10 Common Mistakes English Students Make

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easy tubers welcome to another lesson with me Tom today we're going to be showing you ten common mistakes that English students make but don't worry guys I'm here to guide you to make sure that you don't make them in the future stay tuned before we get started I wanna see two things about mistakes firstly you should never feel ashamed of your mistakes mistakes are beautiful they are important because they tell us where we need to improve our English secondly not all mistakes are terrible the most important thing is that we can communicate our ideas either through speaking or writing if a mistake stops us from communicating then it's a problem but if the mistakes doesn't stop us from communicating then it's not that big a problem it would be good to not make any mistakes but if you can still communicate your ideas even though you make mistakes then it's okay you've done what you needed to do you've communicated so those two things are really important to know before we start looking at our ten common mistakes all right here's number one : mistake number one is subject verb agreement particularly the third person so for example my brother like Game of Thrones my brother like Game of Thrones now when it's in the present tense third person he she it we need to add the s a third person s so it should be my brother likes Game of Thrones my brother likes Game of Thrones now here is an example of a mistake that does not stop communication you can still understand me if I say my brother like Game of Thrones you can still understand it's not a problem so I wouldn't worry too much about this one obviously try and get it correct try and use the third person at so he likes or she likes but if you forget it don't worry too much I can still understand you this one is really important to make sure you get correct adjectives ending in II D or ing for example I am so boring I am so boring what hang on what you're boring are you sure but hang on let's get that one right I think I mean to say I am so bored I'm so bored now adjectives ending with Edie describe how you feel how person feels so I feel so bored or I'm so excited or I'm so frightened these are all feelings that we have now that adjectives that end in ing are the things that make you feel these feelings so it could be a thing it could be a person so the football match was exciting the film was frightening the book was really boring okay so make sure that when you're using your adjectives you are using the correct one so if it's a feeling that you have use the Edie if it's thing that makes you feel these things that has the ing I hope in the future you don't ever say I'm so boring hopefully other thing your boy your needs a dream where you're not boring the steps one causes a lot of problems at lots of different levels of English we're talking about the infinitive of purpose so this is to something so we are explaining why we do something so why do we breathe we breathe to live to live that's why we do something so I use my phone to Skype my friends in other countries I use my phone to Skype my friends in other places so 2 + infinitive is the infinitive of purpose it tells us why we do something so why do people go to the gym well then go to the gym to lose weight or they go to the gym to build muscle well they go to the gym to get fit so each time you'll see it says to to to to get fit to lose weight so this is the infinitive of purpose I hear people use that incorrectly so often so people will say I go to the gym for losing weight it's not correct I go to the gym to lose weight so I'm going to ask you guys why are you learning English why are you learning English and tell me in the comments below I'm learning English to pass an exam or I'm learning English to get a better job so in the comments below use a sentence with the to infinitive the infinitive of purpose this is a tough one ok I get this one confusing the present perfect with the past simple ah this can be tricky for example last year I have been to Japan last year I have been to Japan now in this sentence we've got some things that can help us to make the correct sentence the first thing last year now last year is a time phrase from the past it's a past time phrase that means that it's finished the action is complete so we can't use the present perfect because the present perfect links the past to the present and we can't use it with a past time phrase like yesterday last year 10 years ago we can't use it with those phrases so we know that with a past time phrase we need to use a past tense so what's the correct answer last year okay last year I went to Japan last year I went to Japan so went the past simple is with a past time phrase now present perfect and past simple there are lots of other things to learn to understand that's just one thing that's just one aspect of the tenses if you'd like a lesson about the present perfect and past simple then tell me and I will happily make it for you moving on from the perfect in the past simple two words that are commonly confused for and cents for and since so for we use with periods of time so I lived in Hong Kong for three and a half years I lived in Hong Kong for three and a half years so it's for a period of time we use cents with a point in time for example I have been a teacher since 2007 I have been a teacher since 2007 2007 is the point in time okay it's a fixed point so you might say I've been waiting here since half-past two I've been waiting here since half past two again half past two is the point in time so for for a period ten years one week three months since for a point in time so I question to you to practice this how long have you been learning English how long have you been learning English you can tell me I'd be learning English for five years or you could say I'd be learning English since 2012 whatever the correct answer is for you let me know in the comments below a mistake I see all the time is the collocations of verbs with nouns so for example party what verb do I use with party now I hear a lot of my students saying Tom let's make a party now make is not the correct verb I understand the meaning so that's good that's not a problem but we want the correct verb and the correct verb is have a party let's have a party or organize a party throw a party those are also good but usually we'll say have a party that's a very common verb with the noun so let's have a party and coffee again I'll hear people say I'm going to take a coffee now that's not the correct verb that collocates with coffee we could have a coffee that's again one let's have a coffee really common phrase let's have a coffee or I'm going to have a coffee what about dinner again I hear people saying ah I usually take dinner at 8 o'clock I usually take dinner at 8 o'clock take is the wrong verb we want to use house ok I have dinner at 8 o'clock so learning the correct verb to go with a noun is really important it can be really simple nouns like party coffee dinner or lunch but it's really important to get the correct verb to go with that now auxiliaries in questions can cause a lot of problems an example which Harry Potter book your favorite which Harry Potter book your favorite now we need the auxiliary in there the auxilary here would be is so which Harry Potter book is your favorite what your name what your name what is your name ok is is the auxilary where you live where you live the correct question where do you live although it doesn't stop communication it does stop us from sounding like a fluent speaker so I really recommend focusing on getting your question forms correct so it's the WH question what then it's the auxiliary then the subject then the verb and then a compliment after that really important to understand how a question is made and don't forget the auxiliary if you wanna sound fluent and get to a really high level of English remember the auxilary prepositions caused a lot of problems for English students now the classic the classic mistake that I hear my students make is Tom I love listen music Tom I love listen music again the meaning I can understand the meaning so this isn't a huge problem but if we want to be the best English communicator we can be then we need to get us right I love listening to music we listen to you we listen to a song now I think what's really important here is that when we learn a verb like listen we should also learn the prepositions that go with it so I listen to music I listen to kpop for example now with other verbs it's the same so think about married this is another one where there are mistakes so Beyonce is married jay-z Beyonce is married jay-z now what's the preposition now I often hear it with Beyonce is married with jay-z is not correct you're married to someone so Beyonce is married to jay-z so this is really important if you want to avoid these kind of mistakes when you learn the verb try and think about which prepositions you need to learn to use with that verb listen - married - okay really important ok the 9th mistake is subject or object pronouns and confusing them so you might say she's name is Jasmine she's name is Jasmine now she is the subject pronoun so she is called Jasmine that's because it's the subject but if we want to use the object pronoun her name is Jasmine her name is Jasmine so confusing those two is really common but very important to get them correct because one of the subject pronoun one is the object pronoun and finally number 10 verb patterns for example I like to go shopping I like going shopping I often hear students say I like go shopping now this is not correct so either I like to go so to infinitive or it I like and then the ing going shopping so you have two choices now not all verbs are the same so resolved enjoy I enjoy watching TV series on Netflix I enjoy watching TV series on flicks you cannot say I enjoy to watch okay that's not a verb pattern that we use so with enjoying you have the verb ing so I enjoy watching I enjoy playing I enjoy visiting I enjoy reading etc so with each verb you have to learn the verb pattern that comes after it is it to infinitive or is it verb ing so as you're learning verbs learn the verb pattern as well and that will really help you as you progress with your English what I want you guys to do is to write in the comments below telling me what was the mistakes that you used to make that now you don't make anymore I want you to share what you've learned with other eat sleep dreamers so they can learn English from you guys just as much as from me so in the comments below tell me what mistakes did you use to make that you don't make now thank you so much for watching guys remember to watch my videos every Tuesday and every Friday hit that subscribe button hit that like button and of course share this with as many people as you can thank you so much for watching this is Tom the English hipster saying goodbye
Channel: Eat Sleep Dream English
Views: 154,798
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Keywords: common english mistakes, english grammar mistakes, learn english, 10 common mistakes english students make, common mistakes in english, english speakers grammar mistakes, grammar errors, english mistakes, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, british english, british accent, english teacher, english language teacher
Id: D90wTRjT4po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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