1997 Goody's Headache Powder 500

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87 and Jeff Gordon who's won three of the last five races here the second row Dale Jarrett who has finished fourth in the last two races and Dick Trickle with his best Bristol start since 1990 the third row Mark Martin the 93 winner of this event and Ken Schrader who's finished in the top 15 in the last six Winston Cup races number four sterling marlin nine top tens and twenty five Bristol events and David Green who won a Busch race here in 94 the fifth row dairy cope with his best start of 97 Ward Burton who finished eighth here a year ago the sixth row Wally Dallenbach in his eighth Bristol start and Ted Musgrave who finished third at Michigan last Sunday and the seventh row Jeff Burton 90 R two years ago in Ricky Craven who missed the spring race due to injuries suffered in Texas and an eighth row we find Geoff Bodine and Rusty Wallace rusty won his first ever NASCAR Winston Cup race here at Bristol and we're getting ready to go as we looked at the rest of the field they're tightening up getting ready for the green flag save the champion pair the body started back there in row 10 quad a good car scattered all throughout the field less than a lap to go before we get the green flag here at Bristol [Music] Bobby Hamilton Jeff Greene back in row 15 there's my gender lead and rookie Ernie Irvan a winner here through seventh row 17 Michael Waltrip and they'll learn aren't all these cars pitting on the backstretch and a driver is not one from the backstretch position ever in this night race here at Bristol and there you see the drivers who have taken the Provisionals we have three drivers who fail to miss the field the green flag comes out and we're racing again good jumping [Music] we'll leave the first place away from the field of Jeff Gordon his second the battle for third between Dick Trickle and the pole-sitter Kenny Wallace said on NASCAR today that his car was not very good they changed four shots of swaybar jet before the race [Music] they had to be a little bit tentative there at the beginning maybe to wonder how the car was going to feel any way into the forest Kenny Wallace has not led a lap this year we thought maybe he would lead that first one [Music] so he's still looking for his first laughs led at night last Leben ask our Winston Cup race back in October and Charlotte there's a Burton brothers board Burton 22 Jeff Burton in 99 a little bit looser he cuts off that second corner David Green right online Jeff Burton and then comes to Osprey we understand is get out there yes and he's going to the pits black flag as a matter of fact that scary bradbury in the 28 car he's headed for the backstretch pit had a great qualifying run he was the only driver in second round qualifying Quebec City before everybody else to it and he'd be everybody's good [Music] taking a look from rusty Wallace's on-board camera looking back to Jimmy Spencer and Rusty's got a battle to get up front well he has been working on Jeff boy time for several laps Bob that Jeff is holding that inside crews look how close he comes in the corners Rusty Wallace running 15th curly jetboat on his 14th leaf rescue scar might be a little bit faster but the speed of these cars in qualifying to this very [Music] down to John Gurdon [Music] to the exhaust pipe very [Music] police at least closing of the later Dale Jarrett Jarrett's lead was over a half second a couple laps ago it's now down to just a matter of car lengths actually about a third of a second [Music] and these kids are got pretty good distance on the third wage our new triple Heilig Firestar and right in the middle of the corner jet bird just closes in Wallace has dropped back to fifth now as we continue to watch this battle up front Sheridan Gordon shot here from the Pennzoil Kocher cam race around the first and second turns and Jeff Barton takes the lead after Dale Jarrett had led the first 13 laps [Music] his car goes up the hill they went up the hill and Jeff jumped at the chance to take the lead one of the crew members said that Jarrett's car well the problems they were having with it in practice was that it's a little bit tight in the center that's and we have a crash here on the main straightaway several cars and and a caution is out for the first time here at Bristol after 16 laps looks like the 95 car hit barriers the only car that's going to get lapped in the situation now his car is moving again and I don't see any damage certainly no damage to the right side I don't think there's any damage to the left side there was a lot of smoke but I don't think a great deal of damage to any car as a result of that little spin off of corner number 4 here on the main straightaway the ant had himself a good qualifying run to befall about 21st position here take a look at it again see if we can determine what happened starts back in the back in the middle of three important and Barry just stands on the gas the car goes around keeps going in circles and doesn't hit anything before the smoke that we see come up all the other cars the visibility was obscured and Michael Walter made about a half a spin it gives his car ride it not a lot of damage and from the Mike Skinner on more camera we take a look at it he was walking so Michael Walter back off there and someone were in the back up and around England so caution out here at Bristol the first time tonight Mike Skinner's got some damage there on the right front of his car and also on the right side and he and Johnny Benson come into the backstretch pits John Kernan Mike Skinner pulls into his pit you can see the damage on the right side contact out there on the racetrack they'll have to pull that away they had a problem struggling with the handling on this car all weekend long this is the same car that Dale Earnhardt won the second Brickyard 400 with see the trivet going to work pulling that right front fender a lot of cars on the back fits chat little is on here Johnny Benson is on here also final Walter here comes a pace car Oh to do is prove it and he's going to not beat the pace car out he'll lose a lap stop are the stop sign is out okay dad updating you on Dale Jarrett he mentioned a moment ago that DJ had a problem in that last practice indeed what he had as you said well the car had a bad first meeting the car was so tight and couldn't get the car to turn in the corners they made an adjustment in the car just before the race taught parent was telling me and a moment ago they were watching the car go up to Ray Chuck they were sitting possibly thinking well maybe the cars got a bad push but just as Thornton went by DJ came on the radio and said loose loose loose indicating the car was very loose getting in the corner he was having to drive it up the racetrack to chase the back end and that's why Gordon got by and Jeff continues to lead here with Jared in second position 19 laps completed caution still out here at Bristol Motor Speedway we'll be back with our live cutter Speedway where the Green is back out and escort continues - ladies now led the last eight races here at Bristol he led 125 laps of this race [Music] yesterday two practice sessions Bob Jeff Gordon was was the fastest and had a great qualifying going hey pass it going on here seventh place Sterling Marlin losing positions nope no spy Kenny Schrader's goes by there goes Wally Dallenbach by here comes Jeff Burt trying to close that spot he Warburg will try to do it once you get hang out there on the outside it's just a matter of hoping somebody lunch again in it and rusting walls trying to dabble the inside of Warburg the board's presented himself to try to get on the inside of Sterling Marlin but he couldn't do [Music] as you can see Lance Hooper the part of the one has just been lapped the green flag came out but it did not cause a caution here it is there was him going the corner up the hill and around he goes nothing MIDI contact a wall or not he just buried a brush T looks like he might be compared to brush to baby but I don't believe it didn't aim today looks what he does look at this perfect no caution the car well off the racetrack he kept going but is down a lap now two laps as Jeff Gordon continues to lead and Rusty Wallace continuing to move toward the crunch of he spits from some of the inside of board burger yeah Jimmy's coming Ron is going Jimmy is following him right through and also in the caterpillar car and Sterling Marlin who was how the racetrack show the distance of Rusty Wallace was in the makeup Jimmy Spencer 1 they worship the Lucas grand national vision race last night here at Bristol Motor Speedway in 12th position [Music] Rusty Wallace they go to the high sign to pass Lance Hooper and John Kernan has an update bond tool and super well Bob as you can see he just barely brushed the wall his father says there's just a little damage on the right rear of the car other than that and tell the truth that the car is very loose coming out of the turn left up to the front straight [Music] while john sterling marlin has the opposite plot meat is ready on Robert Larkins have you getting passed by more and more cars three years ago severe push the car wanted to research did not get the car to turn he's back to 11th position and now make that 12 juice makes the move around to the inside [Music] hearing both continues to move up as Kenny Wallace continues to go the wrong way that's battle for fifth sixth and seventh because Jeff Burton is also going to take that position away I believe [Music] for dairy coke here in the early going is he back snip just a little bit and lost all of those decisions free often doesn't take much the 39th lat back to Dale Jarrett he led the first 1716 that Jeff Gordon took over and now Jared is back at the front [Music] from Hut Stricklin circuitcity bar to the leaders they have 37th position he Palance car big trip was Martin Martin of very very close to the first four cars run engine team parlance apart here they come quickly then part number one the black super and has to break free to get around here last hi this time [Music] Green Dalek back even Jeff bodean 13th on back Wow look at that Wally Dallenbach [Music] Damona at the back off the accelerator which allowed Balan back from sport out in front of him while he drops back to 15 [Music] quick to those times come up and you look out the window stammers and now the Wallace Brothers fried bird entirely side by side rusty passes so this Jimmy Spencer balls back to the 10th spot Musti started in 16th position and were 43 laps into this race and he is up into the top ten tonight here's belever and [Music] one of over corrected on the 16th floor Mark Martin takes third position from Dick Trickle the Mark Martin of babbling board has been and he's proving it again third spot it's quick on just about every racetrack she said also [Music] there's his teammate Jeff Burton [Music] you have to mention look at this traffic here on the Main Street way as Jared and Gordon both trying to get around fast Jared completely sideways to this time he was able to make the pass Gordon will go by Martin now has caught Jeff Gordon and you look in front down in three or four just a half straightaway in front is about 15 cars the leaders going to try to work their way through [Music] when we come back from break they will be in the midst of that huge triple cars their Ray Evernham looks on as his driver Jeff Gordon's run second to Dale Jarrett things are changing with almost every lap Jeff Gordon is back out in front Jeff Burton just took second place away from Dale Jarrett with Mark Martin running in fourth position now one of the reasons why we had so many positions change is because we have another spin down here with the main straightaway but everybody got out pretty cleanly here it is Ernie over the 28 car goes on the inside of the 42 Nina checked and Ernie does a 360 or 720 and look at all the cars going inside outside who comes the leaders just slows because of the caution flag a no caution flag Jeff Gordon goes by and Jeff Burton goes by his teammate Mark Martin to take the third which is now in second spot and from the Pennzoil copter cam we take a look at it once again Nemechek had some damage to his car don't think that Dallenbach made contact with Ernie and you can see everybody else got out unscathed that he tried he did it well Jeff Norton had to back off just a little bit he ran up on Ernie Irvan coming off turn two and Bert had a run took advantage of he becomes our third different leader so far in this race 62 laps complete full contact before he's up there Wow I'm sure Gordon wanted to do that he followed me for about 10 laps kasa very clean good Burton you just a little bit but still is back desperately stay position right now Burton trying to get a hose and when he gets to the inside if he ever does get past him nice save though by Ernie Irvan moments ago coming off turn four you just off just a little bit and Jeff Burton tax him in the rear and that was a great save and Jeff could have cast it right down I believe baby got him up from the inside make the correction and yellows out bernie's getting what he needs is wise to have to stay on the lead lap because now he gets to go around the racetrack or at least half of the racetrack the caution out for this second time near this afternoon at the end of 67 laps John Kernan Kyle Petty who's pulled his Pontiac behind the wall the crewman underneath is going to work an overheating problem in fact the engine temperature is running as hot as 280 degrees they are putting some water in but it was wanting to spit it back out and also they're looking in the area of the rear in gear and quite honestly that's what it smells like you there was a lot of smoke coming out from the rear of the car so they may have heard Kyle Petty's best finish here at Bristol was in April of 1993 he finished third now we see those on the lead lap making pit stops bill Weber Jeff Burton is on pit road along the [Music] some guys might rise and thank you for track position Burton gets four they swing around to the left side Rusty Wallace also win [Music] you'll going in port is also on pit road Jerry punch four tires Jeff Gordon right side left side tires board get a slide to follow nail terrorism ad chart bar just bet he [Music] [Music] the rubber [Music] darrell waltrip coming out back there and chippy Spitzer was the one that really benefited from all this now yeah I think he must have just taken on two tires Bob because he came out first to him this replica shots Hamilton catching up to the field what's this when the cars brother bit they'll Jared is moving Jeff Gordon is moving Jeff bertrise beetle hauls in line and it was very very close look like the mountain and Jeff Gordon I don't have in the 25 tent we'll see what happens to him Ricky Craven we see the angle he had to go in there was not very willing to be but that's the weight when he got to his pitch there wasn't much room there but look does that want to take bus grapes fruit members and he was not too happy about that okay it's racing long short tracks tempers flare not only on the race track but also in the pit area Ricky Craven comes in for another stop as we are under caution here in crust down to the inside of Joe Nemechek then went spinning Nemechek scar but there was very little damage to any other car and then later as he tried desperately to stay on the lead lap he made a nice save then the yellow came out and he did indeed stay on the lead lap here's John Kernan Ernie Irvan has been on and off pit road several times taking advantage of this caution they've changed tires made a track bar adjustment this last time in they had to tape up the left front nose of the car when they got into someone out there kind of punched a hole in that so they had to cover that hole up mark Marino's crew chief tells being everything else should be okay dirtier but although he is at the back of the pack this year has not been as good for Ernie as last year in terms of points position at this juncture in the season this year he's 14th and the points last year he was 7 well from our Pennzoil copter cam we can see this beautiful facility nestled in the hills of Northeast Tennessee they call it crystal Motor Speedway and it is one of the most incredible short tracks that you can ever find and all this gear folks are suites luxury suites I atop the grandstands I was recuperating from my back surgery in April when we raced here so this is the first time that I have gotten a chance to see the Suites and everything that have been built in the last year it is unbelievable it really Instagram is understandable April of 1996 71 thousand fans saw the race here and look at the attendance tonight 125 and by the time we return here in the spring of next year they will have added more seats to a capacity of 130 1000 and we would also like to point out that 20 years ago in 1977 great browsing they tended to race here okay we're back to green flag racing Jimmy Spencer is the leader called a dolla back down on the inside the lead we understand the Rusty Wallace and an airgun go bad during that pit stop [Music] all these cars have made pitstop the truth but him to make adjustments on the cars [Music] black flagging David green in the 1965 why we drop the jack down pit road to get the stop-and-go penalty he came in they wouldn't go to the backs along the drive he did not on the restart so they're gonna Black Flag him and bring him down pit road again laughs down as a result of that extra pay does get back into the lap of Jimmy Spencer Jeff Jeff Gordon Spencer side-by-side and get the lead back to Jeff Gordon 31 car of Mike Skinner is a laugh spencer is [Music] tires on that most recent round of pit stops [Music] Jimmy Spencer get together second spot [Music] 30:55 [Music] crash on the backstretch looks like and the caution flag waves here comes Skinner trying to get a lap back laughs thanks brick was tried but he's not going to be able to we understand that there may have been contact with the 21 car down the backstretch this is the third caution of the evening awesome pretty serious damage to the rear of the BellSouth car that's too bad here's a replay Nemechek I'll show you the 21 car they're talking about was very close to the 42 car and that's all the damage came and he backed in the inside retaining wall that's tough and the crew goes to work on it on the backstretch there is michael waltrip also coming in the backstretch pit [Music] and John Kernan is down there in Nemechek spit the left side tires were both Lassiter cheated Nemechek is he pulls away I'm sure we'll have to come back on pit road put right-side tires on and still feel a little more fabrication under fire here on the backstretch but looks like a lot of significant machine to check smarter at 31 now we've got 33 cars back on the lead lap and here is another replay [Music] here he comes in boom that's where the damage was done now the Pennzoil copter can look up top yes I think that he and Michael did make some contact if the two cars came off the corner the inside wall 85 laps completed here at Bristol we've had four leaders so far Jeff Gordon is back up front Jimmy Spencer second plated just one lap under three there Jeff Gordon the leader behind him as Rick mast he's a lap down here comes Dale Jarrett trying to put mast a lap down Spencer on the last lap that turn three and four fourth and fifth [Music] Kenny Wallace involved here some pretty good damage to Darrell Walters Western Auto Show 12 wins here at this facility for Darrell Waltrip I don't think he's going to add a thirteenth tonight and I don't think that anyone is going to pick up the 83 thousand six hundred dollars in unocal bonus money does look like bob latta was about to say when this happened was that Hut Stricklin was running out in front of Jeff Gordon he's getting the black flag because he had jumped the restart and came down to the start/finish line ahead of Jeff Gordon they would give the Black Plague we see the radiators broken on Darrell Waltrip scar the water see what happens Wow the three deep though that coming up here and for that just simply won't get it Kenny Wallace got forced up into the outside wall and then sideways here he comes off the corner bristle baby touches if a little bit gets the Palouse bobby labonte able to build up drinking our hearts the Darrell nowhere to go and fail right into the wall neighbors talk about just a moment ago Hut Stricklin jump in restart here's that stripping the a car that come off the corner and there we can see he clearly is in front of the 24th the 24 cars deliver late leader of the race he restarts and races and his discretion and the 8 car clearly jumped I think that anticipated Gordon accelerated right there he didn't do it here's Earnhardt in the pits he was very lucky to have survived that little incident and we was recording at tire rub John Kernan on the number three Chevrolet Monte Carlo the crew changing right-side tires they had to pull the fender out the high banks of Brisco and Dale had to come in take advantage of this caution to pull the fender off the tire because if you run a lot of laps with that vendor rubbin probably blow the tire out so this was a great we see the damage to the right side of dinner in our car and then you know the a car Hut Stricklin obeyed the black playing he came in the pits under the caution flag so he obeyed that black and he's now in the lead lap the [Music] twenty-eight position man looks like he's coming back in [Music] to change some tires so almost 100 laps completed here were getting close to at 93 completed here at Bristol Motor Speedway it's Jeff bored lady be right back laughs number 90 and here's what happened as it was contact between Steve Grissom and Kenny Wallace Kenny goes up the track and runs out a racetrack Dale Earnhardt just escapes he collects however Darrell Waltrip remains hard contact at lap number 97 as we go back to racing it was one on the inside tried to get his left back that time the first turn darrell waltrip was involved in that incident John Curtin is standing by with him and the crew working on Darrell's car Darrell you're okay what happened out there looked like when the 18 and the three got the run outside I do it go get an old touching goes we can go outside but brother it was kind of dangerous the kidney or what happened Kenny got into wall I guess the right-front drove me in the inside wall come on but the park America Chevrolet demand chain yeah they're going to lead a lot of laps back here to fix it to zero can get back out let's go to dr. Jerry punch Paul Center Kenny Wallace sitting in the car Kenny you took a little bit of a test back there coming off turn four Larry what happened Steve Breaston might just run all over me you know it's a shame I mean same adidas runs along there I was on the bottom of the racetrack out of my height got any lower gotta make me but come on Boris [Music] Kenny Wallace Square D for back out of his monthly cosmetic and the oil cooler and water watching Rusty Wallace move up into 9th position in the grandstands there this weekend a 38 [Music] is at the moment behind the wall he's only 1df this year Rusty Wallace and Jeff bodean spot and rusty today Michael Mauldin police it go mints on the backstretch here's Terry Labonte trying to Dick Trickle so move trickle back up into the top ten now the blue cars tonight that 94 is telling foreign fans just a one-race deal with that night races this year [Music] commemorating the Big Mac Richmond New Hampshire Loudon Dover first the first as we got a car spinning on the backstretch [Music] our 295 car is for no cost if I hit the bar [Music] okay that is come back tonight first we do centavo five events basically celebrating Bill Elliott is gonna run this far and in Richmond Virginia and by the way the [Music] Oh God eggs are today for the past 17 consecutive year they estimate he's eaten 15,000 Big Macs Betty how do you think you compared to that oh man I'm just compared to their to see Jeff Burton has moved into where that third spot yep transgenders pictured last time around that caution was very very fast detect it was for the caution when the major pit stops he was leading the race laughs practiced a couple of seconds behind the leader Jeff Burton has nine top-10 finishes in the last 13 races gives a 95 in just a couple of laps ago jumped off the corner goes around and Ted Musgrave just going down the in sock barrier does a great job does about a 360 puts it in gear continues on you sell the car stacking up as they try to avoid the accident that really never happened there is Jeff Gordon the leader of the race he's coming up on the 29 car of thirty first position Napa field summary watch really [Music] parentheses indicate from starting position they were three and it looks like a Bobby dollar backs got a problem dude very very slow top of the racetrack no team has had some good performances in recent races but Robby Gordon did make tonight's field about and Giove projectors already had a problem Maxim Bristol was in the spring of 93 finished 11th tear the body and Dick Trickle goes by running back to pimp you think it might be a tire going down on water dollar backs car so he continues to lose positions let's take a look at yeah there was some contact there with hot strickland huh and look at this Hut Stricklin is 45 degrees right in frozen leaders there's Jeff Gordon right behind them that's why we saw that three oppressed there for a moment yep now Gordon does get by Jeffrey [Music] in position now there ain't coke song [Music] back home we understand that maybe Wally and that as the incident over there plastic spider his powers one going down that's why I wrote around slope over [Music] Dale Earnhardt didn't do it a bad job we'll be working well for him he started back in position so he has gained tense this train stupid goes on this restart it looked like to turn our death trouble he was really struggling the first few left I guess with the time he changed tires and I guess with the low air pressure the car is just not very good when the air pressure came into started rising and earned our dirt there you get an idea how much of an interval [Music] here's Rusty Wallace and Ken Schrader's going at it and that moves rusty to sixth so the six-time winner Christel Rusty Wallace to pick them off pretty close Britney raspberry Labbadia a scant freighter between them the leader Jeff Gordon once again trying to go by us trick back here we go and you got to be pretty darn accurate because you don't want to give them much of a bump when you're gonna damage your own car but you got to give them enough LeBeouf bump to let them know they're there [Music] five charge wide in front of Strickland the winner Richter 400 hundred not been a good weekend for Ricky 39 dates and just about to go a lap down [Music] [Music] back there flavor bakka locked his full laps down very fast John Kernan has more from the back stretch pantry [Music] not quite sure why [Music] sale scoring tile on there by bark bark has passed his teammate Jeff Burton and his movement and we also saw Dale Earnhardt present are there he's in 23rd [Music] before the last few rounds pit stops at the car [Music] spot looks pretty good [Music] Ricky Craven they're more than leaders are in heah traffic Ricky run and chat both trying to stand the lead lap and they've been running side by side and Jeff boy has nowhere to go ricky rudd goes up the hill lets the leaders go by outside and during coat since the degree on the 36 truck it has come up someone else's car he's caught it and dragging it around his sparking on the racetrack these look like a vendor price or something that could cut a tire but he'd be a shame for him to get black black because of somebody else's but he's saved him we're way up the hill but did save and they didn't lose a position yeah here comes Kraven here it is once again dirt sideways seven Betty come on there Ernie goes back by he did lose one position to Ernie Irvan [Music] second position here 37 laps busing here on ESPN tonight at Bristol Motor Speedway Jeff Gordon the leader at the end of 145 laps tomorrow both ESPN and espn2 elaboration for you the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series is at Watkins Glen for the parts America 150 at 12:30 Eastern time tomorrow then the deuce has a nascar modified series the ruffles 150 at 3:00 o'clock Eastern Time and do not let Benny Parsons tell you about how he's going to helicopter from the racetrack to a jet and be taken there for tomorrow's coverage he and Dave Despain so folks I'd not go through all that trouble pleased to see who made it and got any sleep you'll be right on top of it brett bodine going a lap down in position here's an anthem field summary once again to get a chevy leading and then a whole bunch of Fords Bonnie Jeff Gordon's teammate back in seventh spot [Music] the Earnhardt's worked is with the 21st 23rd Mark Martin tries to close in on the back bumper of Dale Jarrett on the backstretch again you can see he's running there in 33rd position but drops down off the banking and goes to the apron of the racetrack right front tire sweat on down back star beep it's here on the front stretch as those were running up front come off of quarter number two next article m-man position and right on him is Jeff Gordon [Music] [Music] years involvement invest our Winston Cup racing the folks of goodies was there spot for the racing and look at the incredible record that Jeff Gordon has gone twelve races he's won fifty percent of them lower than it's pretty awesome in it remember Mike Skinner not laughs back a few laps ago and now is close to being laughed again [Music] far between he and the leader Steve Grissom going by Derek coke taking a spot away hmm let's Grissom in the 11th spot he's still dragging that thing whatever must have worn it out because it is a sparkling button hand that's the man we'll get sort of hard I'm gonna bribe dairy coax best finish here in Bristol was 10 this race in 95 [Music] it's best to gif alongside [Music] Wow nice going fine look at Gordon up top contact completely very much [Music] here goes a lap down Jeff Gordon here Dale Jarrett on the inside and see some smoke from apathy looks like a tailpipe on the 28 car heavy traffic up ahead for take a look at this again look at this completely sideways off of - man oh man great Chuck by Skinner's saving that right and the 43 car got by earlier John what do we see there that's what the spotter says who [Music] [Music] to keep an eye on it because we are seeing a little smoke just like earlier urban tries desperately to see but Jeff Gordon is trying desperately to put him back a lap band what's gonna happen [Music] Oh the speeds here at the mind you can see that Gordon and Jared because they were concerned whether here in John Kernan has more hold'em [Music] so a problem developing dirtier than you miss on the pit road [Music] [Music] well Jimmy's sister I just talked to his crew they said everything was going fine but now Spencer sits on pit road with the hood up through the engine compartments from Jimmy fetcher we had some quick strategy to help you get to the [Music] 25 feet to is also on the wall [Music] flora brings it down the right front tire [Music] breakin is away drunk turning they're putting ernie irvan's horrible pushing [Music] they have lost all the water in the engine the regulator great brother he's a prank bro - go - lets go go ever look at Jimmy Spencer inches [Music] so Specter who had high hopes for great footage after the linear line those help disappear when the jar Jimmy Spencer led 11 laps of this race one of four leaders and by the way Ernie Irvan who's behind his first NASCAR Winston Cup race here in August of 19 won his first hole here in April of 1990 the leader at the moment is Jeff Gordon with Dale Jarrett second Mark Martin third than Jeff Burton it is so much fun to come to Bristol Motor Speedway the fans are always so energetic and enthused and the racing is also great 125,000 people strong here tonight watching the Goody's headache powder 500 and we're watching our vantage point from the Pennzoil copter cam awesome facility no question about it and 182 laps are in the books here as Jeff Gordon continues to lead and is in heavy traffic bill Elliot is about to be lapped he's in 17th at 16 spot is Dale Earnhardt Jeff Gordon riding behind [Music] nailed it goes up there but Jeff Gordon jumped right up [Music] spring waves back in 1980 [Music] laughs down here this evening Barnard out on the inside of jenny-may sparked from a bill Burson back [Music] a lot like I know it's doing [Music] heartbeat while [Music] Dale Jarrett mark in third position there is winner last week at Michigan gave our car now lap down fifteen cars now on the lead for three 2488 six Mark Martin machine tom April erased right see the racetrack he was racing with you've got the leaders once again mr. traffic that town had a good speed [Music] Steve Grissom also had a good speech there to Dick Trickle and flippin Bobby Labonte he was over 150 but their Ganic depends on how you word traffic here comes Steve Grissom that white car right behind rusty Wasson he goes by rusty rusty walk me off the base for he is slow late the chances don't wear his coffee he was charging towards the front for a while but now the desire I don't believe in his Miller Forex Hampton quite as good as he Clark will ever write on it and his car Charlie coos ah - Robin Pemberton here down here first you can't hear him anymore but he can [Music] looking at theater their fuel window here we [Music] returning the race now a battle for second position as Mark Martin and Dale Jarrett are nose to tail he's guarded mark take second part moving the second spot he started out 25 laughs now so you see how far these cars can run on fuel and tires five here [Music] in traffic than to sell the leaders go through it even get through quite as good as the other side father Jeff Gordon folks trying to get by get it done but didn't hurt art again using that Highline but it's working for turn [Music] running two lanes higher than everybody else watch this Jimmy Spitzer scar goes back on the racetrack we're almost to the 200 lap mark [Music] we talked about gusty washes car being a little tight I want to see see the left front tire there's no yellow market and the right rear tire there's no yellow marking most entire race car wash right here the left-front work together [Music] the right rear has no yellow marking like the cars really really loose but he reported it tight Bill Elliott is in the pits John Kernan [Music] the schedule [Music] Eliott rolls back onto the racetrack staying on our gain some speed then pulling up on the concrete say watch those new tires will out the coaster the 29 car Jeff bream just passed Jeff corn the leader and just passed there those fresh tires heart stays on the lead lap in the 14th position as Jeff Gordon has not been able to put him down a lap and playback car Jeff Green did just come out of his go he was four laps down he's just free now starik is run in the 13th position green flag pit stops bill Elliot has made one and everybody else will need one before long so we'll take a break and feedback for those at Bristol Bristol where Mark Martin now has taken over the lead from that's important because it gives him the five bonus points in his battle for the championship with Berkman with Gorton rather and here's how Mark went into the lead comes off the second corner Jeff Gordon goes up the hill mark Mar just turned under accelerated by and we have several cars that have made pit stops here's Jeremy Mayfield in for a stop goddamn a chassis adjustment changing four tires see he's been in a little bit of skirmish there with some buddies we see a little damage there on the door his services finished and he stays under the speed limit well we'll see if Mark Martin can put Dale Earnhardt a lap down Jeff we had considerable difficulty Zipcar jetboat odds in the pistol ever this is your fourth spacebar green flag stop 215 laps in the book [Music] trinkle sideways up in the fourth corner but is going to get by okay I guess the caution is out however the caution is out and Earnhardt saves his lap and a tough break for Jim codon being hit that hits on the jack when that green the yellow flag comes out probably lost a couple lamps at least one he had moved up to fourth position and was looking good this is what happened up in the third and fourth turn areas obviously Dick Trickle in a 36 car and once again the 36 bumpkin going the corner and try to go to the outside of just put him on the right rear and Dale Jarrett stops in the corner I'd open contact plenty in the 75 or not I don't know I think Bass got slowed down he might have hit it just a little bit but not very much but they were both very fortunate there it's our fifth caution of the evening and it comes out on lap 217 and bad news is big triple off to the left when he spun up there so now just well cars on the lead lap and scoring is showing Jeff bowtie two laps down what a tough break for him pit road is open here come those on the lead lap led by Marc followed closely by court and then Jared here's bill Weber Jeff Burton brings his next side forward into the pitch this would be four tires and fuel and the windshield tight so they'll make a chassis adjustment [Music] on the left side [Music] [Music] his car was very very loose and getting loose as we go into the back Vincent John Colonel Steve Grissom running cut the design-- is Jeff Gordon Dale Jarrett mark Barton make their way back down the back straightaway a four-tire change for prism the car he's gonna lose spots on the racetrack just by virtue of any years on the backstretch track position so going to lose a lot of it by pinning on the backstretch ride along with the leader Mark Carney goes in the corner and that was your trip [Music] my father now from the copter cam the Pennzoil copter cam right here you're going to see the contact between the 36 of the night just like contact all the particulate seduction and a little contact there between Dale Jarrett and whoever else was up there high on the racetrack Rick mast turning again well Bob we told you a little bit earlier that Ernie Irvan had a piece of brake rotor gun is not the true thought went through the radiator actually when they pulled the radiator out this is what they found this piece of pipe went through punctured the radiator Ernie lost all the water they are currently still behind the wall trying to get the car fixed to see if they can get back out there but there may have been too much damage done to the engine ernie irvan's night may be over that is a header pipe coming off the head down to the exhaust pipes a fighter there's the overhead view Bristol Motor Speedway courtesy of the Pennzoil copter cam under caution with 220 of the 500 laps completed back in just a moment [Music] hundred 16 net Dick Trickle gets tempt from the rear rock there and around nope rut there's when he reaches half the second time and around he goes right in front of the leaders and the caution comes out trickle does not get hit again but he does go out there and we are about to go green again the race out of the pits it is at the once again with Jared's second that [Music] Dale Earnhardt is in ninth position and again he fought so hard to stay but it is paid off [Music] John Kernan has an update on Dale Bob on this pit stop they took advantage to make a chassis adjustment [Music] we still managed to beat you to the line down here Dale Earnhardt has moved up into the top ten but a great pit stop to get back very first NASCAR Winston Cup win 1979 eight times on this racetrack five in this great race and three in the fall race or the night race based on this crack 2001 his first Winston Cup race on his crack Earnhardt [Music] here's labonte try pack the tent than doing so punch has an update on the 4 car of Sterling Marlin which is a lap down now at 14 Jerry well Bob he actually made three pit stops during that cost if I came in the first time to take a rubber out and actually got a lap back up on the field and NASCAR and now he is back on the racetrack by Johnny Benson we can see all the currently on the racetrack and laps behind has led 175 laps bar Dale Jarrett has led 20 spencer 11 10 and Jeff Burton's 7th is moving up on the points for leading the boat [Music] and I guess you have to learn how to race here don't you and the first for Bristol races Jeff Gordon's average finished was 23rd in the last five Bristol races his average finish second [Music] speeds the line this time by will see the Jeff Gordon with fresh tires clear a second footman almost 116 miles per hour course at five mile per hour game then eleven before 115 Jarett try on the outside now look Rusty Wallace has caught hornbook debris on the track caution comes out for the 6th time Thornton did take the caution as he came by that time so he slows down the backstretch geoff bodine will not get one of his two laps back it's the sixth caution of the evening it comes out on lap number 238 take a break we'll be back in just a moment Partin ed in a strong fourth position in the last 35 short track races he has 13 wins has finished either first or second in 60% of the events in his average finish fifth bellwether and in happy hour here rusty was thrilled with his car we got the one to go signal but his car got too tight as you were called before that last pit stop they made an air pressure adjustment one pound in the right front one pound out of the right rear nineteen point two seconds rest good pitched up for track position to John Kernan ironheart was running in the tenth position there are only 11 cars on the lead lap so he came down pit road took on four tires took a little pressure out of the left rear tire before he was able to quit they all said the car was better but it was still tight in the center of the turn let's go to dr. Jerry punch alright back here in the Sterling Marlin pin a moment ago Larry McClure very very upset he was told that they had gotten a lap ahead of the field that's why they were brought back in and held and now they were being shown a lap down and on that picks up a moment ago they were held at the end of pit road so now they are two laps down so McClure trying to plead his case [Music] Jeff Gordon slides up the hill and loses the lead every sins it's the inside [Applause] [Music] something happened to gorgeous car before that spin because he went up the hill and I would guess with some contact with him Jeff go down I haven't seen it yet or not yet damage to the right rear [Music] noise from the grandstand as one as short-track can do to a points lead it looks like that Jeff is going behind the wall to make the repairs [Applause] I think that the rear house [Applause] right next Sunday Jeff Gordon goes for a million dollars at Darlington to Winston million up for grabs 99 points were all that separated Jeff Gordon and second-place Mark Martin coming into this event now Jeff has behind the wall in mark mark running in second position [Music] here we go down the front rows let's see jet boat I'm trying to get a lap back he's on the inside of Thornton and right there we can see they make slight contact up the hill those court now all these cars go by we see the 37 car just on the right side of the picture on the front stretch oh there we see I'm sorry the cars make content coming off the second was the front stretch one no that was next part off the second corner okay second corner and hits the wall on the inside from Mark Martin [Music] the contact that's charity and what just lift what's it a little heavy contact for that right rear on the twenty-fourth rod on that right rear hit that wall and another angle from the copter can same result jeurys with Jeff alright Jeff Gordon has climbed out of the DuPont Chevrolet and Jeffery first of all up what happened out there well you know it's typical Bristol just the way it goes with lap cars they fight so hard to get back on the lead lap and you know first of seven tried to knock me out and then I uh you know I don't know if I come down on him he came into me what happened I got hit you offered to I don't know who it was but uh it's pretty bad so uh I'm fortunate you know you think the best best place to be is up front and it normally is except on those restarts those guys are wild how bad is the car I've heard a lot of chatter on the radio with Ray Evernham of the guys help out as it hurt at the rear in housing oh it's it's hurt bad I mean it's pretty hard to record this place is not hurting bad and you know I tried to keep it out of the inside wall I knew it was gonna be pretty tough to do that but I just got a quick glance and you know right right rears moved over pretty bad in and so we're probably gonna need some trailing arms and I think I might have got the right front a little bit too all right Jeff books Jeff Gordon out of the DuPont Chevrolet as we check in with Bill Weber Jerry Jeff bodean has come in twice got right side tires dozen see little away picked up a lap there got his four tires and fuel he's been pretty quick most for the night and a little bad luck and maybe a little good luck companies may have to wait and see what happens here down the stretch so the cross blanks are being shown we are at the halfway point of this Goody's headache powder 500 here at Bristol and now we turn our attention a little bit more toward the white situation if points were awarded right now Jeff Gordon would have a 13-point make that a 13-point advantage on their mark [Music] jared is the leader at the halfway point boy look one six of the 21 races so far was for second spot [Music] the last [Music] what bargain has gone in with a points lead [Music] almost 50 [Music] here tonight [Music] here's dr. Jerry punch you heard Jeff Thornton tell you about the vixen trailing arm may have been met with lemmings is the right rear trailing arm that's ordinarily fairly straight you just get off one of the 24 car completely bowed this little bucket here is where the rear spring since obviously severe damage to the right rear of the car they're trying to replace the trailing arm and they are hoping the rear ends it'll be okay they can get Jeff out as quickly as possible you might also tell you that Karp Jeremy Mayfield the track big-block mother is one lane Bobby Hamilton dairy coke huh Strickland gets going Bobby Hamilton gets going again now there appears to be a fire of the 96 car about the brake master cylinder on the car Terry coax get his cars involved the race has been red-flagged there's the car that's upside down that's coke carving that David Green lets upside down yeah another cars sliding behind you ever see David green the cat car goes off the corner and derrike cope ninjas control he goes up slams in the 96 car hit heart blow to the yellow he gets up on his roof slides down the racetrack and somewhere about here just gonna go back on its wheels there it goes over and on its wheels so now the rescue crew is there at David Greene's car pickin the windshield out but john kernan looks like earnhardt has suffered some damage yeah Earnhardt obviously ran into the back of someone that the steam has kind of settled down apparently all the water has come out of the car a broken radiator but of course with the red flag condition right now the crew cannot work on the car so Earnhardt sitting here on the backstretch was on the lead lap looked like he was going to pick up another top ten run right now that might not happen because he's got that broken radiator the cars of course stopped where they were on the racetrack when the red came out Bill Elliott was one of those that drove through the crash here's his in-car camera [Music] and folks you can see about what billion so nothing without major damage here's from the Pennzoil copter cam there was to the 96 car folks that I can't tell you how hard that blow was into the outside retaining wall David Green pretty good contact with Bobby Hamilton and the 11 car leave aren't hard hit the 11 car it looked like they might have hit him as he went through there now once again the 36 car folks stop it right there if we could let it roll just inch forward inch forward the 36 car this guy watches he loses control now as he comes off the corner he saves the car he goes up slams at 96 car and boom right in the outside retaining wall goes David Green and ever see you're right Ned the three cars run in the back of Brett Bodine Michael Walter spins down to the inside now in six cars sliding the wrong lung on its truth about the time it stops it's going to go back on let's go I'm sorry flip over and land on its wheels so they continue to work down at the David Green car there was work going on the 24 car which had pulled in of course several laps ago and they have informed the crew that they should stop work on that car also which one advantage because they're able to get their thoughts together now and get all the parts together that they'll need on the 24 car when they go back to work make a better job of it but NASCAR rules do not allow you to work on a car during red flag condition even if you have come in several laps before so that's why the work has been stopped on Jeff Gordon's car well we'll take a break here we are under a red at the end of 258 laps because of a crash involving among others David Green ready here we go here we go [Music] you can see the star jockey for position try the stand hey Derek trying to stay on the lead lap leader rookie driver Mike Skinner getting the black and Ricky Rudd is being shown to blast down there's almost three Webster [Music] but general picked up his card nothing [Music] get down they touch momentarily and Rusty Wallace and there comes bonded Avanti the brothers Labonte party nose to tail was Bobby and 17 carry a name [Music] she comes back in darrell waltrip is back on the racetrack he is blew up going off the second corner [Music] who doesn't and he's got a big boy running second and third [Music] Mark Martin to his teammates Ted Musgrave who is 17 [Music] six [Music] sideways several times Skinner is fourth and fifth Burton [Music] they're in the 97 car Dale Jarrett is pulling away from second place ken Schrader [Music] but Schrader's having an awful good run here autozone interval report five laps to 83 from 4/10 of a second to with a report on chef Botta well an interesting development down here in the pitch that's right [Music] he said he was unhappy with the way [Music] spend as a caution is out our stack up behind the we have a couple that also spun trick mast I believe did and another car that is still sideways down off the banking and the 31 car of Mike Skinner was sparking bad to that time by and we see another car is like late speed or some die leave its head barrier Lake speed is spun around on the corner down there here we go going into turn three and Dale Jarrett goes in and just bumps of seven a little bit enough to around he goes he nails the guess Jarrett drives on the inside boat on does a great job to keep it off the wall but man look at all that smoke and the guys behind can't see if things break for Dick Trickle he was out in front of the leader he's got back on the lead lap there it is again coming off the turn Jarrett bumped him just a little bit Jeff if you say keeps his foot on the gas makes a 360 Mark Martin gets by on the inside and now for Mark Martin's in our camera I saw the 31 car running the back of someone on that not that replay but the one before so yes Mike Skinner did not the right front fender off on that you've ever seen the damage to the right front Terry Labonte's on pit road bill ever and they made some big chassis and air pressure adjustments just a few laps ago but now Terry back in getting four tires they cleaned the windshield they made another chassis adjustment and he returned and he drops a couple of positions but we'll rejoin the race in ninth spot the last car on the lead lap [Music] down pit road so Jeremy Mayfield military [Music] he's obviously going to need some tires he's going to get four of which shield and a drink don't need much fuel Justin to go [Music] left side stop it off working very well displaying [Music] stick [Music] get some website tires it looks like came to the last time change [Music] John turnin and Bill Elias treatment finished up a four-tire change web sides going on the car [Music] three laps down he made a green flag pit stop way back not long after that so that's one reason there's that far down become lamp what now [Music] we're under our ninth caution flag of the evening the 11th car of Brett Bodine has come from behind the wall to rejoin the race we'll be back with more live coverage in just a moment flapped ago and we'll be back to racing Dale Jarrett is the leader with Ken Schrader running in second position Jeff Gordon remains behind the wall there still 245 Oh back to the and now Jeff Gordon drives back on the race truck he is being shown in 36th position so he needs to make up some laps here and at the moment he is second in the points bellwether Jeff Burton may have a problem with the Bane battery to his radio he can hear the crew but they can't hear him very well his car is a little tight breeds out here we go again Dale Jarrett gets a good jump on [Music] and Mark are trying to [Music] Cuthbert [Music] both of the disadvantages in traders best finish here at Bristol was second in angel before this is his at Bristol [Music] and teammate Jeff Burton it's the [Music] [Music] we'll show you where everybody is ready not just the starting position barista pointing pig on the back [Music] teammate Ted Musgrave for the three rash guard rights again you guys had a PR person [Music] 36 carbs dairy copla skittles fine yeah his two cars being showed out of the race and they darrell waltrip Jeff there is Jeff Gordon he's 57 laps down got there but now these back [Music] the Jeff Gordon just a few laps will pick up one more spot because these were past David Greene whose car is out of the race three points yep there is Jarret continuing to leave near has led 93 laps Jeff Gordon has led a hundred 88 running in fifth spot and there's six ways guard Steve prism had his career-best finish at New Hampshire earlier this year he finished fourth [Music] in the spring race here at Bristol and was not in years race here at night [Music] in the 18 that time very fast Rusty Wallace also prickle there were some of those cars that was traffic in one corner so that 16 in the 40 four mile per hour slower than left because of the traffic system because he was passing someone last lap picks it up considerably this lap but Mark Martin was a little bit faster than sail care at that left and again he's a little faster than Jared [Music] now Jeff Gordon has come back in Jerry I think the crew member could have gotten tendinitis Evelyn he wants to put about seven rate round the wedge in the car but obviously it is sooner and all they want to do here now is survive these final 184 lat between Martin and is closing well it opened up a little flashback Socratic we'll see what it is here at the line have seconds last time just a little left [Music] are separated by [Music] in the implants [Music] and Steve Grissom the 41 kodiak car is gone Spencer and the 33 this go car and Schrader not Spencer hood michael waltrip going up the hill as get below now these intervals vary because of where they are the racetrack ends second off the interval here in the last five laps [Music] two seconds ahead of mark the second of mark mark closed in on it telling with Mark Martin so both those congregations they're right together [Music] we come back to Bristol Motor Speedway our coverage continues of the Goody's headache powder the 500 laps are completed [Music] they're the top ten [Music] tspn speed whirl tonight at Bristol Motor Speedway in Tennessee for the Goody's headache powder 500 be brought to you by the Exide NASCAR select so reliable it's the official battery of NASCAR and by Miller Lite who reminds you that anytime and anything can happen at Miller time rusty in the Miller Lite car is knocking on the door for fifth position these Kristen's got by 33 car Schrader gives a couple laps ago [Music] the driver circuit and Jeff Burton is right on the bumper of Mark Martin Clark Hartman and Jeff Burton have run across some traffic who is the break they were about a second behind the leader now they're two and a quarter seconds behind Jerry Benson the border [Music] you again mr. Fitz so yes I tried to get smart Dale down mark and Jeff have to go through that same traffic I got that pretty good [Music] two tenths [Music] a little high on the ring and now mark big time traffic traffic is moving over better now than were Mark Martin has 14 top-10 finishes in the last 15 races that since we raced here in [Music] that's why ii hit the points could be first after tonight if points were awarded right now Mark Martin would have an 11 point edge on Jeff Gordon men be in the farm's lead and Dale Jarrett would gain a hundred and four points and be a hundred and seventy-six the lead we still got a lot of racing Korea a long way to go 158 laps to go I just come on no points awarded nap or finished in position Mark Martin would be 11th at a deaf for Jeremy get b-17 16 terry labonte would gain 70 in Jeff Burt with game 94 and Ricky was the top ten ten last week at Michigan but would move back into the top 10 hip more I think this first time Ricky wrote it out of the top back in 1995 that's right 5595 as a matter of fact 55 and there's one of the bachelors cars on the racetrack right now Steve Grissom [Music] four seconds behind the leader zip that Michigan last week this the best races [Music] doing intervals now which XP the line Grissom had a good clean laughs that time we'll see that he run 112 red 130 the fastest of anybody on the lead line [Music] moving to the inside of Jeff Greene in the 29 car once again faster than the leader but not quite as fast as a six and ninety-nine [Music] 27th and the point into this race was Steve Grissom at this time last year he was 39 to the point much better 1997 point-wise six you know Jared laps to go here at the good news headache powder 500 we'll be right back has found a fire burning and most people would think of warmth when they see the fire burning at this time of night benny is thinking about the hot dogs and the marshmallows that will probably be roasted in a few minutes now let's see where that is in comparison to the race track they don't have a very good seat I'll tell you that unless they're watching us yeah Wow there we go there's a racetrack Wow well we got more racing coming up for you on the deuce tomorrow morning 7:45 it's the Grand Prix of Belgium from spa frankerz Sean and Jacques Villeneuve has the pole for tomorrow's race live coverage at 7:45 Eastern Time tomorrow morning over on the deuce hey guys don't look now but Mark Martin is coming Dale Jarrett got behind John Andretti five and Mark Martin is coming quickly Rusty Wallace goes in the corner washes his head over go to the corner you lean that in again and you do that a thousand times in this race huh [Music] yeah thousand times [Music] and there's what I was talking about just a moment ago it's less than a half second now the closed up with another Auto on track interval report see the jet had a good lap with 17 flat Beluga Mark Martin three zero one and A one [Music] and Michael Walter Pidgeon the wall in this the wall they're high to let the leader go by double higher and Steve Grissom is to have down to three seconds behind Steve's running in fourth place now once again Jarret will come up once body is in fact place he's about 13 second to the inside of ricky rudd there's a 99 car Jeff Burton the third place car two and three-quarter seconds fine folks he's getting closer and closer there it comes the white number 41 just a great run for this Alabama Drive and Mark Martin just walked three car lengths behind Dale Jarrett got through all that traffic nicely and now has no cars between himself and Dale Jarrett but they're coming up on coming up on some more lap traffic Aaron has 11 NASCAR Winston Cup career wins all of them have come on super speedways and [Music] 21 [Music] the inside Blake's [Music] what eight laps down now one [Music] make another pit stop baby yep before this name which way do you go here cevdet car Grissom as right now Steve this is two and a half seconds behind the leader [Music] does no mark does behind Steve Grissom is thirteen and a half seconds separate the top nine [Music] can we see Steve Breaston two seconds that's inferior in the 95 car who moves up Elena on a third second down for the 41 [Music] [Music] so this thing is far from over 100 and [Music] some laps to go hence Dale Jarrett continues to set the face at Bristol [Music] [Music] speed breasts to get within a second if Jeff Burton has caught up to mark mark here's an autozone on track interval rapport laps 379 to 383 and Steve Grissom cut the interval from 2.4 1.8 we get heard a little bit here nares behind two cars right you can see it's still one four seconds separating first tore up side-by-side as you go 1.8 seconds right at the Bark mark there [Music] the show that I think you were the person that mentioned the word painting and you're seeing it right here I mean not only on the bar too but Mark Martin who might be able to pass Dale Jarrett but Jared also who's just being patient as carefully as possible and they're both display that's good that's what they need to be [Music] look at Jeff Burton this traffic he caught right up to us all right white car right back there that's the [Music] there's Grissom time less than a second [Music] a pretty patient driver here at Bristol because of you the last 25 years that's finishing an average of any cale yarborough is an average VP at a 7.5 and they learn artists next one [Music] the drivers mark government in the back corner not the measured in seconds anymore we measured feed that mark let's look [Music] [Music] Dale Jarrett spans around in the end he almost did the dip Bert took delete a bookmark takes the B no caution no the lead bird in a second and Jared back there his hands full with Grissom just take a look and see what happens to come off the corner where's he Jarrett on the inside of the 43 card to go up in right there makes contact with the 43 around he goes and I thought the bill is fun that we can see three hunt breaths per second one in one and Jeff Burton dope to the outside took the lead but he was so high he couldn't get back down to the green gotten around Dale Jarrett he'd have to wonder if he's concerned about the bride front bencher Dan [Music] take a look at that from mark Martin's in-car camera boy he's dodged several bullets tonight [Music] that's exactly what he said [Laughter] [Music] the gruesome now we have a hundred laps to go that's about well it's less than a half hour bracing so we're getting down to it here [Music] nose to tail or the Goody's headache powder 500 we're de for Mark Martin his on-board camera has caught him in several situations that he just has barely gotten through cracks that he was able to get by another spin up ahead that he drives through a lot of smoke and comes through unscathed and now this most recent one that said Bobby Hamilton spinning down the backstretch all of this at Bristol Motor Speedway where the caution is out once again it just came out it's our 10th of the evening and is because the 78 car of Gary Bradbury's up against the wall turn number 4 Jerry punch had just reported to us during the break that Jarrett was thinking about coming in pretty soon now we have the opportunity to Jerry exactly Bob huge break for Dale Jarrett they were concerned about the tow in in the front of the car number 88 as well as possibly an offender rubbing on the right front they were going to bring him in at about lap before gin which will be one lap from now but now the caution comes out and he will be able to make the pit stop and they can take their time taking a look at the front of his car number 88 meanwhile everyone else will come on pit road for what should be their final pit stop at 35 miles an hour pits are open as we check in the bill ever in the 99 pit Jeff Burton could have gotten lap 450 he doesn't have to wait that long as this should be his final stop war tires and fuel they make a track bar adjustment right side tires going make the track bar adjustment [Music] jassie agust with her son - tied down the car number six [Music] to turn one let's check in with John Kernan Steve Grissom is in and putting the left side tires on the car no changes beginning of the run so they need the final 90 laps in this race to be run under the green and then they think they're gonna be in pretty good shape because you saw it just a little while ago after they get some laps on the car the fuel load lights and the air pressure builds up the tires that car is like a rocketship there is the 88 car of Jarrett will beat Martin out of the pits we believe and so we'll be at the front of the field although the six is in ahead of Jarrett at the moment there look like they beat him out of the deal show that here here they are and the bits here Thailand for this is a white line that they've got to be good to see the idiot cart moving we see the six car move it and man is it close very close but I think they'll get beaten by about a foot and evidently someone everything so I'm sorry play so Jarrett moves to the front as the 10th caution waves over Bristol Motor Speedway [Music] Partin has been put back in front of the 88 of Dale Jarrett now we told you about the 7 car of Jeff bodean he is currently running in tenth position a lap down let's get more on this situation regarding Pat ricin hey Bill and I'm back here in the garage area with Pat ricin and obviously an emotional night for you but you decided at this point the team isn't the place for you yeah I guess it's really been building up over the last couple weeks with the restructuring of the owners did what they did they brought him in you know Tim's a crew chief general manager it was just creating confusion on our radio with two three people trying to talk at once I was told he wanted to talk to the driver and so basically I guess that meant that I wasn't supposed to I was the crew chief I felt like it was my job to talk to the driver and I just felt like well this isn't going to work so there's no sense going on I'll let him take over let him do it I'll just go find me somewhere where they appreciate me and would like me to be a part of it obviously a difficult decision when you came over here to take this crew chief job a good opportunity for you at the time and you've been through this battle to help chef through these difficult times I felt like I've done a real good job I'm not sure it's really been appreciated we had fast cars everywhere we had a lot of motor problems so not everybody knew how good our cars were everywhere but I don't have any bad feelings towards jetboat on he's a great guy and a great driver and I thank him for everything he's done for me and maybe someday we can work together again good luck to you thank you that's Pat Tracy he's got a real good resume we're back to racing [Music] and I think it's gonna do it [Music] we now have 10 cars on the lead lap as Jeff bodean goes he's in third place now he can press the 99 charge Jeff Burton they go to that spot [Music] what caution here [Music] Jimmy Spencer is down in 30th spot he's running third ten card in the Midwest but mark takes a look trying to put him a lap down can't quite do it [Music] this is the very top of the show passing at this racetrack is difficult but he also said yeah thank you [Music] it does get frustrating [Music] faster than one [Music] Oh Democrats do these Bodine gets his lap back well the debride out of this corner brakes work good quality dollar back Longinus look at all that debris there's a bunch of these tires there is debris all over the racetrack so now now ten cars back in the lead lap because it fellas Jeff but I did it and just been a fast race car [Music] and one of the fastest all evening now we'll see what he can do but now Wally Dallenbach begins to move away but Mike Skinner is still at the bottom of the racetrack in turn number one and this brings out yet another caution on Bristol Motor Speedway [Music] shir at Bristol down in turn one Mike Skinner's car was heavily damaged before the crash and now it is really damaged now he was carried from the car to the ambulance he appeared to be in some pain we assume maybe it's a leg injury or an ankle injury of some kind but anyway he's in the ambulance and will be taken to the infield Medical Center and he was talking to Jim Pitts as they were carrying him to P he actually got out of the car himself he unbuckle and sit on the car on the window of the car and then they carried him over to the ambulance this is what happened on lap 424 and it was down in turn number one [Music] boy he hit hard did he several times now from Hut Stricklin zone [Music] so dollar facts look at all the debris down on the racetrack the Menace amount of degree Don's back was trying to get slowed and spun sideways and hit the Hut Stricklin car now why why cause Mike Skinner to go it's almost like a rear tywin fledge that came on that corner so under caution once again this is the 11th time denied that the caution is waived with 428 laps completed tonight at Bristol Motor Speedway for the Goody's headache powder 500 we've had a crash up in turn number one Mike Skinner Wally Dallenbach and others involved now watch this crash in real-time and see how violent it is [Music] BAM just incredible contact you know Earnhardt hit him as he went by [Music] [Music] may it's been a tough night for rookies Mike Skinner is now out of the race Robby Gordon did not start and qualify for the event David Green rolled down the front straightaway he's out and Jeff Green is currently running in 21st position ken schrader makes a pit stop he's one of the lead lap cars [Music] and also the seven car of Jeff bodean who just got back on the lead lap will come in - cracks neck with under 70 laps to go more fresh tires a clean windshield clean [Music] with tube tires right now come back to get two more John Kernan Bobby Labonte is contact front they what they're doing underneath the hood right now three on each side that's raising the car up about a quarter of an inch dia when he goes to turn nose was dragons and they had to raise it up the hill to go back down by he will lead pit road this time then he should come back on pit road and put on four fresh tires well the discussion is ongoing between speed meal and Mark Martin as to what could happen on the restart marks big concern is this the car number 23 which is a lap down or not on the lead lap jumping the restart or getting a good start on the restart and possibly getting a round mark and holding mark up which was set him up possibly to be passed to the lead we check back in with Bill Weber and Jeff's back for two left-side tires with four tires and oh he's a threat here now so Jeff bodean leads leaves the pits heads back out as Mark Martin leads here at Bristol Motor Speedway we'll be right back [Music] this time Jimmy Spencer remember the last time got the good job this time [Music] back there was Chris and Chris running [Music] [Music] gentlemen Jimmy Spencer won the Busch Series race last night here at Bristol Chester the gentlemen term was what Jerry punch label rusty water third-place runner front of the second-place car and mark mark the leader there's a top [Music] [Music] a park parting off the turn - oh very [Music] she laps to go [Music] watching that battler [Music] [Music] 27 position eleven o'clock Eastern Time and for those of you who tuned in for sports centers stay with us because SportsCenter will be coming up at the conclusion our race and we have less than 60 laps to go 56 as a matter of fact Bell is with Mike Skinner bike out of the infield care center are you okay yeah I'm all right I just I banged my knee young spirit call real hard hit my hand on the bar but my hand alright my knees a little bit sore but you let a good run pretty good run going we got motion by on the left side by some guards it was a lot further down [Music] we took advantage of it nascar penalize the sport car was running pretty good and I guess someone's hacked us from behind there you know I'm sure it was accidental of just well then race the feels makes it pretty tight here at Bristol I love this place I get away to come back okay and he'll be back next time and we'll be back next week at darling it's real and he says he can't wait to get back here [Music] yeah it was pretty bad Mike believe me and Rusty Wallace closed right now a few car lengths on that second-place car [Music] [Music] in this race rusty led 353 laps and in the spring he led 240 here's a battle between the 33 and the 90 triphala trainer [Music] good pass by straighter on the outside chuckles sometimes I believe during that caution period spessard the hives of the corner dispatching problems many laps down most recently there is Jeff he's up to ninth now about a half a lap down now he's seconds behind the leader or resting got past locked in birth called up to him and now resting started 15 venez law was 28 that is these residents been caught bacteria love body very good things if they're all the top ten for a long time traitor he's coming up on both of them yes fresh tires [Music] mentioned that rusty was not quite as fast as he was we may have a tire going down bill that's what they're thinking this project rusty which by the first time they're waiting to see if he's coming [Music] bad luck this season [Music] Bristol races rusty categories of motor points north and he has the best average finish of 5.2 but now [Music] apparently must have been the left side tire step the right [Music] now they're gonna do the left side [Music] get on the track they went beyond the race [Music] pores without Rutger Ross is two laps down coming up next is Sports Center here on as the guys catch you up on everything that's going on sports right after the conclusion of this race lab reports on the Yankees Mariners the college football opener and the World Series of golf all that coming up on Sports Center [Music] some cars slipping inside Jeff Burton Oh most found out about three or four laps ago coming off the turn - he was gaining on the leaders Terry Labonte did the same as well you ever see Marc Marc coming up though they were see Jeff oh good job yeah no kidding and Terry Labonte did the same thing the same spot report was that possibly Jeff Gordon was laying down some oil by the way Jeff is back in 36th position he crashed earlier in the race and made repairs and has been out there but not moving up very quickly Jeff is coming in 127 laps down we have an interesting situation here because Jeff Gordon led a hundred and eighty eight laps and Dale Jarrett with the lap that he just led has led 180 so Jarrod only needs nine more laps and he will take off home the five bonus points for leading the most laps here this evening you're probably going to get three or four of those here at least ask him how long it takes up to all the crackdown painted of Terry Labonte coming into bits along with Dick Trickle two drivers on the lead lap shown in fifth and six they come in force a pit stop well again we remind you that next Sunday Jeff Gordon will be going for the Winston million at the mountain do southern 500 and we will be there to see if it happens live and in color and here is how Dale Jarrett got into the lead this is turns one and two to go down the backstretch side-by-side in the turn three Martin a little bit ahead here Jerry just goes up the racetrack some contact there between the two Martin tried to dive back under it but because of the caution flag jared is in front Elliott was a little bit sideways there in front of those two so they put down some oil dry on the racetrack and get up that moisture and Steve Grissom came in from the backstretch had put on four powers so he's going to be in good shape for this restart it'll be about 20 some laps to go when we get the restart there 27 to go right now while our coverage in Darlington begins Friday at 3 o'clock Eastern Time on the news that's qualifying then Saturday the dura Lube 200 horse Series race at 5:00 here on ESPN the deuce has the happy hour at 9 o'clock in the evening and then Sunday NASCAR today is at 12:30 over on espn2 and our live coverage of the Mountain Dew southern 500 and Jeff Gordon's quest for the Winston million begins at 1:00 we'll take another break here and be back in just a moment with more of the Goody's headache powder istel Motor Speedway in the overhead shot is courtesy of the Pennzoil copter cam you can see that the field is running at reduced speed they're running at about 36 37 miles an hour getting set to go back to green and there's only one hundred twenty four thousand nine hundred and twenty five people a year because I've seen 75 people leave I can't believe it but I saw 75 people leave John Kernan Steve Grissom was running in the fourth spot came in crew chief Charlie Presley tells me I think that's our best shot at victory remember his car I was a little tight on the first part of the run so what they did was they added air pressure to the tire so we'll take as many laps for his tires to come in they think they got a good shot at winning this race let's go to the weather left rear tire that they just took off of rusty Wallace's Miller life ford plenty of air in it it's not flat but look here these are the lug nut holes they're out of ground this tire was vibrating severely you can see how this has been worn away it's no longer round severe vibration you can see right here the marks that rusty was feeling from the vibration of this tire so it was the left rear tire with the lug stolen away and brought Rusty Wallace into the pits and took him out of contention dr. punch well dick trickles have he made the call himself to come in this time with a highly Myers for dick said you know I've won about a thousand races just like his dirty lap shootouts on a Saturday night under the lights put me four fresh tires on guys and I might have a shot at a thousand and one get ready to go green so you got three cars out there once again [Music] two laps down he was three five extra for leading the most laps that lap which seven time this season the Dale Jarrett has [Music] 17th for laps down this is the battle for sixth position trickle with those new tires passes Bobby Labonte the bristle pack to do Mark's cars are he's having trouble giving up [Music] we thought he's the ghost of the greased up attraction Jerry that running down and didn't got back Genesis and how he was coming out skaar there we thought risk [Music] for Sports Center staying with us because as soon as our race is over and as soon as we get a quick comment from the winner we'll switch you to Bristol Connecticut in all the sports news here's the fence writer in the 33 car he has fractured tires Jeff Burton there's Steve whistled the 41 car with four press cars Schrader's is his best run of 1997 his best finish zero six that domer and he's currently running fourth reward Berkeley's want the fastest cars on the racetrack the memory pass mark Barton not long ago [Music] pointed out but he is fast I think 41 car [Music] because they just can't get through the traffic the planter car Ford burton-esque around just has 12 laps to look at this [Music] in its best here in the next world but he tries to gain one more spot here's Jeff Bodine and Terry Labonte side-by-side and look at this Marisa touches by the way here comes dreadful offensive smoke the right front finally make contact the Burger moment ago defender is rubbing the tire Wow can he make it another ten and a half lamb look at their dead the car down you got to keep going Steve Grissom there in the 41 car has moved 9 are still going at in for 8 position and Dick Trickle is puck the 41 car and I said [Music] [Music] [Applause] talked about that Saturday night his best run of 97 Dick Trickle is his best Bristol earlier this year and terry labonte as [Music] gone into a problems for Dale Jarrett as his lead is a second and a half over mark mark and in terms of interval on the track there it is often that last lap mark Tarkenton but rats the Dale Jarrett but there's just too much ground to make up there to see [Music] right but one thing finishing second place is not person first and second mark b13 as they go to Darlington [Music] bobby labonte to go in this Sabbath and here's trickle and Jeff Burton now tries to go into third yes you need on let them asleep inside itself Martin is closing in he's reduced the interval to eight tenths of a second but it may not be enough best Dale Jarrett is in quarter number four [Music] of 97 they're not Garrity's on top of the Fox talking to his driver congratulations Dale Jarrett wins on a short track what's that I said you won congratulations thanks a lot man we had a great race car [Music] my hands up safe Grayson one heck of a racecar driver and the party's at DJ's diner it opens at 6:00 a.m. Monday morning don't be late and Mark Martin because of his second-place finish goes into the point's lead for the first time since 1990 we're gonna stay and get a word with Dale Jarrett before we switch you to SportsCenter top place this has been and the 100 5,000 who gather got their money's worth and when we come back in the spring they'll be a hundred and thirty one thousand seats available and every one of them will be sold and occupied so Jared finds Victory Lane here at Bristol Motor Speedway [Applause] Rick trying to get the Victory Lane Jeremy they feel come through there so 14th win for Ford this season let's take a look at the unofficial results the arrows yellow arrows indicate those who led a lap and of course Dale Jarrett led the most laps never seen Jimmy Spencer led a lap back in 20 ma field did finished 30th and the bad news for Jeff Gordon was that he finished in 35th position because of the crash just a little past the halfway point the unofficial point standings now we're going to show you Mark Martin with a 13-point advantage on Jeff Gordon as we go to Darlington with Jarrett now 171 behind in third position and Ricky Rudd does move back into the top 10 well Dale Jarrett is still sitting in the car who's about to bail out of that thing though yeah here we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go down to our McDonald's interview well Dale Jarrett climbs out of a car gets a big hug from wife Kelly gonna kill him gets a big drink of Gatorade DJ congratulations short truck written them or warned ya now they won't know what to talk about on a short tracks I've got to victory so you won't be able to ask that question thanks to Todd and all the guys this was a brand-new call we brought here never been on the racetrack and they get just an awesome job worked on it all night it wasn't good all the time but it was pretty good and I got a little too cautious there to hit and almost but I thought I had mark inside and everything was okay I just wanted to make sure I got back around want to thank God for the talents that he's given all of his crew and hope that everybody was okay in the big wreck and just a great night force work we've gotten so far DJ everybody okay out there now you managed to make a move by Martin Martin with oil and turns wanted to it and get the lead back and tell us about that yeah I was a little bit his little treacherous down there and I knew mark was slipping and sliding and he gave me an opening on the inside and I knew if I could get there that maybe I could beat him down into turn three and that's what I was able to do and I got a good jump on the restart and Dale Jarrett took career win number 12 his first hammer on the short track he is the winner here in the Goody's headache powder 500 mark and we got a couple of races coming up for you tomorrow one here on ESPN at 12:30 the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series and then another one at three o'clock over on the deuce Benny and Dave Despain will be there with all of the action here in his first NASCAR Winston Cup race the second row Bobby Hamilton five consecutive top fives here and Robby Gordon in row number three we have Kenny Wallace and Dick Trickle in the fourth row joe nemechek and david green row number five ken Schrader and Jeff Gordon the sixth rode the Burton brothers Jeff on the inside Ward on the outside in the seventh row Mark Martin and Rusty Wallace take a look now with the rest of the starting lineup as the field warm
Channel: SMIFF TV
Views: 17,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 147min 42sec (8862 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2016
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