Lisa Marie Presley interview

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[Music] okay you had a very special bringing in Graceland you had a bed made of mink fur you had special rings made for you for you had a golf card you were spoiled like mad how would you describe this little girl I think confused I don't think that I looked at it as being spoiled I think that I looked at it as my father loved me and didn't get to spend a lot of time with me and when he did he wanted to go out of his way to do whatever I needed to do to make me you know seemingly happy I had a very large dichotomy though you know that that was part of my life but then I would go home and live in a small apartment with my mother and yeah in Los Angeles because when they divorced when you were four your mom moved to Los Angeles right then quite a lot of time in Graceland still we did that yes but it was - it was just a dichotomy you know going from that to a very regimented scheduled normal life with an apartment with my mom two bedroom apartment - that you know was back and forth so it wasn't just one that was all that was there and my mother was very level-headed and very set on me being level-headed so she'd have to sort of undo whatever was done if I went to Graceland and spent two weeks being you know crazy tyrant you know she'd have to come in sort of guide me back in the right direction who ruled Graceland who was the dictator well my father but if he was sleeping and I would somebody somebody told me you were you you were very good that you found a very smart way of telling people that if you don't do what I say I'm gonna tell my dad and he's gonna fire you they hear these stories a lot it was a kid there's wonder my one of the cooks just recently told me she said you came in the kitchen one day and he said I want I wanted she made a chocolate cake and she said and I wanted to eat it she said you can't right now father said no you're gonna have dinner and I said you're fired get out this is my house I was you know that was that was an element it was a phase it didn't last you know but I did go through it because I think you had a pretty rough time I your your mom has told that story about when she wanted you for a photo together with your mom and dad and you were crying you didn't want to leave your nurse and then she realized that you had been so much with your nurse so I mean you weren't even at ease being with her right you must have been very lonely I was yeah she was I remember her very well sweet Japanese lady and it was very attached it was very heartbroken she when she got rid of her couldn't believe it but they were very busy then and yeah I was I mean most the time I would be in my room listening to music and not really wanting to play with friends and music was everything I had a little 45 and records and just listen - listen listen not you know and how did you perceive all this Fame thing and fans and people trying to climb over the fence and it's funny because I just adapted early and didn't have any kind of you know didn't know any different when I see pictures of you from from when you were growing up you don't look very happy hmm why I don't know I was sort of a you know I don't know it was very deep as a kid it had a lot of questions about life exposed to death very early not really a kid that was interested in being materialistic or celebrity or super you know I didn't have it was very sort of spiritual at a young age wanting to know deep dark questions about life very early on didn't have them answered yet so it's sort of purposeless not quite understanding how things worked alone a lot music was a huge part of my life so that's what would get me through things and you saw your father slowly go towards death more and more sick yeah how did you perceive this as a little child I don't know I just knew so you have a fourteen-year-old daughter and when your own you if you were 14 you had already been going on drugs for like a year or so no I started when I started with drugs 1415 okay yeah but you tell your daughter about this yeah she knows and what does she say what did you take what do you know what did that do and why I'm going to explain that you know this is like a phase that I went through and it's not something that I want her to do obviously but I also know that people were telling me don't do it and you do it and I try to explain that you know I did it amongst others and I was fortunate and other celebrity kids particularly were doing it that I knew and I I came out of it that's not always gonna happen you know do a lot of those people are dead now I'm gonna quote it just a few sentences from different songs on the album I seem so grim worms are crawling on me I'm just a son of a it's definitely my fault I've hurt you again I'm your disease I was wrong I'm so mean I broke up my family the gift is never gone hello this is you this is beer we're pulling out like you know songs yes I pull from songwriting is cathartic therapeutic for me so I pulled from pain I respond to music worse i someone's really sort of purging emotionally so I do and I've been writing since I was 23 sort of to get myself through things and I I can say that I I go I go for it when I'm writing you know I definitely go there but I mean it's this this picture you seem to have on yourself is this it's just the way you feel about yourself each song is from a different part of my life so they represent something I went through a felt and I'm sure that you know at the time I probably felt that way that doesn't in any way signify my normal state of mind or my normal well-being you were kind of quiet about yourself right on but still people had this image of you what what image was that oh the image this is a tabloid sensationalistic you know sort of image kind of funneled on its own out of control because I would never say anything so four years you know it's a tabloid tabloid tabloid who I was married to what I've done or you know silliness basically but it you know stacked up over 30 years it was a lot so when I put the record out it's like I have to combat all of that in one shot so it was a little overwhelming on that front you you talked about your life as a fishbowl life mmm can't explain what that is you know it's just something everyone can see from 360-degree view of whatever is going on around you in your life so I don't necessarily think it's always been there because I've been able to keep away and sort of move you know I haven't really been out there till now so other than people being aware of my you know personal mishaps it's been you know relatively quiet are you good married pretty pretty young how is it for a famous that's been the biggest dilemma I think and that's kind of been what's what's been being displayed I guess you could say is is that's always difficult because they can be very talented beautiful people spirits and then you know get with me and turn into get overwhelmed by the fact that I have the money or the fame or that the celebrity or and they just have they lose their identity and and their ego goes down and there's resentment that's a problem so then I go to the extreme opposite trying to figure out okay now this person's more famous or as me and then that has its drawbacks so it's been you know it's not easy either way there's got to be something in the middle you know but do you think it's harder for a famous woman to marry a regular guy than the opposite yes absolutely because it's not natural it's not the way things have been set up you know the whole things being set up men tend to want to be the provider and instinctively and understandably so so it's a little difficult and and being with a woman who is that but the daughter of the biggest rock icon ever marries the biggest pop icon now living was that a coincidence I felt like it was the right I should do that because it seemed more maybe that's what I should be doing instead of taking these dear souls and making them feel like they're nothing when then when they're a lot you know when they're very talented on their own I was tired of doing that raking them over the coals not not not me but just the whole situation you know of them being used to get to me or everything being about me so that's not fun for a man so then you thought when you met the pop icon Michael Jackson how did you think when you fell in love with him I was he's very different than he was you know he presents himself to be in public I think we had different lives different circumstances both of us and sort of connected based on that fact and it kind of went from there mm-hmm there was a clique we we started talking and immediately related to one another and it just kind of went from there because you know raised differently and in different circumstances presented to us in life so there was a connection based on that and I didn't necessarily think I was going to go romantic but it did and you know seemingly all fine and real and then you know were people questioning your relationship with him from Starke I mean your friends and your mom yeah people weren't really into that one I mean they were trying just you know say certain things about it but I you know I needed to figure it out on my own because he was writing this sex abuse scandal other things so what did people say to you mostly my mom was just like you know look at the timing of this and don't be stupid and but how did you I mean did it have anything to do I want you to explain because for me when I read that article I suddenly understood the way you'd been reasoning so I want you to tell me how did you how did you reason about I mean you've been married to a regular guy didn't work you meet Michael Jackson you fall in love so how do you think about this so in that way I think you know I can be in a situation where someone's more famous than I or as famous or a huge icon and then I can sort of have my position as a female I can be next to the man and I can feel more comfortable that way I wasn't seeking publicity myself I was kind of looking to feel like I can support somebody else that I admired did you speak to Michael about this no I mean I kind of just adapted into taking care of him and you know being a wife sort of trying to do that you know and did you enjoy that I did for a while yeah I don't think it was it all appreciated and it sort of sort of just dwindle out of control and it went to hell in a handbasket basically yeah but you know he we both I'm not gonna point fingers and all that but um it was just didn't work do you regret it it sort of stigmatized me you know without my knowing about it so I regret that you know immediately it's that whole what is it with you you know it's just because I'm always associated with that you know everything is about that you were married Michael Jackson that's like the biggest you know and it turns me into a freak so you divorced that's what I was quiet for about a year and I fell apart physically for a while and then I fell apart physically yeah I just had a lot of things happen physically do you were sick mmm I mean you know just my body was breaking down and so it sounds very serious yeah I was it was like that for a couple years and then I so it was really a very very heavy thing for you this religion yeah it was very stressful and it sort of had an after effect you know I got out and then four days later started having chronic panic attacks and just my body just freaked out and I you know - so Susur no I'm Scientologists there's a form of counselling but it's not the same as you know labeling or stigmatizing one or drugging someone it's very different so how could Scientology help you in this crisis after the relation with Michael Jackson you know it was a long process but it happened you know it was long sweeping mopping me up off the floor you know I had to basically I'd made a lot of progress prior to that and I had to do it all again basically it's what happened so what do you do I don't know well there's two sides of it there's a studying side where you just read and you're studying and it's sort of a science of life and encyclopedia of life and explains a lot and so it explains it to the point where it's actually working not you know you have to believe in this and it's this or that so there's either the study section part of it or there's a counseling thing that you do it's more of a just based on the communication and somebody sort of guiding you to self realize things not not you know stigmatize you or label you and evaluate you you know and how does it work for you it helped me understand myself my mind other people's minds sanity and sanity the dark black cloud that seems to be looming over everybody whatever you want to call that you know psychoanalysis or likes to call it subconscious whatever it is it's existing it's there and Scientology answered that for me very well so what that is what it means what it entails and how do you get so that it doesn't control you and what do you do and things like that it doesn't cost a lot of money you know there's a course that can cost 50 bucks 100 bucks it depends on what you're doing um yeah but then you would find anyway and you fell in love again mm-hmm Nick showed up at the right time that happened and Nick that's Nicholas Cage the actor and how would you describe the relation you had to him we had similar backgrounds similar histories in terms of our families being you know what they were and immediate connection kindred spirits rebellious wild you know just different than other people and I think we just got connected on that front so how easy has a guy how is he mmm he's great yeah we're still friends everything's good though you got married mm-hmm but well you know we were together two years before we got married so it was kind of one of those things where if you we already had a certain pattern going you know it was a bit wild and stormy so hoping marriage would you know make that more stable make each other feel more secure and it didn't you know either when you get married based on something like that it's see they're gonna embellish the problem or it's going to handle it so in this case it amplified it and you know we were two pirates basically and one pirate marries another and they'll sink the ship so what's what happened but before they sink the ship they throw the ring I didn't throw the ring [Laughter] somebody somebody threw a Nicholas Cage were on this boat you had this expensive engagement ring was like more than $65,000 right and it fell down in the ocean mm-hmm somebody threw it I don't know I mean I don't know somebody on the boat I'm not getting into that but that specifically it's just it wasn't me I was getting the rap for it I just remember watching it fly gone uh and then I was you know watched it hit the water and go down and it was 150 feet down so yeah do that anybody died yes yes it was very stressful only one guy was crazy enough to go down that far it's you know a big production to go down that far and look for something at the bottom of the ocean so what was it it was in Catalina mm-hmm would you say I mean do you think I mean I think a lot of people have had a lot of stormy relations do you think that you are are worse than others or is it just that you have all the spotlights on you I think that I've you know I've spotlights on me they weren't particularly that you know out of control but it looks like that when you're looking just that part of my life yeah and the media loves I don't know how many times I've I've been reading Lisa Marie's 108 days long marriage with Nikolas I love the 108 days thing yeah not three months but the next five days so the next time you're gonna get married they got it count 58 days somebody told me yesterday you should get a revolving door in your house but how does it affect you this fishbowl thing that that the media are watching everything you do and and sometimes ridiculing you and sometimes accusing you things you haven't done I hate it honestly I don't like it but it's actually it does it actually affect your relations to other people you know it can but I think it can if you take it too seriously yeah because you know the thing that affects me is when it when I'm with someone and they try to make it look like that's this you know she's with Nick because of you know he's obsessed with her dad or something it's not there there can't possibly be a real connection it's about that or there's some weird thing they try to put with my dad with everyone in and they can make it into whatever they want and that's very frustrating this meant was you know multi-talented 150 movies won an Academy Award I don't know what and they had to somehow discredit it and him by putting him there you know he's just an obsessed freak and that's why he's with her that was just horrendous and it affected him to infected both of us yeah I was like when I do this promotion I'm gonna set it straight this is driving me crazy I can't believe they actually do this with you you know I'm thinking I'm being with you and that's not gonna happen but no there's got to be that because there was the the movies or the you know things that he did before so yeah which were coincidental you know but you also described yourselves as to how or was it to 12 year olds in the same sandbox but I find that pretty mature you know because you don't get very much more mature I think that where maybe for him when you're 50 that is yeah when you turn 13 let me know yeah but you're a businesswoman also are you yes you're the manager of the Elvis Presley enterprise which is a big industry it's I mean hundreds of thousands of dollars every year so how is that being a businesswoman I just recently became the chairman of the board you know in the last five years but it it's kind of been I've been sort of being bred to run it since I was 17 knowing that I had a responsibility there so it's it's something that I got used to very early in life my mom sort of started getting me ready for that early it's a pretty strange business a business based on your your father and his fame yeah the idea that in the beginning never never felt right to me because it was my home my home but this yeah was your home but at the same time you know she took it and did what she did and you couldn't you know make it she took a gym in your love yeah I mean my mother took it and turned it around it was nothing you know and it wasn't gonna provide for me or keep everybody afloat or do anything so she had to do what she needed to do when I understand that so I respect that and it's it's working it makes a lot of people happy and to see it and be a part of it and it's it's not somewhere that I plan to live anyway you know so it's it seems to be fine now so thank you very very much thank you very very nice you too [Music] you
Channel: Stina Dabrowski
Views: 1,666,888
Rating: 4.6291499 out of 5
Keywords: Lisa Marie Presley (Musical Artist), Stina Dabrowski, Interview (TV Genre)
Id: qC_oLf-HVnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2015
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