Michael Presley Talks For The First Time About Being The Son Of Elvis Presley - NinonSpeaks

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[Music] welcome to nonon speaks I'm nonon D Roa and we have an incredible guest and actually we're at the Peppermill in Las Vegas let me introduce Michael Presley so nice to meet you so nice to meet hey we we're been we're be very official which is not my side how are you Michael I'm doing really good yeah I can see and you know when you talk about looks and and you see somebody and you think well there is definitely a resemblance there and there's definitely something there and you Michael wanted to come open on this a little bit more open and for people to understand exactly who you are and what you've lived through all these years cuz you've lived through you know quite a few I'm sure ups and downs and whatever give me a little bit of when you first found out the youer Alice presus son I've actually known most of my life um it was not a thing that was that was you know I knew absolutely at that point but it was something that I just I just seemed to know my my mother had uh met an Entertainer I knew about that and she and I was conceived I knew about that and I grew up uh and she kept the identity of me concealed for a long long long time so she never t told you that you were actually she did it later in her life but not when you were young so when you were young growing up you had no idea who your father was no did you not ever want to kind of say you know I'd love to meet my father and can can I meet my father can I find him or what I mean I'm sure you could definitely find him that's for sure I did my mother though was was all a mother should be okay she was as a single mother she was both mother and father and I mean I never felt like I was slighted or or didn't have a father I felt like she was both mother and father and father and so when when I started asking about my dad she told me things and and she would she would ask me does it really matter and I would look at her and I said no Mom it doesn't really matter well you were probably how old were you roughly then eight n years probably yes probably probably quite Young when you're starting to be inquisitive as who's my father what am I where am I how am I why wouldn't she do why wouldn't she do that any partic did you ever find out why well she did not want the kind of life that she knew would come with that oh so that was she was an Entertainer when she met my father and she quit the entertainment industry and uh took care of me and of course a couple of other children too and how wait a second that didn't STP me not by my father oh okay all right getting confused there I know cuz there's a lot of people that are claiming um certain you know things now when you found out um that this was your father how did you feel and were you kind of shocked or did you kind of started realizing that could be our father I I just I started kind of realizing it and then uh my mother finally one day looks at me she says if you want to know so much why don't you go talk to your aunts well my aunts just at that particular point was coming into Southern California to see us and so I thought okay good point I'll do that and I was in high school at the time and and I uh went to my aunts and uh uh my one Aunt laughed and she said oh you're father oh no here it comes absolutely you know and then and then she says well she says you know you really need to talk to your mother about that and then um um the other Aunt goes well which father is is she talking about and I'm thinking to myself well I can only have I mean come on okay and then she comes out and she makes a comment she says well she's been married five times who your mother no my mother was never married five times to say that's a lot of that is what the sisters were telling so they were being pnic and smart okay about my mother do you think they were a little jealous of because extremely jealous I say because she had an affair obviously she had an affair and I was the hater child all through my life did you growing hang on a second did you know that uh I knew that well didn't that not kind of upset you and make you feel like well I didn't know why I was hated until later on in life and then I realized oh I know why you hate me I'm Elvis's son and you have to understand that in the 1950s my father was viewed as the son of the Devil Himself and my mother had laid down in the in the barnyard with with the with the devil's own son and like a oh yeah and you look at it then he was doing nothing he was doing absolutely nothing nothing different than what happens every day today but he started wiggling this body around and shaking legs and doing things and everybody was like woo what happened oh absolutely and he was banned in some locations from performing I didn't know that what oh yes oh yes down through the South he was banned they actually had record burnings in the open Square of the of some of these towns and they burned his records They had record breaking days on some of the radio stations where says we are breaking records today and we're breaking Elvis's records today and they they would crack them they would crack them right in front of right on right on the radio station because it was the radio then we didn't have internet and we didn't have other computers so we couldn't blast it out there fortunately fortunately so how did your father I'm now going to quote him as your father how did your father manage to sort of squeeze through all this I mean he must have had the greatest tenacity well he had a tremendous amount of strength Inner Strength yes Inner Strength and uh my father of course was Guided by Colonel Tom Parker who did his job now I know a lot of people will say oh the colonel was this bad guy well look you can look at it that way but he's really did his job because the agreement was between my father and him and and my grandmother and grandfather at the time because my father was very young at the time uh his agreement was you will perform for me until the day you die what you do on stage is your business no it it is your show you decide what is musically done it is your performance he he will do behind the scenes I will control the business so he controlled the business controlled the bookings controlled how old was your father he made him Millions oh well we've all read that story about all the money and and the things that he I don't know I wasn't there that might have done to your father with the with the pills and all that stuff and making him perform let's bring let's bring that out right now oh okay well we're jumping in the gun a little bit we're going for I was going to ask you one question before that how old was your father when when you were conceived my father was three years younger than my mother well how old was your mother then my mother at the time of 1956 she was already 23 so he was 20 my father was 20 only 20 yeah yeah because let's see let's see if that's right now he was born in 1935 oh wow so that would make him 20 hey you go 20 mhm so he was quite young he was yeah but it's interesting he went with old he went with older women well you know what they say older women have better or better lovers or something like that I don't know about that I don't know either but uh um the thing about the thing about that is my grandfather was three years younger than glattus so my grandmother is older than my grandfather my mother is older than my father yes by three years by three years yes and so it was I guess a thing I mean people could say well that's just a coincidence but then I don't believe in coincidences so no no which we were talking about things that happen they happen now I want to know why you're on my show Nino speaks and you've decided to open all this up and you're opening it up in a very very big way we we are and you're going to have you're going to do a documentary you're going to do a show I I don't know everything that's going on because it's actually not of my business but I know that you're kind of you've taken that shyness away you've taken that that thing away that I'm now going to be open with the whole thing don't you have a proof of your birth certificate I do and I'm going to I'm going to show that to you and I will let you view those um but I will tell you this well the problem the problem that we have today yes is the uh demographics coming through graceland's Gates yes are 30 30 30 years older young you were talking about that yes and um and for that reason they don't know the truth my father did not die of a drug overdose no didn't oh he didn't he did not die of a drug overdose my father was neither a drug taker nor a drinker now I know he didn't drink secondly my father did not die on the toilet with his pants around his ankles didn't happen see this is all stuff we don't we don't know story how you were you there are is this I was around my father from 1974 to 77 directly involved with my father and obviously um Priscilla wasn't around at that time she was not around that time um uh my father was actually seeing Sheila Ryan um one of his girlfriends yeah uh when I first met him I was playing I had gotten uh Mr teen America okay okay in the contest out there in California and I had gotten a contract uh to play at the old eloro casino here on the Strip it doesn't exist anymore that was one of the greatest Silver Slipper I think it was called one time and eloro and the El Rancho and uh a bunch of names yeah we rep like I'm not going to say it's the old old Vegas because it's it's it's been replaced with another casin everything has been replaced with a new casino but it's still a casino yes yes and so um we were performing there I was there for a week and that was part of my prize package was to perform there I was a senior in high school so I had graduated from high school in June and in August I went to perform at the casino um my father was rehearsing in Los Angeles had seen my mother stopped by and told her I'm going to see Michael and he's going to spend a week with me and this is your fathering this is my father saying this to my mother she was in the studios there at at uh in Los Angeles in Hollywood and he was rehearsing a whole new set of songs which we have a copy of the actual picture of that list given to Charlie hodj for him to perform my father was wanting to do a comeback special he was planning it and he was already testing it in 1974 this show 19th of August 1977 has been broadcasted around YouTube and everywhere as the one show out of all the shows my father did that was completely different than any other show we ever performed no 2001 Space Odyssey no CC Rider very few of the of the 1950s songs this was all cover tunes from the 1970ss bgs the beos mck Davis Tom Jones these are the people he was covering artists that were big in the 1970s my father was the greatest cover artist the world has ever seen and the very first one and he was already testing out a plan of his to come back and do a comeback now my father had done comebacks before yeah a lot of people think there was only one comeback there is actually there was well with the third one there was actually a plan of three the first comeback was in 1958 59 my father back sometime my father had left and gone into the service yeah a acne pimply faed you know not much pimples but but he was a he was a young but the looks the looks didn't matter I mean none of the pimples exactly and and and he had this this sandy blonde hair this to and uh my father went into the military this was his comeback because when he came back and appeared on the Frank Sinatra show he was a Greek Idol yes he came back Slim Trim all of the baby fat was gone they put him together yes all of the uh uh any kind of uh blemishes or anything were gone they were no longer existing they were and and his hair uh jet black he had the greatest smile he had the the hair was incredible the figure was incredible the movements were incredible I mean this is where now you stated that at the Mansion right now you've got all these young people coming to see they have no idea who well they have an idea who but they never saw him that's correct is he are they going there looking at at Elvis Presley coming out of a regular family with not much money there was money wasn't involved nothing was inv worse than that when he was born he was born in a basically a shotgun shack no electricity no running water you could see the dirt below the house through the slats in the floor this is how poor poor they were that's absolutely they were so poor and I think is this giving the younger generation that if he can do that I can do it too is that what they're looking at or because they they are coming back rediscovering my father and everything that my father brought to the stage and performances and I've got to tell you told I've told I've told countless young people if you are ever going to do anything in life today now is the time to do it because never before in the history of this country can young people go into you want to open up a business go do it you want to go to college go do it there's money available out there just look for the programs you want to be a race car driver go do it do what is your dream right because my father followed his dream I believe it's the individual of what you want to do and unfortunately out there a lot of people say well you can't do this or you can't do that or you'll never be this and you'll never be that and I always say don't listen to that because you haven't listened to it and you have actually uh Michael you have every excuse in the entire world not to be who you are now and you are coming out as my co president is saying I'm not ashamed of anybody knowing who I am and it is the truth that's absolutely correct and this at this age coming out and making these claims we're not going to State the age no no we won't State the age but I am a mature man and for a mature man to go and do something like this people would think this has got to be crazy it's not crazy if it's the truth and that's exactly what it is nothing nothing can get in the way of truth no nothing I don't care what you do I don't care what you throw down yeah whatever happens whatever goes on whatever people say truth will always seek it's like oil oil always comes to the top see those people walking through Grayson right now are not aware that my father went to the grand old opera to appear on his very first time and they threw him out after his song or two they looked at him and said Son you can't sing go back to driving a truck you'll never be a country western star you'll never be a singer you'll never be a big Entertainer go back D that didn't stop him it didn't stop him he turned around and went to the Louisiana hay ride and they picked him up for 52 Saturdays they loved him they loved him now um okay so we're going to move forward a little bit and we're going to get into into Priscilla now Priscilla comes along and she marries and she has a little girl and at the Come Back Time 68 remember I told you 68 that was the second comeback that was the second comeback that's great where were you in all this were you accepted by Priscilla or what Priscilla has quietly accepted me off the page and we had page we had a much better relationship back in the days than we do now because I have become very vocal about my opinions about things that are going on that I don't like and what are those got me curious now I want to know what those things are well for for instance coming out and saying my father was a pedophile my father wasn't a pedophile oh my goodness I didn't even know that was out oh it's coming out and she's releasing these books that claim this and and I don't know if she's having some kind of depression uh reaction or something but one day she writes in the book this way and he's gloat in terms and the very next day she'll write something that's totally the opposite of what she just got through told a few pages before and so it it's like well that doesn't make sense but that that and don't get me wrong I am not out to grind any axes oh no do you know I have to tell you something I love my stepmother you love your step okay so that that's a good thing that's always a good thing you know I had your stepmother at one of my I used to live in Belair and I had your I had Priscilla at my party and I looked at this woman and she had very little makeup on but she was so beautiful I me she still is she still is very elegant very beautiful but very very quiet she doesn't she wasn't noisy she was very very quiet but I was so honored to have her at my house and it was like oh my goodness so I have I've met her don't know her but you know and it was quite um um I admired her and I thought wonder what she went through and all the stuff and all the parties and all the you know his lifestyle I mean you know every woman in the world was after him oh absolutely and and then she has to like sit back and and it wasn't only the women the Memphis Mafia didn't particularly care for her because she was wanting to have my father to herself and rightfully so don't get me wrong well it's her husband it's her husband okay but she couldn't well because the business he was in was hardly by himself because if he didn't have the audience he wouldn't be what he was anything at all could not turn down the Clans could not turn them down at all no of course not so now my father's getting ready in the 1970s him and Priscilla have have have divorced and he's getting ready now for this next comeback why did they divorce well um I mean I can talk all the women and all the Affairs and all the stuff one of the reasons she found out I think I asked the wrong question yeah she found out during their marriage that he had another child instead of you know open armed you know oh my gosh you know bring him in you know let's go ahead and do this it was that was not her in her plan really Lisa Marie was in her PL that was the it that was the air and we're going to go ahead and you don't need all this other stuff I know you have not been the you know the best of people but I I mean my father was and and really rightfully so I've got to tell you sounds like that the it's all about money yes and my father was was a loose can in the 1950s why beautiful wonderful voice great personality I all the okay he was just he could he any girl I mean the girls flock to the stage dropping their panties on the way okay and it didn't make any difference whether they were married divorced they had children they were pregnant at the time didn't make any difference all the girls love my father and and uh um so when you tell me that he had one child in his whole lifetime this beautiful man a loose cannon in the 1950s shooting in go there I mean I'm quite sure he I mean I'm not sure but I I mean when he was married to Priscilla I'm sure he had other women no my father was faithful oh he was oh is nice to know tell Priscilla was unfaithful oh so because she started it then he you know you only defiled the married Mar we're getting down to the nitty of all this stuff aren't we you know what that's what the Bible says you defile it one time after that it doesn't matter what everybody else does I guess I guess not I guess not I was Mar 29 years and I was straight you were straight as an arrow straight as an arrow y I would not and that wasn't because of my husband it wasn't because of anybody else it was because of me looking in the mirror on who and who I wanted to be and who I wanted to represent and I did not want to have that any of that stuff that dark stuff I believe in my life I I I think that's one of the reasons why I like you so much look I thought it was my blue eyes no see he's got blue eyes too you can't see about that so um in all the things that's gone on in your life what is the most potent thing that that you kind of think of a lot and you kind of think well why and how and when and what what would that be I wish I really wish that I could have been of more help to my father um in that last couple years well why w't well I was to to a certain extent but you know the Memphis Mafia makes a a ve I don't know because I'm not in the Memphis Mafia That's kept now my father used me during the late 1970s as a decoy uh oh did you like that and there was actual Witnesses oh I loved it it was it it was a blast I would come in one entrance and everybody would be rushing over there and then the minute they I turned and I I'd walk in they would go wait a minute was that him or who was that exactly my father is coming in on a plain sedan on the opposite end of the aori exactly I come in in the limousine I love that but my father's coming into this in this these sedans on the opposite end packed full of guys but so now you're in a kind of a different life You've Got The Limousines you've got the money you've got everything did you actually live with him in no and and I never saw any the money because I illegitimate children were excluded from the will so there was no no money there we never we never got involved with the money and it didn't really matter because to me my father gave me what I needed his love his um uh Commendation and and and seal of approval um so he people say I look I look faintly like him he definitely accepted you as his son absolutely did he h was was the DNA in that time wasn't there was no DNA in that that's the English that brought this DNA in you know the English start they start everything well when he had gone to California to see my mother the week there of that August 19th show before he opened up at the international Hilton Hotel he took this ring which matches his ramhead ring and his necklace and his bracelet and brought it to my mother and said when you feel it's appropriate this is the ring I want you to give to Michael so where is second this is Elvis pres this was a ring that my father brought to me so this is an original ring from Elvis pres oh my God we're not going to bury it down there we're going to go isn't that is the Ram's Head it's the Ram's Head and this is the ring that I have worn all through the years and you will see it in a lot is this ring the similar to one he had to this is yes this is this is a similar one and it very looks very good very very accurate but it is not one from him that's not from him that's one have but didn't he cuz he used to wear all these Rings all the Rings now what about he used to have these scarves and I always used to be fascinated because he kind of had his perspiration on the scarves and he would throw it to these women oh you know what what uh we need to scarf you today too we'll do that we're done wait going to scarf me I don't know what that means but that well let me hide my wire that might mean I'm going to get a scarf yes yes you will now you've got all all this going together now um You said you've got papers to show me yes I want to see these papers because you know there's going to be a lot of people very skeptical out there of this interview of this actually being of pres his son I know that a lot of you will understand that a lot of people my driver's license pull my driver's license out you he wants his driver's license as well I'm not going to actually show you um the papers but um whatever he wants me to show you and and my military ID oh somebody can throw it to me or give it to me or how do I get it throw it over here oh there you go thank you so very much so we got driver's licenses so I just want to you know I'm one of these this my driver's license and I too I'm from Tennessee you know you do look a lot like you know elice had the blue eyes isn't he those brilliant blue eyes and you have the same this is my military ID my VA oh this is taken some time ago mhm this when he was younger he's still good-looking but the military accepts me for who I am Tennessee accepts me for who I am now I have to say SEC Department accepts me for I'm going to just show it well I'm not going to show anything because I've got an address here and I'm I don't want to be liable for anything so but I'm just going to let you know that this is definitely um oh your middle name is Brian it is how lovely although we have um this I can show you I can show you the passport bit but I can't show you inside um legally um oh my goodness I know you're all saying why don't I have my glasses on because I don't need glasses as old as I may be I got my blouses I'm doing here I don't know what's going on this is a document that was filed in court okay so we got all these papers you get all these back okay along with the um uh um court case that did not need to prove who I was but certified already who who you exactly now you know Michael I'm looking at all this I'm looking at all these different papers and we're going back a long time this oh wait a we got more stuff well I answer that a copy of the birth certificate I'd love to show this to you but I can't you what am I going to do um I'm looking at all this I've never known or you're showing actually on Internet TV because my show goes on Nino speaks is on Internet TV you're showing me all these papers that obviously took some time to get together how do you feel as a human human being of what you have to prove as to who you are you've got to have some feeling within you you got to you got to have some anger you got to have what do you feel I I think that a long time ago um when I first started to come out I felt like I needed to go ahead and prove something and um my father talks to me every day my mother talks to me every day yeah my dad yeah my dad does too does he and my mom yes and my H and my husband who's up there he's up there too and uh um so you know they have have always been there for me and good friends that are around me told me not too long ago they said you don't have to prove anything to anybody well that's what I'm trying to say you don't In My Father's Footsteps which has oh is that the name of it that's what it's called My Father's Footsteps and My Father's Footsteps and that book personalizes my entire life my relationship with my father the evidence that we have brought together and Court the care uh Court certification and everything okay Michael you've just answered my question with all these papers I'm looking at you've answered my question by being 100% secure as to who you are I am absolutely so every step you make in this world and wherever you are you feel very comfortable and although it you don't have to worry that's correct and although it was a secret when I talked to my aunts the comment my one aunt said was he was the most beautiful man that women had ever seen well that's for show became your father became the greatest entertainer the world has ever seen there's only one person that fills that bill at which time then she looked at me and she said you need to go back to your mother and talk to your mother well I didn't need to go back to my mother I went back to her and I looked at her I said okay I said uh they just validated everything that I knew and my mother looked looked at uh um uh at me and she said I knew my sister's couldn't keep their big mouth shut was typical women women can't keep their mouth shut anyway on anything so that's but these all these and then you've got more papers what is oh oh DNA this is this this is the DNA test that was done and this was Triple sample did you mind doing that um I did at the time because I just thought to myself why Happ this is not true I'm the only person that has to go out to this extent to to tell anything it is what it is that's what I'm saying it's in the book what I'm saying is that you have to go through this now now when people ask I tell them read the book The book's coming out you can read all about it it's in the book yeah you know and of course people say well can you prove this to me and I'll say sure I can prove this to you but I don't want people thinking that I'm running around with a little black police and every time I talk to somebody I got to pull this look I really am no you don't have to do that because you're you're obviously living proof and now you you just feel you don't have to worry but I'm looking at all this it's like me having DNA on is this my father and this my mother are they my real parents I mean I could say the same thing and I got to have go through all the I mean I understand that's who I am but I know that people always want to hear this statement we got another statement what is this this is a portion of this this is the complete report here paternity DNA paternity test certificate this is one page and this is the p AG is so important okay why Okay the reason is is because it reads as follows probability of P paternity 99.999% okay so your one little one off that's right and everybody is of course they all are wonder what that the alleged father is not excluded as the biological father of the tested child based on testing results obtain obtains from an analysis is of the DNA locai listed the probability of paternity is is 99.996% it's amazing and then it says based on our analysis it is practically proven that Elvis Presley is the biological Michael how many times do you have to bring that out or how many times do you feel you have to bring that out after today I'm not bringing it out anymore oh we've accomplished NE speaks has accomplished something um and the reason is it's going to be all in the book it'll be all in the book everybody can go and buy the book now when's the book coming who wrote the book I wrote the book you wrote the book yes and just so everybody knows not a ghost riter I could have probably written it a lot faster okay had I had a ghost riter doing it um we started the book actually in 2017 well that's not bad okay so it's been about years yeah five six years yeah five or six years that's I started I started when I sat down and and and people around me said you've got to write the book well yeah you've got to set it straight let's set it straight you know now any of you out there and I know you're all you know there's a lot of people oh n you know what are you doing um can I drop another bomb well you can drop as many bombs as you like what my father did not die August 16th 1977 oh this is really a bomb okay I thought I was going to end the show but obviously I'm not my father died a couple of months later as a result of uh circumstances around the heart attack that he had he never regained Consciousness so actually the day they said he died he had a heart attack but didn't die okay so we straighten that out he didn't actually die that day but he did have a heart attack was he coherent at that heart attack or or was he rushed to hospital where because it must have been something very private he rushed to the hospital unconscious not breathing and did he ever did he ever come out of being unconscious he never came he never came out of the so they're saying he died then which is kind of not true which is you know I don't like that but that's what it is so how did you find that out well you were probably near him or with him well I I had been with him shortly before this time period I knew about the comeback I knew that this that tour uh beginning in in uh um August of 1977 was to be the last one for a complete year he was going into the studio he was going to be doing a lot of new material he was wanting to get fitted for the new outfits he was going to go on a a weight reduction program he was going to get he's going to get himself back together again exactly and he had actually started it by taking Ginger Alden to Hawaii for a vacation prior to the last few shows that he did Ginger Alden was his fiance at that time okay straighten the books out okay and uh I know a lot of people are out there saying well he would never have married Ginger listen well my father can't say that well no and my father would have married married her and and people will say well how do you know this and I'll say well first of all my father told me that he loved her secondly my father gave to her the most valuable gem in his entire collection the main diamond out of his TCB ring was given to Ginger as an engagement ring oh he had never done that for any other woman no and he mentioned her in those last concerts ladies and gentlemen I'd like to introduce you my girlfriend fiance Miss Ginger old it let me ask your question you know we saw a last video of him and he was you know perspiring he'd gained weight and everything else what how did all that CU that's something that sort of suddenly arose and it came out and and obviously as you're saying he was coming back he was going to lose the weight he was now the drugs apparently for pain no drugs no drugs at all so we clear the text there were no drugs no drugs so he gained weight he gained weight because now you might want to ask why do I know that to be a fact all right I'm going to ask why do I know that to be a fact herado and other people said that he was taking over 200 pills a day well you're ahe all that I mean this is p so no so you take that and you add to that my father performed more shows in the last six months than he did in any performing year prior to that how does a man underneath downers painkillers and sleeping agents suddenly come to life performed 60 to 990 minute shows Lucid talking laughing playing under that kind this sells newspapers of course the problem this sells newspapers and people put them books and whatever you graceand tickets who owns graceand now graceand is owned by uh I no no All Brands uh um what is it All Brands something or another okay or Au no authentic Brands oh authentic Brands okay they own uh Muhammad Ali's rights and they own the likeness to my father and the name and and all of and um Priscilla got left majority of stuff or her daughter got left the or what he kind of had didn't she when my f when my sister died she had 14% of the estate left everything had else had been sold off no and uh so she only had 14% which allowed her to remain Seated on the board yes and she had also in that 14 % Gracin the four walls and the grounds that it's setting now all of the all of the movie rights and the record rights and all of that kind of stuff belong to other people so we're putting all this together we've had this incredible interview and now you're coming out let's do a little bit of where this is like one of our first interviews of of Michael coming out I've never done an interview like this well you're never never will either CU it's only me that's right that's right never be another interview I do different interviews because I don't pre- intervie anybody I don't have lines I don't have I'm just me that's all I am and you're you and I am me and you're you so we both two people sitting here and who do you see when you look in the mirror I see me exactly people always always say well you look so much like your father you favor your father and I'll look at him and I say well every day when I look in the mirror I see me now do I see the Halo of my father Yes I see my father yes so you're going well so your book is coming out you also and I don't know if you can talk about much of this you said that you're going to have a series maybe coming out you got all sort what's going on with you now they have got a million and one things that they're wanting to go ahead and plan for us and and I think it's great I it's it's wonderful you're all ready for it I I I have been ready my entire life I have lived to get to this point and uh my mother had told me me a number of years back she said honey if you ever get to the point that you want to come out and tell the world to do so it's not going to be now the right time no cuz you're old enough to understand that you've done you've got all your DNA I mean I've never seen so much stuff to prove who somebody is unbelievable I mean you got to look at it and I mean I just looked at it and you got to understand why I'm bringing my father's comeback yeah to the stage yeah 1978 will be 2024 why don't you think you you know there's a lot of personalties out there a lot of people out there but he he became the and still is to this day number one huge I mean you even told me a big we have a big thing in England that everybody England and you know from England huge and it's it gets kind of bigger and bigger you said the younger generation go to Graceland why didn't you know all about my father all about his records all about his life what he did and what a fabulous story his story is is is Fab it's a RS to riches story a little boy from Tupelo Mississippi with dirty clothes and dirty you know streets uh living and walking back and forth between you know what you're saying you're saying right now into the camera anybody can make it I don't carebody you are who you are where you come from anything it doesn't make any difference it might have been special back when my father did it but today he is the one who did it and he shows you that anybody can be this and now also you have a actually you have a cousin no uh somebody flew in from yes I do Michael Clayton Michael Clayton and Michael Clayton is the um is uh Gladis Smith's side of the family on the family yes because it was glad that's your mother's side of the family no no that's my grandmother's side grandmother's that's my father's mother's side your father's mother's side incredible and then also you have a son yes and Michael and I have known each other for many many years yes okay he's very Qui I'm going to try to get him on set but it's all complicated because we got cameras and things all over the place but I wanted him on set and I don't know if you can get there but then we also have your son I have I have an adopted son here yes Jason yes and I also have another adopted son Joshua who's 17 hi Joshua hi there how are you how are you all um last words you would like to say um we have to close out this could go on for hours and hours because I love talking and obviously you like talking as well Michael I like talking to you that's what it is a good time together um last words would you like to say because I always bring this in what would you like to say to the younger generation follow your dreams my dad did I'm doing it you follow your dreams don't ever let anybody tell you that you can't do something I agree if it's good and positive go do it well I left home when I was 16 with five bucks no education and everybody said that I was skinny I was ugly and I couldn't do anything so and now look at you I'm not I got Michael with me Michael Presley of all people it's such an honor and and I'm just so grateful to inter all M no well this is our first argument I love it but he does say to the younger generation um just do what you want to do go for it but I'm going to add to that when you go for it don't go la aaco Go 100% into what you want to do and you will achieve it but you have to be honest with yourself can looking back no look see Don't Look Back see I've I I learned from what I did before but I'm like you right now go forward thank you so much for watching what
Views: 233,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Las Vegas, Entertainment, Las Vegas Entertainment, Music, Vegas, Vegas Entertainment, Peppermill, VegasLiveWithNinon, Business, Vegas Shows, Las Vegas Shows
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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