Dusty day, harvesting the hils

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign trying to come I put it as a flex so I kind of I gotta explore that for a second it's kind of in the shade over there though not in the background those are mountains these are just Hills here I gotta go I made it to the field Drew is down there cutting I'm sending it with the missing Bolt but we're doing this fearfully but you could probably go and like I said he's got to go down to the trucks way over there it's a long wait I can't see where the line is so somewhere here is where I should be cutting this side's got wheat this side's oh I yep there it is okay I see it okay there's the line where we did it we made it there's an idea how windy it is there's grain all the way in the back in the front of the bank out there's grain going out the back I'm all the way in the front of the bank out and there's wheat flying all the way back that's why I got a well it's already empty now I gotta level over make that distance less that's nuts I've never seen that those are golden rods down there there's grass down there and lots of Russian thistle some grasses there goes band at the bank out road that I met putting pass now going around the outside if it was a better year I wouldn't make it around the outside but it's not that great of a year so I'm fairly certain I'm gonna make it to date and didn't get that much rain it's hard to tell this is going down see all the beans these are beans aren't they yeah they got the beans beans here either peas or garbanzo beans one of the two and then over here this is the field that I've been but it's a different part of it on the other side of the beans these are both our Fields this one I'm on is like 600 acres or something like that 400 acres and then the other half of it's 300 so it's 700 Acres total um gosh it is Bumpy that's how I broke that bolt yesterday broke that bolt right there that hole just have a bolt in it like um over here does there's a bolt in it I don't have that someone's gonna keep going around the outside and as I said I do believe I will make it home is once you make it if you want to see what I got some trees over here look at the trees those trees are most likely planted by somebody there might have been a homestead in here it's a real possibility it'll be a homestead down on this bottom of this eyebrow that's what we call these big areas right here this is all an eyebrow shaped like an eyebrow the edge here at eight millimeters off the ground yep everybody with a Southern accent uses millimeters meters Celsius is all the Celsius we're down a bank out and Drew's overheating or Drew's having engine issues I've got a line that's disconnected so as soon as I get this wired back up I will be the only combine cutting right now because Jamie's not cutting Josh isn't cutting Drew's going up there just me sweet I gotta get the wire strippers I gotta go under here [Applause] [Music] it's all hydraulic fluid fire it's all over the back it's on the ground here it's all at the back here this is all hydraulic fluid City lost every ounce of it but it goes down all right my compound works again let's go cut now all right he was just standing there he's not really running away I'm not sure if he knows uh how to run away from a combine you guys seeing this just got real Dusty and blue because the tinted windshield Jamie's got a red thing on top of his combine I don't know what it is also a pirate ship there's a house so we're finally out cutting on the same piece again it's been a while so it's me over here for most of the day but now Jamie's here Drew's back that makes three of us I gotta go up this hill right here I don't know what that red thing is on the top of Jamie [Music] what's that red thing on the top of your combine Jamie um thank you well that's pretty funny so I don't think it's anybody in our group here but on you there's Drew and over on that Hill finishing up that little piece oh there's a tiny skip behind him over here he can get that I'm gonna follow Jimmy so I'm gonna tie into this piece here right there no I gotta we all gotta get empty down there by that uh buy that windmill hey Pandora it's pretty flat right here but we got incoming uh my accounts whoever's in that bank out all way and you can go but it doesn't matter coming down the hill there Jamie yeah so you can go in front of me yeah Jamie cutting first he's got to go around the lap the first lap he's got to go first it's a little windmill right there looks pretty cool right here yeah the Pirates like I bought on Amazon my Washington state flag and I don't tread on me flag I'm pretty full not as full as you but I need to probably get dumpster pretty quick Jamie coming down the hill this pirate ship with his construction hat on a little baby combine Here Comes Jamie it comes Jamie in his pirate flag machine 20 or whatever it is 60 I don't know you see my reflection I got some Flags too got double Flags look like clouds dust it's near the end of the days my windows are pretty dirty it's almost my last lap I'm not even gonna be in combine tomorrow I'm going to be spraying again the vector will be here [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Trevor Struthers
Views: 7,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1p038e643VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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