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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello taya the book is getting a lot of a lot of attention very controversial how do you feel now that it's out any regrets that you wrote it or anything you'd like to delete or no regrets whatsoever I felt very good actually was there before me and to release everything out of my system that I felt very good I can do that sometimes writing a book and relieve us of everything inside you called it a highly dysfunctional family although on the surface it seemed like the American dream yes of course naturally in our family because we that was always that facade if they're smiling in front of the cameras that when we got home it was totally different for the entirely different lifestyle at home well what was it like at home it was very very hard my father was very strict he beat us when you say he'd beat you did he spank you belt whatever my brothers were grown and my father would take his fist and he would punch him and knock them down the steps constantly pay for today no of course not this day they are still afraid of my father they will tell you they will come they come to me they did with Toya we have kids in college and we're afraid of my father still today but my mother allowed this to go on which makes it so bad she didn't stop that she too was an abuse victim wasn't she my mother by my father according to my brother yes according to Michael he would tell me he would see my father beating my mother I had never seen my father beat my mother means what I beat all of us I got beat wants only became brother didn't straight-a before Carter you came home with a report card and there it was he beat me I didn't know why because we were young you don't understand but it was because I didn't speak up and talk in school and the reason for that is because I saw so much going on inside the house I said to myself I don't want to be a part of this and I would never talk I was so quiet and shy because I didn't want it to happen to me so did this persist all through your childhood and continued into the young adult adult everything I mean Michael was doing I think it was off-the-wall thriller and he was still getting beat but what you guys see it came up on the awards accepting these awards and smiling my father's chasing him around the house and he's running from him terrified you said that my was the only one that actually tried to fight back and try to get away yes it's the only one I don't think he knew exactly what he was doing but the more he would get beat he threw it back at it and throw sure he would have to always get the last lickin always and yet he wrote a book and where he didn't talk about the abuse at all he did talk about the beatings in his book he does he mitches that his father was very abusive he beat them all the time really my mother also wrote a book and she also reaches that in her book and she also mentions my father second family and so many other things but she omitted this from her book in America but the book that she wrote in Paris it's still there what's been the reaction of your family to this book I have no idea my parents of course they're denying it and of course typical that they would deny and I was the first sign of dysfunctional and abused as well however Outsiders has accepted the book and they can understand they understand about the abuse there wasn't just physical abuse it was also mental abuse which is very very awful abuse as well that you don't write about in the book you allude to it that you're very lightly because it's a very touchy subject and it's dealing with my sister and I wasn't able to talk about myself just yet you have to be ready to come out and talk about these things and it's a very sad story because really is a wonderful person we must say and she left home at a very young age she left home when she was I think it was 16 at years old and the reason she left is because my father would get out of that with my mother and he would get in the bed with rebe my mother my Ruby would ask my mother please mother get help for him and she wouldn't she would not tour if he had to leave home there were times of course when my mother would say Joe not tonight leave her alone let her rest don't get in the bed with her and then maybe called me and she said to me just Latoya I have a question I want to ask you I said what is it really and she said when I left home all these years though this is just recent all these years I wondered if Joseph ever sexually abused you the way he did me it wasn't happening with you and Janet and I couldn't answer her and she says please tell me and I wouldn't is things that you don't talk about this is a toy you have to tell me and I said really they're just certain things you don't talk about isn't there and she says okay I understand that when she asked me about Jannah and I said I don't know what happened to Janet well what about you Latoya did he sexually is he think there's that when you think you did Janet I don't know she's never spoken about it I certainly hope he didn't she's never spoken about it my father it began with me when really left and then it started with me so when did you decide that you were going to talk about it you live with this all your life and you feel that you're doing something wrong and you're frightened when this is happening to you and you're embarrassed I have been embarrassed all my life to ever talk about it to mention it shy afraid that people can seep through me and see that this is happening you felt like anyone's living a lie all this year well they had to living a lie definitely but the disturbing and hurting part about it all is that my mother never did anything about it and I wanted her so badly to say Latoya is he bothering you is he touching you did he touch you I would direct questions to tour and throw the matter leaving it open so you could say Latoya did he ever touch you why wouldn't you leave him then if that baby would always say mother and maybe would tell me I don't know why mother didn't leave him and you got to think sometimes I say is it because there are so many children no it wasn't that because after a while everybody was old enough you've never asked your mom now yes what if he has no answer to it you know your family got in touch with us this morning yeah they sent them we think it's legitimate it's on their stationery you would be a little jealous if it is and they're saying we would like to make a statement in regards to our daughter in the Toya Jackson's book first we would like to say - Latoya that we love you and you are still part of the family we also like would like to apologize for any misunderstandings or bitterness that you may have have have due to being a part of the family we cannot understand this is written wrong what prompt you to feel so bitter but we hope some day that those things can be reconciled then it says to the public we would like to say as a family we are just like any other family we have our differences but we manage to get through them and then we do not care to elaborate nor narrate on the toys book nor the things she's doing since there is no truth or validity to the accusations made we think it's best to let the book right on its own its own course and it says thanks to the people who have been supportive up the Jackson family may God bless you all is this the first time I've heard from those I've heard that letter before everybody everybody has this letter before I want to show my parents in this letter out again that's a sign of just wanting to deny everything and it hurt so bad when I was on another program in my family but my parents after I should say tonight everything everything if they would just come out and speak out and tell the truth it would help so many other people and that's the reason for writing I feel that I'm gonna reach out and help other people who have been abused because you don't understand what wants your abuse it affects you terribly this goes on and on and you live with it and you live in shame and you can't really speak out because you're afraid and finally you get courageous enough to do it and then you do and then feel like the world's turning on you because you've been cleared because you're doing it yeah it's like they don't want to hear it but it exists and you have to accept it and don't be afraid to speak out you're being abused it's a terrible thing talking with LaToya Jackson about her book hole growing up in the Jackson family and we'll be right back you
Channel: MyTalkShowHeroes
Views: 1,489,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mytalkshowheroes, La Toya, Michael Jackson, Joe Jackson, Jacksons, Katherine Jackson, Regis, Kathie Lee, Kathie Lee Gifford
Id: AFvgC6Jo4EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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