [Music] that's over 1,600 feet we should be safe and drive from now around this sink when the polls flooded the sea level rose by two hundred and sixty feet but the fact that eight hundred feet of France's underwater means that the Helvetic zone of the original fate is sinking into the Mediterranean who knows when it's gonna stop if we've got to get to CERN [Music] superbe desactivate said I'll do it I don't speak French does anybody speak French what if I thought is it gonna pop pop from say just remark on dogs I told them I speak French and I'm hearing excuse me I'm dr. Joshua Chamberlain super Donna I'm formerly with the United States Geological Survey I'm here to see dr. mark secret the deputy director of CERN dr. mark secrete please it's urgent now we aren't going anywhere until we speak to deputy director please polished but in boss dr. create board is important these promise for button they're not playing professor I'm not going anywhere until I see the deputy director mark secrete please easy Frenchie easy any topic tymberlee doctors decree is that you hey sorry there's me right for not learning a second language doctors agree how did you I was in communications with your with dr. Cushing when I saw you on the security screens I saw that you did intervene just in the nick of time do you need medical attention no are you all right never been better Bouchet Hoss what do you want them to do with your truck pocket superplay only Pamela's forwarded your settings for increasing the power of our particle collisions frankly it's genius no theoretical models are predicting a two thousand two billion fold increase the differentiation of both colliders but so far in tests we've been unsuccessful have you been assuming a linear collision model you'll have to use the fokker-planck equation of course we're talking about Planck energy level correlations that could actually reveals super strongly at the sub quark level of course they definitely teach you that CSU dr. Chamberlain I was Cavalier and dismissive when you presented your concerns I can't apologize to those who lost their lives as a result that I can tell you thank you doctor where they explode into each other I [Music] wasn't sure if I was ever gonna see you again what happened are you okay you still believe in miracles once in a blue moon that makes me the genius we lost somebody here but uh did you find one really special guy hey Ron days ahead of Josh hey why don't you go over in bedtime okay we secured to a hardwired 116 megawatt power source so despite that I've got them difficulty on deciding RHIC in working order but it's the nonlinear collision operator you need to be assuming it's you and then we'll kill the ion cannons to neutralize the singularities it seems almost impossible doesn't it it's all because you damned an entire lifetime if we hurry we might all get even longer than that to come the magnetosphere at the equator is measuring one micro Tesla and that reading is falling the Solar Dynamics Observatory speed has been unreliable since the last C at me but the information they have been sending us has been alarming another surreal event it could decimate our atmosphere maybe now we should initiate the protocol dr. Cushing are you ready ready dr. Chamberlain launch the initial proton emissions now all the distance between them is gonna collapse on one single point it's gonna be like a crash picture to match box cars colliding into one only instead of Matchbox cars we're using super accelerated protons and instead of just two we're using millions and millions colliding over and over again but it's just gonna keep happening you've follow me I always thought Matchbox cars were cool well pam-pam are you seeing this with just we just witnessing gluons we're registering graviton displacement statistically significant gravity you're already in a singularity okay we got one two what are the graviton readings they're increasing this is astonishing the two phenomena are almost feeding each other like magnets it's an interplanetary gravitational field look at the screen magnetic field it's rien gauging it's coming back oK we've got a secret eyes and shut down and neutralize the singularity understood can we terminate the ion cannons in parallel desert I believe we can the gravitational pull is starting to strain our systems the electromagnetic drain containing our phenomena has increased over 30 percent in the last 15 seconds 50 percent in climbing okay in 3 2 1 kill the power cut the power I can't we've overloaded the panel get everybody out of here Tom take Ron candidates fuse Don but we've already shut down [Music] [Music] it's to me [Music] where is it the plan will be destroyed maybe two black holes will just consume themselves if the black hole is within need to be bounced but it's just a theoretical possibly I have to know for sure I know I know what to do hold that singularity [Music] what's the depth No 800 miles but the singularities are increasing in mass not decreasing okay the mammal there is roughly 1,800 miles thick that's about how much time we have to stop it so if she can't turn it off broke Amiens offline 2 minutes [Music] 1,600 miles 1,650 miles what are you doing back 1,700 miles [Music] miss Pam it's gone it's gone she did it dr. Chamberlain yeah your wife saved us you say what about what about Pam what about what about Brookhaven there is no signal it's completely dead ladies and gentlemen thanks to your ingenuity and bravery the magnetosphere is once again protecting our planet 33 microteslas and holding our communications our atmosphere our very existence as a species have all been restored so Pamela Khushi dr. Joshua Chamberlain [Applause] as well heroes may God protect them pam-pam are you alright thank God I couldn't live without you Pam Pam are you crying mr. Joshua his fam cheese he was supposed to live together but now you're on she's amazing isn't she she told you that you know I thought you now we're gonna live together too so wait what's happening whoa easy easy go you're still alive Oh mr. Joshua can you stand me now absolutely not and if you ever walked out on me I would never forgive you ever you understand me could I come back home back to you I think my options over it's a deal dr. Cushing you got it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
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Id: w68oN6lzqzc
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Length: 88min 52sec (5332 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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