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anyway I've been trying to figure out what's going on I said well let me take a look at the concaves and uh let me show you what they look like all right girl it is time waited long enough what's up guys welcome back to the channel my name is Daniel and you are watching triple r farms and it is Wednesday April 2nd and uh we're gonna Harvest some corn today but uh we got to do a few things around here before we head off to Taco Bell one thing Dad's getting the irrigation going we're swapping to another pivot over there in the valley uh the river screen ran all night ran perfect so that that irrigation moved across the beans and got all the way across them so now it's time to uh move it to the next pivot so that's what Dad's doing right now I'm about to pull my combine up to the shop we gotta uh air up the tires on it Mark's gonna clean my windows and uh then we're gonna hit the road uh I got all the settings and stuff done to it yesterday and uh let me tell you why we did not choose to uh spray ah the good thing is Wayne and them move the grain carts over to Taco Bell yesterday so we do not have to move them today but while they were over there he grabbed a couple of years of corn well he brought it back uh hand shook the kernels off of it put it in the grain tester and uh we were hitting around 20.5 and 21 so it is time to cut some corn we'll uh we'll do that spraying uh probably in the mornings once we get over there and start harvesting every day I'll probably put a load out then go cut corn next day put a load out go cut corn something like that so yeah it's gonna be a big day we're gonna cut some corn pretty pumped about it so uh y'all sit back enjoy the show and you guessed it let's get started get there so this is the next pivot we're going to be turning on right here we've already got it walking this way uh looks like that is just now sitting in the water starting to come out I don't know if y'all can see that but we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to let it get all the way down to the end like we always do come out the end gun and then I'm gonna see what kind of pressure we got and if Dad needs to bring it down a little bit at the river he'll bring it down or bump it up but oh look at these beans these are some of the last beans that we planted and uh and they're growing like crazy yeah pretty foreign well Dad had to cut the river screen off um because he could not figure out how to get to the page on that little screen down there where you can adjust the hurts and all and he said right now it's set on 55 Hertz and we're really worried if we send too much pressure to this pivot it's not quite as long we just don't want to blow any pipes and in too much pressure so he cut it off I think I'm gonna run down there and go take a peek at it I don't know if I can fix it or not but um anyway I thought I'd try if I can't then uh Micah the guy that was helping Gabe last time um he's going to be coming by anyway today and then he'll take a look at it but we'll run down there and see what we can do well she's still down there in his interview no operating parameters draw well I don't know what I'm doing I may be probably should stop okay I'm at the right page see that says Max frequency 55 Hertz all right we want to go back down to 50. there you go let's see if she'll crank up There She Goes I don't know if y'all can see it but she's starting to turn 50. well there's our beehive they are still up on that limb see if I can get a good shot of it you're right there there's all they're just all hanging on that limb right there there's a big old ball of bees honeybees so Dad said everything looks good at the pivot we got water coming out we got enough pressure got everything set down here so everything looks A-Okay so now it's time to leave when everything looks good so me and Mark are gonna uh he's gonna get in my truck pull my header over there to talk Ville I'm gonna jump in the combine and we've got a long ride probably gonna take me about two and a half hours to get over there with the combine but um yeah let's get on the road thank you [Music] [Music] dude all right yeah [Music] all right no he's going in the shade though you're going gravey I'm going in the grain band today okay but yeah you're gonna have some corn today okay there's gonna be a lot of harvest videos and I'm gonna get a lot of comments what are the two jugs on the ladder par these are for fire hazards I know we got fire extinguishers all over the combine but we've always as long as I've been alive we've always had two jugs on every piece of harvest equipment so there you go they're water is that full yeah [Music] good well we got one more thing to do we need a little bit of hydraulic fluid yeah you see that sight glass when it gets it don't need to be all the way to the top about three-fourths full dang you come on here huh all right I'll watch it there it is all right that's good [Music] that was it and that was it it didn't take much at all no got lucky okay all right we have made it [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] food out of the long drive [Music] [Music] [Music] make sure everything's shut up under here phone trap door everything under the bottom so basically the last thing we got to do is uh pretty much calibrate the header and we'll do that right now calibrations one of the header and we're parked pull its header down button to continue all right it's going to go up and down and basically it's finding where the ground is and letting the sensors all even out it's gonna um calibrate the weight of the header on the hydraulic cylinders and all okay now we got to go up and uh anyway once we get this calibrated if it does which keep fingers crossed um this thing will be running on the ground the whole time and be tilting and letting up and down going by the Contour of the uh of the ground down [Music] it's just kind of barely hovering up and down real close to the ground I don't know if y'all can tell but it's just kind of doing this [Music] we did it calibration completed Hallelujah all right last thing I'm gonna do is clean off this dirty window back here and uh let's go cut some corn got some baby wipes right here they work good when you get corn dust and soybean dust on you get to keep you some baby wipes in there to wipe your arms off and off they work great oh yeah all right that'll work for today well we are combining I say I got a lot of adjusting to do haven't calibrated my moisture haven't calibrated the eel but I just wanted to show y'all how leaned over this corn is you can't even hardly tell where the rows are see right here I mean I'm sure it could have been worse but it's it's pretty bad I don't know how in the world my guidance is guiding but it is well there it is first truckload of the season hopefully there's a lot more so what I'm doing right now is I'm calibrating my yield you have to do your um you have to calibrate your moisture first I've already done that and this corn is running anywhere from like 22 percent all the way up to 26. a little bit higher than we like to uh start cutting at usually we want to be around 22 percent but uh it's gone up all the way to 26 sometimes but anyway I got that calibrated what I'm doing right now is I'm calibrating the yield and we combine like 10 000 pounds so I went and got the weight off the scales on Mark's grain cart now I just emptied my tank we're gonna go see what scales weigh we're going to enter in that actual number and then it'll give you a percent error and then you hit calibrate and um anyway it'll give you a calibration Factor it'll adjust however it needs to if it's way off like more than one percent or two percent normally I have to I have to do this about three times to get it dialed in but this is the first one thank you it's gonna be pretty close right there like a hundred pounds off it's not bad when you come down 10 000 pounds we hit enter yeah we're less than one percent from the air so that's pretty good so that's not bad for the first try uh less than one percent um but we will do it again and uh see if we can get it dialed in even more if it's really close this next time I'll probably let it ride for a while and um maybe next week or something I'll calibrate it again make sure we're still dead on but um yeah well that means this is pretty good corn which is a good thing because I was hoping what the monitor has been saying is is somewhere close to what it actually is and according to that pretty close so I kept saying corn on the ground some kernels more than uh than usual and I've kind of been watching see what the combine's been doing to adjust and all and this is kind of what I've been seeing this is this is way too much corn on the ground I thank you [Music] [Applause] so that is definitely unacceptable for on our farm so um anyway I've been trying to figure out what's going on I said well let me take a look at the concaves and uh let me show you what they look like that is not what you want and I've got round bar in here which that kind of confused me why the round bar is choking up it shouldn't choke up this is round bar right here but what's happening there's nowhere for the corn to go um supposed to fall to these little bars right here and get down on this Shaker pan and go back there to yourself but uh there's no way for it to fall through all these leaves corn salt leaves what I've been doing it's just been riding on that rotor going all the way out the back and hitting these Spinners right here and just slinging out everywhere and my combine noticed it because it was trying to resolve the issue what it was doing it it was saying it was reading real high on rotor loss and um that means you got corn going out the back I mean it was it was really showing it on the graph and what the combine was doing was actually slowing down that was another thing I was trying to figure out why is it going so slow it was I mean it was going like one mile an hour because I was trying to figure out how to correct the corn from going out the back how to correct that rotor loss and uh there's no way for the combine to correct that when when you're uh concave look like that you just got to get in here and I'll have to manually pull all that out I'll either have to number one decide if I want to put round bar all the way in it where's nothing but round bar which if I'm gonna combine in this 26 percent to 22 corn I may have to go around bar the whole way and not round bar large wire round bar large wire so anyway we got a lot of a lot of pulling out today getting all that clean [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I know they uh they were not totally cleaned off sometimes they'll clean their self off but we got most of it but uh yeah man there was nowhere for that corn to go and fall through those concakes I cannot believe it was reading what it was reading on the yield thank you all right let's go check it out and see if we did any good I do not think we do because on my screen right here the rotor laws it was up there pretty high on the graph so I'm afraid we're choked up that's how good my fungicide worked the veil team I put on here I mean it has kept this plant green that's unbelievable that's the problem right there is these green leaves golly I gotta stop look at that [Music] wow I can't even get my fingers around it [Music] get in the shade while my truck warms up but uh these are some ears that I pulled off the front of my header that was just stuck up there but look at these babies I mean I'm very impressed I'll put it that way because I walked out here I got something on me so this is Revere 1577 that's a variety um really really pleased so far and I got some uh Revere from 1307 on the other side on the other pivot and um looking at it during the year it actually looked a lot better you know when I get one out there and did kernel counts but um hey this is some really good corn and uh we are super excited we just got to get it in but um anyway starting off really strong so uh I'm excited I'm blown away so now we just got to get that combine get the concave set right and everything I think what I'm gonna do what I'm doing right now Mark's gonna stay over here he's going to clean out my concave uh James is on the way with 18 wheeler to get another load we got both green cars full so we got two truckloads sitting there anyway he's gonna clean out the concaves till James gets here and then they're gonna head back home but I'm gonna go ahead and go back to the shop and uh see if I can find that round bar put the other two round bar that way I'll have four round bar in there and then the other thing that I'm gonna try after I get the uh round bar in there is I'm gonna open up my deck plates really wide what I'm trying to get the least amount of stalk going through the combine as I can I'm gonna open up my deck place and hopefully hopefully I won't lose any ears if I start losing ears I'm closing back down but um hopefully I'll be it'll be nothing but ears going through the combine and hopefully that'll keep the concaves clean but that's the plan for the next video so as for this one guys I wanted to get some Drone footage today on the first day but it's just not going to happen we're losing we were just leaving too much corn out there and it's too good to leave a kernel so um no Drone footage but we're gonna bring it tomorrow hopefully we'll get everything set up tomorrow and get rolling fast and get up speed and we'll get some cool Drone footage but day one A Corn Harvest is already in the books so there'll be plenty more gosh that was a wasp anyway there'll be plenty more of that see y'all on the next one guys we're out
Channel: Triple R Farms
Views: 65,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9EE7t3TvDL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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