20 MORE Words Brits and Americans Say Differently

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Brits and Americans are joined by a common language but there are many many differences today we're going to look at 20 more words that we say differently all that is coming right up after we meet another each sleet dreamer hello my name is Julia I'm Spanish and I learn English because I'm in love with this beautiful language now eat sleep and dream English is part of my life thank you so much you are a legend in my last lesson about British and American English we looked at words that were pronounced differently today we're looking at different words that have the same meaning now I'm sure you're going to know some of them but I've added a few that maybe you don't know to keep you on your toes let's get started with number one in British English we say pavements for the area that you walk on along the streets in American English they say sidewalk sidewalk now I quite like sidewalk it makes sense to me like there's the road and then you walk on the side it's quite logical I like that America but in Britain we say pavement so in British English pavement in American English sidewalk alright this one this is interesting we're talking about slang language here in British English we use the slang word quit to talk about one pound one pound so quit in American English to talk about one dollar they'd say buck buck so in British English we talk about one pound as a quid in American English one dollar is a buck how much is the coffee it's two quid it's two quid in American English they would say it's two bucks it's two bucks that's a good one I like that when we apply for a job we usually send a document that has all our experience so our work experience our personal details and we call it in British English in curriculum vitae but we shorten it down to a CV as CV in American English they would use CV but they would also say resume resume so British English is a CV or curriculum vitae in American English it's a resume resume so I need help writing my CV I need help writing my CV or I need help writing my resume number four is a small but important difference now mathematics the subject that we study at school is shortened down in British English to maths maths in American English they don't use that s they take it they throw it away math math so British English we say maths American English math I don't know why I'd like to know why if anyone knows why that is let me know in the comments below where you are waiting to pay at the shops in Britain we would say you're in a queue in a queue in American English you're in a line a line so in a queue or in an line number six is a good one now when we are moving in the opposite direction to how a clock would move in Britain we'd say anti clockwise anti-clockwise so clockwise is the same direction as a clock the hands going around in British English when it's going the other way we say anti clockwise anti-clockwise in American English it's counter clockwise counter clockwise so example sentence so let's dance anti-clockwise let's dance anti-clockwise oh let's dance counter clockwise let's dance counter clockwise when students use this word I can always tell if they've read American English or British English now the general word is confectionery and we're talking about things made of sugar so lollipops and things like that in Britain we would say sweets sweets and in American English they'd say candy candy so as a kid I was only allowed sweets on Saturday as a kid I was only allowed sweets on today in American English that would be as a kid I was only allowed candy on Saturday as a kid I was only allowed candy on Saturday at school we're divided into age groups now in Britain we would call those years so year so I'm in year six or I'm in year four in American English we'd say they say great so I'm in grade two I'm in grade 3 in British English it's a year and in American English it's a great so what year are you in at school what year are you in at school or what grade are you in at school what grade are you in at school in Britain when you send a letter you always have to write the address and include a set of letters and numbers which determine the area that you're sending the letter to this is called a postcode so for example in London we've got like n 8 or n 10 or SW for these or link to certain areas of London now of course in Brittany's postcode in American English its zip code zip code so these are the groups of numbers and letters that are added to a postal address so that we get the right location postcode zip code this one I found fascinating I didn't know there was a difference here so in every children's playground in Britain or lots of children's playgrounds there is an area of sand that you can play in we call this a sand pit a sand pit in American English it's called a sand box it's a box of sand so it's a sand box I didn't know that that's amazing I like it sand box why not so British English is a sand pit American English sandbox how would you describe that in your language what's it called in your language is it a sand pit a sand box a sand hole what do you call it in your language this one I am sure you know but if you don't it's important to know the difference in Britain the most popular sport is football football played by Leo Messi Christiano Ronaldo Harry Caine all those kind of players now in American English that same sport is called soccer soccer football in American English means American football it's a totally different game another word for that is gridiron but the sport of football in Britain is soccer in America it's important to note a difference number thirteen can also be confused now schools that are free in Britain we call state school a state school okay don't have to pay it's free to everyone state school in American English the same type of school the free school is called a public school a public school now that's fine until you realize that in Britain a public school is a very expensive school so it's the opposite of being free it's actually one of the most expensive types of schools that you could possibly go to that is a public school so when Americans talk about public schools in our minds we think what I very expensive but actually for them is free so Britain it's a state school in America it's a public school so I guess a British public school which is where you have to pay would be a private school in America we also say private school in Britain as well but yeah so yeah can be a bit confusing there number fourteen the shot that you go to to buy alcohol in Britain is called an off lions and off license that's shortened down to offi if you want to use slang or colloquial English we would say ah fee in American English the same store the same shop is called a liquor store a liquor store so British English and off-licence in American English a liquor store just before somebody gets married in Britain they have a party to celebrate with their friends and so forth now for the man that is a stag party a stag party in American English that's a bachelor party a bachelor party for women in Britain that's a hen party a hen party and in American English it's a bachelorette party a bachelorette party when you're buying shoes in Britain if you're buying a kind of a sport shoe we call it trainers my cab and everyday shoe very casual shoe it's a trainer or trainers in American English they say sneakers so one sneaker a pair of sneakers in British English one trainer or a pair of trainers so for example have you seen my trainers anywhere have you seen my trainers anywhere or have you seen my sneakers anywhere have you seen my sneakers anywhere in Britain the government provides public housing for those people that aren't able to buy their own house here we call it a council estate a council estate in American English the same idea the same concept is called a housing project a housing project I believe that it's just shortened down to a project so in Britain would say I live on accounts of the state I live on a council estate in American English they might just say I live in a project I live in a project when you are writing in British English and you finish the sentence you put a little dot that is called a full stop a full stop in American English it's not a full stop it's a period it's a period so in Britain we use full stops in America they use periods hmm interesting number 19 it's the sign that's put on the front and back of a car to identify it as being unique to that car in Britain we call it a number plates a number plates in American English it's a license plate a license plate number plates license plates the final one in Britain every person has a number and it's used for the administration of their Social Security or for their tax it's their number that the when used for many different things now we call it a National Insurance number National Insurance number so if I get a new job then I'll give my employer my National Insurance number they can tell the the tax office that that's my number that I'm working there and so that I get taxed the correct amount we use it for a lot of administration that goes on in everyday life so Britain is a National Insurance number in American English it's a Social Security number Social Security number it's the same white they're just just described in different ways National Insurance number Social Security number all right guys two questions for you first of all which one of those was new for you okay so which difference was new for you and secondly obviously I've missed a lot of words out so let me know in the comments below which ones have I missed out that we should all know if you write it in the comments below and then share it so that other HD dreamers can learn from you we're a community of learners so I want us to share our knowledge together if you haven't already guys check out my other video in 20 words that Brits and Americans say differently it's great you'll really enjoy it I'm absolutely sure of that if you've enjoyed this lesson please give it a big thumbs up and share it with anyone you know that is trying to learn English make sure you're subscribed so hit that subscribe button and hit that notification bell that notification about will tell you when I release a new video so you're the first to watch it I'll be back again every Tuesday and every Friday and giving you fresh modern British English thank you so much for hanging out with me guys I've really enjoyed it until next time this is Tom the chief dreamer saying goodbye
Channel: Eat Sleep Dream English
Views: 298,854
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Keywords: british english, american english, 20 words brits and americans say differently, british, american, english lesson, british accent, vocabulary, american english vocabulary, british english vocabulary, difference between british english and american english, american v british, learn english, grammar, pronunciation, british pronunciation, british english phrases, british vs american english, learning english, eat sleep dream english
Id: Yaah_tjK7yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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