200kW miracle power saving device.

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I'm having a bit of a bang good evening tonight so this is another bang good product and I these are not sponsored I bought them myself so I can see exactly what I want about them and this are no Fame well this is a quack product it's a two hundred kilowatt 110 250 volt household smart power saver and I've already taken some similar units to bits but I thought I've not taken one of the aluminium cased ones to bits so here it is and I know if a male these are black products but I quite enjoy them and I like the fact that they are fight products and this one I appoint Lee it turns your rough squiggly Soundwave into a perfectly smooth same weave and in doing so and not reading Chinese air I think we can safely say it probably means that it's going to save you 20 to 60% off your electricity bill and it's a smart Chamberlin power savoir okay it's a little tag okay it says 110 200 200 to 250 watt so here's the unit and it's smaller than I was expecting I'm almost disappointed I thought it's going to especially when it's rated 200 kilowatts and it's the 2015 model with very very modern and unlike the plug-in ones that comes with two fuses that could elude to the fact it's got arc passionate as the others have because when you've got a modestly sized capacitor in and a few are something with a plug it can actually pop a fuse because they fast will pass the transience of the arcing or basically pass that electrical noise this is not earth stylish which well I just have to be very very careful I can guess what's inside this but let's say do the tests anyways let's get the power meter don't know previously I've had units that had absolutely nothing side well they had a the had the capacitor but it wasn't connected me it may be a safety thing and the other one actually the capacitor connected because they got zapped off the pins a and if it's got a capacitor this will show no power probably are very little power but it will show quite a high current so let's say I get the death data in and plug this in right it's showing point three watt which could just be the LED actually is that right yeah the LED is very cheap nasty it's very is what a green gallium phosphate led the older technology reliable but very dim can you even know you can't see it it's flicking away their point two watts let's see if this capacitor 245 volts 469 milliamps let's knock that down so a 0.469 amps and what was that it was 245 volts my current supply wasn't 245 volts I will do the maths after this list but let's open it up cuz it's very clear there is a capacitor inside this lets short these pins out with something oh it did u s-- it did spark if there's a beefy capacitor in there right let's take a look it's M Torx right one moment the big Kumasi kit which is just a what's a random bits now which bits are going to be is it gonna be that bit I don't know is it gonna be this one oh they are so fishy get out closer but still a wee bit loose this is that this is where a faint this one is too big no no it fits it fits that's good so let's get this open and see what deletes it has inside the idea of these is that you plug it into a socket in your house or your factory and it miraculously saves you lots of power and that's all you have to do this plug to soccer and they usually work in the basis of power factor correction it doesn't actually do anything in a household power bill it doesn't even do much to an industrial power bill the whole concept per factor is that if you have an inductive load but well there's a circuit board in here if you have an inductive load there is the capacitor if you have an inductive load this sine wave hold on let's say let's doodle this if that's the voltage the same wave if you have an inductive load it lags so it said that the if this is a voltage the current is out of phase because of the way it's building up their magnetic field out of sync with actual voltage and capacitance the capacitors actually have a leading Perot fighter which means that the current leads the voltage and often in like old fluorescent fittings you used to have the traditional chalk that the buzzy fluorescent fittings you'll often fade a capacitor inside them to compensate for the lag of the chalk because it makes the the unit it makes a fluorescent fitting draw power brings the power and voltage closer to unity where the voltage they're both in sync and that isn't read on home parameters but it is read industrial meters so it can be quite useful in large installations the offices and stuff up so that's the concept behind it however this is just a stab in the dark this is just like throwing a capacitor and and vodka pastor and not knowing what's of loads are in the house so it's pretty a hardest I've seen the presentations of these where they basically have like the worst Lord possible a big little Aussie motor with no load on it so it's acting like a choke and our own doctor and they're short with the parameter and then this short with the capacitor and it's a miraculous improvement makes it look like the currents gone down and it's just basically quackery again it's just a being charlatans bear so here we have the arrangement here we get the means come here it's a not polarized so one connection goes straight to the capacitor and here's the back here if you want to take a look very simple circuit board we've got the other connection goes via the fuse that's nicely for a fuse in there then it goes to right let's doodle this down shall we so we've got the mince commune doesn't matter which we render Gorge there's a fuse on one leg then there's a big fat capacitor which was not worked out the value of that yet I could theoretically calculate it from this using the formal capacitive reactance we'll take a look at that afterwards maybe will be printed on it maybe I can just meet Rhett there is a resistor across the capacitor to discharge it which is good hopefully a nice high value and if the LED we've got a diode it's very simple we've got basically a diode a resistor and the LED so very simple that's why I was looking so flicker as to what these values well that's 100 K 100 K this one is a four band resistor it's a four band metal film resistor my least favorite type yellow violet black orange four seven oh three zeros 470 K that's a good value that'll take a while to discharge that capacitor because this looks very much like a capacitor you may find in some motors and domestic appliances or ceiling fans to give them direction or control the speed of them so this doesn't have anything written on it that's if it comes off let's see what anything oh it's written in the circuit board there's 6 micro fired 450 volts is it 6 make fart it looks like it yeah that looks like it's a there are 5 or 6 air let's say me triptan just to be sure the resistor across the capacitor mates skewer but let's to give you let's try out and see we're looking for roughly 6 micro fires what we're going to get what we're going to get five point eight is good enough even yep though that's pretty good so let's say let's drop the meter shall we so let's say calculate that hurt and so using the formula x equals 1 over 2 pi FC XC is the equivalent resistance of the it's usually in ohms and it's the equivalent resistance that that capacitor poses and this is why when you've got hair when you've got LED lamps like say for instance this one and the they're using this capacitor the capacitance reactants as a resistor if you used an ordinary resistor in series of these LEDs the resistor to get red hot or dissipate a lot of power but very inefficient but by using a capacitor it you get the capacitive reactance effect it's only allowing a portion through that's tracking the same wave and allowing a small portion through in each half st. of the same wave and that makes it much more efficient it runs cold except the LEDs particular if it's a 5 watt version this particularly but basically you can use it as an alternative to resistor but it's much more efficient for simple mains power supplies XC equals 1 over 2 pi F in our case this 50 Hertz our supply here not sixty Hertz thousand America but 50 Hertz anuki times C and farad's so let's do the maths here so just out of interest a two times pi which is 3.14 equals six point two eight times 50 Hertz equals 314 times and that was six microphones so do we actually they did we believe the meter I think we'll go for five point eight so point zero zero zero zero zero five eight equals right so we'll put that memory one divided by that may recall equals five hundred forty nine so the equivalent resistance here XC in ohms is about five hundred and forty nine ohms the RMS voltage was two hundred forty five volts I equals V over R so two hundred two hundred and forty five volts divided by the capacitive reactance of five hundred and forty-nine in ohms equals 440 6 milliamps actually make four hundred and sixty-nine mallams but some of that may be going through the led not a lot of it probably though to me lamps so it's pretty close it's not far off that so yes it's these typical devices there's a nice piece but they don't really actually do anything but here people buy them they plug them in and they're convinced they're saving power probably because when they buy it they're the they've they're obviously buying it because they've you know they've got huge electricity bills and usually the same time as they buy these things they decide to start saving parallel turn lights off they'll turn the heating down a bit and turning your heating down a bit makes a massive difference if you just turn the heating to your house down by just one or two degrees or in the case of the air conditioning if you just nudge it up by a couple of degrees you'll find that it makes a significant saving and generally speaking when people buy one of these there there told you know you can also save power by doing this and you know trying to heating down and see your turn off loads has not been used and as a result they do end up making genuine savings not directly as a result of this but because of the placebo action that you know they got this and it encourage them and they got that information to save power by using other means but having said that I quite like this because of this construction are quite like the assassination of soccer board it's sensibly noticed the usual minimalist secretary with the pointless green LED that basically just shows that the powers are on the fuse is intact I like the aluminum case how is the clearness in this for electrical connections I like all quietly things they're all you know it's all good really so the tracks are well clear the say there's good clearance there and this yeah this is that all the components are well clear of the case so it's not that bad actually so yeah it says interesting off it so it's a quite a cute to little device it is a naughty charlatan device but it's but it's quite cute nonetheless it's it's quite neat little thing I thought do one more test with a more accurate dedicated capacitance meter because the multimeters are though they're very good that you know things like capacitance always a slight compromise so here's our dedicated capacitance meter all it does is capacitance it's what its specialty isn't it's Singh 6.13 maitre fired so if we do the maths again based on that so that's let's say clear everything so PI times 2 times 50 Hertz equals to 14 times point zero zero zero zero zero six one I'm running out of digits here equals memory plus so exci was one of two pi FC so one divided by that divided by memory call equals this time I get there more accurate capacitance value of 522 ohms 245 volts 245 volts divided by the 522 ohms the capacitive reactance equals 0.469 that's exactly what I got measuring the current on the parameter so that just shows you that you know capacitance first of reactants it really does have a direct relationship to the sort of almost when you use that formula it's quite nice when they're things that work out so well but yeah yeah good time I like it it's just quite a neat little thing all together
Channel: bigclivedotcom
Views: 1,970,279
Rating: 4.6631069 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Capture, quack, overunity, power factor, capacitor, 6uF, 450V, power, energy, saver, free, fake, scam, lagging, leading, inductive, reactance
Id: QHanyzP3C6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2016
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