She Famous 'Round Town Pt. I: Woman Names Three Possible Fathers (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Brown v. Washington.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Miss Brown. you claim the defendant got you pregnant, then used allegations of promiscuity to deny he fathered your four-year-old son, DeAndre Gray Jr. You have petitioned the court for a DNA test, to prove that he is his biological father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Washington, you claim you need today's DNA results because you were recently ordered to pay support for a child who is another man's junior, and you know you are not the father. Is that correct? Yes. So, Miss Brown, you say you are fed up because Mr. Washington has denied your son for four years. Yes. Tell the court. Yes, Your Honor, I'm fed up because my son is four years old and I am a single parent, and I'm raising my son on my own. <i>I don't have no support at all.</i> <i>Birthdays, Christmas, holidays, wherever.</i> Mr. Washington sees my son and don't even acknowledge the boy. Look how handsome my son is. Everywhere I go, everybody say how handsome he is, and that hurts inside of me as a single parent that don't have no support system. No help, no anything. And I'm tired of it. Four years, I mean, it's terrible. And he needs to be a parent. Four years, Mr. Washington? Your Honor, I do not believe DeAndre is my son at all. Okay? BROWN: You're a liar. And what's really frustrating is, having to go to court in Michigan and paying all this money for a kid that I know isn't mine. <i> Especially, seeing the situation...</i> JUDGE LAKE: So, you say you know definitively that DeAndre is not your biological child. You know that? Yes. I know it. You have no doubt in your mind? No doubt. And, so how can you be so sure? Terrieyana has done a lot. And I'm not the only guy that she's been dealing with, and that's how I know that he is not my son. Your Honor, she is a sendoff. Once I found out... BROWN: And what did... Wait a minute, what's a sendoff? BROWN: And what are you? Your Honor, once we started hanging out and I found out how she truly was, that's when I decided I really don't want to be dealing with this woman. No. What is a sendoff? I have never heard this. Have you heard this, Jerome? JEROME: No, never. Someone's who will say, "Oh, well, we're gonna hang out today, and this and that, and get you all ready, and you're prepared to go hang out and spend time with this person, and then they never show up. It's another term to say a person that tells you something and never follows through on what they say they gonna do. Oh, no follow through. Send off. Right, you sent me off. Sent me up the rift. But you're with another female, so you don't answer the phone. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, so you're saying... Other females? Well, let me understand this. You're just talking or whatever... WASHINGTON: Right. ...and you say you began to see these "send off" moments happening where you say, okay, let's do this tonight. She agrees, next thing you know, she'll never show, and disappear. WASHINGTON: Exactly. And what would happen is, because I live in Illinois, so she would come out there, you know, once she got a little money or whatnot, she'd come out there, and we'd hang out or whatnot, and then that's when I really found out exactly why I was being sent off. See, it wasn't just me she was coming out there to see. BROWN: You lie. You lie. You're lying, you're lying. He lying. Your Honor, it got to the point to where when I rolled with her to the gas station... He lying. ...every guy that was there was walking up to the car. You are lying. They know me. I'm in the car... (BOTH TALKING AT ONCE) While I'm in the car, saying, "Hey, check it out." You're lying. I'm sitting in the car, so what do you mean "Check it out"? You're lying. How did I get drunk? Shut up. Who bought the alcohol? Me, 'cause you ain't had no money. Came all the way from Michigan to buy me... My point. My point. JUDGE LAKE: Whoa! buy me alcohol. Me and plenty of other gentlemen. BROWN: Whatever. You... All right! You had no money when you came out of town. I didn't need money. Hold on, hold on. You never have one. Let's get some order. Let's get some order. I want to understand this very interesting testimony. (FAINT LAUGHTER) Hmm. I want to understand. So, Mr. Washington, just to be clear, and to recap, you started dating Miss Brown, and you said you felt like she was inconsistent sometimes, you didn't understand why, until she came to visit you. You were riding with her to a gas station and realized that all the men there knew her, and were basically trying to say, "Hey, what's up with you?" And it triggered something where you felt like, "Oh, this young woman is dating other people, or also being intimate with other people as well." Exactly. Miss Brown, I want to give you a chance to respond, 'cause those are strong allegations about a young woman. He says you were sending him off. He says that you were with multiple men, when you were also with him. When you found out you were pregnant, who did you tell? Um, I called Mr. Washington when I was in the hospital. And at the time I was in the hospital, he claimed he was at a job. Which he never had a job. So you're at the hospital getting the pregnancy test? Yes. They tell you, "Miss Brown, "we've determined that you're pregnant." Yes. The first thing you do is call Mr. Washington. Yes. You say what? I say, "Hey Ryan, I'm pregnant." And he said, "What?" I said, "You heard me, I'm pregnant." He said, "Miss Brown, I ain't got time to talk to you right now." And I said, "Why not? This is your child." And he said, "How do you know that?" And I said, "Because, you goofy, "I've been having sex with you... (LAUGHTER) "...since September and October." And I said, that was like two or three times a week with him. And when I conceived and went to the hospital, and they told me I was pregnant... It was not... Yes, we were. Yes, it was! Stop lying. It was not two or three times a week, Your Honor. One-night stand? No. And when she told me she was pregnant, she was not in the hospital. I was six weeks pregnant. She was not in the hospital. Yes, I was. When she told me she was pregnant, it was almost too late. No, it wasn't. And then at that point, that's what made me have the doubt. And I said, "Well, the whole neighborhood knows you, "so how can you be so sure that I'm the one that got you pregnant?" You're lying. So, hold on, Mr. Washington, I want to understand this assertion. You're saying, when she told you she was pregnant, you immediately said you weren't the father because you knew of other men, and you said the whole neighborhood knew? Yes, ma'am. We had all been talking. He's lying. Everybody knows her. Didn't nobody know I was pregnant but my mom and you. Everybody knows from that area. No. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. I could go to a gathering and she would show up. I would get wind that she showed up. And there it is, we started talking, I said, People know me. "Man, you know her, too?" "Oh, yeah, you know, we was doing this and that." Your Honor, she called me and told me, No, you're lying. she was on her way to my house. I was standing with my family member at that time. And she says, "Well, we gonna hang out." When she pulls up, she pulls up with one of my friends driving her car. She's sitting in the back seat of her own car... You're lying. ...he in the front, drinking, and she's sitting in the back seat. I said, "What's going on here?" You're lying. BROWN: You're lying. So, hold on. She's pulling up with my friend in the car, at my house, with him driving your car, but you come to see me. I didn't have nobody in the car. No, I did not have anybody in the car. And he had another chick in the front. She was in the back seat by herself. No, that's not true, Your Honor. Of her own vehicle. Okay, so hold on, Miss Brown, WASHINGTON: That was it, right there. Miss Brown, listen. Listen. Mr. Washington got a lot of details. Yeah. And he's telling the court these stories, what he feels happened, I need you to tell the court what you think happened. And one of the reasons is, because I need to understand the timeline with which DeAndre was conceived. Mmm-hmm. Right. Now, you submitted a calendar to the court. Mmm-hmm. And this calendar outlines when you believe DeAndre was conceived, and most importantly, why you believe Mr. Washington is his biological father. So, for this calendar... On November 11, it was confirmed that you were six weeks pregnant, is that correct? BROWN:<i> Yes.</i> <i> All right.</i> <i> So, now we go back, and if you count back,</i> you say, in September and October is when you were having sex consistently with Mr. Washington. Yes. Count back six weeks, window of conception, <i> September, October, you fall right within the time.</i> Further, DeAndre's birthday is July 3rd. Yes. So, when you count back, all of this makes sense to you. Yes. And so you did the math, and you said this is the person I was intimate with, consistently for the months of September and October. <i> That's why I believe Mr. Washington</i> is DeAndre's biological father. BROWN: Yes. Mr. Washington. As you look at this calendar that was presented to the court by Miss Brown, is this a correct assertion of what happened in the dates you were intimate with Miss Brown? I don't think, uh, that's accurate, Your Honor. Because during this time, before Miss Brown got pregnant, and through her whole pregnancy, Terrieyana was dating another gentleman, his name is DeAndre. The same name as the kid. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) DeAndre the baby, he is a junior. Now, this man, she moved him from my area up there to Michigan with her, and he's been with her from the beginning to the end. And right there, that was certification. BROWN: Yup. This man hit me up, Your Honor. He texts me. We was talking. He said, "Because I'm tired of the games." I'm tired of the games, too! BROWN: Yeah? Okay. WASHINGTON: This is what he tells me. JUDGE LAKE: So, what did this man say? He says, "Look, bro, you know, she's been playing the both of us. "And this has been going on for quite some time now. "Telling me that this is my baby, "then telling you it's yours, and other people." Me and him just so happen... Oh, Your Honor, we're from the same area, too, the same guy that I'm telling you about now. We're from the same area. Okay, anyways, at the end of the day, I was dating DeAndre. But at the time that I got pregnant, I know when I conceived that child. And when... WASHINGTON: DeAndre was living in her house, with her... JUDGE LAKE: Hold on, hold on. ...during this whole time. Hold on. I want to make sure I understand this testimony, 'cause Miss Brown, I gave you ample chance to talk. Every time Mr. Washington asserts all of these things against you, I say, "Miss Brown, please respond." Mmm-hmm. And you have never said to me up until this point that you were also dating another man at the time you were seeing Mr. Washington. Yes, there's a reason. And now the child is called DeAndre Gray Junior... Yes. ...but you're saying Ryan Washington is the father. I've never heard of such. WASHINGTON: And he's been there the whole time. So, what's going on here? At the time I was pregnant and I told Ryan, Ryan told me to kick rocks. Me and my son to kick rocks. He didn't want to have anything to do with me and my son. WASHINGTON: Well, you're with him and your junior. Why would I want to have something to do with your junior and the other man? This is what DeAndre said. He said, "I know that's not my child," and I said okay. He said, "Don't worry about nothing. "I'm going to take care of that baby regardless." After they broke up. Mr. Washington's remarks to DeAndre was, "Man, do what you want to do. That's your child. "I don't even care. I'm going to take care..." No, no, no, no... Hold on. Let me be clear of something. You said you told Mr. Washington that he was the father. BROWN: Yes. Mr. Washington told you to kick rocks. In other words... Yup. ...he didn't believe you and he didn't want to be involved. Yup, and that's why... Did you ever tell this other man, Mr. DeAndre Gray Sr. he was DeAndre's biological father? No, I never told him that. So, after I told him... When he contacted me, that's what he said. He said he's tired of playing games. No, I did not. And that's what... And that made my doubt grow. He contacted you because he said he was... All right. Hold on. We actually have a... Hold on. This court is about getting to the truth, getting the answers for the child. BROWN. Yes. Thank you. Yes. Yeah. We have a statement from DeAndre Gray Sr. I'd like to read. BROWN: Yes. It says, "At first I thought I was the father "because Terrieyana told me I was. Yes. There it is. "I caught a bond, "I couldn't let go. "Plus, a real man take care of a responsibility. "The doctors have told me I couldn't have kids for many years. "Every female I've been with "never had kids by me." And that's a statement from DeAndre Gray Sr. Yes. First line is, "I thought I was the father because Terrieyana told me I was." BROWN: Yeah, I did. But I just asked you a minute ago did you ever tell DeAndre Gray Sr. he was the biological father, and you said no. I mean, yes. Hold on, I'm going to give you give seconds to get the story straight. BROWN: Okay. No, I'm serious. Take a minute, think about it, then tell me the truth. Mmm-hmm. Yes, I told him. Me, too. 'Cause I had no... JUDGE LAKE: Oh. I told DeAndre Sr. that he was the father 'cause I had no help. He ain't the only one. There we go. Listen. We didn't come all this way to lie. This handsome child is four years old, Yes. <i> still dealing with a question of paternity over his head.</i> <i>Mmm-hmm.</i> <i> We didn't come here to lie.</i> <i> No.</i> So, if that's the truth, then say it. Yes, it is. The truth is, you did tell DeAndre Gray Sr. he was the biological father. Yes, I did. And you said it was because... What? Ryan didn't help me. I told another man that he was the father, to get help. And who was at the birth? BROWN: DeAndre. And he cut the umbilical cord and named him after him. And once she said she was pregnant and I knew what they had going on, I figured that was his baby. My little incident, one or two times, when we did something compared to him being there before and after, she moved this man down... Listen, we get in this courtroom, people want to testify, you know, I was just once or twice here, but this person bookended, he was there before and after. That has nothing to do with biology. Right. But it does have to do with the fact that there potentially could be another biological father. So, DeAndre is four now. Yes. How long did he believe that DeAndre Sr. was his biological father? For a while. Ryan's seen him a couple of times. The whole time. And that was it. The whole time. And he didn't want to claim him unless somebody has some money, and the other day he was like, "That's not my son." I had to support him to take in the baby. Unless somebody had some money. I didn't want to claim him. Why would I need somebody to have some money... 'Cause you never had no money to buy the baby a happy meal, diapers, pullups, nothing. You asked me for the money. Mr. Washington, you've claimed in your earlier testimony you found out you're on child support now. Yes, ma'am. I am on child support in the state of Michigan, which is also very frustrating because through the midst of this, now I'm tied up in their court system now. So, I go down there, Your Honor, when I get down there to Michigan... What is this evidence? Let me see that first and foremost. This is the, uh, child support order. Here, let me... I have another one in this. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. BROWN: Mmm. And so, sir, you say you were placed on child support and now you're in the system... WASHINGTON: Right, so what happens is, I was living at another residence at the time, and I get some mail. My grandmother calls me and says, "You have some mail here." So, when I get the mail, it's a letter from the State of Michigan, telling me, you know, "You need to come down here "for a second hearing, because you missed the first." But again, I wasn't living at the address that they had on file that they mailed it to. So, when I get down there, I'm thinking I'm going for a paternity test once they lay the whole case out. They say, "Well, if you want to get the paternity test, Mr. Washington, "you're gonna have to pay for it yourself, "because you missed your first court date." And I explained to them that I wasn't at that residence when they sent that. No, you're lying. They still said that it was on me to pay for the DNA test. So, now... Hear this. The judge is naming off different names that she turned in, of who she told was the father. No, it was just you. And I recognized a couple of those names on it... It was just him. ...and one of them just so happened to be my cousin. My blood cousin. No, you're lying! What? No, you're lying. No, he's lying. What? She messed around with him, and when me and him get together, he's telling me the whole story. She put the baby off on him as well. He's lying, I never slept with your cousin. JUDGE LAKE: So, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Never. Wait a minute.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 198,438
Rating: 4.790235 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: 6aJJVxLEedo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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