Accents - BRITISH vs AMERICAN: English Accents Around the World

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hi guys and welcome to another accent video if you've joined me on any of my previous accent videos you'll know that I've normally cover UK regional accents for example the Liverpool accent or the London accent the Manchester or even West country accent and if those the apps that you are interested in you can find them in the description box below however today we are going international we're crossing the pond and looking at the American accent lots of you have asked me for this video in the past and looking at America it's huge and that means the accents vary but vastly so what we're going to do now is look at the general aspects of a general American accent so who are we meeting today this is Gabby Gabby is from Minnesota that means she is an American hello Gabby hey guys Thank You Gabby for joining us my pleasure and I so you might recognize Gabby if you've been studying English specifically because Gabby is an English teacher on YouTube channel and go natural English do you want to tell the guys a little bit about what you offer on your channel sure if you want to learn American English pronunciation vocabulary and fluency then you should watch good actual English so you can find a link to Gabby's channel in the description box below but before you go over there and do stay with us and look at the differences between the American accent and the British English accent so as I said gabby is from minnesota but you have quite a neutral American accent correct I moved around a lot so I kind of standardized my English especially teaching English - okay fantastic so let's first of all have a look at some of the words that are commonly different between American and British English it's the first word that's different is the word rubbish I would say rubbish but Gabby would say trash put out the rubbish or take out the trash next is the word mobile my mobile phone but Gabby would refer to it as cellphone so I need to buy a new mobile or give me your cell phone number cool . the little punctuation mark which is a dot we call a full stop but you call period so I'm not doing this full stop I'm not doing this period I last but not least candy floss cotton candy I just think for a minute so what you would buy at the funfair or the carnival a lovely big fluffy cloud of candy floss in America it would be referred to as cotton candy cotton candy okay there are so many words that are different between American and British English that we could be here all day and in fact we've had so much fun in the last few hours discussing yeah there's going back and forth discovering them and some of them are hilarious if you want to know more than you can check out the video which we've just made for Gaby's channel and the link for that will be in the description box below and on the end of this video so to stay to the end and then jump over and check out those very funny differences but right now we're going to break down the actual sounds the sound differences in pronunciation firstly and most famously one of the biggest differences between American English and British English is the are sound in British English as I'm always telling you on my videos we have to flatten the are and in most cases we ignore it altogether if it's not at the beginning far far far far I live far away I live far away you did it by Oh or or or this all that this or that they're there they're there they're over there they're over there they're over there they're over there good in British English these two words are the same aren't and aren't but an American English they are different so for example I would say you aren't my aunt but Gabi would say you aren't my aunt aunt aunt aren't aunt cool very very different the next time we're going to look at is the T sound particularly when T appears in the middle of the word in some cases you'll hear it sounded like Indy in America so for example the word water would sound water or better better or letter letter good so I might say I spilt water on your letter you spilled water on my letter [Applause] sometimes the T sound is emitted altogether so for example in the word interested interested mountain and international international so I'm interested in international mountain climbing I am interested in International mum climbing I'm interested in international mountain climbing I'm interested in international mountain climbing and sometimes if there is a TT the T might actually be globalized in American for example in the word written written button button I've written the word button I've written the word button good and while we're here I go if this is your second visit to London that's right what do you think of London London is such a pretty city it's a pretty city a pretty city so in British English we would have said London is a pretty city but with the American team taken down pretty city beautiful well I'm glad you liked it thank you something else you'll notice in the American accent is when the words end with IL e in British English we say Isle but in American English these tend to be oh yeah so like in the word agile agile or fragile fragile or fertile fertile mobile mobile moving on to vowels the short vowel R has a slightly different placement in American English and sometimes is completely different depending on the word so for example if I say lot Gabby would say that so it's more forward placed I can add lot lot I could say the word on on on on so it's also more it's got more length how about the word got guy got guy so let's try this words in the sentence I've got a lot of work going on I've got a lot of work going on I've got a lot of work going on I've got a lot of work going on and finally the word what which brush has the same valve or what but in America a change completely to what what what so that sounds almost like a you what like a schwa say what say what mm-hmm okay but for us is Oh what what what what are you doing what are you doing great let's move on to the long vowels now now the long vowel R which in standard British English is long and open but in northern English where I originate from it's the short ah most of the time in America it's the same as northern English that's a good way to remember it so for example in the word bath northerners would say bath and Americans would say bath so if you're northern English this is gonna be an easy and easy change for you it's time for your bath it's time for your bath it's all in the past it's all in the past great and one word which is constantly brought up in my English lessons is the word can't in America you say can't can't can't so you have to be very careful with this word if you mispronounce it it can sound like a very odd oh okay so it's still long in American it's just a four word place and and can't can't so it's done different standard British English open and long con okay I can't stand it I can't stand it great okay the next one file we're going to look at is the vowel common in words such as work work work work I'm going to work I'm going to work bird bird bird bird I can hear a bird I can hear a bird go girl go girl hey girl hey girl I'm wild world world world where in the world are you from where in the world are you from the United States born and the final vowel sound that we're going to look at is the aw vowel in British English this is a huge space inside the mouth the lips are rounded and the valve doesn't move all all but in America is slightly different so for example if I say the word caught you would say court cup I'm gonna teach you how to understand in British English I would say caught but Gabby would say cut I would say bought but have you caught him yet have you caught him yet did you have you bought it have you bought it and law MA don't break the law don't break the law he was caught breaking the law he was caught breaking the law okay that covers some of the most common differences between a general American accent and a standard British English accent of course there are many variations which I will cover in future episodes don't forget that Gabby and I have spent some time finding out some hilarious differences between British words and American words which you must go and check out the link for that is in the description box below and at the end of this video but before I let you go Gabby I'm going to ask you to read and the passage comment gets secured so any of you out there who want to have a good old listen to the American accent in full swing then this is for you otherwise thank you very much for joining us today in my pleasure and forget to help Gabi's Channel okay I'll leave it dudes thank you well here's a story for you Sarah Perry was a veterinary nurse who had been working daily an old zoo in a deserted district of the territory so she was very happy to start a new job at a superb private practice in North Square near the Duke Street Tower that area was much nearer for her and more to her liking even so on her first morning she felt stressed she ate a bowl of porridge checked herself in the mirror and washed her face in a hurry then she put on a plain yellow dress and a fleece jacket picked up her kit and headed for work when she got there there was a woman with a goose waiting for her the woman gave Sarah an official letter from the vet the letter implied that the animal could be suffering from a rare form of foot-and-mouth disease which was surprising because normally you would only expect to see it in a dog or goats Sarah was sentimental so this made her feel sorry for the beautiful bird before long that itchy goose began to strut around the office like a lunatic which made an unsanitary mess the gooses owner Mary Harrison kept calling cama cama which Sarah thought was an odd choice for a name , was strong and huge so it would take some force to trap her but Sarah had a different idea first she tried gently stroking the gooses lower back with her palm then singing a tune to her finally she administered ether her efforts were not futile in no time the goose began to tire so Sarah was able to hold on to comma and give her a relaxing bath once Sarah had managed to bathe the goose she wiped her off with a cloth and laid her on her right side then Sarah confirmed the vets diagnosis almost immediately she remembered an effective treatment that required her to you're out a lot of medicine Sara warned that this course of treatment might be expensive either five or six times the cost of penicillin I can't imagine paying so much but mrs. Harrison a million or so I can't imagine pain so much but mrs. Harrison a millionaire lawyer thought it was a fair price for a cure
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 1,539,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: british vs american, american accent vs british accent, accent, american accent, usa accent, us accent, american english, pronunciation, how to sound british, how to sound american, differences between british and american english, differences between british and american english accent, British accent, english accent, learn american accent, learn british accent, Go natural english, anna english, english like a native, gabby english, learn english, accents, american, us vs uk
Id: 84vxOlMtGQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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