1v1 Islands | Portuguese vs Malians | Feitoria!

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Islands notice I'm up we don't play very often Portugese asking you shall receive I am NOT one to say no to some beautiful Portuguese play me live is waitin for ya not my problem I have another opponent here's Islands man that said my ship I played I played one silence and I rang against fire so as that I had don't think I've played Islands I guess it makes sense that I'm running into players that don't mind islands like fire and Miguel are the only players playing violence all true we have tutorial maybe I should try to get this for to go on for a while so you can use that we'll take care of the garden in the weeks after your surgery I don't know I do not know first warm-up pocket in the world is always doubt no matter what is doubt love watching islands games absolutely hate playing it again anyone else have that same opinion that's interesting one I don't really not a big fan of water maps in general but I don't mind playing them knowing them but watching them I I don't really like watching competitive water maps but sometime it depends if it's just fire ship fire ship not fun fire shipping is galleys not fun but back and forth intense water games I don't mind those aren't too bad baby haven't found my voice I guess there will be a board here should be anyway there's one hope this one here as well this is gonna be a bad trip for this village here's my second board ah there this hiding on the shore I used new fishing collect fish on the shore mechanic he's mo Lian's weird I'm not sure if he picked up he's playing random but there are a good hybrid ship but if the game goes to him obviously his ships aren't gonna be up to standard I'm not sure what his goal here is it might play some sort of landing maybe fire ships and landing fast Impa Toria know you guys like to see him around but at some point the level of gameplay like I cannot just on islands I can't just go for me against Miguel it was maybe one of the best islands players in the world you guys wanted to go fast in Pretoria yeah it's the likelihood of that working is as likely as doubt out my crane three manga knows with two prosperous that was new photos right now potatoes a beast just so low HP increase it's hard man or did I think it would hole yo dudes as a substitute of eleven months and has been subscribed for twelve months old time oh oh that's interesting actually his dock is going up right there I think mixer made some changes now to like substrates should show properly now in general obviously we are on top of each other there which is fairly interesting me scared so I have more HP right and my ships cost less cold that's great - five I guess you want to do this how do I want to do this mmm probably demo was the right thing to do here don't think not sure if he has to be dogs actually I'll be the next question Mike yeah this is quite odd for microphone me there it is I just take a ship his fish I did it I was probably mistake but I was committed Bishop has extra HP as well read of the ponies Tall Ships guessing that his demos ratio system pretty a big mistake [Music] the most impressive bable bable numberless all demos remain now the looks of it in the damage is done on water I killed most fish fish I think I'm just gonna garrison on my docks and go to cast page just to keep in guessing sort of I'm going water still scary point right now would be a landing that would be potentially dangerous 20,000 golf to sustain fires from two docks I wouldn't be able to tell you that's the right number there stream sniping I'm pretty I'm pretty sure he's probably streaming himself would be my guests [Music] you can't ice my fire are to their the low HP ones you knows though you know you know Gaza the best one citizens - I heard the tales not sure if I believe that or agree with that but apparently the rumor has it that both are now the best in the triple doc Ellis over-investment caravels not right off the bat maybe a down the road yeah I lose my horse somewhere where could I have lost my horse there probably to a fire ship roaming the area please that's what I'm hoping for I had them all they're so risky when [Music] [Music] I'm by me Oh disaster bees I showed a guest I was learning come here though considering that he's saying that he did kill my Scout over there it does add up he would add some fishies Fisher we killed all of his all of his [Music] fishing ships mistake oh boy see how long I've got to keep my fish alive their little cheeky so we'll see why are you guys idle explain that to me peace well building a house oh yeah I didn't get to keep them very long he goes there I need to be ready to react kill my fishies okay hittin noise I don't know if he also has buildings on my side Oh fine that is your way annoying yes seems to me like is just losing a fish as well seems to me like it isn't what's it called to where but it isn't why not leave my lumber camp he didn't land with buildings seems like it was just what did I leave my lumber can't make some sense but then what I'm trying to say is I don't think it was the landing of buildings I think it was just units Mike was a mess though that certainly hurts we'll try to recover have two relics still making water now I need to try and make it late game that's not making a lot of water surprising amounts castellón unique technique maybe maybe it soon boom what okay well he boomed it for me that's acceptable I guess yeah what do we drop a caste I think I need to do it they're close to me I have three relics poster metal also close to the close to the middle resources and protecting all my resources as well Russians how does he approach this contempt because in theory I have a better bet game I also have a Toria which I'm kind of happy without this is playing out because there is a chance we might get to play with Victoria it's not unlikely I'm house all day see wait time to gleam anyone remembered Emily against Mullane game on Irina I do remember it very well do you think he is up not sure it be on the gold I will be very surprised if you demos my castle it will surprise me a lot come on give me ten gold thank you my parasite yet still worried about a landing command fetching good shout good shout okay that conversion took the hell of a long time I think it was pretty good spot turn and I am excited about the whole site Oriya concept I should probably wait until I have ship right this wrong [Music] I just found out today that put yeast on a chip right by the way guys in case that anyone was wondering about that part I'll have a demo demo store I never have enough resources seems like fast fries from him to begin with at least why am i selling wood that's stupid doesn't make sense for me to landing okay I wasn't expecting the landing so soon Oregon's masterpiece masterpiece oh there we go that's my boy actually it's not gonna work don't think you can do too much for those careers I'm not too concerned about that honestly we go this is over ambitious my friends in a castle there was probably five others I might even be able to deny that he has more than five girls oh I never momentous isn't on my controller for some reason as that if I haven't had that for the whole game then I probably been not producing as much as I did a stands for demo I just got a shipment Adam my mom can that think I should be out of range okay okay good we're fine never mind never mind it's all good when do I start thinking about Pretorius the question I mean I should be able to [Music] keep this safe with water and organs and I have Victoria guys should let me show you what show you that way what's my hopefully each concern was a smoking for that I don't think you can win this anymore how much is it I could afford it my husband's not working almost it houses logic Watchtower that's desperate Miguel is desperate sees my Victoria I don't mind losing bills it doesn't really hurt me unless they kill bills to have resources on them they're carrying resources rather I would go caravels but the only has fire ship so it doesn't really make sense right I can get our caboose and have range for my ballistics run bomber cans as well and there could be these non-water even [Music] [Music] wells but no cigar mr. Miguel this is it it's very much I said when once we got to this point but sir I'm the fun to see that vitória affected a Islands game at 1:05 you can type on a 5 and respectful player you have to get to this point that is true but I would say with Portuguese in smallness you should be able to get here that's a trade cog what do I have trade box P is the T for transport ship I thought turns out no turns out No Oh 14 gold profits profit voice profit and Mongol answered Mongols pains me to delete or ngrams sometimes it has to be done let's get our caboose ballistics for our shitty water units - 36 profit what about now wait don't destroy the dock that's my training my training ground oh god he's in again I should not have deleted the organs why do I see water what you can see the water here what there's water in my base what is this I mean I can do another castle to protect my victorious at home it's flooding in the middle of the my base man Monastery Oh transport ship bound currents you have to come back the disrespect castle didn't think this will you mr. Miguel I can do that too doc cam galleon I can actually sort of defend this misters a hold there there is music and defend out the villagers and this is full profit here that trade cog is still going ham trying to steal my relics on my island don't not sure if that's how this works my population is down to it bad though - we have a lead or a masterpiece here the bills to protect they cannot get to the moon or pop space for Victoria that is true I think I can go get that castle up now I don't even remember building these trips wait are these all those are the trips that were there before perfect placement a relics man serious question can't fight or be converted by monks I cannot give you a serious answer because I do not know you going with those my trade is going ham boys do assay for monastery I still have a ton of gold there he has a transport ship update their minds he had a temper ship up there get the trade cog in the marketplace in the market profit boys profit everywhere he sold would actually surprising next Victoria he's playing out like no more vitória players yeah I mean at this point he's burning his whole base to land me right which makes sense he cannot win the long game he cannot win the water with the sieve in Imperial age so it makes sense was dead but at this point we have what forfeit Oriya 3 I was making a 4th now we will never run out of resources there's absolutely no way for him to to win this game at this point you know when water II cannot win land you did the right moves but yeah maybe sure I mean it was unfortunate for me that we had ducks right next to charge since I went for us a little bit slower up but I did sacrifice my water to kill its Bishop and try to go for faster castle is he's landing there good damage but not enough I think he should have landed buildings probably instead of just 5 archers then it would have been more dangerous she did ranges at home right yeah let's see gold trade profit profit boys 97 trade profit glorious I wish there was a way to see how many resources accumulated by vitória that's something we need to be able to see right that's something we need to be able to see in the future I mean obviously can see there this stone seems higher and that's because of Vitoria but I wish we need were able to see that look at my yellow it keeps jumping from 17 to 18 which you can't see might add one more relic on my oven as well lucky there you pretty much played for a long game and it worked out until we got Victoria it wasn't a bad idea we lose a lot look at this we almost had Victoria here but we have quite few villagers in total you can calculate that based on stone yeah so about four hundred and four hundred and sixty-four stone Vittoria it's what we got not too shabby would have obviously climbed way higher afterwards
Channel: TheViper
Views: 36,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: muHAnNMDMbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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