McLaren CEO Zak Brown gives me a tour of his crazy F1 car collection! | Kidd In A Sweet Shop | 4K

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I knew he had a great car collection, but this is another level.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/paigeotron πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Zak and McLaren seem like a match made in heaven. He's clearly really passionate about the brand and he's done great by them business-wise. And love that the drivers call him Uncle Zak lol. Not to mention the awesome bonuses he can offer the drivers for great results (Pato getting to do F1 testing, Danny Ric getting to drive Dale's car)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CharmingtheCobra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€˜Not every car I either have driven or I can fit in’ - Zak Brown

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/buuren7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a great video... and what an amazing collection. Wow. I had no idea about all this. Zak comes across really well here, living the dream of every race fan (or racer) getting to run his favourite team and build a collection like this. Great stories about the cars and the reasons he got them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/g_mallory πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I recall Jodie's boyfriend living near me when I was a kid, went round his house and I saw my first Lambo. She loves her cars.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JakeTheJabroni πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

You don’t get to where he is without being a little ruthless, but damn Zak Brown seems like a really cool dude.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zeus_poops_and_shoes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video, thanks for sharing. I hope her channel gains more traction.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cathartic_Anus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy has the mist amazing personal collection of race cars. Plus he is super entertaining. The only thing odd is that the lady is touching the cars all the time. Find that a weird thing to do if you donβ€˜t own them

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/harga24864 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

My old job had one of Senna’s mclaren’s in the office. Was absolutely wild how tight the seating was

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TwoClean1601 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
every car in my collection number one criteria and if it doesn't pass it i won't consider it because each car will want to race in period [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to a very sunny yorkshire and to another episode of kid in a sweet shop we are here at united auto sports where i'm meeting the incredible zach brown ceo of mclaren who's going to show us around his incredible personal collection of cars come on let's [Music] oh it's go exciting oh look at the trophies zach how are you good to see you so exciting being here well let's go look at some toys yes i've heard so much about it and actually to see them here's the toy story oh my goodness gracious me the first thing i have to say is just some of these f1 cars here i've have been so iconic of me as a little girl growing up and am i actually seeing them in real life they're uh they're special okay we'll get to those so what is what have we got here my two favorite mclaren drivers that's the center one airton center's last world championship cart oh my gosh and mika hakkinen's uh european championship cart so those are my two favorite mclaren drivers so senna actually sat in that seat and they're all everything works everything makes noise amazing isn't it what's like the top speed on these these will probably do 75 miles an hour yeah you wouldn't want to crash anywhere no way oh i'm a bit taken back by you know i mean all of us have such a love of senna everyone's here certainly my hero oh god and mine my my nephew is actually named after him and mika not that we're saying anything about nico you're just full-time world champion amazing and have you you've taken these out uh richard has i haven't i don't think i'd fit in either the sheets oh yeah they're quite they were they're smart small little shirts small small small little butts exactly um gosh okay go on take me through so this is formula one row so all the formula one cars uh one racism period yeah and we're all driven by world champions some of them are the world champion cars so this was jody schechter's this was the first car that ever won on its debut at the time oh wow um he won three races in this car including monaco he won monica he won monaco in this he won canada in this and i'm drawing a blank on the first race to the debut and this i got directly from walter wolfe so as you can see where every car is restored this one i've decided to leave untouched because it is as it came off the track this is like oil and dirt and everything perfect wow so the next to this normally i put them out in order of year this is 1977. this is this is the one mario andretti's lotus 79 he debuted in the belgian grand prix in this car he won uh won the world championship this year and then this became um ronnie peterson's car the second half of the year and he won his racing there so this is the only lotus 79 that won with both mario and ronnie so this is unbelievable this is a great and to me the most iconic one of the most out of all of them this this is the one this is the one i grew up yeah and mario andretti's my i've got a well i've got lots of heroes but i've got kind of my top five drivers it's senna um it's mario it's mika uh it's emerson fidapaldi because i'm a huge indycar he was mclaren's first world world champion and probably nigel nigel mansell well couldn't get it britain yeah of course i mean this is just and this is what i said i've seen this these images of all of us sitting around the little tiny tv i mean not that long ago because of course i'm very young and you know seeing these images of these cars of andretti racing them and to actually see it you know that's unbelievable it's amazing i remember having the model then this is the crown jewel oh for for me um this is very very special so erikson won the championship this year but this is the exact car he won monaco in in 91. oh so this to me ticks every box cena is that where he couldn't get his knuckles off no that's no no that was brazil the same brazil the same year would it be in this car different car different car because they would have run three four chassis during the during the year um so this is this is the one eriton um iconic race and i cannot believe that this is the car this one i definitely don't fit in which bums me out because i'd love to i'd love to drive it but that's that's that's uh if they get me in they're not going to get me out but to me this is i mean this is like an altar yeah this is unbelievable and then next to this car mika hackenin i won the british grand prix in 2001 with this car i've driven this this is spectacular they're actually they do a lot of things but but they're they're so well refined yeah that they're definitely not easy to drive at the limit and i've never been anywhere near that i'm sure you know i've been in my own personal limit but as far as pulling out they're they're they're getting easy they're they're they're refined so you know pulling out of the pits things like that you'll have a bigger chance of stalling one of those cars that has a real sharp clutch than one of these that has this is a hand clutch right okay so that makes up the uh formal uh the formula one collection so tell me more obviously about mclaren that you know that you've come from this amazing start of going on the wheel of fortune to to to selling those things that you won to where you are now you're now you know ceo of of the company of the brand of your favorite team is that right to say yeah it's always been my favorite team it became cinematic my favorite favorite yeah um i started really then following formula one and 87 because that's when i started getting really into it when we talk about indy cars i'll kind of tell you why and um you know he was in lotus as last year and then he went to mclaren and the whole sena pros dominate in the mp4 four that just that was it that was the best team in the world as far as i was concerned with the two best drivers in the world and ron dennis and monster did an unbelievable job with the mclaren brand and just how dominant it was and uh they've been my favorite team ever since and and now you're you're running the whole show i got lucky i would have never uh i would have never guessed but it's because of your brilliance i have to say i mean you love my job you really are and they're going to really exciting places you've got i love your new well we know ricardo but i love lando is great he's so cool daniel's great we've got a great indycar team now with pato and felix we won uh this past weekend in detroit so we're now leading the championship by a single point so it's going to be a bit fantastic bit nerve-wracking and then we've just announced we're entering extreme e so oh my god i love xtreme yeah it's really cool it's fantastic [Music] so this here is right yeah we can't walk this was always i thought the coolest looking car porsche 962 this one uh five races in period it ran from 86 to 88 it won every year wow 24 hours at daytona 12 hours sebring um it is a beast it's and it's a beast and it's just to me such a cool looking uh car i mean it really is and it's so square it's kind of like awesome look and then i love the livery the biopunk livery i always thought this was a stunning looking race car normally next to this um i have a lancia lc2 that was on pole at least um and bob wolleck and alessandro nanini ricardo petraeze yeah drove it but it kind of it was not just on pole it really i mean it was like it was dominating yeah and then it broke i think it was a gearbox like in hour 17 they were always pretty unreliable [Music] what a color an m8d mclaren m8d dan gurney this is unfortunately when bruce passed away at goodwood oh god dan gurney came in as his replacement and won two of the first three races he competed in so wow this is kind of this is the transition from bruce to at that point the next era of mclaren um barry um dan's obviously a legend uh this is i mean this was this was going to be bruce's race car um wow she did him proud this one is about as cool as they get so this was emerson fit apologies mclaren's first world champion and i love that he won both the indycar championship and f1 icon which mario's also done and nigel had done this is his actual car i got this from roger penske i remember getting the phone call from him because he knows i'm a big car guy i always hassle them and this is the actual car emerson won the 1989 indy 500 in which was that very famous race where he and al junior touched with a couple laps to go and he also won the championship this year in this particular chassis he won three or four of his races that year cleveland detroit um so to get it from roger emerson emerson fit apology india i remember the 500 like it was yesterday yeah um have you been in this nope not yet not yet i've got a few others so normally i have this is indycar row and that is formula one row yeah but that's the one that got me into racing this was the first this is the one that's the one [Music] so this is the 1987 long beach grand prix winner so this is the one that won this is the one that won the mario andretti he also put this car on pull it indy and led 179 laps it lapped the field and the engine ended up breaking because they told them to slow down mario shook this car down for me in chicago land has driven this car but this is the race car this is the long beach grand prix i went to this phone this is this is the car this is the car i cannot believe you've got it yeah me neither after showing me the incredible array of legendary cars in the workshop we headed upstairs to see more of zach's awesome collection some of the cars here they all have memories to me i either watch them on tv but some of the cars here are the cars that got me into racing or some of my earliest memories and i was at the at the race um which is pretty pretty cool so cool okay so talk us through this first one so this one i recently got this ran in imsa in the late 70s it was actually a mclaren engine car so a lot of people don't know there was mclaren engines no in in michigan and um so you know mclaren has a history of bmw both uh the mclaren f1 that we won lamar with and then this particular car won a couple races uh the big race at one was the amsterdam race at road america with david hobbs and derrick bell and so uh derek's great david's great yes um cool looking cars lovely so lovely and then over on the back it's got a mclaren engine's logo so i thought oh give him my gotta have it given my connection to mclaren and that was a i gotta have it's beautiful i do love it looks like a little pocket rocket yeah it's uh it's awesome this is uh probably the least famous car the 430 430 it was my race car so this is the car i raced at the 2008 montreal grand prix amazing and i won cool because then as i came through the pit lane all the f1 guys came out oh and then definitely dominically presented me the uh trophy so that's a that's a fun car brilliant valuable to me probably not a big car it is a lot of fun you could just go round and round and round and round oh look at this one [Music] so this car a ton of races in daniel's gonna get to drive this as soon as he gets his first voting points this is the one this is the bride he's a big dale fan dale's a a legend and he won four or five races in this so they used to run them multiple years so this ran in 83 84 85 right started off as ricky rudd's car uh and i watched it race to kind of have the real thing isn't that amazing i mean how do they come up for sale often how do you get off in but i think once people know you're uh you're into the history people then kind of if they hear something's for sale they'll put it on my desk or i look at auctions and then sometimes you got to push if you see a car you got to kind of convince someone who's maybe not a seller this is where your marketing is that's right have you driven this i've not driven that yet no i've not driven that yet but i'm looking forward to driving it oh my god i don't have enough time to i know you're quite busy so not every car i either have driven or i can fit in i love that daniel is like that's the one out of all of your collections that's the one that's the one and for people that don't know basically can we say you bribed yeah daniel ricardo is saying that if he gets a podium this year he's allowed to drive that one yeah so that'll be fun hopefully he does it by the us grand prix can we come and watch it'd be fun yeah then this one is the last works uh holden car to win the hold on of course yeah so this is where we had one bathhurst it was either 2011 or 2012 i should get my years right and um this is with uh walking shaw which we're now partners with with michael andretti and ryan walk and charlotte i love the time yeah andretti united which is a very successful supercar team uh they won uh again it was either 2011 or 12. i want to say 12. but i'm probably wrong now that i'm saying 12. don't worry we'll get we'll let you have a year or two and bathurst is uh what are two stunning and this i've driven a lot and this car is fun [Music] this one's special one of my favorite to drive yeah so carlos signs who's obviously um yeah it's a unbelievable car so this one the 97 acropolis world rally with carlos signs senior driving it who i've become quite quite close with because obviously son drove for us yeah in mclaren so um as far as craziness this is up there this is up there and it is so much fun to drive i love running so i've only had this about a year and a half and it's carlos inspired me to can we go rallying together i love it i learned last week and i was like oh my god i have just fallen in love with it these guys are committed i just love that every single one has some kind of connection whether it's through mclaren or whether it's you watching as a little boy or someone and you know yeah they all see either the and then one thing or every car in my collection the uh number one criteria and if it doesn't pass it i won't consider it because each car will want to race in period amazing every car is a race winner second second no i don't care if it's my favorite driver my favorite race my favorite two having it if it's second place won't do it so every car is one um which i think kind of well this is maybe this amazing will to win that you've always had [Music] i love it thank you so much for talking us through what an array of cars and and just hearing your your history and and kind of you know the inspiration that that can give to to guys that um you know want to get into the sport and and you know what you've done and what you've created is awesome a lot of hard work yes and a lot of good people around [Music] brilliant [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Kidd in a Sweet Shop
Views: 1,026,750
Rating: 4.9391704 out of 5
Id: 90gZNWyzI4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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