1v1 MegaRandom | Cumans War | vs Nicov

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my go random and we go random to make it all for random ultra duper mega super random ascended boys 2.0 is point always the name indeed meek of looks like he's playing mirror this nickel is awake playing send it boys 2.0 exactly that's our opponents I wonder how we're going to do this are both of us gonna why do they stop both of us gonna go fast Beauty Soraka whoops I'm gonna find out I don't like me to pick either just for this piece piece I need to find out that there's water what I said woman Idol how long was she idle I need to send him there cuz I wanna see if there's water there I want to see if this board in a corner and I want to see it just in a water towards the center that's pretty much the name of the game right now wait I'm sending all my sheep away no that's also bad bad way to play the game there's water anywhere run back to town said oh we don't wonder the so many deer around holy cow might run down here and do like a town center there that could be nice although it's a little bit long I reckon do keep a checkers at the same time I'm thinking I don't have any resources going up past might not be that easy me and Nick about your favorite players and you are in for a treat you are in for a treat sir proper proper treats yeah I would like to play kippa Chavez actually that's what my instinct tells me right now that's too little to TCS and to keep a checkers how much do I have to pay you to teach my brother how to defend a rush to - Russia - is starting to feel like a few one I know that's feeling good I would love people to do the same for doubt you can teach doubt then I'm I can teach your brother okay okay so it's just a ton of food spread around in forms of turkeys everywhere ostrich and you guys wonder why Mongols is the preferred choice in mega random often well it is pretty obvious how tight not even in top 10 yellow you get stopped any alone oh I said answer there could make sense because I see stone then we can do oh can we lure to Nico let's try it let's try I probably shouldn't give away my spear for free but can't resist I gotta try and lure the lion to the enemy it's a lot of golden stone though not sure if Kippur chuckles it's the right choice but it can't be really this should be really fun to play with considering there I bring the lion I bring you a lion hello well that's probably not worth it losing all scouting Intel for that not a clever decision in my opinion but choice has been made jail drawer Lockhart isn't that fun on her putter am I wrong after this yes sir we can yes we can I read all the other part actually I read all the Harry Potter books in Norwegian and then I read the last one in English because the English version was released earlier in the innovation one I thought like my hand was forced I will just send all my actually there's probably a better spot for town centre although this would make my eco more safe I can do one there and I said tough decision right now I think I could just wall that potentially I guess gonna go a low ground I have a lot of it already now Oh a big Harry Potter fan I love the books love the books I did not love the movies but I liked in the new Harry Potter movies so far the ones with the fantastic beasts and where to find them I don't mind those also I've been enjoying those fun to see Dumbledore and what's-his-face bad guy I don't like the OG Harry Potter films Grendel vault that's his name but I like the like the fantastic beasts and where to find them yo Pam thank you for the whole year of support dude you should you coming over to mixer and support me for a whole freaking year hello Yoshi what's up I actually kind of regret not just fast castling considering the circumstances that probably is what makes sense he's going fast cast or foolish as well so I think one could easily get away with a fast castle it doesn't have to do the two TC approach although to see two TC is probably still pretty good right farm you can eat oscillation I don't have a stress around here if I wouldn't these guys to eat ostrich I would have to send them and walk a mile or two in order to start eating ostrich right and that's not something we have the or wouldn't want encourage here we encourage workplace efficiency always going Scouts actually wonder if we did a second TC as well actually I'm happy to see I don't mind that at all or is that not playing [Music] I don't mind this this trade is okay for me don't mind this at all I'm glad lose to us for this gladly is not the right word I'm not gladly losing those bills I'm just saying that I don't mind wonderful did a TC first I have a spear as well now this which doesn't make too much sense for him anymore in my opinion one my humble opinion why did I even go football there I have gold next to that Thomson I don't need to take hold so wonder if he is doing a noxious which pandas would make sense in my opinion he would be able to continue the pressure let's see if he goes for that I lost two bills right but I imagine I got my second TCO passing him what is up with me here why do I not have Spearman around now those extra village losses are nonsense that's just lazy lazy losses still doing Scouts too late resist find his trips yeah I'm expecting still them to go for archers I think that would have been a really good follow-up for him here considering the circumstances but I'm not complaining I don't see archers probably probably gonna see a Knights for him Steph Lancer Knights I would like to find maneuver your travels down there into the mining camp right now gotta kill you have Shiva kill no gold I have gold to be fair I did reveal now he knows about my kippa checkers switch not oh he saw Michael stole miners yes you know I'm surprised I didn't didn't go for Archer follow-up could have idols so much of my eco rounder since I'm going for quite greedy approach not do LTC first good house they're unnecessary let's watch your Malay video on YouTube interesting thoughts and delayed aging it's broken man it's completely broken one percent needs to be fixed don't mark it as well you have three theses now I'm going to a fourth use I'm gonna fold with my voice all grid mode let's do it go forward which are bad boys here see how good this keeper chackers really are and it's mega random matters mega random equates breakfast do you have dude show me your upgrades sorry there huh no upgrades further than but no sir skirmish but I did go archers you know that's confusing the timing of that that's just confusing right there they're still fueling charges though I might be able to pick them up it's gone for scams don't and they're so low on HP these guys can play I'll lose I'm gonna lose 3-2 units there yeah we gotta use mobility I could I just add honestly I could just add steppe lancers or something instead of manga no I wish why did I do that that makes way more sense I Prahalad like improv IRS's Doraemon I enjoyed it I had a lot of fun thing it's no question about that so I think I have a better repo for sure but his score is heavily do too cheers mate got any tips for improving APM's Plaza can remind my bro Levi archers don't count a scarf Russia's feudal our team is clicked on the bear I'm gonna have to look at your comp in a sec here I think that's ten pounds let me just sort out this stressful intense moment right now start mixing in some steppe lancers into a beautiful army [Music] then I will get back to you regarding a p.m. I think it's just playing and trying to maximize the efficiency of your hotkeys and then force yourself up the scroll speed of the game do these things step by step in until you get familiar with those those types of moves that you can tell increases your speed or efficiency so to say I used to have less scroll speed than I have now in the past and I hated changing it but it was always a case of just upping it a little bit at a time and it would become comfortable for you you just gotta get used to play two or three games like that remind my bro Levy archers don't count their scout versus levy archers what are levy archers hey are we going for the ultimate composition err Lancers and Kip shucks are we discovering the meta just the ultimate composition boys I my squats be right now is maxed out I asked him I really wish they would turn it up oh we did it already and I just haven't found a good one now a man scores Bastille 100 up so Castle by my house all the time can I see a relative am I completely blind swear I saw a relic somewhere else oh I don't win with my life I have too many production buildings how to not be house like this think he's up facing this for us let's go up as well I'm committed to my kippa checkers and the plants this approach here let's go and keep a checkers as well [Music] did you try to build a castle wait did I kill it I didn't kill it right I mean I hope I did I don't think it is [Music] tips on getting a girl from get good at age simple as death my friends I think I got it I want to try and force the issue a little bit there it's been quite a passive game for me that right let's see how fast they produced now let's feel that much faster even with the step husbandry thing I was expecting it to be way faster hmm is that fast or not I mean honestly no further goodness it it happens man I thought it was up earlier I guess I was wrong like Acropolis on steroids is mapped Kim isn't weak dude tremors are actually Jimmy's are actually ridiculous they can go to few layers get such a powerful Eco bonus if you think humans are weak you probably haven't played that much in team games at least teams they are borderline the best save right now as if he's going for Kip shark only by books it I'm going keep a checkers and Lancer boys see who comes out victorious what makes it so good in team games at Lisa's pocket you have the opportunity to go for past fuel and TC and there's nothing they can do to punish you with that cannot get punished it's insane the type of economy you get with that damage 904 elite all right the Lancers being worked on now we just need a little Kip check as well which is eleven hundred thousand would look at this guy we go for seed RAM as well let's go for elite Kip a checkers first think our composition should be better I made in crossbow man I can ethic tell that his first camera today as well because I'm not doing a good job of like multitasking being active all that stuff I think we're really good against siege as well right yeah I can just run in there and snap this thing it works let's max out an army and then we attack I imagine we should have a better setup with steppe lancers I imagine I thought there's but like I only made 5 stables because now it feels faster than it was before I didn't do anything I just upgrade to elite I know there is something bugged there wouldn't be a surprise would it am i late you're always late okay let's go look at this how does he stop this army voice I think we have found the best army composition in the game it is the answers and keep a ChaCha's voice just want the trip okay that's too far we've dug too deep too deep Lance just suck you suck take that probably in vertical paladin and with the amount of gold we could probably justify that even but fences are cool okay gotta respect the coolness of units so the annoying thing obviously is that there are hills everywhere so whoever pushes has to push uphill pretty much check the left side here a siege ramp elite does train faster okay it doesn't make sense them a certain extent we have Lancer CSS our I would say Lance this should be better let's try to go let's go for it here Oh Purvis we have me stealing phones I imagine we should trade well there or is the hill advantage too strong maybe he'll adapt is too strong wants to get my trips no did I get the castle look Castle there stop hitting the building go for the units that damn yeah feel like we're onto something here you're on the hill the Grahams coming this is mega random who's asking for that York with trading okay share just gotta keep planning on the pressure you know you know Rams as well score it's kind of increasing in his favor but that's because we are the attacker so we are trading less effectively but we are gaining ground that's all we can ask for that is all we can ask for go on to something named with a hill indeed feel too powerful to keep checks look I had 20 Kip checks shooting and they couldn't kill another key check very fast I think I need traps always going Cavalier well boy you can play that game let's jump actually that's pretty good I didn't do a lot of damage to the cavalier quite fast we keep track so good against Rams right that's a potential issue might be in too deep here my whole army that's certainly a possibility we go straight to paladin feel like we're trading good though no matter what here feels like we're always trading well that's writing well but we are doing good enough for a job so to say that castle is down you're trading well of course there's so many resources to the left this is probably I should shift my focus he's gonna keep trying to be trying to defend this area I'm just gonna switch my focus to the left side paladins on the way wonder if he can afford paladin paladin is probably what it makes sense made sense to go for from the beginning the other string little late to switch that up now but don't be like that actually not even close to being puffed out right now which is not a nice feeling paladin let's see if you got paladin no you don't got pilot in I got paladin somebody's gonna dive in what's he taking long boats Opie or not now why do they stopped that's a good arm there right now how the hills I don't have Kip checks to support this on me yes paladin as well now I really wonder if he has relics I did not get low relics I certainly did not waste my eye in producing keep check non-stop where are they I'm taking a bad trader then I'm kind of just forcing it to make sure I get my castle up actually I might be a doubt cast what we all things considered you might be onto a doubt cast here boys oh boy doubt make oh my trip my trips [Music] like this then have enough Kip Chuck's there to support the military forces my trips um this we switched onto gold again bye-bye castle bye-bye traps by by everything why should it be goodness gram so you mean Kip checks they shouldn't but they are for some reason it's kind of forcing the issue here I'll sure about that this is how what I've been doing the last couple of minutes he will go back from there what's going on there nobody likes raiding there is a really great behind the mill I'm blind there's actually much beneficial for me that I'm losing these bills because I will get a bigger army now and that might be something you can actually turn off an official siege on there could be an option actually considering the resources we have this kind of potentially trapping is not very I definitely got a little bit too greedy here I thought the game was borderline over let's jump on this or me at least gotta be a little more careful how we use our military forces yeah someone's goal though I think probably larger army is the way to go here instead of mass a lot of villagers what I think I'm not gonna even gonna make more girls should be a large army wins this game what do you guys never feel your job [Music] okay there I will make some more bills alive [Music] and these Kip chucks don't kill paladin at all I have to actually be paladin to defend my rates who would have thought if you have stables on the sides castle that would have been very nice but there's so many castles of his that's nice potentially is it nice I think it's nice [Music] maybe I should ignore chicken just go for paladin will be an option for sure [Music] it's not a patio maybe I should just stop at a hundred bills I have a bunch of gold your bank we have enough food they would would be as the main source of concern I think we might be making too many kipchak still let's get villagers here today one on top of castle I'm a I'm a skip check is the way just just enough meat shield and mask it checks it also be what's the actual right player she's trying to raid just obviously fair enough I have a massive army noise that's tables there [Music] it should be good for me I would say although my parents don't look like they're fighting not sure are they fighting what's going on there this fight right there I'm not sure what's going on there yes there's a good fight for me that looks at I'll keep trucks actually passed in peloton though since you're saying they're barely past impeller and use me wonder if they are even faster empowering [Music] this is the point now where I have lost bills because it was raining but I also have a bigger army and him [Music] they're still at the point where I think is not worth it to remake Vil's except here when my goal this I'm also thinking maybe I buy stone to get a cast in this area that could also be beneficial you start to focus more and more on the rating I'm putting a little more emphasis on the gold on the left now not sure which one will be the right to the end right decision in the end you will surely find out at some point I need to get out of there so also mixing in hustler which I'm not I'm going to fall out on the gold units but if I come behind with this army I should be able to kill this but there was more power instead and I anticipated what didn't I maybe overestimating my units I'm sending to defend here it's certainly good okay time to remake those things have changed different world now it's a different world now it's not looking great I've lost too many bills I was hoping larger army would win the game but I'm not doesn't feel like I have a larger army maybe the HUS tradition was good by him I think I also made a big mistake I think I was just too confident early in pushing out I wasted so many units fighting uphill I think I'm also still making too many Kip checks he wants to force this year which makes sense he's the one who has the golden come still I don't I'm making too many Kip jokes probably yeah still have enough called income and everything should stay in the game but I'm yeah I'm not really hearest I never started raiding him and I placed my yeah a lot of things look at this from a purely look at this in a way of what's the right way to play the game you have certainly made a lot of wrong decisions just a few paladin's are enough to raid and hurt a lot of ego doing good job with just sending like a few paladin's up to the top you following this down well reckon easier said than done sir actually have here that with hers that's actually where my biggest issue lies right now black of woodcutters [Music] what's the big s army sent over to that side town center that's when you know you're desperate well helps helps don't make sense when there are skip jokes like this involved just going for the castles make sense to certain stem star to max out again but it's a desperate max out it's not a hey I'm looking good now I'm maxed out it's a desperate he's having siege as well now oh it's not I don't have enough fish Peter jump in not fish Peter jump in question now is can we actually out survive his gold there's a lot of gold there still we are trading very effectively now these days are these minutes we have idle time we are trading effectively with our army fighting what until I fall below a good job there as well debating my fire there and then sending everything out various you tell them like down to one hundred and twenty thirty pop I think we can still say with the chip let's do it castle there oh boy a lot of poverty knows you didn't follow you must be preparing preparing something somewhere because otherwise this silence doesn't make sense I guess trebuchet is on this side SWAT is preparing and we don't know who what's up all that don't think that's a good trait for me though I cannot be sure that yeah that's a terrible fear for me well oopsie my pot okay now my pop is bad I was looking real bad I need my it's very that you have to send everything there we are not golden more definite was the wrong decision as well to push here and early instead of just pushing where the gold is and taking control this area because I would say early we definitely had a big lead maybe we should try and max out again with just a full army I don't always resource what this resource are looking like right this trips as well there it's probably the end end of us raids [Music] Church is gone paladin early impossible right I don't know I know that I have two relics that's all I'm really able to know as well his gold is so exposed as well non-stop open to reading this was a very very sloppy game but in our and very very stop again all things considered I'm gonna have to be ready to run that army immediately yes too much gold Oh stone let's try to take one bad fight if he comes in with a proper raid on the side again and we can call it anyway there's that red let's call it GD Kip Chuck I made too many of them in him to see in the Imperial now as well he's going full paladin only and hustler because the Kip just just aren't worth it especially with all the gold in the bank yes so much gold still here as well in a corner yeah and we got a little bit too complacent there early in pushing up the hill here constantly wasting resources keeper jackass and we took one bad fighter we tried to put a castle there and I can't after that the kind of snowball out of control I definitely stuck to have you on a Kip check though and I don't feel like a good unit still they don't feel like a good unit be hopeful with five numbers used to stressed out from trying to teach you how to play a we properly kitty stressed out from horrible experience of watching you eat breakfast with two forks that way stressed out from trying to tickle you and you won't let her Viper's dressed up from combining her electron life is too complicated we lock up Sun enjoy thank you be hopeful appreciate that Joe 34 with 12 year rules chest made lovely working to swim to me a paean pretty much what I said earlier these can remind my bro Levy archers don't count don't counter Scout rushes in what is levy archers helps don't make sense guys helps don't make sense only thing I could make sense is maybe helps and keep checks but we would still be so exposed to raiding everywhere I mean I was that could've world here as well and maybe it made a castle there instead but we were committed to our approach was not worth in trying Paula how was the last resorts then he switches in to keep checkers well right this is just the reason is eco ahead now it's because of the older rating you were you were meant to violate his village I misunderstood let me see I wanna see so we have uh we do have a villager leader here because he went for a stable I went for town sir it was mega random but we I would say we had a significant advantage in this face and then we made we stuck with the wrong units and he made the right units and we never rated him while he awaited us and the reason for that primarily is because he added hustler as well starting from the side and I made too many cheap shots and Kip shucks don't deal with raids well either the damage output is just too bad
Channel: TheViper
Views: 56,591
Rating: 4.9317956 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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