Lives of Sahaba 75 - Abdullah Ibn Zubayr Pt.3 & various fitan of his time - Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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abdullah zubair uh it will also be our last lesson in the lives of the sahaba for a while we're going to be breaking uh for the month of ramadan and coming back inshaallah after that so briefly i had discussed in the last two lectures uh some of the main incidents in the life of abdullah zubair and we now have just to the final incident which is obviously the incident of his death uh and i already mentioned what that um uh when yazid died in the year 64 hijrah his son muawi evan yazid was elected or basically nominated by his father but muawiyah was never a serious candidate and at the death of yazid most likely even in that 40 days of his reign because he died within 40 days within that time most likely abdullah ibn zubair declared himself to be the khalifa of the whole ummah so he basically said to yazid's followers like you know basically have nothing to do now we are all uh you should all be under me and uh when abdullah zubair declared himself khalifa he especially wanted the support of the senior most living sahaba amongst them was abdullah ibn abbas he was still alive at this time abdullah ibn umar was still alive at this time and there was a person who was not a sahabi but he was the senior most of the al baits and that is the younger brother of hussain but not through fatima does anybody remember his name hussein and hassan's younger brother but not through fatima that's a grand that's the grandson ali's uncle no muhammad ibn al-hanafiya was his name muhammad ibn okay he's called ibn hanafiya because he's not the son of fatima so after fatima died he married a lady from the banu hanifah she's called the hanafiya and from this hanafiya he had this child muhammad and so muhammad was the senior most of the bait because he's the son of ali of course zaina abedin is his grandson right ali's grandson muhammad is his son these three people they refuse to give the bay'a to abdullah and they said until the matter is decided and you are unanimous then we will support you they did not want to get involved in politics and ibn zubair really tried for him a number of years but uh ibn abbas was living in in mecca and it got very tense between the two of them because ibn abbas refused he goes i'm not getting involved between this and i'm going to be neutral and they maintain their neutrality until their deaths subhan allah and this caused tension between these great men because again understandably even zubair felt justified and ibn abbas said i'm not going to get involved in the civil war and he did never got his whole life he never got involved in the politics and civil war and he respected ibn zubair as a man but he did not want to take sides so towards the end of ibn abbas and evan zuber's life there was tension and ibn abbas want to live in thought if because of this he passed away in life because he could not there was just tension between the two of them because he kept on trying trying and abbas basically would never put in his weight behind ibn zubair so those senior most they didn't really get involved um however the majority of the ummah then turned to ibn zubair for support and ibn zubair in turn sent out governors to take charge of the major cities and he sent his brothers and his cousins and his supporters he sent them to kufa to basra to yemen to egypt even to some towns in syria such that for a short period of time ibn az-zubair was clearly the uncontested caliph of the entire ummah and especially after the death of mu'awiy after 40 days and even never really became a strong khalifa because he was never in that position in power it was pretty clear that ibn zubair was the khalifa of the umma and that is why many of the later historians like imam malik he's a scholar but he wasn't alive at this time he comes in the next imam malik comes right after all of this he's born right after this so he doesn't see an eyewitness but he knows about it and ibn abdullah bin hazen they all considered ibn as zobair to be the legitimate khalifa at this point in time and the banu umayya to be the usurpers now now the table has turned it's no longer clear-cut that muawiyah and even one can say that yazid at some level even no matter his personal life but in the end of the day he was basically passed down and he was the khalifa in terms of power and strength and even the zubaid had nothing and he started and he started you know from makkah now though the table has clearly turned and the banu umayya are nothing and even as zubaid essentially has the entire ummah except for small pockets in demish and syria which are banumaya just small pockets otherwise the rest of the ummah follows ibn zubair and therefore it is correct to make an argument that ibn zubair was a unanimous khalifa for a period of time but it was for a very short period because the factions they immediately held an emergency meeting in damascus that's always been their capital and they called together all of their tribes but from across the the umma and they discussed uh their next steps and some amongst them including the senior most malware publicly in that gathering said even as uber is the khalifa khalas let's just finish this now we don't have a viable candidate and so khalas no big deal i mean not no big deal he didn't say that but i'm saying he basically was willing to give baya to ibn zubair however the youngsters would not allow that power is the single most corruptive influence on man nothing corrupts more than power and this is a reality that is well known and tested and every other fitnah is trivial compared to that fitna of power once you have tasted power once you have tasted that kursi and chair khalas everything goes out and the youngsters amongst them they insisted that the banumaya lay claim it is ours and we're going to reclaim the throne and they suggested the name of a younger son of yazid a brother of muawiyah by the name of khalid ibn yazid okay it's a brother of of uh the younger muawiyah okay khalid ibn yazid even and they said he should be the khalifah but then they said he's too young also he has no political experience and believe it or not this is interesting he was what they called a scientist believe it or not he was the first of the family the royal family to dabble in science and in translating the books of the greeks he's the first he he had a mind that's more academic and he didn't was not that interested in politics but in the end of the day he's the son of yazid you know so you have to look at blood versus that so in fact just a footnote here this person khalid was the first person to pay to translate the books of the greeks into arabic in the in the entire history of the ummah this man was the first way before mahmoud and baitil hickman what not this is the guy that began that and he had a team an entourage of doctors and you know in those days philosophers and doctors and scientists were one person in those days if you just were interested in you know anything of this nature you're one person it's not that specialized you're doing chemical experiments you know you're looking at the body so he actually had a team that he would finance and he would study with them and what not because he has money he's the banu is the son so they said let's choose khalid ibn yazid but they realize that he's not known he doesn't have experience so what was the compromise and subhanallah this is you can never predict the future they said look he's still young marwan you're the eldest amongst us and he's 75 years old or something you take charge until the matter is settled then we'll return back to khalid you know what's going to happen okay why don't you take charge you are the we all respect you you're a seasoned career diplomat agreed he definitely is the eldest of the umayyads you have experience that nobody else has and you are universally respected so you go ahead and you lead the forces until we reconsolidate the affairs of the umayya and your crown prince will not be your children your wali is going to be who khalid because they wanted to go back to the line of muawiyah okay well you all know what happened well anyway we're going to get there but you all know what happened so they reached out to this plan this compromise and um marwan then agreed to obviously take the helm and try to wrestle back from ibn zubair the lands for banu umayya so realize now for this point in time the the banu umayya are the minority they only have small pockets of support the bulk of the ummah has publicly given its way to iman zubair and their governors are now even as dubai so becomes the capital of the umma but for barely a year and a half just a little bit of time makkah becomes the theological and the political capital of the umma and subhanallah if allah had willed another course of history would have taken place but see what i told you even last week politics is dirty and good people cannot become politicians and i say this with a heavy heart i say this not even liking what i'm saying you can't be a nice person a muttaqi and be in politics without other people taking advantage of you and if you're going to become like them then you're no longer the muttaqi that people admire and again this is just real politic this is just the way it is and i'm not defending it at all subhanallah politics is a habit business it's a necessary evil uh and this is the reality when you read history and what not in any case so um they reached uh an alliance amongst the the themselves and they agreed that they're gonna start conquering bit by bit until they're able to reconquer uh the land and so uh they've they for the first battle was between the governor of ibn zubair in bilateral and between the banu outside of damascus so they started where they were where their stronghold was where most of their support was wise decision and marwan is a politician and at the end of the day he's going to win because he has the wherewithal the know-how and also the tactics that the righteous pious even azure would not have okay so marwan knows where to start he starts in sham and the big battle takes place the first battle if this battle had not been successful in all likelihood history would have taken a different course because this was the first domino and this battle took place literally in the year 64 hijrah literally one year after the death of yazid right outside of damascus it was a very very uh important significant battle lasted 20 days and eventually marwan and his forces won and the governor of ibn zubair was killed along with most of the army of ibn zubair and then they began looking at the other cities they attacked himse which is also in syria and the governor of hims under ibn zubair was ibn bashir a famous sahabi he's a hadith are mentioned therefore hadith no way there's a hadith by the way subhanallah an interesting story we're not going to do a whole biography of him he was the first of the ansar born in madinah just like ibn zubair was the first of the muhajiroun and the two of them because of this formed a special bond so bashir and abdullah ibn zubair are both firstborns of the assad and the muhajiroun and they were very close so he sent uh nurman to be the governor of himself now when ibn zubair's force when marwan's forces won and they began to attack hymps uh he realized that um there's no point in in basically attacking and so he uh along with his family and entourage they uh fled uh to avoid war but the forces of marwan shows you how they are they hunted him down and they massacred him even though he wasn't putting up a fight just like again this is a type of politics that in the end will win over the righteous this is the reality the sunnah and again that's the um the way the um successful and marwan himself then bit by bit uh he then turned his attention very smart man no doubt about it you have to admit he's a politician uh and i say this with a sense of truth and and i'm not trying to be a slur to him i mean again in the end of the day all of this criticism aside and i said this last week and the week before the umayyads no matter what you want to say we owe them a massive credit they established a civilization of islam they made massive changes that truly allowed the ummah to flourish in its own way but in order to get there they're going to do these things along the way this is the reality of politics so he then turns his attention to egypt which is not a main province because he knows the bigger provinces are going to be problematic so marwan turns his attention to egypt and he then sends forces to egypt and slowly but surely he conquers egypt back into the banu umayya so you see now syria and egypt are now becoming the banu umayya and now he's going to turn his forces elsewhere and his goal now was then to move on to the biggest issue which is kufa leave makkah for the last because makkah is going to be the hot spot has been there already for so many years and in the meantime he's already plotting and planning to figure out how the khilafah is going to be in his line and not in the and he's done it he's doing this behind the scenes so of the things that he does is he marries the widow of yazid he marries the widow of get the woman over on his side the one that might cause some issues like that and he does other things as well forms alliances until finally before his death he declares after i die abdul malik ibn marwan shall be the khalifa no longer khalid ibn yazid okay and he manages to do this there's grumbling there's what not but now he's in charge what's good what's gonna what are you gonna do he has the army he has the wealth he has the generals and that is exactly what happened and in 65 hijrah he passes away so marwan barely ruled for a year and a half but subhan allah allah the khilafah went from the until it would never go back never ever just yazid 40 days his son that's it then goes back to marwan and every single future khalifa of the umayyads all the way till the umayyads of andalusia all the way till the 11th century ce yeah any 400 hijri from that time up until the end of the umayyads in the andalus are all from the children of marwan and not a single person came from the line of yazid or after that so he was not able to get hijaz and iraq in his time because he died marwan died and the next khalifa comes in charge and that is now abdul malik ibn is a true founder of what we know as the umayyad dynasty the umayyad dynasty before him is atypical that's different things happen when we think of the umayyas if anybody studied history you are thinking of abdul malik and his children this is where the umayyads that we know begins and if anybody has to be given credit for founding the civilization of islam it is very forward-thinking bureaucratic very much visionary and a person who again it's not a matter of pirate you're not he's a politician and he rules and he ruled effectively no matter what you want to say about what happened in his time he consolidated the ummah under one fist it has to be an iron fist or else it's not going to work that way and abdul malik there is so much that we owe to him despite the fact that again what we're going to talk about of the massacre of ibn zubair takes place in his time but again this is the reality of the ummah and so abdul malik takes charge and for the next 22 years or so he is the khalifa and he lays the foundation for the stability of the umayyad dynasty that shall flourish for another few decades after his death and another few centuries in andalusia and abdul malik in his entire 20 years essentially all it is is a series of uprisings that he has to battle and consolidate his entire reign if you wanted to look at it is one resurrection one rebellion after uh another the entire it's like a second abu bakr time where where wars are going on but these aren't wars of riddha these are wars of power these are wars of now i want charge and there are rebellions in kufa in basra of course the hijas has ibrah subhayr and of course in his time the khawarij became an entire dynasty unto its own until finally they fled to oman and their their descendants are still there the the the became an actual mini state and he had to fight them multiple times as well so uh and there were many rebellions that took place um i don't this is not the class to get into this early islamic history but if you ever read any early islamic history you're going to read about the rebellions of mukhtar thakafi in kufa and mukhtar sakhafi was the main founder of shiism he was the one who started raising the status of hussein way above what the people of kufa had done before and he took control of kufa and he fought the forces of the banu umayya as well and he had his own little kingdom see that's the point ibn zubair no longer was one once they saw ibn zubair successful many kingdoms popping up everybody wants a piece of the pie and this is the state of the ummah in this era what do you think is going to happen afterwards there was another revolt as well the revolt of ibn al-ashath which is a famous revolt that took place and most of the people who followed that were actually pious righteous people ulama and uh quran and that's why it was called the revolt of the quran the revolt of the quran scholars in any case his whole reign abdul malik were talking about was essentially one rebellion after another and the biggest one is our story ibn zubair that is the one that was the largest battle that took place but it is more than just this and by the way abdul malik as i said we owe him quite a lot he did a lot to to consolidate the ummah one of the main things that abdul malik did was that he in arabic is called and what this means is that we would say in english is that he founded ministries of the empire that took charge of various aspects that we now understand common sense but they didn't back then in the time there was one person khalifa in charge of everything imagine how difficult that must have been abdul malik is the one who basically has what we will call the ministry of defense the ministry of agriculture the minister of taxation the ministry of this and that and each one has its own bureaucrats and whatnot and where did he get this from again this shows you the forward thinking he essentially acquired the infrastructure of the persians and the romans and he found out how they're doing their stuff and he then got the muslims to arabicize them believe it or not when marwan and before him yazid and others were in charge they allowed the bureaucrats to be the non-muslims because they didn't understand the inner mechanisms of what's going on and they would simply just get their money and taxes and allow the the people to take charge so the roman infrastructure in sham the persian infrastructure in iran was kept intact and the ruling class allowed those people to be in charge because we don't know what's going on you take charge abdul malik was the one who arabicized the bureaucrats he brought in the muslim people and the registrars were written in arabic could you believe in the early islam the registrars were written in ancient greek and ancient persian because when you have the people the bureaucrats working there abdulmedic said nope now we are an islamic civilization we're an arab civilization and we're going to make everything our way so he basically uh as it is said he arabicized the ministries and he also built uh makkah medina and masjid al-aqsa you all know masjid aksa the masjid al-aqsa the koba who built it abdul malik that structure of jerusalem is still standing to this day it was built by abdullah malik and he had this vision of having magnificent structures in makkah madina and jerusalem that were somewhat similar as for makkah and madina obviously they are changed over time so they are long gone as for jerusalem it is still standing to this day and many of us have visited it we have seen the actual that he built with the calligraphy of his time and the structure that was built the dome of the rock was built in abdullah medicare time and it is still standing to this day and he as well created for the very first time in islamic history something that again shows you his visionary and i'm saying all of this because it is so easy for the ultra you know religious folks to just jump on oh he killed him yes he did no doubt but this is what politicians have to do to be politicians and also comes a lot of good from them as well this is not a defense it is simply stating the reality that in all likelihood the purely religious folks would not have the finesse and the suave and the sophistication and the know-how to do what these bureaucrats were doing much less their imani taqwa would prevent them from doing the tactics of abdul malik see that's what i'm trying to get across to you that these types of people they are brutally efficient and in their brutality they're going to be brutal that's just who they are and again this is not a defense i mean again if we had been alive our hearts are with him as await even now but ibn zubair was not able to do in terms of consolidating power what the um were able to do because of the tactics what did what did abdullah do something that was to change the future of the ummah forever he was the first person to say we need our own finance we're not going to take the gold and silver of rome and persia anymore we are an empire and our finances are going to be going to them and subhanallah this changed the entire world order and it made islam a dominant civilization for many many centuries i just read a bbc article three days ago about a viking king whose body and treasure was discovered in scandinavia back in the 800 somethings that he was buried there they discovered 500 coins many of them islamic coins minted in damascus under the umayyads the vikings are trading with umayyad coins this is what you call visionary abdullah this is what you call visionary that he's he's thinking long term and this is one of the things he's going to establish we need our own currency we're not going to take because before this point in time what was the currency of early islam what was the currency of the time of the process persian persian silver and roman gold this is typically and as well okay and uh what the early sahabah would do including abu bakr including umar uthman and others is that they would take the persian coins they would take the persian coins and what would they do they just write at the corner of it bismillah okay but the actual coin would be persian as you guys know i collect coins so i actually quickly looked over some of my stuff here you can take a look at this later on so this is a coin of abdullah ibn zubair this is an actual coin of abdullah ibn zubair okay this is the coin of abdullah ibn zubair you can look at it afterwards because one and this is a sassanid uh assassinated coin you can see the emperor yes cannot recognize him you see him over here and at the bottom left you see bismillah you cannot see it obviously but i'm just telling you at the bottom left you see bismillah okay so this is the actual coin of abdullah zubair the one we're talking about he did not mint his own coins what did he do he got the coins from persia and he wrote bismillah at the bottom this is his coin right here okay no this is you can tell this is silver this is silver okay so this is the silver coin and abdul maliki bin marwan came along and what he did was initially initially i have this coin over here uh you cannot see it again you can see later on the first thing that he did was he took the coins of the romans this is a roman coin this is a roman coin of abdul malik this is actual abdomen's coin and what he did was that he um drew his own image over the image of the roman emperor you guys following right so this is that coin over here then what he did was that he decided to follow the roman style and he drew a new islamic coin which essentially had the roman style of the crown of the emperor carrying the staff of the emperor like you know how they would do that but it was now him rather than the roman emperor and this is called the standing caliph coins for two and a half or three years abdul malik minted the first batch of coins with him in a thobe big beard holding a sword image actual drawing of abdul malik those coins the gold ones are so expensive that yours truly cannot afford them so i have nothing to show you i can't afford those they are too expensive if i'm not mistaken they go for around 100 000 or so these are like ridiculously expensive these are very rare they are available on the market but obviously because you this is a picture of abdomen carved okay i have the medic's picture carved on bronze this is bronze i can afford bronze guys i can afford bronze no problem i cannot afford the uh the uh the gold one okay um the silver one as well i cannot afford that one i could not find the silver one as of yet and when i do find it i'll see if i can afford it or or not um and this one um this one is also ibn zubair uh both of these are ibn zubair even super coins i also have coins of hajjaj but they were going to come to but i didn't find them in time then he said i guess the ulama we don't know for sure most likely said to him you cannot have an image so he was the one who devised the style of islamic coins that would remain up until the collapse of the ottoman empire okay he was the one and i have that one which is also very expensive but it is affordable this is gold coin not the standing caliph this is actual gold coin and he was the first person to basically issue a coin with nothing but text on it and what does the text say and you can see this so clearly this is actual gold from abdomen this is his coin and huh no image i don't have the standing caliph one that i told you i can't afford that if you want to give me no problem go ahead you know just you need a second mortgage on your house to buy one no problem insha'allah okay so uh it says rasulullah and uh it it'll also say in this side bismillah uh allah had allah so it actually has on the coin okay so he was the first person to have a coin with the kalima and with the quran on it later on he would then write this coin was minted in demish in the year 38. this coin was minted in wasat in the year 95 right and that i have hundreds of such coins where you have the date and the city no problem but the first coins did not have the date in the city and this coin that if you want to see it it doesn't have a date in a city he didn't have the thing of putting the date and the city in it but that style lasted all the way through up until the end of the ottoman empire the same thing is that there's no picture it's just imagery the kalima what not that's going to be there none of the none of the of islam ever had a picture of themselves other than the standing caliph of abdul malik the first batch which is why it's so rare and difficult anyway my point is i went into this tangent to make you understand before we get to the negative there's a lot of positive you have to give the man credit for ins instituting a civilization an ummah the glory of islam that really was a glory that his uh children by the way was the only khalifa in islamic history this is a quiz question but it's a very easy one once you memorize it you know it for the rest of your life whose four sons all became khalifa he is the khalifa who is the father of four khalifa okay not even george bush has that honor amongst americans okay jeb didn't win if he had one maybe would have three out of two but no so abdul malik four sons and in between was was um so um came in between who was a cousin of the sons was a cousin of these other brothers and the other four brothers came one after the other one two three umar and then the fourth came right so four sons of abdul malik were and the umayyad reached their pinnacle in these sons they reached their pinnacle in these sons and that's what happens marwan came and just puts the plaster on the foundation abdulmedic is the one who solidifies the foundation then yallah give it over to the sons and they build as high as they can it really is that second generation that makes the foundation and by the way this is the sunnah in anything in empires and dynasties and in companies generally speaking it's like the second generation that really decides then the third generation just rides the wave then after that disintegration begins right so abdul malik is that person now one more person needs to know then we get to abner zubaid in his death one more person that we need to know for islamic history and i tried my best to keep this simple because again this is a very very very basic class and really the goal is ibn zubair but i wanted to teach you some basic history that every educated muslim should know that's why i'm going over this stuff and again for those that are coming only for this lesson three lessons ago i said this is an excuse it's not just ibn zubaid this is early islamic history but we're using ibn zubair to do some basic stuff that everybody should know the other person whose name is infamous during this reign is of course hajjaj ibn yusuf athakafi and what will make you understand who had judged even yusuf is okay actually hajjaj's nickname the children will get a laugh out of this his nickname is the terminator that is his nickname okay in islam who is the terminator hajjaj even yusuf he was called al-mubid the terminator literally just eliminator the terminator and that is because of his cruelty that is because of hardly anyone in the early ummah was as cruel as um and once again it's not as if nobody else killed as many people as he did it's that the quality of people he killed would not be replicated you are killing again these are righteous people sons and grandsons of the sahaba and tabirun whatever happens afterwards you cannot compare to that level so it's not that hajjaj is anything extra compared to others it's just allah that he was doing it to that generation at that time and very briefly who is hajjaj and then we're going to get to ibn zubair hajjaj is called the terminator al-mubid is the arabic term he's not called the terminator in english is called the mubid means the one abada to exterminate complete literally okay technically it's the exterminator but the terminator sounds so much cooler so let's stick with the the terminator so al-mubeed um his actually uh his great-grandfather was none other than the sahabi uh and he goes back to the seer you can listen to him the one who accepted islam from and he went before his tribe and the process and warned him don't go back they're going to kill you and he goes my people will never kill me and in fact his people killed him so his great great grandfather was in fact from his mother's side and uh he was from ta if he was from the tribe of he was from and he always was loyal to the banu umayya even though he was from the hijas and so when ibn zubair became the came to power in mecca hajjaj fled and left the hijaz and he ingratiated himself with marwan and then abdul malik and he essentially became what we would call in english the chief of the secret police because of his brutality because he had no conscience in in he was a loyal servant of abdul malik and ironically and again this is again so weird you only find these characters in early islam you don't find them later on ironically in his personal life he was an abid in his personal life he was a memorizer of the quran he would recite quran with fluency and teach quran as a younger man and he is not known to be somebody who delved into the sins of you know the women wine and money type of stuff nothing he's a straightforward man but he didn't care about shedding blood and what is women in wine compared to the sin of blood he had no qualms about shedding people's blood and killing and attacking for the sake of the banu umayya he was a loyal defender of abdul malik ibn marwan and the his death came by the way in 95 hijra way after zubair when he killed one of the greatest scholars of the tabern uh in the uprising of what i talked about the quran uprising the the scholars uprising was a part of that the greatest scholar of one of the greatest of the tabern and uh hadjaj had him executed and saeed's last words were i make dua that i am the last person you're able to kill that's the last dua of sareed when he was executed one of the greatest scholars the students have even abbas great alim and he was executed by hajjaj himself and the dua that he said was may allah make me the last life you ever take and right after that he fell ill and he died in the year 95 hijraha yusuf and what were his own last words again somewhere deep down inside he believes he's a good man so he said oh allah forgive me because the people think you cannot and i know you can that was his last words the people have assumed that you cannot forgive me but i know you can subhanallah like what you know what do you say to that like that you know and the habi said that he has some good deeds that drown in the ocean of his mysteries and we come close to allah by hating him for the sake of allah this is imam al-zahabi saying he has some good deeds like there's some righteousness he was an eloquent man he gave us eloquent and he did a lot to preserve the quran by the way as well he actually did a lot to preserve the quran in his lifetime like the official version of the quran that we have he actually took it from the uthmanic and he spread it more and he did a lot to actually you know help us preserve the quran yet still allah in any case so these are the two i want you know now we just get to the the finale of this story so abdul malik came comes to power and and this is in 65 hijrah and the first five six years of his khilafah are dealt uh are are dealing with the other rebellions not with ibn zubair until finally he feels confident to then take on the hijaz and he does this in the year 72 hijrah 72 israel and it is said that hajjaj himself after conquering kufa and other cities hajjaj himself demanded the honor to go to mecca and take on ibn zubair hajjaj was a loyal loyal general he wanted to win battles for his master and he uh he said to abdul malik i saw in a dream that i am attacking ibn zubair and i am succeeding and winning and i'm killing even zubair so this is now the time i want to go so uh abdul malik allowed him to go and gave him one of the largest armies he had ever given anyone up until that point in time over 20 000 men this is a battalion this is like in those days a country's army twenty thousand men they're not even gonna be twenty thousand people with families in makkah and he has twenty thousand warriors marching to the holy city how is that even gonna again this is a no-brainer this is not going to be a real thing you cannot fight you know as a city in mecca twenty thousand men now that ibn zubair has he only has that area left because again um abdul malik has targeted each and every area until finally the entire country is now or the republic is his other than that small province even medina was taken away from venezuela before he sent the 20 000. so literally it's just the holy city left how can you possibly fight this so hajjaj uh divided up his army into all of these groups there were lots of syrians uh the badu umayya there were people from africa from egypt from all over and all of them are trained in different ways and whatnot and he is marching with one of the uh one of the largest armies uh the ummah has seen and i've said this sad fact before and i'll say it again most of the battles and armies in early islam were not against outsiders they were internal like this fighting between each other this is what's going to happen when you have the as our processor said once the sword is opened in my ummah it will never be lifted until judgment day once it falls in the ummah it will stay here and that's why uthman said not in my time not in my watch because he didn't want that and when it did happen khalas even in ali what happened happened so over 20 000 people besieged the city of mecca and cut it off from supplies from food from grain and even from water so much so that after a while the people of mecca only had zamzam to eat and drink that's all they had everything is cut off and the siege lasted for a full eight months how can people live like this now interestingly enough hajjaj has a very bad rap and there are many books that mention that he used the catapult against the cabba okay however some group of medieval historians including ibn taymiyyah they are not fans of hajjaj but they say whatever hadjaj did this catapult is not his it is muslim even in the time of yazid that hadjaj did not throw catapults on the kaaba and this is a mistake and a mix-up of 15 years ago in the time of yazid because remember yazid also attacked yazid also attacked the kaaba and yazid was the one who had muslim um ibn kuba uh muslim sorry yeah um two who was who is going to attack the kaaba and he is the one who uh he is the one who used that catapult the manjanik against the kaaba so it wasn't according to this ibn tami and others it wasn't hajjaj ibn yusuf who used the catapults also it appears and allah knows best and this is no defense of hajjaj it appears that he did not attack the city and mass he just wanted to wait out and let people come to him eight months twenty thousand men he could have slaughtered but he didn't and there seems to be some minimal level of bizarre respect that he has and allah knows best also because he is from the hijaz from it doesn't appear that he was the one who used the tactics of muslim in the time of yazid so his tactic was starve them out and force them to come with minor skirmishes that are going to take place and uh that is exactly what happened that um for eight months had judge kept on telling the people of mecca to come into his side and he promised them safety he swore to them by allah anybody who came would be safe he said to them why are you killing yourselves and your families you know i give you the help of that you and your families will be safe come and you have food and water over here and what do you think is going to happen again this is this is this is the real politics of the world your family is starving all of your goals and ambitions are going to flutter down okay this is just the reality you don't have food to eat months are going by and outside there's promise of safety security take you wherever you want here's your food leave just don't fight what are you gonna do this is what happened slowly but surely the people of makkah they had to make a difficult choice do we stay here with essentially certain death ahead of us whenever they're going to attack that's it there is no way or do we just leave and over the course of the next few months ibn zubair's strength in makkah and this is the tactic that you really need a machiavellian and it just you need alhaji to think of it and at some bizarre level and i have to say this you have to respect him for not attacking the kaaba just with the twenty thousand you have to give him that credit that how much he hates ibn zubair and he does hate him he's not going to have a massacre of the people of makkah that did not happen in his time that did not happen before but not in his time and this is again one of those that's what the habibi said that he has some good deeds but they're drown in the blood of his sins and hajjaj in his own life as we know he wasn't a drunkard he was praying regularly on time he was quran he was perfect tajweed he was an eloquent like he was in some weird way in his own way in his own mind he felt he was doing the will of god for the umayyads he felt that this is justified because i'm fighting for the legitimate khalifa and he felt all blood is then halal because these people are def are fighting against again it's just one of those weird things that that happens so over the course of the next eight months ten thousand of the followers of venus zubair no no not joined they didn't they didn't join to fight the other side there's a very important point here see even even tactics was so beautiful he didn't say to them come join me and attack ibn zubair he could have made that condition he could have made that condition then it would have been very difficult he didn't say that he'd simply just said abandon just leave don't be there don't support so over the course of the next eight months bit by bit to the followers of hajjaj uh of uh uh zubair zubaid bit by bit it's gonna happen again don't say anything to anybody you were not there your children were not suffering and dying in front of you so much so ibn zubair it is said ibn zubair had to sacrifice his own horse to feed his followers the horse that he would use for battle in in the very end of his time he had to sacrifice his own horse not even he doesn't even have a horse to sit on for the battle now there's nothing to eat what are you going to do so thousands and thousands left basically the the city is left abandoned and perhaps one of the most painful things for ibn zubaid is plenty of children two of his own sons also uh went over to the other well not to the other side but they basically left two of his own sons they went over to hajjaj and they got the promise of security and then left okay and that's very painful you know really and that's obviously going to be very but again what are you going to do i mean i i have nothing to say i wasn't there we weren't we weren't we weren't being tested the way these people are being tested and they're seeing the results of the drought and the results of the lack of food you know there's no grain there's no meat there's no nothing to eat makka as you know is a barren land doesn't produce any crops what are you going to do when there's food is running out it's completely surrounded so bit by bit basically zubair realizes that he's just going to have to have a last stand and hajjaj once again offers him the choice surrender and i promise you that you will not be executed okay that was the one promise now what's going to happen if you're not executed you're going to be prison tortured or whatever but you're not going to be killed okay and it is said that now this is where the story is basically to come to an end where uh zubair abdullah zubair then goes to his mother asma binti abhi bakker and this is one of those iconic moments in early islam this is one of those very famous moments that you know people read about and hear about and it's one of those significant historical incidents that truly demonstrates they were sure of their truth and the other side was sure of their truth so he visits his mother asma and of course asma at this time is 100 years old she is blind she is now completely she is the last of the muhajirat to still be alive everybody is gone long gone she is the last of them and now she is surrounded by the forces of hajjaj her son with a small band we don't know how many probably a few hundred are left now we don't know how many but out of tens of thousands a few hundred of the core followers are left and he says my dear mother my own followers have left me even some of my family members have left me and i only have a shirt a small group of people and they are willing hajjaj is willing to give me whatever i want of this world if i surrender what is your advice to me hajjaj will protect me i have this dunya if i surrender what is your advice so asma said you know yourself better my son if you believed you were upon the haqq and you were calling to it then go forth and fight as your companions before you did obviously in these eight months small skirmishes have taken place no no big all-out war has happened and again you have to give hajjaj that little bit of credit small skirmishes as is going to happen we have two armies and people have died so asma is saying you go and you fight like those other people have fought and do not allow your neck to bend and become a plaything for the banu umayya to step on means don't humiliate yourself in front of the banu you have is go out like a man don't allow your neck to become the footstool of the banu umayya die like a man if you want to however if you wanted this dunya and you want the banuma is giving you the dunya then what an evil person you are you have destroyed yourself and all of your followers have died all of these years in vain so either you are upon the truth in which case go forth and die on the truth or you were upon battle in which case shame on you or the third option you were upon the truth and now you say that you are too weak and so you want to surrender and i say saying i say this is not the way of the people of iman to surrender this is not the way of the people of iman to surrender for how long will you live after surrender eternity for how long in that case mouth is better than hayat this is asma bint abhi bakr telling her own son now that's something just phenomenal at that age hajjaj is promising safety security you can live and asma is saying don't humiliate yourself die like a man because even if you were to live for how long what's the benefit what do you gain by doing that so he said ya um if i die i fear that hajjaj will mutilate my body because he had done this in previous campaigns hajjaj had unfortunately this evil practice which is haram obviously it is haram even to non-muslims it is absolutely haram but people are people and hajjaj is hajjaj so abdullah zubair said i fear that they're going to mutilate my body and asma said that famous answer ya bune sun a sheep does not feel any pain when its skin is peeled off so go forth bismillah and let allah happen once you're killed your body is not going to feel any pain and they say that he said this to his mother not because he feared but he wanted to prepare her because why would he fear not because he feared he wanted to psychologically prepare her for what is going to happen so he knelt down to kiss his mother for one last time and she felt his armor on his head and whatnot and she said take this armor off let me feel you like i used to feel you as a child so he took his armor off and you know they kissed and hugged like a mother and a son and um made she made dua for him and they both cried knowing this is the last time that's it and then he took his band of followers and bismillah they went out basically fighting to the last man and ibn zubair fought a ferocious death it is said that they tried to not kill him and capture him alive in order to humiliate because now now all bets are off if he was caught now khalas they can actually torture him to death that was they're going to be their philosophy however in the severity of the battle and in the troops um you know doing what they did a pillar actually fell down and it collapsed on him so allah protected him that at least he died without their hands actually killing him so he died in the outer place of the of the haram you know in the outer buildings of the haram when the troops were in with him and uh they could not capture him alive he died uh in that manner however just to get their vengeance they did exactly what he felt they would do and they chopped his head off and they sent it to abdul malik bin marwan as a gift and this pagan practice was nothing that the rashidun ever did it is not the sunnah of islam to send heads to the leaders this is something that unfortunately these early muslims got from the pagans this is not a muslim practice as you know and they sent the head of the medical marwan to and they say the first to do this was yazid to do this and as you know hussain's head was also done in the same way the same thing was done like that so um they sent the head to abdomen and obviously he was very happy at this he wasn't sad at all he's very happy now that this enemy is is gone and when they chopped his head off even though he's already dead when they chopped his his head off uh his troops the hajjaj's troops started shouting with takabir allahu akbar and again it's just ironic these people are muslims they're around the kaaba and they think they're doing the will of god because in their minds they are in their minds they are had thought he's doing the will of god he doesn't feel that this is something wrong he's going to now lead the salah in a few minutes in front of the kaaba and he thinks he's doing fine you know so the people start saying takbir and ibn umar heard that old man now again he did not participate so they're not going to harm him remember these are people that everybody knows they're neutral right and now their neutrality will come in handy for them and in many ways it was a wise decision because they just are interested in that's why they're known for teaching what this is not they're not interested in the politics they just want to leave their mark on the ummah in the way that they have done so abdullah uh and subhanallah he at this stage is 80 something years old he's older than him is older than him and abdullah ibn um hears the takabir at the death of abdullah ibn zubair and he says wallahi those who said takbir when this man was born were greater in number and in iman than those who were saying to beer at his death subhanallah here's a man who's heard both take beers he's heard that tabir as a child now he's heard this dakbira's death can you imagine the sadness of these people and well i just you know again it's just so sad to think about that time and reading about these stories it makes me realize the times we're living in are not as bad as these ones because you know at least it's not sahaba and what not you know that's happening this happening too at least it's not between the sahaba the time of ali or sahaba on one side children of sahaba on the other what not we have much different now you know we have one more no big deal in that sense you know semi joke here don't take that too seriously i'm not making to fear of hath but what i'm saying don't no doubt many of the people there are definitely not of the righteous muslims and some of them like the syrian guy he's not even a muslim there's no question about that so the point being that uh ibn umar he he he basically um expressed his sorrow oh i forgot too much ibn zubair passed away or he died uh in al-awwal in 73 hijrah so essentially one can say that he ruled for less than a decade less than a decade he was the the khalifa of mecca and for that decade only a year and a half to two years max was he the khalifa for a good portion of the ummah small period of time year and a half is not small it's not is it a day year and a half that's like 500 days he was the khalifa of the bulk of the ummah but how long is it going to last so they cut his head off and then they tied his body on a post and they crucified it now again you have to be careful when you read the word they crucified it realize they don't mean the christian crucifixion okay they don't mean to hang like this in the arabic yoslab suleiba right in jazz that those who wage war against allah and his messenger their punishment is that they be executed or that they be crucified what is the meaning of yusuf crucified there is but essentially the majority position is that after execution after you chop the head off you put the body on a pole so that people are terrified at what this man has done this is the punishment in the quran for what are called highway robbers who are highway robbers you all know we don't have them that much these days but once upon a time between two cities wasn't desert or unprotected land and there would be gangs of mobsters who would hijack the caravan steal your wealth kill your women and children do evil things you can imagine right nobody's going to do anything those types of people allah says they may be executed or crucified and the crucifixion here the message has to be given to the rest of the world that these crimes are not tolerated you understand so ibn zubair in the minds of hajjaj is somebody who deserves this level of punishment you understand in his mind he made this that wheel and so he took the body headless body and put it on a peg and put it in front of the cab in front of the cap actually in the hajjun in the hajjun the semi-circle the the the smell as they say the hijr he put it over there can you imagine abdullah in zubair's body in front of the kaaba and he left it there so that everybody can see everybody doing tawaf can see the body what um what can you say this happened in the time when sahabah are still alive and to make matters worse he sent a messenger to asma that come i need to speak to you and asma and asma refused and he demanded that she come to see the son of the her bodies the son of her body and she refused and he said either you will come or i will have you dragged by your hair this is hajjaj speaking to asma the sister-in-law of the prophet salallahu no again this is his mind this is in his mind he has no problem doing that and she sends the message back you can drag me if you want i will never come to you willingly go ahead she literally throws the gauntlet i'm not going to come to you i refuse to come to you so hajjaj then came to her house with his entourage had judged then visited asma binti abi bakker just an amazing surreal image in your mind can you imagine with his bodyguards his entourage and she's an old lady all alone nobody to protect nothing she does not have anybody anymore everybody is now dead and he visits her house and he taunts her what do you think of what i've done of the enemy of allah meaning and she responds back and she is still that 12 year old girl speaking to abu jahl that bravery still there even though she's blind even though she has no defense she responds back you have sold his dunya for your deen means he's died the dunya but you've sold your deen and the cost was his dunya who cares it says dunya his deen is protected his protected his life is the thing that went but you had to sell your deen to get his life and he taunts her again and she says wallahi i heard and this hadith is a sahih muslim this hadith is a muslim this hadith is one of the most authentic hadith of islam and i heard the prophet sallallahu alaihi he was seldom say that from the tri oh sorry sorry one more thing so before she said this she said to hajjaj that i heard used to taunt my son by calling him the son the son of the woman with two belts you should know i am that woman of the two belts it appears that the title spread and people didn't know the story because it sounds a little bit cheap like the son of the lady of two belts it doesn't sound glorious maybe hajjaj didn't know the story so this is a hadith in sahih muslim and sahih bukhari also has a version of it in which asma is telling her story as a hundred year old lady she says you should know i am that lady of the that undertalk and she tells the story of what happened on the day of the hijra i had to tear my own belt to protect the prophet saw to protect their food and the other belt i use for my modesty in other words you're taunting him and that is me and that's why i'm called that to natake it appears that the name had stuck and people had forgotten the story and so now she rubs it in hajjaj's face that that title that used to make fun of my son by it is a title of honor if you knew the story then she says that you should know that i heard from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that from the tribe of takif there shall come a kathab and a mubir a liar and a terminator exterminator right as for the kadhab we have seen him and that is just told you about him the one that is the founder of shirism he's one of the main founders of theological shiism he's one of the first persons to start preaching that hussein radhiallahu is superhuman and that jibril came to him and so that that version of shirism that's extreme we call it and from it the nosades and whatnot they come exactly they go back to the extreme these are not even the twelver these are the extreme extremes their theology is begun from and he used to claim that jibril comes and give what anyway so here's a whole different story so isha said as for the kazab we already know who he is asma said as for the kadab we know who he is and as for the terminator then i am sure it is you so she said this straight to his face as he's surrounded by his entourage and hadjaj was known to be a harsh eloquent man when he heard asma he couldn't even respond he's quoting a hadith and he's pointing straight at him and he just stood up and left his room her room yanny she had an old lady silenced hajjaj and she won the argument in the day despite the fact that he had threatened to drag her to see her son subhanallah but that didn't happen and eventually so ibn ibn omar at that time he's 85 years old and he too is weak in sight he's not all these and he's not too blind he's weak inside ibn umar had told his servant he would do tawaf every day and he had told his servant that when we get to the body turn me the other side make sure i don't pass by the body he didn't want to see once his servant forgot and he just took him next to the body that was there for a few days we don't know exactly how many days some say three some say a week we don't it was just hanging there and he passed by the body and ibn umar in his in his eyes with his eyes he looked up and he recognized uh the the body of abdullah zubair and he said may allah have mercy on you i testify you were so warm and used to pray and fast a lot and even if we had differences because again they didn't see eye to eye fully right but uh inshallah allah will not punish you means you're going to punish the other person allah will not punish you so ibn clearly you see the maturity he wasn't a follower of ibn zubaid but he recognized between these two who is the good man and who is the bad man it's very clear in this regard and he made shafa to hajjaj and he goes isn't it time to um take the the one who's carried and put him in the cafe like basically it's a poetic way of saying isn't it time to bury uh abdullah zubair so he then allowed the burial but he put a condition not in mecca i don't want it to be buried in makkah so asma washed the body and janaza was prayed over him and they took the body to medina and he was buried in the house of safiyyah the mother of the believers and the house of safiyah is was in the was next to the house of aisha and uh because when the processor migrated were the uh were the two houses next to the masjid so he was buried in the house of safiyyah and as you know the house of safiya was expanded and covered inside the masjid so in reality abdullah zubair is buried essentially in the hijrah right now essentially in the holy in the sanctuary the inner sanctuary of the prophet sallallahu islam even though it wasn't intended because he was buried in the safiya's house right but where is safiya's house it's next to aisha's house and aisha's house safiya's house was then expanded over and the masjid was incorporated and so abdullah ibn zubair is not even buried in bakir he is buried right next to the prophet saw the next house over in the next house over and subhanallah after the death of ibn zubair by a few weeks ahma fell ill and passed away and she was the last of the muhajirat to pass away and abdullah zubaid he mar very briefly he married multiple women over his life at least six partners he had and from those he had around 20 children over the course of his life because obviously he died at the age of 74 years old now so he's lived a full life here and one of his wives was isha binti ruth and another wife was nafisa binti hassan bin ali so the daughter of uthman and the granddaughter of ali were the wives of abdullah and there were other women as well abdullah zubair and i just wanted to do a few a hadith from his he narrated around 30 hadith that are different from one another and then insha'allah we are um done with abdullah ibn zubaid time is limited so um was known for following the salah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi to imitate the prophet sallam so he has one hadith here i saw the prophet saw when he started the salah he would raise his hands until they were at the same level of his ears so he's as a child remembers the process like this the next hadith that the prophet saw when he sat in tashahud he would place his right hand on his right thigh and his left down on his left thigh and he would point with his sababa this is the sababa he would point with his sababa and he would look at the forefinger uh during the tasha so from this the medhab of just leaving your finger out which is by the way what i personally do but it's no big deal whatever you do no big deal but this hadith mentions that he would just point with the finger in the tashahud and he says i saw the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam uh do that also from abdullah zubair that abdullah zubair once forbade of hajj you all know that tomato of hajj was a big controversy and umar forbade it abdullah forbade it and they said that this was never done in the time of the prophet saws this and even abbas said and what knowledge does ibn zubair have let him go to his own mother asma and ask asma for indeed zubair went to asma while they were both halal in mecca very explicit you understand what ibn abbas is saying that when zubair did hajj his own father abdullah his own father and asma they were a married married couple and i was there i know that they were both halal go ask his own mother and when asma heard this she became irritated and said may allah forgive ibn abbas he was too explicit he didn't have to be that vulgar but he is speaking the truth but he's speaking the truth they indeed become halal and married couples then did engage so this shows you ibn zubair and ibn abbas were not too friendly because there's this tension he didn't have to be that blunt but he that says it you guys follow the story or is like huh it's like it's a you know it's he didn't have to use that example but he did and it's a halal example but it just shows that there is some tension after all that is um going on and of course tamato is allowed as we all as we all know and as the daughter of abdullah uzza visited her daughter asma binti abhi bakker with gifts uh of honey and oil and cheese when they were in when they were in madinah and she had not embraced islam so who is this lady katila is the mother of asma the the ex-wife of abu bakr but she's not the mother of aisha is another lady and abu bakr divorced her when she did not embrace islam and from her they had asma right so asma is visited by her mother in medina who is narrating the hadith the grandson great grandson okay so this is from his father abdullah zubair from his mother asma okay so the chain is the family chain and she asked permission to visit her daughter and her daughter said no ah isha asked the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam can asma's mother visit asma aisha the younger sister and at this allah reveal surat al-mumtahina verse 8 came down because of abdullah zubair's grandmother allah does not forbid you from those who have not harmed you in your religion that should be nice to them right and so she was commanded to accept her gift and to allow her to visit her house interesting that abdullah is narrating from the grandmother thing okay um abdullah zubair said that the prophet saslam said if i were to take anyone as a khalil other than allah it would be abu bakr why is this interesting because abu bakr is his grandfather and allah is the one narrating it okay so abdullah narrating the hadith about his grandfather the very next hadith the prophet sallam said every nibi has a hawadi and the hawaii of my ummah is zubair who is narrating it abdullah nazuba isn't this interesting huh he's narrating the falal of bakker on one side and the father i love zubair on the other side and this is again the benefit of being abdullah zubair so these are hadith are narrated by abdullah and by others as well but he is the one uh narrating them as well um and there are others as well uh one point one interesting one and then inshallah and then insha allah we are done with abdullah zubair that um from his father from his father uh from his brother abdullah ibn zubair uh urdu zubaid is the younger brother of abdullah zubair is the main narrator from a isha we mentioned this many times was not a sahabi he was born after the death of the prophet sallam and abdullah is a sahabi and this is older brother by uh 15 20 years or when abdullah have a big gap between them so narrates from his brother abdullah that one day abdullah bin jafar one one day abdullah bin zubair met abdullah bin jafar you guys remember abdullah bin jaffa the team whom the process of his head wiped right and he said to him laughingly jokingly do you remember the day that we both ran to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he carried me and he didn't carry you this is the hadith that's it you said it's just a strange hadith right that was saying that i saw my brother one day he meet abdullah ibn jaffar and he's teasing him abdullah bin jaffa they were friends and he's teasing him do you remember the day that we both went running to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he picked me up and he did not pick you up okay it's just the tease that we were kids and whatever so he did that so again i just found this interesting that subhanallah these are small things this is the generation of the young sahaba these are their memories the process and playing with them as little children and now with the death of even zubaid and asma this generation is now gone and the next generation is going to come with this we come to our conclusion of the uh stories of the sahaba uh inshallah next wednesday we'll have the the class on ramadan and then after ramadan when we start up again insha'allah most likely i will do um so we are obviously i haven't done an exhaustive study of all the sahaba but i think what i have done in sha allah is sufficient to give us a good idea of we've done pretty much all of the famous sahaba if there are a few left i'll see and if there are then i might just do them after ramadan then start i want to do an exhaustive list of any major sahaba that i haven't done and if you have any suggestions in the next six weeks about particular sahabi that are interesting i'll see insha'allah we can do that so with that we stop for today you
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 11,958
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Keywords: islam, muslim, quran, koran, prophet, muhammad, yasir, qadhi, anwar, arafat, anwar arafat, muhammaed Faqih, mohammed, muhammed, faqih, yasir fazaga, fzaga, fazaga, memphis, moslims, islam 101, learn about islam
Id: vkjF-rcAtkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 0sec (4740 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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