Farmers Use Farming Machines You've Never Seen - Incredible Ingenious Agriculture Inventions ▶2

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Hi everybody. Today, many farmers use machines developed with technology. Technology and agricultural equipment are constantly evolving, which saves time and money for farmers. Also, some farmers use ingeniously invented old machines. In this video, we are talking about both useful and practical agricultural machine inventions. You may not have seen some of these machines before. Please subscribe to our channel and like the video. Now let's move on to our video. Butternut Squash Harvester. This machine is used to harvest acorns, butternut, buttercup and hubbard squash. Now we will see how to harvest butternut squash. It is important to harvest squash carefully, as improper harvesting can damage the squash. Soil Improvement Machine. This machine prepares the soil by improving the soil up to 90 cm with or without fertilizer before planting. With the help of this technique, soil compaction is sufficiently removed over the entire area down to the desired depth. Apple Harvester. This machine uses continuous harvesting method. Thus, trees are harvested continuously without pauses. For this purpose, the machine is equipped with a shaker which operates continuously. The collected fruits are transferred to the adjacent tractor with a conveyor belt without falling to the ground. Stone Burier. RSE stone burier with bed former shaper is a professional machine used mainly by horticultural companies that need to work in hard soils. This machine can literally hypnotize you. It creates a perfect soil layer by burying the stones under the soil. Wood Chipper. Chipper equipped with Honda GX390 engine and power transmission belts and centrifugal clutch to the flywheel. The resulting output may be used for composting, mulching or in wood-burning stoves fuelled with wood chips. This machine is the best solution for gardeners and lumberjacks. Watermelon Harvester. This tractor-pulled machine helps to collect watermelons and speeds up the harvest considerably. This watermelon harvester is designed to maximize worker productivity while preserving fruit. Field crews place the fruit from the ground onto the conveyors, which then carry the fruit or vegetables up to the workers at the top of the trailer. Soil Cultivator. The Rotadairon is a reverse rotation rototiller designed to multitask. It works the soil clockwise and sieves and buries rocks and debris, leaving a substantial thin layer of soil behind. This is then graded and compacted into a perfect seedbed.
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Id: zFdxU-73yAc
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Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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