2012-12-05 Seerah pt.42 - Events between battle of Badr and Uhud pt1 - Yasir Qadhi

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nitramene SMIL ar-rahman rahim and hamdulillahi rabbil alameen oh so that was said i mother said 'no Muhammad and why the adi he was slightly as mine and my bad so alhamdulillah we have spent six or seven lessons on the Battle of Badr and we've discussed the battle about authority so now we're going to move on to what happens between butter and offered and the first incident that that occurs or that is mentioned is a very interesting one in this an aftermath of the Battle of whether it's something that's linked to the Battle of butter and this is one of the most interesting assassination attempts upon the life of the prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam now what happened was as if in Hashem gives the whole story in detail that after the Battle of Badr soft one even Omega pause you pop quiz who's so funny bit away here what's happened to him his father and brother he was the one who when the messenger came back with the first person to came out from whether someone said this guy's gone crazy how can anybody be killed go ask him words tough one and then he says sup one sitting right there and by Allah I saw his father and his brother as they were dragged to his death this is so funny bit Omega right the son of Omaha Benihana this is so funny been away the sign of Omega even heard of the owner of belong so so far live in Omaha was sitting with his cousin romaine evening Wahab al Germany and they were both reminiscing about the losses of the Battle of butter and Rome a doob Nawab his son had just been taken prisoner of war and his son was still in Medina as a POWs and he didn't have or he couldn't or he didn't want to we don't know pay the ransom so his son is in Medina the father is in Makkah and his cousin is Safwan the son of the famous Omaha even other and Safwan began ridiculing and criticizing and saying evil things about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them and the problems that this new religion had caused when you may have said and he was of those who was of the most severe in hatred towards Islam when who may said by that wallah he were it not for the fact that I also and so some money and that I have a found to take care of I would personally volunteer to go to Modena and execute the process a time myself I'm willing to undertake this assassination attempt for they have destroyed my family and my son is right now a prisoner with them and remain there for is volunteering but he's saying I have a family and I have a debt to take care of so Safwan took this golden opportunity his father was omeiette a rich man Safwan said what if I take care of your debt and I promise to take care of your family to the extent that everything that I give my family your family will get the same every gift I give my kids your kids will get anything that's there you they will also get it will you then agree and so romea said in that case if you promise me this then don't tell a single soul and keep this conversation between between the two of us and Romain immediately went back he didn't tell his wife he didn't tell his servant he didn't tell anybody he sharpened his sword and he poisoned it such that if the tip had just entered into anybody's body it would have been enough poison today he saturated it with poison and the Arabs haven't of course every civilization has techniques to put poison on their on their weapons and he poisoned it and he then left Mecca without telling a single soul where he's going complete secrecy and he made his way alone to Medina so he traveled for over two weeks almost two weeks he traveled because the average travel time is around eleven twelve days and he's travelling by himself so we'll be a little bit even more difficult and he works his way all the way to Medina and when he comes to the city he disguises himself you know not disguised but when you were in the desert it was common for the veterans or for the travelers to cover their hair not their hair at their face excuse me right because you don't want the sand to go in so you will you must have seen pictures of how the people in the desert they cover their face up from their turban so he's coming from the desert and he covers his face up in the manner of every traveler this is what travelers do and his sword is hanging his neck as the travelers do because the travelers they they have their sword hanging from their neck and he makes his way straight to the messages and uma Deblois Bob recognizes him from the eyes he recognizes him over a hot tub recognizes him and he said haven't can't this dog he called him a dog how that I do will love this enemy of allah by allah he has come for some evil intent he sees him from afar he knows something is wrong so he says by allah this this person has come for some evil intent and remember immediately went to the prophet shall I send them before or America could find him and informed him that Allah so Allah who made is here in the city he's looking for you her maid abdel wahab is here in the city so the process him said bring him to me bring him to me doesn't have to find me bring him to me so romanovna hot dog immediately took his own sword and went out to meet roommate because he doesn't know what her maid is up to and he told the unsolder bring the the personality of her may bring them into the Masjid and the prophetess and I'm said allow him to come in but watch every move of his because this hadith this filthy person cannot be trusted or may was known from the days of Judea for his evil nature and even the fact that he's volunteering to assassinate by the way and by the way his son is hostage right now can you imagine he knows if he does what he does what's gonna happen to his son it's understood right he's willing to give this up as well so he's basically willing to kill himself because there is no way out for sure Islam and even his own son as punishment of course that's going to happen in order to kill the prophet sallallaahu I think he was seldom so who made followed in with him and sorry Roma and oh man they both came in together and Omar had his hand right on the sword Roma waiting if ma does anything I'm gonna basically defend the prophets of Allah when Romain entered he's greeted the profitsystem with their greeting and that was in am sabaha in am sabaha which basically in english is good morning or have a pleasant day may this the way that they would greet each other in jelly in am Sabah ha so the prophecies and I'm said but AB Donnell cut up that AB Dan and Allah who to add a higher on Manhattan allah azza wajal has given us a Tahir a greeting Hiram in hatha - hey yeah - a little Jannah it is the greeting of the people of Jannah it is the Salam social paola even here the process is giving him that wa right that we have a more beautiful greeting what does in am so behind mean assalamu alayka I've given a whole hood but about the etiquettes of salami what is the meaning of Salam and why we say Salam so the process and said Allah has given us a better greeting than this and that is the greeting of Jannah and that is the greeting of Salam so our mayor said that by Allah ya Muhammad this is something new to me meaning I've never heard of this this is your business I have my own ways of greeting so the process of said Maha abaca yo made why have you come automate why have you come so a mayor said in order to negotiate the ransom of my son he has an excuse ready I've come to talk about the release of my son and that you send him back with me and be good with him until we negotiate be good with him so the Prophet says I'm said if that is the case what is the sword around your neck if you've come to negotiate your son's ransom why do you have a sword around your neck that's not how a negotiator is gonna come armed and so I may have said that what is the point of this sword this sword here is as if he never start like this sword here what good did it do us at better meaning what are you so worried about we were armed to the hilt at better and we didn't we didn't win so what are you worried about what good did the sword to us at better so the process of him said tell me the truth why did you come over mate so he said I have told you the reason for my son now the process Adam says so GD must have come to know this is not the reason that you came rather you went soft one were sitting alone in the hedger right outside of the the capita hedger you and saffron was sitting in the hijab and you mention your losses I'd better and said that we're in not for your debt and your family you would personally go and kill Muhammad sallallahu aleyhi wa send them so Safwan offered to take care of your debts and your family so that you may come and kill me but Allah Azza WA JAL has come between you and your plants so he told him exactly why he was here and romain realized that there was no way that the professor would have discovered this except if allah told him because he's he did not tell anybody not even his wife knows where he's going he has himself traveled had any traveler been faster than ever he's gonna catch up you know who's gonna be the the main road which is the the main highway if you like he's been taking it he knows exactly who's travelling there is no way that the Prophet system would have known that who made is coming for this deed unless Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala told him so he immediately blurted out that ash-hadu anla caliph of sulu law now subpanel i said this many times before that so many times we learn from the serie that some of Islam's worst enemies were sincere in their animosity right some of Islam's most vile despicable enemies deep down inside they really didn't know islam to be true by the way some of them did abu jahil is the classic example right some of them did know islam to be true but there were many who did not know islam to be true and they opposed islam genuinely believing it to be a false religion now i remind myself in all of you that if this is the case with people who interacted directly with rasulullah sallallahu any who said them that sometimes you took a miracle as blatant as this one like a slap on the face can't you still figure it out right then he realizes instantaneously and this reminds me as well of the conversion of the magician's of round right that there are the worst of people the magicians the Sahara when they see this miracle it's simply too stupendous your eyes cannot you know explain them except by saying that this is from Allah subhanAllah now my point here is what therefore should we make of our modern enemies of the leaders of the Islamic obeah of this land of those who are smearing and and and giving our religion such an evil reputation I have no doubt that some of them deep down inside genuinely believe this crap or this filth excuse me for saying this but they genuinely believe what they're saying is true right that they as well have been brainwashed as they are brainwashing others you see my point here right and therefore this causes us to pause as well in how we deal with them back that sometimes now of course we have to use our wisdom sometimes harshness is good and sometimes gentleness is also good and I've said many times general rule is that gentleness wins over harshness right and so here we have remained literally flippin in ten seconds five seconds that won the the the sword is right here he's literally waiting to come within stabbing distance all he's waiting for right he's standing in front what is there he knows his life is over now if he really does this he just wants to take the sword and prick that's all he needs to do and he's trying to get the conversation flowing can you imagine the amount of hatred and the amount of animosity and then within five seconds what happens ash hadu anna nicola rasulullah then I testify you must be rasoolallah and yeah we used to look at the Connecticut Ibaka we used to consider you to be a liar we used to reject you and when you told us that what he would come from the skies but this issue that you just told me no one knew of it except me and soft one and there is no way you could have been found out or informed of it except from allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and so i thank allah who has caused me to see the truth and guided me to Islam Subhan Allah literally instant conversion and now he is thankful that Allah has guided him to Islam rather than being killed rather than losing his family his son al hamdulillah Allah has saved me spiritually and physically so the prophecies and I'm said teach your brother about the religion and helped him to memorize the Quran and go free his captive for him for free it's his gift subhanAllah look you know how one second he's doing this the next second he gets every blessing imaginable his son is given to him back for free go free his captor from now that he's embraced Islam go free his captor for him we also see over here by the way the importance of the Quran that literally the first advice he's given go teach him Islam go ask him to memorize the Quran he needs to memorize certain I had certain ayats Fatiha the the the the short surahs and similarly when a person converts to our faith we should be any as strict as possible without turning him away we should tell him yes you need to start praying and memorize the Quran even if he has to read it from an English in the Salah we just had a convert last week and I told them look write the fat behind English right al H al hamdulillah and have it on a card and when you're praying pull it out and just read it like this for him it is allowed in this beginning stage he's a new convert can't even read anything so the point is look the first commandment given go teach him the religion and help him memorize some Quran and then go free his prisoner for him and this was the way of the Prophet system that anytime somebody converted anytime somebody converted he would assign a teacher to him and this is a Sunnah that sadly we have completely neglected and will I had such a simple Sunnah such a simple Sunnah that when somebody new comes to the message of the new convert the first thing we need to do and I mention this when I talked about the more alcohol as well if you remember that we talked about the the pairing of the people that this is a sudden that that we need to really revive that we should have a list of brothers a list of sisters every time a new convert comes we pull this list out ok next on the list you adopt this person and then you go teach him Islam hey and you're the foster family right you will invite him to your gatherings so there's got to be a sense of community and it's such a small thing to do and it's so easy to do it and it shall out and I hope that we will be able to pursue this in a more professional manner here at am I seeing then a cello hopefully and other masajid as well so he remained there for some time learning Islam and then he decided he wanted to return so he said that Yaris ooh-la-la notice used to call them o Muhammad now we change the other sword Allah right ya Rasul Allah I used to strive my best to extinguish extinguish the flame of Allah torturing those who embraced Islam so now I ask your permission to go back to Mecca and call them to Islam just like I used to prevent them from Islam let me make up for some of the harm that I've done right and I used to irritate you and the Companions let me go back and defend you so now he's feeling guilty he wants to go back to Mecca to make up what he has done of course he is one of the big names of the Quraysh so his life is definitely protected he is a pure poor Oishi he's a pure blooded Marashi he's one of the the senior guys and so there's no danger to his personal life so the processor have told him to go back now nobody in Mecca knows was going on soft one after two weeks began to suffer on is of course his cousin began to spread in Mecca that just wait some good news is gonna come to you just wait I can't tell you there's a big surprise right just trust me on this one that don't worry whether things happen but I have a big surprise right so he's building the hype up and then he finds out that our mayor has accepted Islam soon as he finds out and he confirms it from a male he makes a vow a vow to Allah another to Allah that he will never ever look at him speak to him be under the same roof as him after they were blood cousins they've grown up together they have friendship together now he makes a promise to Allah that he's never gonna have anything to do with his cousin that's roommate and roommate did in fact return to Mecca he began preaching Islam and ibanez half mentions that a number of people converted to Islam at his hands and this again shows us here is the process done for 13 years right but there's always a personal or family factor that now when Ramaiya converts maybe another cousin of his maybe another nephew there's always something that comes closer to home not that he's preaching to new people is the same people but again this is the way Islam takes a while it's not something easy and this is one of the most naive assumptions that many but many of us have I just talked five minutes and they're all gonna convert it doesn't work that way a person has been raised in a certain philosophy a certain way of life sometimes it takes decades for them to really think things through right and here we have the example of this now by the way just as a footnote to this story so here we have these two cousins and eventually our maid makes Hydra to Medina perhaps even before or head we're not sure exactly when perhaps even before offered now her may then comes back to Mecca in the conquest in the army of the conquest in the 8th year of the Hitler right Romeo comes back as a Muslim his cousin soft one is obviously still a pagan in Mecca and Safwan assumed that the prophecy would not forgive him so he fled by the way the hiss of one was not of the six whom the process and put on the list but Safwan assumed he would be because he's the son of Omaha because he has his own baggage and history so Safwan fled romaine enters and amazed searching where's my cousin where's my cousin he finally finds out they haven't spoken since since they plotted to assassinate right because he made the promise he's not gonna speak when they conquer Makkah he's wanting to find his long-lost cousin and friend where is it may he find where so far he finally finds out so far has fled why because he's scared of the processor so no mayor goes and says Oh Messenger of Allah please can I ask you to offer a special protection for Safwan special protection promise me that you will not harm him then I'll go hunt him down so the processor and he whenever he was asked he would never refuse as you know he would never refuse so and by the way he wasn't even on the list anyway on the initial list of the six so he said you have my protection given you it's called in arabic is called a man a man is protection you have my a man so who made went and found where is soft one hiding and cajoled with him convinced him a little bit of back and forth until finally Safwan decided to accept islam they came back and Safwan said the Shahada in front of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom look at the amazing color of allah that these two cousins are plotting and planning to assassinate the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them the one converts early on and this is a big blessing as we have mentioned many times and the other one makes a promise never to speak but the first one who may still has love for him he still has the French the the bond right and he wants to help him out despite all that's happened and so he's the one who gets the ax man goes finds his cousin and convinces him and then subhanAllah the both of them at the both of them they embrace Islam directly at the hands of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them there so this is an interesting aftermath of Bedard there is yet another story that is linked to better but not directly related to it and this is a very sensitive story and it is a story of the bundle panocha the bundle kind of car now before I begin this we need to pause for a little bit of a background and a disclaimer with regards to the serie those who wish to criticize Islam they try to criticize it based on a number of grounds firstly the morality of the Prophet sallallaahu either you send them so they mentioned certain things about marriages for example they mentioned things about Caravan raiding and we explained caravan rating as for marriages we'll talk about one by one but these are things that deal with personal morality right and one of the most sensitive things in that regard is let's say the story of Zana blessed is one of those things that is you will talk about that Allah who are them when and how that's definitely a very difficult story to talk about The Satanic Verses another one that we talked about that in a lot of detail now there's another angle or another tangent of criticism and that is the political dealings of the professor's not the personal conduct politics and when it comes to politics the number one controversial matter is with regards to how he treated the yahoodi tribes this is the most sensitive and the most politically charged issue and there are others as well which will come to one by one the assassinations of cabinet off and others and these are things that are very sensitive a political nature especially in light of the modern times that we are living in and therefore this is a topic that requires thorough attention it requires sensitive if you like understanding of why this is problematic and of course one of the main reasons is problematic is because the processor of a stuff for Allah he's accused of anti-semitism he's de cused of a mini Holocaust as a very common phrase that is used right again in the aftermath of the the Holocaust which were all opposed to and none of us defends that that that happened but what happens is every single instance of harming or killing a group of Jews sometimes even if it's politically motivated it is automatically linked to the Holocaust right so there's always this linkage that is difficult too difficult for many - to really explain out of and we need to defend the prophecies on fairly and squarely what that means is we're not allowed to sugarcoat we're not allowed to invent a stuff full of false ways to defend him we need to let the sources speak for themselves right and by now you know me that I'm not an apologetic by apologetic what is apologetic means means somebody who's trying to apologize on behalf of the faith ie defend the faith no matter what right that he doesn't care how he does it I am somebody who firmly believes the truth is always the best honesty is the best policy and if our religion says something or does something it's not my job to defend it Allah Azza WA JAL has has decreed it it's not my job you see my point here that I firmly believe like Abdul Mutallab said about the Kaaba that is not my job to defend it that's a las House right my job is to tell it like it is so we have to point out that this is a sensitive topic that we need to be aware that this is politically charged in light of the palestinian-israeli conflict in light of post-holocaust issues and we also have to point out that look anybody who has a disease in the heart will always be able to find something negative in fact you don't even have to have a disease in the heart sometimes it's just possible to see the glass half-empty when it is clearly half-full right you just want to emphasize it is half empty and you're not telling a lie so there are always made the classic is the woman who complained about her husband do you know this hadith of the processer classic case right the woman complained about her husband that ya rasoolallah my husband sleeps fetcher never praise fire on time the aerosol on my husband does not allow me to fast Jerusalem my husband beats me when I pray it's parallel that's like what an evil husband right but the process some didn't pronounce the judgment he said call your husband for me and he asked each of these three questions what is your defense and in the end he actually agreed with every single defense of course the point of the hadith is not what he said or not but the point is that he agreed that okay you know you seem to have a point here and so basically you know the process of ended up agreeing with him now what the wife said was not a lie every point of hers was valid but she'd put it in her context and the process that I wanted to see his context right so what I'm trying to say if this is the case with regards to something so simple as a husband wife dispute what do you think about something so politically charged as a massacre as an expulsion right because that's the point of at each of the three tribes faced negative consequences starting with the benefi you know ha and then of course the other yahoodi tribes now again before I begin this is all pre do to the benefit of our story the claim that the Prophet system was anti-semitic or that Islam discriminated against the Jews or that the process um discriminated against the Jews honestly this claim is so shallow that no serious person can say this and all you need to do is look at Islamic history all you need to do is look at Islamic history that up until the creation of Israel in 1947 up until the creation of Israel Israel there were large pockets of Jews living in many Muslim lands in complete peace and harmony the Jews of Iraq the Jews of Tunisia the Jews of Morocco the Jews of Yemen and it is true to say that every time the Jews were persecuted in Christian lands every time they were expelled in Christian lands they always found safe refuge in Muslim lands this is historically absolutely true from the time of the Umayyad the abbasids up until the expulsion from Spain how did you end up in Morocco when they were expelled from Spain they went to Morocco right by the tens of thousands shiploads the filth on literally sent his ships for them come down we want you there was no sense of animosity and hatred and it is so true to say that almost all of the animosity in history now is because of the palestinian-israeli conflict that in pre Israel before the creation of Israel the Jews living in Muslim lands lived in harmony with their Muslim neighbors and frankly Muslims and Jews have more in common than Muslims and Christians and Jews and Christians Muslims and Jews have more in common when it comes to how they interact and their laws in the Sharia and the halacha halacha literally means Sharia halakha means the way halakha means the path Sharia means the path the yahood have a hidaka the Muslims have a Shariah and it overlaps in 70% of its laws right so all you need to look at historically is the most important Jewish figures throughout Islamic centuries have always been Jews living in Islamic lands right starting from in Baghdad in the seventh century the greatest Jewish thinker that had the most profound impact in medieval Judaism his name was saadia gaon saadia gaon in in baghdad he's one of the greatest thinkers he's about that he's writing in Arabic he is born and raised in an Arab environment and of course the single greatest thinker of Judaism without any doubt the one greatest mind of Judaism that all Jews look up to who is he Spanish what most of anime moon Moses Maimonides they call him Rambam Rambam is their title for him like Chafin Islam or something so Moses Maimonides is the greatest Jewish mind ever and to him they all their Creed their most basic law books the most important commentaries it's literally one man Moses now this is a whole different tangent here how many brutchik read into this now but there is a recent book that came out in on Amazon you'll find it by one of the leading experts who actually claimed that Moosa blew my moon or Moses Maimonides was a practicing Muslim meaning he embraced Islam as a way of life why because in his youth and this is true he actually studied in the madrasahs and he studied as a Muslim meaning he dressed like Muslims he he prayed with them like because that was how he grew up now of course ethnically he's Jewish right but he grew up in the Islamic environment of Andalusia and the greatest universities were by Muslims and the greatest libraries so he basically entered the culture of Islam and this was true and that's why almost all of his books his greatest books are in Arabic he's writing Jewish books in Arabic by the way right and these had to be translated into modern Hebrew he didn't write it in in any language other than Arabic why because again this is the lingua franca this is the main language of the time this is the most scientific the most advanced and he then migrated to Egypt and in Egypt he became the personal doctor he was a doctor as well in those days philosophers doctors botanist zoologist they're all in one basically was all one he became the personal doctor to Salah Medina AUB that because he was so and so obviously in this position his fame increased even more in Egypt right and he became the grand rabbi as well of Egypt so this author theorized that in Andalusia he remained a Muslim when he came to Egypt he then returned to Judaism now whether he was actually Muslim or not is beside the point for sure for a period of time he lived as a Muslim that is a historic fact right that he basically entered their culture for a period of time now my point being who can argue that Islam discriminated against Jews knowing some of these facts and this is just the the the tip of the iceberg and of course the most obvious point how can Islam be anti-semite when the Arabs are Semites I mean that's just the term is meaningless really you know the term is meaningless you cannot be an anti-semite if you are the children of Abraham because the descendants of Abraham are Semites so the Arabs are Semites and the Jews are Semites it's not possible for an Arab to be anti-semitic an Arab can be anti-jewish yes but it cannot be anti-semitic my point is that and this is the main point that I will argue throughout every single incident that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom did not treat the Jews in any negative manner because they were Jews rather he treated them the way he treated them because of what they did not because of who they were this is the main point yes some very harsh treatments are gonna come later on not for the bun okay no car right now but some very there is indeed yes there is indeed a tribe that was put to the sword but he did this because of what they did not because of who they were and there's a big difference between this point right you can be a criminal as a Muslim you can be a criminal as a Jew you can be a criminal as a Christian to be punished as a Jewish criminal you're being punished because of your crime not because you're a Jew to be punished as a Muslim criminal you're being punished because you're a criminal not because you're a Muslim this is the argument that I will make and basically all of the scholars of ceará make as well by the way I have to point out one of the most interesting figures of Judaism who also had a lot to do with Islam his name is shap tights v shap tights V now shap tights V there was a large this is in the 1500s there was a large group of Jews they thought he was Jesus Christ he was the Messiah they thought he was the Messiah you know the Jews are waiting for the Messiah the message the Messiah shap tides V was the largest movement the Messianic movement ever in the history of Judaism where tens of thousands of people they considered this man to be the messiah and they followed him and they basically took him as their Messiah what happened believe it or not he actually converted to Islam Shep ties V towards the end of his life he converted to Islam and the sultan of the ottomans was so happy at this that he made him a vizier in the ottoman empire he made him a vizier so this caused a huge divide amongst his father's because we thought he's the Messiah now he's converting to Islam what do we do now believe it or not most of them rejected him obviously they're not going to go that far a large group accepted Islam with him and to this day they are a group of Turkish Muslims that are called dawn may do nme dawn men that go back to these Jewish people who follow chap tides V and then basically converted to Islam but by the way their beliefs are a little bit in the middle so I mean I'm going into Tangier but it's interesting stuff here that they have slightly interesting beliefs if you like they're a filter in Islam now they're not pure Sunnis they're a group within Islam and they have some interesting beliefs anyway I'm going to my time just get back to the topic I don't know how I got it where was I I don't play no car let's go back but I don't play no car you buy no pain no car the bun will clean your car according to Al Wapiti they were expelled on the 15th of shawol in the second year of the hijra so how long after you brother quickly one and a half years 15 times awhile second year of the Hydra one and a half months less than a month one was buttered 17th Ramadhan this is now 15 so 115 Chauhan so it's literally three and a half weeks so this is very close to but now what happened what is what is the whole story of an open OPA here's one of our problems we don't have that much details of any of these three tribes and that's where the main problem comes why is this the case because obviously generally speaking when you record history generally speaking if you want to talk about your father your grandfather you mentioned the good points in a lot of detail and then you mentioned the downs just generically passing over because not because you want a higher is is because human nature is this way suppose you didn't want to have a history of your father or your grandfather you talked about your father he suffered some loss and because this was a difficult year for him let's move on now talk about the good times then he won this award and he met the president and now you go into a lot of detail and the positives similarly and when it comes to these types of stories there was no need for the Muslims the early Muslims to preserve the sordid details the gruesome or the or the the you know the all of these details they just glossed over it so we don't have that much we literally it minutes - it really has a page about the bundle kind of less than a page about the bun okay look all right other early sources give us a few more stories and this is really one of the problems that we have trying to reconstruct what happened even as Hawk simply has a generic line that the ban wapanocca increased in their hostility against Islam something generic like this what did they do we really don't have that much detail right what we do have are two things that indicate much worse that indicate what is in sight two specific things even as half mentions that after the battle of badr after the Battle of Badr the Banu panocha were saddened at the loss of the flesh and at the victory of the Muslims this is really clearly they are not happy right and so the prophets of some time went to their soup the bun wapanocca had the largest marketplace do you remember when the process came to Medina and he said the bun open up I had a soup you need your own sock so he made his own soak remember that right so the biggest soup up until this point in time was the bun okay no car they had the largest soup and people would come and they would buy and sell also the Bernalillo part were known for being Goldsmith's this was the tribe the hoody tribe they would buy and sell gold and they would fashion golden wood hammer gold there were Goldsmith's so he went to their soup and he gathered all of them together so he's now speaking to the one who play no car and he admonished them about this attitude and reminded them of their treaty what treaty what treaty you protect us we protect you we're all gonna be together against external enemies internally you decide your matters will decide our matters remember the constitution of Medina right the cypher he reminded them of the treaty like this is not a right attitude at this one of their leaders stood up and said o Muhammad SAW seldom don't be fooled or deceived by your recent victory don't be fooled by a recent victory you fought a bunch of nobodies now the kralahome there's no mention of them had you really been fighting men men like us you would have seen what the result would have been now that is blatant in your face this is not like you know rumours or no this is barely one of their leaders standing up straight to his face saying don't don't think yourself so big after better don't think that you're all a mighty and powerful no you are fighting a bunch of losers you haven't faced real men like us had you faced us you would have seen what is fighting now that's quite clear this is not a happy situation to be in and the ban will pay no car were at least 2,000 strong in terms of men women and children 700 fighting men so for every man generally there's 3 or 4 women and children so at least 2,000 maybe 3,000 they have the law of the bow no pain of how were the largest of the three Jewish tribes by the way when open your heart were the largest tribe and so blatant threat so the tension is simmering increasing there is one incident the straw that broke the camel's back one incident occurred that basically the fuse lit what was that incident rather crude and vulgar that one of the ladies of the ansar went to the to buy and sell some of her merchandise in the souk she sold the merchandise she has a lot of money and naturally she wants to buy some gold so she sat down in front of one of the Goldsmith's and she has now the money and the Goldsmith began flirting with her - ha sido I began flirting with her asking her to expose some of her era some of herself and of course she refused so he made a motion to somebody behind and that man came and did something perhaps put a peg into her bow or something or perhaps tied it up right such that when she stood up her entire garments came down and she was left there with nothing on and she began screaming as the hood around her began laughing and making fun of her and she called out for help so one of the Muslims who was there went up with his sword and he chopped off the head of the one who had done this he chopped off the head of the one who had done this in anger immediately the and now this is their territory this was not Medina this is bono kind of an open car outside Medina like you know maybe 20 minute 30 minute walk outside the city immediately the bono kind of car surrounded him and killed him so now his life is also gone when the news reaches back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom he sends them the message the sahifa has been broken haleh's there is no longer a treaty between the two of us why because the Prophet SAW said I'm never never surprised breaking a treaty this is not allowed in Islam you are not allowed to go against a treaty without telling them that look we have now broken the treaty there is no treaty so this is a warning basically and Allah says this in the Quran so it had this the ayah had just come down in better and through that and file verse 58 and I mentioned this in yesterday or last Wednesday's halakhah were in matter - mmm Sanatana firm bid alayhim alice' WA if you fear treachery from a group of people then break the treaty on equal terms you cannot disobey the treaty what is break the treaty mean you announced to them okay the treaty is no longer valid you cannot surprise attack because you have a treaty with them you have to tell them you guys have done something that no longer the treaty is valid it's not an effect anymore so he sent them the message that Colossus and we no longer have this pact between us now the boat oh I know pop they really did not expect the process to do anything they did not expect him to do anything perhaps it was arrogance perhaps it was confidence in their numbers perhaps it was confidence in their fortresses now another point here and the Quran mentioned this many times for all of the tribes the who had had a different way of living and they did not teach this to the Arabs Arabs did not take it on their you heard all of them all of these three tribes and the tribes of Labor by the way all of them would live in massive fortresses they had learned the mechanism or the art of building thick walls and layering it and this is something they did not teach the Arabs or the Arabs did not learn from them their hood tribes were living like this and of course Huibers fortresses were the biggest by the way and the most difficult and will get too high but when we get to it but even the bun America had their fortresses fortress is multiple so every large family would have its own right every sub tribe would have its own and they had dot dotted their fortresses around various localities so they thought we have fortresses we have so many men how what's gonna happen yet the professor said I marched against them immediately and when they heard he's coming they ran into their fortresses and they locked themselves up and the Muslims did not have the weapons or the mechanism where the catapults at this stage catapults will come in her name into walkway at the end right now they don't have anything so they didn't have the mechanism to fight against fortresses what did they do you lay siege cut off supplies and of course they don't have an unlimited supply of water this is not much there's them right there they don't have unlimited supply so after a while they know is gonna run out and so for half a month the Prophet Solomon the Muslims surrounded them for half a month they laid siege to the tribes of the Banja Luka until finally they decided there is no alternative the water is going to run out and so they surrendered they surrendered the Prophet SAW said I'm ordered that all of the men be gathered together and rounded up and tied up like prisoners of war and then decide what is to be done with them decide what is to be done with them so when they are tied up the Buono Buono are in the days of jahiliyyah had two main representatives or allies from yesterday from old medina from yesterday the first of them was their buddy abdullah every nobody even said would the leader of the hypocrites write that they were very close with him and the second of them was the sahabi robada even a summit by the amino summit so they reached out for help to these two people you to help us out now you were our allies you were our Halawa you were the ones we interacted with from the earth three whites from the Hazarajat they were both positive Jets the Bannatyne okar and the hostages I had an if you remember from many months ago the burner panocha and the hostage had an alliance right and the Banu nadir and the ALF had an alliance that we talked outside an alliance that we talked about that long time ago so the volcano car has strong alliances with the Hajj and Abdullah blue wave nasarah was from the hazard lights andrew badness lammeter was from the hostages and they were both considered to be the representatives as soon as they reached out look at the reaction of the two of them Rowbotham no Samet went to the prophets all I seldom he didn't go to them he went to the prophet salallahu alayhi wa seldom and he said o Messenger of Allah I want to tell you I am no longer there hadith I'm resigning he resigned to the processor about this that I am no I can no longer support them and that my Ally is Allah and His Messenger in Emma Yee because the opposite is that money and I have buddy I have cut off my ties from the bond oh I know I have nothing to do with thee by no panocha so he said a towel allaha wa rasuluhu that I will have my alliances with the line is messager what's happening sides were being drawn and he is saying I can't be on the side of the hood o Messenger of Allah know that yes that was my position I've resigned from that position I no longer have anything through the bun open your car and my ties are with Allah and His Messenger Atta weld allaha wa rasuluhu and I cut off my ties from these people as for Abdullah Bluebell mr. Dooley he marches straight to the Binaca unify his camp where they are now prisoners and he demands the Muslims there to release them get rid of these chains will not change but they were ropes get rid of these ropes and he said a Muslim you're gonna listen to you ordered the process and they say no we're not gonna do this he demands do it or I will do it and the Sahaba in charge his name was Al moon derivative Kodama he said if you dare do it I will kill you you're not going to you're not going to overcome or rescind them the command of the Prophet SAW said them if you do it I will kill you so he doesn't want to lose his life and so he goes and finds the profitsystem wherever his campus of course this is all happening in been upon OHA's area it's all happening outside of Medina and he marches to the profitsystem and he says ya Muhammad he rarely called to me Rasul Allah rarely you find it once in a while in this year he rarely calls him yah Rasul Allah even though allah azzawajal clearly says do not call the messenger like you call one another lalu da rasool e kareem about the combat oh don't call the messenger like you called each other right but he would do this because he's Abdullah blue but you know who he's also by the way I need to point out it's still early in the game I've done live in obey still there's hope for him and the eyes of the Muslims right he's still not the leader of the munafiq own so clearly as you will get to or heard was the real point as we'll get to what it was when it was blatantly clear that these guys are just non-muslims right now there's still hope but it's it's coming you see the hatred is there so he goes to the person's yeah muhammed sallalahu ID he will seldom be generous with my Khalifa notice robota says they are not mindful if I have cut off from them after what they've done and now you are my well II almost in Tripoli Andrew bada is saying these are my herd of fat these are my olia be generous with them and the profitsystem was silent he didn't say anything so he repeated his request o Muhammad SAW said him be generous with my Halawa and the prophets asanam was silent and he began to turn away but he doesn't want to say anything unbelievably abdullah of and obey took the professor son's armor by his hand and he shoved his hand into the armor to hold on to him can you imagine right he put his hand into the armor and he held on to him and he said be generous with my Khalifa and the Prophet SAW said our Sydney let go of me don't hold on to me like this and his anger began to show because he's now irritating him Jonnie you're not the boss here you're not the one who's gonna decide what is to be done right and the prophets awesome even his Hawk says that it was clear that the anger was visible now for on his face but he held on tighter and he said no I'm not going to let go can you imagine the possum saying like we're saying no so he says for the third time way hack out of Sydney woe to you let go of me and he swears by Allah Abdullah anyway wallahi I will not let go of you until you promise that you're gonna treat my her Dafa in a generous manner you treat my allies well these seven hundred men now there were 700 men 300 of them were armed and 400 were not armed they protected me from the white and the black a lot more well s what it means this is an Arabic expression they protected me from mankind that the white people and the black people are the red people they protected me from everybody right they protected me from everybody and now you think you will get rid of them in one day so he is saying they helped me be who I am monetarily financially I had dealings with them there's a lot of business money involved these are my business partners right Abdullah Blue Bay is a business partner with with these people for by Allah I am scared of a de wha-what is that the Y in the shadow i Adama it is like bad luck misfortune now they were good to me if you're bad to them I'm worried something bad will happen to me right so where is a large division where is trust in Allah to all this job just all pure Scalia you see his a man is non-existence very weak in the action Tiwari so when he's holding on so long the Prophet SAW said I'm said home luck I give them to you ok meaning I promise to spare their lives now by the way the processor had not threatened to kill him he hadn't done any he was just quiet but Abdullah in no way was insisting that they be spared now we don't know what was the intent of the professor's to them maybe he intended to spare them anyway and so to just get rid of him he said I give them to you or maybe he hadn't made up his mind he made up his mind now or maybe he changed his mind we don't know but in the end he promised Abdullah II obey that's they are yours meaning they will spare their lives and then the verdict came you have three days but no pay no car to pack your stuff and leave get out of here and whatever remains will be ours you have three days they begged and pleaded for more than three and they were not given this they went to Obata even a Samet to try one more time Andrew barrer said don't come to me I wouldn't even have given you three days you think I'm sympathetic to you don't come to me I wouldn't even agree to the three days right so Nevada refused to help them out in those three days once again Abdullah Dube attempted to convince the processor to get rid of the ban at least let them remain them just forget about everything let's move on but he did not give him that he did not give him that and that Abeyta was the one who himself he sorry Roubaix de Robar de m no Samet was the one who took charge of making sure that after three days they had indeed left now obviously when they left they left a lot of property a lot of wealth a lot of they took the gold obviously but they couldn't take the belongings they couldn't take the houses they couldn't take the possessions they couldn't take many of their other the armors that they had because they literally had to choose what they're gonna take right and so they took what would they consider the most essential and they left a lot of wealth and of course this wealth indeed came to the muslims so you understand for those whose hearts is a disease you can easily interpret this in its own way and for those who see things as they are they messed up they threatened they shouldn't have done that and they are definitely a potential danger and threat to the muslims in such a delicate situation go live somewhere else if you have that much hatred then go find another place to live and at this Allah subhana WA Ta'ala revealed Surat al-ma'idah verses 51 to 56 soon it'll matter verses 51 to 56 where Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says o you who believe I only did a mo lot attack anew yahood and nasarah awliya do not take the hood and the nasarah as awliya now this is a very sensitive ayah which is used by Islamophobes again but will lie once you understand the context everything that sins that's dangerous about it drops away right Allah is saying in such circumstances don't take your hood the nasarah is only at what is only a protectors people whom you turn to as your ultimate source of protection battle go home olia about the two of them will help one another against you and whoever chooses them as a protector than indeed he is one of them and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people fatale Allah dienophile Hulu be him model this is Abdullah you obey you will see those in whose hearts there's a disease they are running through them saying not sure and Toshiba nada Allah is quoting Abdullah bin okay here we are worried about bad luck so this is a quotation directly from Abdullah Dube because that's exactly what he said that I fear that I'm gonna get bad luck if I mistreat them right so allah azza wajal then says far salam on ya ta fête hey oh I'm a demon in deihi but it is possible that Allah will give a set of bad luck Allah will give you victory and Allah will give you a decision coming from him and then they meaning the hypocrites will become regretful about what they say and then Allah keeps on you should read these sections 51 to 56 Allah Azza WA JAL also praises or by the Ignis lammott he praises about having a summit in nemily you come allahu wa rasuluhu al-ladhina amanu your true olia or allah and his messenger and the believers this is what Abadan Islamic said in Etowah allaha wa rasuluh alladhina amanu he said this that I choose Allah and his messenger and the believers so allah azza wajal then said in nemily you come allahu wa rasuluh am no one man yet awhile allaha wa rasuluh who whoever chooses allah and his messenger that these are the ones who are going to be his below human off their own that the the party of Allah they will be successful so these series of verses matter 51 to 56 deals with the expulsion of the banner kind of car and with this we conclude with a few benefits what are some of the benefits of the expulsion of the bonanno car of this incident and the neshamah have some time for Q&A the ban okay no car with the largest of the three tribes and they were the first tribe to be dealt with there were the first tribe to be dealt with and it was the least harsh of the three because the second one after offered will be even harsher the one after knob is the harshest because that was execution right now if you think about it it makes complete sense to go gradual that look Oh second yahoodi tribe you've already seen what happened to the first one how could you fall into it again so a little bit harsher and then the third one goes even the worst and that's open treachery as we'll come to right they've already seen what happened to tribe number one and tribe number two yet they still have the audacity to attack Allah and His Messenger so the punishment is the most harsh right so in fact again there's very clear over here with this regard also of the benefits that we gained over here is the proper understanding of that verse in the Quran o you who believe do not take the Jews and Christians as awliya there is a huge mistranslation do not take the jews and christians as friends this is there's not only a does not mean friends right and some of the translators who didn't know English well they they they took this translation and you find it still into this day do not take them as friends and then you find the Islamic laws look the Quran says a Muslim can never be a friend of a Jew or a Christian no it doesn't look at the context of Revelation look and understand what's happening right these are people who have mocked Allah and his messenger so allah is saying don't take these types of people as your olia don't go to them just like abdul wo basin in this type of situation you have to choose sites when the Prophet system is on one side and you have the other group on the other side no doubt you choose the prophets Allah send them and whoever chooses the other side you are not with Allah and His Messenger we also see what we heard the wisdom of the Prophet SAW salem in dealing with the crudeness of Abdullah II obey that despite the fact that he treated him in such a harsh manner that we would not expect any Muslim to treat him with the Prophet SAW some did not lift a finger against him and this proves us what I used to say that will llahi the prophet's asanam never took revenge for something personal ever he never took revenge for himself ever if he ever took revenge it was for Islam and for Allah of heroin here's Abdullah blow by being rude to him and doing to him what none of the Sahaba would dare do and yet he didn't touch lay a finger on him and in fact he actually gave him what he requested now here's where we don't know did he change his mind for Abdullah and obey or was this in his intention anyway and eventually he just said it to appease him Allah knows we don't know because again we don't know what was in his mind the judgment against the bona fide no car had not been made and Abdullah every nobody demanded it right then and there right so after three four attempts he said homeland I give them to you maybe he had intended to do this anyway and so he's appeasing him or maybe he genuinely changed his mind whatever the case might be there is clear wisdom in granting Abdullah away publicly what he wants why because still Abdullah Avenue obeyed there is hope for him this is still early this is still the second year of the Hegira right barely a year and three months since he has come Abdullah Abdullah Bay is the senior most figure before Islam right there are still many unsought who still look up to him even if they're Muslims but he was their leader and so there is wisdom in conceding some things to him so even if somebody argues the process some changed his mind okay still there's wisdom that here is a man where you don't want to form an enemy for no reason and he has a lot of followers underneath him and therefore he placated me basically and he gave him what he wanted in order that he minimized the damage and this shows us that again we always look at minimizing the harm and minimizing the damage we also see over here of the benefits of this incident is that the true colors of the munafa wound are showing now that slowly we see who these people are still they're not calm enough upon by the way yes navab began after better but it was manifested a torrid it began after better but 'no fog was crystal clear at or heard when they turned around and they wouldn't as we're gonna come to Shaolin 2-3 weeks right so 'no is still beginning and Abdullah a blue obey is showing what is the reality of 'no Phalke the lines are being drawn and the believer in such a case he must choose the sight of allah azzawajal and his messenger inshallah and next Wednesday's lesson we'll talk about two or three incidents that took place before the Battle of ordered the Battle of Sevilla and the Battle of Chosin other battles that took place that are setting the stage for the Battle of were food and then insha'Allah three weeks from now we will do the Battle of Orford will begin the the incidents that led up to it the the setting up of the stage then we will take a two-week break for the Christmas holiday so we'll take the last week of the last two for Wednesday's off we'll take and then a shallow began in January and shallow down so we have two more lessons after this week correct one more lesson oh yes one more you're right one more lesson that's right yes after this week we have to know two more lessons two more lessons yes no no so let mean 12 and 19 right yeah so then in that case I will not be here on the 19th yes I will not be here so we have one more week so that's actually perfect because I didn't want to start a hood I didn't want to start with hood so we'll do it on the 12th and then we'll take two weeks off and then I shall come back on the 2nd of January you're not gonna be here people are off does the week everybody's off but most of you who take notes when I ask questions you have no idea what the answer is so and usually those who are not taking notes answer the questions before those who are taking notes so okay inshallah we will see I mean I will be back by the second but if there's a lot of you that are not here then a shallow we can start on the ninth it's the same to me but so inshallah that's perfect it works out perfectly next Wednesday we'll finish up everything before because I did not want to start over that will really be awkward so then as soon as we begin again then we will begin on a clean slate with the Battle of or the battle or that will take much longer than brothers if you thought brother was long has a lot more details to it shall we have a few minutes for questions I guess this myth where was over when we needed him so the books of Sela do not mention where they were were they there or not we do not know no details are mentioned nothing is mentioned so there's one of two explanations the first of them is that they were not there but I find this difficult to believe because somebody would have been there he's not alone and the second and this is my own ally the exact same questions came to me what I'm thinking about these things and this is hypotheses because again and I say this a million times when you record an incident you can only record a bit of it you're not gonna take the whole it's not a video camera doing the whole 3d image you know saying so the other alternative which makes a lot of sense is even they themselves were confused what to do when somebody as senior as Abdullah evening obey who was their king almost to their chieftain that now he is having word of wars it's not I mean he's not physically gonna take his sword out you know but he's being crude he's being crude and it's understood he's holding the armour he's not gonna be physical he's just being vulgar you know I'm saying that's like there's a difference between crudeness and between physical danger and ah blah blah blah BAE was being very rude and very harsh so perhaps they themselves did not know what is to be done because maybe buy them intervening it would have made the situation worse because if the profit system does something he is on a pseudo law if a buck on an Omer do it to him it might have made it worse to the followers this is my own interpretation and Allah knows best right and obviously they're waiting for him to tell if they're if they're around him he can tell them do something and they would have done it so this is what makes sense to me Allah knows best yes our young brother in the back go ahead Marshall a good question not relevant to the topic but no problem you're talking to our dreams these days must be dreaming a lot I hope you didn't dream right now and that we don't want you to dreaming right now when we're talking about this dreams you didn't listen to the cou so if I talked about dreams 45 minutes less than about dreams dreams a lot of times come from your own imagination so it's what you are imagining and you think about them sometimes they come from Allah and sometimes nightmares they come from Shaitaan but generally speaking dreams are your own internal imagination so what you think about you will dream questions are the questions before we break for Salah yes well I I don't know if we can generalize like this it's not appropriate for us to do this there's always good and bad and I don't think what is useful for us to write is not useful for us to stereotype and stigmatize this is harmful to us in the long run there's no doubt there's a lot of political problems happening right now we're very very angry and hurt about what Israel is doing and being anti Israeli doesn't should not make us anti-semitic this is something that had to be very clear about right and I think unfortunately many of us the line has become blurred and this is frankly I myself was guilty of this 10-15 years ago that you really cannot distinguish between criticizing Israel and between criticizing Jews and a lot of times for many of us Muslims when we see how blatantly vicious Israel is that we lose sympathy for all of them them meaning the Jews and the fact of the matter is that there are many who are opposed to Israel there are many and alhamdulillah honor Bushido can tell you good news that even within the Jewish community the voices of opposition are getting louder and louder and louder and once upon a time a pact was unchallenged now the biggest voices of challenge are from within the Jewish community and there's a new organization called J Street maybe you've heard of this you know which is now the second largest lobbying group after a pact it's called J Street Google in today Street and J Street is basically a group of Jews who are arguing for humane treatment of the Palestinians were arguing against the brutal brutalization of the Palestinians by the Israelis and on my Facebook page I posted a video of a very famous General of the Israel army his son one of the generals who was with the IDF back in the 50s and the 60s was with Moshe mosha day and he was under motion again right his son gave a very beautiful lecture about how going to Israel he's an American now going to Israel made him change his whole mind about what is Israel and what is Palestine so my point being well I it's so easy for us to just go into this but it's it's it's something that our religion has told us not to do and it's also something that will cause us more harm than good not every one of them is bad there are many who are good by the way this is not even we're not even talking about those there's a group of Jews ultra-orthodox Jews they are so much opposed to Zionism that they think Zionism is the cancer that will kill Judaism right and they're called the naturae karahi who can then literally Cara Natalie Carter then attorney Carter now this is a group of ultra-orthodox Jews who will llahi they view us as they're literally their cousins and I have met them they come to its now they come to these conferences right they're so kind and gentle to us and as to design as they say we have nothing to do with them that they believe Zionism is the ultimate cause of every curse that the Jews are getting is because of Zionism was the exact opposite side right so my point being we have to be very careful my dear brother of stereotyping and realize that this is not appropriate for us to do and it's something that will cause us harm in the short run and in the long run and it's something that our religion does not even tell us to do I hope that answers your question Allah knows best anything it's yeah and and honestly I mister palimony her most of you are older than me well I in my own lifetime I'm seeing the support of Palestine growing exponentially in the last 15-20 years right and I know that in the 60s and 70s you could not hear any voice of support I know this from studies I was in there you guys were here you tell me this right here in the Western world who would be supporting the Palestinians nobody now what happened did a lot of things are changing right and it's only a matter of time before yeah and yet but you know it's about you know those two middle high you know the truth is clear from falsehood so inshallah inshallah I hope that some solution that is peaceful shall I hope is closed Lala knows best question from the sisters before we break for a salad any question going once going twice brother just quit that's nothing to do with olya so this is a very long topic well lie it's not easy for me to answer in one minute because this is what Islamophobes use against us as well and they say that this is a verse that justifies takea this is the verse that justifies tukya Atlanta Turkmen ooh too hot but the hadith and the Sierra of the professorson has shown what does this mean in that document whom to call Atlanta to Holman who took our does not justify lying the Sharia has never allowed lying nor does it justify breaking the ties rather it means a sweet talk that will minimize harm that will not bring about animosity even though you don't you're not you're not genuinely sweet in your heart to them but you placate them you calmed them down in Latin Watauga so if there's a megalomaniac you know leaders somewhere in the world and in order to calm him down you just praise him a little bit you just you know calm him down this is diplomacy this is common sense this is what it means in debt to comin home to home it doesn't mean that you write a treaty and you negotiate and then you actually are gonna break that this is something by unanimous consensus of all the scholars of Islam it is not allowed it doesn't mean that you promise one thing and then you you do another Atlanta toluca means sweet talking to a despotic or a theoretical person knowing that you don't mean this sweet talk but you don't want a war you don't want a civil problem you don't want to you know two armies fighting so the the prophets of Allah said I'm demonstrated this in the hadith in Buhari when one of the monastic own one of the evil people came to him and he smiled in his face and was nice to him right and then he left and this is one of the the tribal leaders of the veterans who was a hypocrite more often and the Prophet SAW said I'm said Bitzer awfully Ashera it's awfully Ashera like what an evil man he is and Aisha said yah rasoolallah you were just smiling and laughing with him you were just summarizing and laughing with him right how can he be even why would you do this so he said hadith isn't Mahadi he said o Aisha have you ever known me to be fish to be crude meaning do you want me to curse him like you understand like have you ever known me to be like this that have you ever seen me to be vulgar what did you want me to do this is the leader of the hypocrites of this tribe coming and so I was polite to him verily the worst people in the eyes of Allah are those whom the people are forced to smile at even as their hearts curse this is Atlanta takumin it was common sense its diplomacy right that here's a person you hate his guts because he's gonna stab you in the back but you don't want him to do that so you were polite to him you just give him shy you give him some kaho give him some dates right you don't want to be hospitable to him but he is somebody who's gonna cause harm to you so this is now nowhere does it say you're gonna sign the treaty and then you're gonna stab him in the back here we have the bun okay no car when they broke the treaty what did the process him do did he surprise them no he sent them the message look the treaty that we had Hallows end you have to do that never allah azza wajal says clearly that if they do he ana to you then don't worry Allah will give you power over them Allah did not say you do cliana with them right that you are not cliana means treachery if they are treacherous to you're not allowed to be treacherous back to them this is clear in the Quran treachery is never allowed never so Allah at home who tapa does not mean what these guys understand as tapia that's not certainly Islam you know this the fááá is not a part of our tradition it's another tradition of Islam well like I don't know this to be honest I did not hear this person I lived there but even if it was then we don't take any if that's their interpretation that's their interpretation Allah shall the final question that will break after thee so this that's that's a revenge because they challenge the Quran in hadatha houla well in they said that Mayans are elohim in shape they said that we can do better than this it's it's a revenge for the sake of islam and our prophet sala seldom is the personality of islam so if somebody insulted him and the quran and allah subhanho wa taala as another hadith did then yes that is going to be the punishment but here we have abdullah have any obey being crew just to him as a person and a leader and not as a result allah so he did not take any revenge I think that's very clear I mean yeah he did not take any revenge because this is a person the better when it comes and he literally drags his shirt off and he says yeah mohammed ii rattling him in Madinah LED i'll talk right so he is being any and abu huraira said we could see the burn mark you know when you burn sackcloth when you take a cloth quickly or you know paper cut or whatever we could see the burn mark on his chest and the process of did not do anything more than smile tabasum and he goes give him some money from the money go give him some money this is a personal thing that the man is greedy he's a Bedouin and he goes and he you know takes the shirt off and he goes irritant even manually I'll talk right so he smiled he goes give him so this is personal stuff but to make fun of him as a result of law this is not personal anymore to ridicule the Quran to say we can do better than this to say in Ha de la salle food on a one in two same answer Allah human shape this is this is beyond personal chawla inshallah with this we conclude you
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 76,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Muhammad, Shaykh Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, Abu Ammar, Islam, Muslim, Memphis Islamic Center, MIC, Quran, Koran, Sirah, biography of muhammad, Prophet Mohammed Mohammad, life of Muhammad, Mekka Macca, Medina Madina, Misconceptions islam, battle of badr, uhud
Id: Ea3gt_rfVm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 3sec (4863 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2012
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