2 Bad Car Crashes of Mine. Causes and Consequences.

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good morning comrades welcome back to the channel welcome back to the nova crane i hope you all are having a wonderful day and welcome to a type of video that i was hoping i would never have to make yet here we are there a lot of things that i want to say a lot of things that i should say there are a lot of things that are going to come up along the way as we're making this video as i'm talking to you so the layout might be a bit messy but hopefully i'll be able to timestamp in any case let's just start where everything started and then i'll tell you the story as it happened and where we are right now because of all the things that have happened slightly more than a month ago on the 12th of july 2021 i was involved in a crash with the 718 cayman gts of apex something that i briefly mentioned in the video on the track day itself i like i said like hey guys yeah we had an unfortunate accident somewhere at the end of the video because i didn't want to capitalize on that or like making some sensation out of it there'd been an accident the car unfortunately has been written off um a lot of people said yeah of course this is uh bad we feel sorry for you but please maybe make uh explanatory video where you tell us what actually happened because it would be great like good to know uh how to prevent these type of things or to learn from certain mistakes of certain things and uh and the majority of you who've been following us for a longer period of time can tell that we usually do explain these situations how do they occur how can they be prevented how they are being resolved but in that case again this happened on 12th of july and first of all we had to make sure that everyone was okay then resolve a lot of issues internally and after that we could make a video about this occurrence however it happened on the 12th of july and on 14th of july we had this massive flood here and ever since we had other things that were more important let's call it that way today however i will explain what has happened to that particular day and some of you might find it disappointing that there is no actual crash footage of the happening but i can tell you that it's not necessary because it all comes down to the fundamental driving characteristics driving dynamics and the driver inputs and hereby also want to say that whenever the discussions of november and crashes were coming up people in the comments sometimes were saying like oh the crashes the crash videos are good you should not ban them because they we can be reminded that the nerve occurring is a dangerous place well first of all no green is a very safe place because i would rather have crashed on that day and later on something i'll tell you later in this video on the nurburgring and be protected by those barriers not go straight into the tree where which would probably happen on a public road in that case and the outcome would have been completely different moreover it all comes down to the driver driving dynamics the driver inputs so usually the causes of these situations are coming down to driver of course sometimes there is a technical error but it has nothing to do with characteristics of the track and consequences although you hit the barrier the barrier will prevent you from having even more severe consequences so this is what i'm going to tell you so let's grab one of the models here unfortunately not assembled here we have one this will also answer some of your questions when people ask when i'm making these type of videos here in my office what is this box of porsche weisak package it is actually a gt2 rs model which has been signed by lars cairn so the man who drove the record in the gt2 rsmr gt2 rs gt2 rs mr porsche the equipment but in any case so what i was referring to driving dynamics first of all where did the crash occur it happened in tiergarten the very first section of the track since this was a track day the main street was open so we're going flat out on the main street after that you're coming underneath the bilstein bridge and you turn left well you start turning left already slightly before that and then proceed to the orange barrier in the bottom right and then that's it we did already some laps previously i believe we did in total four prior laps with the driver before that so i was confident before that it was all good i didn't have to say anything but for some reason on that particular lap one when he was driving the 17 gts already on the second lap he started going a bit more to the outside than before we were doing about 240 kilometers an hour i can remember that when we're going on the main street and then i told him like hey you're going too much to the outside turn more left unfortunately he panicked and except for just turning left he lift it now lift off oversteer or lift up of the throttle is the most dangerous thing that can occur on the track with very bad consequences this is something that the majority of crashes probably actually contribute that because in our basic perception where we know that okay i should not be going too fast so if i go too slow or actually slow down then actually should save me but abrupt breaking or liftoff of the throttle not even braking causes very bad consequences so remember in the beginning of this video i told you that some things will come up and i will explain them to you along the way so this is one of them the the driving dynamics the base the the traction circle so we have here a car when you go on the throttle more weight shifts to the back you have more grip on the rear wheels and thereby especially with such a car when you have the engine on the back when you have more grip on the rear you have more traction because the rear will drive and then the car goes forward when you go on the brakes the weight shifts to the front and with such a car again when you have the engine on the back it's even more beneficial because you can do even trail braking because you have more grip on the front tires and thereby you can go better in the corner so these are the basics now when you're going just naturally you're still accelerating you have more weight to the back when you accelerate longer enough the like the acceleration of forces the g-forces go lower but still you have more weight to the back and then all of a sudden you go fully off the gas so the weight shifts forward when you are going in the corner and you go off the gas then the back end kicks out and then you well the car loses traction and in the case of a 718 cayman now i'm not going to contribute anything to the car because the car has done tremendously what we're going to be talking about crashes because if it would have been in any other car or even all the car the outcome would have been again probably different but characteristic of the cayman is the engine is in the center i'm not going to say that if the engine would have been in the front or in the back the outcome would have been different because probably the if the driver already is making such a mistake then like catching a car afterwards probably would not have happened but the characteristic of a mid-engine car is that it's very balanced because it's in the center once it goes and starts sliding there's pretty much no way of catching it anymore they're of course 0.1 where you could catch it because of some circumstances but when you have a rear engine car you can count the steer then you catch it when you have the front engine car you have again more possibility to catch it so the issue once the car went in this case when the driver lifted and the cars i heard the tire sliding i said oh and the first thing that i did just grabbed my my shoulders because there were no six point harnesses i just grabbed them relaxed and then the car started sliding downhill hit the barrier on the front first then to the side and then slid probably for another two or three hundred meters because again we were traveling with 240 kilometers per hour the airbags didn't pop because of the way the car impacted it only damaged slightly more to the front and the side the barriers that absorb most of the impact i think there was a second impact i cannot remember but what it has resulted the car has been totaled a lot of people have not a lot some people have asked like how is this a total because when you see pictures of the car you have some damage on the side but nothing actually nothing more severe than you would expect from a total car a lot of things have damaged interior on the inside not the interior but underneath the chassis has been bent in probably four different places suspension components the coolers the bumper the door luckily airbags didn't pop and the long story short the definition of totaled sometimes people say when you say that car is totaled this means that this beyond repair the financial definition is this means we're actually more in traffic regulation or lower situation totaled means that it would cost more than the actual value of the car and the car's day value on that day was i believe 65 000 euros and it would cost a lot more if you would replace all the parts now of course someone can say like yes somewhere in poland or romania or whatever russia in this case my uncle can fix it for 10 000 euro yeah that's great but that's completely different story the most important thing however is that the occupants of the car are doing well the driver and in this case also myself now how could i have been prevented because i realized i haven't told you that is that simply keep your foot on the gas nothing would have happened or alternatively be very cautious be modulate the throttle paddle smoothly so don't go smoothly from full throttle to let go and even boars on the brake even on top but just slowly release it there is actually a good example where i was driving the golf 8 gti and i was going from the dry patch to the wet patch something that people some would have done if you would have lifted completely then the car would have had lift off oversteer or the weight would have shifted to the front and then as i was going in the corner then it would definitely result to another rotation and an impact however what i was doing is i kept the pedal not to the metal but slowly modulating and releasing the steering wheel slowly and let the car slide completely to the outside to not in the like to invoke too many of abrupt movements and everything was fine and kind of lofted up and you didn't even notice it but this was a good example of how you should avoid lift off oversteer in in more extreme situations such as having a wet track going from a dry track to the wet track so as mentioned in this case just keep your pedal to the metal either or like keep it flat through the corner or lift modularly or if you need to break and slow down do it before the corner of course to not have too much of the weight shifting during the corner now so we have covered this first accident then time passed we had all these flood dealings the track was closed and then the track was open again and uh i was doing some laps and i was feeling really really uncomfortable after that first crash i have to tell you that of course in the past i had some crashes a lot of them myself but also some with uh while instructing others 2017 i had nothing 18 i had nothing in 19 we had some minor incidents there was like a cooling hose popped off over e36 which caused us to spawn there was a lift off oversteer and hudsenbach which was like a very tiny one because it was wet so it was actually like you know i think we hit the barrier with 20 kilometers per hour uh we had one incident with rm4 where the driver went too much to the outside went over the curb the car was more or less okay but the curb damaged the floor pan so that's when we had to replace the engine actually because the oil came out so these were all all like minor things now this year i had the incident with the yaris i had then this happened and i don't know if things were leading up to this but once i got back in the car with people i was getting more nervous it was actually already like i don't know maybe i'm getting old i was feeling really uncomfortable instructing people and knowing that i can tell them to break but even if i'm telling them like hey keep keep it flat on the gas that don't lift through the corner sometimes instinct might kick in and say like oh we're like oh look a penny oh i lifted oh i crashed there are certain things that you cannot prevent and yeah it made me feel uncomfortable being in the car so actually last saturday i spoke with robert i said like listen i'm not comfortable doing this anymore i don't want to be doing this because i don't like getting in the car with people that i don't know a lot of people i do know and it's all good and some people might even say like hey but you're getting in doing videos with all kinds of people well videos i'm doing with people most of the time we are either doing a slow pace or fast pace but people already know what they're doing for majority of times and if something occurs then they know how to counter-react how to counter steer so it's a different type of story uh i want to i want to avoid that discussion and save it maybe for another time in any case robert and i talked and he was actually very supportive of the idea because this meant that i could invest my time somewhere else where it possibly would be more beneficial or more efficient so we agreed to that but then uh on the following day i had the second accident with again with a cayman with a 7-18 with a gt4 and i'm not going to attribute because some people like to draw parallels conclusions it has nothing to do with the type of car it was just a coincidence so what has happened there where's my model again again liftoff oversteer this time this time we were going however through battle of s so you're going downhill through a funds card and maybe i should show it actually to you like this so you go downhill so funds garden two you're going over the crest downhill and you turn in to the right that doesn't make sense any case you go to the right and there's a blind crest and jump and at that point you are being run off more to the outside and again liftoff happened and i'm like there we go again so grabbed myself and then the issue that happened then is that the car spun completely and it hit with the back left side with the driver's side it hit the barrier so uh the type of impact for me personally was more different i i don't know i don't have in board on board cameras what actually happened with with my body but i knew that this was going to be a more heavy impact because of the type because it hit the back wheel and it absorbed most of the impact the the wheel cracked in multiple places and actually you can even see here this part and four memories porsche came in 17 gt4 it's either upright or a suspension component that actually completely got smacked off and destroyed so uh the type of impact was completely different and for us the shock the initial g-forces that then that came in they were completely different so i knew i would probably have a bit more i wouldn't say injuries but consequences so the following day i was having uh pain on my neck here then waited for two more days and then uh or three days didn't do much anything yesterday did two laps as a passenger in the bmw 218 with a good friend of mine just like easy going laps the bmw team is by definition not fast at all but after the two laps i got out the car and i was feeling like really i wouldn't say pain but a lot of discomfort on my neck and today when driving the car myself just on public roads i was feeling that the same so probably i have suffered some sort of of whiplash but as far as i can tell things could have been a lot worse could have things have been better if we would have been able to wear a helmet and a hans device yes for sure because then your neck is completely fixed and there is no issue at all have we only been wearing helmet for example interesting photon and not having a hans device it would have been probably worse because you adding extra weight to your um to your head and in addition because you have extra helmet and you have like the the the seat here behind so you're basically sitting like that uh you actually have more like uh possibility to injure your neck even further let alone by having more weight to your actual head so long story short in these things is that lift off oversteer study the basic the fundamentals of driving dynamics go do sim racing see how car reacts when you lift off when you brake what what are the consequences because these things you can learn in sim like basic uh i set the corsa this is what i'm doing with a lot of things i have trends like learned myself and to see how the car would uh would react to this year so do that before you go on the track i mean of course you can go on the track but do not try to push it because these things the fundamentals are usually the always the drivers mistakes that cause the big accidents i mean of course if you're going to fast through the corner towards the corner you can slow down and maybe you have some runoff but liftoff oversteer unsettles the car completely and this i would say is like one of the worst things that have like more severe consequences than any other driving mistake or driver errors driver inputs in addition i want to definitely thank porsche indirectly for building such safe cars because it would have happened in older car or any other type of other car of course modern cars are really safe but in this case those were like track oriented cars and with two accidents we both were doing around 200 kilometers per hour one 240 started sliding probably scrubbed some speed off hit the barrier with 200 the other one was doing 180 started scrubbing probably 150 kilometers per hour impact but in the more like so to say stiff uh component of the car of the wheel and then the through the suspension and in both cases we're still walking we're still fine of course i have some uh heads or some minor neck injury i would say but these are minor things so thank you porsche for building such safe cars by the way if some of the porsche engineers are watching this video both cars are hidden somewhere at muntai so you can probably contact montai and ask them to maybe study the cars if you would have any interest and then the last thing that i want to mention which is also more or less the reason why i'm making this video on top of me explaining to you how things can be prevented and explaining to you how things have happened etc is as mentioned in the middle of this video i will stop doing instructions something that i already decided before the second accident this doesn't mean that it will stop them doing forever but funny enough this is something this is a process that pretty much everyone i know who's been living in the liverpool long enough is going through for example moritz he had a very big accident in 2016 i think or 15 where liftoff oversteer again made the car flip forward landed on the roof and not gonna go too much into details but again liftoff oversteer um and this made them say like nope like leave them follow fine so we can do lead and follow instructions but for now for the first month i will definitely take some rest for myself for my minor neck injuries after that we will see will gradually see but i will not just randomly get in with everyone in the car so whenever you're like emailing reaching out like hey can we do a couple of laps for the near future the answer is immediate no after that we'll have to see how i feel about it etc but yeah this is something i just wanted to share with you the things that have happened how they happened and what the consequences are and again i'm very happy and fortunate that again not only porsche has built a great car but also nerve crank safety team and also the track itself is also very safe because i mentioned previously the consequences could have been completely different i'm starting to repeat myself so i believe i've said everything i wanted to say um and yeah looking forward to seeing you in tomorrow's video which is going to be one of the vlogs and hopefully we can resume the onboard videos soon enough because at this point yeah i could always take a gopro in the car and just send it out with the driver and then like yeah have fun and we'll see the footage afterwards anyway talking nonsense now on top of repeating myself so thanks for watching see you next time bye
Channel: Misha Charoudin
Views: 86,851
Rating: 4.9252706 out of 5
Keywords: Car Crash, Nürburgring Crash, Auto Addiction, Porsche Cayman 718, Lift Off Oversteer, Driving Dynamics, Driving lessons, Misha Charoudin, Apex Nürburg, Motorsport, Vlog, Car, Cars, Automotive, Racing, Nürburg, Nürburgring, Nordschleife, BMW, Porsche, GT2 RS, Manthey-Racing, Car Tuning, Car Spotting, Touristenfahrten, Public Session Nürburgring, Ring Taxi, Apex Taxi, Team Schirmer, Asetto Corsa, Project Cars, iRacing, Sim Racing
Id: NKOlZy-Xqew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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