20,000 Subscribers Celebration w/ Question & Answers

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good afternoon we're here celebrating 20 000 subscribers uh as you can see i've already started but grace and i are here to answer any questions that you might have over the course of the next hour possibly an hour and a half and we're ready when you're ready we're ready are you ready i'm ready i'm ready so far we have three people here guys don't be shy timid quiet help us help us carlos carlos carlos is the first one here everything will definitely be okay oh my goodness so guys thank you first and foremost 20 000 is a ridiculously large number and i'm appreciative and i appreciate every single one of you i thought i would do a a live video with my beautiful wife to come out of retirement it's been about four weeks since my last video so we're here we're here as a team a tag team to answer any questions that you guys might have in 20 000 is a ridiculous number because i remember when i started you know getting that first hundred subscribers and then 200 and 300 it's been an uphill battle and and yeah what else can i say i'm appreciative so that's why we're going to drink our tequila hopefully your parents are not watching today's video but we're celebrating life grace is a badass uh my wife is gorgeous of course i'm all for me only the best only the best um okay carlos is here the flying zebra is here hello and congrats i appreciate that uh you deserve it mate i'm presume you're from australia using words like mate but thank you um first and foremost good to know you're back and safe tell us about your travels the travels were incredible eight countries seven of them which were brand new to me i really enjoyed myself i had a great time and yeah grace is a badass um and yes she is gorgeous thank you um i'm honored to have her within my little area here in today's video so i've got like 10 questions already typed out and i'm going to just copy them carlos don't be shy open up with a question um we're both ready will you make any site sites for yourself uh tell me more will i make a website for myself we have a website a nerd's world um ray thank you i appreciate that congrats chris the last q a was amazing uh we're here let's have some fun yes please open the jd if you're under 18 please do not watch today's live because there's definitely going to be tequila shots yeah and if you have alcohol you're welcome to celebrate not only was it 20 000 subscribers i celebrated my 42nd birthday this week so it's been a reason and i'm home with my wife and children so it's a reason to celebrate so uh break open the jd jd is not a bottle for me but yeah break it open break it open um so when you start out a new client for seo it's month to month correct yes that's correct if the client wants to stay for another month what does internal process look like so for example the 30th day of so that it's not necessarily like the first day of the month because if somebody hires us on the 14th day of october then on the 14th day of november it's time for us to email a new online digital invoice for the client to pay if they want to proceed so basically we have to get them the data and everything we've accomplished prior to that date also with some stats to show what not only what we've done but what impact that's had on their results and it's an invoice it's it's literally as simple as that um larry i just saw your notification i just wanted to stop by and say congrats on the section awesome accomplishment i love your channel thank you very much larry i appreciate you jumping in and and giving us these wonderful words um how was your trip chris it was wonderful i have no complaints nothing bad happened everything was great and i'm good i'm happy to be back chris can you tell me more about your website was made uh i don't know what you mean chris can you tell me more about how your website was made tell me more it's a wordpress website it was built about the current website was built about five six years ago uh like i mean we update it regularly but i didn't personally build it one of the nerds on my team did uh fabio thank you thank you for the welcome back for the second month of an seo campaign do you do they submit another list of keywords no uh basically when we start a seo project we do a keyword list and that keyword list is gonna last possibly up to a year so i mean we're going to keep referring to that list and pulling new keywords from that list but we're not going to keep doing new keyword research every month no not at all uh it eats up too much time like what a client wants is results and if we're spending their budget a portion of their budget every month doing the same thing over and over again uh it's not really utilizing our time to the greatest extent possible uh congrats thank you uh without you guys watching the channel we wouldn't have gotten to twenty thousand so thank you this is our channel it's all of us now guys there's 17 people online don't be shy uh we're drinking to tequila to celebrate you guys can drink water juice milk i don't know what you guys are doing but yeah everyone join in let's celebrate for seo what does your content creation process look like does the client put together their own content um so the straightforward answer is like there's no two like every single case is separate so i mean there are some clients that provide content themselves there are other clients that want our assistance um if they're gonna if the client is gonna provide content we do give guidelines and explain to them what we're looking for and the other case is either they they give us the content and we just customize it edit it to make sure that it's meeting our seo needs but i mean every client is different it really is dictated based on budget and what the client wants to do some clients want to participate uh others don't they're busy uh i love your palestine video trip thank you uh damian i love palestine i'm a i'm like free palestine uh before i leave planet earth i would love nothing more in the world than to see palestine as a free uh country with no more war so thank you i thought you didn't drink chris you thought wrong it's my birthday i don't i don't know what what what would make you think that maybe it was like one day today i quit oh after tomorrow i didn't i don't think that actually happened i've got a keg of milk here at my place uh yeah you know what i drank milk in other countries it's not the same as other like canada has the best milk i might be partial to that but i mean canada has the best milk carlos jump on a plane come taste our milk our bag of milk uh if you start your business at an early age or i guess it's supposed to be age 16 17 and your business is successful is there a good amount of chance of becoming a multi-millionaire in the future it's not about what year you start your business you could start your business at 60 and 17 and see success but you know what like when you're young that's all you think about and and i was the same i was like when i was young i was thinking about like i want to be a millionaire i want to be a millionaire but as you get older and more i don't know wiser and grow some of these gray hairs you realize like success is judged based on so many different things so uh to answer your question directly if you're 16 and 17 and already have a business then yes there's a very good chance that you'll be successful in your life but don't think about money as much as just building a profitable business yeah i'm straying away from a straightforward answer but what are your gray hat seo tactics other than keyword saturation uh i don't believe that it's keyword saturation at all carlos first and foremost because like i look at who's in first second and third and i see how many times they're using a keyword and that will then dictate how many times i'll use a keyword so i don't believe that's that's a gray hat what might some people look at at like as gray hat hey for my website i i buy time like on five or i buy instead of me manually going through and submitting my website to business directories around the world i pay people to do it and some people might look at that as gray hat seo but i don't i just look at i'm hiring somebody to do the work that i don't want to do but i know is required in order to get me to the place i want to get to uh congrats chris and welcome back to canada thank you um when is tequila and karaoke well to kill us right now karaoke might happen after the tequila is done uh question my man what are your thoughts on video outreach prospecting i think that's brilliant um i think it's hugely underused but let me continue your question i send looms to the biz owner basically auditing their website you're a smart dude so any tips would be appreciated wonderful i think it's great uh so i can really break down what i think you're saying i think you're saying like should i create a custom video auditing a website submit it to a business owner and also sell my service of website brilliant that being said you got to be careful okay so first and foremost it's going to take a certain amount of time education experience in order to shoot that video right you do not want to offend the business owner so i mean even if the website is horribly ugly and ridiculously broken uh it's not going to look good if you're sitting there telling them all the things they're doing wrong so if you're creating a video i would say instead of just like pointing out i don't like that i don't like that i don't you know it has to be a little bit of like let me compliment you on things that i do like about your website and let me also offer uh room for improvement maybe not even room for improvement just like tell them things that they might not have thought of yet because first and foremost the worst thing you could ever do in starting a new relationship imagine you're gonna date a new girl you really like the girl she has a great personality and you're gonna sit there for 10 minutes and tell her all the things you don't like about her right that's not how you start a new relationship at all so that's the biggest thing the video yes insulting somebody no but yes i think the idea is great overall i think it's great um hey guys congrats thank you uh yeah we're celebrating life is good uh what is your seo client um well basically how many what's the percentage of people that stay with us the retention uh i don't know the exact number off the top of my head but i mean it's high the average person will stay with us for a couple years that being said covet has messed up that whole stat there is definitely a good percentage of our clients that were paying month on month when covet hit they said i don't have the money for seo so that number's dropped dramatically so i don't think right now is a good time to explain about percentages like our whole concept is like hey you know retention is down jump out and go find new clients new seo clients um next what would you say is the number one creative service or package that most clients need help with a tough question the most effective product to start building a strong creative studio highest impact versus amount of effort uh ray i think you're thinking about it all wrong because like in order to answer that question it seems like a very simple question chris which service that you offer is the best and most profitable based on the amount of time it takes and i could answer that right seo is the most profitable that being said without web development without logo design without hourly updates we wouldn't be us why we wouldn't survive so i mean instead of trying to predict which one's going to be most profitable for the least amount of time just do everything everything that you're capable of doing at a good quality and all together right all those things together because like certain months it's like hourly work is everything and then other months it's like seo is what keeps us together and then other months we sell like three or four or ten great cells 10 websites so i mean instead of predicting as to what the important or the most important services like they're all important right it's like building a business they're all important like imagine asking michael jordan like what's more important shooting a basket dunking passing the ball or defending the ball like they're all important right it depends who you're going against so that being said without trying to offend you ray everything is important do it all do it all well congrats wishing you more success i appreciate that we're getting there slowly growing slowly growing um perfect dancer you're so right i'm not sure what question that was pertaining to but uh who's a lady while i found her we we just met about i don't know 15 16 years ago she's my lovely wife hi i'm grace uh what do you think about the idea of productizing web design service like offering websites and fixing scope for a fixed price uh i don't know tell me more i think i think any business that's profitable i like no matter what it is like you could be exterminating cockroaches from 13th apartment in the ghetto and if it's profitable i like it so i mean tell me more tell me exactly what you mean by that i'm curious to see the status of your the stats status uh stats of your cousin's website uh my cousin's website is still not generating any organic traffic i think it's ranking for about seven keywords uh that being said like when i'm shooting my cousin's videos he really wants to learn seo so when i shoot the video he watches the video and then does the work himself so it's up to me to go back and judge the the work he's done but what i do guarantee is like by spring his busy season he'll be number one for every keyword and that's sort of why i'm stretching like part one two three four five apart because in reality you can't shoot five videos in one week because it takes more time than that like seo takes time uh do you think lowering my price point is a good idea while businesses are struggling during covid should i remove my price points to scare away potential clients uh really and truly fabio that's that answer is going to be coming up to you the only reason i'm hesitant to answer that question is i don't want to be the blame for your success or failure you're gonna have to do what it takes for you uh to keep your business running during these times now that's the like the the proper answer right now the real answer because i'm drinking tequila is uh straightforward the same do what like i would not we haven't lowered our prices at all sales have dropped we haven't lowered our prices i'm not a strong believer in removing pricing from the website because it feels like you're hiding something i think even now more so than ever have upfront pricing because people want to know when they come to your website like what kind of price points do you have so if you are going to lower your price point like even if it's for a certain duration of time keep the price point up on your website you know don't waste your time and make sure you have the answer like people want to know right off the bat like can i afford this person so for that that those are my thoughts but fabio uh as a man and as a business owner um do whatever it takes to survive like you that's that's it's all the weight is on your shoulders right now um hey chris i want to ask about merchant account i recall you mentioned in a past live chat that everyone should have a merchant account i've heard paypal okay for starting out what do you think uh andre paypal is okay for starting out but it's far from the best answer like it's not a solution to your real problems i'm not sure tell me more where are you from in the world andre because that will have a lot to do with it because like if you're from uh north america i recommend you go into a bank um tell me more tell me where you're from but i don't think paypal is a long-term solution at all for anyone so building a business you need an actual merchant account from a real bank not paypal uh what are you most excited about right now chris uh right now like today um i don't know what are you most excited about happy to be here i'm alive i just turned 42. that's the damn good reason to be uh happy uh what am i most excited about i'm not sure life really when you hit my age life is very exciting so not not one thing in particular uh in the first month of seo how do you go above and beyond to wow your client to keep them long-term carlos i think your question is brilliant and i'm going to give you the realest answer i possibly can let me have a quick show are you going to have a show with me we're having tequila shots celebration celebratory carlos as real as i can be right now i do not want to go above and beyond with a new client okay that does not mean that i don't want to wow the client because i do but if a client's hired me for five hours of seo i'm doing five hours of seo and the question you asked is something i actually talked to my cousin about yesterday because the biggest problem and misconception with seo is that you need to do extra stuff in order to please a client when in reality you just have to do the right things within the certain amount of time that you have so i'm not saying that i don't want to wow a client but what i am saying is i'm restricting myself to a certain amount of time that i'm being paid for in order to wow the client so let me break down down even more if a client's hired me for five hours i'm only doing five hours of work i'm not telling you that i can't get better results by doing seven hours of work but i'm still only doing five hours of work because yes i'm passionate about seo but i'm also trying to build a successful profitable business so i have to limit myself to the time constraints that are put on me based on the client's budget if that makes sense so what am i doing i'm doing everything that i'm telling you in these videos but i'm also constraining myself to the time that they've the amount of money that they've spent congratulations thank you joe gator see most of these people don't have photos up yeah so like when i've seen the name joe gator all i think about the gator like guys why don't you guys have pictures up so we can see what you guys look like uh hello guys hello um also i want to know if non-compete agreements are a common thing when getting hired at a company job i'm thinking of applying to a job um they can pay bills teach me while freelancing andre every every single job is going to have a different list of requirements and restrictions so it really comes down to it and and look at like what you can gain from that versus what you could lose by not having the ability to compete okay so i mean if you need your bills paid you got to do it by any means necessary and if you can learn in that environment meaning that you cannot build websites for yourself for six months or a year you got to weigh out the positives and the negatives sometimes the positives are hey i'm not going to compete with my boss and other times it's not worth signing that agreement but each person is going to have their own how do you put it answer to that question yeah worse i'm sitting closer so like my head looks a lot bigger yeah yeah um how do you invest i invest in happiness we invest our money into happiness uh what camera gear youtube setup do you have um i don't know like i have about 100 cameras we have about 100 cameras so i mean the camera that we use on any given day is whatever one's closest to us a canon 5d mark ii i'm not even sure the name of the microphone it's nothing fancy at all i've had it for a long time is it is it possible to get an audit from your side i know i can pay for it but now it's difficult maybe some contest or giveaway uh yeah we can definitely do it today's not the day uh discord damian jump on our discord account and we can do that how was your trip in the balkans i love the balkans i really really enjoyed myself in the balkans i've been before uh but not to the seven countries that i was in during this trip i enjoyed myself if you could have a conversation with a younger version of yourself way back when you started nerd's world it's a nerd's world we're not nerds world at nerd's world uh during the hustle and struggle what would you say to yourself and why uh let me you when we started the business what would you say to yourself i'll let you in no that's definitely no but start and then i'll respond after you go you're first i think you should go first i need a moment to really think about this so what i would say is remove eliminate time from the equation because when you're new to business you have a lot to show right you have friends and family that you're trying to show off to you're trying to show that hey i could build a successful business and you're trying to the naysayers that are out there you're trying to say look i can do this uh but what i would say is just like eliminate that right like you're building a business for yourself for your family and for your future you're not building a business because you're trying to wow auntie teresa that's the straightforward answer so eliminate time from the equation stop trying to set unrealistic goals in the beginning like hey in the first six months i want to be profitable in the first two years i want to be a millionaire all that stuff right there is just hindering your success get rid of that slowly build a business every single customer is very important to you and in time through consistency and trials and tribulations and ups and downs if you're consistent over years you'll build a successful business that's my answer no that's pretty much that's it that's cheating you're true because i feel like you had the right answer for that one so i wanted to give that to you you're the best thank you um rick where did rick go enjoy your travel trips on instagram question how do you stay motivated when you no longer need to work for a couple years in terms of money rick that's a spectacular question and to be 100 up front it's it's a battle that i deal with almost every day right now my wife is 100 motivated she's the one that runs the company i'm the man not doing that much for a nerd's world to be honest with you um and it is a problem that i currently have in 2020 uh it's true because like when you're in that hunger stage of starting a new business like every customer counts uh and when you're as you're at a certain point of success then money or the amount of money you're making 100 it takes away from your motivation and nobody's gonna be as real as i am gonna be right now and it has been a problem for me like i have no problem in turning my my i don't know how to put it my body on to record a video uh but there are days where when it's time to do like the day-to-day work that i tell grace like can you have somebody else do it so i'm just not in the mood to do it uh that's as real as it can be um the the important thing is having a dependable team of people that can pick up the slack when i'm not motivated that's as true of an answer as i can give you and my wife is ridiculously motivated so she is the one that kicks me in the ass when need be when you have your website up and running and working hard on seo how long will it take to start ranking on search engines uh mr silva it really depends on the key word you're targeting and what you're doing uh once again going back to my like my previous answers like eliminate time from the equation do all the things that you know we're going do like that are required in order to help you rank uh but eliminate that time from the equation it's not about how long it's gonna take right it's about just seeing constant growth uh but i mean to answer the question three to six months you should see some sort of return on investment of your time within three to six months for seo if you're doing it properly um chris you've mentioned before that you accept leads from freelancers from your experience dealing with sellers what's the best way to sell web design leads and not get burned thanks an event i've never sold a lead before uh i mean there are people from youtube and from around the world and toronto that reach out to us and say hey chris i have a project or grace i have a project that we can't take on because we're busy or we're not capable or we just want to give you work they give it to us um and the far far majority of the time they're not looking for any money in return so i mean i don't know how to sell leads because i've never done it before um hey grace what is your ethnicity i'm filipino i'm shaking the thing uh do you prefer using themes building from scratch or a page builder which is more profitable uh great i think you answer the question with your question like the one i like best is the one that's most profitable every client is going to demand a different thing so i mean some clients and projects only need a certain theme yeah right others need custom others may require page builders it depends on what their budget is what their requirements are and what's profitable so there's no way for us either of us to come and say well number one is best because every client is different like someone who's showing you a theme and they're pretty much telling you that they want a theme website um you don't just start throwing in a website from scratch and say this is our biggest package take this because that's not what they need that's not what they're looking for so you go with what they are looking for and they'll proceed with that i like that we have 54 people online that's a good number but we only have 12 likes so we're going to take a moment of silence we're going to have a drink until we get that 12 likes what do we need at least 20. we're at 12. 12 is it 13 is a low number 13 is a low number at least 2016 guys we're putting in it's a sunday afternoon it's a good number because of your 20 000. that's why oh look at that you see how quick that is yeah it's like magic magic and what i want to tell you guys what's the most incredible thing about having this youtube channel the most incredible thing is even when i'm traveling to these little tiny cities from around the world i get these dms from people and say like hey chris can we meet up for a coffee or a beer and that's the most incredible for me like humbling experience um yeah so this youtube channel has been incredible i was going to curse but i want to keep it like pg-13 i was going to say it's effing incredible uh but yeah i appreciate looking we just jumped up to 77 so i mean i don't even know what happened so i'm 84. my goodness it's like some kind of magical occurrence and all these people just jumped on guys if you have any questions comments concerns say hello don't be shy let's go back to this um where are we what do you use for video editing i'm imovie i'm a basic guy imovie comes with my computer can you describe your project management process so the different phases of an seo campaign can you explain what happens and how you manage that that or to ensure customer retention okay look carlos i'm a realist as real as can possibly be okay so i've owned and operated a business for a long time i understand that every single client is going to judge me in the success of my seo campaign based on a different thing certain clients are only looking for communication and to be 100 100 up front they don't even care on the results as long as they get to talk to me on the phone that's how straight this could be that's true other people they're like i don't want to talk to you don't i don't i'm going to pre-pay you for three months i don't want to talk to you i just want to see results in three months other people are going to want to be involved every step of the way so i mean there's no way to build a like a certain algorithm that's going to be increased my retention the day-to-day game plan from an seo person like me is to do proper seo knowing that if you do proper seo you're gonna get good results meaning you're gonna get retention so i mean there's not so there's not a given process it's like every client demands something different and i have a team of people that work with me so it's not like i'm doing all the work i don't want to take all the credit by any means so i mean every client is different hey chris welcome back i love your content it motivates me a lot well thank you the rick show the ricky show what is the ricky show tell us more ricky's show sounds like entertainment entertainment i don't know sounds like that um hey guys glad you made it back safe from your trip grace didn't go anywhere she was in toronto and what's funny is when i travel when i traveled lastly i traveled alone and when i met up with some subscribers they were always like where's your wife i'm like my wife is in toronto with the kids um where do we go i just wanted to say your seo video have taught me taught my father and i so much for our family business website much love from rhode island wonderful i appreciate that i want to shoot a hell of a lot more seo content in the very near future um wonderful uh what do you use for video editing okay i've answered that chris you are a good person i feel good vibes whenever i watch your video why i appreciate that come on you you guys can't see the red cheeks i'm blushing and we're up to 102. do you see how fast we went from calling their friends calling their friends we got 33 incredible parents uh what services or software do you do you recommend investing money in as web designers i've been using semrush or sem rush they all giggle at me when i call semrush it's a faster way to say it for several months now do you recommend anything else fabio you're gonna need whatever tools are required for you to make money so i mean even semrush i like it it makes me a profit but it it's not a mandatory tool in which i think people need to have as a necessity in order to build a successful business so i mean what you said is all i think you need um and i've even like gone on record to say that i don't think you need anything to do seo period um find the tools that are gonna make your job easier some people are gonna want some sort of like monday uh some people are going to use slack a paid version some people are going to use semrush but i mean there's no like it it's not like we all have the same requirements right use what you need and still remain profitable as a business uh keep your costs low don't go out and start getting all trigger happy and just buying everything that's out there on the market because that then you're going to start losing profit so i mean buy what you think you need and if in the moment you don't need it anymore cancel that subscription keep your profits up um do you recommend any courses to learn freelance web design uh i'm self-taught as a web developer but that being said like i haven't built a website in 10 years so i mean will some some people are like book smart and it's best for them to read a book others need to take a course others like to do it like trial and error everybody that's on here we have 117 people on here every single one of them or you is going to need something different so to answer a question and this is a question i get asked quite often it's like chris how many people that work for you are university degree versus like night course versus self-taught and the answer is like we don't even look at that on the resume it's all about like what can they do right um so i mean do whatever is best for you it maybe you're in a relationship you have children you can't go to school take an online course for sure um do whatever it takes in order for you to gain the education and knowledge to to to build that business or career oh what are you cooking you cooking something yeah oh i smelt it all of a sudden um are you back from your holidays yes i'm back what are your most what's your most successful way to get more clients uh it three packed euro depends on what stage in this career you're in uh because i mean there's definitely different stages right like when you're starting out what's the best way i think hustling like getting out getting your flyer your business card meeting up with as many people as humanly possible at this stage in our game seo right we rank very high for all the keywords that we want to rank for and therefore that's our best way um but i mean that answer is going to depend on where you are at physically and where you are at in your business like what level are you how many portfolio pieces do you have how many nerds do you have working for you it really depends you have to tell us more information as a web dev is a service it doesn't have price and scope constraints products have so how about offering niche specific ready-made websites and create it could work guys once again it could work so you're saying like create the website like cookie cutter in the box open the box plug and play and sell that to niche so for example create create a a template for restaurants and then sell it to restaurants where they just feed in their content could it work yes is it something i want to do no could it work for you yes could it be profitable yes uh do i want to do it no but just because we don't want to do it does not mean it can't be successful and we're never going to be the ones that say you know you have to go our way if you don't listen to what we're saying you're not going to be successful because i think you could do it and i think it could be successful and there was a part in our life and career in which we did try to do that we were doing 750 uh out the box templates that we made and we were selling it to multiple people and they were just simply feeding in the content there was no customization no editing no revisions nothing um it wasn't successful for us but it doesn't mean it can't be successful for you so i mean in order for you to get the answers to that you need to try it and see how it goes for you how do you know when you should only use a theme without a page builder uh i don't know depends on the client's budget right when a client comes to you and says these are my wishes i want this to look like this i want to look it like this and then and then you have to decide yourself and also depends on the client if they're like uh you know beyond the launch that they want to be able to manage like the site themselves they might have that request um or they'll be like you know what do whatever you have to do make it how we want it and that's fine however you have to do it just do it what do you think is best so sometimes they leave it to us and sometimes they have specific requests and we have to consider that every client is different i live in los angeles and i'm in the process of becoming a legal resident but i'm not able to apply for a dba sorry i lost where i was where did it go so i've been selling myself by my personal name andre i don't know i don't know like i'm not a lawyer but i mean sure do whatever it takes i don't know what else to say if you're not legal you do whatever you whatever it takes damn like i like that are you familiar with i don't know what that is diane dot no i'm not familiar um how are your service offering similar if at all apples to oranges i don't know tell me more about that i've never heard that name or company name looking to make an immersion account after yes you're in la so make a merchant account uh when you can right for sure how do you guarantee clients some results and return on investment i'm afraid to not be able to make a successful my first project and this is holding me back daniel q let's really get into this because i'm gonna have one more shot of tequila while we get into this we got 92 folks here 36 likes so one third of you guys that are watching right now like the video two-thirds don't like the video so i'm gonna take a moment of silence and celebrate our 20 000 subscribers and have one shot then i'm gonna answer your question so how does a client or how do you guarantee that a client that hires you for seo is going to get a return on investment and the answer is you don't and as simple of a comment or question is that you just asked it's a question i get asked all the time and the answer is you should not hold yourself back from starting because you're concerned as to like what the worst case scenario is um start start selling your service when you're comfortable in your ability so there is no way to guarantee results at all if you're a legitimate seo business you can never ever ever guarantee these results do you get what i'm saying i don't guarantee it what i know is when i do good quality seo month to month the client is going to get results i'm confident in that but there is never a guarantee at all but once again don't let it hold you back have you guys ever thought of selling design courses to scale to even higher heights the future comes to mind i think the future is brilliant and the reason we haven't gone that route is because i just think there's so many people out there that are better at putting together a course um than we are that's all right that's the truth it's like i don't feel myself as i feel like at this point in my life in career that i could teach people what to do and what not to do but i mean building an actual course is not something that i see right now or like that type of course no but who knows in the future who knows uh to pre-covet how low have the revenues gone uh lk the revenues have definitely dropped a lot it's considerable uh but i mean who am i to complain right we're still running a successful business my love you gotta turn that down a little bit or shut the thing is so loud we're still running a successful business so a profitable successful business um my question got mixed in the chat just wanted to know how risky using paypal in regards to chargebacks and how to protect yourself yeah paypal is risky it's a third party provider it's never going to be as good as getting an actual merchant account so my answer is is it risky yes get a merchant account when you can have you guys okay i've read that started freelancing on side i can only handle five clients on top of my normal nine to five made an extra 20 000 this year tips on transitioning to full time it's a little scary leaving the agency safety net uh i understand your question completely and i'll put it this way it's not for everyone leaving that safety net is not for everyone many people that are on here and living around the world if i could tell them that they can earn an extra 20 000 per year by working on the side that would be their dream come true so i mean like everybody in life has a different set of goals right like my set of goals even like at 16 years old or 17 years old was never to make an extra 20 000. my goal was to make 20 million right so i mean everybody's goals are going to be different so like you should get an award for many people would be very happy to be in your shoes right now if you really want to transition you have to understand there's a certain level and an amount of risk that you have to take because you could lose it all so that comes down to the type of person you are and truly what kind of goals you want to set but i mean if you ever want to bring it to the next level and i don't mean bringing it from 20 000 a year to 30 000 a year i mean bringing it from 20 000 a year to 300 000 a year then there's going to be a percentage of risk and that's something you're going to have to decide for yourself there's no i'm not telling you it's like june 13th at midnight you have to quit your job and and focus so i mean it comes down to you as a person knowing what you know now what would you do differently in terms of seo client process uh sop etc uh carlos really i wouldn't do much different i truly wouldn't do much um i'm happy with the process and sort of the steps it took in order to get to the point that we're at so i'm not the type of person that would sit back and look and say hey this is all the things i've done wrong because like part of growing a business and running a business is like learning through your mistakes so uh that being said our process right now with seo is very similar to how it was five years ago possibly even 10 years ago not not much has changed how come you guys don't offer paid advertising as advertising uh from a business perspective surely you could make a nice recurring income through successful web design clients uh yes and no i think advertisement like paid advertising works there's no question i'm not going to be stubborn and look at you guys through this little webcam and say that ads don't work because they do i've never gone that route because i'm an seo believer right i don't feel like offering a service strictly because i can make a profit is worth my while okay so i've never sold ads because i'm not an expert in ads i don't have anybody on my team in which i'm confident in or comfortable with giving them that task could i go out and find somebody that is good at it yes do i want to do it right now the answer is no so in the future who knows maybe we have an ad expert on board that's located in toronto but as of right now i'm just a strong believer in organic traffic and seo part of my sales pitch is that i've been around for a long time i've never spent one single penny on ads and all my traffic comes to my website based on seo and that's part of my sales pitch so doesn't mean there's a right and wrong and for the 163 people watching right now could you sell ads and make a profit for sure no question should you do it comes down to you what you want to do in life i built my site at the time um not knowing about h1 tags or seo now i have to go back if i do seo and tags for the desktop version would also work for mobile or have i or do i have to do seo for mobile and desktop uh i don't know how your website was built but if your website was built semi-decently you should have to only do it once but i mean maybe your website was built two different ways for mobile and desktop but i mean the situation that you're in right now is no different than most people when you built the website you didn't put any thought into seo now it's time to go back and make revisions hey that's the norm right now go back and make those changes yes wes hype is here what's up guys welcome west hype um how do you come up with the topics for posts in a competitive industry like web design seo it seems like there's so good content on almost every topic i agree with you 100 uh when coming up with the content it really depends like is it a blog post is a written text or is it youtube video um and really i reverse engineer success as straightforward as it can be like i look and see what other people are doing and generating traffic and then i do something similar but in my eyes better or more comprehensive more detailed longer etc that's how i do it but i mean everything i do is pull i pull stats first so like when i come up with a concept it's not about me just shooting content it's about me pulling the stats first see how many people are looking for that content then shooting the content based on the fact that i'm only going to shoot content if i think i can rank highly for it you get it like i'm not going to try to rank for a certain keyword if i think i'm going to come in 10th place because 10th place is not going to get me any traffic or return on investment so stats have a lot to do with that did you graduate high school yes that's as far as i went i loved your travel videos lately i appreciate that i have a youtube channel that's new uh for traveling and really it's a selfish thing i all the videos like i travel the world and i create videos for myself and my family and i created a channel on youtube just for that it's sort of like a archive of my travels do it white do it white that girl i don't know what that means pakistan has the best milk okay i'm gonna have to come to pakistan and try your milk i'll be happy to host you if you ever decide to visit 100 i'm coming i'll come i'm coming to pakistan as soon as this covert is done i'm there um kimmy nelly and something media also has good courses on udemy i i i've never done a course um i'm so poor please give me a hundred dollars in my paypal account sorry we blocked that uh hey what's up you are a talker but your wife not you know my wife's a wonderful talker we just need to send some specific questions in her direction and she would love she will she'll yeah yeah yep she's ready no she said it's catered to me uh what are your biggest mistakes you've learned from during a nerd's world startup phase other than using contracts you know what carlos i really genuinely genuinely as like i don't have any we everybody makes mistakes so i mean we have mistakes with certain clients uh no question we have mistakes in certain situations but i mean the only way we learn from it is by doing it so i mean there's nothing that i can share with you i wish i had a like a real easy answer to give you but i don't how does the industry look at people who are self-taught do you think more traditional people want people from university i don't think so uh they might think there are some gaps in their knowledge pack i couldn't think that comment could be any further from the truth uh because we've been in business 10 plus years and never even once has a client come to us and asked us for what university have we from or our developers uh what degree do we have what certification do we have uh never ever once so i mean that mentality is a very old old mentality like my dad might ask that question but my dad's a mailman so it's it doesn't happen people judge you based on your portfolio what you're capable of doing and building and that's the answer i was more so talking about how to sell the service but i didn't put the word cell in my question uh kimi alvar okay i've already lost what your question is i apologize um you've probably already have okay you've probably already have a nerd answered let me move this down i'm sorry it's jumping all over where did you go i lost you you probably have already answered this in some fashion but i know basic coding with cms like shopify what would be the best way to market yourself as someone starting out freelancing well the first and foremost you need to learn like how are you going to sell the service without learning the service like if you're not knowledgeable and have the capability of building a website that's the first step right before you try to sell anything that you're doing you need to know what you're doing so first step is this learn learn how to do it how do you break the stigma when you are from a cheap country uh i am from eastern europe but i have an education in the uk i don't know you know what like i don't have the answer because i've never gone through that route but i mean if you build good quality websites that should help with the stigma you're going to be judged based on your previous portfolio all the time so that would be my recommendation damn is that a rolex yes it's a rolex uh why is it so difficult to get the first client uh yeah let's go through why it's difficult to get the first client there's a million of us out there selling the service clients are hesitant especially during this time on investing in a new website and maybe your website's bad your lack of portfolio is holding people back from pulling the trigger like i mean there could be any combination of reasons why you're not selling your first website what can you do to increase your chances build a portfolio get better at your craft reach out to more people don't sit back and just think people are going to email you because they're not you got to reach out to them you got to be proactive and that's why um hi there nice to meet you what do you suggest in order to make the client accept a recurring payment for web dev or seo uh george build confidence in them if you can show them confidence in your ability and your previous portfolio it's going to be a hell of a lot easier to get a recurring payment from them we don't do recurring payments unless the client requests it because like we build trust along the way it's one thing telling a client about how good you are it's another showing them how good you are so once you show them it's a lot easier to gain their trust hi chris hello i want to transition into web development but want to live in my country how can i judge based on my work and not my cheap location i think we went through that do you prefer quoting client clients on per hour basis or value basis i believe in one client is better more return on investment than others with the same solution shouldn't the client be paying more i don't 100 understand your question i don't charge per hour for the most part like the only hourly work that we have on our website with our business is if somebody comes to us with a pre-existing website and says hey i want to make a b and c changes then we say that's going to take three hours if somebody says i want a website we never charge them per hour we charge them for the finished product but i mean you do whatever it takes to be profitable daniella says congrats thank you i love your content chris thank you make more seo videos for sure i'm not going anywhere i'm 42 i got a couple more years in me um what do you do specific every month for seo for a client george the answer is going to be based on the client's budget and the current results every client is going to be different it's like me asking a personal trainer like what do you do for your client right it depends like are they overweight are they like there's so many variables in this so it's a very simple question you're asking but i don't have an answer but i mean the majority of the time let's break this down what do we do for seo every month for every client we create content we make their website more optimized and we build authority those are three things that happen every month for every single client and i'm not being specific um hope to see you this week uh i don't know wes the police just called me about an hour ago to check in on me and make sure i'm not around anybody i'm locked in the house for 14 days uh but send me a message i'm locked in maybe we can talk through the window from my apartment um [Music] we got a few people spamming and youtube's doing a good job blocking it held for review hell for review abe you're being blocked nobody else can see that building wordpress then migrating to private server and private hosting i've never used private hosting and server for business uh what's your question i'm looking for your question now what is your opinion on using stripe compared to paypal i think they're both bad i don't like stripe or paypal but i mean if you're in the very very beginning of building a business anything is better than nothing but those are not the answer getting an actual merchant account is the answer and we have a nice person that said how are you at doing sex uh so that comment is hidden um what are your biggest mistakes you've learned from during your nerd's world startup phase other than using contracts i think i answered that uh where's tequila tequila we're gonna take a moment we have 131 people here only 48 likes take a moment i'm gonna have a tequila shot let's get those likes up come on guys we're working as a sunday i poured too much my wife and kids are over there my daughter came over and she was looking for mommy so that's why grace disappeared look how much i poured way too much that's ridiculous and today's drink of choice is none other than don julio 1942. tequila and i have one sip um and here we go we have the same guy that asks about good sex if we use condoms no i don't i'm married how do i block you put user in timeout you're hidden now you're gone okay now that we need to social distance do you think it's a good idea to explain on my website that i offer zoom meetings yeah for sure why not i think it's like the the world has evolved revolved revolt and yeah zoom is pretty much standard nowadays so yes it might make sense for you to add on your website that you offer zoom meetings can you tell me more about your essential plan package this week i sold another of your seo jumpstart package kevin every time you sell one you got to send me one ubereats for my family like send me a a good uber eats the jumpstart package that i sell is easy money you know we sell it for a thousand dollars minimum and it takes our team about three hours and the best part of this whole thing is the scenario is we profit but the client also gets good rankings so if you guys don't know what i'm talking about i've shot a video on it um i sell an seo service of jumpstart where i go in and kevin sold a few um and basically we it's like a bootcamp for your website we go in and we fix a few things it's profitable for everyone so yeah where are we now can you tell me more about the essential plan kevin ask me specific questions and i can tell you more about it no question i make money from my app without i don't know i don't i don't sell apps i don't have the answer sorry guys it jumped up west hype i know the police are not watching we could do a zoom call for my living room i have a glass in between look there's glass i can sit on one side you can sit on one side and we can have a meeting i think that's a that's allowed uh jared thank you uh 20 000 it sounds like a small number to a lot of these youtubers but it's been a lot of hard work and it's a great number do i need 100 green lights on yoast for good seo no not at all how about the readability criteria no uh let's let's let's be like yoast is is a tool right uh most of the time i'm not looking for 100 green in order to rank because because i judge all like all my recommendations are based on actually pulling the stats of my competitors and myself so let yoast be a tool it's not an exact science at all don't overthink it so no you don't need it to be 100 green um hey chris thank you for all your content uploads i'm super excited to start my web design company here in north carolina and your youtube channel has it's helping me immensely wonderful uh that's exciting i can't wait till i can travel to north carolina again uh can you remind us of the skills work diversion diversion between division between you and grace i'm the seo guy we started the company together many moons ago right now today my wife manages all the logo design and web development i do the seo and i travel the world having fun um i'd love to say i'd love to stay longer but i have a long day ahead tomorrow it's night time in the ut uk congratulations guys amazing work thank you have a wonderful night's sleep um thank you for joining how do you expand your business knowledge courses mentors business coaches real life experiences uh the best way is through literally real life experiences how do you grow your business well you try absolutely everything under the moon you figure out what works best for you learn from the mistakes and you grow right if you sit docile or like you sit in the same stagnant position too long it means you're not learning is this live right now yes it's live antonio we're live wang left us one little dot what are your issues with stripe maybe you could elaborate sure stripe is not a bank account it's a third third-party provider they make money they give you a free device because they make money off every one of your sales and they also dictate to your user what the privacy policy and return policy is so if you want to do that all yourself and save the percentage then you go to a bank and you set up your own merchant account thank you for all your great content you're welcome do you use some extra tool other than google analytics for analytic for analyzing visitor behavior and optimizing for conversion on some or all poor pages uh something like hotjar yes i use semrush what's up guys who is that what's up aiden's here what's up guys guys let's take a quick 30 seconds since we've been in one hour tell me where you're from and i'll jump back right to your questions where in the world are you guys from i'm ready i'm from toronto let me start by saying i'm from toronto latvia pa what's pa pennsylvania norway serbia italy hungary grew up in spain but in miami california paris bulgaria i love bulgaria like on this recent trip bulgaria in the balkans has my heart i love it i really love it new zealand pennsylvania bulgaria again and never would i have thought bulgaria would be a travel destination but i really enjoyed myself we got i guess new jersey guadalupe india north carolina romania i'm heartbroken that i couldn't spend any more time in romania on my last trip but they limited my time to 24 hours when i was there i really wanted to enjoy more of that country seemed like a lot of a lot of neat places to explore the netherlands guys this is incredible to see you guys are from everywhere discord we have a discord channel which i don't have a link to uh when i'm done i'm gonna leave a link under in the comments below but i welcome all you guys to to join our discord we have open uh community where everybody communicates from denmark and europe how's it going chris chris chris vancouver netherlands sweden um next time you come to bulgaria you can give me a thumbs up you have one lunch or dinner on me i love bulgaria and i met up with a few subscribers it was incredible i appreciate your honesty and a lot of admire how you scale your business i'm starting to do the same incredible carolina thank you for joining grew up in hungary now in chicago i've been to hungary i've enjoyed it um your your interest in old civilization in which ones do you want to visit um i've been to greece i've been to the mayan temples i've been to egypt i've been to angkor wat and cambodia um i've been to you name it all throughout palestine so like i've been to all the oldest places in the world red deer alberta can you accept online payment for your website if you have a merchant account um and do you have a debit machine yes we have a debit machine visa machine point of sale yes and we can accept everything online let's go back to your questions let's see what i've missed out we got a hola hola hola we need your help put a link to the the discord i don't have the link in front of me if anybody can share the link to our discord in the comments that would be spectacular guys i welcome you guys to all this it's a great community where you guys can leave your questions comments and other experts from around the world can come in and answer them for you what's the purpose of doing a 14-day quarantine if your family can go out and is from home spectacular question classic italian culture it makes zero sense at all i'm negative i've taken three covid tests in the last 20 days i'm negative but i'm still locked in my house so on monday i take another covet test which will be my fourth and then the seven days from then i take my fifth i'm negative i'm negative so it doesn't make any sense at all um by the way hello from romania how was it uh george i was in romania very like 28 hours it was so rushed i didn't even get to eat um what do you think about rank math over yoast both ranked math and okay so what do i think i think they're both tools either or can be used it's it's about personal preference neither of them are required so i mean you could do seo profitable successful seo with neither or so i mean do whatever you think is best for you leonardo do you think the scm rush is worth it it's worth it to me it might not be worth it to you uh tough tough call serbia i like serbia too i enjoyed serbia norway so many countries incredible um denmark i haven't been to denmark but i've been to greenland where am i i'm lost i appreciate all the comments i just gotta find out where we are so i'm torn i'm i've got an offer working for a startup in switzerland i was building a platform for restaurants for my local town any thoughts on how i can decide what to do uh no you can't you can't give me any of that stress or stress or pressure you're gonna have to decide that for yourself decide where you want to get in life and figure out what's the best route to success everyone will have a separate answer and we have aidan from toronto so we have one other person from toronto how many hours should i recommend to a client if there is competition my client is a roofer i do not think you will have results with a budget of 500 euro um are we kevin are we i don't recall are we talking about seo and don't look at results within one month look at results within three to six months so i mean are you going to bring them something positive a return on investment in month one of seo no highly unlikely so i mean don't even set yourself up for that set yourself up and explain to the client that seo takes time so i mean if they pay 500 euro per month in three to six months you get them a return on investment or you do the best that you can in order to get them that to that point um do you do better names sell better what do you think about webb hugo um i guess i could i think the name itself could it's funny when i was a child growing up my last name's hughes so they would call me hugo i think your name's okay uh what's your best experience in egypt um i don't know i think the the the bug the beetle crawling on my arm was a simple moment that i really enjoyed how many people are in the discord yeah nicolas said 400. nicola can you see can you share a link to the discord for me help me out love your content uh what do you think of ranked math uh bob i haven't tried it i should carolina usually 20 30 online and a good 10 active as a veteran oh i lost you as a veteran i've toured afghanistan and kuwait very unique places to visit i'm going i'm going to both i'm going to all like i want you to understand that my goal is to see every country in the world period bar none there's no one country off my list i'm going everywhere so i will be going to afghanistan and kuwait no question just suck up just hooked up with a partner who have run a small web business but don't know anything about design branding and marketing now i've joined and rebanded it all congratulations kenneth what where what does work ethic mean to you um it means work harder than your competitors work harder and longer and better uh kevin yes seo so yes 500 euro or i don't recall what you said 500 pounds 500 euro it's a small number but i mean it gets you to start okay so let's use an example for a second let's take a bro look your goal is to get results based on the budget that the client is giving you got to give them realistic expectations so for example let's pretend i'm a personal trainer and somebody that's overweight and out of shape comes to me and says personal trainer i want to hire you but i can only work with you two weeks or two days out of the month because that's all i can afford and i know they need more time with me in order to get real results but i also know that two days a month is better than none so my job is to say look we're gonna work on those two days to the best of our ability we're gonna gain some strength and endurance and you're gonna lose some weight and then maybe in month two or three i'm gonna come back to you and say now that you've done two days a month successfully let me ask you to do four days or five days so i mean you gotta start yes you don't wanna if you tell the client like 500 euros is not enough they're just gonna go to somebody else so why not make that you the discord link it's where is it it's not showing me it's not allowing me it's not showing up i guess it's because it's a link um yeah guys for anybody that's interested in joining this the discord group just go to any of my last 10 videos in the description there's a link to the discord uh nikolai it's not letting you show the the link thank you chris for sharing your precious time with us and your answers based on your vast experience no problem at all i appreciate that i hope you enjoyed your holidays and congrats on the 20 000 subs uh do you always use semrush or sem rush for seo monthly reporting what do the first couple months of seo look like yes i would i always use scm rush uh the first few months are really dictated based on the client how involved they're going to be and how like how much homework they want to do what their budget is and how competitive their industry is so i mean there's not a one case fits all every client is different when do you focus on domain authority backlinks etc uh matthew comes back to all the previous comments that i have it's like it really truly depends on everything like backlinks could be in month one it could be in month seven it really depends on what's required in order to get them to a good spot where they're going to get a return on investment and tell grace to hop up on discord live and comment my most recent video escape room yeah we've already talked that uh chris doesn't like traveling he stays home that's an inside joke i see a lot of competitor websites that have fancy videos and animation do you think i should add video animation to my website even if it slows down low time going back to it's like the most simplest of answer fabio i think you got to do whatever it takes to make you stand out in the crowd so i mean if everyone's doing something i don't think you should do it but i mean for you to create a video upload it to youtube embed it on your website there's no reason it should slow your website down can you please share your experience about three things your most hardest project ever i don't think i could tell you i don't know off the top of my head the hardest project um check out my podcast i don't see a podcast your interesting project ever i'm not straying away from your questions because i think they're great but i don't have an answer i don't i don't know i don't know uh what do you think of my name change on the company name his old name was easy web i have now changed it to way better.site i don't know it's more than a name like a company is more than a name it's about building a brand it takes time it's not just about what the name is make your name memorable and i don't know what you make what's that guys we have 105 people here everybody's being quiet i'm gonna hang in for another let's say half an hour you got me for 30 more minutes i'm letting my facial hair grow during my 14-day quarantine it's gonna get longer we have 105 people here but nobody's talking 65 likes what do i do no that's what they keep talking about [Music] they want a review of something that's why they want a review yeah uh where was i do you use your own plugins for wordpress no we use plugins that are built by other people do you donate money for animal care i don't know tell me more sorry should i invest in hiring people or stick to working for with freelancers hiring would put me in a huge financial risk rowan risk is what gets you profit okay so some people will risk and some people won't the answer lies within your mind you got to try both but realize like it's not like you're not making it's not like you're i don't know how to put it like when you make a decision like that try both and see what works best for you it's not like you're making one decision for the rest of your life it's like what do i do well try both and see what's profitable then figure it out yep what was your worst day when you started oh it was all enjoyable there's no worse day like it's just fun uh do you own a lambo or was it just a las vegas trip no when i'm in vegas i rent the lamborghini uh in toronto i take the public transit um we got chris for 30 minutes take off the shirt everyone inside joke yeah nicola was there i took a my shirt off for one [Music] never mind birthday celebration you did that for another live too did i you did oh my first live on youtube i think i got topless too at the end yeah i'm the bad boy of web development when the tequila's out the top comes off um when will you release part four of your seo video soon within the next week for sure what's your favorite niche ray my favorite niche is the one that makes me money the money making niche um you're doing a great job on this live stream thank you for all your valuable content cheers thank you hopefully that cheers is like a real drink look at this size of this tequila i know what you do i pour it's a killer i pour too much what do you think about paying to get visitors to a page uh to make it rank faster i don't think that's organic it's like it's not the definition of organic so i don't like it everyone says to niche down but a nerd's world offers us offers a lot of services uh does niche down at first and when did you start adding a lot of services no we've never niched down never we have never niched down look niching down i don't even understand like i can't comprehend the whole concept of focusing on one niche i don't get it i don't understand it like because the person that wants a website wants marketing for their website the person that wants a website probably wants a logo or print marketing so i mean what is the science and niching down like the only reason you should niche down is because you're not capable of doing the other things right so if you're not good at seo you should not offer the service of seo no question but i mean why don't we do it because like we're trying to build a profitable business it's like one-stop shop you know someone is starting out a business and they need branding need everything they come to us then they need their website they come to us then they need seo who does i like it um thank you for motivating me two months back i got my first international client thank you for mumbai india i'm coming to mumbai you should make a video with chris uh do from the future maybe one day he's too big for me he's a celebrity he's got like makeup artists and everything i don't have makeup artist my wife helps me with my makeup yeah i know he's brilliant i like i generally like his his channel the future is one of the top places to get content no question when are you doing website reviews again they're really helpful i actually shot half of the video today and that's why the tequila is out my camera stopped working on me the battery was full it just stopped timing out so i'll shoot the rest of it in the next day or two and that will be my next video here on youtube um key difference in working at workplace working from home in your personal perspective i think the world has changed so i mean i've always been the type of person that works harder and works better when going to a physical location but kovit has changed that so i think if you're self-motivated you can work equally as hard in both the reason we open our first location was to entice clients through the door when right now i don't think you need a physical location i think it would be bad idea to get a physical location right now so when you love what you're doing every day is a great day even the days when everything fails but it only helps you to get better i agree that's true hi i started seo should i hire a graphic designer i don't know i'm just trying to figure out the correlation between seo and graphic designer you just started seo you probably don't need a graphic designer although you might i don't know did those seals bite in peru they did they're like little cute bites like they do little nibbles they they're just who's friendly they're friendly nibble they just it's like a the kind of bite that tells you that hey i'm here but it didn't hurt no we got a yeehaw i'll drink to that while we're waiting for a few questions we got 86 people today was pretty incredible i think it went up to like a hundred and something yeah they didn't miss it didn't they miss me here i'll let you jump on and answer a few questions while i have her okay i'm pretty sure a lot of this is seo question for your wife do i need an expensive dslr to learn photography thinking of buying one for my girlfriend no absolutely not start off with the basics so whatever you can afford start off there and then why use you don't you don't need new you can you get used but just learn the basics learn lighting that's super important more important than the camera right off the bat once you understand lighting then if you want to purchase something a little bit more expensive then go for it but lighting is super important once you get that down that will help a lot you could even use your phone if you needed to i agree you know what should we move over a little bit the light is yeah the lighting's a bit off speaking of lighting here let's move over a little bit i think that's a little bit better better okay next oh i jumped i keep saying okay here we go no i feel like you're too far now no that's it yeah yeah oh i'll i'll read it for you okay thank you okay man about to implement your three-step seo challenge on a specific niche very excited i'm excited for you durham escape room latest site made by ragu look we're not going to get any lawsuit with your we're not going to be involved in that don't involve us in any lawsuits if you're not a part of discord you won't understand you got to join the discord join the discord yeah you'll hear about that one a lot okay um okay i'm trying okay we're still on we're still on no we're not talking about that all right uh they still don't want website oh nicolas can you shortlist and start a mentor program please for small entrepreneurs like us to get proper guidance and one-to-one discussion etc discord join the discord discord's great that's the best way you don't need one mentor you need a bunch of people giving you different advice because let's be honest i don't have the time to to do one-on-one mentorships but you work your ass off in the discord and then i can donate some time here and there no question discord so once again if you want the link to discord i can't provide it here go to any of the last 10 videos on youtube on my channel click on the discord and join participate and you will be rewarded bt i am a one-man show at the moment what areas in web design should i focus first i cannot offer all the services you provide you don't have to you genuinely don't have to do whatever you're comfortable with while making a profit and do it well do it well that's it that's the answer oh jump sorry guys we're looking to see where we left off okay there we go okay oh that don't leave that one no escape room how long has revenue gone since oh sorry how low has revenue gone since pre-coped yeah it's gone lower there's no question it's gone lower than what we're making but we're still profitable so like the last thing you want to hear is two rich people complain that they're making less money than they were making jerry covet you don't want to hear that so let's not talk about it we're it's hit us but we're still okay we're eating every day so we have no complaints e new york hat to pit hat my man we need to get you some chicago sway it's only because it's matched in my underwears that i'm wearing today like i'm wearing oh i'm wearing like there's no thought into it it's my bathing suit it was yellow so i put a yellow hat on i have every i'm not even i don't even watch the baseball i just match my underwear is with that um yeah there's no thought into it at all bt thanks for answering all these on answering all these questions um and then happy birthday in bulgarian yeah thank you happy birthday how do you say it happy birthday i like it chested leonardo thanks from brazil big inspiration um i'll use this time right now it's uh one hour and 26 minutes in i'll let my wife know i'm gonna go to brazil in about two weeks so pick me up leonardo at the airport i'm i'm coming to brazil okay it's next on my list uh keep it going really nice content thank you george what do you oh here what do you do to get monthly stable revenue let's say like amc maintenance etc is there any other opportunities you can suggest which can bring in fixed monthly revenue please seo if you're capable and knowledgeable seo the answer but i mean we don't depend on monthly because i mean we're not in that position where it's like you just sit back and the money comes in we have new clients and prospects every day contacting us so that's my answer okay um maril said turkish turkish okay turkish turkish gavin how should i prepare for my first web dev interview tomorrow is the interview with like tell me are you looking for the job or are you trying to sell your service tell me more info i'd love to give you my advice who are you meeting with exactly samir has his hands up um nicola we got niko oh it's girl um ostrivich are you still planning on making the seo game with dice to decide on seo steps to take maybe some maybe make something you can print and put together at home [Music] yes um what's the discord so go on any of the last 10 videos on my youtube channel once this is complete only once this video is complete click on the description and you'll see a link to the discord uh nitesh is it a good idea to use your home address to google my business when you don't have a physical store location thank you i wasn't even listening i was reading oh what was the question is it a good idea to use your home address on google no okay the last thing you want is your customers or prospects it's a physical store so no address i wouldn't put an address okay um all right sounds good thanks uh okay and we've got mikko and nicola back and forth uh nicole send me on uh discord send me a dm there so i can just copy and paste the link and i can i can add the link to the discord wonderful he said make me a moderator i don't even know how to make a moderator know how explain let's see oh there we go okay i just made you a moderator who did i make a moderator nico nicola no nico so i make them both okay there you go you guys are both awesome you guys are both moderators now you can add links you can help me out and we're at the biggest number we have 163 169. oh my goodness let's have a tequila shot oh guys once again we got don julio uh 1970 look we're at 19 one seventh that's incredible numbers are [Music] you know what it shows the numbers go higher when you drink tequila or they seem like they go higher so in a few moments they're going to share a link to the discord i welcome every single one of you guys to join the discord and participate ask questions don't be shy and let's do it matthew jeffrey thanks for answering my questions for the camera would you recommend charging seo clients for six months i've got a client that's keen to get six months seo and and is prepared to pay 5k up front take it take it take it take it take it there's no answer like take it if they're gonna pay you don't want to say no but i mean not everyone's going to feel as comfortable in giving you their hard-earned money upfront so i mean we do both right there are some clients that want to pay us every three months every six months every year and there are other clients that want to pay us per month so i mean we give a discount for those that want to pre-pay us but it's not a mandatory situation in which they're in so i mean that's my recommendation do both do all of the above fabio i've always thought about calling my competitors and pretend i'm a potential client do you think this is a good idea just to see what they do yes do it i've done it of course yes do it i've done it a bunch of times do it gavin it's going to be a normal 9 to 5 job as a react developer oh this is about the interview i think yeah so look them confidently in the eye and that's it really like if you're experienced and have the ability to get the job you'll get the job if you don't it means that you need to practice more in order to get your next interview uh to be successful and don't stress about it don't don't sit high at home and stress about it because like there's always opportunities that being said go in there and do the best you can be personable more important to me than your experience is your ability to learn um and grow as a team yeah that's major uh xero your advice for a great way for managing clients as a freelancer i mean g drive calendar trello evernote etc yes whatever works best for you yes obviously we use a calendar internally we use slack but i mean do whatever is best for yourself i'm also pencil to paper so really whatever you can't tell these people that because that it's gonna they're not gonna like that in matthew you said 138 viewers we got 172 viewers i think this is the most i've ever had and it's a celebration 20 000 subscribers and incredible we're growing no we're growing we're growing as a family this whole channel is a family rohan thank you for motivating to get into seo doing a transition from web into us i guess i see how it was what you meant you're welcome i swiped too much yeah really jumps do you think youtube would have a better user experience there we go we got a the discord can i pin that how does it work pin message okay i'm pinning the message for those that are watching if you want to join the discord uh there you go the message is pinned it's up there feel free join the group it's free like how how much it's free great community i think so we're growing okay where did we go uh samir is the last one he said you're so beautiful he was talking to you i know he is not me and the beast harsh live from india 3 30 a.m i love india i can't wait to go to india stan the man hey make me a mod too yeah you're next in line as soon as we fire the other one you're not d papa seo for images are alt text worth it sure why not it takes like one third of a second to do it so i don't see why not okay yes link works let's click on that i don't know i didn't even click on it we're just testing it we're testing the link oh yep that's good yes it works link works okay um live from india rohan said the link doesn't work but it worked for me for us there we go join the discord muhammad hello from egypt i love egypt okay hassan says hi chris why doesn't nerdsworld give seo services to a company that is in the same location and niche of a previous seo client we do a previous seo client if a client was previous and hired us for seo and they're no longer a client then yes of course we do we offer the service to everyone okay one second so we do [Music] let's grow discord everyone yes we have a lot of free tools and helpful community i agree if the client is dumb but gives you good money should you hire yeah for sure come on not everyone is educated yeah do what it takes we're going to do a group call sometime later this week so stay tuned yeah so for the 166 people here we were talking earlier on the discord channel we talked about like what can we do in order to entice people to participate more often in the discord and the idea is we're going to start scheduling like weekly events where um we can come and talk so we can do like more private sessions i jump on grace jumps on on camera and let's let's say it's like 10 individuals and we can answer actually one-on-one questions so uh the discord channel we're definitely learning from it it's relatively new but uh it should be a fun place to learn so i welcome you guys all to join once again welcome okay where are you at is that the same rohan that said he missed his old discord are those guys the enemies oh don't start oh my goodness i'm starting conflict don't start conflict um tell me are you guys the enemies oh stop so discord is like a whole other we have some gossip there's a lot going on on our discord yes okay um okay oh you jumped sorry i jumped guys it's a tequila this is okay here yeah okay show me where you're standing okay love from india we saw that stand the man you have to entertain the audience to get more views youtube likes when you entertain so basically they're saying so we need to have more shirt stan am i supposed to take my shirt off or drink more tequila isn't that what you're asking i don't know i feel like um okay don't worry niko you're doing a good job um i'm going to blog in three languages will it be difficult to rank for many languages at the same time no if you can write in three languages yeah for sure do it rogue hey chris i'm 17 and i've been in business for a year and two months now i've done a total of 4 000 in profit so far but due to family finances i've had to move to sudan literally a third world country i don't know what the question is but you're 17 you're young um when you say 4 000 in profit i don't know if you mean profit or sales but i mean if you've done that at 17 years old there's no reason why you can't find a way to make it happen in sudan so tell us more where's the question there is no question i don't i'm telling you okay any advancement on possible white label program for seo services like we've been doing white label seo since the day we started so i mean we don't have a page on our website that's dedicated to that but i mean we do it so just send us an email tell us what what it's about and we'll make it happen so you don't need to wait for that page and we have 205 watchers right now which is the highest we've ever had so if you like this and you like the fact that we're drinking 1942 on a sunday to celebrate my 42nd birthday 20 000 subscribers like the damn video can i curse no we're not cursing like the video okay um have you ever been to montreal wow look at your mess of course i've been to montreal was that the question that was literally the question yeah we've been watching fabio we haven't we haven't been in a while but we've been a bunch of times for sure how are you guys doing are you doing good in montreal let us know uh verve uh he says no rohan isn't so that's not the guy oh that's raghu oh i am sorry rohan i didn't mean to offend you mr moe says hi mo where's my where am i where am i mr moses hi hello mr moe oh so now you started look now we're going into the game save the shirt for only fans yeah guys i'm sending out my only fans i'm trying to make a little extra money drink a little bit so you guys go to only fan slash a nerd's world it's where things get naughty i get naughty um okay family friendly guys proceeds to take off shirt chris 20 20. thanks nikola so for those that don't know what we're talking about [Laughter] nico's birthday was last week when i were two weeks ago when i was in europe and so i got topless for a little private livestream so that's what they're joking about it was a joke it was nothing more than that but it was a joke antonio happy 42nd birthday thank you i'm an old man i'm officially an old man what are we like promoting this like um rogue my question was i'm not sure if i can really do this here i've seen people charge literally 300 bucks for a website it's useless and practically always a free template plus profits and it continues on but it seems like you cut it off but the whole concept is is like your cost of living right like 300 to me is a ridiculous amount of money to charge for my service but i mean if you're living in sudan 300 is incredibly profitable so i mean you can't judge what's successful in your country versus what's successful in our country because our bills are much much higher so i mean going back to the simple answer is like do what it takes in order to profit period and survive like survival of the fittest do what it takes yeah dude it works for you um ostervic and i'm so sorry if i'm pronouncing it wrong have you thought about visiting nordic countries in europe yeah for sure as soon as i can i'm going yeah i'm on my way he's going uh bt 20 000 subscribers and 200 people one percent conversion rate not bad i like it i'll take it it's better than we've had sometimes in the past leonardo your best pick of keyword research tools sem rush if you want to do a free route then google analytics fabio says don't like jeffrey tubin i don't know who jeffrey twobin is uh i literally decide laughing flashbacks for his shirt listen if you stick around and i finish this tequila bottle i will i'll definitely be topless give me 20 minutes i'll be topless by the end of this video i've done it before and i'll do it again all right bt favorite canadian food dish and favorite dish from each of the countries you've visited food well i'm sorry i've missed it out completely favorite canadian food dish and canadian food dish there's no canadian food and then favorite dish from each of the countries you've visited holy [ __ ] i will talk for the next three hours pick one of your most memorable where was that who was the person where's bt right here bt where are you from i don't know i don't know the answer it's a it's a tough question i love yeah no i for my birthday in egypt they made me camel uh with a bunch of other things and i really enjoyed it that's a short-winded answer but he likes to try like the actual food from the places yeah for sure so you know really getting into like what is a dish of that country yeah that's great but in canada we don't have like we don't wear like hot dogs and poutine it's pathetic okay um calvin [Music] gaming bees how you got 200 viewers well that's 200 viewers uh matthew jeffrey do you pay for unlimited summer's projects i pay for min 1 and am limited to two projects i don't know we pay about 500 u.s a month whatever that encompasses rogue 300 is not profitable here what do you think i can do to expand and charge premium prices for well-built fully custom websites also love your content you're much more enthusiastic with your reading i'm like reading like i feel like that's my goal right now so it's like you're the reader i'm the reader i'm like the narrator um i don't know i don't have an answer if it's not profitable for you what is it going to take you you got to be get better like if you're the best in the business you deserve to get paid more than the people that are below you like as straightforward as that but even like when you're selling it's confidence right it's not the cockiness but it's the confidence if they feel confident in your abilities then the more they they want to work for sure for sure so if you're just being like i sell 300 websites but then you're like i sell 300 websites and this is what i can achieve with that right that's a really big difference okay um so chris are you a beta bucks i don't even know what that is what's it be the books beta box inside thing shiva your journey is so good what is it so good i filtered myself your journey is so good keep it okay thank you i'm trying to get my wife to curse she doesn't crash her dad might be watching sorry dad sorry um bt he's in bulgaria sorry the person who was saying about like 300 websites oh gotcha yeah so okay rishi i'm a high schooler and i made a course selection tool for my school district how would you say i can make my website appear when people search google for it seo like learning seo and dedicating time to seo there's no simple answer for that like seo deli i don't know what that's about i don't know either dollar slice dollar size rogue by the way do you think the web dev community and market has gotten a bit saturated now and why it's always been saturated right like always and forever like like most of the successful businesses around the world like once the industry becomes saturated it's because other people are being successful um so i mean does it like worry me no not at all like there's still a lot of room for profit i don't think web development's going anywhere in the next 20 years so um if you're new to it i think if you conquer it it's so profitable for sure and everyone needs something different so sometimes another group may provide that better than another so let's go back to this you know somebody dm'd me uh i don't know a week or two ago they said chris on my personal instagram they sent me this voicemail like chris i'm trying to build the best web development business ever and i my response was forget about building the best web development ever build a successful profitable uh website design business uh because who cares about being the best like what award you get for being the best singer in the world the award you get is for being the most profitable or selling the most records like our goals are all different right so i mean is it competitive yes is it saturated no question can it be profitable right now today no yes for sure yes can they can they feel my enthusiasm yeah yeah yeah yeah to be very honest especially with kovid everyone's looking for that online platform that online presence yeah so even more so now even people are thinking oh my gosh kobe it's going to change everything right now our industry is strong but i mean for that this is the opportunity for us people that are really dedicating time in order to strive right you're going to step over those people the people doing it like half-assed part-time looking for money on the side like for us full-time people it's like we're conquering we're we're stepping over them we're pushing them out the way pushing them out so i mean for us there's no reason to be concerned sorry next question no you had a pigeon on your recent trip right what is that like what's the mindset getting into that pigeon oh i ate a pigeon yeah i don't know i try different things like uh eating a pigeon in egypt is pretty everyday normal for those so when i was there yeah i ate a pigeon i didn't catch the pigeon i didn't kill the pigeon but i ate the pigeon so like his mindset is not like am i eating a pigeon i didn't even think about it it's like what do they eat i want to eat what they eat right i don't even think about mindset yeah um natash my competitor here is charging 39 a month for a five page basic website no other upfront fee and yes he is ranking on the first page of google too but where is that tell us more tell us more um bt hot dogs patine and milk because he said we had the best man we are the best we are the best of the best no question no question uh verb dev 200 viewers is incredible for live streams it's incredibly hard to have more than five 100 concurrent viewers live well we did it we did it together and it's because we have tequila and we're celebrating 20 000 subscribers and we're gonna finish this bottle now look we're gonna have a little bit here and for those people that don't drink out there have some milk we apologize drink your milk in your country and water uh but we just finished the bottle we're celebrating life and 20 000 and 42 years old so there's a lot of celebrations today um okay i'm gonna go quickly for a little break and you're in control i'll be back in three minutes guys good luck let's see if we can get that we're almost at 100 likes we've never got 100 likes during like we're almost there we're at 95. that's incredible do you think it's the same they see the same as what i don't know if you see the same thing great click the like button if you haven't already okay where are we at sweet animals i don't know what that means rogue exaggerated with a bunch of web developers who make mediocre websites it's a skilled that will always stand out that's correct um we are like that one-stop shop uh like chris mentioned earlier people were asking if we stick to just one or if people should just stick to one but if you're capable of providing all services that's wonderful be able to provide that but whatever it is that you provide just do it well okay pablo said what i don't know what that's about matthew your videos on seo have been changed have changed the game for me and thank you for doing this i will let chris know when he arrives ciao amerol hey does a w run without the presence of any of you two are you guys deeply involved in daily operations yes a hundred percent from the beginning of the day i am having a motivational speech with the team and i'm speaking that to them throughout the day um i do manage the team and i prepare the projects for day by day week by week and i also speak to the clients so i know the client's needs i bring that over to the team i don't even share anything with the team until i'm 100 satisfied that it's to our standards okay okay thank you very much outlaw that's very nice you're probably talking about chris but that's that's great said you're hot what are the next seo topics you are doing in your upcoming videos we're going to break open another bowl fabulous asking about seo what is the next seo topics oh okay i don't know fabio i don't put too much thought into it he just does what he does he wants to we got another i have a bottle when the bottle's done the video's done fabio i don't put thought into the video we just it happens and then i shoot it and that's i don't know okay what did i miss um no i answered it already chris now that you're 42 what advice would you give young chris if you could talk to him talk to me chris i have chicken in my mouth sorry well i wouldn't say anything like work harder i don't know what else to say like everything takes time it's like not not everyone's gonna start a an instagram right or a tick tock or a facebook and get wildly successful within a short duration of time like the average business owner takes time like work hard and be consistent and understand that with any business there's going to be ups and downs right you're there there's going to be a point everybody that's watching all 186 of you uh there's going to be points in your day or your week or your month that you look at yourself in the mirror and be like what the hell am i doing in this industry it's not rewarding it's not profitable uh and understand that we've all gone through that there's times where grace and i have both cried personally like literally cried to be to be like what the hell are we doing like the client doesn't appreciate us we're having a shitty month um but understand that like consistency comes with ups and downs right so i mean what would i tell myself i would tell myself like strengthen up grow some skin and realize that one customer being overly aggressive or angry at me does not uh sort of dictate what i'm capable of doing not everyone's going to appreciate what my talents are or what my effort is right so that's what i would tell my younger self like work as hard as you can for a client but realize not every client is going to appreciate the time that you've put into the project so hopefully that makes any kind of damn sense because i've drank at least six shots of tequila and i know that that question is for chris but a major thing is about challenges sorry challenge well challenges will come and go um and when that happens a lot of people have this sort of game plan that's like a to b and they're like it has to be this process or a b and c um if it doesn't go that way it's almost like you want to quit but you have to understand that in between a b and c there's going to be a little bit of a challenge so you have to take a breath be like okay compose yourself how am i going to get over this and how am i going to get to b and c again you just have to re-evaluate sometimes take a moment step away for a second look at everything look at the bigger picture and how are you going to get to that next step that your goal was so just constantly re-evaluate reevaluating and also understanding that challenges will come your way i agree um okay takeda chris my new business has a mission on helping businesses owners transition from their ordinary retail business into the internet e-commerce it would include educating people on how to use the web was that the question i don't know i think it's a good it makes sense yeah for one second for sure it makes sense so yes um i am exotic says what is this well it's a bunch of nerds 185 nerds here talking about how to build a web development business love to watch most people make such acquisitions because of something monumental tell us about the watch uh i have a bunch of watches my wife has the matching watch so really it's not much more than a material item to be honest with you i think i bought this when i was like 38 years old my 38th birthday but uh without sounding like overly arrogant i have many rolex watches i'm in mexico mexico i love mexico i go quite often where are we by the way guys for some of you guys don't sell seo services if you watch two to three videos on seo you're not confident enough test it on your website yes no question uh nikolai that's 100 my thoughts keep up the amazing content i appreciate that gracias amigo how important is it not to have duplicate content i looked at the nerd's word location landing pages and most of them are unique but i have also seen many location landing pages with 90 duplicate content yes uh let's be of course i duplicate content i create the content and i duplicate it so i mean how important is it not that important i've done case studies and i create let's say 20 landing pages for 20 different cities and i use the same content on every single page i only change out the city name and i wait and i see what happens and google ranks the page therefore i don't change the page it's worked for me i've never ever ever ever been penalized for using the same content so in my eyes that's it works it doesn't but if that being said if tomorrow i start seeing that the stats drop then i go through and i write original content wow grace looks butter in person i guess that means better love you look butter butter in person grace looks better hi guys uh millionaire in seven years congratulations i don't know thank you how am i gonna say anything else i appreciate that oh she looks so pretty of course um we got some yi and some e drink milk boys oh we just made four dollars we've shot for two hours and we made four dollars uh elias i appreciate you thank you uh i lost where we were i'm sorry i started speaking spanish oh i left for like five seconds and uh so look this is where you left nicolas says while grace looks better in person himself i guess that's a compliment thank you no you should be thank you not me but i'm sick thank you uh that's the most butter compliment i said to you join discord yeah guys for the new people the 280 people watching discord is uh tagged and flagged in the above join our community is free of charge we're never going to sell you anything so your girl is hot i got so that's why people are coming that's why more people are coming today no keep you here and then we'll get more views no uh where are we drink milk boys see if you guys drink more milk milk is good for you what else i'll let you keep going you're better at reading than me okay nicola yeah there's a whole inside joke with butter that's why oh if you join discord you'll understand i missed it uh matthew jeffrey when did you make your first million a long time ago um nan says i see you from iraq i'm coming to iraq hopefully you're gonna bring me out i'm coming it's on my hit list within the next 365 days hopefully covent somewhat subsides i'll be in iraq i'm coming love what are you doing i'm sorry you're multitasking and you've got to help i'm always multitasking so okay um natash my competitor here is charging i feel like he asked that already 39 a month for a five-page basic website yes he is ranking first page of google i am here in red deer alberta so you're in canada 39 a month for a five-page basic website a month though what's the question though i guess he's just forget it if your competitor's doing it don't that's not you that's not you who cares what they're doing do what you have to do what you have to do to be profitable no question uh bob p what do you do for monthly updates for seo it depends on the client's budget and literally the client's budget every single project is going to be different every website yeah why didn't our moderators catch that moderator moderators how do we let this sit we're gonna have to make stan become a monster stan stan we need your help these guys are letting some some spam slide stand we need you if you're here let us know dollar slice damn chris glenn shirtless for sure no question d papa love it get into that tequila it's sunday guys i'm on the 14-day quarantine i just came back and the rule here in ontario is 14 day mandatory quarantine although i've been tested negative many times for the kova test i'm still here stuck in the house so tequila it is okay lemades okay no i don't use tick tocks not for me what was the question huh why do you bypass it because it says does your girl have tick-tock oh his girl doesn't have tick-tock my girl i feel like a young a young lad my girl okay victor do you research keywords on youtube to decide what videos to make i don't victor and the reason is because i genuinely want to create content that i'm passionate about and knowledgeable on i don't want to just create content because of a statistic that being said my most viewed website my most viewed videos are videos i don't like like it's not something i'm passionate about among us officials hello i'm new viewer and i don't know what's going on is this live recorded but we're trying to figure it out ourselves matthew among us it's live david she's not gemma chan is she who what i don't know who that is no it was me no uh matthew among us they are answering questions in the chat and celebrating 20 000 subscribers yes among us okay bro got you papa says he loves you papa loves me thank you papa okay you said elias gave me four dollars we celebrated that hacker says what does it take to get an internship job within a nerd's world so you get there we go without the uh no we don't like you already hacker it's a nerd's world not not nerds world ah nerds world just send us an email no right now we don't like you you got to come back with a proper question it's abner's will not nerf tell us before you apply that um stan chris if you could learn a second language what would you learn that's a good question well that's good i'm learning slowly who wants to be multilingual yeah oh hacker aviva mexico among us i'm watching from the united kingdom london i love london i like that uh fabio what keyword is better to use web design or digital marketing so the proper answer is the keyword is dependent on where you sit right so like for me personally web design is a better one but i mean if you don't feel like you can compete for the keyword web design then digital marketing could be the key word for you uh it's all about being realist like understanding which keyword is generating the most volume and then picking your position based on that yeah and then there's like a heart phase part phase you're getting more into this in the beginning they said they're all you're all quiet because it was all like seo seo seo boring right no it's not boring it's just you know i'm a listener but right now i'm uh we need more light soon it's getting darker so narrating continued sniper when is seo part four coming out soon verb dev big question related to seo chris if i have a bunch of pages ranking number one on google and i want to do a new website for myself do i keep those pages the same or redesign them as well so you keep the content on the pages let's break this down break it down let's really get into this okay so either yourself or your client wants to build a new website but they're concerned that you're going to lose your traction on google for your rankings so what do you have to do you have to make sure that the content moves from your old site to your new website so the design itself can change but the content has to remain the same or better so if you want to add content to it no problem the last thing i want to see you do is go from a thousand words of text on your old site to 200 words of text on your news site and you want to make sure your url remains the same so copy the url and bring it over to your new website okay thank you beautiful among us hearts hearts so you handle clients and their projects on your own so what advice would you have to handle better communication and not burn out how many clients can you handle on your own i can handle as many as they come it's just about managing right so in the beginning of my day even before i start talking to my team i'm answering questions and i'm answering emails the best part about answering emails very early in the morning is likely more than likely i won't say all they will answer within a two hour time frame or midday the reason for that is it helps productivity throughout the day so i have a specific question or i need to clarify something or i need something further i'm able to provide that to my team midday so we can continue our progress i take things day by day week by week i don't take it three months in advance i have a lot of projects on the go and i manage our team right from the beginning of the week um as to what our goals are for the week so let's say i have five six projects that are we are aiming to complete finish um do for for an entire week um that may change because certain emails may come in certain clients comments may not come in in time so then i will readjust that day by day but i have an overall goal per week for our team um but emails i don't have a specific number as they come i answer them i'm available to answer those questions uh in the beginning of the day and throughout the entire day and if i have to spend some extra time at night i will do that so that i don't have to bring that over to the next day i really try to manage things well and i manage it in the beginning of the week and day by day because i know things will change so by doing things two weeks or one month in advance you just never know because clients are unpredictable projects aren't predictable so you just want to make sure that you take things as realistic as possible and communicate when you can if you do it earlier in the day the better because you will get a response earlier rather than the next day because then you're wasting 24 hours all right next so takita sorry my current market would be mom and pops with businesses should i niche people in this age range or educate them from zero or go with people who are more familiar with the internet to be very honest we have clients who are in different phases in their life some people who are mom and pop shops who have never had a website ever and they're seeking education so they're seeking someone who is educated and they put their trust in that person in that person who is able to answer their questions clearly and who's able to give them what they need and not over give them what they don't need so by educating a client that is the first and foremost thing that we want to provide to the client because that allows that trust factor so by becoming that authority and becoming the person who's knowledgeable in what you provide the more they will trust you in what you have to offer and your services so don't always just try to keep into one niche if you do well in web development web design um you know just work with work with what you can but at the same time try to be knowledgeable to any of the clients that do seek your service i i'm so sorry guys i just scrolled everything give me two seconds um says we're never going to sell you anything to sort of recommend you to pixel host nicola you're selling services fabio oh chris just out of the light what do you think is it too bright yeah it's a little bit bright it's getting dark out here we're in toronto i'm not sure where everybody else is but it is getting dark now for us it is now 6 30 p.m and we are two hours and eight minutes in no i think it's pretty good because i'm closer oh yeah we're fixing the lighting okay so fabio said gotta go eat supper take care guys bye fabio thanks for joining us um nia daniels have you been to atlga yes i've been for that it's been a while now what happened i'm cooking dinner right now this is what's happening stan says he's here in case i guess if we need it yeah we need we need your help stan yeah they're moderators we're slacking narrators um nicola don't spam or you will be timed out nicola is on the watch lemade said i'm kind of happy my spam got through moderators so lemade is going to try it again mickey said so you still wear the face mask don't you know the covid is a hoax oh i don't agree yeah hmm nicola david gemma chan is from the movie crazy rich asian you should look her up oh okay i watched that movie i love that movie but i didn't think i look like any uh character there but thank you uh le maids watching from reykjavik in iceland oh my gosh we love it we like it you know 365 days ago today we are in reykjavik we were and i love iceland so much matthew jeffrey can you remember recommend any productivity apps time management kanban boards etc me i can't no no you got to be self inclined to organize your time correct matthew brown gotta peace out guys congratulations on your success and you guys are rock stars coming from dallas texas i appreciate that look we're at two hours and ten minutes we're gonna we're gonna cut this off at two hours and thirty minutes so we'll set a timeline i'm gonna answer as many questions as we can in 20 minutes um at like three minutes before i'll get naked just just because that's how i do it and so 20 we got 20 minutes left all right let's do it uh matthew brown i surprised already biggest frank guys your camera is in night mode need more light secret okay you see i agree big biggest frank i agree that's why i got the light um nicola dude i can celebrate i got three projects from facebook group for charities yes i need to donate 35 to charity as well but through clients in 12 hours i love it congratulations congratulations congratulations harry lee how long should i wait to raise my prices once i get started in a month or a year worry about it in a month or a year just just get started don't think about it right now don't stop pre-planning just do it like nike said nico's being funny and making funny comments where you get my seo trade secrets oh he gets his seo trade secrets from us oh i like that interesting uh nico when this comment is over we'll invite you over you you're not too far away come over you gotta bring your girlfriend over you can come sit on our table you know i'll also apply the milk um takita such valuable info thank you so much and i'm going to be up at is this going to be up as a video greetings it's going to be left up on the channel sure okay creative rod how do you align your first seo client well first you start ranking yourself and then it's easier to sell your service but every single client we have for seo reached out to us we didn't reach out to them but i mean we already have a steady list of clients when it comes to web development so it becomes a lot easier to sell the service of seo broke how do you train your nerds and what do you look for when trained when hiring a lot of the training is just like through everyday work like throw work at them and see how they react um [Music] that's it really how do we hire we hire based on personality even possibly more important than the quality of the work that they're currently creating yeah because we're we're a team right we're a team and everything is very collaborative so you have to be able to work as a team and be willing to grow matthew says need new mods the spam is slowing us down [Music] matthew i agree with you they're not they're not they're not pulling their weight right now they're making the spam d papa how do you make a site map depends on what how your website was built um yeah that's the answer uh okay um no new mods from nico remember to drink water do you think getting affiliates to advertise advertisement services would be a good idea it could be everyone once again everyone's going to have a different route to success so i mean it might make sense for you it might not make sense for others it's like the non-answer answer everyone's going to have a different answer uh nico is on his way to our place to have a glass of milk um and then nicola i want those secrets time to travel in the house and prepare dinner i'm preparing dinner okay they know i don't know how to dwayne andrews very much appreciate your seo tips congrats congrats to your success keep the great work nerds thank you thank you thank you thank you bt did you offer seo services to previous clients that you did not purchase and need seo services before yes for sure so there are some clients that come to us that have never done seo before and yes we're the first ones to offer the service no question uh when is your ipo coming out oh no diaz but it's far from now we have no game plan of ever doing that we do have some very good look we have 119 people let's take a moment can we take a moment we have some very exciting plans in the very very near future it has nothing to do with ipo but it really has to do with allowing other people to use the name of a nerd's world and licensing out our business around the world like genuinely we want to grow a nerd's world around the world and we know as two capable human beings that there's certain limitations as to what we can do yeah so what we're looking for is other people around the world literally in every country in the world that are either like the workhorses they have the ability to work hard work ethic and capability to help us grow that so in the very near future i'm saying before christmas this year we'll definitely have like a licensing partnership uh that we're gonna offer to other companies around the world very exciting sorry i got sidetracked that's good rogue says what do you think the best way to get clients cold calling door knocking friends both both all of them see the question is like why do you have to look for the best like all of them the answer is all of them like do whatever it takes guys stop trying to predict what's the best because like when somebody asks me like what's the best way to do something it's like they're they're trying to cheat like can you imagine our son like one of our sons come to us say my mom dad what's the best way to get an a in class the answer is well to listen to study right to use the people that are in your class uh to to answer questions like there's no best way stop looking for the best way can you imagine if michael jordan said what's the best way to win a game like there's no best way it's like you gotta dunk you gotta pass you gotta do defense you gotta do everything there's no best way do it all um nico said chocolate milk not white milk yes for you for you nico nico we'll get you chocolate hardly hardly fine nicola is getting jealous he wants to be adopted harley fun good evening grace and chris love you chris to add a question how do you invest your money stocks real estate crypto gold your energy is insane inspiration to keep grinding none of the above we don't have any lump sums of money in stock or investments our children we have investments for our children uh but genuinely we invest in ourselves we invest in our business and our happiness um i don't know the energy is authentic so i'm happy i'm in a happy place right so how can i not be happy um nicolas said crisp cooking black chicken and rock potatoes listen anything i cook is going to be black because it's going to be overcooked uh yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not a good cook by any means matthew said do you have any future plans for your youtube channel i feel like you milk your channel for all your seo and web dev help your content is great chris and i want to see more i don't know tell me more like what what is what is more uh i have no game plan literally i go day by day like when i come up with an idea i write it on a notepad on my computer and eventually i get to it but there's no there's no real plan at all have you been criticized by competitor design agencies possibly not that i know of right like how would we know maybe they've said something but we don't know um matthew hit me up when you're wanting to grow in new zealand i've got clients here i like it matthew i got to go to new zealand i want to go very soon i gotta talk my wife into allowing me to go he can go there's no allow here bt favorite rolex watch you own and favorite rolex watch for everyday wear this is my everyday watch time just grace has a matching one but she never wears it a butter one but she only wears this for a special occasion so time just is my answer lemons my name is camille habib hello hello hi dawson do you want another verb that mod do you want another mod he's asking i think we're okay right now aaron i didn't understand what the question was yeah see i'm falling asleep it's the time difference is is still messing with still adjusting guys so aaron question how did you set the salary for contractors did you compare to other agencies or users similar to glassdoor no damn a dawson lemades how about camille as in camel hippia we're corn okay mods mods what's happening here mods you're talking about corn on the cob you're not helping us out we need to get that new mod that mods uh bt what happens when the moderators start spamming please don't ban me i'm just saying the mods yeah the mods seem to get carried away if you join our discord at the top uh which is highlighted you'll see that often the moderators are the ones that get a little sidetracked you know nerd nerdy nerds doing nerdy things it's like there's no surprise she says hi hi um okay i don't know where you are uh it's just like do you wanna someone get banned and yeah okay cormac would you consider yourself to be more businessman first or developer first a business i'm not a developer i'm a like i haven't developed a website in a long time so i'm a business i'm an entrepreneur these lights are really bright now maybe i made it too bright bt is testing the water oh shoot there we go we're having fun with the nerds oh my goodness the light keeps dropping okay guys we got nine minutes left grace has gone to the washroom i'm about to get topless we've got nine minutes let's have some fun lights or no lights let's have fun it's my date night we're gonna watch a horror movie there we go who defined the set of tools and plug-ins to build your website oh my goodness with um there's not one individual we have a team of people so if we're going to use a plug-in we'll we'll request their opinion but i mean the website our website is so old the light keeps falling uh question the nurse world registered provincially or federally you mean the name itself what horror movie are you watching yeah that's a good question like what movie should we watch and stand to man is the cruelest moderator of all time that's why we need stan the man um so we are federal we're not just provincial war federal we've registered our business in canada time to get back to the grind thanks for answering my questions congratulations on the 20 000 subscribers finish up that bottle you deserve it i look forward to your future videos i appreciate that thank you matthew what horror movies are you gonna guys if anybody can give us a recommendation on a good horror movie uh i'm down we got like seven and a half minutes left in today's video um so i got like five minutes to get naked um i'm going to read it where are you going yeah congrat hell raiser well i've seen how razer and fly that's old school you must be an old man victor you can't be a young man tell me watch el razor and fly i'm a old man so i know the classics congrats chris i'm a newbie glad to be to found your youtube automatically subscribe hope you could do keyword research for shopify for sure but look keyword research is keyword research it's not for shopify it's for everybody so i mean i have content on keyword research and join the discord there's a little link there discord is free community where never you will never ever ever hear me sell you anything it's genuinely a community in which people chat to grow and to learn about business i'm a ux ui designer but would love to make the change the businessman first like yourself you're a great inspiration thank you for great content and positive attitude my man keep it up i don't know what do i say thank you thank you faizan do all your clients provide content for brand new website or do you charge extra if they don't have content or strategy both yes if they don't have it then we charge for it yes not everyone has it nico said what's the benefit of federal instead of provincial i'm registered provincially neither nor is important it's all about profit sikander said are you retiring who this guy yeah i'm retired i retire i come in and out i go on vacation for a month and come back and i come out of retirement bt says the best horror movie world mainstream news what's that just like news in general that is pretty bad nowadays d papa near dark is cool i don't even know what that is nicolas said it's a nerd's world trademark you know why because he's trying now no it's not it's not true um stand a man scream one and scream two is the best horror movies stan i'm sorry i'm gonna take a sec did we make him a moderator you've been removed from moderating why because that's a ridiculous recommendation you're cut off i didn't do that you're still a nice person but you're cut off we're not watching scream one or two in here pittsburgh event group love the hat congrats on the 20k thank you the reason i wore the hat today because i knew you would come here from pittsburgh um and i appreciate it we love pittsburgh we go to pittsburgh all the time we love pittsburgh um erin question do you have the lead top developers to tell the rest of the team we use this module because it's better for the technical viewpoint yes and no we definitely have senior developers that the junior developers call upon for for sure fazen horror movies insiduous hereditary hereditary and the nun i'm genuinely happy you read that because i never would have read it so cleanly i would have been like the in india and you know every night when we sit to watch a movie i'm like have we watched this she's like yeah yeah and i'm like have we watched this yeah yeah and watch this you watch maybe like half of it but it's okay um nico i'm debating moving to nova scotia that's why i'm not sure how that works with ontario corporation i guess because he was asking about you're almost in nova scotia you live in like ajax or pickering you're damn near nova scotia already we don't claim you in toronto we don't claim ajax or whoever pick a ring so you're almost there now nicole's not gonna move until we invite him for her yeah you gotta come for chocolate mug first my uh quarantine is over and how many days i've left ten days i have ten days left rogue no not even ten i think it's nine nine nine technically like right now rogue all right time to get back to the grind congrats on 20k great content lovely wife good night who's that that's rogue thanks rogue thanks ro thanks for joining us heart uh d papa dark knight is a horror movie near sorry near dark um stan the man okay you watch the hill have eyes yeah yeah i love i love the hill high vibes he's trying to redeem himself look i'm making you back a moderator because i love the hills have eyes for three minutes we got three minutes no that's that was a good i like that um why i think grays have higher immunity alcohol than christmas no gracious got home chris has been drinking all day it's sunday i'm in quarantine grace had two shots i have two bottles but we're both normal we're not acting crazy yeah until i get naked [Music] pittsburgh appreciate you next time you're in town let me know i'd love to meet you since i missed you in toronto our keywords are getting up since our original dm and advice thank you once again that's great dollar slice chris is a businessman doing business i love it i like that which the comment on my my voice you both just have one more shot are you giggling at me i love it you're laughing at me or with me no i like your comments guys keep giving chris compliments i think it's solid no they're giving you compliments i'm just here nicola we're getting topless no not we no me and you we're getting topless right here in a few more oh i thought you were already full excuse me my dad um maybe we can hang out more then we would like who's gonna get we got a 104 people here wow that's so great and we got more people who liked now look there's 112 people liked like here you see you said she's more alcohol prone than me i can point it there she's i can read the comments but i couldn't read what i'm not trying so okay where are we okay um verve chocolate milk for sure real estate just hella better pricing not sure about anything yet so he's still debating whether he's gonna go to nova scotia because he really wants to get invited nikola private discord chat with shirtless chris tonight i will stay nicola no we're getting topless in like three minutes i'm gonna finish his one drink that word fanboy sounds bad she's a proper gentleman i'm sure nicolas state what you are um stan the man i bet you never watched bones with snoop dogg hood classic i never heard of no i've never seen him aaron question at which price tier you'd start to build a custom design and and template for the client and how much it would cost for three page website cost time wise custom like we're not going to build a custom anything without it being gold or more so that's the answer and for mo we can't i can't even z y x w and even that probably is not in the right order i can't do that come on stop playing with me nicola don't start stuff i'm not even gonna read your comment there right now uh verb them chris can say we are getting topless going to start attracting people okay everybody oh it's only for discord no what are we what number are we on right now we're at two and a half no but like in terms of likes like maybe we get to like 120 and then you take your shirt off okay so we get to 120 and then chris will take his shirt then by 1 30 and then my pants and my socks come off okay because i'm trying to build my only fans community we're trying to make a little bit of extra money so if you really want to see that get it up there you got why are you touching the screen it's not a touch screen i'm not touching i'm pointing i'm air there's an arrow tell me if it's wrong if i'm pointing it it looks wrong just let me know i'll stop um oh let's see where are we they really want to see us help us no they don't we're still at the same number you see before it was like the skyrocketed now we're at 114 115 we're only at 115. um there's 96 people watching we're at 115. the calendar says build an online learning website who uh secander oh we're busy one day one of these sikander still said build a great wordpress theme like aveda theme i like that good idea stan says bones of snoop dogg is a horror movie go watch any horror movies i'll be honest like snoop dogg doesn't sound like he's in a horror movie no i'm sorry and nicola i'm going to keep my pants on at least in the screen super excited bt i'll be staying to 120. see i told you they're waiting yeah come on get to 120. it's only like call your oh there's so many people here maybe we've got to move it to 1 30. [ __ ] we're gonna be here all night to get that extra three there's like 100 people here but three they're like no don't do it they're probably subtracting their likes now they're like no don't get him there don't do it you don't want to see him okay let's keep reading okay nico's laughing so hard he said it's a uh nicolas said it's a christian yeah chris and chris christian oh [ __ ] we said they're not swearing ship oh it's 1 20. oh we're getting naked now okay it's just chris just chris oh oh nico nico can't breathe let's see so exciting so we get naked every time there's 120 uh likes again see they even went to 121 see they're not subtracting trying to get you to one okay at 130 chris takes his hat off no there's something else up no there's something well i've already taken everything off i'm the bad boy of web development okay um victor i'm disliking this video now look we just lost two likes they i took my shirt off and i lost two likes oh [ __ ] i thought we were having some fun okay uh congratulations we're back thank you congratulations oh we're back we're losing we're losing them i gotta put my shirt back on fast nicholas's grace makes my jokes more bizarre i mean um natasha says chris ready yes christmas i'm ready look i'm losing them it's very nice hey villa hey zilla i don't understand oh if you're just joining us now it's a joke it's like an inside joke joke you have to watch literally from the beginning and from like other videos yeah from two hours and thirty four and on discord so it's like the works bt i said 120 because it is only the shirt off 130 socks and pants i'm saying one twenties for the shirt oh my god i'm scared nicola i will remember this moment forever mo what's the theme of this what's the theme of this evening it's called we're celebrating life we're alive we're celebrating life then the man is laughing until he cries me too so this is what success looks like absolutely amen if you can't see that we're genuinely [ __ ] hot the kids are in a different room we're happy if you can't tell we're genuinely happy man i don't even know what else to say oh um i wonder what would happen if you get 200 likes what would happen if you got this there's only a question it's gonna get crazy probably my what my uh only thing my only fans is getting even crazier tonight oh my fans um getting down in fresque mo bad boy of web dev that's that's my that's my new my my sales pitch am i really your wife is telling your nudity for life yeah she's working for me she's helping i mean you know this is extra maybe we can make a little extra we made four bucks we've streamed for two hours and 35 minutes we made four bucks tonight so good the two bottles we drank were like 250 bucks each and we made four bucks really a sponsor um nico chris is going to start doing the what the whop dance at 1 35 no i'm not a dancer i'm not into dancing but i'm naked already so dollar slice chill um d.e i step away to make some dinner and then come back to shirtless chris and cheers yeah it's part of the story yeah this is like you have to stay only the true subscribers see me subscribers know how it's naked right that's part of the that's part of it and for everybody watching we're just joking around we're having fun we're i have clothes on uh my underwears are on we're just having fun um mo hey i've pre-sold three websites for a web dev business but haven't designed anything since high school does it matter i feel like you can figure out wordpress just fine so do it don't even think about it do it do it do it the light is only on me how come i know i feel like the spotlight's on me okay you said you do dance competitions with your daughter come on now do mine not tonight uh f bill's mafia hi bt today became a true subscriber congrats this is wonderful barzan um d papa chadbury i admire guts that's it we finished everything wow we've run out of everyone's ideas and questions and comments nicholas says those chris even have netflix do you have nipples yeah there's nipples oh my god you want to see my nipples i mean you never seen a different web developer play with their nipples before oh my god um okay zaro what you say for a client with a great project for skeptic perspective be i can't even read but he's not ready to work with anyone based on more than one aspect say goodbye why are you worried about working with them if they don't want to work with you man it's all about making profit if you're not making a profit that's that's it maybe i didn't even know you knew about that i knew you're lying i just want to finish it um i wonder if your clients watch your videos hi chance probably probably and that's why they like it uh wu tang is for the kids is that true yeah guys there's 88 people here we've had a spectacular night we're gonna end like on a high note we're gonna leave with all you guys we appreciate everyone uh that's been here and thank you 20 000 is a ridiculously high number i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart i'm getting naked but it's only for fun it's like we're trying to have fun here right so i appreciate everyone join the discord uh we'll upload this video right now and good night guys
Channel: A Nerd's World
Views: 7,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: website design business, web dev business, site design business, web design business, how to start a website design business
Id: 4Am-kun48EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 3sec (9543 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.