SEO for Beginners: Only Video you MUST Watch!

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good afternoon from downtown toronto i'm excited to be here i'm alive i'm happy and i'm truly genuinely authentically excited about today's video because seo just gets my blood boiling this video is going to upset a lot of so-called seo gurus because i'm giving you all the secrets required in order for you to create your own strategy even with zero seo knowledge this is the one video that you must watch and watch again let it infuse within that brain until you genuinely understand what i'm trying to say seo has really changed my life and the reason i give you this information is not because i'm gonna sell you a course not because i'm asking for applause not because of anything i'm doing this from the bottom of my heart to help you the complete strangers from around the world so if you like today's video subscribe to my channel and hit that like button that's all i'm asking it's free of charge it doesn't take too much time helps me get my metrics up so where do we begin i've been doing seo for a long time i've had this channel on youtube for about three years and i find that the majority of people that watch my content enjoy it but i'm still somewhat uncertain as to if they really get seo and wonder what like i wonder do they know what the first step forward is so for the sake of this video and not knowing how advanced or beginner you are when it comes to seo i'm really gonna dummy this down so i might offend some people i'm gonna use small short words in order for you to understand i'm not gonna go quick because i want you to get it but by the end of today's video you are going to get it i'm ready first and foremost you need to know your competition okay you need to know the domain name for the sake of today's video i'm going to use myself as a competitor so close your eyes for a moment pretend my name is jeff i just moved to toronto and i'm starting a web development company and a nerds world is my competition i'm going to use myself so i don't get sued for using somebody else quite simple so yes my business is a nerd's world but for today it's not confusing already right but okay so what i want you to do is go to semrush this is a tool we're going to use today if you are not already a paying member simply scroll down to the bottom here and get a free trial there's a seven day free trial there's nothing to it listen all the information that you require to put together a strategy for your next year you can easily get done in seven days so i mean you can you don't need to pay for this tool use what you need keep the information build a strategy all you need is a seven day free trial i'm going to log into my account and show you the exact step by step as to what you need to do so for step two we're going to pull the stats on sem rush the second it's like it happened so fast like a flash of lightning i entered any domain in the world and i can pull their stats very quickly we can look at this from a worldwide standpoint from a u.s a uk and or a canada and we can actually get into more details through the tool but that's not that's that's not that important to us right now what i want to look at very quickly is my authority scores so google gives you an authority score out of a hundred now semrush is giving you an estimate as to where they mark you now 45 out of 100 is a pretty damn good number but far from where i want to be so i want to get better and have mority more domain authority through persistence and many different factors i can do so so currently right now in the last month i got 14.4 000 organic visitors to my website through search engine meaning 14.4 thousand different people went to google for example in type didn't like website design toronto or logo design toronto or new york city seo so on and so forth we'll get through that i can also look here and look at my all time so just as a quick overview you can see covet has affected me numbers have dropped pretty drastically if you look at this april of 2020 i was getting 26 913 organic visitors to my website worldwide it's an estimate it's not exact but it gives a pretty good estimate and you can see that there's been decline as i scroll down i can look at other valuable information for example i'm ranking for 1115 organic keywords here are some of my top keywords and i can already see where i've dropped because many of these keywords i was in first place about two three months ago so i definitely have some work to do but what i want to do when reverse engineering success and when pulling the stats uh i want to get overview as to what my competition is doing so once again we're pretending and nerds world is my competition so i would take a document as to different key numbers that i see even as a new comer to the industry i can still look up to somebody like a nerd's world and try my best to emulate what they've done in order to gain my own personal success because that's what today's video is about before i go any further like a gentleman called me from the u.s about a week ago and said chris i'm starting a children's clothing line i already have a website up it looks good but i don't know where to start my seo strategy and i said hey that makes sense most people don't know where to start so i said put together a list of three to five of your competitors domains and let's pull the stats on them and the success that they've had in seo will dictate which foot we should step forward and i want you to be a realist when it comes to this whole reverse engineering success if you're starting a brand new children's clothing boutique you're not going to compete with nike or adidas or the gap or anybody at that size so i do not want you to reverse engineer uh the success of them not yet right we need to be realist we got to start you have to start at a point that you feel comfortable in actually competing with so when you're pulling your competition list of three to five competitors uh just be real right it has to be somewhere along the lines of where you hope to be in the next year or two okay let's get back to this so now we're going to pull the competition's keyword so if you're using semrush all you have to do is click on view details this is going to tell you absolutely every single keyword that's generating me traffic to my website and let's do that let's scroll down so as we look at this let's go through how to read this for example the first keyword is toronto seo i'm currently in second position on average throughout the world note throughout canada i'm looking at canada right now um so i'm in second position i've went up one spot and that generates 4 400 search queries per month it doesn't mean that 4 400 are gonna click on my name but it means that's roughly an estimate as to how many people are going to google to type that in now if we scroll down we see toronto website design you'll see i'm second place and that's four thousand four hundred web design with no toronto no location um i'm fifth place with nine thousand nine hundred and so on and so forth so what i want you to do is start stealing the keywords of your competitors now you have options on how to do that you can literally just write it down so i can start going toronto s e o web design web design web designers web design toronto nerds world seo toronto logo design toronto you can also download this whole document so the reason i'm taking this information is because this is your strategy a little like is that not that we're only a few minutes into today's video and i just gave you the strategy this is your strategy why come up with something on your own when there's no need to your competition is telling you exactly what to do what footsteps to follow so when i say reverse engineer success and you have all this vital statistical information right here in front of you it doesn't get much easier this is showing you how i get my traffic to my website it is that simple it's showing me the volumes of people that come to my website based on specific keywords so without me going through the whole list and writing it down normally what i would do is on my three to five competitors that i mentioned earlier that you're gonna come up with i would write down all the keywords i would have a long a super long list and that's step three so step number four is truly understanding keywords now if we go back to our keyword list you're going to notice that a lot of these words sound similar so like toronto web design and then web design toronto and web design or web designers or web developers or toronto website development to the average person they're they're all looking for the same service but they're all actually going to google and typing in something slightly different and the statistics dictate what is typed in more often than others so you have to understand that different people type in different things that's pretty common so if i put a hundred different people in a gymnasium today and i shouted into the room and said if you were looking for a website what would you type in google everyone's going to type a slightly different answer although some keywords are going to be searched more often than others as you can see so you really have to understand what a keyword is and that's my next step understanding the keywords now that you have a document you've stolen the keywords of your competitors i just wanted you to understand what this actually means bold that step was done i want you to pick your keywords in reality i want you to steal the keywords like i just did so once again to really dummy this down i would do this to three to five competitors and i would go through this whole list look i have a thousand different keywords here i just showed you a dozen go through in any of these keywords that makes sense for your business is a key word i want you to focus on now for example a nerd's world is a key word that a nerd's world targeted so i would not include that in your keyword list the last thing i want you to do is start creating content about your competitors but go through this and there are going to be some keywords that don't make sense for your business ignore them for all of the keywords that make sense for your business i want you to put them onto a document and that's how you're going to pick your keywords like you're going to manually go through and say yes yes yes no no no yes no yes no it has to make sense for your business okay now i want you to create website page guidelines chris what the hell is the website page guidelines i don't know what you're talking about chris okay easy as this let's say that i want to target let's pick an actual keyword let's say i want to target toronto seo because i know 4 400 people like canada are typing that word in per month so see this little url i can click on this and see what a nerd's world is doing in order to rank for this page i can scroll up and down this page i can visually look at it and say hey does this look good does it look bad can i do better and you can also create guidelines so let's break down my page for you okay this right here is called h1 header it's the largest header text on the website and look what it incorporates best seo in toronto i can do a search and find so i can do a command f and i can do something like seo it's being used 80 times on this page toronto 13 times on this page so when i create my guidelines for this page i'm going to say just make notes seo is used 80 times toronto is used 13 times url has keyword h1 header headers have keywords so i'm just breaking down what i'm looking for okay now this is called anchor text whenever you see a button that clicks to something else think of an anchor from a ship or a boat anchor text incorporates keywords look seo so we want to make sure that when you create your page remember we're creating guidelines right now so you know how to create your page so anchor text we'll just put buttons for those that don't understand have keywords okay seo is a keyword it's there so let's scroll through okay look bolded text has keywords toronto seo it's there so bold text includes keywords okay let's scroll down okay right now i see one image so far i see two images three images four images five images we're gonna right click and we're gonna hit save as the image was saved as seo photo five so right now we have five images okay so let's say we have five images once again this is not an exact science we're just trying to get a summary of what we're gonna do what we're gonna build to compete five photos and they're named with file name file name that includes keyword okay what else can we take out of this page we have another anchor text so there's a call to action so let's how many call-to-actions do we have we have one here we have one here we have one here we have four five there's another image i forgot so we have five six seven seven seven anchor text seven buttons or call to actions or anchor text or internal links okay it can be mentioned you could call it whatever you want there's seven buttons on the page what else can you take from this okay there's nine videos nine videos all on seo okay there's nine videos which for most is gonna be hard to beat nine videos on seo it's gonna bother me that that's not a capital okay nine videos that are on seo what else can you take from this page okay there's pricing and there's faq and there's a testimonial so uh they have price points price points faq and one testimonial last but definitely not least we're going to do a quick word count on the page to see how much content guys we're estimating here it doesn't have to be exact down to the very last word but we're gonna do this come on here we go oh there's a contact form too contact form last but not least we're gonna do word count there is 2 132 words on this page so let's just say 2 132 words of content see that you guys can actually take this because you see what i've just seen you can look at my website i'll leave a link in the description or you can google the keyword that we're actually looking at and these are the guidelines okay so don't go into a fight blindly study your competition if i'm trying to compete with the nerds world and i'm trying to take that keyword of seo toronto and i want to rank number one because i want to get 4 400 extra people to my website per month these are the guidelines now i have to do the next step which means i have to create a website page but better okay and how do i do that well i look at a nerd's world i look at my other competitors and i have to make a better page meaning more content if a nerd's world has the word seo used 80 times you need to use the word seo approximately 80 times guys this is not brain science right you're looking at who's in first you're reverse engineering everything that they've done in order to get to that point and you're doing it yourself but you're doing it better like this is pretty basic if you really think about it most people bypass the guidelines step they go in blindly and say hey uh i'm a doctor and i want to rank first so they just write two paragraphs of text not even looking at the competition how many videos do they have do they have before and after do they have an faq you need to beat the person that's currently in first in order for you to rank first okay so to like to genuinely do this takes a few moments don't go into this blindly don't just start creating pages how the hell are you creating your website before you've looked at your competition's website before you look at your competition stats how are you going in blindly and creating your own page like how are you doing this is it not as simple in my mind is it like does it make sense that you want to look at who's currently in first within your industry in order to pull their successes in order for you to get successes in a similar fashion and i don't want i don't want to make this seem like this is that easy it's not what i'm telling you right now nobody in the world is telling you because they're trying to sell you something i'm rich already i don't need your money who else would wear pink versace glasses and a almost 2 000 t-shirt it doesn't make i don't need your money right i'm doing this out of the love i love you i love you strangers i'm trying to help you succeed maybe i got a little carried away so create website pages if you go back to semrush for a sec you'll notice simply click again and look it's a different page but once what you but once you get it you get it okay let's like let's get this together toronto web design is the word i'm targeting i click on the page look toronto web designers web design and development web design web design web design are you noticing the anchor text has keywords incorporated in it the average person when you look at their website their buttons say click here click for more it's not incorporating the keyword look at the keywords look at my site and see and understand the keywords i'm targeting this is not by mistake this is not me guessing this is me doing the legwork reverse engineering my competitor's success seeing what type of page they put together and me creating a better page a better page for google a better page for my user or for my prospect or my potential client if they come to the page i want them to be impressed not just with the structure but the layout look i add photos of our office in in a meeting for example and nerds working because i want them to see what type of company we are so we're not just trying to please google we're trying to please the user but we're keeping both in mind so as you scroll through you'll see our portfolio is fairly big but look at the common denominators like if we go back to what i showed you as my guidelines you'll see it and once you've done this two or three times you'll be able to create guidelines like this like it's so quick you could be doing this and creating a strategy for your friends for your own business i just created a strategy within a few minutes now you got to create the website pages they got to look better once again and next once that's been done you got to go on google and type in web 2.0 and local directories it's as simple as going to google okay i'm at google hello google i want free local directories or free toronto business directories or vancouver new york city atlanta wherever you are i want to scroll down and i just want to start entering look here's the top 100 online business directories to list your business so what i want you to do is just start going through and submitting your website to each of them for example facebook you have to set up a business page or a business group or a group or a fan page next yahoo etc etc and don't just target the top ten i want you to go down and make your way all the way down to number 100 and when you're done that i want you to find a new list of 100 these are very important in order to generate traffic to your website social signals are what google looks at okay you can't just create a page and hope for the best create a page and start sending those social signals to the page and google's going to review your website faster more often it's going to increase your domain authority and same thing for web 2.0 listen just go to google and type in top 100 let's do it let's do it for the sake of the video top 100 web 2.0 you'll get similar lists and just go do it again one by one go through it the higher the authority of the web 2.0 okay the better it's going to be for you so go to blogger set up a page go to set up a page etc and i get it you're not going to sit there and do it all in one day create a list and slowly but surely consistently go through and do web 2.0 and local directories next i want you to steal backlinks a backlink is anytime any website other than your own is using a link or providing a link or they basically just have a link to your website so if my cousin jesse has a website and i suggested can you put a link to my website he says yeah sure that's a backlink okay there's two types of backlinks they're follow and no follow you need both okay basically bigger websites like facebook myspace if anybody uses that damn website anymore when when you put a backlink from your profile on facebook it's a no follow you're not getting as many points as you would if you for example got an article on cnn but both of them are hugely important and both of them will generate traffic to your website social signals ding ding ding increased authority easy to do don't be lazy do it next how do you steal the backlinks chris everybody loves the whole thing about backlinks backlinks backlinks backlinks back okay let me show you how to steal some backlinks so we're going to log in again i don't know why i was logged out but let's do it again we're going to type in a nerd's world for this example normally you would type in your competition's domain name so here where it says backlinks 53.5 000 backlinks well you can click on that and you can then hijack all the backlinks so you can go through this okay let's use this as an example we can click on the link and somewhere on this website there is a link to a and i can now contact them in whatever the article is that was featured or submitted i can read write my own article and say hey would you be interested in featuring my article now this does take some work this for example and this these two are websites that i built that we built a nerd's world built so whenever we build a website as a web development company we make sure to put our little credit at the bottom of the page which is hugely helpful and let me be the first one that tells you that any other seo that tells you do not put a link to the work that you created is ah yell at them they're they're brain dead if they if somebody's told you this don't listen to another word that's come out of their mouth because they have no clue what they're talking about the reason i have such authority and the reason the nerds will have such authority and the reason we make so much money and we rank number one is because we put links to the work that we've done okay the university of toronto is the biggest university in toronto we build all their websites so damn right we're gonna want a link at the bottom of the page that says web design by web design toronto and nerdsworld of course we're going to want that and if you notice something we don't highlight a nerd's world we highlight the actual keyword we're attempting to rank for web design toronto the reason we do is because we built the website so we have the capability of doing it we add the link so let's go through this again if you want to steal other backlinks just click here look they rank the best seo companies so we click on it we look at it and say hey if featured a nerds world maybe they'll feature me now i have to submit see here submit your website for ranking manually submitted that's how i get backlinks i steal my competitors backlinks next step i watch statistics so once i started creating all these website pages my job is to sit back be somewhat patient and watch the stats okay i don't want you to go crazy every time you see a little spike a little up a little down that's not this is consistency seo is a consistent game okay but what i want to do is if a keyword in a page that i created starts doing well like meaning it went from not ranking at all to ranking on the third page i want to go back to that page and add more content i want to add a paragraph or or two i want to add a video i want to add some photos i want to show google that i'm consistent and i'm i'm thinking about this website and i'm always thinking about ways to make each page better the last thing i want you to do is pull content i don't want you to eliminate content i want you to continually add content but i mean add content meaning text photos video etc then wait be patient this whole process is going to take three to six months now that was the only video you need to ever watch on seo do not try to memorize the bible of seo the far majority of what you're watching on other people's youtube videos and my own youtube videos are not for you you don't need to know it you do not need to be an seo expert in order for you to start ranking first for yourself all you need to do is have the ability to pull the stats that are required in order for you to create your own strategy and start going forward the biggest mistake i see in seo is people think that they need to become the best in the world in order to start seeing a return on investment of time when most people just don't know how to make that first step into doing it's all like thinking forget about the thinking shut your brain off for a sec stop thinking this is the one time in your life that you are allowed to steal with no consequences and it's actually quite the opposite you're gonna get rewarded for stealing so steal from your competition emulate and copy your competition i'm not saying to steal the words i'm not saying to copy the page to make it look exactly the same i'm saying that your business deserves better better than whoever's first right now so if you listen to my words and feel my passion watch this video three or four or ten times like the video subscribe to my channel and this should be the only seo video you ever need to watch i hope you have a spectacular day because i know i am bye for now
Channel: A Nerd's World
Views: 11,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seo, seo for beginners, search engine optimization, best seo
Id: Nv0kyQb0l1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.