2 Timothy 3:1 to 9

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all right welcome back I'm Robert breaker and we're continuing our verse-by-verse Bible study through the epistles of Paul in order of when they were written last time we finished up second Timothy chapter 2 and boy took a while to get through that chapter but boy there's a lot of stuff in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 was one study all by itself and in verse 16 we did one study all by itself and so it took us a while to get through chapter two but today we're going to start in chapter 3 of second Timothy we're getting close we've got chapter three and in chapter four and we'll have finished the epistles of Paul except for Hebrews and we will continue our verse by verse Bible study with Hebrews and I've done that on purpose many people believe that Hebrews was written before and I think it was but I'm going to tie that all in together when we get to chapter four so we're going to start today on 2nd Timothy chapter 3 I like to call this chapter Paul's prophecy of the last days a lot of people I've known people before that say well Paul never gave any prophecy and I'm like what let me do what let me write this up here and we're going to do today is I'm going to talk about this the last days and Paul is telling us here about what is going to happen in the last day so I've heard people say you know Paul never wrote prophecy he just he just uh he just wrote some things that God told him to write and they say that after Paul there's no prophecy in the Bible I have a hard time following that because we have after Paul there was a guy named John and John wrote the book of Revelation in the book of Revelation has a lot of prophecy of the last times in it now after John the last one the close of the New Testament was closed I don't think we have any more prophecy then I think we have everything we need in the Bible and we go to the Scriptures for that but Paul yes I believe Paul has written us some write this up here arm again and I believe Paul has written some prophecies so I call this passage here of second current second Timothy chapter 3 Paul's prophecy now you remember from our study if you've been watching and going with us verse by verse God gave Paul some mysteries so there are some mysteries that God revealed to Paul at least seven of them seven mysteries God gave Paul some revelations so God revealed some things to the Apostle Paul I also believe that God gave Paul some prophecies and this is one of the things that God gave to the Apostle Paul it starts out there in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 1 this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come and then he goes on and tells you exactly what men will be like in the last days where super men shall be and he gives a list of what man will be like in the last days now that's not prophecy I don't know what it is he's telling you I'm prophesying God's telling me the promise I tell you that in the last days men are going to be like this and it gives you a list now we know that in the last days there's a time of apostasy but what Paul is talking about here we said in these last days this is going to happen I'm going to include all the way out here to Armageddon I'm going to include this from the the apostasy of the church before the rapture all the way out to Armageddon when Jesus sets up his money on Kingdom I'm going to call this the last days and I'm going to show you this list of what Paul says men will be like in the last days and we see men acting like that from starting now you know before the rapture how men are like today although out to the end of the tribulation this is how men are and it's horrible it's horrible sure men have been evil and wicked throughout history but I think in these last days men are going to be worse than any other time in history in the way that they treat others the way they act and the things that they do because men will be so depraved in the tribulation period they'll literally be eating one another and murdering one another and they have no concern or love for anyone it's just going to be a whole horrible depraved time and we're starting to see that depravity right now before the rapture but it's going to get even worse in the tribulation period so we're going to look at these last days and before I start reading here what Paul says I thought what I would do for fun is first give you the words of Jesus what Jesus says will happen in the last days then I'm going to give you the words of Peter what Peter says will happen in the last days then I'm going to go to John and tell you what John said is going to happen in the last days then we're going to go look at Paul because Jesus Peter John poem all tell us you know in the last times in the last days in this time period the end of the church age and the tribulation this is what the world is going to be like and what they say that the world is like is scary now when I read these I'm going to read these passages to you what they say the world is going to be like during this time period you tell me I still get emails from people that say oh there's 20 years left before Jesus calms all we're not in the last days there's a hundred years before the rapture and I go do you not see do you not see I still get people to say I don't think and I think do you not see that we are in the last days we are already in this time of apostasy and we're already seeing things happen that Jesus said that Peter said that Paul said and Johnson so I'm going to start with Jesus then we'll come back to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 but they asked Jesus let's go to Matthew chapter 24 and they asked Jesus what will things be like before you come back now Jesus wasn't talking about the rapture he was talking to the Jews so when they were asking and what things going to be like that Armageddon is when Jesus comes back for the Jews but we can also because these are so close together you know the Tribulation is only three to seven years long so there are seven years from here to the rapture and what 10 20 30 50 years here I mean this is a very close time period compared to the rest of the history of the mind so when Jesus is answering what's going to happen he's really talking about the tribulation but because it's only seven years we are already starting to see the things are beginning to like this so we're seeing the beginning of how bad things are going to get in the tribulation we're starting to see it now so let's go to Matthew chapter 24 and verse 3 I'm going to read from verse 3 down to verse 12 Matthew chapter 24 starting in verse 3 all the way to verse 12 verse 3 and as he set upon the Mount of Olives who's this Jesus the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what should be the sign of thy coming and at the end of the world so basically they said Jesus what's going to happen in the end of the world what's going to happen in the last days what's it going to be like right before your coming well we are right before the coming of Jesus now remember they have the first coming of Jesus and the second coming we call it the first Advent and the second Advent the first Advent are the first coming of Jesus was when he was born so we have the birth of Christ and then Jesus was buried rose again the third day and when he rose again he went up to heaven and then he came back down for forty days so there's two parts to the first coming of Jesus Christ the first part was when he was born and the second part was he came back down before he went up and we call that first coming of Jesus the first Advent all right so the first Advent has two parts I'm so I wrote one there again this would be two so the two parts of the first Advent was Jesus coming to be born then after he rose from the dead he went up to heaven and it came back stay down here for forty days and then the Bible says that in Acts chapter one he rose back up in the clouds up into heaven so the first Advent or the first coming of Jesus has two parts well the second Advent the second advent of Jesus has two parts part number one is the rapture that the second Advent Jesus comes at the rapture and takes out the church and then if the second part of the second Advent is Armageddon so each time that Jesus comes it comes in two parts or two stages so the first Advent there's two parts the second Advent is two parts so that's why a lot of people say that Matthew 24 or includes the rapture I don't think it does I think Matthew chapter 24 he's talking to Jews and the rapture hadn't been revealed yet because we know that Paul said it's a mystery that God revealed to him the mystery of the rapture so I think that literally in Matthew 24 Jesus is speaking about the things that are going to take place in the tribulation but what's interesting some of the things he says we can say are really taking place just right before the tribulation because we're starting to see those things take plane out take place down I believe we're year or two or three from the rapture at the most so we're going to start seeing these things that Jesus is talking about in Matthew 24 right now right before the tribulation so I hope you get that so Matthew chapter 24 verse 3 they asked him what show these things be what should be the sign of that coming at the end of the world well when Jesus comes again in second Advent there's seven years between the two comings so what we're going to see as we look at what the prophecy is of how things will be in the last days the things gradually changed into this so we can see the gradual change even before the rapture we can see these things starting to take place I hope you see what I'm saying so here at verse 4 and jesus answered and said unto him take heed that no man deceive you alright so before Jesus comes there's going to be a great what deception a great deception in the world there'll be people lying left and right trying to deceive you turn on CNN or Fox News or MSP MSNBC and all you see is what they call nowadays fake news it's made up lies all to put forth a false agenda in the hope that you'll believe what they're saying and it's not true its deception we're already seeing that deception today it's really sad but it says here take heed that no man deceive you first side for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many there will be many people in the last days that try to say well I am Jesus I just got off the phone here a couple days ago and I talked to Jesus Christ on phone yes yes I did a guy called me up and said hi I am the Christ I am the Sion Jesus I just want to tell you this that and I'm thinking I said honey I'm talking to Jesus right now he just called me a bottle blue and the guy said well that's all I want to say bye he hung up there's a bunch of weirdos in the world today bunch of wackos bunch of crazies and so I literally spoke to Jesus Christ on the phone now wasn't the true Jesus it was a crazy guy and that the Bible says for many will come in my name saying I am Christ we're already starting to see this I'm seeing it firsthand people are calling me up on the phone and saying that there Jesus saw that they're the Christ verse 6 and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars well we're seeing that today North Korea wants to explode and blow up America Russia wants a war with America that all these countries want this fight Iran and we're hearing about all these and it doesn't take a genius to look at the world and the state of the world today and say wow we are very close to World War 3 the world is just about to go to war this is exactly how they felt before World War 2 started before my grandmother died my grandmother told me she said I see what's going to the world in the world today she goes less than five years there's going to be another war well she died a year and a half ago so she said because I feel it I feel what I felt when I was a kid when World War two come okay the world is the same way and she just something that you can't really put your finger on but you just it's a feeling but also it's you're seeing every day the news it's just how bad it is they're like yep yep the world's going to go to war soon it's sad but it's coming and there's wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet verse 7 for nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places now if you're following the news there have been so many earthquakes in the last couple of years it's insane but Jesus is talking about what will take place in the tribulation so all the earthquakes that are taking place today must be nothing compared to what it will be like in the tribulation there must be a lot more but we're already starting to see a lot of earthquakes 8 and all these are the beginning of Sorrows verse 9 then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you should be hated of all nations for my name's sake we're seeing that today many peoples that claim to be followers of Jesus are being killed beheaded by Isis and other evil organizations the United Nations has come out and had to admit that that the worst persecution in the world is toward Christians today now since here verse 10 and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another look at that many shall be offended I look at what's happening in America today and all I hear from these snowflakes from these crazy crazy people is political correctness oh you got to talk right you've got to speak the way we say so you don't offend us the Bible says many shall be offended that looking around yet that's the day we live in today people walk around with a chip on their shoulder just waiting for you to say something they don't want to hear so they can get offended say ah you big you know baby you're sexist you're aces there are a lot they just can't wait to be offended that's somebody who's mentally unstable and unbalanced by the way but that's the world we live in its people that just get offended over the smallest things why it's almost like Jesus knew what he was talking about he says and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another yeah yeah that's the world we live in be boring around saying on I don't like you you not like me you're full of hate new this you're it's just it's exactly like Jesus said verse 11 and many false prophets shall rise and deceive many yep now verse 12 and because iniquity shall abound what is an equity sin but we are seeing a day and age in which there's more sin than any other time in history it's disgusting because the Knik wa t shall abound because of so much sin the love of many shall wax cold so we're living in last days at the time of deception and Jesus says the love of many I'll see if I got rid of you shell wax cold now what does that mean wax cold that means there will be way less love in the world today than there's ever been and that's exactly what we're seeing we're seeing very very very little love of human beings toward other human beings today nobody loves anybody anymore they're so full of hate it's sad where's the love well love of many is truly waxed cold I get people call me and emailing all the time and tell me you know what's wrong with the world I mean family doesn't even love each other anymore and people attacking each other and ridiculing and putting people down and there's a sign Oh what is happening brother breaker well prophecy is being fulfilled people don't love each other anymore they're full of hate they're full of this and that the other thing just as Jesus prophesied yeah let's go to 2nd Peter and let's look at what Peter said because in pen 2nd Peter chapter 3 and verse 3 here Peter gives us a prophecy 2nd Peter chapter 3 and verse 3 what does Peter say about the last days st. Peter III says knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts so there were people V people that go around scoffing their scoffers and they're full of their own lusts what does that mean that means they're so full of lusts that all they think about is sex and the flesh and they go around and they think about how they want to do this in the flesh and do that in the flesh and then they make fun of anybody that doesn't like what they're doing kind of like you're transgender people but you can't call me he or she I'm an it and they get upset if you don't accept their ungodly lifestyle which is a lifestyle of lusting after other things and then they mock and ridicule and make fun of you if you claim you're a Christian so truly the Bible is true I mean this is probably one of the greatest things to prove that the Bible is true the fact that the prophecy prophesied and what it would be like in the last days and we are seeing to a key exactly as Jesus Peter John and Paul said that life would be like and the world would be like that's exactly what it's like today exactly we haven't even got started now let's go to John let's go to first John chapter 2 and verse 18 this is where it starts to get scary if what we did was just read this part then we realize you have the world like that yeah it's true but the question is why is the world so bad why is there no love why is there so much less than the world why are there so many scoffers why are there so many just vile wicked evil people that are trying to deceive others well the answer is because they're seducing spirits in the world there's demons that are going around deceiving people and they're called Antichrist and in 1st John chapter 2 verse 18 the Apostle John says little children it is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come we know that the Antichrist the the one the Antichrist will come in the tribulation but he says you know that in the tribulation the Antichrist is coming but look what he says he says even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time so before the Antichrist shows up before that there's going to be many antichrists what is an antichrist someone that is against Jesus Christ and his teachings in the Bible what makes them an antichrist is because they are seducing spirits they are of Devils basically and they're following Devil's and Devils hate Christ so what you will see more and more of in the last days before the rapture is more demonic possession more demons going around deceiving people and possessing people and manifesting through people and that's a scary thought but more and more demonic influence will be in the world because the Antichrist rules and he's Satan the king of all the demonic spirits and he's going to have his kingdom so he's already getting his demons out they're preparing the world for his kingdom so demonic influence will be around the world and we're starting to see that today things like Pokemon I don't know if you know what Pokemon is but it's little game than your little computer or your little phone that you can go around and supposedly you can see these little demonic creatures pokemons stands for Pocket Monsters it ought to stand for demonic entities but it call them Pocket Monsters and you can supposedly go play this game and look and both of you can see where these little monsters are all over the world I think personally they're probably demons so you're running around chasing demons and that's the last days that's many antichrists are all over now what does polls say let's go to poll and let's go to first Timothy 4 this is one other place for sending or 1 through 2 and then we're going to go back to the second 10,000,000 3 and read some more but in first Timothy chapter 4 verses 1 and 2 Paul says now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times ok last days some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron so there will be evil seducing spirits and those spirits will go around lying but they will also see or your conscience in other words they will get you to sin so much and do so much evil and so much wickedness that you won't even feel bad when you do wrong in these last 30 40 50 years there have been the most egregious vile filthy wicked most reprobate crimes that have ever happened in humanity of people that are committing such heinous acts that they do most horrible things you can imagine and they don't even feel bad about it people that go out and and murder people and then eat their bodies eat their flesh people that go out and molest dead bodies and do just the most horrible unspeakable acts and they're captured by the police and they're put in jail and put on trial and they just sit there with a smile on their face but they don't feel bad about it their conscience is seared and the judges are like what thinking what no I enjoyed that's someone that has a seducing spirit that one if someone has a demon inside of them that is making them do wrong and they've gone so far down the wrong path that they don't even feel bad anymore and that's the last day that's the time in which we live and their conscience is seared with a hot iron so here we have Jesus Peter John and Paul telling us about what life's going to be like in the last days and Bo I tell you everything they say sounds exactly like the day and age in which we live pointing to the fact that we must be in the last days so now we go back to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and what we have here in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 all the way down to verse 7 or 8 we have a list from the Apostle Paul of what the world will be like before the rapture and when I look at this list and I read this thing over and over and over I see the modern day liberal the modern a progressive the modern day Democrat of modern day homosexual and a modern a sickness I clearly see the agenda of the Democratic Progressive Socialist Communists left I cannot help but see that's exactly who they are now the United States of America was founded way back in about 1776 or so and then they had to fight a war to get their freedom and after time of being set up as a nation they they eventually were to parties that did incur Democrats only the Democrats scuse me demon growling demon seducing spirits or demons demon drats those are good name form demon grabs and the publican so excuse me Republicans in publican is a sinner the Republicans I guess that means are really bad sinners so you have two huge political parties within the United States of America and people say which one are you a demon crack or a publican are you the center are you the one that's demon-possessed are you a Democrat or a Republican and people don't even understand that those terms mean nothing nowadays there's really no difference between us Kratts and Republican they're really the same thing they just are different in name only but the Democratic Party when it started it was the party of the slave owners and supposedly it was the party of the Christians when the Democratic Party supposedly was the party that wanted freedom for people to do their own thing in the government to get out of their lives the Republican was the party that wanted a strong central government that controlled people those parties over time completely switched I mean they completely swap sides many people don't realize that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican today if you're a American and usually if you're a black person the Democratic Party tells you oh you need to be a Democrat if you're black because all the Democrats care about black people all right is that true let me look at history the slave owners for the Democrats and the Democrats that Republicans are evil the Republicans are the slave owners it was Abraham Lincoln a Republican that wrote the Emancipation Proclamation so people today they don't study they don't understand they don't look at politics because if they did how could you be a black person and be a Democrat knowing that the Democrat was the party of the slaveholders it doesn't make much sense so people don't study but if you do study the Democratic Party the Democratic Party today is a party that has been taken over by leftists by communists and even by I guess we could call them progressive liberal Satanists several years ago in a democratic party this is 2017 and I do this video I remember watching the Democratic National Convention on TV and I remember watching the Democratic National Convention vote on the floor to take out the name of God from any future dealings in the Democratic National Convention so the Democratic National Convention says we do not want God mentioned in anything we do ever again now how a person could be a Christian and claim to be a Democrat I don't know when the Democrats do not want God or the they have literally voted God out of their party entirely it's weird but that's not all the Democratic Party in the party that communist socialist progressives homosexuals and Satanists flock to and why would I say that well because if you begin to study each one of those you find out that each one of those are against God in the Bible so basically it could be argued not that I'm saying this but it could be Arden that if you hate God in the Bible then you are a Democrat because that's the party that you want to be in because that's the party that doesn't like God in the Bible and they openly kick God out and you start to look at politics and ask people what are you a Democrat or Republican and they are Satanist or they are homosexuals or they are liberals or progressives rather they are socialists on you then the thing they'll say oh I'm a Democrat so most Christians they think well that means I need to get to the opposite extreme I'm a Republican okay what do the Republicans believe in well the Republicans are about the same they might be a little different but the Republican is the war mongering party it seemed like the Republicans are the ones that always start wars and what I did so I'm not a Republican or a Democrat I'm an independent I like to call myself a libertine I'm just believing Liberty I don't want to join a party and become part of a group because then you start fighting among yourself the Bible says a house divided against itself shall not stand and Satan's plan is to get a nation divided to where they fight one another so I don't like either one I'm glad that there are some good people within the Republican Party but at one time the Republican Party was conservative not every Republican is a conservative in fact many Republicans are not conservatives now this guy named trumpet became president he ran on the principles of being a conservative and so he pretty much hijacked the Republican Party and tried to bring back conservative principles to it and that's why you see that so many Republicans are against their own Republican candidate the Donald Trump because they are Republican in name only and it's funny that today they have a saying they called you a RINO RINO stands for Republican in name only and so if you claim to be a Republican but yet you don't do anything that a Republican conservative would do then that's a nickname I just think it's so interesting that when you follow politics and you're a Christian and you look at the Bible it's very clear I can't be a Republican or I can't be a demon crap because I see within both of those parties people that are getting as far away from God in the Bible as they can and what they call the Republican Party today has so many things within it that as a Christian I just can't be a part of I just don't want to be a part of I see things that are just like that's not God in the Bible so party politics is all about division and the Bible says a house divided against itself shall not stand well unfortunately politics has taken and divided America into two different sections sanctions to different parties and now it's evidently inevitably has to fall because it's divided it's not united anymore and it's crazy because you look at the currency and the money says ether we'll share them united we stand the United States of America it's called the United States they should be United what should they be united on the Bible and God when America was founded it was founded on God the founding documents of the United States of America say we hold these truths to be self-evident all men are created equal created what does that mean creation God the Creator and endowed with them in a lineal rights and that the Creator the God of creation they invoked God even to this day 2017 even though America has turned as a whole against God the money in the United States of America says In God We Trust so the uniting factor of the United States of America the thing that United God that the whole country was God and the mine all the founding fathers every one of them they might not have called themselves a believer in Christ or a Christian but they all said I am at least a deist if it's iest obvious forget which way everything e is t a deist is someone who believes in God the founding fathers believed that there is God and that the Bible is God's book and they all agreed that the way to have a government is to have morals and they said without a moral people you can never have a foundation of a good government morality or morals morality you have to live a moral life what has happened in the United States of America is they've kicked out God and they've kicked out the Bible and by so doing they got rid of morals and what we are seeing today is the rise of M morality and what we're seeing today in America is people priding themselves on how sinful they are and the more sinful wicked vile and ungodly you are the more the government praises you and helps you and says you're a great person that's the exact opposite of the way things used to be when the country was founded the more moral the more honest the person was the more that person was praised and exalted as a good person now it's the more immoral you are the more you fornicate the more your adultery the more you commit abortion and kill your babies the more you attack Christians and lie and steal and cheat the more they look at you Utley and Wow that guy's really awesome look how great a person he is because of all that stuff that he or she has done so that is the problem with the world today now with that stated let's go to first Timothy chapter 3 you see if you don't have a moral society the society will fall apart and it will end up like that old famous book the Lord of the Flies where people are just going around killing each other and eating each other and murdering each other Society Falls when there's no morals God in the Bible preach morality so when you look to God and you look to the Bible and you become a moral person then you won't have perilous times but when you kick out God in the Bible that's when life becomes perilous that's one cuz it's dangerous to live because that's when you're living around dangerous people that don't care about you whose consciences are seared with a hot iron who are filled with demons and are going around and just living however they want and doing whatever they want that kind of person will not respect you or your property and so now you're stuck living in a society full of evil wicked people that are just looking at you thinking how can I get some from him how can I steal from how can I do sin how can I put him down so that's why Paul says in 2nd Timothy 3:1 this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come perilous times what is perilous perilous is dangerous we are living in dangerous dangerous days you go out of your house you go to the store you're thinking man everything's fine you could get killed before you get home there's suicide bombers blowing themselves up there's people with guns shooting people there's people all over that are doing evil those gang members all over America to go around and part of being their gang is is cutting off someone's finger I mean you take it for granted a lot of times that you go to town and come back and nothing happens but you ought to thank God every time you leave the house and you get back safely that you're ok because times are getting worse and worse and before the rapture comes they will continue to get worse and worse and worse why well Paul tells us wine 2nd come in chapter 3 verse 1 this also that a last day perilous times shall come why will there be perilous times why will life be dangerous in the last days Paul says for this reason for men shall be lovers of their own selves now I'm going to read this whole passage here in a minute but I want to say that this chapter chapter three shows us the heart the mind and the methods of the modern-day liberal progressive socialist communist democratization Satanist homosexual it shows you not only what they are but how they operate you see we live in a day and age where evil people have looked it around and they said you know what we can be evil and we can do more evil by joining ourselves to politics and we can take over politics and then we can force our evil on other people and that's the world we live in in which very dangerous evil wicked people want to force you to be like them and what that does is that forces out Christians Christians have no place in a society like that because Christians say I want to do evil I don't want to do wrong but when the world becomes so violent so wicked you become an affront to them you're a reproach to them you're a thorn in their flesh they see you as a as a righteous person I don't like that guy because he's not like me and he makes me feel bad just looking at them because he doesn't do what I do and it will always end up in which the vile wicked filthy reprobate will say the only way I can tolerate this is if you're dead and it will always lead to the most vile and most wicked killing and murdering the innocent and history proves that you go back to the old Roman Empire Paul's going around he's pretending starting a great Ministry of preaching the gospel people are getting saved what did the Roman Romans do they said these Christians are horrible put them in the Colosseum burn them at the stake feed them to the Lions kill them because we can't put up with this what did the Christians do were they out trying to start riots in the street will they try to overthrow the government no they were living holy righteous lives and just trying to keep to themselves and do right and the sinful wicked world said I can't take that I can't take pity one being better than me they wanted everyone to be corrupt so that they didn't feel bad for their sins you see someone that's a sinful wicked person when they see someone that's not as bad of them they want that person to be as bad as them so that then they don't feel bad you see when you see someone doing right and you're doing wrong your conscience begins to prick you and you get into man how to do what that guys doing how to live right because that's what you do so a sinful person will ultimately and always end up as a very mean very vile person who not only just hates others but will always end up attacking others and trying to harm other people that's ultimately what will happen you say oh I don't believe it okay look at people that are mentally insane when a person becomes mentally insane they become mentally unstable and they become harmful not only to themselves but to others so a person that has gone past their conscience has no limits as it cannot control themselves that kind of person is the person that you're afraid of you're scared of and they'll do just whatever and they'll just hurt themselves they'll cut themselves in fact that's one of the things that demons do if a person starts cutting their body and cutting their flesh that's a sign that they have a demon because demons cut them they love to torment the person that they're in and so if a person starts out being like that then eventually they'll want to hurt others so you see why important it is to have a moral Society where people are learned to respect others and treat others kindly because if you don't have that then you will have people become so evil and so sinful that they just want to go out and attack and hurt others and the innocent people will be the ones getting hurt and that's what we're beginning to see in this society we live in today is that the evil persecute the good so these verses here in Chapter three show us what the modern-day vile reprobate evil people are like what do they like they are full of Devils verse chapter 2 verse 26 the verse before chapter 3 if they may recover themselves on the snare of the devil were taken captive by him at his will the devil kicked captive people the more sinful a person is the more a demon has access into entering into their lives and if a person gives into the flesh so much that they get a seducing spirit that kind of person will be demon-possessed what the demons do demons live to torture other people so if you live in a society where people are allowed to become so evil that they get a demon then that kind of a person lives just to delight in hurting other people and that's a horrible and in perilous and dangerous Society another thing we see here in Chapter three is that these people are full of evil verse one through four I'll read here in a minute shows that their heart is just so full of pure evil so we have to watch out for people that are evil verse five said they have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof also in verse verse 13 but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived so they hate God verse 3 it says despisers of those that are good so what we're seeing in this chapter we're seeing what I call today the modern-day progressive liberal Democrat Satanist communist socialist they all have one thing in common they're all full of evil and sin they all hate God and good they all seek to enslave notice verse 6 from this sort of a which creep into houses and lead captives silly women laden with less led away with the verse less laden with sins they creep into houses to lead people captive you see that what they want is they want people to do what they say this attitude of look how great I am and I'm the best that everyone on a bow down to me leads to a person wanting worship and leading to a person becoming a control freak and now they want to push their beliefs on others and then tell people you're no good unless you do what I say that plus people up with pride that's the most dangerous person in the world one that it's bile wicked and loves power and now wants to enslave you to them so that they can mistreat you and treat you like garbage but that's what this kind of crowd does they also seek to deceive verse eight talks about Janice and Jan breaks they were of corrupt minds and they resisted the truth and also in verse 13 they're deceived and being the seed so there are people that have been deceived by what they believe they also are corrupt in their minds and reprobate verse eight says they are reprobate concerning the faith they seek to seduce others and to deceive and they also want to persecute others verse eleven and twelve he talks about you and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution why does a person that just tries to do right why does he suffer persecution because people that do wrong scoff and make fun of people that do right you ever heard someone call you a goody two-shoes people that are sinful and wicked and ungodly and hate God in the Bible and love themselves what do they do they make fun of people that try to live a Christian life and is all your disability in a mock and a ritual and they persecute Christians so let's begin here by reading what is the mind of the modern-day liberal I'm going to call these people what they are Paul gives us in this chapter to mind at the modern-day liberal or the modern-day progressive what is it progressive by the way the term progressive a progressive is someone who doesn't believe in the Constitution and they want to overthrow the Constitution of the United States of America that's the easiest definition of a progressive they hate the Constitution why do they hate the Constitution because the Constitution says we hold these truths to be self-evident tall men are created equal and given by God certain unalienable rights a progressive hates God in the body one one of the biggest progressives in the world that ever existed was this guy that wrote rules for radicals his name was Saul Alinsky Saul Alinsky was a progressive and he wrote the book rules for radicals and in the first page of the book he says I dedicate this book to Lucifer so what was he he's elusive fair he's a Satanist progressives love Satan and hate God so they hate the Liberty that's given us by the Constitution because the Constitution invokes God and says God gives all men the right to do certain things so liberals progressives Satanists communists was the Communists communists is someone who hates God because the Communist says the state is gone so they don't want a true God the Creator they want the government to be their God socialists what's a socialist someone who does not like God in the Bible and they want social they want the world to to follow the words like mob rule early so Satanist homosexuality all the crowd that's pretty much in the modern-day Democratic Party how about that so what does the Bible say about these people who are they and why are they the way they are all right so chapter three verse one there's no also been the last days perilous times shall come alright we're going to be in dangerous days in these last days before the rapture why Paul verse 2 for men should be lovers of their own selves now what does it mean to be a lover of your own self if you are a lover of your own self what are you going to be selfish and here's something that I've heard this years ago when all preachers say I don't think I've ever heard anybody else say this if you take the word flesh sometimes in the English language that H is silent so let's pretend that the H is silent and let's let's change your way let's just do backwards the word flesh what does it come out to s e.l.f itself so self backwards is flesh on flesh backwards itself if the H is silent in that something a person that only thinks about themselves and is selfish was the only thing that's important to them their own flesh and they cared less about anyone or anything it's all about them so a person that is the lover of their own self is a selfish person that doesn't care is there anyone more selfish than a Satanist the Satanist doctrine is do without wilt do whatever your flesh desires that's the creative Satanism itself is it's pure unabashed selfishness is there anyone more selfish than a communist or socialist or a progressive or a liberal it's all about them doing their own thing he says four men should be lovers of their own selves so they'll be selfish covetous what is covetousness will cover chooses to be lustful or desiring more a person that is covetous is someone that says I want more I want more give me more more more and they're never satisfied with what they have like a selfish person a socialist communist state this progressive liberal or more more boring anymore that's really sad so it covets just selfish person then it says boasters what's a boast or someone that brags someone that goes around bragging about how great they are the Bible says we're not supposed to back brag if we if we do boast if we do brag we should brag on Jesus we should always look to him and say Jesus is so great Jesus is so wonderful Jesus is so good because you saved me maybe salvation gave me a place in heaven it should all be bragging about Jesus it should not be about us but that's the problem Christianity it's all about sacrificing the flesh and putting others before yourself Satanism is put others down and put yourself first to hell with everybody else the love of many whacks hold Satanism is all about me first few necks maybe so Satanists are socialists or communism it's all about don't sacrifice for others don't do what others want just worry about getting what you can for yourself proud well there we go prideful now what does the Bible say about pride you go back to the book of Job the book of Job toward the end of the book is talking about Leviathan and Leviathan is Satan and it says about Satan about Leviathan says he is the king over all the children of pride Satan is the king of all people that are prideful the most prideful people in the world is this ground the homosexuals run around who are homosexuals by the way well majority more liberals communists socialists Satanists for us selfish people the homosexuals have what they call gay is what the next word is pride I am so proud that I engage in sexual lustful practices in the flesh I am proud that I'm a sodomite and I commit sodomy gay was that's a prideful person and they're lumped in with this crowd that are Satanists the Antichrist the Bible calls says he has not the love of a woman so the Antichrist is a homosexual now if you're homosexual that's your business I'm not attacking you I'm not putting you down I'm just saying that someone who is a homosexual brags on themselves and says hey I have gay pride I'm proud of the fact that I'm again okay the Bible says watch out for that what's out for people that are proud and bolsters the diverse the next verse says blasphemer blasphemers what is the blasphemer someone that makes fun of God now I don't go to gay parades and things like that but I've seen some on YouTube it's amazing to me that every time that I see a picture or a little video of a gay parade they're always mocking and making fun of Jesus Christ sometimes they'll dress up like Jesus with a crown of thorns and then have lacrosse and they runner they're blaspheming God now if they want to go do their little homosexual thing that's fine why do they always have to attack God when they do it that doesn't make much sense unless the guy behind all that is probably a seducing spirit you see spirits they're called seducing spirits seducing is what someone does to get you to do a sexual act in the flesh they're seducing you blasphemers now look what it says you're disobedient to parents oh that's where it all starts the Bible says that one of the Ten Commandments this with promise is the commandment to obey your parents that your days may be long upon earth if you obey your parents God promises in the Bible that you'll live a longer life then if you disobeyed your parents but yet today what do they tell people all your parents are a bunch of footage of you they don't know what to talk about just do whatever you want it's your life have to Adele will does the whole wall have a good time you don't listen to your parents no it just seems like everything these crowd pushes today is against God in the Bible this will be gets to parents unthankful what does it mean to be unthankful be ungrateful to not thank somebody when I was a kid I was always taught when someone does you a favor it does something for you to always say thank you and to show that you're grateful because an ungrateful person is somebody that's scorned and looked down upon in society because that's bad today no we're taught from early age don't ever say thank you be ungrateful the end thing then it says unholy what does that mean it means dirty holy means clean cleanliness separated so to be unholy as to not be clean now verse 3 without natural affection well here we go we have the gay movement today what is the gay movement it's men lusting after men women lusting after women that's called inordinate affection that's what the Bible calls here an unnatural affection it's not natural according to God and the Bible in nature for men to want to do something with a man and vice versa with the woman that's unnatural it's against God in the Bible because God said a man and a woman are to come together be one flesh not any other way it says their truth breakers what is a truth breaker someone that breaks their promises someone that breaks a promise you see when I was raised up I was taught a man is only as good as his word if you gave somebody your word that you would do something and you broke that promise you would look at the worst person in the world as a dishonorable horrible person but nowadays people make a promise and then they break it and they don't care trucebreakers that's horrible when you make a promise the old days if you shook hands with a guy you made an agreement that was binding that was more binding than a contract and you signed your name to you shook his hand that makes deal done I don't do that today if I go somewhere I'll buy something I say man thank you and shake their hands appreciate that I still do that it's that's that's hey we shook hands on it that's our agreement that we did this deal false accusers now notice what it says they're false accuser that's a liar that's someone that accuses you of something that you have not done that's what you call what is the term that the psychologists use transference transference most of the time when somebody's evil wicked filthy reprobate ungodly and they see you and you're doing wrong it pricks their conscience they don't like to see someone that's not as bad as them so they'll always accuse you of most of the time the very thing that they themselves are guilty off that's a psychological thing so there's a lot of people that are false accusers incontinent incontinent means without self-control one thing I was always taught as a kid is control yourself know how to control yourself don't do anything don't let your body get to a state where you're not in control anymore but what happens today we live in a world where they push drugs on people they tell people hey man you want to smoke this you want to three-base this young and check this take care of when taking this take that and what happens when you take drugs you're out of your mind and you're not in control of your body drugs also are a gateway into allowing demons to come inside because drugs relax you to where you're not in control and something else can get inside of you watch out watch out fierce what is fierce it's angry what is this crowd the Socialists crowd are the ones that walk through the streets and do all the rioting and they call it overages protesting but why do their protests always end and throwing garbage everywhere and breaking glass and and burning things because they're angry they're angry fierce evil people look at this despisers of those that are good verse 3 they hate one that tries to live a holy righteous life they despise it verse four traitor so boy there's a good word what is a traitor a traitor is someone that acts a dozen act of treason there are laws in the land and when a person breaks those laws they are becoming a traitor you know what these people are right here progressives they hate the Constitution and have been working they've been working for in a hundred years to overthrow the Constitution that is treason that is a traitor to the country into the law and the founding documents of America yet they just keep doing what they're doing and nobody says a word that's a shame Hedy what does heady mean it means reckless you're a bit about a person that's just utterly reckless you don't know what they're going to do it's scary to be around a person like that because you know what they're going to do I used to have friends we were kids and we'd go around and you know they were they were kind of dumb and sometimes they did punch you for no reason just hey man when you do that you know they were reckless and they've got went on the older they got the more reckless they become they come over and these Ferno rings they punch you in the bullet that I'm filing something I don't want friends like that I want to be around friends that I can trust and not just out of the blue for no reason thing they hurt me and they're reckless they do stupid things hi mind it what does it mean to be high-minded it means hey they think that they are smarter than everybody else it says in verse four lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God what does that mean that means they're lewd loose people that don't care about God all they care about is feeling good so what do they do they fornicate they adulterer anything they do sinful acts and they end up living only for the pleasure and that usually takes them down the path to becoming homosexuals and drug addicts because they totally drug make me feel good and they become people that have no control and now their detriment to themselves and to others when you get a person hooked on drugs and they become an they're not under control and there's no telling what they might do to themselves or to you such a person might be on drugs and kill somebody and then they'll argue well I was over my mind I didn't do what I was doing well you should have gotten on drugs now that person is dead that's your fault so stay away from drugs they away from those kind of things now verse five having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away so the Bible tells me this group of people this class of folks I'm supposed to turn away from them I'm supposed to get away from them because not only are they hurting themselves they can hurt me but how do I get away and turn away from such people and they're taking over the government then I have a problem now they're forcing down my throat their ideas that are against God in the Bible then I have a big problem and what they want to do well they ultimately want me to be their slave they want to enslave me to their system what we're seeing in the world today is the rise of the New World Order the Antichrist system in which the new world order is rising up through the United Nations and the goal of the United Nations of the new world order is that all people will be slaves to the Antichrist system and they will all take a chip or all take the mark of the beast and the devil wants all men on this earth to have his mark proving that they are his legs and who are these people that are bringing in the Antichrist system the right here yep it's kind of sad it's kind of sad this sort verse six are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts this sort of people want to take captive or enslave others this sort of people also always will resist the truth where they may also resist the truth who is this sort well that sounds like your modern-day liberals the Liberals want to come into your house and take what's yours socialist communist they say you don't deserve what you have we take it and then distribute it to other people no no if it's mine it's mine you have no right to touch with mine but basically nope you know I'm right don't anything we just have to it's just it's ridiculous God is a capitalist by the way God doesn't want someone to steal from someone to give to somebody else jesus said you're supposed to work for what you have if you don't work neither should you eat Paul said so verse seven says ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth why why would a person always be learning but never able to come to the truth why would a person like that because such a person is blind they are spiritually blind why would they be blind spiritually well if they don't have a demon if they do have a demon that would explain why they were dying blind but if they don't have a demon they're living such a sinful life in the flesh that the last thing that they would ever care about would be the spirit they read over here in second Corinthians that such people the reason they're lost and the reason they're blind is because the god of this world Satan has blinded their eyes 2nd Corinthians chapter four and verse three so between these four three if our gospel be hid its hid to them that are lost before whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them what these people need is the light of the gospel and that's a good place to stop right there the gospel what is the gospel the gospel is 1st Corinthians 15 one two four four the gospel is not do whatever the heck you want and live whatever kind of life you want the gospel is realize you are a dirty rotten lowdown sorry good-for-nothing center that deserves to burn in hell and now come to Jesus Christ for salvation that's what salvation is all about so ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth verse eight now as Janice and Jan breeze withstood Moses sudo these also resist truth men of corrupt Minds reprobate earning the faith that says it all doesn't it they resist the truth what is the truth the gospel so this crowd is lost this is a lost people and they need Jesus and if they come to power the first thing they will do is attack Jesus and God's people because these people is the people of Satan this is the devil's people and Christians are God's people so it all goes back to the old thing it's all the age-old battle of God versus Satan which side are you on well I'm a publican oh no no it's not about whether you're Republican or Democrat it's whether or not you've trusted the gospel and you're a true Christian that loves God in the Bible and it's following it or if you're a lost person and you join with the devil in his institutions that's what it's about verse 9 says that they shall proceed no father further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was when will their folly all their sins be manifest to all men the Bible says that after Armageddon when Jesus comes back and rules for a thousand years all these people that were here taking the mark of the beast will be cast into hell and after the thousand years of the millennium God will bring them out of hell before the great white throne of judgment every sin they ever did will be shown to God and they will see everything they've ever did and their standing for God and they're judged for every sin they've ever done so their folly should be manifest into all man the Bible says be sure your sin will find you out you're not going to get away with it you might have done so many things in this world and you thought no one ever saw God did be sure your sin will find you out you will give a count of yourself to God someday everything you ever did it's going to come you cannot hide your sin so there it is that's those people and that's why I don't want to be in politics I just want to live right and do right and see people get safe I stay away from the politics I hope they stay away from me I'm just trying to reach people for the spiritual life I want them to go up to heaven and live a life with Jesus not go to the other place and now I'm down there with the devil so are you saying if not why don't you get saved if you are safe please go give the gospel the light of the glorious gospel to other people thank you for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 17,118
Rating: 4.7453799 out of 5
Keywords: King James Bible, 2 Timothy, Pauline Epistles, Verse by Verse Bible Study
Id: bW-gb7AvNNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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