*PORSCHE EATER* The FASTEST VW GOLF 2 on The Nürburgring!!

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This guy has a long thread over in The Car Lounge on VWvortex. Good read.

Here is his channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnE7cK4iH2xB1LHXFllipwA

👍︎︎ 145 👤︎︎ u/Turb0Rapt0r 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Highly modified hot hatches, the nightmares of any supercar on a track day.

👍︎︎ 685 👤︎︎ u/Onionsteak 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’ve known Nige for years, and he’s the most pleasant, proactive and productive trackday driver I know. Always a pleasure lapping with him.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/trackdayfilms 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

You can just say Nurburgring

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/tyrone737 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mischa's channel is great for enthusiasts. Most videos are him shooting the shit with the owner of whatever car is in the vid. Then it gets thrashed around the ring. He's always really excited for it too!

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/KaiRaiUnknown 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

It didn't eat Porsches. It's a very fast, well built Golf that can go faster than some street legal Porsches, but it hardly ate them. Well done on the car, maybe tone down the hyperbole.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/tigerstef 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Its the pinderwagon! The owner is a genuinely nice guy. That front splitter is also made out of wood.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/81amarok 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Built > Bought

This guy knows everything about this car, can drive it well and imagine everything happening with the car, diagnose ways to improve it further, problem solve, design, fabricate, and constantly refine his machine.

The ultimate connection of man and machine CANNOT be purchased by signing some paperwork.

Cue the downvotes by people with leases and new cars who think I am gatekeeping. Except I'm not.

I'm holding people like this up on a pedestal, as their level of devotion to the automotive gods is far beyond you, and far beyond me. I look UP to people who have skills/knowledge/abilities/talents that I don't have yet; I don't try to minimize their accomplishments, and I'm not going to minimize that connection of man and machine.

Walking into a dealership, signing some papers, and getting some keys is NOT the same thing, no matter how fast or expensive it is. You don't get the same connection, and you DEFINITELY don't get that level of exclusiveness that comes with something like this, it is basically a 1 of 1, and if you added up the man hours spent creating this, he probably could have gotten a second job and afforded some insane supercar by writing a big check... but he CHOSE not to.

The path of building a vehicle to your dream standards is FAR more difficult, challenging, but imho it's also MUCH more rewarding.

👍︎︎ 297 👤︎︎ u/Airkuhled 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was told there would be Porsche dusting, I was still waiting for it at the end of the video. It was sandbagging this hatch the entire time.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/DesertShot 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
good morning comrades welcome back to the channel welcome back to the nurburgring amazing destination nurburgring track day today and we have here next to us the fastest golf on the nurburgring in the world and it's builder owner founder and engineer and everything nige hello how are you doing hello i'm doing fantastic good it's a wonderful day today to go out for some laps yeah yesterday was a bit wet but today's dry conditions are perfect it's not too hot fantastic conditions wonderful so we did the lab already a couple of years ago we featured featured this car but for people who are new to the channel and i think you've probably done a couple of things to it ever since i didn't have a stop exactly it never stopped so let's give it a quick update so originally on the outside it's a golf mark ii uh was it the gti original cl cl golf cl it's no sunroof oh that's that's this has now a rooster yes yeah multi-purpose but the most important like or the most prominent and the most special part about this car is again you built it everything by yourself everything by myself lots of tests lots of development quite a few changes but yeah the splitter uh the air dam so they they're down there their feed for the cooling for the brakes uh the splitter i find these wires were necessary to stop that going about 150 miles an hour it was bending down and touching the floor so you can probably almost stand on it i can stand on it yeah stand on the splitter yeah that's important yep so in here you've got a oil cooler that's all ducted duct there for the intercooler and for the water radiator that makes about 15 degrees water to cooling temperature without being open or closed off um fiberglass bonnet that scoop there is to suck the air out from behind the radiator so it goes in through the grill or through the vent and then out through the back and over the windscreen okay we'll get back to the engine later let's continue with it with the aerodynamics uh mods wheel archers uh these are plastic arches on fiberglass wings i made myself these have got a vent at the back to get the hot air high pressure air out of the wheel arch you can see there where you go over stones you sometimes get some chips in there and mark them front brakes i'm not aware of any larger brakes on the mark 2 golf on track they're 364mm mil 36 mil thick brakes offer a current british touring car um six part ap pro 5000 with project mule pads and that's to get the car on the decks that's kind of the jack yes with the aluminium side skirts it's got a full flat floor so i can't get a jack underneath it uh this skirt helps make a tunnel down the center of the car to stop the air spilling out underneath um so these are welded into the bottom of the roll cage area put a bar in and it lifts the car up from the jack yeah nice going further to the bag again wheel arch extensions i have spaces between the stub axle to increase the rear track a standard mac tool goal for your brakes wow it doesn't need anymore it's so light at the back end i can lock up the rears if i put too much bias on the back so those uh and some are patchy harvest pads and that's fantastic it's all it needs and then more arrow on the back more arrow on the back the flat floor that comes all the way down from the splitter feeds this diffuser this is a fiberglass diffuser that i made started out aluminium and this one is a fiberglass one the little flat gurney flap on the back just helps extend the effective length of the the diffuser getting it flap on the diffuser that's something i haven't seen before it's the same on the wing it just it makes it extends the effective length apparently yeah um it ties it up standard boot plastic rear window the rear wing was added a few years ago it used to run without what i did i fasted a lot of pieces of wool to take photos and see what the airflow's doing at the back of the car fitting this wing stop the air spilling up as much and it now only spills to about there and then the it joins further back where before it was quite dirty at the back of the car wow so it's not massive in terms of effectiveness but it's in clean up the airflow that's its main purpose lmp1 golf development in your backyard not quite as excessive but i use those cvs for ideas for inspiration yeah they spend money testing i can't do that mine is all experimentation good engineering practices read over dynamic books try and understand what's happening and why they do certain things and develop that for the quite square fronted mac to a golf so it's not always interchangeable nice and on the inside yep looks pretty standard so far yeah we've got the wing seats which we can use on this track there you can't use them on tf of course but this is a track car it is rod legal in the uk i do drive it when i'm doing testing but very rarely it's not comfortable at all wing seats full six point shot harnesses it's not a sequential gear shifter i get asked that so many times it's a standard mark four golf shifter but it's raised off the floor so it's a lot easier to reach from your hand yeah the dash in the middle is a digital dash um it's a dta digital dash that reads everything off the ecu it will come on in a moment oh it's even your car on it it's my cab on it as well and that that's everything from all the temperatures pressures revs boost that's all you need yep that's all you need and we've got a little front in the top which gets a massive amount of air out there large mirror in the back and camera and it started out as a six point cage but as you can see with the gusseting down by the air pillars wow i've added quite a lot of strength it used to struggle to open the doors on the car when it was jacked up it's a micro goal for shell bends and twist as you jack it up since i added all the gussets in and tied it into the shell and to the rear turrets you can jack the car up and close the doors a lot the easiest i know it stiffens the shell and it also stops windscreens cracking okay because the chassis used to flex so much a stone chip would crack really quickly now i got a crack a couple of weeks ago and that it stayed like that and that is purely down to the screen not being able to twist and deflect like it used to do okay well so far on the inside and outside so what's underneath the bonnet it's a mach 3 16 valve two liter engine okay that's not all it started out as that as a standard engine and i modified it on throttle bodies um on mega square then a few years ago i went to a bed of ecu to dtacu it's running a british driving car turbo okay should we go before you were running a volvo turbo was a volvo turbo before mid-range it was fantastic it was a great turbo to start with this one keeps supplying boost all the way to the top where the volvo one was running out of out of puff it gets hot under there full three inch exhaust system from there all the way back that's for the external wastegate which can just seize tucked down there the gearbox is an o2s 6-speed vw gearbox with a gripper plate diff this is a breather for the diff it's been running quite warm yesterday with with the slicks on this morning in particular it's running quite awesome the diff's really working hard that you can't touch the gearbox after a lap um everything else the numbers the numbers i have three so i have actuated pressure at 0.6 bar which is about 280 horsepower i have a button on the steering wheel which then switches on boost by gear okay that gives me between 310 and 360. so third gear is about 310 fourth is about 330 53 15 63 60. wow and then i have a button on the steering wheel which instantly goes to 1.6 bar and that's about 440. that's an overtake button and all that on the mark two golf cl if i try to deploy the full boost in the lower gears it just spins up of course the front wheel so it has to be controllable there's no point having all the power if you can't get it on the track or you speed up and burn out your tires always last thing we didn't mention the suspension suspension kw club sport yep uh it's caterpillar club sport stack stiffer springs than usual but also i've done some uh roll center and bump steer correction the standard mach 2 has bump steer quite bad when you're low of it of course the roll center is really bad i had to drop the wishbones um quite a bit and that made a massive difference on steering i've also increased caster by raising top mounts i've now got over six and a half degrees of caster it's one and a half at standard so that gives me a lot of negative camber while i'm turning the wheel and getting caught awesome well more in the video description and now let's go for the lab [Music] um cool stuff on the top and slamming me uh here no further on on the top right mind okay i love how it is carbon fiber carton fibre yeah still so if you if you listen tap in yeah that's the exhaust which i thought was the engine and my heart sunk oh it was gutted but yeah it's crack manifold if i could fix that you will get cool air i don't know if it affects your camera too much that's all i will work around it okay well if you want to that's your vent now misha okay if you close it if you think you might get too much camera noise because that's what happened on the first time if you remember oh when we go around the carousel you will hear a high pitch squealing it's the power steering pump behind my seats okay it's just disconcerted if you're not aware what the noise is at first [Music] so hey so [Music] so oh tires [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey so [Music] [Music] [Music] that was very nice that was a good luck i enjoyed that yeah it was very good important question yeah what's this light so i have an accuson which is an oil container it's like a big syringe full of oil and when the engine sees low oil pressure the accusong pushes the oil into the engine to maintain oil pressure which is down here on left-handers the design of my sump even though i have baffles i get oil starvation that's what destroyed by crankshaft last year okay um so the accuracy is there as a backup and so i know it's working and for an orange light it's on left-handers so as i'm going around the left-hander i can see that in my eye line and i know that the jacket is working and um saving the engine nice that's fine oh well that was wonderful i hope you guys enjoyed this lap if you want to find out more check out the video description for nigel's youtube channel he has a lot more videos as well as probably instagram do you have answers yeah yeah give him a follow and stalk him with more questions and uh maybe if you pay enough he will build some lmp1 card of your shitbox thank you very much are we safe yeah we're safe it's just the uh that plastic i've dropped on the exhaust that i told you cool thank you thanks i'm gonna check it myself hey hey hi hey mate you're right he's good how are you i'm good thank you i couldn't get it out and it stuck to it oh so it's just some plastic that i dropped down there oh that's all right stuck to the manifold and it's burning itself away it'll still find its home it's home will be infused converting it to a gas gas powered car yeah oh
Channel: Misha Charoudin
Views: 2,298,042
Rating: 4.8541994 out of 5
Keywords: Pinderwagen, VW Golf 2, BTCC, LMP1, Le Mans, Nigel Pinder, Destination Nürburgring, Porsche GT3 RS, Detailing, Popo, F1, Racing, Formula 1, Nürburgring Prototype, Street Racing, Misha Charoudin, Apex Nürburg, Motorsport, Vlog, Car, Cars, Automotive, Nürburg, Nürburgring, Nordschleife, BMW, Porsche, Car Tuning, Car Spotting, Touristenfahrten, Public Session Nürburgring, Ring Taxi, Apex Taxi, Team Schirmer, Asetto Corsa, Devils Diner, Auto Addiction, Car Crash, Porsche GT2 RS MR, Track Day
Id: l47hKqnA-lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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