36 English Words You Can't Say Correctly!!!

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welcome back to another lesson with me Tom today we're looking at the 36 English words that you find impossible to pronounce now how do I know that you find them so difficult because you told me you told me on Instagram you told me on Facebook so today I'm going to show you how to pronounce them perfectly don't go anywhere [Music] welcome to eats leaves you English if you haven't met me before my name is Tom and I teach fresh modern British English so that you can take your English to the next level and achieve your life goals whatever they may be today I've got a very special pronunciation video for you and a new feature that I'm gonna put at the end of the video so stick around this is something special something different something new that I'm going to try with you guys so stick around to the end to see what that is I'm quite excited about it but first let's get straight into our 36 words so I put out a post on Facebook and on Instagram asking you guys to tell me what words you found most difficult to pronounce and you guys sent me so many suggestions thank you so much guys for sending them in I'm sorry if I don't get through all of them today but I really appreciate you saying in a minute the first one clothes clothes this was sent in by two of you guys and this one is super tricky I've seen it mispronounced so much over the years as an English teacher clothes clothes so that end sound there is a sound so clothes repeat after me clothes clothes now if you want a little cheat because that one is quite hard to say and it's maybe you just can't do it you could try clothes clothes is in like close the door clothes and clothes sound very similar and when you're putting them into a sentence they're gonna sound exactly the same okay which one am I saying now clothes yeah clothes ok clothes clothes let's say write pray into a sentence I bought some new clothes I bought some new clothes which one did I say yeah I actually said close but it could have been clothes either one when you put it into a sentence it sounds perfectly fine Lenna also asked for rarely rarely tricky one huh so rarely Josie no he asked for a town in England Loughborough love bra yeah it doesn't look like it does it okay be for the first sound in that GH love bra and it's not burrow Loughborough it's just love bro this this one literature literature well so let me slow that down for you literature literature that's a great piece of literature that's a great piece of literature by the way guys thank you so much for sending these in these are great words okay next one marvelous marvelous so not marvelous marvelous we had a marvelous time we had a marvelous time responsibilities responsibilities in my new job I've got loads of responsibilities in my new job I've got loads of responsibilities Salah we asked for four words and I've added another one okay let's go through this one because this is often chosen as one of the hardest ones to say so we've got an individual jew-jew single that all sound Jew then jeweler's jeweler's the place where you buy the jewels a jeweler's and then jewelry jewelry jewelry hmm so jus jeweler's jewellery it sounds good one museum museum so three sounds there Museum museum I'm going to the British Museum tonight I'm going to the British Museum today and the next one miserable miserable so it's not miserable it's miserable miserable you look a bit miserable today I hope you are not miserable today thank you for Salome fantastic suggestions all really tricky words I'm not going to try and attempt to pronounce this Instagram name I apologize okay but yeah I see this one this is quite tricky so man and men so man is singular men plural now I think this gets harder when it's female so you've got woman what woman but you've got with women women for the plural so woman singular women for the plural so the what becomes wait so woman women huh what does that mean okay I've got to look this one up this means to be unable to be excited or upset or something like that okay um so you're quite calm okay I get it the position imperturbable imperturbable imperturbable words killing me imperturbable it's a word that you probably will never use but it's good to know imperturbable imperturbable imperturbable that's it that's really fun actually imperturbable I am imperturbable called you could say I'm in butter bubble and in fact thanks I know know the word talked talks it's the same sound as ought or thought you'll notice that I did say the T at the end so taught if I was saying in more natural everyday speech I would probably wouldn't say the T I say taught taught that's because I dropped the t's this kind of glottal ization of T's I think I taught that kid in year six I think I taught that kid in year six so I think I taught that kid not I talked that kid alright guys let's keep going okay Jade us for this word this one I often hear mispronounced especially in Spanish speakers as focus focus but it should be focus fo focus focus that's how I pronounce it focus second one curious curious you well that's a nice word curious Polina asks about this word yeah it's not easy girl girl so you've got that Dark Eldar so what I'm doing there is I'm bringing my tongue in as I'm saying the word girl girl and in fact the front part of my tongue it's kind of curling inwards so it's kind of just going like this girl now this is of course in my accent guys there are many different accents that would say these words differently I'm teaching you in my London accent as I said there are other varieties ways to say this for example in a cockney accent you might say gyal gyal but I'm saying it girl because that's the way I say okay next one failure failure failure yeah that's a tricky one actually failure I was a complete failure at school I was a complete failure at school all right this one often comes up in the 10 most difficult ways to say in English but I'm like how often do you say this words how is it important to say well maybe it is for some people the word squirrel squirrel I mean maybe I say a few times in a month because I live in a place where there are squirrels but anyone else I don't know do you live near squirrels okay for the way it is squirrel squirrel squirrel it's a nice word in fairness it's quite fun to say Carla asks for endeavor endeavor so you'll actually notice said that the beginning isn't an ears and I sound it endeavor endeavor and then we end there with the schwa sound so endeavour joepie girly-girl asked for aristocracy aristocracy so it's aristocratic stir critic heiress to critique the stress is on the end syllable aristocratic next one exaggerated exaggerated it it sounds almost like egg exaggerated exaggerated and flying on from that exaggerating exaggerating okay exaggerated exaggerating why are you always exaggerating about how tall you are why are you always exaggerating about how tall you are okay it had to come finally the word that is always in these top ten lists crisps crisps okay let's break it down to sounds Chris so it's Chris - sounds that's all it is looks like you were trying to get someone's attention hey come in come in Chris we'll go get a bag of crisps mmm yes Miska I hope you don't need to say this word very often murderer murderer murderer hmm I hope it's a low-frequency word this is another hard one world world so again it's that dark el world so just like with girl your tongue is coming in and down and back basically girl so this one world I want to travel the world I want to travel the world okay this is a nice one plagiarism plagiarism this means to copy someone else's work right so I was accused of plagiarism I was accused of plagiarism okay and finally we've got two words here we've got sick sick so it's sick and then I finished with my tongue touching my top teeth and I'm blowing air out so sick and month month now this ends with this sound that s so month so that's that that blend sounds of going from the th to then so for the th sound I've got my tongue touching my teeth my top teeth and I'm blowing air out month and then if I want to make that S sound I draw my tongue down a bit I hope that makes sense that two very hard sounds I know that a lot of students find those two very hard to do so yeah practice with that one six and months if you find any other words difficult to pronounce put them in the comments below now this is the new section to my video that I want to introduce I am going to pick out a few comments from the previous video that I made and I want to talk about them I want to respond to them react to them whatever it may be so whenever you write a comment into the video I read them and then maybe I'll pick out a few than some of the best ones or the most interesting to respond or to comment on now first of all I need a name for this section of the video so you guys give me give me some suggestions maybe like feedback corner could be one idea or like Tom responds or something cooler and better than that but yeah so give me a name and then I'm gonna make a fun little kind of skit video music skits to introduce this section now why am I doing this well because we're a community of English language learners and so I want to kind of reflect that by making this a bit of a dialogue it's not just me telling you guys you're teaching me as well and we're sharing our ideas together so my last video was one about brand new words for 2018 if you haven't watched it go check it out it's a link to right above so I taught you guys a couple of new words now it's a great responses mummy meme that said that over tourism is a problem in Venice and yeah I think Venice is often seen as one of the great examples of where tourism is becoming a bit of a problem it's having a big negative impact on the local community and the resources and the environment all that kind of stuff we moved on to talking about orbiting so heard and said that orbiting is just a part of modern-day life and how we communicate and connect these days and yeah I kind of agree it is it's just it's just a reality of having social medias so easily available but then maybe not having a time to see friends and and other people's jwu 52 Z said that orbiting sounds like a soft version of stalking and I kind of get where you're coming from there yeah I mean I guess if it's done in a kind of slightly creepy way then yeah it could be right like you're kind of watching someone from afar dead wing gave a really fascinating alternative version of the meaning of orbiting where you actually get a certain number of extra duties and they're cadets cool if you misbehave or if you do something wrong so if you fall asleep you get orbited huh okay you see what I mean like you guys are teaching me as much as I'm teaching you guys do you validate was talking about gas lighting and do you have to be a very low self-esteem kind of a person to be gaslighted I don't think so no I think anyone could be gaslighting Carol x09 says I love your videos but I find it irritating when you repeat phrases you do that a lot you do that a lot great comment no I'm serious no the reason why I repeat the phrases is for pronunciation to give you guys an extra chance to hear me say the words and then to practice with me okay so it's simply for pronunciation sake it's not because I love the sound of my own voice or that I'm trying to annoy you it's yeah to help you improve your pronunciation so I'm sorry but I'm going to carry on hi guys cool so that's the end of that section be back corner toms chat what's it called you let me know I don't know give me a cool name for that section and let me know if you liked it if you enjoyed it if you found it useful I like it because it makes it a two-way conversation alright also let me know if you want it to be at the beginning of the video then we can do it there as well but yeah feedback that's what I want tell me talk to me talk to me guys hey talk to me over here alright guys thank you so much for hanging out with me remember to check me out on Instagram to check me out on Facebook so you can get daily English content behind the scenes footage also remember I've got my membership scheme YouTube membership it's so exciting guys we have live streams together where we can really chat get deep with your English questions so you hit the draw button if you're interested thank you so much for hanging out there guys this is Tom the chief dreamer say goodbye
Channel: Eat Sleep Dream English
Views: 114,486
Rating: 4.9574637 out of 5
Keywords: english words you can't say, english word pronunciation, difficult English words to say, difficult English word to pronounce, 10 most difficult words to say in English, 10 most difficult words to pronounce in English, most difficult words to say in English, english pronunciation, british english, american english, pronunciation, english pronunciation lesson, how to pronounce crisps, how to say crisps, how to say, how to pronounce, english, english lesson, 36 english words
Id: cT_hKEkr0-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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