How to Create a Landing Page that Ranks on Google | 5 SEO Tips for Optimizing

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good afternoon my name is chris a hughes co-founder of i'm excited motivated enthusiastic passionate and a little bit of craziness added in the mix and today's video is going to be day 3 of 30 where i'm attempting to shoot one new video absolutely every single day for 30 days to see how it sparks interest and helps me grow my youtube audience so pretty excited about that i hope you guys are all having a wonderful day while we're here let's take a quick peek and see how my stats are doing so currently as it sits 18 400 subscribers i appreciate each and every single one of you if you guys are watching my content without subscribing i'm somewhat insulted really enjoyed if you hit that subscribe button in today's video i'm going to talk about landing pages what is a landing page why should you create a landing page how to create the landing page how to promote the page and i'll show you some real stats as to how it has helped me generate real clients leads money profit for the pocket okay let's start today's video by having a clear definition as to what a landing page is and why in the world you might want to create them so a landing page is a specific page on your website that was created with one sole purpose to rank i have my actual website up and running all of these pages that you can find in my navigation my about my various services pages my clients testimonials blog contact in this home page for example those are not landing pages those are pages on your website which is distinctively different so let's go through this so let me click on my seo service page for example i am targeting toronto because i'm located in toronto that is my primary source of sales and income toronto based businesses but this page itself was meant for anybody that finds my website from anywhere in the world can come up here to the top menu bar and click on seo hey while i'm here i gotta fix that there's a video missing but anybody in the world can really come here and click seo and get a good gist as to what our experience is what our price points are and what we're capable of doing so these are all pages on the website what we're going to talk about today is landing pages so i'll use an example let me go to google let me type in dental seo and these top um one two three these are ads and then you'll find the nerds world's number one for dental seo and here we go another video that i need to fix but you'll see this is a landing page i've set this page up about five years ago with one sole purpose to generate leads okay the only way you can find this landing page is if you google dental seo period no other way there's no way to navigate to this page through navigation here or from footer navigation no the only way you can find this page so what i want to do is i really want to target one key word using this example that's dental seo i want to incorporate everything in this text is surrounded by the word and the industry of dentist and dental seo that's the only reason for this page i'll leave a link to this page in the footer below or you can simply google dental seo toronto if you're not inside of toronto if you're inside canada you can just type in dental seo i'm going to get into this a little greater detail now people often ask me chris what is the difference in a blog post versus a landing page like let's really really dummy this down this is seo for dummies a blog post should be educational zero sales pitch it is giving away free information and sort of acknowledging that you have the power and the expertise to give away free information that's a little long-winded answer but i mean look at examples of my blog posts how to rank your website number one on google for multiple cities and keywords how to steal your competitors traffic on page seo checklist how to rank so i mean this is all educational my goal here is really not to sell although i do make some sales through my blog post my goal here is to increase metrics and show authority i want people to come to my blog page from absolutely all over the world i have zero issue if you are coming for information for free and leaving without hiring me no i have no problem with that that is part of becoming an authority online and that is the reason for a blog post a lot of people get this confused your blog post is to educate for free it is not to sell so i mean i would not put a blog post toronto's best web developer and then write why i'm the best developer in toronto on my blog post because that's not you're not giving away free information okay that's you're blatantly trying to promote your product to a certain demographic so blog post educational all the time now landing pages are different landing pages do not need to be educational they can be set up with one sole purpose of making money in leads once again going back to my example of dental seo you'll see that so if i come back and i google something different like nyc seo for another example i haven't looked at this in a while but in canada we're number one for new york city seo only if you're in canada but it does generate some traffic and you'll see this page has been set up with one sole purpose to get leads from that exact keyword price points are in place and etc the only way you can find this page is if you google that exact term are you following me thus far or to the average user that goes to google and types in nyc seo and finds this page they have no problem in them finding all of my other pages it's like a mouse trap you can get in but you can't get out kind of thing well this is how it works so with a click of a button look i'm on the about page or if i click on services i can go to a regular service seo page are we are you getting me so far landing page is meant for one sole purpose generate leads based on one keyword now that i think you got a good a decent somewhat good idea as to what the reasoning behind a landing page is but you have to understand your user every user is going to type in a different keyword and that's sort of why we come up with the idea of creating landing pages let me use an example i'm going to add a c and we're going to talk about locations and industries tough to type i normally i'm used to typing like this but okay we're going to talk about this let's talk about you know what let's break this down even further so the reason that we create a landing page is to generate sales or leads so if you're selling a product there's no problem in attempting to create a landing page just to sell that product now landing pages versus blog landing page equals you're trying to generate leads and we'll put money because we want to make money from it versus blog is to educate educate wow edge you kate and create global attraction i can't spell attraction because we want to increase are on page on page metrics basically this bottom line is we want to generate traffic to our blog posts and we want to keep them on that section or that page as long as possible and for them to view as many as possible understanding that they may never become a client google ranks authoritative websites so you want to be an authority guess what get people all over the world to come to your blog come often read a lot and you'll become an authority and i hear this from clients and you know what do you want to be an authority online if the answer is yes you need to start blogging it doesn't have to be six times a week it could be once a month it could be once every two months anything is better than nothing but blog posts are very important so section c is location and industries for example i own a web development company in toronto a certain percentage of my prospects are going to go to google and type in something like website design toronto look it's location based best website designer in toronto web developer in toronto look all three of those examples are location based now there is another percentage of people which is actually quite large and you might not know this that type in industry specific keywords so they might type in like dentist seo or dentist website design or plastic surgeon website design etc but i mean they're searching based on the industry they're in lawyers real estate agents you name it and they are searching it i guarantee if you pull the keyword stats in volumes you will be surprised because it was an eye-opener to me when i realized that in toronto like hundreds of dentists type in dentist website toronto right without looking at those stats i never would have realized so now let me get to the point of this and why i'm showing you all this this these are perfect examples of landing pages that you should be creating i create landing pages for those specific targeted either locations like toronto montreal vancouver new york city las vegas or industries very very important so this is now we're going to get into the meat and bones of today's video you should have a pretty good gist as to why and what landing pages are and why we create them or why i recommend you to create them so let's get into this a little further step number one this is going to be my five tips on how to optimize your landing pages and let's go through it number one yesterday i created a video on how to do keyword research so rather than regurgitate all of the information i put in yesterday's video i'm going to link to it somewhere up here you can click on it you can watch it pause this video watch that come back and get the knowledge but basically you want to come up with keywords as i did very quickly above here and first you want to do it with your brain start writing ideas down then you want to use a keyword planner you want to input that information in order to get statistics so you know which keywords you should actually target in which website landing pages you should create do not create a page if there's no volume if nobody's looking for a specific like a very very detailed long tail keyword you think it's a great idea you then feed it into the the search and there's no actual volumes and don't create that type of landing page do this for profit don't do this for fun this is perfect reverse engineer success so if for example this is pretend i'm first and you want to take over my position at first you found my page because you googled the keyword that you want to rank for so i want you to reverse engineer success go like this highlight all the words on the page and what i want you to do is get a a rough word count so we're going to go to word counts we're googling it okay i have 1626 words so 1626 words so if i'm trying to beat myself i want to make sure that i'm writing a lot more than 1626 words let's go back we also want to look at the density of the keywords so we're going to type in new york city okay nyc is only being used once on this whole page surprising nyc once now we're going to come back here we're going to type in new york city is being used 11 times now we're going to type in seo 54 times that's a very quick and easy way for me to create guidelines on the content i'm about to create very simple reverse engineer success find out what keyword you want to rank for simply go to google type in that keyword whatever that keyword is see who ranks currently first let's say atlanta seo let's say i want to rank first for atlanta seo i bypass all the ads i bypass the three pack and i click on this now all i'm going to do is reverse engineer success and write that down look at this i'm highlighting all the words of text on this page because there's no cookie cutter solution to this guys really there isn't it's not like i can tell you that you have to write 10 000 words of text or you have to include a word a certain amount of times you need to do the work do the leg work before you create the content do what i'm doing right this moment so look they have 143 words let's do it again 1433 words what else do i want to know i want to know how many times are using atlanta so i'm doing a search and find atlanta 18 times so 18 times atlanta now i want to know how many times are using the word seo 100 times so you know what's working for them like look at this page and how many times are using seo crazy you know crazy how easy this is no so we want to take a look look at their url see how they're using the keyword the location the industry that they're focusing on this is what's got them to first place so if i'm going to create a landing page it's going to be almost exactly the same url because i know it works i'm not going to try to reinvent the wheel and the content has to be more in depth and more detail than the person that's currently in first position i've talked about this yesterday but i can talk about it again when reverse engineering success if you want to see who your competitor is attempting to target i can see all the landing pages that i've created so as i scroll look barry seo seo oakville peterborough waterloo our portfolio etc seo the north pole so these are all landing pages that i created in order to rank so once again i created a landing page about north pole seo because i wanted to prove to you folks that i can rank even for locations i've never been to so another popular question i get asked is like when you create these landing pages does the content on each page need to be original and the straightforward answer is no really it doesn't i reuse a lot of my content so i might write this text and only change a few words to incorporate north pole or toronto or montreal or etc now a lot of people will say do not use duplicate content i'll say yes you should probably not use it that being said i've used it for at least the last 10 years never been harmed i rank very well with re reused content that i've created so i'm not going around the world wide web and stealing people's content i'm using my own content changing a few words because if your goal is to set up a thousand new landing pages in the next year it's going to take a lot of time to write original content it's a lot easier just to alter content that's what that's what's worked best for me so next you got to promote this page guys it's not as simple as just setting up a page landing page and saying wow i'm done well i'm going to make lots of money off that landing page it's going to get a great ranking it's not that easy so what i want you to do is this you need to understand that you have to promote these pages you have to show social signals to google in order to start ranking so ss is social signals so basically your goal is to share this page or these pages on social media so i mean it's as simple as this let's pretend i want to rank for this page platforms that i have profiles at and i just want to share links to this page it could be as simple as going to facebook and leaving a post now the goal is not to spam the world wide web that's not my goal that's not going to work but like here on the left i do have a list of various places in which i promote what i'm doing for example i could just put a post right here hey guys hey everyone i just wanted to share with you my new seo page we are ranked number one in new york city for seo so the goal is just to get a social signal we want to share with the world this page and now a lot of people when they do this what they do is they just share links to their home page i need you to share direct links to these new landing pages that you've just created so that's everything from twitter linkedin facebook instagram blogger you name it any which way possible you want people to like comment and share on social media these new landing pages that you have just created and that's one of the reasons why you can't really properly sit down and just build out 100 landing pages in one day because you're missing a very important factor which is getting these social signals to those pages in order to get them actually ranking if your goal is to do 100 landing pages i'd much rather you spread it out over the course of a month than to sit down and do it all in one day because google's going to look at that as a little strange hey you haven't done any work in the last six months a year now you're going to create 100 landing pages no look a little bit here a sprinkle here a sprinkle here a few landing pages here do three now five tomorrow seven the next day two the next day take a day off spread this out web 2.0 easiest thing in the world guys google top web 2.0 and just sign up for them like there's a list here top 40 web 2.0 just simply sit down in one day and sign up for every single one of them same user name same login same password easy for you to remember put it on it put it on the excel list and here's a list of them so what i want you to do is sign up for as many as humanly possible set up profiles and you want to link for example pinterest i might set up a board just about new york city seo add some photos or graphics and underneath each of those photos leave a description that links to my actual landing page and i understand some of these directories the majority of them are no follow i'm not that doesn't phase me you need traction you need social signals from regular big brands like facebook twitter etc and the smaller ones like web 2.0 to show google that you're putting in work and you're promoting your actual landing page if a landing page is important to me like this is okay nyc seo it's huge what i do is when i'm talking to a prospect on the phone they say well chris how do i know you're capable and if i know they're in canada i'll say hey while you're on the phone with me google nyc seo who's number one and it helps me close deals so if you're in america or somewhere else in the world i won't be number one but in canada i am and it does help going back to it if this is a page that's important to me which it is on my previous blog posts as well as other pages i want to go through i don't care how old it is i'm looking for like i simply added the anchor text seo in new york city when you click on it it goes to this new landing page so i want to go through and i want to just add links throughout my site to various landing pages they're not going to be like up in your face for a user but they're going to be there and google's going to see those type of signals and understand which page is important to me and they're going to help me with my ranking so literally go back through old look at this you'll see i've done it all the time best seo company in toronto when you click on it it's going to go to my seo page it's targeting the word best seo company in toronto it's as simple as that ladies and gentlemen landing pages you need them you should have them i would really want your website to be optimized first meaning like first foremost go through these actual pages on your site and optimize them make sure they're nice and clean and organized once that's complete then start slowly creating landing pages to target those locations longer tail keywords and also industry specific keywords guys i've enjoyed spending time with you today if you have any specific questions on landing pages i would have no problem in answering them below and i wish everyone much success and happiness i hope you guys have a wonderful day and goodbye you
Channel: A Nerd's World
Views: 10,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create landing pages, seo landing pages, landing pages on website, what is a landing page, search engine optimization landing page, landing page, site landing pages, website landing pages
Id: 51ziaJQBQhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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