It's been a year. Do I regret my decision? | Personal Q&A

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good morning comrades welcome back to the channel welcome back to the nervous i hope you all are having a wonderful day and today we're doing a q a because many of you have actually asked for one in the recent comments so i asked you what do you want to know you ask the questions and i'm going to provide the answers i picked out the the highest uploaded ones the ones that i found most interesting and also more personal ones because of course there are always the questions what's your fastest laptime what's your favorite car yada yada and of course for new audience these might be interesting but i today i want to focus on the more personal ones now i also do not want to uh not address the elephant in the room because there were many questions about the ring tractor and i promised to make a video about it two weeks ago and then one week ago and i'm gonna promise to you to make one two days from now to upload it later on because a lot of things have been happening we got the taxi license we got overwhelmed with the lots of things and some things take time take preparation and once the video gets released you will understand what i mean because ring tractor has found a higher purpose let's call it that like that for now moving on to the question which has to do also with the title of this video someone asked uh what was life like in croatia when you worked for rimadze how does it compare to germany and when we take it step further someone asked actually to that question who worked for rima's well i did and it's a funny coincidence because today is the first of september 2021 and on the 1st of september 2020 that was my last working day at sveta nederya at rimas and now a year later i can actually it's i think it's a good time to reflect and ask the question did i make the right choice am i happy about it and i'm not going to go too much into detail because the video that i made where i announced my resignation from rima's automobility everything what i say there it's still valid today i have huge admiration for the company i have huge gratitude to the company to the things that i learned there and still even up until today i'm still talking about many of its team members whether it's on professional level or just exchanging some memes and yeah so am i uh happy or maybe do i regret the decision of quitting rihanna's automobile and the answer is probably somewhere in between because if i'm gonna say no it might sound a bit too too negative if i'm gonna say yes then why the hell are you here at the neighborhood you're not going back uh i'm gonna answer it differently i do there is not a single day that goes by that i'm not thinking about that decision whether i'm looking at the news or some marketing activities that the team is undertaking i was thinking like how would i have done it or what would my role would have been or how could we have done it and by the way since while i still have the majority of your attention guys there are two cool positions at the marketing department that lima's available i'm going to include them in the video description so in case you want to apply for your dream job then go for it going back to it while i'm still thinking about those things how could have been if i would still be a part of the team i also need to put myself back on my feet and remember the reason why i made this tough decision of leaving my dream job and going back to the nurburgring because i was loving this place a lot so what i'm thinking how would have been when i was there and i would have all the fun i also need to think would i be still like missing the nerve cream would i still be thinking like oh i want to be here and for example now when they have this big or just finished their us tour traveling through the states setting all these amazing records of the fastest accelerating production car in the world this is when the flood happened and we were out here helping and we're still heavily involved and i have to ask myself would i be there in united states and say like martha sorry i have to go i need to go shovel some and to help the region that i am very close connection to so the long story short to the answer to the question that no one has asked no i do not regret the decision that i made as long as i am here at the nerve ukraine as long as i'm loving what i'm doing um i don't know i'd rather be here although the things that riemann is doing are beyond the imagination and how cool they are and especially a lot of people have also also asked like hey have you seen this bugatti porsche rematch thing uh yes i did and you can guess that this type of things are actually not being done overnight and even when i was still with the company decision also to say was in development and taking place and i was aware of it and uh like everyone in the company i was aware of a lot more things that are about to happen because one of the best things of working at three months is mata's incredible trust in everyone in the company so everyone is heavily involved everyone is aware of where the company is headed towards in the next five years 10 years and this is also very inspiring but thinking of this bugatti thing is last year when i had my first bugatti experience with the shiram poor's poor here at the neverkring and then arrived here and i met the team and um i was introduced like yeah he's gonna take a passenger ride and like oh tell us a bit about yourself like well i live here the nervous i do instructions i do this and that and that and i also work for image out to be there like what rimachar to ability materials like croatia like yeah yeah like and everyone became like massively skeptical and questioning like why i was there but because obviously this whole negotiations were taking place back then which i was unaware of people were thinking that i was like sent there with a purpose so it's just like a funny anecdote that i wanted to share with you that i still have to think back uh of at the times but um going forward now to the actual question that was asked um what did i think of life in creation and uh what do i miss about it and compare it to germany well i always said back then and i will still say it even right now croatia would be a country where i would happily move to and stay forever and be happy there because it's an amazing country i miss it terribly because food the best food out there you could see it also on all the kilos that i gained and had to train off this year because it's just delicious it's also very affordable they want to call things cheap because it's like what yeah very low prices uh the climate is amazing and especially in comparison with this year here that we we here in germany at the nerve crank because not in germany but at the nurburgring this year we had only two days where it was above 26 degrees maybe 28 centigrade and after that done rain rain rain rain flood rain rain flood gray skies cold that's it so thinking back of the croatian mediterranean climate where i could hop in my car drive for one hour and be in riyaka and kirk in like in the near grobnek and lie on the beach for the whole day and then in the evening drive back and the following day i could go yeah go to work this is something that yeah i miss that a lot absolutely and then also the people i really loved croatian peoples peoples people because they do remind me of well after all they're all slav people and for me who was born and grew up in russia very warm open-hearted very hedonistic and in comparison to germans and i'm not saying it's a bad thing like the things that really annoys me most in some particular cases is that many of germans are just really rules horny i would say if you're gonna run five minutes late to your appointment that person that you had appointment with is going to spend 10 minutes and thereby waste 10 minutes of you or in his time or her time educating you how bad of a person you are because appointment is an appointment you came five minutes late and then no you need to do this and that like this is kind of frustrating but again don't take it too far too serious it's just like one of the negative things that i like yeah kind of dislike because there's especially when we look for example at the situation that we had here with the flood rule is the rule things cannot be done the easy way because there is one rule i need to obey every single rule but at the same time in defense what we've seen people do and come together as a whole as a group here during those floods a lot of people from outside germany from other countries have said well had it happened in our country you probably would not have seen it people come together and help each other so i'm not saying that people are cold i'm just saying that um yeah sometimes maybe the the cultural cultural education regarding the love for the rules is making for the outsiders who are used of doing things of a bit more simple way uh yeah make it make life a bit more difficult and more difficult than it could have been or should have been so just like again my personal opinion because this is a personal q a and uh for the rest yeah a lot of things missing the personalized license place the from the ring tractor there were many things that i loved and still love about creation actually since we were talking about rematch one of the last video projects that i was partially involved in is actually where the employees of the company were expressing what they loved about croatia the foreign employees so i'm gonna include that in the video description as well so you can actually see for yourself it's a very cool video very interesting one so check it out long story short some people might say like well if you love the country why didn't you stay there again for the same reason why i didn't stay at 3 months automobile because it does not have the nerve crane so if one day the track is going to be closed and i won't be able to do hear what i do and what i love first thing i'm gonna call marta like please can i come back can i come back to croatia and work with you um true story so you can keep my word on that but let's hope that the nervous will never close and i can continue doing what i'm doing because you might never know what tomorrow is going to bring in any case let's move on to the next question because i already spent 10 minutes explaining or answering this first question this one is a good one what motivates you most in life in terms of making content and working on yourself as a person in the last year or two i have lost all the motivation for even the smallest tasks any advice to get back on track it's a hard one because i don't know the details of your situation why one would uh lose certain interests and certain things so let's first answer the question to me what motivates me in doing things what motivates me in making content without sounding too cheesy it motivates me whenever i meet any of you or people write me personal dms or say to me in the comments like hey it's been a tough year it's been just like i'm going through either personal crap or i had like this whole covet situation i've been in large depression your videos are the ones that keep me going keeping me positive and bringing my mood up and then i'm thinking like okay i need to be there for those people it's again it sounds cheesy but this is the biggest reward that i get now when it comes to another second thing with to making content why am i doing it every single day i'm not gonna deny that thanks to a youtube algorithm if i'm gonna stop one video like i'm not gonna upload today then probably the next video is gonna get half as many views as the as the previous video so there is something not time don't want to miss out but like i worked so hard in the last five years i don't want to do like miss out on one day and then not do it but to be honest at the same time and i'm going to move on later on by adding to it i will probably move away from daily videos in the nearby future first of all because i'm going to have my surgery at some point and i will be out of action for a month um but also for some other reasons the second part what motivates me to work on myself of a as a person it may sound weird but i'm gonna be honest with you haters are my biggest motivators whenever i had any crash and some would say something haha him again uh you cannot drive for and that kind of thing is a lot more offensive i would when this these comments would be repetitive first of all block that person from my channel but second of all always forever remember his name and remember his comment and then work my ass off buy a simulator drive on it improve myself as a person so this type of thing will never happen again whenever someone would make comments about my looks yeah well we're doing something about it whenever back when i was 11 years old and i had a very high score from my primary school in the netherlands and then when i would go to the high school and the dean said like yeah very impressive score but you've been only here one year in the netherlands so i'm not going to put you in the highest class vivio which was for for the dutch audience because then you're going to have bad grades for dutch and then i'm the one who did it so you're going to go to the lower uh like lower education level and i was really pissed off back then so to such an extent that i ended up getting better grades for dutch than dutch children so yeah there are many examples like that and the the worst thing or the best thing in my case when some of what someone can do to me is to say no for whatever reason that i like because if someone say you cannot break dance for and go like yeah i cannot do it and i don't care about it but if there is something that i like and if someone says that hey you're bad at it ooh well then i'm gonna do something to actually improve myself even beyond my comfort zone and finally it's something that uh what motivates you or what motivates me to do things that i do i'll be honest with you i'm actually also not motivated to do a lot of things i wouldn't say i became lazy but i gotten other priorities in life and this means by enjoying life wars there is a there is a story we're going a bit off topic here but hey if you like it you like it you can watch it you can skip it there's a story that i read once uh somewhere is that there was like a fisher fisherman's village somewhere in like uh pacific or somewhere on the nice island and then some western guy came there and he saw all these tasty fish and the fishermen were just catching barely enough fish for their own to feed and they asked what are you doing like yeah well we we're fishing we are fishing and then we go have lunch we go have nap then we have make some love with our wives and then we play with our kids and then we just and then we might fish again and he's like yeah but you waste so much time like okay so what's your plan then okay listen we're gonna uh we're gonna make more working hours you're gonna get more fish we're gonna make it the whole corporation you're gonna and then what well then we're gonna go expand to uh other countries and then what and then we're doing this and that they're gonna reinvest the stocks in somewhere else and and then what like yeah yeah but then what so what's the long-term goal yeah and then in 50 years you can lie down on the beach with your loved ones and play with your children he's like dude that's what we're doing right now so why would you work off your ass to actually if you are happy and in the po in the position where you are again this is a becoming very personal way to philosophical but maybe this is something that someone needs to hear is that you need to find happiness and doing nothing could be happiness as long as you are healthy and as long as you can pay the bills and no one around you is of course also suffering so don't be too hard on yourself for not doing certain things but how can you get on the track to do certain things you can start with the small things making up your bed for example or try finding new things like maybe working out if you've never done this before something that is unrelated to your tasks i think the key takeaway from all of this is that you need to find something that really makes you happy in life and keep on doing that and the more you do that or the thing that makes you happy the more energy you will have to do things that you like less and it's very important to find happiness in the small things to try to find happiness in older things even also the things that you like less all right we're getting really off topic here and it's becoming a really long video but there's one more question that i really want to address you know what has been your most memorable nurburgring experience it is of course driving the 24 hours was great the very first one i will never forget but driving my grandmother by now two years ago in 2019 hitting 300 kilometers per hour with her and sharing again my happiness something that i really enjoyed doing beering here than everything driving cars sharing that with her that was the most unforgettable moment that i had and i will forever cherish it for all the reasons and for example i did not have that luxury of doing it with my father who passed away by now also two years ago from cancer and we did not have much contact but when he was dying and on his deathbed he told me he started talking about many videos that i made and i was unaware that he seen him that he was following them this close and i had always the wish of actually taking him out on the racetrack and do things with him but there are many reasons why it did not happen and sometimes you see people talking on social media about their parents passing away and they always finish like hey call your mom call your dad call a parent spend time with them i want to say something different if you have something that you love doing in your life and you're proud of or not even have to be proud of it but just enjoy doing it go and do this with your parents because although they might not be telling you how much they are proud of you they would love to be a part of it and they like in the background are very supportive so um take them out and do your hobby together i think that's um yeah the end of today's video my kind of advice to you so yeah very long video lots of topics but timelines were there to make it uh easier for you to navigate through topics and yeah if we want to do another q a let me know the questions below and of course also the comments on today's topic tomorrow more content i promise to you uh probably there's a video that robert and i shot about where we talked about insurance at the nurburgring i think i'm gonna publish that and after that more content more card content so uh have a good day have a good week and see you then bye
Channel: Misha Charoudin
Views: 33,860
Rating: 4.9426522 out of 5
Keywords: Rimac Automobili, Bugatti, Porsche, RingTracktor, Self Help, Motivation, Misha Charoudin, Nürburgring, Sim Racing, Racing, Driving, Fitness, Parents, Family, Personal
Id: 2Z_BGsD-3Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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