2012-11-07 Seerah pt.39 - The famous battle of Badr pt.5 - Yasir Qadhi

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smellorama raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala sayidina muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi mine i'm about i apologize about my voice today but i'm suffering from a little bit of a flu and my voice has still not recovered so i'm gonna have to speak in a low voice for most of today which as you know for me is very difficult to do when i speak so we'll have to be a more calmer lecture inshallah I mean I mean so we were still talking about the actual incidents during the Battle of Badr and the next incident that we're going to come to is it have seed of something in the Quran that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in surah al anfal what is en la mouche upon Allah whom were called ll only by the communion in nashua in nature o alaikum that one Shaitaan made their deeds beautiful to them where is en la voce fala whom well Carla lalibela come William Amina nos and Shaitaan said to them nobody can beat you today you are too powerful one in a jar o alaikum and i am your protector phalam matara al-jilani when the two groups saw one another nikasha allah fpb he turned around and he fled while carla anybody o mink and he said i have nothing to do with you in the era mallet around I can see what you cannot see in the a half allah rabbul aalameen I am scared of Allah the Lord of the world this is inserted and fat and it is in the context of the Battle of better what is this a reference to we already mentioned for the first half of the story and that is that when the Quraysh were leaving Makkah they almost turned back because they became scared of a surprise attack from another internal dispute we mentioned this before and Shaitaan came to them in the form of Soraka ibn Malik from the bani kunana and he said to them and they were worried about an attack from one of the sub tribes of the bonny kunana and he said to them i as the chieftain as the nobleman from from the banu kunana argue am guaranteeing you you're not gonna get attacked from the Banu Quintana in nija alikum you have my protection so much so this is Soraka in the guys or Shaitaan in the guise of Soraka so so he said I will even accompany you as a as a live hostage if you like I'll go with you and I'll accompany you so you can be sure that if I'm in the battle you can if any bad thing happens you can kill me I am your literally hostage that if anything happens you hear of the burn you can an attacking then you you have no worry because I am a live hostage with you when Nigel alaikum so Soraka in the guide of it this is not Soraka this is Shaitaan is accompanying them all the way until they camp at better Salim metal until Jahan then when the two groups met one another or they saw the Torah means they saw one another what happened it is nari to that when Soraka saw the angels come down and he saw gibreel coming down on his horse when Shaitaan obviously in the guise of Soraka saw this he turned on his back and began running away now of course the flesh cannot see anything to them it looks just like the army so al-hadith even Hisham said where are you running away o Soraka where are you running away and he tried to stop him like what's going on here but Shaitaan in the guise of Soraka pushed him so severely that it had it basically flew upwards and fell on his back clearly this is an entity that's not a human flew upwards and fell on his back and then he said to al-hadith that as allah says in the quran that i can see what you cannot see in the animal eternal I'm seeing what you cannot see there is the angels on the other side how do you expect me to fight against that and I am scared of Allah the Lord of the Worlds and our professor cinema said and hadith narrated in malta imam adequacy is not the him a call that the Prophet SAW said I'm said Shaitaan was never more humiliated and more despised an event which is like you know the Leal Shaitaan was never more humiliated then he was on the day of butter so basically since Allah created him Shaitaan was never more humiliated than he was on the day of better because of what he saw of the blessings of Allah and the mercy of Allah and he saw gibreel inciting the Angels go forth so Shaitaan felt lowest ever in his life on the day of better and Allah mentions and references this in the Quran and in this manifestation in this clear example even though we don't need it we see here the trickery of Shaitaan how he promised them and then at the last minute how he turned his back and literally ran away literally right and this is a beautiful example that Allah showed with the with eyes basically people saw this that Shaitaan promises everything right he told them I'll be your hostage take me with you he told them don't worry I'll be your protector and then when he saw the angels come down right before the battle he turned on his back and he fled away it is as if Allah is telling us how can you believe him how can you believe this liar how can you believe this fraudster this trickster how can you believe this person or this entity who does not even feel ashamed to lie till the very last second and he shows his true colors his cowardice look at how scared he is now and he actually admits I am scared of Allah in the 1/2 ilaha ilallah mean and also look at the significance as well of Shaitaan literally this is a beliefs himself and we know from our text that I beliefs does not get involved except in very evil mattress it beliefs is that the head person he sends his henchman he sends the other jinns to do his his beckoning it beliefs as the process and said he has a throne somewhere you know over the waters he has a throne and he sends the shouting to do his bidding for at least to physically come to Makkah and to physically be in the army of the Quraysh it shows his desperation and also look at the symbolism here and it's not just symbolism it's real on the one side you have that very same entity who refused to do such that to Adam that very same creature you have him and you have abuja and you have lucifer and worried and shave arabiya and you have omega been cut off and literally a hundred meters away on the other side you have gibreel come down from the heavens and you have the Prophet Muhammad SAW solemn and you have Abu Bakr and Umar and not earth man because with man was in mecca's will come to Medina and I you have all of the Sahaba well lucky if this is not as Allah says in the Quran the day of decisive for corn yeomen for corn Allah caused better yomel for corn for on means shifting or changing or clearing the truth from the falsehood right yomel for on the day of decision Farrakhan is to separate Farakka for corn separation what was separated truth from falsehood correctness from evil is this is human for corn and there's no question look at the people on both sides gibreel verses he believes himself the Prophet Mohammad Ahsan vs. Abu jahil different owner of this Ummah right and then all of the Sahaba there is no doubt that this type of symbolic battle and a real battle is both symbolic and real it has never taken place since Allah has created man kite up until the day of judgement and that is why yo Melba that is indeed one of the greatest victories in fact it is the greatest victory perhaps conquest of Mecca is at a similar level but there's no doubt that the Battle of Badr is the greatest victory that was given to the Prophet system in terms of the actual military expeditions and when the Sahaba began attacking it when I mentioned this last week that the processor had given them in rows in the first row who was in the first row can remind me the very front who was in the front we said there were three groups who was in the front no no no in terms of in terms of characteristics of the people with Spears and then the middle swordsmen and then in the back the archers right we have said this that the process had divided this and I had mentioned that this was the first time in military warfare of Arabia that the Arabs had fought in ranks and rows was the first time this was not of their tactics and it is amazing that the processor who was never schooled in an army school in a military academy he is doing what military academies have taught for hundreds and thousands of years that army should be in rows and this is what every military training school teaches that there are rows to this day the military has his people in rows they're marching in ranks and Allah says in the law Habibullah Dini ' Sevilla he Fenne kanem-bornu more Seuss right as if they are solidified rows and ranks this is something that the processor was taught directly by allah azza wajal and military commanders later on have their own books for this now we had mentioned that the Sahaba launched the offensive the details are not mentioned sadly as I have said many many times all that we have the specific incidents what we do know is that eventually we mentioned at least 10 stories in the last last Wednesday eventually the four-eyes turned on their backs and they fled the haurache turned on their backs and they fled and they returned back to Mecca now some modern military commentators looking at the map of better and inshallah maybe next wednesday or the one after that will do the map and the the powerpoint some modern modern military analysts when they look at the map of better they noticed that there was one clear passage way back to Mecca that the profitsystem could have blocked if he wanted to but he didn't do so so it is as if the prophets asanam allowed one escape passage back for them now this is a theory because we don't know what is in the mind of the profitsystem this is a theory now why would he do this modern military analysts they say this is because when a group knows that they're fighting to death they will fight much more severe and when there is a pressure valve outlet what's going to happen they revolve there the result will go down very fast right you see the pointer that's when there's no outlet what's gonna happen there will be desperation and when there is an outlet then you know health you know what I can always run away so if you look at the millet that the layout and I'll show you the diagram next week inshallah business our next Wednesday if you look at the layout remember this that there's gonna be one very clear area that the Quraysh could have used to retreat and the profitsystem because he was on the field before the garage he could have blocked them but he didn't do so and that is exactly where they retreated from and this is a very realistic theory and allah azza wajal knows the truth is very plausible the net result at the end of the bat was that seventy of the flesh had been killed and around 73 74 taken prisoners so around fifteen percent of the army of the Quraysh was either killed or taken prisoner of war out of more than a thousand fifteen percent and from the Muslim side there were no prisoners of war there were around fifteen from the Muslim side killed in the battle and this is less than 5% of the Muslims were killed so 15 percent of the Quraysh and their army was three times larger or killed or taken prisoner of war and less than five percent of the Muslims around 15 of the Muslims less than five percent they were a Shaheed or they were martyred in the Battle of Badr and when the army fled the army of the Quraysh fled the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regrouped the Sahaba and he said we are going to remain here for three days so he announced for them were going to remain here for three days why did he remain for three days for many reasons firstly to make sure that all of the Muslims their bodies were gathered and they were given a proper janazah they were given proper burial genna's are here I mean burial not the salat regina's as you know the the Shaheed is not prayed for and by the way this is the first time that the Sharia of Shaheed came down what do you do for a Shaheed you don't wash his body you don't pray salat or janazah this was when it came down that this is what you do for the Shaheed that you don't do any of this for the Shaheed also they were not taken back to Medina they were even though Medina is not that far away I mean if you drive to better than our times in a car it takes around an hour and 10 minutes and it's not that far by car hour ten hour 20 minutes max it'll take you so Medina is not that far it's literally half a day's journey away a day at max if they were to be slow and yet the the bodies were buried right there to this day if you go and visit by that I have visited whether you go and visit but did you find the graves of the Sahaba are still over there and this shows us that the Shaheed is buried where he dies that is the sunnah of the Shaheed wherever he dies you dig a grave for him as close as possible to that place if it's reasonable distance or whatnot that's fine but he is buried where he dies we know he is very his clothes he is not given another Shroud and his wounds are not even washed because the Prophet Sasaram said that on the day of judgment the Shaheed will be resurrected his blood will still be the color of blood but its scent will be the scent of musk loan who loaned them but the scent will be really Helmick that the sun scent will be the scent of musk he also stayed there for three days to partially recover to recuperate to make sure that the Quraysh did not launch a counter-offensive and most importantly to clarify beyond the shadow of a doubt who is the winner and who is the loser who is the victor and who is the coward this is very clear you're camping at the battlefield for three days and the Quraysh don't even have the audacity the Gauls to return back and fight clearly the profitsystem was the victor of this expedition of this battle of badr so the Sahaba were buried in individual graves and there's only 15 Sahaba so they were basically given individual ears in the battle of hood when the number was much more to Sahaba shared a grave as we'll get to when we get to that right that it was too much of a burden for them to dig 75 plus graves for the back for the four that we're talking about right so two people shared a grave because it was too difficult but for brother because there were so few they were given individual burials as for the Quaritch the bodies of the choristers over 70 plus who died of the Quraysh they were covered up in a well they were not given the same burial as the Muslims but they were buried by throwing the bodies into a one of the abandoned wells right and this shows us that in our Sharia we show even a minimal respect to the to the bodies of those whom the Muslim army has killed that we don't just let them rot in the Sun that we do something to cover them up right we don't have to give them the same funeral procedure or the same respect or the same and this is by the way everywhere in the world a knee you're wounded and you're dead are treated a million times better than theirs this is everywhere in the world this is the the law of the land so even in our Sharia the the the Quraysh who died they were given a different type of burial they were there their bodies were simply thrown into one of the empty well so that they are covered up and then sand is thrown onto that to cover up the bodies there was only one body who could not be buried and that was we mentioned this last Wednesday oh my even fell off' right we mentioned this last Wednesday Oh may have been huh laughs that when they found his body and he was a fat man he was a big man is when they found him Rogers I mean they say I need typically you can imagine the rich and you know he's coward that he was so whatever they tried to pick him up the flesh just literally melted it do they didn't it didn't allow them to pick up the body and literally the flesh just did not decompose right then and there and so they had no other option other than to take the pebbles that he was found in he was found in some pebbles right to just take some of those pebbles and then cover his body with a mound of pebbles and as we said there is just no question that Allah is demonstrating committed you know to Dan as you do unto others it will be done unto you as you used to punish the lad with pebbles and rocks and stones in that desert heat his ending will be in a sand of pebbles in a mound of pebbles his ending will be that his body shall forever and ever and ever be rotting in this mound of pebbles as used to punish Balad so too will his fate to be so that everybody knows in witnesses and there's no question this is a mortgages or an ayat that allah azza wajal wanted us to contemplate about so all of these bodies were thrown into the the well and on the third day as the profitsystem was departing away from the the well he passed by he diverted the caravan so that it would actually pass by the well the well was not directly on the way back to Medina but as the caravan packed up the bags everything is ready to go he diverted the caravan and the Sahaba obedient as they were they never asked any questions about why would you do this they simply followed along right it's diverting to the right who let it be hit every day the whole caravan is following him then he stopped at the well where all of those bodies had been buried all of those bodies had been buried and he began calling them out by name one by one Oh bible Rabia Oh what he did in October Oh so-and-so Oh Abu jahil by name and he mentioned every one of the Louis at every one of the sun'll did every one of the the leaders of the also and so he'll was yet to marijuana abu qamha ha have you found what your Lord has promised you to be true as for me I have found the promise of Allah to be true have you found the promise of a lot to be true then he moves on to the next man and then the next man and so he mentioned all of the leaders of the Quraysh one by one and then he gave this rhetorical question did you find the promise of Allah true I have found the promise of Allah true and our omar said to him that yah rasul allah how can you speak two bodies that have no soul how can you to heart they will just that allah had that you're talking two bodies that don't have any cognition they cannot hear you and so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said well lady enough CVAG he I swear by the one in whose hands is my soul you are not able to hear me now any better than they can your hearing is no better than their hearing right now ie just like you can hear me they can hear me right but they cannot respond to me but they cannot respond to me one of the this hadith is as I Muslim one of the narrator's patada kitada is the student of him in a basket odda is one of the famous stavarin patada said a heya whom Allahu ta ala allah brought them back to life in order that they could hear the Prophet SAW some speak and in order that they could be insulted upon their injuries and humiliated and they could be a source of regret and guilt for them so Kidada explained that allah azza wajal brought them back to life now we're gonna pause here and go into another issue and it is an apathy issue a theological issue but it is issue that is very relevant and people always ask about it and this is one of the main stories that is used in a discussion of this theological issue and that is the issue of can the dead in the grave here or not can the dead in the grave here or not this is a an issue that as I said always people ask about if you go visit your relative your grandmother your uncle if you visit a person the grave does the person know you are outside the grave you are listening or you can hear sorry not your listening but that that person is listening to you can he know that a visitor is at his grave this is a very big theological question that even the Sahaba differed over even the Sahaba differed over and this incident of vedat is one of the most important evidence is used by both sides is an authentic evidence everybody knows it is there the interpretation is the issue now even the Sahaba so it is said for example that even OMA even Omar would say that the person in the grave can hear the one that visits him and can and he even said that the the person in the grave will be punished by hearing his relatives cry for him by hearing his relatives write what is called Nia hide and may yet near hadith may it means wailing over the dead wailing over the dead for example to say how am I gonna live who's gonna support me you know how are we gonna live after this this is wailing over the dead and there is a hadith which is not exactly directly relevant to this but the prophecy Sodom said in one version of the hadith that the one in the grave will be punished when his relatives do this and I should denied this and said no the one in the grave will not even hear them how can he be punished rather the actual hadith is a so that's not exactly relevant to the point the point here is that it been Roma affirmed that the dead can hear the wailing even OMA affirmed the dead can hear the wedding issue said no the dead cannot hear the the person outside did you not read in the quran surah fatiha verse 22 huama entebbe must smear in month so I used something in the Quran huama and today mousse me in man Phil COBOL you will not be able to make the one in the grave here you so I denied this interpretation forget the issue of near Highland militant and Antebellum aood that's not relevant now the issue is even a more affirmed hearing as I said no this is incorrect the dead cannot hear Allah says in the Quran woman until he must marry men Phillip abort and there are other Quranic evidences as well surah - room verse 52 Allah says no carranza in Nacala to smear almota well a toast Moroso murder either wallow motivating you cannot make the motor here for in nicoletto Smurl mota nor can you make the Deaf person here when you call out to them especially when they turn their backs and they walk away so in this ayah it is as if Allah is saying almota is like assume he is comparing the the dead person to a deaf person also in surah anaam at verse 18 Allah says warmest I went ahead and wat innallaha used me remain Yasha huama entebbe Musa smear Inman Philibert that Allah says in the Quran the living and the dead are not the same Allah can make anything he wants here but you cannot make the dead here LaMontagne awesome and mindful over so that all of these ayat are used to talk about the the fact that the dead cannot hear and one can say it seems very explicit from the Quran from the quran there does not appear to be any evidence to suggest that the dead can hear clear the or on seems to say very clearly that the dead cannot hear clear right now let's look at the a hadith a number of a hadith seem to suggest that the dead can hear hence the controversy this is why the controversy arises so of the a hadith is the hadith sahih bukhari that is a very long hadith that the professor mentions what happens to the gray or what happens to the soul when it dies and the very long heavy one phrase in it is of relevance to us that the Prophet SAW said I'm said that the person in the grave he hears the footsteps of those who have come to bury him as they returned the one in the grave when he is buried this says at the burial so the process was talking about what happens to the rooh and it goes up and it goes down the righteous goes up the evil goes down and then Moon canonical all of this so in this there's a phrase that the the one in the grave will hear the people who have come to bury him as they walk back they he will hear or she will hear the the soul will hear the footsteps on the ground as they go back to the house is basically right this hadith is in Behati pretty clear pretty explicit that they will hear the footsteps going back another evidence that is used is the famous hadith in Bukhari and Muslim that the profitsystem visited Buckley agenda to appear as we call it the parallel cut and he said assalamu alaikum call me minal muslimeen i will move meaning so he saying assalamu alaikom why would he say salam aliekum unless the people can hear right assalamu alaikum to the people of the grave a Salam alaikum so this is another evidence another evidence that is used is the muta wat that had it well known and every single book of hadith that the Prophet SAW sirum said that whoever sends Salam upon me Allah will send an angel to tell me that they have given Salam right whoever sent said I'm upon me an angel will come and tell me that so-and-so is sending Salam there's also a hadith that says another side it is very explicit whoever passes by the grave of anybody whom he knew and says Salam the one in the grave shall recognize who said Salam and he shall return his Salam to him this hadith is very explicit however it is clearly a weak hadith it is not mentioned in the six books it's mentioned in some of the more obscure books even headband and I Banaszak in and study them if some of the more obscure books and it is very clearly a weak hadith it's not in the famous ketubah sit talkative at this huh had this hadith an authentic than end of story it's very clear but it's not authentic of the evidences that is used is the hadith of a medieval house it's not a hadith it's his own statement her own was so yeah that he's telling his children that when he's telling him what to do after he dies and one phrase in there says so when you bury me stay at my grave for the length of time it takes to slaughter an animal and distribute the meat now this phrase slaughter an animal this German debate is found in other a hadith as well it must have been a unit of time for them right I mean they have something they don't have twenty minutes on a watch so this is like a phrase that they would use for the amount of time it takes to slaughter an animal and give the meat out I would say an expert slaughter can do it all in half an hour is that is that reasonable right an expert slaughter can you know take a goat in half an hour just do it and cut it up right in half an hour twenty five minutes maybe even less I don't know so the point being I mean we have a rough idea that stay at my grave for this amount of time half an hour however might be why what is I'm gonna be you know I'm gonna pronounce who is he the father Abdullah the famous Sahabi the very last Sahabi who who can remind me come on I sent two went over the story of conversion I don't know said you guys are taking notes it should be like somebody redeemed you the last from maka the last who made Hydra right the last two made Hitler is a ham ribbon our house you guys forgot of those three the last three who made Hitler a large a blessed hammer to be of the last three who made Hitler right so I'm gonna browse when he's about to die he says wait at my grave for this amount of time why a step needs to become your presence will calm me down he's telling his children and his loved ones stay at my grave your presence will calm me down until once I am calm and recollected I will be able to answer to moon cut and nakir when they come this is a very explicit hadith where he's basically saying I'm gonna be terrified I'm gonna be lonely and scared stay with me as friends and comforters for a while let me calm down a status means to basically yani get comfort from you right once I am comforted then I'll know how will I respond to the messengers from my lord he didn't say moon Kadena kid he said the messengers of my lord meaning moon Charon icky clear right so this is a very explicit hadith that I'm gonna browse thinks that the people at the grave will give him comfort right this is another evidence that is there now so this is the position by the way of many of the scholars so much so it is said that this is the majority of the ummah they said that the dead can hear those who visit now obviously the dead can hear those who visit not anybody in the world I mean nobody said this right the dead according to this group if you go visit the grave and you say Salaam then the person in the grave will be aware that so-and-so is sending Singham okay now who said this position this is Jim who really frankly this is a majority position we have I mean I have like 10 names or some of them even has them and no we is really been CATIA even tamiya been opium as well held this position the both of them held this position as well I lavish completely in our times this is a majority position and even Cathy I mean a lot of scholars they held this position and it is the majority position now of course their main evidence is the incident of budget this is their main evident that's why I went into this tangent here that the profitsystem explicitly said What did he say they can hear me just as well as you can you can right so this is like the most explicit evidence and that's why I wanted to go into this because the the incident about that is always used to be the most important and the most explicit evidence okay what is the other opinion in response to this other people starting from a share of the Olajuwon huh right so they have Sahaba and they have Sahaba both groups have Sahaba and both groups have tab your own and broke both groups have great Imams and by the way this shows us that in some issues even in apathy that there is difference of opinion in Sunni Islam and some issues there are minority of issues handful of issues even in theology Sunnis differed and this is one of those issues that the Sunnis themselves differed in this is not an issue where one one actly that says this hat type in Tamiya don't know nothing like this right even some scholars of the f30 or the ashati tradition on one side and the other scholars as well on the other side so this is not something that is a theological dispute it is something within the Sunni madam so what did the other camp say on the other side we have a issue omerta blow hot pop we have qatada we just mentioned what it kitada say what are they say in this very narration that he's trying to explain how can the dead here so he said Allah brought them back to life not that the dead can hear but he said Allah brought them back to life so that they could hear right because he could not pause it an opinion that says the dead can hear so what does he say Allah brought them back to life this is patatas interpretation there's not the processor there's not the Sahaba this is patada we have as well the famous al baiy happy even after year I banal Josey even Kodama a so Haley all the aware that humbly a show Connie in our times Sheikh Adel body has written an entire book light on this that the dead cannot hear and he has a lot of evidences in there now how do you reinterpret all of these are hadith we just met more than half a dozen hadith what do you do so and and and how do you respond to this so firstly they say that the verses of the Quran are very explicit or I forgot to mention how did the other camp interpret those verses sorry I forgot to mention this right how did the first camp interpret although those verses that says the dead cannot hear I forgot to mention that right the dead cannot hear the Quran says at least in three four verses the Quran says that it cannot hear right how did the majority interpret those verses they have a number of interpretations the first interpretation is the meaning of here is not to hear just hearing but rather a hearing that will benefit a hearing that you will follow up to not just a physical hearing and they have an evidence for this that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in certain animal verse 81 so that animal verse 81 that you will only cause those two here in the u s-- marinelle in na colitis or is it my mind is getting blanket now number 80 81 may you may be ayat inna llaha mostly moon in night in a smell no no not there is no motor here number 81 you will only cause those to hear who believed in our science we have for her father sitting in the audience they're all blanked out including myself Anika I'm telling you the verse number 81 I want to know because I myself in blush stop it right now he's looking at number 81 we have 7 iPads for iPhones three real most house and we're still waiting them an 81 mini bi attina for home muslim hoon right into smear a lemon you menu bi attina the only people that you can make to here are those who will believe in our science what is the hearing here those who follow Islam not the hearing just to physically here so they have a verse in the Quran where they say look the hearing is a reference to hearing and following not just hearing with the ears is that clear you understand this point right the second interpretation is the dead in the Quran is not a physical death but rather the spiritual death in the collateral mota almota is not the one who's dead and mota is the one who's the cafe and they have evidence for this as well because allah says in the quran surah al-anam surah al-anam where allah subhana WA Ta'ala says that a woman can maintain for a hyena give the example of the one who was dead and we gave him life and the meaning here of death and life is comfort and Islam so Allah calls the kafir may yet so another interpretation is in the collateral mota you cannot make the kaffir here you this is another interpretation right not has nothing to do with the mota there right now the problem comes that with that interpretation is that allah very explicitly says - Amanda Musa mean man Phil booth in one ayah he says Mota but another I he says man Phil who bore and man Phil COBOL clearly means those who in the grave that's very explicit right so in any case that's how they interpreted the ayat of the Quran okay camp number to a show Connie and others like him even padam tatah what did they say they said that while it is true that mota can refer to the calf it in these verses it refers to the dead because of the verse that says men fill over as I just said right that these verses they refer to the one in the grave as for your point of saying the Quran talks about hearing of benefit this can be refuted through surah Fateha verse 14 they bring another evidence from the Quran so the father verse 14 where Allah says in the Quran in true homeless ma a kimono Semiramis Najibullah come why o muhammad e yak fur una basilica come voila univee oka me through Kabir Allah is talking about all of the false entities that you call out all of the false gods and lattices a man at Jesus Christ gibreel the Angels the kalyanam daughters of God right and they call them out what is Allah say when you call them now yes MA Akuma they can't even hear you while else emiru even if they could hear master job willecombe they couldn't have the power to respond so the reference is very clearly they can't even hear when you call out only Allah is a Sameer when you say oh Jesus he cannot hear you when you say Oh a lot and a lot was a human being we did this in a theater class a lot was a human being right the five got the five false gods of no more human beings right that will call you later on Auditing what I would then what I saw and what I was away alcohol so these five four human beings right and the Arabs would worship them up until the time of the process so Allah is saying they were human beings but they were humans they're dead and so Allah is saying they cannot hear you when you call them out there in the grave right the idols were humans in the beginning and the same goes for Jesus Christ the same goes for Jesus Christ same goes for anything that is worship it's an unconditional I that when you make dua to them into their home lie as Malcolm they cannot even hear you while I was a mere who even if they could hear you master Jabba Lacombe they couldn't even respond well yahoo mail kaya mati yak fur una basilica come and on the day of judgment they will do cover of your ship yak fur una Bashir Kickham you did shirk they will say we have nothing to do with this that you have done they will do coffer of your and this shows us the reference is to entities like Jesus Christ because only Jesus and the righteous will your food on a bishop Kickham right so that's a very explicit verse from the other camp now another evidence that they have how do you explain all of these a hadith as for the incident of better they say this is the strongest evidence against you and not for you they changed them incident 180 degrees how so they say our Omar questioned how could these people here when they're dead the Prophet SAW some did not correct him and say yeah Omar the dead can hear what are you talking about rather he made an exceptional case Oh Omar in homeland right now this group can hear me just as well as you can hear an exception in time and in place and in people and he didn't say Omar why are you asking such a question don't you know the dead can hear you see the difference between the two responses right he made a very clear exception that they are hearing me right now just as well as you can right and this clearly shows that Omar understood the Quran correctly in the Calathes Mira Mota and now he's questioning how can you speak and the processing is not correcting that misunderstanding because it is not a misunderstanding it's a correct understanding and the process is simply saying this is a miracle basically special time and place how about the other evidences the issue of the footsteps the dead can hear the one in the burial going back once again the profitsystem is making an exceptional time and place that this is not any person who visits him this is at the time of burial and we know an authentic hadith that the Ruhr will come back to the grave right now for munkar and nakir right the rule will come and be reunited with the body in the animal Barza to respond to moon Charon Nikhil so the process is basically telling us at that point in time the footsteps of those who walk back those footsteps on the top of the ground they will be heard by the one in the grave not conversations not hello hi how are you doing rather just the reverberations from the top of the grave for that period of time when the soul is reunited with the body once again there is a clear exceptional clause that makes logical sense as as for the issue of the prophecies I'm going to Berkeley and saying assalamu alikum alikum in a most immutable meaning yes he did say salaam-o-alaikum but this is the salam of dua and not the salam of Tahir ie this is a dua he's making for the dead and not a greeting of salam-o-alaikum because assalamu alaykum literally means may allah's peace be upon you so he is saying assalamu alaykum and he means it he's making to offer them where did you get that the dead can hear from this there's no evidence at all that he's saying may allah's peace be on you O people of the grave and there is no evidence here that the dead can hear and that's actually very valid that from this hadith you don't get anything about the dead hearing as for the yeah but there's no there's no there's no evidence of hearing is my point as for the hadith of the dead person recognizing the one who says said I'm to him we said this is weak and pretty much every scholar of hadith who studies Hadi says it is weak as for how we live in a house and his will see it to his children we say this is his interpretation the process him did not tell him to do it and some of the Sahaba Asia and Mo are authentically reported to have denied the dead can hear so this is seems to be from the sahabas time as for the hadith of the Prophet system that the angels come and give him sonam's once again this has a very explicit evidence against and not for because if the profitsystem could hear directly he wouldn't need the Angels to go tell him the very fact that an angel has to convey the salaam indicates what he cannot hear and the law is telling an angel to go convey the salaam and by the way this is a common misunderstanding it doesn't matter whether you're in front of the grave or whether you are in America the angel will go in to give him the setup visiting the grave of the processor of course is an emotional experiences and in mind builder of course but in terms of how your sanam will get to him it's all going to be from the Angels right how your Salah we'll get them so you being in front of the grave versus you being in America the angel will go and tell him therefore if even the Prophet system requires an angel what does this show about the salaam that can be heard it cannot be heard therefore and my humble opinion one of the few things I would disagree with even taemi about and my humble opinion it does seem to be that the dead cannot hear and Allah knows best we cook we shouldn't be too strict about this issue because some of the Sahaba had the other opinion and it is true to say that many scholars held a position that the dead can hear the one who visits them many scholars held this position right so the main point that we need to emphasize before moving on this is a theoretical issue now I am Benny are the hamon as they say no action is derived from this it's a theoretical issue by unanimous consensus you don't go to the grave and start having a conversation or start asking the dead for your needs which is right or yeah any such gajala you see sometimes in the Muslim world well somebody is buried somebody's gonna stand there and say Oh so-and-so moon cut and Nick you are gonna come make sure you say that Allah is your Lord now you pause for a melodramatic effect now say that the process of as your prophet then you pause again now say that you know this is jihad avila is complete stupidity who are you to answer on his behalf I mean do you really think he needs you to be telling him and they call this tell teen tell penal may yet right and many cultures and societies you you will have this tell penal may yet right and well I I mean you just I mean you just wonder how foolish people are you really think that at this point in time he can cheat on his exam because that's what's happening yeah right you're gonna cheat on your exam that somebody's shouting the answer for you and just because you're shouting you're gonna give the answer any you really wonder at the mentality of these people so what I'm trying to say is even if you say that the dead can hear in the grave there's no action that will come from that there's no action that will come from this just a theoretical issue and the evidences are frankly strong on both sides nonetheless from this incident of bed that would get back to the incident about that what did the process of them say that I swear by the one in whose hands is my soul or Omar they can hear me right now just as well as you can honestly what do you learn from this or what do you glean from this except that this is an exception well I this is what comes to my mind you know this is an exception for these people that Allah Himself was amazed and the process in him did not correct his amazement rather he simply said they can hear me at this time just as well as you can in any case that's an issue of that wanted to go into that tangent now we get back to the issue of the incident of budget now another thing that took place in these three days before the process unreturned so he's still camped at the Battle of whether the next incident that occurred was the issue of the spoils of war what is to be done with all of this is called as anima because they've never actually been in a battle before where they captured anima they've never actually caught as anima before and we know for a fact from the Quran and Sunnah that the previous Oma's were not allowed to keep aneema the previous omens they had to give it up the Bani Israel and the people before them Allah has not made war ranima halal for any Ouma except for our ummah that before this as we know and by the way this is mentioned in the Old Testament as well that when they captured the the the items from war and whatnot they would make a big pile they would make a big pile this isn't the Old Testament and the Quran the hadith affirms this and Allah Azza WA JAL would send a lightening was send a thunderbolt and burned this up in front of them to show that it has been accepted that in front of them all of this money and wealth would be destroyed in front of them as a sign that Allah has accepted it from them so when the Muslims finished a battle about that they had a lot of Hanina they had a lot of spoils of war and they began to wonder what exactly to do with it and some discussion broke up amongst the Sahaba some discussion broke up and that is because the Sahaba in the course of the battle had split up into a number of groups and each group was claiming some privilege over the other group so one group said that we were the ones who collected the booty from the battlefield we have the share of it we should get it we were the ones who went and collected it and so we should get it another group said we were the ones who are pursuing the Quraysh as they ran away to make sure they wouldn't come back and had we not been pursuing you couldn't have collected so we protected you the third a third group said we were surrounding the prophecy Salaam as precaution that they wouldn't attack and the only reason we stayed next to him was to protect him so how could you deprive us rather we deserve it as well and so and this was not a fight it was not a debate but rather this was a discussion breaking out who is going to get to the the the war booty and it is said that one of the Sahaba sadly maybe what cost he came with a beautiful sword that he had captured from from the person that he had killed and he said o Messenger of Allah give this sword to me it wasn't his it was the one that he killed give the sword to me for by Allah I used it in the battle so he got rid of his sword he used that I used it the battle so give it to me and so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala revealed this Aluna candid and fatty Odin and founder lillahi what rasool this is the first I've sweated and fat and so sweet that and file is revealed literally on the battlefield literally and insha'Allah I'm still serious insha'Allah maybe not next week but the week and after that or the next Wednesday we will go over inshallah maybe even the whole surah and fan I'm still serious about this right it's a bit of a tangent but we really want to connect the Quran with this year I really want to make sure that we have an assert that and file is not too small surah but it's not a long story eight nine pages and it's basically the every single ayah is directly linked to better I mean literally every single ayah is linked to better so I think it's a very good summary that we go over quickly all of us and find I'm serious about that Isha Allah Allah so this is the first verse of Anfal yes a luna cannon and fan side in every war costs yeah our Allah I want this give it to me wooden and found will Allah he what was soon tell them the general rule this is not your property this is the property of allah azza wajal and his messenger and we can do with it or allah can do with it as he pleases and so allah azza wajal is reminding them that they should not allow greed to become their primary incentive that don't break up your brotherhood that allah is pleasure is more important than this money then the quran goes on and then explains that yes indeed the war booty can be distributed and the the details or the filth of distribution is beyond the scope of this but any every book of has chapters of about this issue but in a nutshell in a nutshell Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says that one-fifth wild animal on him to measure in farinelli la he who Massa who was a rasul one-fifth of it is put aside this one-fifth is itself divided into five this one-fifth is itself divided into five shares right number share number one wine mo animal an imp Tom the Machine fan that Eli Hamas order Rasul lillahi water rasool is considered one so that is one fifth of one fifth that is 0.04 no one fifth at 1/5 is not intent Attica that's why that's why you're a doctor not an accountant okay it is it is four percent right four percent so four percent goes to the profits of the solution and this was unique for him in his life after his death then obviously this is not there so four percent goes to him number two what is ill horrible this is for a little bait of the profits of Salem and this is Hamas alchemist again one-fifth of 150 so another four percent right and this is insignificant we respect the idol bait and we even give them almost alchemist by the way the Shia are they could they for most this is where they get it from the Hamas the diplomas they say they have a different than us and they're homos is different than their zakah for as Hamas is only in ranima Hamas and Hamas is only in the sanema and it is for a lil bait and the idle bait who they are is again a question of Sunni and Shia difference as well for us a debate is broader than those whom the Shia say is a debate that's another difference but we respect the a debate and we give them this homeless and Hamas to this day if this occurred and those who were in the area that we are in we will give them home Mosul home so that is the second of the 5 coma superhorse what's the third one well yatama orphans 4 percent goes to the orphans what's the next one masakeen poor people for person goes to poor people of the community Robin is Sabine travelers and wayfarer zone who don't have any money so 4 percent goes to them these four four four four four percent this gives you a total of 20 percent correct the rest of the 80 percent is given back to the army and in the Battle of budget every single person was given an equal share this was earliest now every single person was given an equal share later on in the Battle of hyah onwards the profit system changed this and he gave the one with an animal three times the amount that the one who didn't have an animal the infantry was not the same as the cavalry right the one who had a horse or a camel got three times the amount of the one who didn't have a horse in a camel this was later unchanged in the in - and onwards but right now for button everybody was given an equal amount and there were nine people who were given an amount even though they were not on the battlefield every one of them had a legitimate excuse the most important for us the one that will discuss is earth man even have fun right herethe man gotta share the same amount as all of the other bodily UHN and he's considered a buddy even though he didn't participate in brother why because Rokia his wife and the daughter of the prophets of the law party who seldom had fallen severely sick in fact they didn't know this but she was going to die and so if man wanted to go but the profitsystem told him to take care of rakia so he remained behind and will come to the story later on she passed away the day that the processing returned back from better that she was buried on the same day that he returned back later on she was buried earlier on in the day so earth man stayed behind and he was given a share of the of the booty as well another issue that took place in those three days so we're still talking about again those three days two major incidents happened the first is the issue well the issue of the the talking to the people i said that already the other issue is about the the booty the third issue which is of significance is about the prisoners of war the POWs this is another big issue the POWs the prisoners of war what exactly is to be done with these prison of war what exactly is to be done with the 73 or 74 of the USADA that were captured embedded once again this is the first time they've taken prisoners they've never done this before and they don't know what is to be done and inside Buhari we learned that the Prophet SAW said I'm surveyed all of these prisoners in front of him 70 plus all of them were in front of him and he said locomotory even at the Heian from McHale M&E feeha Allah in Aetna left lock to Hoonah whom if motoring even Adi were alive right now motive and Adi had just died a few months before better motive and ideas a recent death freshness if motrin IB Nadi had been alive right now and he spoke to me to free all of these nuts na means this filthy filthy dirty because they just tried to kill us I mean you know that he spoke to me about all of these people I would have freed them all for him now they're about to collect a fortune from the 73 people literally in our times it will be estimated in the millions of dollars millions of dollars and he says if motor him just uttered one word I would return all of these people to him for free now this is in my opinion a very significant phrase that has profound implications for us especially here in the Western world question arises why why would he say this what has this phrase got to do and why would you utter a word when what time' has died mo time is not a muslim mo time was not a Muslim why would he utter this this phrase so motive of an idea if you remember we mentioned his name many times in the serie and motor has done multiple tasks throughout the Macan era to help Islam and the Muslims Woodrum was one of those who said the people when they were boycotted Motorin was one of those who stood up and wanted to break the boycott and perhaps most importantly perhaps the number one thing that motor em did was that when Abu Lahab his own uncle said you are no longer Qureshi you can no longer stay in Makkah right when Abu Lahab himself said you can't be here and the profitsystem returned from thought if and he camped outside Mecca for three days and Balad is negotiating because he can't return to Mecca Abu Lahab has revoked his citizenship basically right what Evers revoked his visa you cannot come in I am NOT giving you permission to come in and so he sends Bilal - so hey Lieb enamel he sends Bilal - Waleed he sends Bilal - four or five people every one of them gives an excuse sorry you know what now this and that I'm not that powerful motor and when he hears this what does he do he sends his own sons he arms his own sons and he sends his own sons outside to escort the Prophet system back into Mecca right and he commands the process and to do tow off escorted with his own sons and then he stands up in public and he says I have protected Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa seldom anybody who harms him has harmed me even Abu Lahab had to bow his head down and say we will protect those whom you have protected his own uncle refused Motum stood up and so what is the process as I'm doing with this phrase right now he is repaying the favor in kind he is giving a Kaffir mushnick pagan what is due to him and this shows us over and over again and hamdulillah by now people at hamdullah in america have lost this mentality but wallahi ten years ago we had it and many people still have it across the globe they have it that they think any even now will lie even now they think you're not allowed to vote you know to do this in order to do that the mentality is just so backwards you want to frame scream with frustration anyhow people you know that you cannot cooperate with the co father and the COO father this and the goofer i mean they're living in some other you know you'd hope here or some other you know mentality i think in this incident what do we learn that the profitsystem respected the highest honor that he is saying one word from muhtaram and all of these will be handed back to him this is like the Medal of Honor this is like the 21 gun salute this is like the the the purple started the heart this is like how else are you giving the honor do the guy is dead he's not even gonna hear this hadith right but there's a legacy there's an honor he helped us out we have to repay that help and we learn here that there are those who are not Muslims but they have good hearts yes this is true to say they don't have good hearts into hate okay they're but they have good hearts in in sorry in mercy in humanity in tribalism in standing for truth this is what it is that muhtaram did not approve of Islam as a religion but he did not approve of the Volm of the Quraysh against the Muslims and so the prophets Arsenal took advantage of this and he appreciated it and he repaid him back in kind in our times there are those non-muslims who don't agree with this lamb theologically okay but days wanna stand for truth they want to stand for freedom they don't want these Islamophobes they don't want the hatred they don't want so it is our job to honor them to respect them to reach out to attempt to work together for a better society as the professor Sonam did this is exactly mean it's so crystal clear that it is amazing that people again they they have a selective reading of the Serie there is no question that there are those who want to stand for truth and justice even if they don't have the same belief as you and to honor them to respect them to cooperate with them to be with them our process of them did it even in death Motum is dead and he's still giving this praise to mock time it been hardly so he says this about the about the the prisoners of war that loke animal terminar the Heian if Moulton were alive and he spoke to me about these people then I would have given it were given all of them back to him now the issue came what is to be done with the prisoners of war and this was a very traumatic issue because on the one hand these very people have just tried to kill them literally it's been not only a few hours in the morning they've tried to kill him now they're prisoners of war in the afternoon what is to be done so the Prophet SAW sonim asked the Sahaba what do you think and in particular he asked his to was ears was he right was zero you rasoolullah asanam ali IBN ABI talib called abu bakr and umar Wazir i you rasool allah why they said this that these two were there was ears of the prophecy awesome so he asked his to was ears I would walk at a number what is to be done and so Abu Bakr said yah Rasul Allah they are our relatives they are our blood there are our kith and kin so show mercy to them for the sake of brotherhood for the sake of you know our own tribes show mercy to them after all they're the same family as the Quraysh tribe and Ramona built a hot tub you know him and who he is he said as for me I Rasul Allah I think that you should give appeal from the Banu Hashim tally and he'll cut his head off and give me somebody from the bottle of hot tub and I will do the job here so we don't leave any of them they tried to kill us we should do the same to them why should we send them back so they're gonna come and attack us another day and so the prophecy Salem said that verily Allah subhana WA Ta'ala makes some hearts so soft they are softer than milk and others he makes them so hard they are harder than stones as for you O Bakr you have a resemblance of Ibrahim and ISA when Ibrahim said to his people to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala when Ibrahim said to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that Formentera an offender who many women are sorry for in the curse of food or Rahim if they follow me they are of me and if they disobey me then although you are forgiving and merciful a nice tidy his Salam he says in the Quran into a dream home for innumerable Duke when in Telford Homefinder content as usual Hakim if you punish them then they are your servants but if you forgive then you are Aziz and Hakim so what could you are like Ibrahim and you are like Lisa and no more you are like no and you are like Musa right no what does he say probability' a liminal caffeine at a yarrow don't leave a single house of kafirs on earth not one and musa says that o allah o allah convey him that make their hearts hard and fella you mean who had tiara would either let him make sure they never have a man until they see the very punishment come down on them right so or mo you are like Musa in this regard and the profitsystem agree to the suggestion of Abu Bakr he agreed to the suggestion of Abu Bakr and the next day our marble table is narrating the hadith the next day he found so this is the second of those three days right he found the profitsystem crying under a tree with Abu Bakr the Prophet says Abu Bakr crying under a tree and so Omar said what is causing you to cry o Messenger of Allah for by Allah if I understand then I will cry with you and if I don't understand I'll force myself to cry just to be with you and just to be a part of this group whatever it is I'll cry so the profitsystem recited to him those verses of surah al-anfal the process recited to him those verses of Surat Anfal in which Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in the Quran that it is not permitted or it is not not permitted as a harsh way it is not good or it is not desirable for a messenger for a prophet to have prisoners of war until he establishes power had the youth enough in order right now you're still weak you shouldn't have had prisoners and then released them or ransom them off until you have established yourself in the land at iu13 FLL to redo now about duniya Allah mentioned one of the reasons that some of the Sahaba wanted to ransom not Abu Bakr some of the Sahaba that you wanted the money you wanted the ransom that was your main motivation well law UD do laughter but Allah wants something bigger than this better than this and that is the action and then Allah says that word not for the fact that Allah had already decreed this for you or allah azzawajal already allowed this to happen and i that would have come and taken you a punishment would have come and seized you and so this is what caused the process them to cry and to feel so sad about this now of course later on later on the Sharia I came down to give the Khalifa the choices of what to do right and so this this ruling is now no longer of course valid of course the halifa if there is ever a - this happens there are a number of options that are allowed to be done in this time for the Battle of button allah azza wajal said it wasn't the best decision but now that you have done it then let it go and this leads us to a very deep theological and Osuna field issue which we don't really have the time to discuss in a lot of detail but one of our brethren was insisting that we talk about this in some detail so just a few minutes on this and not too much because it is not the place for this topic and that is the issue of does the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sell them have independent HT hat that is he able to exercise his own opinion or does everything he say emanate directly from allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala this is an issue that the scholars of all solid filaments especially have been discussing from the earliest of times and there are obviously as usual more than two opinions but there's two primary opinions the first of them and this is the minority by the way is that everything the process adam says is directly why and they mentioned in the quran were my until Hawaiian Hawaiian yoha that everything he says is wha-hey that comes to this is minority opinion the vast majority of Sunni scholars now of course the Martha's it I have other positions the mass majority of Sunni scholars they said that it is very clear and explicit that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam Allah gave him the right to do HT hat and he did HT hat and Allah Azza WA JAL would sometimes correct this HT hat and sometimes let it pass and in both cases his HT HOD was binding for the Sahaba to follow so the key point which has to be very clearly mentioned whatever the profitsystem commanded the Sahaba had to follow regardless of whether you say it came from Allah it came from him unanimous consensus all the scholars agree whatever he commands you to do you must follow it however it is in my humble opinion very clear and this is the majority opinion that Allah gave our prophet SAS on the right to do HT hat and sometimes he was correct and so Allah let it pass and sometimes Allah subhana WA Ta'ala changed it or even the prophets of our salaam himself changed it and there are many examples of this now as for the version of Quran woman until Allah Allah in Halawa who knew her even by the context is very clear this is a reference to the Quran ulema who said you don't go I do militant festival why not like a local I don't get him fado hem my food is very clear that the context is about the Quran directly it is very clear that the Prophet system was a human being we all agree to this that for 40 years before the Y he spoke as a human that even after the Y began he still remained a human being he said in an authentic hadith in Nima and a Bashar ants a comet and song I am a human being I forget as you forget in one hadith he said that I get angry sometimes I get angry sometimes and I will go on and mention some examples of this but so he mentions certain things that he is showing his own humanity so la llamada he would sell them so it is very clear that at times he can make an HT had regarding an issue and this issue later on is correct or he himself corrects it of them we are the example is given of the incident embedded where he made HT hat and this is not a purely secular matter this is a semi religious semi-circular matter it's a little bit of a both issue what is to be done and he made HT hat and allah subhana wa ta'ala told him this wasn't the best HT had to do also the issue of the example of cross-pollination the hadith is in Behati where he passed by farmers doing a type of cross-pollination said why are you doing this so they said well it works better so he said why don't you try not doing it they didn't do it and obviously it wasn't pollinated so then he himself said that if I give you something of whom Allah Dean then I am Rasul Allah if I give you something of Emunah dunya comb phantom and then will be awarded dunya come you know your worldly affairs better than I do and this clearly shows he is speaking from his own HT at he is speaking from his own HT hat even if it is in something secular he is speaking from his own HT hat however even in matters of Sharia as sometimes it appears that he was making his own HT hat and Allah gave him the right to do that so for example the issue of prohibiting going to the graves he himself said later on I used to forbid you from visiting graves but now go ahead and visit them and there does not seem to be any way from Allah to change this rather it seems that he himself felt that this is now okay to go visit graves another example which is even more explicit he said I I was about to forbid you alline an inhaler means being intimate with your wife when she is feeding the child basically for that year or so after delivery to be intimate with your spouse during this time of after delivery when the child is being breastfed so he said I was about to forbid you to do this but then I saw the Romans and Persians do this and it doesn't affect their child so therefore go ahead and do it now this clearly shows that this is his HT hat and had he forbidden this well that would be in trouble number one but number two had he forbidden this we would have been obliged to follow correct we would have been obliged to follow so it's something that quite clearly our Prophet SAW centum had HT had and he was exercising it but he looked around he said you know what no it's alright you can do it also he said for the issue of the hypocrites of the book he forgave them and Allah revealed in surah at-taubah a lot of you surah Tauba allah i'm Colima I didn't tell him I fell on Colima I didn't tell him why did you give them permission Allah has forgiven you though but you shouldn't have done that so in Tabuk as well he made an HT had and Allah said why did you do that but it's all right Allah has forgiven you for doing this and he himself changed his mind for a number of rulings which are again as I said very clear that he had HT had and he and he changed it for example Haditha fault above interface she was a young lady that many people were interested in marrying her her husband died - chahee so the prodigy didn't have a house to live so the process him said go - Oh Misha Reich's house wait until you're in the finishes then I'll see who you should marry then he sent her a message that you know what Oh Misha like a lot of men visit her because she was an elderly lady and she would have maybe a every few days she would have a feast or something we don't know the whole stories but a lot of my Sahaba visitor of the young unsought don't go don't be in her house because maybe they'll see you when they shouldn't see you go to your cousin in Minami Maktoum he's your cousin he's blind you can live in one of his rooms so go there Clooney's change his mind first go there first go there nothing wrong with this he's a human being also we have for example the issue of hedge when he went for hedge the only hedge he did the process and what type of Hajj to do who can remind me what type of Hazard you done I shall put you on the spot what type of house did you do it on very good he did come on What did he say in hedge occur on Lois stock belt to me nobody must steady birth to a fine you now what I knew what I knew when I began the hedge I wouldn't have done Karen and I would have done basically tomato basically he didn't use the words but if I knew now what I knew back then I wouldn't have done this I would have done that and this is clearly religion and it's clearly he's talking about his own change of heart change of HT hat it's not shed yeah but it's clearly his own HT hat and I've given you other examples of shed yeah again we don't want to go into this whole discussion I've told you this is the vast majority opinion and the evidences are on and on and on also the the issue of matters even of al Qaeda a little bit where for example in the incident of hood in the incident when the people hit him and the blood started coming down he said how can Allah ever forgive you how can I let ever forgive you and what Allah revealed in the Quran the Quran yeah your father yeah father what did Allah revealed in the Quran they say like a min al Emery shape this is a very strict verse very strong for us you have no right to say this they sell a commoner Amory shame nothing whether Allah forgives or punishes this is not yours to say they say lakum in an emery shape oh yeah I do too but I find the home volume when they have done volume but you don't have the right to forgive or to punish this is Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala is right to do so also the is he made it about mahalia which i don't want to get into now is gonna be bit two-year-long but ya need clearly even when he was told did you say this about Moria he made an explanation for that not I didn't mean it at face value don't take it in that manner a very explicit shuddery ruling muta wattage Buhari and muslim that when he conquered Mecca he said every single tree in Mecca is Haram nobody should pluck a leaf from Makkah it's all harem right then in there what did his uncle say inland in the area of so Allah allow me to pluck the in here because we use it for spice for this or that so what did the processor say okay it let it what is this show well lie you is very clear it is to me this is an honor that Allah gave to the process and you have the right to do the shittier rather than flipping around somebody said this is disrespectful is the exact opposite for our Prophet SAW said I'm salmon Ouattara he's human but he's rasul allah so he is allowed to right then and there say inland if it okay it's good so to this day every book of fix says you cannot pluck any leaf in makkah except for it to this day why because a bus begged him for an exception he gave his uncle the exception and the whole Ummah has an exception in that okay fine inland isn't it and again on and on I mean we can go on and on and on we judge the time is up here my point being the brother wanted to go into a little bit of a discussion in this so there are literally no exaggeration 50 or more examples of the HD hadith of the Prophet solar seldom some of them secular some of them somewhat secular religious some of them purely religious some of them even theological clearly shows us he is Bashar he is human being but Allah made obedience to him obligatory so whatever he says we must obey some man wata whatever he says about the Sharia about the mattress of this of our religion we are obliged to obey and if he makes an accept if he makes this if he does that this is completely permitted for him to do and it is our obligation to hear and to obey sha allah in our next wednesday we'll continue talking about the issue of the the prisoners of what we haven't quite finished so let's leave the questions and answers about the prisoners to the next class but if there are question is answer about the issues before that inshallah yes miss moola how he will the knowledge of father how will he have the knowledge of which incidents but he has he's not dead - he's alive well that's very clear that ace I cannot hear those who call him that's very clear that ace I cannot hear those who call him I don't understand the question are you saying that a second here no I cannot hear of all of what the people who call out to him coming back a lot told him yes to come back what does he need to know about the life in between whatever he needs to know Allah will tell him Allah will ask him did you tell people to worship me this is no Quran that he is Rasul Allah will tell him what he needs to know and I mean when he's going to come back histories will still be here people will still be here they will tell him what to whatever he needs to know I mean I don't see this as being animal alape that I mean I don't see this as being a problematic what he needs to know either Allah will tell him or the people will tell him the manatee will tell him the Muslims around him will tell him that this and this is happening I don't see this as being an issue of hearing of the debt plus ASA is not technically dead right now right questions before we conclude yes No is there any other incidents no the only time that's why the incident about it is the most explicit evidence the incident of Bothnia is not explicit because it's just Salaam the incident about that that's why I went into the tangent that that is the main incident that is used that he literally spoke to the dead and the point is the Sahaba did not understand this or more said publicly how could you do that even not none of the other Sahaba said Omer don't you know the dead can hear so it's as if all of the Sahaba tacitly wanted this question Ramana was the brave one to ask you that how could you be speaking to the dead there is no other instance in the entire serie that the processing speaks to a dead person sister's any questions brothers yes quite so there's two issues number one reciting Quran for the dead no meters hadn't caught on at the grave as for reciting Quran for the dead as I have said many many many times the vast majority of scholars have allowed this they have allowed it to recite Quran for the dead to gift that's how a better way to gift it to the dead even it meant a me I mean okay I'm they all allowed this had to share in bars they all allowed this and it is a minority opinion that has said it is not allowed as for going to the grave and reciting Quran there is nothing that has been narrated from the prophet sallallaahu saram in this regard and we have authentic hadith prohibiting so Allah in the grave so honestly the least that can be said it should be avoided the least that can be associated with it however in some books and I haven't looked at the assignment it is mentioned that it been Omar gave the wassailia that the last verse of the caller should be recited when he's buried our team baccarat and based on this some of the mother hip have said that you recite the Quran at the air so they extrapolated even from this incident of epidemic so no doubt any whoever does it there is some basis for it from a Bemis even remar and whoever avoids it I think they're being closer to the Sun now obviously yes this is the hole it's connected right the theological position there yes and we also believe that that show that and sometimes the air decisions you have is there a difference in the way today view that is to have versus what's already come along so inshallah make this point clear and the next ones they listen as well but I said this very explicitly in today's lecture all Sunni scholars believe that the fact that the ish T had was allowed to stand means Allah approved it so it is direct approval the only time that what I will come down is to correct it which means if it's not corrected it is correct right so this is very explicit that every HT had of the processing is binding the Quran is very clear in the Quran one into Telugu to do only by obeying him shall you be guided right well Muhammad Rasul Allah you are a bit vanilla every prophet we have sent we have sent so that he be obeyed by the permission and command of Allah know by your Lord they will not believe until they take you as the final judge and all of their affairs and they submit to everything you say and they don't find anything in their hearts problematic to submitting to you right so any person who says I don't follow the Prophet SAW Salam by unanimous consensus is not Muslim he's literally a cafe so your question of are there people who are trying to distinguish yes they are these are the progressives these are not traditional certainly Muslims or shiri Muslims or any Muslims of the traditional mindset these are those who say you know what let's have a secular Islam let's have Islam that you know tells me how to pray five times a day but not how to do business transactions they are the ones extrapolating this point and it is because of this that somebody might feel we should cut the door at its roots but that's not the proper way to fight you know deviation with another deviation we believe that the processor was in which to hit that Allah allowed him to do HT hat and that his HT hat is binding that's very clear now these groups are basically saying because he made HT had why should we follow it that's what they're trying to say right and in response to them we say we follow it because there are over 60 verses in the Quran the command us to follow the prophecy Salem that's why is that clear in that case not to even what LP from a tree probably justified light when you see all those expensive well that I mean realizes your Daanish and all of all of your please this is a sealer class don't derive laws from anything I say the issue of plucking is deeper than this by unanimous consensus you may pluck trees that are planted by humans for example how are you gonna harvest food right also by unanimous consensus the ruddy and emerald or the ruler or whatnot has the right to designate property for expansion for houses whatnot the point here is that vegetation and free animals wild animals should not be touched for no reason okay so we might have other issues with the expansions taking place but plucking trees is not one of them okay the plucking of the trees doesn't apply here because the it would not apply when you're plucking it for a greater good for example the Prophet SAW said I'm ordered that the trees of Medina be dug up because he wanted to expand the message it right the when he who came to Medina you are allowed to pluck those trees to expand the mystery or to build houses or whatnot how do you think people in Mecca and Medina are going to build houses they have to so when there's a a overwhelming reason to do so then you will do it but otherwise there's a sanctity even on the wildlife of Mecca and Medina that you don't touch even the wildlife for no reason okay hunting hunting you're not allowed to hunt in Makkah and Madinah you're not allowed to hunt so you see gazelles and deers once upon time there were gazelles and deers outside Mecca and Medina right now of course no numbered once upon time there was ebro's in Arabia there was zebras there are still rabbits and hares in the desert outside Makkah you're not allowed to go and hunt over there so the the wildlife is sacred if you're outside of Makkah you're just you know walking it and you see a tree there you can't just pluck it out for no reason in the column area as long as in the autumn air but if you're building a house that's a separate issue okay you
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 89,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quran, koran, prophet, muhammad, yasir, qadhi, islam, muslim, Prophet Muhammad, Shaykh Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, Abu Ammar, Islam, Muslim, Memphis Islamic Center, MIC, Quran, Koran, Sirah, biography of muhammad, Prophet Mohammed Mohammad, life of Muhammad, Mekka Macca, Medina Madina, Misconceptions islam, battle of badr, uhud
Id: ApfFlBXXgEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 37sec (5377 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2012
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