2 Timothy 3:1-9, These Last Days

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turn your Bibles to second Timothy chapter 3 we're gonna read verses 1 through 9 and while you're turning there I'm going to read it let's begin but know this that in the last days perilous times will come men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderous without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying its power and such people turn away for of this sort are those who creep into households and make captains of gullible women loaded down with sins and led away by various lusts verse 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now Jenice and Jan breeze which sounds like a store in the mall Jenice and jamberries Janney's and jamberries resisted moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds disapproved concerning the faith verse 9 and less verse but they will progress no further for their folly will be manifest to all as theirs also was let's pray Lord we thank you for the word and what a heavy subject that we're talking about this morning but lord I thank you that you've given us your word to help us understand the subject more and I pray that those who are here would leave to encouraged and that Lord you would be glorified so use me Lord may it be your voice and that you would bless the Saints this morning and it's in Jesus name and all God's people said a morning so this morning's topic of discussion is on the last days dun dun dun I feel like this topic there's multiple groups of people when they hear those words the last days first you have a group of people that are just like paralyzed with fear it's like ants in a car about this let's talk about something else but in fact not only let's not talk about this I'm gonna bury my head in the sand ignoring endtime Biblical prophecy but then you also have a group of people that have a misunderstanding of biblical endtime events they look at what Hollywood and unreliable authors who appear trustworthy but have completely skewed what the end times what the last days look like and sincerely they only make it worse then you also have a group of people that read the Bible and come to a healthy eschatological position on end times events the study of eschatology is basically the study of the end times which again I'm saying it over and over again so that you can understand what the topic of our sermon this morning is going to be in fact if I were to summarize verses 2 through 9 of 2nd Timothy chapter 3 it would be this anticipate victory but prepare for the battle anticipate victory but prepare for battle because here's the spoiler alert Jesus is coming again as conquering King it's so great we were singing worship songs of a time when every tongue will confess when every eye will see when everyone will be praising the name of Jesus and it was we're singing that I was just so excited and thinking about this because that is the spoiler alert Jesus you're coming back first John 5:4 says for everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world listen to this and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith if you're a Christian you're on the victors side and you should anticipate the victory but Jesus is a second coming has not happened yet Jesus hasn't appeared for the second time as what we would expect the Bible to tell us and because of that right now we need to prepare for the battle today the things written the texts are meant to prepare us not paralyze us it's not to make you feel written with anxiety and it's like I just don't like this subject ladies and gentlemen if hearing the words these are the last days terrify your heart my hope is that you're gonna leave this morning encouraged that you'll have a better understanding of how to think in fact I'm gonna add this one the last thing before we move on there are so many books that you cuz someone always asks what are good books on end time events Ron Rhodes always a great source skip Heitzig wrote a book you can understand the book of Revelation I don't know if you've heard of this Italian theologian Gino geraci if you go to my CSD church he has the entire book of Revelation on there all reliable but I want you to understand that you should leave here encouraged prepared for the battle as we're living in as I believe the last days and we should anticipate victory with the days to come because Jesus is coming back let's begin so much to talk about verse 1 of seconds Timothy chapter 3 it says this Paul says would know this that in the last days perilous times will come have you ever met someone that was just straight to the point who was blunt who just said it as it was these are people that don't dawdle or beat around the bush they they don't play around with platitudes and pleasantries which is something we don't hear often I'm talking about the people that are just straight to-the-point brutally honest no-nonsense kind of people that's Paul right here because if you notice the shift in tones for Paul all of a sudden he's just straight to the point and gives this heavy truth in the last days perilous times are to come by the way last days that term is a technical phrase used in the scriptures oftentimes it spoke in the Old Testament by the prophets you can read about the last days in the Book of Isaiah chapters 1 2 & 3 the book of Hosea the book of Joel and all of these books prophesy of a coming Messiah and the last days that follow and there's two general themes that are inter woven that speak of these last days one is judgment upon the wicked and the second is God's redemption of his people and that's why when we read and hear things like it's the last days it shouldn't freak us out and that's why there are those who believe that when Jesus's birth came into the world we're about to celebrate Christmas we come and celebrate the birth of our Savior that moment started the last days and they only continue even after his resurrection but there's gonna come a day that will mark the final day which is basically Jesus's second appearance when the Bible says in Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 that behold he's coming and he's coming with clouds and every eye will see him by the way when Jesus comes which will mark the end of these last days he's surrounded by clouds in Acts chapter 1 when Jesus basically has risen from the dead and he appears before his disciples he ascends into heaven he's taken up into the clouds as acts 1 9 through 11 tell us but we're told that he's gonna return in like manner well when is he gonna come what how when are we gonna know this day is actually gonna happen we actually don't know the actual date or the time because again we're speaking in God's timeframe not man's mind frame which is why it says in Matthew 24:36 no one knows the day or they are not even the angels in heaven no one knows and you know what guys I think Jesus intentionally did it this way so that we can live in faith as if he's coming tomorrow and when you look at all the people in history who anticipated a rapture in their lifetime I believe I believe they instilled in their heart this attitude of Jesus's coming back which that has not changed he is coming back but they lived in such a way that reflected that you know he could come back tomorrow he can come back today and so this is why I need a lift for him here's a question that you need to ask yourself what do you think would change in your life right now if you lived like Jesus was actually coming back like Sewer than later for me I know that I need to know how to prepare I'm I'm a prepper when I say prepper I'm not like him I knew it he has a bomb shelter I don't when I say prepper I'm the guy that makes plans for my plans and I want to know what to do before it happens we should go to the text to understand how to prepare so back to the text Paul says notice that in the last days perilous times are gonna come our translations say that that these days are marked by terrible times that the NIV says the ESV says they're marked by times of difficulty and of course here in our text I'm reading from the New King James that that the last days are marked by perilous times so terrible difficult perilous times are indicators that Jesus is Second Coming is imminent that it's sooner than later but again these statements that Paul are making they seem in formative as to what we would measure is difficult cuz what might be difficult for me is not difficult for you unless of course Paul has specific examples that will mark these terrible difficult perilous times yes he has over 18 of them so lots to talk about what would to look for in these perilous times let's look at verse 2 what's gonna mark them paul says men will be lovers of themselves they'll be lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful and unholy that's just 8 of them look there's still 10 more and so if I sound like I'm rushing it's because I am because we have so much to discuss so if I'm being brief you'll understand why for the sake of time so let's begin four men will be lovers of themselves thankfully we're not living in a time where were the most vain self-centered people in history don't believe me three words that support my point the selfie stick I just wish I had a product that could take a picture of me maybe if I put it on a stick and then it'll get on me actually you know what when we went to Israel all I was thinking I wish I had a selfie stick because you try to do those pictures where you're like is everyone and so I get it but but the here's my point here's my point we are a self-centered society and I will dare say we're absorbed with self-centeredness and I know that everyone this isn't something like you're sitting here like I'm not self-centered you're being self-centered by saying that you're not self-centered right now everyone is self-centered even babies if in fact they're probably the most self-centered but what Paul is describing here of whom is a lover of themself describes a deeper level of self-love that we will know as this a narcissist and it's someone a narcissist is basically one who displays a high level of selfishness a high level of vanity and pride a narcissist this is what's crazy about narcissists guys that they are incapable of understanding empathy because their only perspective in life is centred on them and I know a lot of you are already going to your mind right now of who are the narcissists in your life and according to Paul the last days are going to be marked by men who are lovers of themselves the second indicator that we're living in the last days it says for men will be lovers of money do you notice that the wording lovers of occurs twice just in verse 20 and verse 2 alone men are lovers of themselves men are lovers of money listen carefully of oneself is the basic of the sin the moment we fall under the trap of obsessing and loving ourselves is when the downward spiral and demise of life follows I'm gonna give you a quote by William Barclay listen to this guy so he hit the nail right on the head William Barclay said the moment anyone makes self will the center of life divine and human relationships are destroyed and obedience to God and charity to other people become impossible listen to this last part the essence of Christianity is not the enthronement but the obliteration of self Christianity has nothing to do with me it has everything to do with revering a perfect and holy God a one that we can look to because he's the only name in which we can call and save our souls but here's the reality Paul says they're gonna be men who are lovers of money it was said that Ephesus was the treasure house of the ancient world that Ephesus at this time that there were so many roads that led basically into Ephesus that trade was monumental that this was a thriving City it was a society that coveted it everything because they can get their hands on anything which sounds a lot like today the next thing that Paul says in verse 2 I'm gonna combine all three Paul says for men will be boasters proud and blasphemers again I know we all understand and can agree that there's nothing new to all three of these issues yeah we all actually can work as we're going through this list we're self evaluating but we're also thinking of people people who are boastful proud and blasphemers each have this in common they all act as if they are the most important person on the planet earth I'm always right you don't matter your position about Jesus doesn't matter the only thing that in life that matters is me and even though people may not have said that way you can already think of that person who is like that maybe you're that person before you came to know Christ you were all of those things and it made me think of the entertainment industry it's always interesting to me that celebrities athletes commentators speakers of any kind in the entertainment industry they generate their money their great wealth because they've mastered the art of boasting being proud and the blasphemer and for some of their millionaires because of it we have basically created a society that affirms this stuff that's okay with that stuff but it doesn't stop there there's thirty more characteristics to indicate we're living in the last days look what Paul says four men will be disobedient to parents I spoke to my dad he said we can actually skip this one so just kidding you know it's interesting in Jewish culture at this time when it was written especially when you consider Old Testament times if a child was defiant to their parents both publicly and privately one of a couple things could happen one they were ostracized or number two they were killed which is crazy because the same I made you and I can destroy you definitely apply to Judaism at that time where there was this implication of you will not defy your parents under any circumstances here's the problem that we're facing today and I think everyone also can agree we have more books and TVs shows and articles and online forms on the subject of defiant children than ever before and again well this is one of those sermons or it's like this is a type of bummer of a sermon my goal isn't to make you feel bad but I am gonna speak to the parents now even if you're pick your kids are out of the house parents you're accountable to God on how you raise discipline and teach your children and even though you might say it's too late or you might say it's done it's never too late and God's Word can be the final authority but it has to be the final authority in your life before you implement it into your kids life it can't be this do as I say not as I do tactic raise them up by God's Word don't let the world raise your kids then Paul says four men will be in the last days unthankful interestingly enough it makes sense if we are naturally disobedient it's gonna come to no surprise that we've mastered the art and being a pro appealin thankful I worked in the food industry once upon a time in Starbucks and the retail industry when I worked at the Apple Store and these two industries have taught me more than ever we are incredibly unthankful people we get upset over silly things like silly things but what Paul is referring to here the person that is basically unthankful is it this idea that they lack grace guys not only do they lack grace but the person who is unthankful they walk around with a sense of entitlement it's a person who just wants to announce to everyone that I didn't get my way as if they were robbed of their happiness that rightfully belonged to them that you are taking away from them and thankfully again there is no one like this in the world Millennials anyways I'm just kidding some of you have heard me say this but if you haven't already grants Kelvin wrote a book on the passion generation and before you start complaining about Millennials they read the book but B if you're complaining about Millennials the next question is this how many Millennials are you disciple in right now I get again that any time in history whether you're a baby boomer a Gen X or a millennial whatever we've infused into our DNA that were naturally unthankful people but moving on Paul says men will also be unholy now we're about to cover the four UNH's of the text I'm not saying nuns by the way I'm saying nuns unthankful holy unloving and unforgiving the unholy individual describes a person who lacks reverence it's a person who lacks a holy reverence not just for the word and for God it's a person who's just not just unaware of what the Bible says these are people who purposely go against what the Bible says they definitely go against what the Bible says they just have this this anarchist like punk rock like I don't even up by to the rules and I don't by to the law and that's describing the unholy person but now let's look at verse 3 Paul says four men will be like men will be unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal and despisers of good the King James translates unloving the unloving person as one without natural affection it is not good when people are naturally lacking affection it literally can be mean someone without family love and Paul is basically saying in the last days what would be marked by this basically unloving person is an attitude of growing disregard of normal family love and obligation I can't help when I'm reading this but think like Paul wrote this so long ago and we're facing this today where we have a group of people that do they disregard normal obligation for family love and it makes sense that an unloving person will also be as Paul says in verse 3 they're going to be unforgiving in the days in the last days men will be unforgiving the King James translates unforgiving as a truce breaker do you know that have you ever heard that term before a truce breaker is referring to the person that completely disregards covenants and contracts this is a freight and this could apply to anything this is a person who disregards it in in the context of marriage in the car texts of financial obligations just basic human interactions I don't have to treat you in any way that you deserve I'm gonna treat you in fact I'm gonna treat you like an animal a truce breaker describes people who won't even agree they won't even try to agree they're more than just stubborn they're unyielding they are constantly conflicting in order to have it their own way and if there's any overall scale that you're gonna see that marks the last days in this 18 characteristic description it's all centered on self it's all about me it's all about how I feel and goodness gracious we live in a time where working people are getting upset by the way we're getting up so you know we're looking at people and they're getting upset that they're getting upset it's just all this confusing things are happening a truce breaker just doesn't care though then Paul says men will be slanderers I feel I feel like there is such a disregard for human respect that men and women have literally become professional pros at gossiping like we're professionals at it and it's no surprise how damaging it is to see when you tear another person down with slander and gossip and I just need to say this guys I said I have seen more damage in the church from Christians tearing each other down when here's your responsibility you hear something hear from the horse's mouth go straight to them don't even entertain the thought of gossip and slander guys because it is it's so destructive gosh maybe we'd be a church that avoids yes everything we're reading here but as bad shall a slander and gossip amen let's move on verse 3 it says four men will be in the last days without self-control a person who is without self-control simply put is a person let this sink into your heart it's a person who is given to over to their habit and that habit now controls them that's the description of a person who is without self-control it's a person that no longer isn't in control but their habit now dictates everything their habit now controls them that's why the scriptures say in Proverbs 25 28 listen to this like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control you if you are the doer this person who is without self-control you're defenseless you're defenseless that's why Peter says in first Peter 5:8 be sober minded B be watchful because your adversary the devil he Prowse alone prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour the man or the woman who lacks self-control will easily be devoured because they're in a defenselessness state of mind because their habit control them in that moment be watchful how am i watchful you're so reminded not only are you sober minded but you're exercising self-control now let's look at the last part of verse 3 for men will be despisers of good now the flow of verse 3 is interesting to me because the man who is without self-control the one I just read before self controller or without self-control can be translated in the King James Version as fierce you know that and the person meaning the person who is fierce is untamed they're brutal and if a person doesn't get their way because essentially they're without self-control they start acting like an animal they start behaving in ways that's like what and therefore instead of honoring what is good they become a despiser of what is good and that's where it's crazy guys because it's so natural to them not only is it natural to them but it's something that gives them joy to be a despiser of what is good and they'll naturally honor what's evil gosh what a scary place to be in what a scary place to be again something that we are seeing in our society today that the standards of right and wrong have been twisted that's like you know woe unto them that call evil good and good evil the prophet Isaiah will say let's be the SEP shown this is really heavy it's okay we have five more characteristics to indicate that we're living in the last days let's read verse four now men will be traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God now I'm going to combine all four of those again for the sake of time but they all basically are supporting one another all these characteristics have one thing in common I can't self it's all about you men and women are gonna be traitors because of self they're gonna be headstrong because of self they're gonna be haughty because of self and they're certainly gonna be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God because you guessed it because of self and because of that mindset Avot it-- advertisers have created slogans that gravitate towards you they're pros at it advertisers mindset is how do I sell something I get it take the focus off of others put the focus on yourself it's our current age in fact I'm gonna agree to you because I'm a child of the 90s even though I was born in the eighties I'm gonna read to you some 90 slogans listen to this that are quite applicable here's one nothing is taboo remember that one life is short play hard says Reebok life's a journey enjoy the ride thinks Nissan hmm think different well said Apple or Burger Kings sometimes you just got to break the rules that sounds illegal but okay all right here we go and when all else fails remember what Nike instructed its customers to do just do it just do it and maybe some of you are like John you're reading way too much into this but it's true we have slogans that emphasize you and only you it's all about you do what feels right don't think about others just enjoy the no rules ride of life although I will say I found a slogan that is not self-centered it's coca-cola do you do a coca-cola slogan is share a coke I didn't know that until I read that that's why they serve coke in heaven we know that's not true they only serve black coffee in heaven so separate from coke ladies and gentlemen the general message is the same do what makes it what makes you feel right you make your own rules you don't answer to anyone you answer to yourself the universe revolves around you and only you it makes sense why Paul says that men are gonna be traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God because we have taught ourselves that it's all about self you can be haughty because who cares what people think you could be a traitor because they were gonna do you know betray you anyways and you know what be a lover of pleasure because do you know what being a lover of pleasure is way easier than being a lover of God do it just do what you want we've trained ourselves to deter to determine what is pleasurable or even what is acceptable and we've done it apart from the Word of God and because of this something terrible has happened look at verse 5 Paul tells us having a form of godliness but denying its power and from such people turn away those who have a form of godliness our people who who display outward appearances of religiosity of religion they present themselves as godly but the reality is it's all for show there's no power behind their religion as a in the fact that their lives are completely unchanged the Bible says there's gonna be fruit worthy of repentance that if you've given your life to the Lord it's gonna be reflected in the way that you behave in the way that you act but those who have a form of godliness but denying its power they speak of God and yet they're living in sin and they're fine with that arrangement and if we encounter people like this Paul again who doesn't beat around the bush he says avoid such people and if we do encounter these they're essentially false Christians and false Christians who are not just there to make poor decisions they're destructive and just like anything that is destructive is going to destroy everything in its path and that is why Paul says just have void such people have nothing to do with them but why do you suppose we should have nothing to do with these destructive people he gives the answer in verse 6 he says for of this sort are those who creep into households and they make captives of gullible women some of your translations might say silly women loaded down with sins led away by various lusts yeah no wonder we're from such people turn away Paul understood the dangers in the world of his time in his day but he knew that it was only going to increasingly get worse especially in the last days before the return of Jesus but we need to notice in the text Paul seemed especially concerned about those about these people who had a form of godliness but denying its power would he wrote creep into households it's one thing to have evil in the world right but it's another when it gets into your home it's another factor when you've allowed things into your house that you never wanted into your house but oh boy it's there but I want you to see who is going to be affected by this at least during the time when Paul was right in this to the church at Ephesus those who are affected are by gullible women loaded down with sins led away by various Lutz lusts now I want to point something out why Paul singled out he wrote gullible women it's because in that time when this was written to the church at Ephesus women in this I'm specifying this for obvious reason you'll see why women in that time spent more time at home and therefore they were more susceptible to be exposed to corruption that could in fact an infiltrate the house and for us reading this today it's like no I mean this could be the same for us today for a single dad or a just a person who is single and lives at home this isn't just subjected to gullible women but there were women in Ephesus at this time who were allowing anyone and everyone into their house and they were hearing stuff that was not only garbage but it completely opposed the Apostles doctrine and everything we're trying to do to protect as a church what God's word has to say but I want you to again pay attention and more specifically it says that they're gonna be led away by various lusts so you see again the motive behind some of these men infiltrating the homes they creep into the house again it gives just this snake-like picture they know what they're doing they have every intention to rob these people of their joy and to discredit what the Bible says but I want you to pay attention to the wording of verse 7 they're always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth I want you to think about what Paul is saying right here there were people in the last days with the problem of this idea of true truth altogether it's some believed that they're the center of their own universe and they create their own truth and I think you guys are gonna understand where I'm gonna go with this but according to Paul in the last days some believe there is no truth outside of themselves and this absolute truth nonsense guys I'm gonna just say it's illogical and it's contradictory to its own factor of what it's trying to promote and these people who believe that they're swelling with knowledge according to Paul always learn he says they're always learning and they never are able to come to the knowledge of the truth because they deny truth altogether and this is this is and I'm reading this and I've talked to people like this because this is here's the problem you measure truth differently than the person who might be measuring it behind you in front of you but the way we determine it is God's Word that's what dictates it that's what helps us understand right from wrong and that really in it of itself helps us to understand how to interact with people but these people in the last days they're gonna learn and learn and learn but they're never gonna come to God's eternal truth because they're unwilling to even accept truth itself and Paul elaborates more on this these types of people in verse eight look what he says he actually gives two names specific names now as Jenny's and cambree's resisted Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds disapproved concerning the faith it's interesting if you do a word search in the entire Bible the only time you see the names here Janney's and Jan breeze this is the only time they're mentioned in Scripture which is interesting because Paul is citing something from the book of Exodus and there are people who believe that the Pharaohs sorcerers that's recorded in Exodus chapter 7 verse 11 are basically jenny's and jamberries and that's who Paul's referring to right here in 2nd Timothy 3 it is possible but it's only conjecture I'm sure it could be true but we can understand the main point of why Paul is right in this because the sorcerer's in Exodus chapter 7 opposed Moses by imitating everything he did when Moses turned the Aaron's rod into a serpent what did the sorcerers do they turned their rods into serpents and then when Moses turned the water into blood the Nile into blood what did the sorcerers do they turned water into blood as well they try to follow this same mere call when Moses brought up all the frogs the magicians try to duplicate the same thing but when it came this is the best part cuz no one wants to duplicate it but when it came to the miracle of the lice the magician's couldn't do it they couldn't match the miracle they couldn't imitate it here's the point guys Satan's an imitator not only is he an imitator what God does Satan tries to counterfeit the religious leaders in the last days that Paul is referring to are gonna have a counterfeit faith their purpose is to promote a lie to resist the truth of the word they're going to altogether deny that sin is even a problem its moral relativism all of it leads to the same truth do what you do what you want do what feels right to you those are indicators that we're living in the last days but like every fake guys they're eventually exposed you'll see what I mean cuz look what it says in verse 9 Paul says but they will progress no further for their folly will be made manifest to all as theirs also was so even as Jenny's and Jam breeze were eventually put to shame they were if it is in fact true to be the Sorcerer's in Exodus 7 they were eventually reluctant to give glory to God but it wasn't true sincere it was a form of godliness but they did not denied its power it wasn't sincere it wasn't real and Paul says this will be the same for evil men in the last days as well but don't be discouraged because even as Jenny's and Jan breeze powers are limited guys I say this with the greatest confidence Satan's powers are limited even in the last days that's why I said this text if it's anything it's anticipate victory but be prepared for battle you know what God's in control what an easy thing to say that we could just bury a head in the sand but but it's true still it doesn't change the fact that God is in control and that's why a sermon like this can leave us sometimes a little more discouraged leaving than the way we came in because it seems like everything that I just described in second Timothy chapter 3 and I'm wondering if many of you will agree with me is what's being mirrored today because we're seeing this today and it's anything you you understand that you're like okay if it's happening today then that only can mean that Jesus is coming sooner Paul the Apostle anticipated the rapture to happen in his lifetime he certainly thought it was gonna happen in Timothy's lifetime Spurgeon thought it was gonna happen in his lifetime Luther thought it was gonna happen in his lifetime you have all these men that anticipated it was gonna happen in their lifetime and it doesn't change the fact that God is still coming back you guys that he's returning and that's why I said if you lived today in faith like Jesus was coming tomorrow it would change the way you pave because everything I just read in in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 are indicators that Jesus is coming sooner guys rather than later but how can we know for sure when Jesus was on the Mount of Olives the disciples asked him in Matthew 24 Jesus tell us what will be the sign of your second coming of the end of the age and jesus said listen to this matthew 24:4 through 8 jesus answered them and said see that no one leads you astray for many will come in my name saying I'm the Christ and they're gonna lead many astray and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you're not alarmed and I emphasize that if you had to say that see that you're not alarmed for this must take place Jesus says but the end is not yet for the nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places verse 8 of Matthew 24 all of these are but the beginning of birth pains and I think we're seeing the beginnings of the birth pains right now and you guys know when a woman is experiencing birth pains when she's pregnant and she's having contractions every five minutes that are lasting one minute apiece what does that mean the baby is coming and for some people it freaks them out oh my gosh I read what to Expect When You're Expecting but it's not helping the pain is coming the baby's coming I remember Carolyn and I when we had our first child nine years ago like we read all of this stuff that's been ours reading all of this stuff the day came and it was just paralyzed and it's like what do what do I do I don't even remember what to do and I just stood there like can I help you can't that's true I'm sorry I even remember when Carolyn was pregnant with our second third with Peyton and we're we're playing games no it was with Mattie so with our second we're playing games like we need to go to the doctor cuz the contractions are showing that the baby's coming soon she's like it's gonna be fine she's saying that because our first Jaden she went through correct me Carolyn over 30 hours of labor yeah this woman had Jaden naturally that's a drop Mike for you babe so she's cautious during our second and she's like let's just stay because we're gonna go there and they're gonna send us back home and then sure enough we get there and she was like seven centimeters dilated and it was just like oh here's the thing I know that there's some guys in here or who have stories of being paralyzed with fear there's some guys in here who are confident is like I wasn't scared of anything I was just scared these are my John that's actually great I wonder if she talked to you afterwards but anyways birth pains indicate the baby is coming and it shouldn't it shouldn't paralyze you with fear and in the same way we're seeing indications that were living in the last days that Jesus is coming soon but that shouldn't freak you out if anything it's stirring you this priority of understanding that my life should be for Christ to live for Christ to tell as many people as I can that what he said was true and Jesus said it that I'm coming soon guys three times in Revelation chapter 22 alone three times Jesus says I'm coming soon and if that is true which I believe with every fiber in me and I've dedicated my entire life believing that he is coming soon to me faith in Jesus not fear should be my driving force to me faith in Jesus and understanding endtime events should be something that doesn't stress me out and freak me out that our priority should be to live in order to tell everyone and I say it with a smile in my face that Jesus is the answer to sin that he died for you so that you can live that he loves you that he's promising to come back again so that there's gonna be a future Kingdom that each one of us if you've given your life to Christ that that we have a victory already anticipated and if we are living in the last days that we need to live today like he's coming tomorrow amen let's worship Him Heavenly Father we come before are you recognizing that we don't know the day or the hour we don't understand why things happen the way that they do but we can understand this that there are evident indicators that we are we're living in the last days and we don't have to cringe when a we say it Lord we know that if if you came and you died it and you lived a perfect life you're gonna die on the cross you're gonna send back into heaven in like manner you're gonna return and with clouds and every eye is gonna see you and every tongue is going to confess and then there's gonna come a day when the sacrifice lamb is going to return as the conquering King and Lord it is in faith that we believe that but it is also in preparation that you help us not only live day to day as we face these things Lord that we would not have a just nasty attitude toward people break our heart for what breaks yours and those that are listed to the very people we probably thought of as I was given a list of all of this break our heart for them it help us to be not only a light to them but to have such a priority in the way that we live that you're gonna come back soon and if you are coming back soon and then we need to live today like you're coming back tomorrow Lord be glorified in this place and as we worship You Lord speak to our hearts as we pour out our worship onto you that in this moment get our attention Lord it's in Jesus name well God's people said amen let's worship
Channel: Calvary South Denver
Views: 5,053
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Gino Geraci, Christianity, Bible Study
Id: ta2Rm0iV7-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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