(2003) Lisa Marie Presley on Michael Jackson & Scientology

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Michael Jackson oh god Michael Jackie you're gonna go here first I was hoping you forgot why did you marry Michael Jackson okay can I just well what were you doing um let me let me know I've been trying to go through this I haven't thought much about this what I was gonna say but I just figured it'd fly out of my mouth um okay first of all I heard he want to meet me I was 18 I didn't want to he was a freak and I want to say he's not stupid he didn't get where he was cuz he's stupid and not it it's unfortunate that not a lot of people know who he really is he doesn't let anybody see it and he has some idea about how he should represent himself in the public that he thinks works for him which is this sort of meek victim a quiet thing that he does which is not anything like how he really is so he doesn't let a lot of people see that when he wants to lock into you and he wants to intrigue you or capture you were you know whatever he wants to do with you he can do it he's very capable of doing that and um he was very quick - the first time I met him sit me down and go listen and I'm not gay I know you think this I know you think that and started cursing started you know make a normal person and I was like wow so I get caught up in that I'm pulled in right away like wow you're so misunderstood oh my god you're this guy I fell into this hole you poor sweet misunderstood thing I'm gonna save you you know I fell into that I fell in love with him I did I'm in love yes I felt at the time no sexual attraction I told you everything I said was a truth sexual attraction at the time mmm yeah what about the way he looks I told you see now I I'm not attracted to mediocrity or normalcy or things like that I think certain things are I'm weird I don't know I'm whacked nobody thought this okay my arms were toned what did your mother say yeah she called me and said there I know oh Lisa there's helicopters outside the house and they're saying you marry Michael Tyson okay I go I was just quiet and she goes you didn't she is you didn't and I think yeah I did and then it was just like you know that that was that was game long for me whew mom doesn't like it let's go I don't you didn't know you were gonna get married no no that was quick that was like run away I do this quick thing so partly it was a good way just to torment her a little maybe she married the biggest star of her time you were gonna marry the biggest music star of your time no I don't think it was a premeditated I knew she really didn't want me to do that and I I understand at that time I was still kind of in that mode it was just her reaction to my even dating him was like you know typical mother-daughter like oh you don't like him good he's gonna be my husband type thing it's terrible you'll go to great lengths to prove a point and nobody could stop you from doing it hell no nobody saw me from doing anything which is the really sad part but unless you know it's my children but they don't always know what I'm about to get into I still remember the first time I met her 1995 our first interview but you can't live with somebody day today we're together all the time first of all second thing how can you fake that 24 hours a day with somebody sleeping with somebody waking up with somebody and you did live together yeah I didn't believe yeah well let's just put it this way if he was in town he was at my house which was how often well I don't know it started to get less and less [ __ ] and again you can slug me on this question but I gotta go back so these were like romantic nights mm-hm yeah mmm I don't remember them very well but yes I mean it was normal I wasn't gonna get married if it wasn't that but see then it was like wanting to get married so I don't know if it was you know like I even remember thinking how is that gonna happen you know I can't even imagine him like that whatever and then he quickly disillusioned me of that idea do you know I don't want to go off I don't want to keep talking about him I don't want to knock him you know I mean I'm really not interested in like going off on him what about him and drugs I never saw it but I suspect it I don't know them cuz there's been talk about painkillers all the way through um you know it's funny cuz I don't I never saw it so I can't answer he never would tell me about it you know I was completely not not into that about the power of Scientology where the church stood on her disastrous marriages anybody in the church tried to talk to you about it Church isn't gonna tell me what to do with my relationships in my life that's something they're for in fact I walked in there I don't know two months ago and said you haven't seen me in four months now look what look what happens and it just got a divorce again I got you haven't seen me so here we go and you know they put me back together Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall and there they are with the glue again a school of reporting out there that says that the church would love to have a Nicolas Cage and then mmm Michael Jackson did it yeah I love it and that indeed that they would welcome the opportunity for you to bring them in mmm never once said a word to me about it never ever once they're not gonna see the problem with me is that nobody ever tells me what to do oh my god I would Rebell I mean there would be I would be like their worst nightmare honestly that just wouldn't happen how did it end what happened that mmm it just kind of went really sour really fast but you filed for divorce from Michael yes and how did you tell him that was it um it was when he was you know I was on with the phone I'd had enough there was a lot of stuff going on then it got really ugly the end it wasn't pretty but I don't I don't want to get into it did he fight your getting a divorce no he I think he got onto you know getting on somebody else pregnant right or having baby and that's what he wanted he seemed to get on that pretty quick you know I don't know and did it shake your confidence yeah I was pretty much needed to be mopped up off the floor after that one so I went through this whole series of just body falling apart you know stress the gallbladder just went to zero function I had to get it taken out I had mono and epstein-barr and that was like just fever that wouldn't go away and really ill are you sorry now that you went out and put your credibility there for him gave him that am i sorry now it's something that I can't I don't think I'll have a shake but you know I mean I it's it's more just frustrating cuz I know people you know know me or see who I am be like hi um you seem like you're alright what was that I mean basically you talked to him still who Michael um I've spoken to him probably first time a month ago after two years of not they didn't take phone calls for a while and then I took it a month ago as you said of mere curiosity what the hell you want and and I mean just to see if I was okay after the divorce been divorced Nick I know stock of how much spheric Alba on Schleck fantastic affair ganon height Lisa Marie Presley tough tough on rock and roll agenda Elvis and extra kick of Pop Michael Jackson right Vavoom home to Jackson cottage personal agendas estimate - huzzah - hoots - Ken - n-no on kazoo Alice Cooper test Matisse's shiftin and our Titleist alert on the staff - oh my god time and virtue time miss Ashton so misunderstood Lisa was excellent Francis as excellent high society cannon lanten Ashutosh an eminent fable for Oscar fine occurrences at the Hotel des mots Phillippe diseases had to back off in an eccentric ax is a pretty good for me I did sexual Hardy sex episode outside yeah Phil if a mooted and Ahmad steep Letitia ears are ina propaganda fun in scandal and Wanda Michael absolon entourage dish now scientists as punished valishia comments assign in ours watch finish believed through the element even connect I stood in ecology news release petunia Dursley lived as an award show doc NAFTA half that Candida wish to MJ Kavita Hin dismiss province Nats meters oft the Lisa Marie Clapton guru snitched vomits me hotter I just saw the yeah I had an against his own mother the team to keen and a beneath is accomplished to Dubai provided via different system limber so why did he respond to them the are teaming up MA Anna's for by Lisa Lisa Martin Jana was excellent is from Jackson Sharon side M how many Biden calm contact for the intern Aladdin's had my cozy and local food a Volta vassilis Lisa Marisa gate muchacha Gant watered and a stock of how even met yet John League and a half a gallon height you
Channel: mjjlmfp
Views: 1,528,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speaks, about, Her, Marriage, to, Michael Jackson, Lisa Marie
Id: XrVLbP8uyEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2011
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