20+ Places More Mysterious than Bermuda Triangle

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the locals of the coastal city of panani were really surprised when they saw a narrow strip of sand that had surfaced from the water along the beach and literally split the sea into two this sand strip is now attracting a lot of visitors who despite the danger want to walk at 600 feet length before the strip gets washed away by high tide this natural phenomenon still remains unexplained but some believe that sand swept away from a nearby river form the stretch but the state of kerala is also famous for another mystery kodini a remote village in kerala's malapuram district continues to puzzle scientists because of how many twins are born there it was estimated that there are more than 450 pairs of twins in a village where only two thousand families live while the national average of twin births is no more than nine in one thousand the number is as high as 45 in 1000 in codini in 2016 a team of researchers from different institutions came to the village to explain this bizarre phenomenon they collected saliva and hair samples from the twins to study their dna but didn't find any conclusive answers according to some harry potter fans there could be several sets of red-haired twins named weasley but i wouldn't count on it speaking of mysterious villages this real life in literally sleepy hollow is the remote town of kalachi in kazakhstan in 2013 locals couldn't stop falling asleep while they were doing everyday activities i mean i also doze off when i'm riding the bus or just having a peaceful picnic in the park but these people would have bouts of slumber that could last for more than a few days in a row and hit them right as they were walking more and more residents fell prey to this weird sleepy sickness over the course of time the people's health the town's air quality and the food and water locals were consuming were all analyzed in a massive investigation still nothing was out of the ordinary on those fronts finally two years later in 2015 the big mystery was solved the authority stated that high concentrations of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons coming from old uranium mines nearby had caused oxygen levels in the town to drop the city started a relocation program and i'm just glad they figured it out and got people to safety in the mid-1980s a scuba diver discovered the yanagumi monument off the coast of japan scientists are positive this collection of structures is thousands of years old but they still can't decide if it's natural or man-made in case it proves to be an ancient city the new mystery is what lost civilization built it and how did it make it to the bottom of the sea the grenada underwater sculpture park opened in 2006 is more than just one weird statue it's like a whole city with real size human sculptures 26 kids holding hands in a circle and the lost correspondent are the most famous all this is supposed to help protect the reefs but the meaning of each statue is an open discussion the georgia guidestones is a collection of giant stones in a star pattern it gives direction for the post-apocalypse in eight languages including hindi chinese and swahili it also has an astronomical calendar finished in 1980 and built to last centuries no one knows who or why it was built a monument to the alien alyosha is the number one tourist attraction in russia's molopka's anomalous zone in 1983 a geologist saw a luminous object over the forest and then found some perfectly round spots in the snow the alien sculpture is the height of an average adult man and was placed there in 2011. the famous stone heads of easter island have been around for hundreds of years no one knows exactly why they were built some scientists think the local people believed the statues would make the soil more fertile soil analysis proved the heads did their job well it's the best agricultural spot on the island back in 1812 for an unknown reason an english farmer paid a local painter to remove tons of soil on a hillside and fill the contours with chalk the painter ran away with the money so the farmer had to pay a second time to get the alton barnes white horse finished around 11 000 years ago in present-day turkey with no cities or metal tools whatsoever some incredibly skilled craftsmen completed goldbecky tepa how they managed to chip and lift limestone blocks three times as heavy as a t-rex and what they symbolize is still unknown carhenge is the weirdest landmark of nebraska its author studied the real stonehenge and created his own version out of old cars as a tribute to his father some cars stand like monoliths others are connected into arches when asked why he did all this the creator of the construction said why not another stonehenge lookalike was found on the bottom of lake michigan in 2007. there's a group of rocks in a circle and carvings of a mastodon this beast ceased existing over ten thousand years ago so the carving has to be older than that its location is kept secret from the public good luck finding it namibian deserts are full of elephants snakes antelope and hundreds of evenly placed circles wait what this brutally hot desert is home to a vast array of wildlife but even more interesting are the fields of grass with evenly spaced holes in them these circles are almost perfect and range anywhere from 10 to 65 feet in diameter many scientists have offered up theories as to why these circles appear instead of other more random shapes in 2013 environmental scientist norbert jurgens hypothesized that termites were the cause of these circles but like all the hypotheses that came before his it was later disproved while this looks straight out of a scene from m night shyamalan's hit horror flick signs it's definitely real but no one can figure out why lightning storms are pretty cool aren't they they light up the sky and you can't help but feel a special exciting energy in the air but these lightning storms usually end and you go about living your life but in western venezuela over the mouth of the katatumbo river there's a lightning storm that seems to be running on energizer batteries it just keeps going and going once the clock strikes 7 pm the lightning storm begins and doesn't relent for another 10 long hours this happens most nights during the year to add to the strangeness of these ongoing storms one night in 2010 saw the storm suddenly stop in the middle of the night and not return for six weeks there have been multiple theories attempting to explain this odd phenomenon most recently scientists are guessing that the surrounding mountains that contain warmer winds from the caribbean sea are to blame the wind patterns comprised of warm and cool air dropping down from the andes mountains are forced upward and manifest into storm clouds it's quite literally the perfect storm in 2018 eastern europe witnessed an event as beautiful as it was spooky those who went skiing in bulgaria romania russia or ukraine in late march glided down tangerine slopes under the red tinted sky puzzled and excited people describe this experience as walking on mars or skiing down sand dunes but however mysterious this phenomenon seems it has a disappointingly simple explanation the sponsor of the extraterrestrial landscape was a powerful sandstorm that had arrived from the sahara desert this storm had brought along dust sand and pollen particles that colored the snow orange interestingly it's not a one-time natural phenomenon meteorologists say that orange snow covers the lands of eastern europe at least once every five years for example in 2007 three regions of southern siberia and russia got covered with oily bright orange snow i think the customary rule applies here too you should not eat yellow snow or orange or any color for that matter just saying one of the most common causes of wildfires is lightning from thunderstorms but have you ever heard of a wildfire that triggered a thunderstorm well now you know it happened on may 11 2018 not far from amarillo texas then the super powerful mallard fire not only created a massive dense cloud high in the air its heat also caused a violent thunderstorm that later dumped tons of quarter-sized hailstones 60 miles away in wheeler county texas in early may 2018 new england observed one of the scariest and most dangerous phenomena ever a super long track tornado the frightening natural phenomenon started not far from charleston new hampshire and traveled toward the town of webster in merrimack county it took the tornado 33 minutes to cover 36 miles and become the third on the list of the longest track tornadoes in new england during the first week of january 2018 unusually cold weather in the northeast united states froze the atlantic ocean in north falmouth massachusetts what's more the ocean was frozen so thoroughly that people were walking on the waves now that's obviously something you don't see every day on february 20th and 21st 2018 people in the northeastern part of the u.s experienced one of the most extraordinary weather events of recent times and it was a heat wave yep in february in fact it was the most impressive winter heat wave since official weather records started in the 1800s for example in freiburg maine people were taking off their coats after the temperature had risen to a baffling 70 degrees fahrenheit in fitchburg massachusetts confused people put on sandals when they saw the temperature outside 80 degrees the same was happening in harrisburg pennsylvania where the temperature reached 83 degrees and in wells maine where thermometers showed 77 degrees in 2010 fossilized fish was uncovered 250 miles west of the nile river where the sahara desert was as arid as ever this chance finding led scientists to believe there could have been sea where the sahara is now so they conducted a geological survey of the area and it yielded unexpected results they found evidence of something huge under the sands and it wasn't part of any sea at all for several months the research continued with gps equipment on land and later when all the ground data was collected scientists took a look at the area from a satellite the view was astounding it turned out there was an enormous basin underneath the desert with another smaller one nearby all the shores of these basins ancient human settlements had been found previously and now the researchers finally had the answer as to why exactly they had chosen those spots to live there had been a lake of impressive proportions over 42 000 square miles of fresh water in total about half the size of lake michigan further investigation showed that the lake had formed as a result of the flooding caused by the nile some 250 000 years ago water gushed into the depression in the land and didn't stop until it was completely filled the reason for such an event might have been rain at the time the climate in africa was much more to the tropical side and massive rainfall was pretty common the giant lake made the area flourish and both animals and ancient humans used to live and prosper along its shores of course you gotta start with the most infamous among the twelve also known as the devil's triangle the bermuda vortex has been up to no good for centuries i'm sure you've heard of the 19th century incidents with the ships rosalie and ellen austin the first was found totally empty yet undamaged the latter found a derelict ship sent her crew over to check it out and those crew members ended up disappearing the list of lost vessels and aircraft is long and still growing so what's going on in this body of water connecting miami san juan and the island of bermuda besides the paranormal theories of wormholes to another dimension and gates to the underworld this spot is really foggy due to methane gas that sometimes makes it impossible for travelers to see thus making navigation a little tricky too although not leaving a trace is still an unanswered question about these losses these megaliths were a burial ground made by the zing empire one of the most ancient civilizations on this planet the megaliths are an architectural anomaly showing just how advanced these people were for a time when we didn't have technology to help us build stable constructions well you know with ancient burial grounds things start getting iffy to this day whoever flies over this part of the sahara desert often doesn't return also compasses spin like crazy and electronics start wigging out in this spot witnesses have reported that it's covered by a heavy and dark aura that you can instantly feel once you enter it this architectural site in pakistan goes way back to the indus valley civilization in 2500 bce like in algeria this society was for some reason surprisingly advanced when it came to building and urban planning the strange thing is that nobody knows what brought an end to the people living in this town remains were found and it looked almost as if everyone had perished at once theories are that it could have been some natural disaster an armed invasion from a neighboring empire or even angry violent deities unfortunately we don't really know for sure heading further east along the same northern line we arrive in japan where the dragon's triangle also called the devil's sea is located the most astonishing thing about this vile vortex is that there's an underwater city dubbed japan's atlantis and again we see this anomaly of ancient civilizations creating incredibly precise architecture deep under the sea you'll find tons of stone monoliths cut with perfect 90 degree angles but don't put your diving suit on just yet due to the fact that all kinds of planes and chips have vanished in the bermuda triangle of the pacific japanese authorities have deemed it too dangerous to go anywhere near if you happen to be in burma these days it's also called myanmar make sure to visit this well-known site a gold leaf covered boulder sits upon the edge of a cliff and a small pagoda is built on top of it the impressive thing about the rock is that it only lightly touches the cliff for support in fact it looks like the boulder will fall any minute now but it has been standing like that for centuries on top of that the pagoda built upon it is not really a recent addition so it's quite an unusual sight to see the rock seems to be saying gravity i don't care about that stuff the legend has it that what keeps the boulder in place is a single strand of buddha's hair well i don't know about that but you can check out the rock for yourself and see that it's not attached to the cliff by anything and yet it's not budged for twenty five hundred years something must be at work here huh if there ever was a thing that said i defy gravity out loud it's the stone of davasco the huge 300 ton boulder stands precariously on the edge of a cliff and rocks a little bit from side to side in the wind people even checked it by putting glass bottles under one of its edges they exploded with another movement of the rock unfortunately today you can't see this wonder of nature as it was a century ago in 1912 the boulder suddenly dropped from its perch which it had occupied for literally hundreds of years the people in the nearby town of tandel were so sad about this event that 95 years later in 2007 they decided to restore the stone well not exactly put it together chip by chip they made a plastic replica of the rock and put it on the same spot and even in the same position so even today coming by tando you can see its famous balancing boulder more of a symbol now of course because it's no longer rocking and only weighs nine tons but instantly recognizable nonetheless remember this place from the movie close encounters of the third kind if not you should go watch it but not right now this place doesn't make you feel like you're witnessing some magic and doesn't really trick gravity right before your eyes sounds almost boring compared with the rest of the sights on my list right but the true mind-blowing feature of devil's tower is that scientists can explain how it came to existence in the first place you see it's an foot rock formation with walls so steep they're basically vertical but that isn't even the main thing this piece of stone just rose amid rolling plains of wyoming with nothing like it for miles and miles around so how is it that such a flat landscape could have suddenly given birth to something so tall there is a bound but nobody has the answer yet my theory well perhaps here is where the earth has a giant audi belly button well then you come up with a better theory the house of mystery in gold hill oregon amazes its visitors with gravity-defying effects you can't stand straight there always leaning to the side and having to hold on to something for balance balls roll upwards and there's also a broom that stands perfectly still wherever you put it unlike virtually everything else in this shack the local native american tribes called this place the forbidden ground even before the house was built there and they avoided approaching it the owners of the shack though decided to turn it into an attraction and they succeeded they created an atmosphere of mystery around the place and spread the news about it in newspapers and later on the internet and voila a perfect anomaly is made in fact it's no more than a curiosity a human-made optical illusion that tricks your eyes in other senses okay we've talked about some pretty ambiguous stuff but now it's time for the real deal the hudson bay anomaly this is probably the only place in the world where gravity is indeed lower than anywhere else on the planet even skeptics can't smirk at it because the difference has been measured with precision equipment so does it mean that the gravity here is as low as say on the moon then unfortunately or is it luckily i'm not sure yet the difference is minuscule the exact value is 0.005 percent or 1 200th of a percent you won't be able to feel it even if you try your hardest but it's still there scientists say this anomaly exists because of the ice sheet that covered the area about 10 000 years ago it compressed the rocks so much that they still can't fully recover shifting the gravitational field in hudson bay sometime in the future though the gravity will return to normal in this area as well no moonwalk for me then
Views: 410,161
Rating: 4.8594298 out of 5
Keywords: bright side mysterious place, weirdest places in the world, weirdest places ever, weirdest places to get stuck, weirdest places in the ocean, weirdest places in google maps, remote places to live, remote places in the world, strangest places in the world, split sea, Kerala, sleeping town, lake maracaibo storm, lake maracaibo lightning, Beacon of Maracaibo, extraordinary natural phenomena
Id: O4mie-anQik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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