20 (More) Essential Phrasal Verbs in English

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cool on high sorry about that thank you very much for your messages we had no audio for a second there should be back on now thank you for your messages as I was saying I just lost my connection to the computer here can I this screen just went dark No so I'll just assume that it's still going here and talk to you is it still hot yeah okay cool well I have three PDFs as always for everyone to see you can download these from the link below the video if you are watching on YouTube or above the video if you are watching on Facebook you will need an accountant English class 101.com but you can make one for free so please have a look at these if you have not already and everything okay there did the power just go out interesting okay um then other things I had one other announcement if it's okay to go to that for now if you have not seen it oh it's back on if you have not seen it yet that's very mysterious so now it's gone if you have not seen it yet there is a new culture am I on the other side there is a new culture video that is out on the English class 101 YouTube channel we talked about the cost of living in New York City so if you have questions about what it's like to live in the USA please have a look I shared about this on YouTube Facebook Instagram all kinds of places so I hope that you take a look at this alright we're going to start in just a couple minutes for some reason this screen just keeps going in and out I don't know what deal is so small tech problem but we're going to fix it I can't see your chats yet mom we will get to it so as you watch today's lesson please feel free to send your comments and your questions in the chat I will try to check them in real time as I said today is about phrasal verbs phrasal verbs so I've chosen 20 phrasal verbs that are very very common very frequently used and we're going to talk about what they mean first and then add some examples of how to use them perfect I can see what I'm doing now great alright so I am going to share the video and then I am going to start with today's lesson we have lots to do great I can see everyone's chat now so I'll say quickly hello on YouTube Rodion de rozier zoni hi loose air son Wes Alvaro hello and on Facebook joy Garuda ox and Jennifer toy bits hello everybody great ok now that we have everything ready I'm going to start today's lesson after I share the video of other people hopefully join us alright let's get going we have lots to cover today so let us begin with the first group of phrasal verbs the first group of phrasal verbs there's 20 but there are some words some expressions that have more than one meaning so we have a lot to do I'm going to slow down my speaking of it now so let's take a look first one I talked about find out last week a bit in our common idioms lesson so maybe you remember this if you joined us last week find out to find out means to discover to discover or like to learn something especially after research especially after a long time looking or trying to find something we use find out to mean discover but it's used in everyday speech if you use discover it's correct grammatically but it sounds a little too like stiff it sounds a little too formal for everyday speech so use find out for example my parents found out I failed the test so found out here is the past tense form of find out this sentence means my parents discovered I failed the test so find out can be replaced with discover or learned but it has this feeling of something you learned or something you discovered after research or after trying for some time okay on to the next one another review if you watched us if you watched our live stream last week is set up set up set up has a lot of different meanings I'm going to cover one basic one in this lesson but it does have many other meanings for this lesson I'm going to focus on to create so to set up can mean or very commonly means to create to create or last week I talked about using setup to mean to put together like putting together the parts of something here let's focus on using setup to mean create so for example let's set up a team for our new project so like let's create a team for our new project okay some examples are coming in from you about found out someone said I found out my keys ah we usually use found out as I said for something we discover or something we learned so find and find out are quite different we use find out for like information generally like we're looking we're researching something so we took we typically we don't use find out for objects use find for objects I found my keys I found my marker I found out some information Rodian has a good one I found out that this is the best channel channel that's the learn English whoo great mmm or are you on Facebook hey says my parents found out that I got 89 and n 89 on the test I got 89 points on the test instead of scores so points 89 points there okay send along your setup sentences to when you have a chance let's go to this one makeup makeup so please be careful make up these are two separate words yeah as a phrasal verb make and up are separate when you want to talk about the stuff that people put on their face to change their appearance you know like lip color eye color that make up makeup so there's no space here between make end up if you want to talk about like face stuff things that people change their face with use makeup know to refer to this phrasal verb make and up are separate to make up to make up to make up something means to do a missed activity to do a missed activity so this is very common in school and in work situations to make up something to make up something it can mean it can mean to do a missed activity as in this sentence I have to make up for a day I missed last week I have to make up for a day I missed last week one big point here I have to make up for I have to make up for and then here after this for will be a noun phrase explaining the activity you did not participate in but you're required to participate in so for example in this case if you were sick yesterday and you didn't go to school or you didn't go to work but you have a responsibility to attend you can say I have to make up for a day I have to make up for a day I missed so that means you have some responsibility to do an activity you missed this is one sense of make up to make up to do something you're required to do that you missed you will also hear however make up used to mean to create an idea like to create a story like to lie in other words like to make up a story about something you may also hear make up used to do that Mateus yes this video will be on the YouTube channel later also on Facebook as well okay let's continue to the next one the next one is carry out to carry out so again this phrasal verb has a couple different senses of course there is the physical meaning like to carry like carry meaning like take an object out of the frame in this case I'd like to carry something out means to remove something from its place yes but this sense of carry out is to do or to execute to carry something out in terms of like a concept or a policy and agreement so you'll see carryout used in in business situations or maybe school University policy situations it might be in contracts in agreements in news articles about company activities such a caring out means to do or to execute to execute here may be another good vocabulary word to execute does not mean kill in this case to execute is a formal word which means like to to do something or to put into practice are another way to say that might be to do the thing that was planned usually for policies or agreements so to execute or to carry out to carry out so carry out does have a couple of different meanings I wanted to talk about this one to do or to execute because it's maybe not quite as easy to understand as physically carrying something out so for example we successfully carried out the product launch we successfully carried out the product launch so casually we could say we successfully did the product launch or we successfully launched the product so carried out has this feeling of something a little more professional it's a little bit more businesslike in some cases so this is past tense carry out becomes carried out carried out we carried out the product launch so this is not I mean we remove the product launch it means we did the product launch according to our plan according to our plan okay some questions are coming and Bahadur says this is the first time I've watched the livestream cool agree I think there are lots of use watching for the first time welcome if you're just joining us Andrew hello on the chat sir he says we decided to carry out the plan good yeah exactly exactly Krista says the president needs a diplomat to carry out his foreign policy perfect great example sentence so like a government situation an official situation next one next one uh ge ge sorry on Facebook says the camping was carried out last week ok grammatically correct grammatically correct but the situation camping is kind of a casual activity and we use carry out with a business professional or like like University situation so it feels like there's a little mismatch there so grammatically great but maybe use it in a situation that's a little like more businesslike and then it's good ok let's go on to the next one the next one is look down look down so to look down obviously there is the literal maybe easy to understand the meaning of look down which is to use your eyes and look this direction like to look down at paper or like to look down at my phone there is this meaning of course however to look down on someone or like maybe to look down on something as well means to consider someone as being in a lower social position than you so for example if we imagine like your head you have like a boss employee situation this is maybe easier to see here's the boss in this situation employee so for in this example sentence if I say the boss looks the boss looks down on the employees would mean the boss in this case sees the employees as lower than him or her so hopefully in many situation your boss sees people as equal but in this case to look down to look down on someone means to consider this other person as being lower socially having lower social status so in other words this person thinks they're pretty great and the other people are not so great so we use look down on someone this is another key here so look down on please use the preposition on before your noun phrase here so someone looks down on someone else or another group of people on is the preposition we use so keep that in mind for this use a great point Muhammad on YouTube says look down the solution is under your feet if you want to use the literal like to physically look in a down direction at something we use the preposition at so please look down at your phone look down at something for like a physical object or look down on a person look down on a person so the preposition does change the preposition changes okay I'm going to continue on I'll try to check your chats let's see Andrew Vincent on Facebook says looking down on someone can also mean that they do not approve yeah I kind of can't have that meaning for sure as well all right let's get you new on word let's continue to this one just because I have four groups today instead of three because there's a lot of lot to talk about so I'll just kind of take a break open up open up - open up means to share emotions to share emotions so when we use an example sentence like this like he opened up about his past it means he shared emotions about his past he shared maybe something difficult to share or he shared something that was maybe difficult in the past or like emotionally challenging so to open up to open up yes to open up can mean like for example like a book you know if you have a book your teacher might say like please open up your book so this motion but when you're talking about emotions so in like you know relationship talks or like family talks friendship talks when someone starts to share emotions or share difficult things we use open up to describe that he opened up in this case past-tense about something so you can introduce the topic here in this case his past so the past means things that happened before yeah he opened up about his past or maybe you could say it's really difficult to convince her to open up to open up okay let's go on to the next keep up keep up to keep up means to maintain to maintain this is a very general meaning of keep up so maybe you've heard from teachers or coaches or maybe I've said it on this channel like keep it up keep it up so that means maintain like continue in other words keep up something keep up something you might hear it in a situation like I can't I can't keep up with this pace so pace means like speed especially in like a race or maybe in your office if everything happens very very quickly you can talk about the speed of something the speed of your work with pace I can't keep up with this pace means I can't maintain this pace in other words another way to say it is this is too fast for me I can't keep up with this pace so another point here please use keep up I can't have my marker keep up with keep up with noun phrase I can't keep up with you so if you're like running a race and the other person is faster than you you might say ah slow down I can't keep up with you I can't keep up with your pace so can't keep up with something to keep up with something keep up with the news is another thing too alright onward I don't see questions so I'll do one more and then we'll take a short break last for now is reach out reach out to reach out so yes reach out to reach for something means like to try to take something to try to grab something that is far away like you're reaching this motion is reaching and we can describe this as reaching out to like Elisha reached out with her hand yeah that's fine but to reach out as you might see in business emails means to start communication with someone so you might see a sentence like this I've received I receive emails like this it says I'm reaching out I'm reaching out to ask if you would like to attend our event so this is a formal invitation sentence so in other words I am communicating with you or I'm starting communication with you to ask if you want to come to our event but this is a formal way to say that to reach out to someone means you start contacting them you start communicating with them so you might receive this in a business email and I've used the progressive or the continuous form here this is also very common I am reaching out means with this email I am starting communication with you so you might see this you then progress over continuous form quite a lot alrighty cool let's take a break there oh my gosh were already 20 minutes in okay we'll take a very short break and then we'll go back to all of the other stuff I have planned for us someone says can you explain again this is being recorded hurry so you can watch this after the time that is happening so please watch it again later let's move to a very brief break and then I'll continue if you haven't checked it out whew if you haven't check these out yet there are free PDFs vocabulary and expression PDFs for a wide variety for many different types of subjects you can find all of these from the link below the video if you are watching on YouTube or above the video if you are watching on Facebook you are watching on Instagram please check a YouTube or Facebook to get these there are a bunch of different topics if you like food eating ouch like me you can this one up this is the dining one if you like let's see if you do a lot of travel maybe visiting a hotel you can find this one their expressions for that there's a PDF for talking about your hobbies your leisure activities too so have a look at all of these these are all free you can pick up all of these for free from the link below the video or love the video depending on where you're watching so like print them out put them on your refrigerator whatever or keep them on your phone too so you can study refresh your mind on some useful vocabulary so have a look at these they are on our website at English class 101 stop come so let's go to the lesson let's go back to the lesson because I have so many things I still need to share with you oh my gosh okay if you're just joining today's topic is 28 more common phrasal verbs common phrasal verbs so onward if you have not please do make sure to like hit the thumbs up like and share this video so other learners can find today's lesson alrighty then let's continue next one is cut off cut off - cut off - cut off something means to stop providing something so yes we can use cut off like with hair like to cut off a lot of hair means like physically to cut something off but here to stop providing something is like to this motion like you stop something that was continuing we use cut off a lot with money so you'll hear it a lot in government and business conversations for example the company cut off our advertising budget the company cut off our advertising budget that means the company stopped giving us money for advertising but cut off is a little less direct so we might use cut off with budget instead of directly saying like they don't give us money anymore it sounds a little bit more I guess professional so to cut off to cut off and past tense as well cut remains cut so you have to understand based on texts okay Eric asks cut-off point is it correct well correct yes I mean in that cutoff point is a phrase yes a cut-off point means the point at which something stops okay on to this one take back take back to take something back again this has multiple meanings more than one meaning to take back like a product means to return a product to a store yes but this sense means to take something previously offered or given so for example if I give you this marker I don't have anyone to give it to but if I give you this and I decide later no that was wrong I'm gonna take it back so I gave it to you before but I've decided I'm going to take it back so I we used take back to talk about that for an object yes but we also use it when we reflect on our past words our past comments so if I say something negative about my colleague which I would not do my colleagues feel lovely if I say something bad about my colleague or someone that I know and I think oh I should not have said that I take it back that means I want to take my words back so in other words that comment is no longer true for me in a sentence we would say she took back all the negative things she said about the company she took back all the negative things she said about the company so that means like she reflected and she decided no that's not true anymore I don't want that to be like my opinion I don't want everyone to think that's my opinion alrighty onward time is running out as always I talk too much I fear too much oh my gosh okay let's go to the next one the next one is payoff to pay off to pay off something this is another expression useful for money talks to pay off something means to pay all debt so if you have a credit card or a student loan for example you can use you can use off to talk about the process of paying the process of giving money back for your credit card or for your loan so we use pay off to talk about the end point for our debt so for example I finally paid off my credit card I finally paid off my credit card means I finally at last I finally paid all the money I owed for my credit card so at last I'm finished paying it or you could say I finally paid off my student loans that means it's finished it's done so past-tense paid off paid off Giovanni on YouTube one of our members hello says take back what you said about Tom good example nice example dramatic okay let's go to the next one which is call out to call out call out again a couple different meanings we can use call out like to mean to like call loudly to get someone's attention like hey to call out for someone here though call out is used to mean to mention bad behavior so for example we called him out for his rude comments you'll notice call and out we can split this phrase over we have the person we are pointing out in the middle of this phrase over we called him out for his rude comments that means we pointed out he made rude comments and we we told other people about it so to call someone out means to mention their bad behavior like to make their bad behavior public we don't really use call out for positive things like hey like let's call her out for her great achievements we don't use it in this way we use call someone out to refer to a negative thing negative behavior a nightmare and YouTube says payoff can also mean to bribe yes that is correct that is correct I chose not to include that here because space and time okay let's go on to this one turn down my gosh 10 okay turn down means to refuse to turn down something means to refuse so we use this a lot for offers for opportunities professional opportunities school opportunities whatever for example she turned down the job offer she turned down the job offer means she refused the job offer or in this case decline is also okay so decline refused turned down these all mean say no to to say no to something so you can turn down a date you can turn down a drink you can turn down a coffee whatever you can say turn down to mean say no to something to take to say no to something is to turn down all-righty time no time so run out to run out as in to run out of time so to run out means to no longer have enough of something to no longer have enough of something in my case I always run out of time on live streams because I talk too much so to run out of something means you have a lot of something and overtime with time like you give those things to other people and after a while suddenly you have no more so we describe that moment as running out of something so in this case I just ran out of PDFs I have no more so to no longer have enough of something means at one point you had enough but now you do not have enough so to run out of something refers to that point where you don't have enough of something anymore I always run out of time in live streams or we ran out of drinks hours before the party ended so again we had enough at the start and now we don't ok um on to next one cuz again next one is bring a pouch you might see bring about in the news a lot I wanted to include this here because it is kind of a strange expression that's not so easy to understand immediately to bring about means to cause to cause some in my example sentence we hope to bring about positive changes in our community we hope to bring about positive changes in our community means we hope to cause positive changes so this one yes it is commonly used but you hear it more in like I feel like in speeches and maybe in like plans about the future or you might hear it in like history discussions too like this change brought about such and such in the community so to bring about means to to cause something to cause something okie-dokie I don't see any questions so I'm going to continue on I am going to try to finish in five minutes very sorry okay step back step back is the next one to step back yes does mean physically to take a step in a backwards direction yes we do have this but we also have this idea for concept so we can think of stepping back conceptually so stepping back in in like a plan or stepping back in a process for example let's step back and think about this carefully this is something you might hear in a meeting so if you hear the sentence or if you see the sentence because someone says let's step back and think about this carefully do not take a step back like this is not a literal expression it means let's in our minds stop at this point thinking about the plan and go back one step so what was the previous step or what was the last thing the previous thing we thought about so in other words take a moment go back in your mind in your thought process in your thinking and think about this so this one please be careful there's in terms of concepts in terms of your thinking and physical alright let's go to this one get through to get through to get through thoughts to get through something means to endure to endure like a challenge or a struggle so this we use this phrasal verb talk about situations where there's something difficult we have to do usually for a long time so it's like I'm I have a long paper I have to write I have an essay or a really long meeting or I have to study for a test for a long time we use get through to talk about the process of doing that and finishing successfully so this is what the verb in door means to endure for example our team successfully got through a busy summer our team successfully got through a busy summer so that means the summer was very very busy and then we finished it successfully we were able to endure that we use get through past tense got through got through on YouTube the question can we use a sentence like I'm running out of money is it correct yes absolutely I'm running out of money good good good step back and roll back is it the same in this context Raphael no they are not the same step back and roll back perhaps there are some situations where you could use it in a similar manner but no and I don't have time to talk about all of them let's continue I'm already late so go to the last ones very quickly I'll try to keep checking your questions come off so to come off can mean to become detached like a button on your sweater like oh no a button came off my sweater a button came a button became detached so we can use it in this way something becomes detached but you also very commonly hear this used to mean to appear especially for people's personalities for example he comes off as really cold he comes off as really cold so another preposition for another point here he comes off as really cold he comes off as really cold so we use this usually before an adjective describing someone's personality or describing a situation why oh says what's okie dokie okie dokie means okay it's a very casual and kind of interesting way to say okay but I use its it's not a cool expression you should say that okie-dokie is not cool I'm not good okay on to the last two whoo sorry come through to come through means to do something as promised despite challenges so we use this when we're talking about things we do with our teammates our team members for example I was behind schedule behind schedule means I was trying to do something I had a schedule but I was late I was late on my schedule I was behind schedule but my colleague my co-worker my colleague came through for me with a complete presentation so come through for someone to come through for me my colleague came through for me means my colleague really really helped me with something that we had planned even though I was struggling so in this case my colleague made a presentation for me I was late I was struggling my colleague did this thing for me we describe that situation with come through my colleague came through for me so please use for as well all right last one I'm so late settle down settle down I chose this for the last one on purpose to settle down means to become calm to become calm for example it's late let's settle down let's settle down you can use this with kids people also use this to talk about a point in their life where they decide to maybe like get married or start a family or maybe buy a house they're kind of their life becomes calm to settle down to settle down whoo all right a couple questions very quickly what is the schedule for the class every week 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time New York City time 11:00 a.m. Japan Standard Time Thursday set a notification on the event page if you want to get notified when we begin also someone else asks another thing on YouTube chat but I lost it I have to stop there because I'm very late I'm sorry but I hope this was helpful for you next week I am going to talk about oh is that what it shows how to use passive voice lots of you asked about passive voice when should I use passive voice when should I use active voice so I'm going to talk about this very common grammar point when to use and some examples in next week's lesson so join us live 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time again to talk about passive and active voice next week that will be January 30th Wow this year is going so quick already so join us then thank you very much for all of your questions and for all of your feedback and thank you so much for liking and sharing the video too we really really appreciate it so many people watching that's super super cool so join us again next week and please don't forget to download all of your free stuff if you have not already from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook enjoy the rest of your week enjoy your weekend and I will see you again next time
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 61,688
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Keywords: englishclass101.com, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, basic phrases, basic english phrases, phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs in english, english phrasal verbs
Id: cAkPM25h_A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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