How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: A Beginners Guide

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good evening my name is Chris a Hewes owner founder of an arts WorldCom I currently own three storefronts in downtown Toronto where I offer web development logo design and I feel we're a little different if you want to check out more Google us a nerds world today we're going to talk about keywords this is going to be a part one of two series today we're going to talk about keywords how I put a keyword list together for SEO it's gonna be like a beginner's guide step-by-step seven steps on what to do and my follow-up video in the next day or two will be now that you have the keywords what's the next step because this is a question I get asked often like Chris what do you actually do with these keywords so that's gonna be the part to video on let's say on Sunday will do that so today we're gonna talk about how to put together a keyword list now first and foremost because this is a beginner's guide let's go let's go right to the beginning Chris what the hell is a what are you talking about what is a keyword a keyword or keyphrase is the actual words a potential client will type in Google in order to find your service so for today's video I'm gonna put together a keyword list for myself a nerds world and yes I offer many different services what I'm gonna focus on today is simply web development you're gonna follow me I know a lot of freelancers out there a lot of web development company owners are out there watching this video based on my audience so you can actually use and reverse my keywords that I come up with in this video for yourself maybe you want to change a few words or the demographic maybe you don't hey I love competition so I'm open to it let me turn on my screen recorder just give me one moment please and before we get into this video pretty exciting news I'm gonna open up Chrome I'm gonna click incognito and I'm gonna do a quick Google search for the term SEO three letters what's gonna happen okay first we see an ad second we see an ad third we see an ad fourth we see an ad now ranking first is Wikipedia ranking second is Moz to no surprise ranking third is search engine land calm and ranking fourth is a nerds world here's my SEO page that's me it seems a little arrogant having a crown on but I thought I'd call myself the king of SEO just a marketing strategy so if you'd like to take a look at my price points and what we offer and a little bit more about me I welcome you to check out my SEO page this is the process I follow if it's for myself putting a keyword list together for a new campaign for my own business or if a client hires me to do SEO this is the exact process I go through I'm telling you my secret recipe first step is always pen and paper and I don't mean as literal as writing a pen and paper although you can what we'll do is this we're just going to use our mind for number one we're not going to use Google we're not going to use any tools we're going to use our mind once again the topic is a nerds world web development let's come up with some keywords web design Toronto best web developer Toronto website design company Toronto Canada web developer best WordPress WordPress website designer Toronto GTA web developer for those that don't know GTA is the Greater Toronto Area so it's talking about the demographic that I mean wherever you're located you can simply change that word out let's go on website design or Toronto maybe something along the lines of cheap although I wouldn't consider my service cheap let's do web cheap website design Toronto top web develop web developers Toronto web design Toronto okay this list can go on and on if I sat here without recording I'd say within about a half an hour I can come up with easy 200 key words or key phrases just to keep this video short and sweet I'm gonna stop at that next what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to Google and use the intuitive search this is going to give me some new ideas that maybe at first I didn't think about so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start typing in web design Toronto which is my first keyword that I've come up with in the Google intuitive search and see what google recommends it's intuitive it's smart it knows which keywords are being searched so let's try it out remember we're not gonna type in the whole keyword Web Design Toronto web design so right there we stop here and look we're starting to see keywords when we enter the keyword list on the further step step four it's gonna notice duplication so don't worry about it let's not overthink it so web design company and we're gonna use this word web design inspiration I want to remember this word let me put a little let me duplicate that and put it at the bottom just so I can come back to that later on I like that word let me just rewrite it let's come back to it web design inspiration okay next let's go to the next word best web developer Toronto so we're gonna start typing in at best web developer okay boom we're saying more now we're going to include these words always separated by a comma best web developer portfolios best web developer portfolio websites let's go on to the next word so the next word I typed in and thought of was website design company Toronto so website design company Toronto so we can go through this okay this is a term I haven't used yet website design companies Canada so website design company Canada so on and so forth so I'll go through this full list and I'll start typing in the word that I'm going for very short very slowly so I'm not fully typing the keyword website design okay look right now I'm seeing a new keyword this is a city that's just about ten minutes away from Toronto and I definitely want to include that because I'm certain that if somebody in this Mississauga area is looking for my service they won't mind driving 10 minutes to our closest store so we're gonna include this term let's go website design Mississauga and you know what let's do all of these website design Ottawa website design Brampton so Mississauga Ottawa and Brampton are three cities that are very close to Toronto so why wouldn't I want to rank for that I do and I can guarantee one thing those cities are a lot smaller than Toronto and a lot easier for me to rank meaning all I have to really do is put one page a landing page blog post a content page together and I guarantee I'll rank first for it so although we'll see very shortly that the search volumes are not as high in those small cities there's still very valuable customers and I definitely want their sales next what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to Google we're gonna type in uber or suggests ubers just now we're gonna use this free keyword tool just to get suggestions once again this is another opportunity to enter keywords and see if new ideas spark in our mind based on uber suggests so here you'll find that we can we can change the area in the language but we're in Canada for this video so I'm going to use Canada so website design is gonna be my first word let's see what suggestions Neil Patel has for me so just so you know I'll leave links in the bottom description for all the tools I'm using in this video so for this step we're gonna sort of ignore the volume and all the other statistics all we're looking for is keywords so here we go here's a keyword website designing this is a word that I didn't think about so I definitely want to add it to my list so website designing and if I'm if I'm relatively new I would make website designing designing Toronto or website designing Canada let's see are there other words here okay website design cost hey why not website design cost maybe that's a page that I can create this gonna generate traffic to my website so why wouldn't I okay let's try a new word just come up here and let's type in web development okay once again we're just looking for ideas all we need right now is the idea we're gonna pull the stats out the next step right now we're looking for the idea okay as I scroll down web development freelance hmm got a question who's gonna be searching that term is it someone looking for a freelancer or is it somebody that's that is a freelancer hey let's pull the stats on it just to see what happened so let's add that term website development freelancer and let's add Toronto adding Toronto adding the geographic location is making your keyword longtail lower search volume but more specific so the person that's typing that in is actually looking for your service so I'm putting this video together very quickly I just want to keep this video short and sweet so I have your attention in reality I would spend anywhere between 60 and 90 minutes putting this keyword list together if a client had hired me to do the SEO strategy what I would do is I would have them involved I would start the relationship by asking them to provide me between 30 and 50 keywords that they think they would like to rank for and why because I want them to get involved and why because they know the industry their industry better than I do so why not have them involved why not give them homework and ask them to provide some information so that's always step one now on when it's my self and I'm just doing it for myself I just jump right into it just like I showed you today remember this keyword list is never-ending I could sit down for the next year non-stop writing new keywords that I'd like to rank first for I could type in Toronto web development I can use words like Chicago I can go on google and type in what is the top 50 cities or the top biggest 50 cities in Canada and I can get all those names and I want to rank for them so I have to create keywords for each specific location I can then do the America I can then do different languages so it's never ending the keyword list I would recommend you sort of halt yourself at a certain number or you'll go crazy like myself and that's no fun we have a sort of keyword list I'm guessing it's about 30 keywords or keep 30 key phrases what I use this sem rush now if you want to see the exact tool that I use there's gonna be a cost associated with it's gonna cost money to have this tool I recommend if you're not looking to spend money your brand new use a Google Keyword planner that being said I think they only allow you to enter ten keywords at a time okay I'm gonna set up a new project I'll use the domain myself the Nerds Worldcom I'm gonna call this YouTube video and let's create okay here we're gonna click on position tracking setup this will allow me to first see my competitors enter my region and also start pulling stats on these actual keywords okay let's skip my location is can Oh can okay next it's showing me my competitors really I have no competitors but it's showing me people that are in my industry in my area just so if I want to further look into them and see what they're doing and reverse engineer their success I can so here let's go through this and start adding keywords here we go copy paste our keywords let's remove these because they're not keywords remember I offer many different services we're only talking about her targeting web development right now but I would do this for every single service that I offering you would do it for every single service your client offers okay let's start okay we're waiting and normally this takes between ten and fifteen minutes so I'll turn off my camera save my battery and I'll come back when the stats are here and we'll go through the stats because right now we're on step number four we've done number one we've done number two with done number three step number four is entering the keywords to get stats and for this example I'm using Sam rush I'll leave a link below if you'd like to check it out yourself they might have a free sample I'm not sure so I'll come back in a few moments as you'll notice it's slowly loading and to the right where it says volume there's three little dots meaning it hasn't gathered the yet the current time is 852 I have 28 percent Patty left and my wife and kids are on their way home from grocery shopping so for the sake of this video and wrapping it up tonight and editing it and publishing it I'm gonna cheat a little bit what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go through to my current fertilis that I'm that I'm actually using in my campaign and continue this video so at any given time including right now I'm focusing on roughly a thousand keywords I know that's a lot to grasp but a lot of these keywords I'm already ranking really well for so it's more so just monitoring the current position opposed to creating new content that I've put together for a nerds world and I'll explain the valuable stats that we're looking for so we'll use our imagination to a certain extent and pretend that we just entered these specific keywords in so number one is web designers Toronto what I want to show you is my current position on Google as of today is first place on Google not first page but first place on Google meaning the top of the first page now what we're gonna look at is this we're gonna look at two things we're gonna look at the stats and we're gonna look at the cost per click which is the CPC once again here we are let's scroll up the stats I should actually change let's change that let's say understanding stats and cost per click so this is the stage that we're at right now and it will show you CPC and balls volume is a search the average search volume per month for that exact keyword within a certain demographic in North America the search volume is 3,600 times per month a certain individual will type in web designers Toronto perfect we rank first so when looking at the CPC cost per click the reason I'm looking at that little number so for example 1640 one that would be the average price I would pay if I wanted to pay for an advertised let's say on Facebook Google with ad words I'm not gonna pay that amount but what I'm looking for is the higher the price is the more competitive it is to get this keyword but also the more important that user is so Google is telling me that this person that's going to type in web designers Toronto is worth 16 let's just round it off $16.50 whereas this person right here Toronto logo design which is a different service that I'm offering which is only worth 7 dollars and 31 cents per click there's a smaller search volume per month equally important my average website is $4,000 my average logo sale is 1,000 so they're saying pay more money for the web development type client because you're gonna make more money so we'll get back to this but long story short I use these CPC numbers when when auditing my keywords to decide which keywords I want to rank for higher the value the more competitive it is the difficult it is going to be for you to rank but the more valuable that user is let's jump to the next step next step is auditing my list so this list here is somewhat audited and but not perfect and what I would normally do is go through so this is a perfect example ecommerce website design Toronto were currently first on Google that being said there's under 10 so if it's not applicable it's under 10 people per month in my demographic are typing in that keyword so if I was auditing this I would just delete that keyword I don't want to focus on it first of all I'm already ranking first but second of all nobody is typing in that keyword so I don't want to focus on words that are not being searched now let's use this as an example would I audited is out of my keyword search this as a search volume of 10 there's zero CPC meaning nobody's willing to pay for an ad but the term is Cornwall SEO which is a little city I'm guessing about two hours away from Toronto even though it's only search ten times per month 10 times 12 months in the year is 120 why not why not well I'm sure I can close one or two a year specifically on that keyword and if you're new to this why not target that little tiny search volume you know this it gives you a real sense of accomplishment when you rank first for whatever keyword it is so pat yourself on your back create a little blog post or a little landing page on this which we'll discuss in the second video and rank for it immediately so I would leave a keyword such as that on my keyword list like I have so what you want to go through is just once again audit out anything that's not getting any search volume and that's sort of auditing your list you want to limit your list you don't want to be crazy like me once again right now this specific list has eight hundred and fourteen keywords I have about three lists going that are well over a thousand what I would say is limit yourself to a hundred keywords that make sense low medium and high competition how do you know that you know that based on volume you know that based on the cost per click okay next step seven we're not gonna talk about today cuz this videos already stretched on too long but now what do you do with the keywords and I'm actually gonna walk you through like I've done with this with the screen capture I'm gonna walk you through when I actually do with the keywords in order to rank and before I let you go let's go through a few quick stats now I'm bragging rights let's go through the stats let's look at the highest search volume so search volumes 3600 okay I rank first look at all these terms on the right far right you'll see volumes look at my placement first first first first first first this little green arrow shows me how I've rised in the last 24 hours so 24 hours ago I was second now I'm first the term is Cornwall SEO I'm number one for SEO in Cornwall let's go down okay okay we're number one number one number one number one number one hey wherever you are in the world type in this keyword tell me where I'm at I have to split say you're in Africa or Asia India if you type in these type of Kurt if you type in these keywords will you see the same placement I think the answer should be yes if we scroll down here is a big term right here six thousand six hundred people a month type in webpage design and we're currently first so you'll get a good idea as to how much traffic we're getting you can actually see my URLs here there's no secrets here on my channel you can see everything I should have shot this video in my underwear everything is out we're leaving everything out these are the stats that you need if I'm feeling really giving tonight or tomorrow I might upload this whole package to the description here so you can download it and reverse-engineer it if you guys have any questions or if you're looking forward to part 2 leave a comment below SEO is just running through my blood and I'm excited to share this information with you I've talked about it many times but like SEO is the reason for my success the far far far majority of my clients come because they Google my service and I'm always at the top of the list so if you're new to web development do not do not do not miss the simple step and start creating content and dedicating time to SEO and lastly my wife's texting meaning she's almost here I could see it going off to the side I'm sorry baby I'll get right back to you lastly if you're a web developer why not teach yourself SEO the basics of SEO so you can offer your clients a new service SEO is a service that our clients pay us every month it's a valuable resource first of all to your clients and also increasing your sales hopefully that helps have a wonderful night and we'll talk tomorrow good night
Channel: A Nerd's World
Views: 9,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to do a keyword research list for SEO, how to chose keywords for seo, keyword research seo, create keyword research list for beginners, search engine optimization keyword research list, beginners seo, beginners search engine optimization keywords, what are keywords
Id: F_s8kG_YoYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.